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import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

import javax.jcr.ItemNotFoundException;
import javax.jcr.LoginException;
import javax.jcr.Node;
import javax.jcr.NodeIterator;
import javax.jcr.PathNotFoundException;
import javax.jcr.Property;
import javax.jcr.Repository;
import javax.jcr.RepositoryException;
import javax.jcr.Session;
import javax.jcr.SimpleCredentials;
import javax.jcr.query.InvalidQueryException;
import javax.jcr.query.Query;
import javax.jcr.query.QueryManager;
import javax.jcr.query.QueryResult;
import javax.naming.InitialContext;
import javax.naming.NamingException;



* Utility class called by the PLANETS DataManager.  This class manages lookup, connection
* and sessions to a Java Content Repository.  It also provides a set of methods that wrap
* multiple JCR API tasks into a single atomic task, e.g. adding a file to the repository.
* @author CFwilson
public class JCRManager {
  // Static constant holding the path to the properties file
  private static final String PROP_FILE_PATH = "eu/planets_project/ifr/core/storage/";
   * String constant for PLANETS namespace prefix
  public static final String PLANETS_NAMESPACE_PREFIX = "planets";
   * String constant for PLANETS namespace URI
  public static final String PLANETS_NAMESPACE_URI = "";

    private InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();
  private Properties properties = new Properties();
  private Repository repository = null;
    private Session session = null;
    private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(JCRManager.class.getName());
   * Constructor for JCRManager, connects to repository and initialises object.
   * @param  repositoryName
   *       JNDI name of the JCR to connect to.
   * @throws  NamingException
   *       Thrown when the JNDI lookup for the Jackrabbit repository fails.  Suggests an installation / setup problem.
    public JCRManager(String repositoryName) throws NamingException {
    try {
      // JNDI Lookup of the repository
          this.repository = (Repository)this.ctx.lookup(repositoryName);
    } catch (IOException _exp) {
      throw new RuntimeException(_exp);

     * Logs in a session to the repository.
    private void getSession() throws LoginException, RepositoryException {
     * This logs into the DR via the JBoss id propagation if possible.
     * Falls-back to simple login.
     * FIXME Login automatically, BUT We need to determine how to handle WS first.
        session = PlanetsJCRAccessManager.loginJCRLocal();
        if( session != null ) return;
    // Simple login currently uses name and password found in the properties file or defaults to anonymous access
        session = repository.login(new SimpleCredentials(properties.getProperty("jcr.credentials.username", ""),
                               properties.getProperty("jcr.credentials.password", "").toCharArray()));

     * Method to register PLANETS namespaces, nodetypes and other JCR stuff.
     * TODO This should be part of some run once set up code, currently check and run if not already run
  private void initialiseRepository() {
      try {
        boolean _initialiseRepository = true;
        // Let's see if the namespace prefix for PLANETS exists
        String[] _jcrNamespacePrefixes = this.session.getWorkspace().getNamespaceRegistry().getPrefixes();
        for (String _namespacePrefix : _jcrNamespacePrefixes) {
          if (_namespacePrefix.equals(PLANETS_NAMESPACE_PREFIX))
            _initialiseRepository = false;
        // Create the PLANETS namespace
        if (_initialiseRepository) {
      } catch (LoginException _exp) {
      } catch (RepositoryException _exp) {
      } finally {

     * Checks whether a particular JCR node exists.
     * @param  path
     *       Node path to test for node existence.
     * @return  true if node exists at path, false otherwise.
     * @throws  RepositoryException
    public boolean nodeExists(String path) throws RepositoryException {
      boolean _retVal = false;
      try {
        // Get a JCR Session
        // Get the item, wee don't need it, just find if it exists.
        _retVal = true;
      } catch (PathNotFoundException _exp) {
        _retVal = false;
      } finally {
      return _retVal;
     * Returns the binary content for an nt:file node as an InputStream
     * @param  path
     *       JCR path to the file node for which the binary content is to be returned.
     * @return  The binary content of the nt:resource node that is the child of the file node.
     * @throws  LoginException
     * @throws  PathNotFoundException
     * @throws  RepositoryException
    public InputStream readContent(String path) throws LoginException, PathNotFoundException, RepositoryException {
      // The stream to be returned
      InputStream _stream = null;
      try {
        // First lets make sure that the node specified by the path exists and is an nt:file node
        Node _node = session.getRootNode().getNode(path.substring(1));
        // Now make sure it's an nt:file node
        if (_node.getPrimaryNodeType().getName().equals(JCRConstants.JCR_NODE_TYPE_FILE)) {
          // It's a nt:file node lets get jcr:content node then get the data
          _node = _node.getNode(JCRConstants.JCR_NODE_NAME_CONTENT);
            _stream = _node.getProperty(JCRConstants.JCR_PROPERTY_NAME_DATA).getStream();
        } else
          throw new PathNotFoundException();
      } finally {
      return _stream;

