Package org.dspace.harvest

Source Code of org.dspace.harvest.OAIHarvester$HarvestingException

* The contents of this file are subject to the license and copyright
* detailed in the LICENSE and NOTICE files at the root of the source
* tree and available online at
package org.dspace.harvest;

import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Stack;
import java.util.TimeZone;

import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException;

import ORG.oclc.oai.harvester2.verb.*;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.dspace.authorize.AuthorizeException;
import org.dspace.content.Bitstream;
import org.dspace.content.BitstreamFormat;
import org.dspace.content.Bundle;
import org.dspace.content.Collection;
import org.dspace.content.DCDate;
import org.dspace.content.Metadatum;
import org.dspace.content.DSpaceObject;
import org.dspace.content.FormatIdentifier;
import org.dspace.content.InstallItem;
import org.dspace.content.Item;
import org.dspace.content.MetadataField;
import org.dspace.content.MetadataSchema;
import org.dspace.content.NonUniqueMetadataException;
import org.dspace.content.WorkspaceItem;
import org.dspace.content.crosswalk.CrosswalkException;
import org.dspace.content.crosswalk.IngestionCrosswalk;
import org.dspace.core.ConfigurationManager;
import org.dspace.core.Constants;
import org.dspace.core.Context;
import org.dspace.core.Email;
import org.dspace.core.I18nUtil;
import org.dspace.core.PluginManager;
import org.dspace.core.Utils;
import org.dspace.eperson.EPerson;
import org.dspace.handle.HandleManager;
import org.jdom.Document;
import org.jdom.Element;
import org.jdom.Namespace;
import org.jdom.input.DOMBuilder;
import org.jdom.output.XMLOutputter;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;

* This class handles OAI harvesting of externally located records into this repository.
* @author Alexey Maslov

public class OAIHarvester {

  /* The main harvesting thread */
  private static HarvestScheduler harvester;
  private static Thread mainHarvestThread;

  /** log4j category */
    private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(OAIHarvester.class);

    private static final Namespace ATOM_NS = Namespace.getNamespace("");
    private static final Namespace ORE_NS = Namespace.getNamespace("");
    private static final Namespace OAI_NS = Namespace.getNamespace("");

    public static final String OAI_ADDRESS_ERROR = "invalidAddress";
    public static final String OAI_SET_ERROR = "noSuchSet";
    public static final String OAI_DMD_ERROR = "metadataNotSupported";
    public static final String OAI_ORE_ERROR = "oreNotSupported";

    //  The collection this harvester instance is dealing with
  Collection targetCollection;
  HarvestedCollection harvestRow;

  // our context
  Context ourContext;

    // Namespace used by the ORE serialization format
    // Set in dspace.cfg as harvester.oai.oreSerializationFormat.{ORESerialKey} = {ORESerialNS}
    private Namespace ORESerialNS;
    private String ORESerialKey;

    // Namespace of the descriptive metadata that should be harvested in addition to the ORE
    // Set in dspace.cfg as harvester.oai.metadataformats.{MetadataKey} = {MetadataNS},{Display Name}
    private Namespace metadataNS;
    private String metadataKey;

    // DOMbuilder class for the DOM -> JDOM conversions
    private static DOMBuilder db = new DOMBuilder();

    // The point at which this thread should terminate itself

    /* Initialize the harvester with a collection object */
  public OAIHarvester(Context c, DSpaceObject dso, HarvestedCollection hc) throws HarvestingException, SQLException
    if (dso.getType() != Constants.COLLECTION)
            throw new HarvestingException("OAIHarvester can only harvest collections");

    ourContext = c;
    targetCollection = (Collection)dso;

    harvestRow = hc;
    if (harvestRow == null || !harvestRow.isHarvestable())
            throw new HarvestingException("Provided collection is not set up for harvesting");

        // Set the ORE options
    Namespace ORESerializationNamespace = OAIHarvester.getORENamespace();

        //No need to worry about ORESerializationNamespace, this can never be null
        ORESerialNS = Namespace.getNamespace(ORESerializationNamespace.getURI());
        ORESerialKey = ORESerializationNamespace.getPrefix();

        // Set the metadata options
        metadataKey = harvestRow.getHarvestMetadataConfig();
        metadataNS = OAIHarvester.getDMDNamespace(metadataKey);

        if (metadataNS == null) {
          log.error("No matching metadata namespace found for \"" + metadataKey + "\", see oai.cfg option \"harvester.oai.metadataformats.{MetadataKey} = {MetadataNS},{Display Name}\"");
          throw new HarvestingException("Metadata declaration not found");

   * Search the configuration options and find the ORE serialization string
   * @return Namespace of the supported ORE format. Returns null if not found.
  private static Namespace getORENamespace() {
    String ORESerializationString = null;
    String ORESeialKey = null;
    String oreString = "harvester.oai.oreSerializationFormat.";

        Enumeration pe = ConfigurationManager.propertyNames("oai");

        while (pe.hasMoreElements())
            String key = (String)pe.nextElement();
            if (key.startsWith(oreString)) {
              ORESeialKey = key.substring(oreString.length());
              ORESerializationString = ConfigurationManager.getProperty("oai", key);

                return Namespace.getNamespace(ORESeialKey, ORESerializationString);

