Package de.javakaffee.web.msm

Source Code of de.javakaffee.web.msm.MemcachedSessionServiceTest

* Copyright 2009 Martin Grotzke
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package de.javakaffee.web.msm;

import static de.javakaffee.web.msm.SessionValidityInfo.encode;
import static de.javakaffee.web.msm.integration.TestUtils.STICKYNESS_PROVIDER;
import static de.javakaffee.web.msm.integration.TestUtils.createContext;
import static de.javakaffee.web.msm.integration.TestUtils.createSession;
import static org.mockito.Matchers.*;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.*;
import static org.testng.Assert.*;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.CyclicBarrier;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;

import javax.annotation.Nonnull;

import net.spy.memcached.MemcachedClient;
import net.spy.memcached.internal.OperationFuture;

import org.apache.catalina.LifecycleException;
import org.apache.catalina.connector.Request;
import org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext;
import org.mockito.ArgumentCaptor;
import org.testng.Assert;
import org.testng.annotations.AfterMethod;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeMethod;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;

import de.javakaffee.web.msm.BackupSessionTask.BackupResult;
import de.javakaffee.web.msm.LockingStrategy.LockingMode;
import de.javakaffee.web.msm.MemcachedSessionService.SessionManager;
import de.javakaffee.web.msm.integration.TestUtils;
import de.javakaffee.web.msm.integration.TestUtils.SessionAffinityMode;

* Test the {@link MemcachedSessionService}.
* @author <a href="">Martin Grotzke</a>
public abstract class MemcachedSessionServiceTest {

    private MemcachedSessionService _service;
    private MemcachedClient _memcachedMock;
    private ExecutorService _executor;

    public void setup() throws Exception {

        final SessionManager manager = createSessionManager();

        _service = manager.getMemcachedSessionService();
        _service.setMemcachedNodes( "n1:" );
        _service.setSessionBackupAsync( false );
        _service.setSticky( true );

        final StandardContext context = createContext();
        context.setBackgroundProcessorDelay( 1 ); // needed for test of updateExpiration
        manager.setContainer( context );

        _memcachedMock = mock( MemcachedClient.class );

        final OperationFuture<Boolean> setResultMock = mock( OperationFuture.class );
        when( setResultMock.get( anyInt(), any( TimeUnit.class ) ) ).thenReturn( Boolean.TRUE );
        when( _memcachedMock.setany( String.class ), anyInt(), any() ) ).thenReturn( setResultMock );

        final OperationFuture<Boolean> deleteResultMock = mock( OperationFuture.class );
        when( deleteResultMock.get() ).thenReturn( Boolean.TRUE );
        when( _memcachedMock.delete( anyString() ) ).thenReturn( deleteResultMock );

        startInternal( manager, _memcachedMock );

        _executor = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();


    public void afterMethod() {

    protected void startInternal( @Nonnull final SessionManager manager, @Nonnull final MemcachedClient memcachedMock ) throws LifecycleException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    protected abstract SessionManager createSessionManager();

    public void testConfigurationFormatMemcachedNodesFeature44() throws LifecycleException {
        _service.setMemcachedNodes( "n1:" );
        Assert.assertEquals( _service.getNodeIds(), Arrays.asList( "n1" ) );

        _service.setMemcachedNodes( "n1: n2:" );
        Assert.assertEquals( _service.getNodeIds(), Arrays.asList( "n1", "n2" ) );

        _service.setMemcachedNodes( "n1:,n2:" );
        Assert.assertEquals( _service.getNodeIds(), Arrays.asList( "n1", "n2" ) );

    public void testConfigurationFormatFailoverNodesFeature44() throws LifecycleException {
        _service.setMemcachedNodes( "n1: n2:" );
        _service.setFailoverNodes( "n1" );
        Assert.assertEquals( _service.getFailoverNodeIds(), Arrays.asList( "n1" ) );

        _service.setMemcachedNodes( "n1: n2: n3:" );
        _service.setFailoverNodes( "n1 n2" );
        Assert.assertEquals( _service.getFailoverNodeIds(), Arrays.asList( "n1", "n2" ) );

        _service.setMemcachedNodes( "n1: n2: n3:" );
        _service.setFailoverNodes( "n1,n2" );
        Assert.assertEquals( _service.getFailoverNodeIds(), Arrays.asList( "n1", "n2" ) );