     * Adds binary content to the JCR, at a new nt:file node identified by the path.
     * The binary content is taken from the input stream
     * @param  path
     *       JCR node path for the nt:file node.
     * @param  stream
     *       InputStream containing the binary content to be added.
     * @throws  LoginException
     * @throws  RepositoryException
    public void addBinaryContent(String path, InputStream stream) throws LoginException, RepositoryException {
      try {
        // Get a JCR session
        // Create the nt:resource Node
        Node _node = this.createResourceNode(path);

      // Now just set the properties of the nt:resource node (jcr:content)
      // First add the bytestream
      _node.setProperty(JCRConstants.JCR_PROPERTY_NAME_DATA, stream);;
      } finally {
     * Adds text content to the JCR, at a new nt:unstructured node identified by the path.
     * The text content is taken from the String
     * @param  path
     *       JCR node path for the nt:unstructured node.
     * @param  content
     *       String containing the text content to be added.
     * @throws  LoginException
     * @throws  RepositoryException
     * @throws  UnsupportedEncodingException
    public void addTextContent(String path, String content) throws LoginException, RepositoryException, UnsupportedEncodingException {
      try {
        // Get a JCR session
        // Create the nt:resource Node
        Node _node = this.createResourceNode(path);

      // Now just set the properties of the nt:resource node (jcr:content)
      // First add the bytestream
      _node.setProperty(JCRConstants.JCR_PROPERTY_NAME_DATA, new String(content.getBytes(), JCRConstants.JCR_PROPERTY_DEFAULT_ENCODING));
      } catch (LoginException _exp) {
        throw _exp;
      } catch (RepositoryException _exp) {
        throw _exp;
      } finally {

    private Node createResourceNode(String path) throws RepositoryException{
    // Carve the path into an array around the separator character
    String[] _pathArray = path.split("/");

    // Get the root node for the workspace
    Node _node = session.getRootNode();
    // Now loop through the path array and navigate the path, creating the nt:folder nodes that don't exist
    // We save the last part of the path as this is the name and is hence an nt:file node
    for (int _loop = 1; _loop < _pathArray.length - 1; _loop++) {
      // Check to see if the current node has a child matching the next path part
      if (!_node.hasNode(_pathArray[_loop])) {
        // If it doesn't then create the nt:folder node and set _node to the newly created node
        _node = _node.addNode(_pathArray[_loop], JCRConstants.JCR_NODE_TYPE_FOLDER);
      } else {
        // Else if it exists get it and set _node to the retrieved node
        _node = _node.getNode(_pathArray[_loop]);
    // We're at the end of the loop so this is the final part of the path which is the name of the file node
    // First get the last part of the path array and check to see if the node exists
    if (!_node.hasNode(_pathArray[_pathArray.length - 1])) {
      // If not then create it, we need to add an nt:file node and an nt:resource node named jcr:content that
      // holds the binary
      _node = _node.addNode(_pathArray[_pathArray.length - 1],
      _node = _node.addNode(JCRConstants.JCR_NODE_NAME_CONTENT,
    else {
      // If the node already existed then throw a file exists exception as the JCR is write once
      throw new RuntimeException("File exists");