        // Fallback if the configuration option is not present
        return Namespace.getNamespace("ore", ATOM_NS.getURI());

   * Cycle through the options and find the metadata namespace matching the provided key.
   * @param metadataKey
   * @return Namespace of the designated metadata format. Returns null of not found.
  private static Namespace getDMDNamespace(String metadataKey) {
    String metadataString = null;
        String metaString = "harvester.oai.metadataformats.";

        Enumeration pe = ConfigurationManager.propertyNames("oai");

        while (pe.hasMoreElements())
            String key = (String)pe.nextElement();

            if (key.startsWith(metaString) && key.substring(metaString.length()).equals((metadataKey))) {
              metadataString = ConfigurationManager.getProperty("oai", key);
              String namespacePiece;
              if (metadataString.indexOf(',') != -1)
                    namespacePiece = metadataString.substring(0, metadataString.indexOf(','));
                    namespacePiece = metadataString;

              return Namespace.getNamespace(namespacePiece);
        return null;

     * Performs a harvest cycle on this collection. This will query the remote OAI-PMH provider, check for updates since last
     * harvest, and ingest the returned items.
  public void runHarvest() throws SQLException, IOException, AuthorizeException
    // figure out the relevant parameters
    String oaiSource = harvestRow.getOaiSource();
    String oaiSetId = harvestRow.getOaiSetId();
        //If we have all selected then make sure that we do not include a set filter
            oaiSetId = null;

    Date lastHarvestDate = harvestRow.getHarvestDate();
    String fromDate = null;
    if (lastHarvestDate != null)
            fromDate = processDate(harvestRow.getHarvestDate());

    Date startTime = new Date();
    String toDate = processDate(startTime,0);

    String dateGranularity;

      // obtain the desired descriptive metadata format and verify that the OAI server actually provides it
      // do the same thing for ORE, which should be encoded in Atom and carry its namespace
      String descMDPrefix = null;
      String OREPrefix;
        try {
          dateGranularity = oaiGetDateGranularity(oaiSource);
          if (fromDate != null)
                    fromDate = fromDate.substring(0, dateGranularity.length());
          toDate = toDate.substring(0, dateGranularity.length());

          descMDPrefix = oaiResolveNamespaceToPrefix(oaiSource, metadataNS.getURI());
          OREPrefix = oaiResolveNamespaceToPrefix(oaiSource, ORESerialNS.getURI());
        catch (FileNotFoundException fe) {
          log.error("The OAI server did not respond.");
          throw new HarvestingException("The OAI server did not respond.", fe);
        catch (ConnectException fe) {
          log.error("The OAI server did not respond.");
          throw new HarvestingException("The OAI server did not respond.", fe);
      if (descMDPrefix == null) {
        log.error("The OAI server does not support this metadata format");
        throw new HarvestingException("The OAI server does not support this metadata format: " + metadataNS.getURI());
      if (OREPrefix == null && harvestRow.getHarvestType() != HarvestedCollection.TYPE_DMD) {
        throw new HarvestingException("The OAI server does not support ORE dissemination in the configured serialization format: " + ORESerialNS.getURI());

      Document oaiResponse = null;
      Element root = null;
      String resumptionToken;

      // set the status indicating the collection is currently being processed
      harvestRow.setHarvestMessage("Collection is currently being harvested");

      // expiration timer starts
      int expirationInterval = ConfigurationManager.getIntProperty("oai", "harvester.threadTimeout");
        if (expirationInterval == 0)
                expirationInterval = 24;

      Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
      calendar.add(Calendar.HOUR, expirationInterval);
            Date expirationTime = calendar.getTime();

      // main loop to keep requesting more objects until we're done
      List<Element> records;
      Set<String> errorSet = new HashSet<String>();

      ListRecords listRecords = new ListRecords(oaiSource, fromDate, toDate, oaiSetId, descMDPrefix);
      log.debug("Harvesting request parameters: listRecords " + oaiSource + " " + fromDate + " " + toDate + " " + oaiSetId + " " + descMDPrefix);
      if (listRecords != null)
      "HTTP Request: " + listRecords.getRequestURL());
      while (listRecords != null)
        records = new ArrayList<Element>();
        oaiResponse =;

        if (listRecords.getErrors() != null && listRecords.getErrors().getLength() > 0)
          for (int i=0; i<listRecords.getErrors().getLength(); i++)
            String errorCode = listRecords.getErrors().item(i).getAttributes().getNamedItem("code").getTextContent();
          if (errorSet.contains("noRecordsMatch"))
  "noRecordsMatch: OAI server did not contain any updates");
            harvestRow.setHarvestResult(new Date(), "OAI server did not contain any updates");
          } else {
            throw new HarvestingException(errorSet.toString());
          root = oaiResponse.getRootElement();
          records.addAll(root.getChild("ListRecords", OAI_NS).getChildren("record", OAI_NS));

        // Process the obtained records
        if (records != null && records.size()>0)
"Found " + records.size() + " records to process");
          for (Element record : records) {
            // check for STOP interrupt from the scheduler
            if (HarvestScheduler.interrupt == HarvestScheduler.HARVESTER_INTERRUPT_STOP)
                            throw new HarvestingException("Harvest process for " + targetCollection.getID() + " interrupted by stopping the scheduler.");
            // check for timeout
            if (expirationTime.before(new Date()))
                            throw new HarvestingException("runHarvest method timed out for collection " + targetCollection.getID());