     * Test for issue #105: Make memcached node optional for single-node setup
    public void testConfigurationFormatMemcachedNodesFeature105() throws LifecycleException {
        _service.setMemcachedNodes( "" );
        assertEquals(_service.getMemcachedNodesManager().getCountNodes(), 1);
        assertEquals(_service.getMemcachedNodesManager().isEncodeNodeIdInSessionId(), false);
        assertEquals(_service.getMemcachedNodesManager().isValidForMemcached("123456"), true);

        _service.setMemcachedNodes( "n1:" );
        assertEquals(_service.getMemcachedNodesManager().getCountNodes(), 1);
        assertEquals(_service.getMemcachedNodesManager().isEncodeNodeIdInSessionId(), true);
        assertEquals(_service.getMemcachedNodesManager().isValidForMemcached("123456"), false);
        assertEquals(_service.getMemcachedNodesManager().isValidForMemcached("123456-n1"), true);

     * Test for issue #105: Make memcached node optional for single-node setup
    public void testBackupSessionFailureWithoutMemcachedNodeIdConfigured105() throws Exception {
        _service.setMemcachedNodes( "" );

        final MemcachedBackupSession session = createSession( _service );

        session.setAttribute( "foo", "bar" );

        @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
        final OperationFuture<Boolean> futureMock = mock( OperationFuture.class );
        when( futureMock.get( anyInt(), any( TimeUnit.class ) ) ).thenThrow(new ExecutionException(new RuntimeException("Simulated exception.")));
        when( _memcachedMock.seteq( session.getId() ), anyInt(), any() ) ).thenReturn( futureMock );

        final BackupResult backupResult = _service.backupSession( session.getIdInternal(), false, null ).get();
        assertEquals(backupResult.getStatus(), BackupResultStatus.FAILURE);
        verify( _memcachedMock, times( 1 ) ).set( eq( session.getId() ), anyInt(), any() );

     * Test that sessions are only backuped if they are modified.
     * @throws ExecutionException
     * @throws InterruptedException
    public void testOnlySendModifiedSessions() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
        final MemcachedBackupSession session = createSession( _service );

        /* simulate the first request, with session access
        session.setAttribute( "foo", "bar" );
        _service.backupSession( session.getIdInternal(), false, null ).get();
        verify( _memcachedMock, times( 1 ) ).set( eq( session.getId() ), anyInt(), any() );

        // we need some millis between last backup and next access (due to check in BackupSessionService)

        /* simulate the second request, with session access
        session.setAttribute( "foo", "bar" );
        session.setAttribute( "bar", "baz" );
        _service.backupSession( session.getIdInternal(), false, null ).get();
        verify( _memcachedMock, times( 2 ) ).set( eq( session.getId() ), anyInt(), any() );

        // we need some millis between last backup and next access (due to check in BackupSessionService)

        /* simulate the third request, without session access
        _service.backupSession( session.getIdInternal(), false, null ).get();
        verify( _memcachedMock, times( 2 ) ).set( eq( session.getId() ), anyInt(), any() );


     * Test that session attribute serialization and hash calculation is only
     * performed if session attributes were accessed since the last backup.
     * Otherwise this computing time shall be saved for a better world :-)
     * @throws ExecutionException
     * @throws InterruptedException
    public void testOnlyHashAttributesOfAccessedAttributes() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {

        final TranscoderService transcoderServiceMock = mock( TranscoderService.class );
        @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
        final Map<String, Object> anyMap = any( Map.class );
        when( transcoderServiceMock.serializeAttributes( any( MemcachedBackupSession.class ), anyMap ) ).thenReturn( new byte[0] );
        _service.setTranscoderService( transcoderServiceMock );

        final MemcachedBackupSession session = createSession( _service );

        session.setAttribute( "foo", "bar" );
        _service.backupSession( session.getIdInternal(), false, null ).get();
        verify( transcoderServiceMock, times( 1 ) ).serializeAttributes( eq( session ), eq( session.getAttributesInternal() ) );

        _service.backupSession( session.getIdInternal(), false, null ).get();
        verify( transcoderServiceMock, times( 1 ) ).serializeAttributes( eq( session ), eq( session.getAttributesInternal() ) );