    // Set the modified date
        Calendar _rightNow = Calendar.getInstance();
        _node.setProperty(JCRConstants.JCR_PROPERTY_NAME_LASTMODIFIED, _rightNow);
        // Finally the mimetype property to a default
    return _node;
     * Returns the binary content for an nt:file node in an InputStream
     * @param  path
     *       JCR path to the file node for which the binary content is to be returned
     * @return  The binary content of the nt:resource node that is the child of the file node,
     * @throws  PathNotFoundException
   *      The item doesn't exist.
    public InputStream getBinaryContent(String path) throws PathNotFoundException {
      // The stream to be returned
      InputStream _stream = null;
      try {
        Node _node = this.getContentNode(path);
        _stream = _node.getProperty(JCRConstants.JCR_PROPERTY_NAME_DATA).getStream();
      } catch (LoginException _exp) {
        throw new RuntimeException(_exp);
      } catch (RepositoryException _exp) {
        throw new RuntimeException(_exp);
      } finally {
      return _stream;
     * Returns the text content for an nt:file node as a String
     * @param  path
     *       JCR path to the file node for which the binary content is to be returned
     * @return  The text content of the nt:resource node that is the child of the file node,
     * @throws  PathNotFoundException
   *      The item doesn't exist.
    public String getTextContent(String path) throws PathNotFoundException {
      // The stream to be returned
      String _string = null;
      try {
        Node _node = this.getContentNode(path);
        _string = _node.getProperty(JCRConstants.JCR_PROPERTY_NAME_DATA).getString();
      } catch (LoginException _exp) {
        throw new RuntimeException(_exp);
      } catch (RepositoryException _exp) {
        throw new RuntimeException(_exp);
      } finally {
      return _string;

    private Node getContentNode(String path) throws LoginException, RepositoryException {
    // First lets make sure that the node specified by the path exists and is an nt:file node
    Node _node = session.getRootNode().getNode(path.substring(1));
    // Now make sure it's an nt:file node
    if (_node.getPrimaryNodeType().getName().equals(JCRConstants.JCR_NODE_TYPE_FILE)) {
      // It's a nt:file node lets get jcr:content node then get the data
      _node = _node.getNode(JCRConstants.JCR_NODE_NAME_CONTENT);
    } else
      throw new PathNotFoundException();

    return _node;

     * Get and array list of nt:file and nt:folder nodes held beneath a particular nt:folder node
     * @param  path
     *       A JCR path to an nt:folder node.
     * @return  An ArrayList of child nt:folder or nt:file nodes for the folder
     *          An empty list if the folder is empty
     *          null if the node referred to by path is not of type nt:folder
    public ArrayList<String> list(String path) {
      // Empty array for return when folder is empty
      ArrayList<String> _list = new ArrayList<String>(0);
      try {
        // Get a repository session
        // First navigate to the node and get the type
        Node _node = session.getRootNode();
        if (path.length() > 1)
          _node = _node.getNode(path.substring(1));
        // Check the type of the node is nt:folder
        if (_node.getPrimaryNodeType().getName().equals(JCRConstants.JCR_NODE_TYPE_FOLDER) | _node.equals(session.getRootNode())) {
          // It's a folder so we can get an iterator through the nodes and add the path to the list
          NodeIterator _iterator = _node.getNodes();
          while (_iterator.hasNext()) {
            Node _nextNode = _iterator.nextNode();
            // If the node is an nt:folder or nt:file add it to the list
            if ((_nextNode.getPrimaryNodeType().getName().equals(JCRConstants.JCR_NODE_TYPE_FOLDER)) |
        else if (_node.getPrimaryNodeType().getName().equals(JCRConstants.JCR_NODE_TYPE_FILE)) {
          // It's a file so return a null list as per contract
          _list = null;
      } catch (LoginException _exp) {
        throw new RuntimeException(_exp);
      } catch (RepositoryException _exp) {
        throw new RuntimeException(_exp);
      } finally {
        if( session != null ) session.logout();
      return _list;

     * @param stream
     * @param path
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws PathNotFoundException
     * @throws RepositoryException
  public void exportSystemView(OutputStream stream, String path) throws IOException, PathNotFoundException, RepositoryException {
      try {
        session.exportSystemView(path, stream, false, false);
      } finally {

     * @param stream
     * @param path
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws LoginException
     * @throws PathNotFoundException
     * @throws RepositoryException
    public void exportDocumentView(OutputStream stream, String path) throws IOException, LoginException, PathNotFoundException, RepositoryException {
      try {
        session.exportDocumentView(path, stream, false, false);
      } finally {

     * @param stream
     * @param path
     * @throws LoginException
     * @throws RepositoryException
     * @throws IOException
    public void importDocumentView(InputStream stream, String path) throws LoginException, RepositoryException, IOException  {
      try {
        log.fine("getting session");
        log.fine("calling createDocumentNode()");
        this.createDocumentNode(path, false);
        log.fine("calling session.import()");
        session.importXML(path, stream, javax.jcr.ImportUUIDBehavior.IMPORT_UUID_CREATE_NEW);
        log.fine("saving session");;
      } finally {
        log.fine("logging out session");