        // keep going if there are more records to process
        resumptionToken = listRecords.getResumptionToken();
        if (resumptionToken == null || resumptionToken.length() == 0) {
          listRecords = null;
        else {
          listRecords = new ListRecords(oaiSource, resumptionToken);
                try {
                } finally {
                    //In case of an exception, make sure to restore our authentication state to the previous state
    catch (HarvestingException hex) {
      log.error("Harvesting error occured while processing an OAI record: " + hex.getMessage());
      harvestRow.setHarvestMessage("Error occured while processing an OAI record");

      // if the last status is also an error, alert the admin
      if (harvestRow.getHarvestMessage().contains("Error")) {
        alertAdmin(HarvestedCollection.STATUS_OAI_ERROR, hex);
    catch (Exception ex) {
      harvestRow.setHarvestMessage("Unknown error occured while generating an OAI response");
      alertAdmin(HarvestedCollection.STATUS_UNKNOWN_ERROR, ex);
      log.error("Error occured while generating an OAI response: " + ex.getMessage() + " " + ex.getCause());
    finally {

    // If we got to this point, it means the harvest was completely successful
    Date finishTime = new Date();
    long timeTaken = finishTime.getTime() - startTime.getTime();
    harvestRow.setHarvestResult(startTime, "Harvest from " + oaiSource + " successful");
    harvestRow.setHarvestStatus(HarvestedCollection.STATUS_READY);"Harvest from " + oaiSource + " successful. The process took " + timeTaken + " milliseconds.");

     * Process an individual PMH record, making (or updating) a corresponding DSpace Item.
     * @param record a JDOM Element containing the actual PMH record with descriptive metadata.
     * @param OREPrefix the metadataprefix value used by the remote PMH server to disseminate ORE. Only used for collections set up to harvest content.
    private void processRecord(Element record, String OREPrefix) throws SQLException, AuthorizeException, IOException, CrosswalkException, HarvestingException, ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, TransformerException
      WorkspaceItem wi = null;
      Date timeStart = new Date();

      // grab the oai identifier
      String itemOaiID = record.getChild("header", OAI_NS).getChild("identifier", OAI_NS).getText();
      Element header = record.getChild("header",OAI_NS);

      // look up the item corresponding to the OAI identifier
      Item item = HarvestedItem.getItemByOAIId(ourContext, itemOaiID, targetCollection.getID());

      // Make sure the item hasn't been deleted in the mean time
    if (header.getAttribute("status") != null && header.getAttribute("status").getValue().equals("deleted")) {"Item " + itemOaiID + " has been marked as deleted on the OAI server.");
      if (item != null)


    // If we are only harvesting descriptive metadata, the record should already contain all we need
      List<Element> descMD = record.getChild("metadata", OAI_NS).getChildren();
      IngestionCrosswalk MDxwalk = (IngestionCrosswalk)PluginManager.getNamedPlugin(IngestionCrosswalk.class, this.metadataKey);

      // Otherwise, obtain the ORE ReM and initiate the ORE crosswalk
      IngestionCrosswalk ORExwalk = null;
      Element oreREM = null;
      if (harvestRow.getHarvestType() > 1) {
        oreREM = getMDrecord(harvestRow.getOaiSource(), itemOaiID, OREPrefix).get(0);
        ORExwalk = (IngestionCrosswalk)PluginManager.getNamedPlugin(IngestionCrosswalk.class, this.ORESerialKey);

      // Ignore authorization

      HarvestedItem hi;

      if (item != null) // found an item so we modify
        log.debug("Item " + item.getHandle() + " was found locally. Using it to harvest " + itemOaiID + ".");

        // FIXME: check for null pointer if for some odd reason we don't have a matching hi
        hi = HarvestedItem.find(ourContext, item.getID());

        // Compare last-harvest on the item versus the last time the item was updated on the OAI provider side
      // If ours is more recent, forgo this item, since it's probably a left-over from a previous harvesting attempt
      Date OAIDatestamp = Utils.parseISO8601Date(header.getChildText("datestamp", OAI_NS));
      Date itemLastHarvest = hi.getHarvestDate();
      if (itemLastHarvest != null && OAIDatestamp.before(itemLastHarvest)) {"Item " + item.getHandle() + " was harvested more recently than the last update time reporetd by the OAI server; skipping.");

      // Otherwise, clear and re-import the metadata and bitstreams
        item.clearMetadata(Item.ANY, Item.ANY, Item.ANY, Item.ANY);
        if (descMD.size() == 1)
                MDxwalk.ingest(ourContext, item, descMD.get(0));
                MDxwalk.ingest(ourContext, item, descMD);

        // Import the actual bitstreams
        if (harvestRow.getHarvestType() == 3) {
"Running ORE ingest on: " + item.getHandle());

          Bundle[] allBundles = item.getBundles();
          for (Bundle bundle : allBundles) {
          ORExwalk.ingest(ourContext, item, oreREM);