     * Test that session attribute serialization and hash calculation is only
     * performed if the session and its attributes were accessed since the last backup/backup check.
     * Otherwise this computing time shall be saved for a better world :-)
     * @throws ExecutionException
     * @throws InterruptedException
    public void testOnlyHashAttributesOfAccessedSessionsAndAttributes() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {

        final TranscoderService transcoderServiceMock = mock( TranscoderService.class );
        @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
        final Map<String, Object> anyMap = any( Map.class );
        when( transcoderServiceMock.serializeAttributes( any( MemcachedBackupSession.class ), anyMap ) ).thenReturn( new byte[0] );
        _service.setTranscoderService( transcoderServiceMock );

        final MemcachedBackupSession session = createSession( _service );

        session.setAttribute( "foo", "bar" );
        _service.backupSession( session.getIdInternal(), false, null ).get();
        verify( transcoderServiceMock, times( 1 ) ).serializeAttributes( eq( session ), eq( session.getAttributesInternal() ) );

        // we need some millis between last backup and next access (due to check in BackupSessionService)

        session.getAttribute( "foo" );
        _service.backupSession( session.getIdInternal(), false, null ).get();
        verify( transcoderServiceMock, times( 2 ) ).serializeAttributes( eq( session ), eq( session.getAttributesInternal() ) );

        // we need some millis between last backup and next access (due to check in BackupSessionService)

        _service.backupSession( session.getIdInternal(), false, null ).get();
        verify( transcoderServiceMock, times( 2 ) ).serializeAttributes( eq( session ), eq( session.getAttributesInternal() ) );


     * Test for issue #68: External change of sessionId must be handled correctly.
     * When the webapp is configured with BASIC auth the sessionId is changed on login since 6.0.21
     * (AuthenticatorBase.register invokes manager.changeSessionId(session)).
     * This change of the sessionId was not recognized by msm so that it might have happened that the
     * session is removed from memcached under the old id but not sent to memcached (if the case the session
     * was not accessed during this request at all, which is very unprobable but who knows).
    @Test( dataProviderClass = TestUtils.class, dataProvider = STICKYNESS_PROVIDER )
    public void testChangeSessionId( final SessionAffinityMode stickyness ) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, TimeoutException {

        _service.setStickyInternal( stickyness.isSticky() );
        if ( !stickyness.isSticky() ) {
            _service.setLockingMode( LockingMode.NONE, null, false );

        final MemcachedBackupSession session = createSession( _service );

        session.setAttribute( "foo", "bar" );
        _service.backupSession( session.getIdInternal(), false, "foo" ).get();

        final String oldSessionId = session.getId();
        _service.getManager().changeSessionId( session );

        // on session backup we specify sessionIdChanged as false as we're not aware of this fact
        _service.backupSession( session.getIdInternal(), false, "foo" );

        // remove session with old id and add it with the new id
        verify( _memcachedMock, times( 1 ) ).delete( eq( oldSessionId ) );
        verify( _memcachedMock, times( 1 ) ).set( eq( session.getId() ), anyInt(), any() );

        if ( !stickyness.isSticky() ) {
            // check validity info
            verify( _memcachedMock, times( 1 ) ).delete( eq( new SessionIdFormat().createValidityInfoKeyName( oldSessionId ) ) );
            verify( _memcachedMock, times( 1 ) ).set( eq( new SessionIdFormat().createValidityInfoKeyName( session.getId() ) ), anyInt(), any() );


     * Test that sessions with a timeout of 0 or less are stored in memcached with unlimited
     * expiration time (0) also (see
     * For non-sticky sessions that must hold true for all related items stored in memcached (validation,
     * backup etc.)
     * This is the test for issue #88 "Support session-timeout of 0 or less (no session expiration)"
    @Test( dataProviderClass = TestUtils.class, dataProvider = STICKYNESS_PROVIDER )
    public void testSessionTimeoutUnlimitedWithSessionLoaded( final SessionAffinityMode stickyness ) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, LifecycleException {

        _service.setStickyInternal( stickyness.isSticky() );
        if ( !stickyness.isSticky() ) {
            _service.setLockingMode( LockingMode.NONE, null, false );
            _service.setMemcachedNodes( "n1: n2:" ); // for backup support
            _service.startInternal(_memcachedMock); // we must put in our mock again

        final MemcachedBackupSession session = createSession( _service );
        session.setMaxInactiveInterval( -1 );

        session.setAttribute( "foo", "bar" );
        final String sessionId = session.getId();

        _service.backupSession( sessionId, false, null ).get();

        verify( _memcachedMock, times( 1 ) ).set( eq( sessionId ), eq( 0 ), any() );

        if ( !stickyness.isSticky() ) {
            // check validity info
            final String validityKey = new SessionIdFormat().createValidityInfoKeyName( sessionId );
            verify( _memcachedMock, times( 1 ) ).set( eq( validityKey ), eq( 0 ), any() );

            // As the backup is done asynchronously, we shutdown the executor so that we know the backup
            // task is executed/finished.