   * Persists a WorkflowDefinition object to the JCR beneath the path specified
   * @param  workflow
   *       The WorkflowDefinition object to persist in the JCR
   * @param  path
   *       Path beneath which to create the WorkflowDefinition node.
   * @return  The String id of the created WorkflowDefinition
   * @throws  IOException
   * @throws  RepositoryException
    public String storeWorkflowDefinition(WorkflowDefinition workflow, String path) throws IOException, RepositoryException {
      try {
        if (workflow == null) {
          return null;
        log.fine("Checking for existence of WorkflowDefinition node");
        String _queryString = "//WorkflowDefinition[@id=\"" + workflow.getId() + "\"]";
        NodeIterator _nodes = this.executeQuery(_queryString);
        if (_nodes.getSize() > 0) {
          log.fine("WorkflowDefinition with id = " + workflow.getId() + " already exists.");
          throw new RuntimeException("WorkflowDefinition with id = " + workflow.getId() + " already exists.");
        path = path.concat("/WorkflowDefinition");
        log.fine("Creating Document node for the workflow");
        Node _defNode = this.createDocumentNode(path, true);
        log.fine("Creating workflow definition node");
        // Add the specific node properties from the workflow properties
        log.fine("Adding properties");
        if (workflow.getDate() != null) {
          Calendar _calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
          _defNode.setProperty("date", _calendar);

        if (workflow.getId() != null)
          _defNode.setProperty("id", workflow.getId());

        if (workflow.getOwner() != null)
          _defNode.setProperty("owner", workflow.getOwner());
        if (workflow.getVersion() != null)
          _defNode.setProperty("version", workflow.getVersion());
        if (workflow.getDescription() != null)
          _defNode.setProperty("description", workflow.getDescription());;
      } finally {
        log.fine("logging out session");
      return workflow.getId();

     * Returns the persisted details of the WorkflowDefinition identified by the passed id String.
     * @param  id
     *       The String id of the WorkflowDefinition to be retrieved.
     * @return  The WorkflowDefinition with id property equal to the passed id String.
     * @throws  ItemNotFoundException
     * @throws  RepositoryException
    public WorkflowDefinition retrieveWorkflowDefinition(String id) throws ItemNotFoundException, RepositoryException {
      WorkflowDefinition _retVal = null;
      try {
        String _queryString = "//WorkflowDefinition[@id=\"" + id + "\"]";
        log.fine("Query string:" + _queryString);
        NodeIterator _nodes = this.executeQuery(_queryString);
        if (_nodes.getSize() == 0) {
          log.fine("No WorkflowDefinition with id " + id + " found");
          throw new ItemNotFoundException("WorkflowDefinition id = " + id + " was not found");
        else {
            Node _node = _nodes.nextNode();
            Property _propId = _node.getProperty("id");
            Property _propOwner = _node.getProperty("owner");
            Property _propVersion = _node.getProperty("version");
            Property _propDescription = _node.getProperty("description");
            Property _propDate = _node.getProperty("date");
            _retVal = new WorkflowDefinition(_propId.getString(), _propOwner.getString(), null);
      } finally {
        log.fine("logging out session");
      return _retVal;

   * Persists a WorkflowExecution object to the JCR beneath the path specified
   * @param  workflow
   *       The WorkflowExecution object to persist in the JCR
   * @return  The String id of the created WorkflowExecution
   * @throws  IOException
   * @throws  RepositoryException
    public String storeWorkflowExecution(WorkflowExecution workflow) throws IOException, RepositoryException {
      String _retVal = null;
      try {
        // Find the WorfkflowExecution node that will be the parent
        log.fine("Locating the parent WorkflowDefinition");
        String _queryStr = "//WorkflowDefinition[@id=\"" + workflow.getWorkflowId() + "\"]";
        log.fine("Query:" + _queryStr);
        NodeIterator _nodes = this.executeQuery(_queryStr);
        log.fine("Node size = " + _nodes.getSize());
        if (_nodes.getSize() < 1) {
          log.fine("WorkflowDefinition with id = " + workflow.getWorkflowId() + " doesn't exists.");
          throw new RuntimeException("WorkflowDefinition with id = " + workflow.getWorkflowId() + " doesn't exists.");
        Node _defNode = _nodes.nextNode();
        String _path = _defNode.getPath().concat("/WorkflowExecution");
        log.fine("Creating Document node for the workflow");
        Node _execNode = this.createDocumentNode(_path, true);
        // Add mix:referencable to generate an id
        _retVal = _execNode.getUUID();
        log.fine("Creating workflow definition node");
        // Add the specific node properties from the workflow properties
        log.fine("Adding properties");
        if (workflow.getUser() != null)
          _execNode.setProperty("userName", workflow.getUser());
        if (workflow.getWorkflowId() != null)
          _execNode.setProperty("workflowId", workflow.getWorkflowId());;
      } finally {
        log.fine("logging out session");
      return _retVal;