        // NOTE: did not find, so we create (presumably, there will never be a case where an item already
        // exists in a harvest collection but does not have an OAI_id)
        wi = WorkspaceItem.create(ourContext, targetCollection, false);
        item = wi.getItem();

        hi = HarvestedItem.create(ourContext, item.getID(), itemOaiID);

        if (descMD.size() == 1)
                MDxwalk.ingest(ourContext, item, descMD.get(0));
                MDxwalk.ingest(ourContext, item, descMD);

        if (harvestRow.getHarvestType() == 3) {
          ORExwalk.ingest(ourContext, item, oreREM);

        // see if we can do something about the wonky metadata

        // see if a handle can be extracted for the item
        String handle = extractHandle(item);

        if (handle != null)
          DSpaceObject dso = HandleManager.resolveToObject(ourContext, handle);
          if (dso != null)
                    throw new HarvestingException("Handle collision: attempted to re-assign handle '" + handle + "' to an incoming harvested item '" + hi.getOaiID() + "'.");

        try {
          item = InstallItem.installItem(ourContext, wi, handle);
          //item = InstallItem.installItem(ourContext, wi);
        // clean up the workspace item if something goes wrong before
        catch(SQLException se) {
          throw se;
        catch(IOException ioe) {
          throw ioe;
        catch(AuthorizeException ae) {
          throw ae;

      // Now create the special ORE bundle and drop the ORE document in it
    if (harvestRow.getHarvestType() == 2 || harvestRow.getHarvestType() == 3)
      Bundle OREBundle = item.createBundle("ORE");

      XMLOutputter outputter = new XMLOutputter();
      String OREString = outputter.outputString(oreREM);
      ByteArrayInputStream OREStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(OREString.getBytes());

      Bitstream OREBitstream = OREBundle.createBitstream(OREStream);

      BitstreamFormat bf = FormatIdentifier.guessFormat(ourContext, OREBitstream);


    //item.setHarvestDate(new Date());
    hi.setHarvestDate(new Date());

                 // Add provenance that this item was harvested via OAI
                String provenanceMsg = "Item created via OAI harvest from source: "
                                        + this.harvestRow.getOaiSource() + " on " new DCDate(hi.getHarvestDate())
                                        + " (GMT).  Item's OAI Record identifier: " + hi.getOaiID();
                item.addMetadata("dc", "description", "provenance", "en", provenanceMsg);

    long timeTaken = new Date().getTime() - timeStart.getTime();"Item " + item.getHandle() + "(" + item.getID() + ")" + " has been ingested. The whole process took: " + timeTaken + " ms. ");

      // Stop ignoring authorization

     * Scan an item's metadata, looking for the value "identifier.*". If it meets the parameters that identify it as valid handle
     * as set in dspace.cfg (harvester.acceptedHandleServer and harvester.rejectedHandlePrefix), use that handle instead of
     * minting a new one.
     * @param item a newly created, but not yet installed, DSpace Item
     * @return null or the handle to be used.
    private String extractHandle(Item item)
      String acceptedHandleServersString = ConfigurationManager.getProperty("oai", "harvester.acceptedHandleServer");
      if (acceptedHandleServersString == null)
            acceptedHandleServersString = "";

      String rejectedHandlePrefixString = ConfigurationManager.getProperty("oai", "harvester.rejectedHandlePrefix");
      if (rejectedHandlePrefixString == null)
            rejectedHandlePrefixString = "123456789";

      Metadatum[] values = item.getMetadata("dc", "identifier", Item.ANY, Item.ANY);

      if (values.length > 0 && !acceptedHandleServersString.equals(""))
        String[] acceptedHandleServers = acceptedHandleServersString.split(",");
        String[] rejectedHandlePrefixes = rejectedHandlePrefixString.split(",");

        for (Metadatum value : values)
          //     0   1       2         3   4
          String[] urlPieces = value.value.split("/");
          if (urlPieces.length != 5)

          for (String server : acceptedHandleServers) {
            if (urlPieces[2].equals(server)) {
              for (String prefix : rejectedHandlePrefixes) {
                if (!urlPieces[3].equals(prefix))
                                return urlPieces[3] + "/" + urlPieces[4];


      return null;

     * Scans an item's newly ingested metadata for elements not defined in this DSpace instance. It then takes action based
     * on a configurable parameter (fail, ignore, add).
     * @param item a DSpace item recently pushed through an ingestion crosswalk but prior to update/installation
    private void scrubMetadata(Item item) throws SQLException, HarvestingException, AuthorizeException, IOException
      // The two options, with three possibilities each: add, ignore, fail
      String schemaChoice = ConfigurationManager.getProperty("oai", "harvester.unknownSchema");
      if (schemaChoice == null)
            schemaChoice = "fail";

      String fieldChoice = ConfigurationManager.getProperty("oai", "harvester.unknownField");
      if (fieldChoice == null)
            fieldChoice = "fail";

      List<String> clearList = new ArrayList<String>();