            // On windows we need to wait a little bit so that the tasks _really_ have finished (not needed on linux)

            final String backupSessionKey = new SessionIdFormat().createBackupKey( sessionId );
            verify( _memcachedMock, times( 1 ) ).set( eq( backupSessionKey ), eq( 0 ), any() );
            final String backupValidityKey = new SessionIdFormat().createBackupKey( validityKey );
            verify( _memcachedMock, times( 1 ) ).set( eq( backupValidityKey ), eq( 0 ), any() );

     * Test that non-sticky sessions with a timeout of 0 or less that have not been loaded by a request
     * the validity info is stored in memcached with unlimited
     * expiration time (0) also (see
     * For non-sticky sessions that must hold true for all related items stored in memcached (validation,
     * backup etc.)
     * This is the test for issue #88 "Support session-timeout of 0 or less (no session expiration)"
    public void testSessionTimeoutUnlimitedWithNonStickySessionNotLoaded() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, LifecycleException, TimeoutException {

        _service.setStickyInternal( false );
        _service.setLockingMode( LockingMode.NONE, null, false );
        _service.setMemcachedNodes( "n1: n2:" ); // for backup support
        _service.startInternal(_memcachedMock); // we must put in our mock again

        final String sessionId = "someSessionNotLoaded-n1";

        // stub loading of validity info
        final String validityKey = new SessionIdFormat().createValidityInfoKeyName( sessionId );
        final byte[] validityData = encode( -1, System.currentTimeMillis(), System.currentTimeMillis() );
        when( _memcachedMock.get( eq( validityKey ) ) ).thenReturn( validityData );

        // stub session (backup) ping
        @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
        final OperationFuture<Boolean> futureMock = mock( OperationFuture.class );
        when( futureMock.get() ).thenReturn( Boolean.FALSE );
        when( futureMock.get( anyInt(), any( TimeUnit.class ) ) ).thenReturn( Boolean.FALSE );
        when( _memcachedMock.addany( String.class ), anyInt(), any() ) ).thenReturn( futureMock );

        _service.backupSession( sessionId, false, null ).get();

        // update validity info
        verify( _memcachedMock, times( 1 ) ).set( eq( validityKey ), eq( 0 ), any() );

        // As the backup is done asynchronously, we shutdown the executor so that we know the backup
        // task is executed/finished.

        // On windows we need to wait a little bit so that the tasks _really_ have finished (not needed on linux)

        // ping session
        verify( _memcachedMock, times( 1 ) ).add( eq( sessionId ), anyInt(), any() );

        // ping session backup
        final String backupSessionKey = new SessionIdFormat().createBackupKey( sessionId );
        verify( _memcachedMock, times( 1 ) ).add( eq( backupSessionKey ), anyInt(), any() );

        // update validity backup
        final String backupValidityKey = new SessionIdFormat().createBackupKey( validityKey );
        verify( _memcachedMock, times( 1 ) ).set( eq( backupValidityKey ), eq( 0 ), any() );

     * Tests sessionAttributeFilter attribute: when excluded attributes are accessed/put the session should
     * not be marked as touched.
    @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
    public void testOnlyHashAttributesOfAccessedFilteredAttributes() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {

        final TranscoderService transcoderServiceMock = mock( TranscoderService.class );
        _service.setTranscoderService( transcoderServiceMock );

        final MemcachedBackupSession session = createSession( _service );
        _service.setSessionAttributeFilter( "^(foo|bar)$" );

        session.setAttribute( "baz", "baz" );


        _service.backupSession( session.getIdInternal(), false, null ).get();

        verify( transcoderServiceMock, never() ).serializeAttributes( (MemcachedBackupSession)any(), anyMap() );


     * Tests sessionAttributeFilter attribute: only filtered/allowed attributes must be serialized.
    @SuppressWarnings( { "unchecked", "rawtypes" } )
    public void testOnlyFilteredAttributesAreIncludedInSessionBackup() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {

        final TranscoderService transcoderServiceMock = mock( TranscoderService.class );
        final Map<String, Object> anyMap = any( Map.class );
        when( transcoderServiceMock.serializeAttributes( any( MemcachedBackupSession.class ), anyMap ) ).thenReturn( new byte[0] );
        _service.setTranscoderService( transcoderServiceMock );

        final MemcachedBackupSession session = createSession( _service );
        _service.setSessionAttributeFilter( "^(foo|bar)$" );

        session.setAttribute( "foo", "foo" );
        session.setAttribute( "bar", "bar" );
        session.setAttribute( "baz", "baz" );