     * Returns the persisted details of the WorkflowExecution identified by the passed id String.
     * @param  id
     *       The String id of the WorkflowExecution to be retrieved.
     * @return  The WorkflowExecution with id property equal to the passed id String.
     * @throws  ItemNotFoundException
     * @throws  RepositoryException
  public WorkflowExecution retrieveWorkflowExecution(String id) throws ItemNotFoundException, RepositoryException {
      WorkflowExecution _retVal = null;
      try {
        Node _defNode = session.getNodeByUUID(id);
          Property _propId = _defNode.getProperty("id");
          Property _propUser = _defNode.getProperty("userName");
          Property _propWorkflowId = _defNode.getProperty("workflowId");
          _retVal = new WorkflowExecution(_propId.getString(), _propUser.getString());
      } finally {
        log.fine("logging out session");
      return _retVal;

   * Persists a InvocationEvent object to the JCR beneath
   * @param  event
   *       The InvocationEvent object to persist in the JCR
   * @param  workflowExecutionId
   *       The String id for the WorkflowExecution object that is the parent of the InvocationEvent.
   * @return  The String id of the created InvocationEvent
   * @throws  IOException
   * @throws  ItemNotFoundException
   * @throws  RepositoryException
    public String storeInvocationEvent(InvocationEvent event, String workflowExecutionId) throws IOException, ItemNotFoundException, RepositoryException {
      String _retVal = null;
      try {
        // Find the WorfkflowExecution node that will be the parent
        Node _execNode = session.getNodeByUUID(workflowExecutionId);
        String _path = _execNode.getPath().concat("/InvocationEvent");
        log.fine("Creating Document node for the InvocationEvent");
        Node _eventNode = this.createDocumentNode(_path, true);
        // Add mix:referencable to generate an id
        _retVal = _eventNode.getUUID();
        // Add the specific node properties from the workflow properties
        log.fine("Adding properties");
        Calendar _calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
        _eventNode.setProperty("service", event.getService().toString());
        if (event.getOperation() != null)
          _eventNode.setProperty("operation", event.getOperation());
        if (event.getInFile() != null)
          _eventNode.setProperty("inFile", event.getInFile().toString());
        if (event.getOutFile() != null)
          _eventNode.setProperty("outFile", event.getOutFile().toString());
        _eventNode.setProperty("start", _calendar);
        _eventNode.setProperty("end", _calendar);;
      } finally {
        log.fine("logging out session");
      return _retVal;

     * Returns the persisted details of the InvocationEvent identified by the passed id String.
     * @param  id
     *       The String id of the InvocationEvnet to be retrieved.
     * @return  The InvocationEvent with id property equal to the passed id String.
     * @throws  ItemNotFoundException
     * @throws  RepositoryException
     * @throws  URISyntaxException
    public InvocationEvent retrieveInvocationEvent(String id) throws ItemNotFoundException, RepositoryException, URISyntaxException {
      InvocationEvent _retVal = null;
      try {
        Node _execNode = session.getNodeByUUID(id);
          Property _propService = _execNode.getProperty("service");
          Property _propOperation = _execNode.getProperty("operation");
          Property _propInFile = _execNode.getProperty("inFile");
          Property _propOutFile = _execNode.getProperty("outFile");
          Property _propStart = _execNode.getProperty("start");
          Property _propEnd = _execNode.getProperty("end");
          _retVal = new InvocationEvent(id,
                          new URI(_propService.getString()),
                          new URI(_propInFile.getString()),
                          new URI(_propOutFile.getString()),
      } finally {
        log.fine("logging out session");
      return _retVal;
    private Node createDocumentNode(String path, Boolean force) throws IOException, RepositoryException {
    // Carve the path into an array around the separator character
    log.fine("splitting path array");
    String[] _pathArray = path.split("/");