      Metadatum[] values = item.getMetadata(Item.ANY, Item.ANY, Item.ANY, Item.ANY);
      for (Metadatum value : values)
        // Verify that the schema exists
        MetadataSchema mdSchema = MetadataSchema.find(ourContext, value.schema);
        if (mdSchema == null && !clearList.contains(value.schema)) {
          // add a new schema, giving it a namespace of "unknown". Possibly a very bad idea.
          if (schemaChoice.equals("add")) {
            mdSchema = new MetadataSchema(value.schema,String.valueOf(new Date().getTime()));
            try {
          } catch (NonUniqueMetadataException e) {
            // This case should not be possible
          // ignore the offending schema, quietly dropping all of its metadata elements before they clog our gears
          else if (schemaChoice.equals("ignore")) {
            item.clearMetadata(value.schema, Item.ANY, Item.ANY, Item.ANY);
          // otherwise, go ahead and generate the error
          else {
            throw new HarvestingException("The '" + value.schema + "' schema has not been defined in this DSpace instance. ");

            if (mdSchema != null) {
                // Verify that the element exists; this part is reachable only if the metadata schema is valid
                MetadataField mdField = MetadataField.findByElement(ourContext, mdSchema.getSchemaID(), value.element, value.qualifier);
                if (mdField == null) {
                    if (fieldChoice.equals("add")) {
                        mdField = new MetadataField(mdSchema, value.element, value.qualifier, null);
                        try {
                        } catch (NonUniqueMetadataException e) {
                            // This case should also not be possible
                    else if (fieldChoice.equals("ignore")) {
                        item.clearMetadata(value.schema, value.element, value.qualifier, Item.ANY);
                    else {
                        throw new HarvestingException("The '" + value.element + "." + value.qualifier + "' element has not been defined in this DSpace instance. ");


      * Process a date, converting it to RFC3339 format, setting the timezone to UTC and subtracting time padding
      * from the config file.
      * @param date source Date
      * @return a string in the format 'yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ' and converted to UTC timezone
    private String processDate(Date date) {
      Integer timePad = ConfigurationManager.getIntProperty("oai", "harvester.timePadding");

      if (timePad == 0) {
        timePad = 120;

      return processDate(date, timePad);

      * Process a date, converting it to RFC3339 format, setting the timezone to UTC and subtracting time padding
      * from the config file.
      * @param date source Date
      * @param secondsPad number of seconds to subtract from the date
      * @return a string in the format 'yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ' and converted to UTC timezone
    private String processDate(Date date, int secondsPad) {

      SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'");

    Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
    calendar.add(Calendar.SECOND, -1*secondsPad);
    date = calendar.getTime();

    return formatter.format(date);

     * Query OAI-PMH server for the granularity of its datestamps.
     * @throws TransformerException
     * @throws SAXException
     * @throws ParserConfigurationException
     * @throws IOException
    private String oaiGetDateGranularity(String oaiSource) throws IOException, ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, TransformerException
      Identify iden = new Identify(oaiSource);
      return iden.getDocument().getElementsByTagNameNS(OAI_NS.getURI(), "granularity").item(0).getTextContent();

     * Query the OAI-PMH server for its mapping of the supplied namespace and metadata prefix.
     * For example for a typical OAI-PMH server a query "" would return "oai_dc".
     * @param oaiSource the address of the OAI-PMH provider
     * @param MDNamespace the namespace that we are trying to resolve to the metadataPrefix
     * @return metadataPrefix the OAI-PMH provider has assigned to the supplied namespace
    public static String oaiResolveNamespaceToPrefix(String oaiSource, String MDNamespace) throws IOException, ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, TransformerException, ConnectException
      String metaPrefix = null;

      // Query the OAI server for the metadata
      ListMetadataFormats lmf = new ListMetadataFormats(oaiSource);

      if (lmf != null) {
        Document lmfResponse =;
        List<Element> mdFormats = lmfResponse.getRootElement().getChild("ListMetadataFormats", OAI_NS).getChildren("metadataFormat", OAI_NS);

        for (Element mdFormat : mdFormats) {
          if (MDNamespace.equals(mdFormat.getChildText("metadataNamespace", OAI_NS)))
            metaPrefix = mdFormat.getChildText("metadataPrefix", OAI_NS);

      return metaPrefix;

     * Generate and send an email to the administrator. Prompted by errors encountered during harvesting.
     * @param status the current status of the collection, usually HarvestedCollection.STATUS_OAI_ERROR or HarvestedCollection.STATUS_UNKNOWN_ERROR
     * @param ex the Exception that prompted this action
    private void alertAdmin(int status, Exception ex)
      try {
      String recipient = ConfigurationManager.getProperty("alert.recipient");

      if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(recipient)) {
        Email email = Email.getEmail(I18nUtil.getEmailFilename(Locale.getDefault(), "harvesting_error"));
        email.addArgument(new Date());

        String stackTrace;

        if (ex != null) {

          StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
          PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw);
          stackTrace = sw.toString();
        } else {
          stackTrace = "No exception";

    } catch (Exception e) {
      log.warn("Unable to send email alert", e);


     * Query the OAI-PMH provider for a specific metadata record.
     * @param oaiSource the address of the OAI-PMH provider
     * @param itemOaiId the OAI identifier of the target item
     * @param metadataPrefix the OAI metadataPrefix of the desired metadata
     * @return list of JDOM elements corresponding to the metadata entries in the located record.
    private List<Element> getMDrecord(String oaiSource, String itemOaiId, String metadataPrefix) throws IOException, ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, TransformerException, HarvestingException
    GetRecord getRecord = new GetRecord(oaiSource,itemOaiId,metadataPrefix);
    Set<String> errorSet = new HashSet<String>();
    // If the metadata is not available for this item, can the whole thing
    if (getRecord != null && getRecord.getErrors() != null && getRecord.getErrors().getLength() > 0) {
      for (int i=0; i<getRecord.getErrors().getLength(); i++) {
        String errorCode = getRecord.getErrors().item(i).getAttributes().getNamedItem("code").getTextContent();
      throw new HarvestingException("OAI server returned the following errors during getDescMD execution: " + errorSet.toString());

    Document record =;
    Element root = record.getRootElement();

    return root.getChild("GetRecord",OAI_NS).getChild("record", OAI_NS).getChild("metadata",OAI_NS).getChildren();

     * Verify OAI settings for the current collection
     * @return list of errors encountered during verification. Empty list indicates a "success" condition.
    public List<String> verifyOAIharvester() {
      String oaiSource = harvestRow.getOaiSource();
      String oaiSetId = harvestRow.getOaiSetId();
      String metaPrefix = harvestRow.getHarvestMetadataConfig();

      return verifyOAIharvester(oaiSource, oaiSetId, metaPrefix, true);

     * Verify the existence of an OAI server with the specified set and
     * supporting the provided metadata formats.
     * @param oaiSource the address of the OAI-PMH provider
     * @param oaiSetId
     * @param metaPrefix
     * @param testORE whether the method should also check the PMH provider for ORE support
     * @return list of errors encountered during verification. Empty list indicates a "success" condition.
    public static List<String> verifyOAIharvester(String oaiSource,
            String oaiSetId, String metaPrefix, boolean testORE)
      List<String> errorSet = new ArrayList<String>();

        // First, see if we can contact the target server at all.
      try {
        Identify idenTest = new Identify(oaiSource);
      catch (Exception ex) {
        errorSet.add(OAI_ADDRESS_ERROR + ": OAI server could not be reached.");
        return errorSet;

        // Next, make sure the metadata we need is supported by the target server
        Namespace DMD_NS = OAIHarvester.getDMDNamespace(metaPrefix);
        if (null == DMD_NS)
            errorSet.add(OAI_DMD_ERROR + ":  " + metaPrefix);
            return errorSet;

        String OREOAIPrefix = null;
        String DMDOAIPrefix = null;

        try {
            OREOAIPrefix = OAIHarvester.oaiResolveNamespaceToPrefix(oaiSource, getORENamespace().getURI());
            DMDOAIPrefix = OAIHarvester.oaiResolveNamespaceToPrefix(oaiSource, DMD_NS.getURI());
      catch (Exception ex) {
                    + ": OAI did not respond to ListMetadataFormats query  ("
                    + ORE_NS.getPrefix() + ":" + OREOAIPrefix + " ; "
                    + DMD_NS.getPrefix() + ":" + DMDOAIPrefix + "):  "
                    + ex.getMessage());
            return errorSet;

      if (testORE && OREOAIPrefix == null)
            errorSet.add(OAI_ORE_ERROR + ": The OAI server does not support ORE dissemination");
      if (DMDOAIPrefix == null)
            errorSet.add(OAI_DMD_ERROR + ": The OAI server does not support dissemination in this format");

      // Now scan the sets and make sure the one supplied is in the list
      boolean foundSet = false;
      try {
            //If we do not want to harvest from one set, then skip this.
                ListIdentifiers ls = new ListIdentifiers(oaiSource, null, null, oaiSetId, DMDOAIPrefix);

                // The only error we can really get here is "noSetHierarchy"
                if (ls.getErrors() != null && ls.getErrors().getLength() > 0) {
                    for (int i=0; i<ls.getErrors().getLength(); i++) {
                        String errorCode = ls.getErrors().item(i).getAttributes().getNamedItem("code").getTextContent();
                        errorSet.add(OAI_SET_ERROR + ": The OAI server does not have a set with the specified setSpec (" + errorCode + ")");
                else {
                    // Drilling down to /OAI-PMH/ListSets/set
                    Document reply =;
                    Element root = reply.getRootElement();
                    //Check if we can find items, if so this indicates that we have children and our sets exist
                    foundSet = 0 < root.getChild("ListIdentifiers",OAI_NS).getChildren().size();

                    if (!foundSet) {
                        errorSet.add(OAI_SET_ERROR + ": The OAI server does not have a set with the specified setSpec");
        catch (RuntimeException re) {
            throw re;
        catch (Exception e)
            errorSet.add(OAI_ADDRESS_ERROR + ": OAI server could not be reached");
            return errorSet;

        return errorSet;

     * Start harvest scheduler.
    public static synchronized void startNewScheduler() throws SQLException, AuthorizeException {
        Context c = new Context();

        if (mainHarvestThread != null && harvester != null) {
      harvester = new HarvestScheduler();
      HarvestScheduler.interrupt = HarvestScheduler.HARVESTER_INTERRUPT_NONE;
      mainHarvestThread = new Thread(harvester);