    // Get the root node for the workspace
    log.fine("getting root node");
    Node _node = session.getRootNode();
    // Now loop through the path array and navigate the path, creating the nt:folder nodes that don't exist
    // We save the last part of the path as this is the name and is hence an nt:file node
    log.fine("iterating through " + _pathArray.length + " elements");
    for (int _loop = 1; _loop < _pathArray.length - 1; _loop++) {
      // Check to see if the current node has a child matching the next path part
      log.fine("element " + _loop);
      log.fine("element is called:" + _pathArray[_loop]);
      if (!_node.hasNode(_pathArray[_loop])) {
        // If it doesn't then create the nt:folder node and set _node to the newly created node
        log.fine("adding:" + _pathArray[_loop]);
        _node = _node.addNode(_pathArray[_loop]);
        log.fine("finished the add call");
      } else {
        // Else if it exists get it and set _node to the retrieved node
        log.fine("getting:" + _pathArray[_loop]);
        _node = _node.getNode(_pathArray[_loop]);
    // We're at the end of the loop so this is the final part of the path which is the name of the file node
    // First get the last part of the path array and check to see if the node exists
    log.fine("at last node now called:" + _pathArray[_pathArray.length - 1]);
    if (!_node.hasNode(_pathArray[_pathArray.length - 1]) || (force)) {
      // If not then create it, we need to add an nt:file node and an nt:resource node named jcr:content that
      // holds the binary
      log.fine("adding" + _pathArray[_pathArray.length - 1]);
      _node = _node.addNode(_pathArray[_pathArray.length - 1]);
      log.fine("finshed add call");
    else {
      // If the node already existed then throw a file exists exception as the JCR is write once
      log.fine("throwing file exists exception");
      throw new IOException("File exists");
    log.fine("returning node");
    return _node;

     * Method which returns a list of node paths for nt:file nodes meeting the search
     * criteria.  This is derived from the passed name parameter.
     * @param  searchRoot
     *       The JCR node that is the root of the search
     * @param  name
     *       A String that must be contained by the JCE node name
     * @return  A String [] containing the paths to the JCR nt:file nodes matching the criteria.
     * @throws  InvalidQueryException
     * @throws  RepositoryException
    public ArrayList<String> findFilesWithNameContaining(String searchRoot, String name) throws InvalidQueryException, RepositoryException {
      ArrayList<String> _list = new ArrayList<String>(0);
      try {
        String _queryString = null;

        if ((searchRoot == null) || (searchRoot == ""))
            _queryString = "//element(*, nt:file)";
            _queryString = "/" + searchRoot + "//element(*, nt:file)";
        NodeIterator _it = this.executeQuery(_queryString);
        while (_it.hasNext()) {
          Node _node = _it.nextNode();
          log.fine("Node Name/" + _node.getName());
          if (_node.getName().contains(name))
      } finally {
      return _list;

     * Method which returns a list of node paths for nt:file nodes meeting the search
     * criteria.  This is derived from the passed name parameter.
     * @param  searchRoot
     *       The root node at which to begin the search
     * @param  ext
     *       The file extension used to filter the search
     * @return  An array of Strings containing the paths to all nodes matching the search criteria.
     * @throws  InvalidQueryException
     * @throws  RepositoryException
    public ArrayList<String> findFilesWithExtension(String searchRoot, String ext) throws InvalidQueryException, RepositoryException {
      ArrayList<String> _list = new ArrayList<String>(0);
      try {
        String _queryString = null;
        if ((searchRoot == null) || (searchRoot == ""))
            _queryString = "//element(*, nt:file)";
            _queryString = "/" + searchRoot + "//element(*, nt:file)";
        NodeIterator _it = this.executeQuery(_queryString);
        while (_it.hasNext()) {
          Node _node = _it.nextNode();
          log.fine("Node Name/" + _node.getName());
          if (_node.getName().endsWith(ext))
      } finally {
      return _list;

    private NodeIterator executeQuery(String query) throws RepositoryException {
      NodeIterator _retVal = null;
      QueryManager _qm = session.getWorkspace().getQueryManager();
      Query _query = _qm.createQuery(query, Query.XPATH);
      QueryResult _res = _query.execute();
      _retVal = _res.getNodes();
      return _retVal;

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