     * Stop an active harvest scheduler.
    public static synchronized void stopScheduler() throws SQLException, AuthorizeException {
        synchronized(HarvestScheduler.lock) {
                HarvestScheduler.interrupt = HarvestScheduler.HARVESTER_INTERRUPT_STOP;
        mainHarvestThread = null;
                harvester = null;

   * Pause an active harvest scheduler.
  public static void pauseScheduler() throws SQLException, AuthorizeException {
    synchronized(HarvestScheduler.lock) {
      HarvestScheduler.interrupt = HarvestScheduler.HARVESTER_INTERRUPT_PAUSE;

   * Resume a paused harvest scheduler.
  public static void resumeScheduler() throws SQLException, AuthorizeException {
    HarvestScheduler.interrupt = HarvestScheduler.HARVESTER_INTERRUPT_RESUME;

  public static void resetScheduler() throws SQLException, AuthorizeException, IOException {
    Context context = new Context();
    List<Integer> cids = HarvestedCollection.findAll(context);
      for (Integer cid : cids)
        HarvestedCollection hc = HarvestedCollection.find(context, cid);

   * Exception class specifically assigned to recoverable errors that occur during harvesting. Throughout the harvest process, various exceptions
   * are caught and turned into a HarvestingException. Uncaught exceptions are irrecoverable errors.
   * @author alexey
  public static class HarvestingException extends Exception
    public HarvestingException() {

      public HarvestingException(String message, Throwable t) {
          super(message, t);

      public HarvestingException(String message) {

      public HarvestingException(Throwable t) {

     * The class responsible for scheduling harvesting cycles are regular intervals.
     * @author alexey
    public static class HarvestScheduler implements Runnable
        private static EPerson harvestAdmin;

        private Context mainContext;

        public static final Object lock = new Object();

        private static Stack<HarvestThread> harvestThreads;

        private static Integer maxActiveThreads;

        protected static volatile Integer activeThreads = 0;

        public static final int HARVESTER_STATUS_RUNNING = 1;

        public static final int HARVESTER_STATUS_SLEEPING = 2;

        public static final int HARVESTER_STATUS_PAUSED = 3;

        public static final int HARVESTER_STATUS_STOPPED = 4;

        public static final int HARVESTER_INTERRUPT_NONE = 0;

        public static final int HARVESTER_INTERRUPT_PAUSE = 1;

        public static final int HARVESTER_INTERRUPT_STOP = 2;

        public static final int HARVESTER_INTERRUPT_RESUME = 3;

        public static final int HARVESTER_INTERRUPT_INSERT_THREAD = 4;

        public static final int HARVESTER_INTERRUPT_KILL_THREAD = 5;

        private static int status = HARVESTER_STATUS_STOPPED;

        private static int interrupt = HARVESTER_INTERRUPT_NONE;

        private static Integer interruptValue = 0;

        private static long minHeartbeat;

        private static long maxHeartbeat;

        public static boolean hasStatus(int statusToCheck) {
            return status == statusToCheck;

        public static synchronized void setInterrupt(int newInterrupt) {
            interrupt = newInterrupt;

        public static synchronized void setInterrupt(int newInterrupt, int newInterruptValue) {
            interrupt = newInterrupt;
            interruptValue = newInterruptValue;

        public static String getStatus() {
            switch(status) {
                switch(interrupt) {
                case HARVESTER_INTERRUPT_PAUSE: return("The scheduler is finishing active harvests before pausing. ");
                case HARVESTER_INTERRUPT_STOP: return("The scheduler is shutting down. ");
                return("The scheduler is actively harvesting collections. ");
            case HARVESTER_STATUS_SLEEPING: return("The scheduler is waiting for collections to harvest. ");
            case HARVESTER_STATUS_PAUSED: return("The scheduler is paused. ");
            default: return("Automatic harvesting is not active. ");

        public HarvestScheduler() throws SQLException, AuthorizeException {
            mainContext = new Context();
            String harvestAdminParam = ConfigurationManager.getProperty("oai", "harvester.eperson");
            harvestAdmin = null;
            if (harvestAdminParam != null && harvestAdminParam.length() > 0)
                harvestAdmin = EPerson.findByEmail(mainContext, harvestAdminParam);

            harvestThreads = new Stack<HarvestThread>();

            maxActiveThreads = ConfigurationManager.getIntProperty("oai", "harvester.maxThreads");
            if (maxActiveThreads == 0)
                maxActiveThreads = 3;
            minHeartbeat = ConfigurationManager.getIntProperty("oai", "harvester.minHeartbeat") * 1000;
            if (minHeartbeat == 0)
                minHeartbeat = 30000;
            maxHeartbeat = ConfigurationManager.getIntProperty("oai", "harvester.maxHeartbeat") * 1000;
            if (maxHeartbeat == 0)
                maxHeartbeat = 3600000;

        public void run() {

        private void scheduleLoop() {
            long i=0;
                    synchronized (HarvestScheduler.class) {
                        switch (interrupt) {
                            case HARVESTER_INTERRUPT_NONE:
                            case HARVESTER_INTERRUPT_INSERT_THREAD:
                                interrupt = HARVESTER_INTERRUPT_NONE;
                                interruptValue = 0;
                            case HARVESTER_INTERRUPT_PAUSE:
                                interrupt = HARVESTER_INTERRUPT_NONE;
                                status = HARVESTER_STATUS_PAUSED;
                            case HARVESTER_INTERRUPT_STOP:
                                interrupt = HARVESTER_INTERRUPT_NONE;
                                status = HARVESTER_STATUS_STOPPED;

                    if (status == HARVESTER_STATUS_PAUSED) {
                        while(interrupt != HARVESTER_INTERRUPT_RESUME && interrupt != HARVESTER_INTERRUPT_STOP) {

                        if (interrupt != HARVESTER_INTERRUPT_STOP) {

                    status = HARVESTER_STATUS_RUNNING;

                    // Stage #1: if something is ready for harvest, push it onto the ready stack, mark it as "queued"
                    mainContext = new Context();
                    List<Integer> cids = HarvestedCollection.findReady(mainContext);
          "Collections ready for immediate harvest: " + cids.toString());

                    for (Integer cid : cids) {

                    // Stage #2: start up all the threads currently in the queue up to the maximum number
                    while (!harvestThreads.isEmpty()) {
                        synchronized(HarvestScheduler.class) {
                        Thread activeThread = new Thread(harvestThreads.pop());
              "Thread started: " + activeThread.toString());

                        /* Wait while the number of threads running is greater than or equal to max */
                        while (activeThreads >= maxActiveThreads) {
                            /* Wait a second */

                    // Finally, wait for the last few remaining threads to finish
                    // TODO: this step might be unnecessary. Theoretically a single very long harvest process
                    // could then lock out all the other ones from starting on their next iteration.
                    // FIXME: also, this might lead to a situation when a single thread getting stuck without
                    // throwing an exception would shut down the whole scheduler
                    while (activeThreads != 0) {
                            /* Wait a second */

                    // Commit everything
                    try {
                  "Done with iteration " + i);
                    } catch (SQLException e) {

                catch (Exception e) {
                        log.error("Exception on iteration: " + i);

                // Stage #3: figure out how long until the next iteration and wait
                try {
                    Context tempContext = new Context();
                    int nextCollectionId = HarvestedCollection.findOldestHarvest(tempContext);
                    HarvestedCollection hc = HarvestedCollection.find(tempContext, nextCollectionId);

                    int harvestInterval = ConfigurationManager.getIntProperty("oai", "harvester.harvestFrequency");
                    if (harvestInterval == 0)
                        harvestInterval = 720;

                    Date nextTime;
                    long nextHarvest = 0;
                    if (hc != null) {
                        Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
                        calendar.add(Calendar.MINUTE, harvestInterval);
                        nextTime = calendar.getTime();
                        nextHarvest = nextTime.getTime() +  - new Date().getTime();

                    long upperBound = Math.min(nextHarvest,maxHeartbeat);
                    long delay = Math.max(upperBound, minHeartbeat) + 1000;


                    status = HARVESTER_STATUS_SLEEPING;
                    synchronized(lock) {
                catch (InterruptedException ie) {
                        log.warn("Interrupt: " + ie.getMessage());
                catch (SQLException e) {


         * Adds a thread to the ready stack. Can also be called externally to queue up a collection
         * for harvesting before it is "due" for another cycle. This allows starting a harvest process
         * from the UI that still "plays nice" with these thread mechanics instead of making an
         * asynchronous call to runHarvest().
        public static void addThread(int collecionID) throws SQLException, IOException, AuthorizeException {
            log.debug("****** Entered the addThread method. Active threads: " + harvestThreads.toString());
            Context subContext = new Context();

            HarvestedCollection hc = HarvestedCollection.find(subContext, collecionID);

            HarvestThread ht = new HarvestThread(subContext, hc);

            log.debug("****** Queued up a thread. Active threads: " + harvestThreads.toString());
  "Thread queued up: " + ht.toString());


     * A harvester thread used to execute a single harvest cycle on a collection
     * @author alexey
    private static class HarvestThread extends Thread {
        Context context;
        HarvestedCollection hc;

        HarvestThread(Context context, HarvestedCollection hc) throws SQLException {
                this.context = context;
                this.hc = hc;

        public void run() {
      "Thread for collection " + hc.getCollectionId() + " starts.");

        private void runHarvest()
            Collection dso = null;
            try {
                dso = Collection.find(context, hc.getCollectionId());
                OAIHarvester harvester = new OAIHarvester(context, dso, hc);
            catch (RuntimeException e) {
                log.error("Runtime exception in thread: " + this.toString());
                log.error(e.getMessage() + " " + e.getCause());
                hc.setHarvestMessage("Runtime error occured while generating an OAI response");
            catch (Exception ex) {
                log.error("General exception in thread: " + this.toString());
                log.error(ex.getMessage() + " " + ex.getCause());
                hc.setHarvestMessage("Error occured while generating an OAI response");
                try {
                catch (RuntimeException e) {
                    log.error("Unexpected exception while recovering from a harvesting error: " + e.getMessage(), e);
                catch (Exception e) {
                        log.error("Unexpected exception while recovering from a harvesting error: " + e.getMessage(), e);

                synchronized (HarvestScheduler.class) {

  "Thread for collection " + hc.getCollectionId() + " completes.");


Related Classes of org.dspace.harvest.OAIHarvester$HarvestingException

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