        _service.backupSession( session.getIdInternal(), false, null ).get();

        // capture the supplied argument, alternatively we could have used some Matcher (but there seems to be no MapMatcher).
        final ArgumentCaptor<Map> model = ArgumentCaptor.forClass( Map.class );
        verify( transcoderServiceMock, times( 1 ) ).serializeAttributes( eq( session ), model.capture() );

        // the serialized attributes must only contain allowed ones
        assertTrue( model.getValue().containsKey( "foo" ) );
        assertTrue( model.getValue().containsKey( "bar" ) );
        assertFalse( model.getValue().containsKey( "baz" ) );


     * Tests sessionAttributeFilter attribute: only filtered/allowed attributes must be serialized in updateExpirationInMemcached.
    @SuppressWarnings( { "unchecked", "rawtypes" } )
    public void testOnlyFilteredAttributesAreIncludedDuringUpdateExpiration() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {

        final TranscoderService transcoderServiceMock = mock( TranscoderService.class );
        final Map<String, Object> anyMap = any( Map.class );
        when( transcoderServiceMock.serializeAttributes( any( MemcachedBackupSession.class ), anyMap ) ).thenReturn( new byte[0] );
        _service.setTranscoderService( transcoderServiceMock );

        final MemcachedBackupSession session = createSession( _service );
        _service.setSessionAttributeFilter( "^(foo|bar)$" );

        session.setAttribute( "foo", "foo" );
        session.setAttribute( "bar", "bar" );
        session.setAttribute( "baz", "baz" );



        // capture the supplied argument, alternatively we could have used some Matcher (but there seems to be no MapMatcher).
        final ArgumentCaptor<Map> model = ArgumentCaptor.forClass( Map.class );
        verify( transcoderServiceMock, times( 1 ) ).serializeAttributes( eq( session ), model.capture() );

        // the serialized attributes must only contain allowed ones
        assertTrue( model.getValue().containsKey( "foo" ) );
        assertTrue( model.getValue().containsKey( "bar" ) );
        assertFalse( model.getValue().containsKey( "baz" ) );


    public void testSessionsRefCountHandlingIssue111() throws Exception {

        final TranscoderService transcoderService = new TranscoderService(new JavaSerializationTranscoder());
        _service.setTranscoderService( transcoderService );


        final OperationFuture<Boolean> addResultMock = mock(OperationFuture.class);
        when(addResultMock.get(anyLong(), any(TimeUnit.class))).thenReturn(true);
        when(_memcachedMock.add(anyString(), anyInt(), any(TimeUnit.class))).thenReturn(addResultMock);

        final MemcachedBackupSession session = createSession( _service );
        // the session is now already added to the internal session map

        Future<BackupResult> result = _service.backupSession(session.getId(), false, null);

        // start another request that loads the session from mc
        final Request requestMock = mock(Request.class);


        final MemcachedBackupSession session2 = _service.findSession(session.getId());
        assertEquals(session2.getRefCount(), 1);
        session2.setAttribute("foo", "bar");

        final CyclicBarrier barrier = new CyclicBarrier(2);

        // the session is now in the internal session map,
        // now let's run a concurrent request
        final Future<BackupResult> request2 = _executor.submit(new Callable<BackupResult>() {

            public BackupResult call() throws Exception {
                final MemcachedBackupSession session3 = _service.findSession(session.getId());
                assertSame(session3, session2);
                assertEquals(session3.getRefCount(), 2);
                // let the other thread proceed (or wait)
                // and wait again so that the other thread can do some work

                final Future<BackupResult> result = _service.backupSession(session.getId(), false, null);

                assertEquals(result.get().getStatus(), BackupResultStatus.SUCCESS);
                // The session should be released now and no longer stored
                // just some double checking on expectations...
                assertEquals(session2.getRefCount(), 0);

                return result.get();



        result = _service.backupSession(session.getId(), false, null);
        assertEquals(result.get().getStatus(), BackupResultStatus.SKIPPED);
        // This is the important point!
        // just some double checking on expectations...
        assertEquals(session2.getRefCount(), 1);

        // now let the other thread proceed

        // and wait for the result, also to get exceptions/assertion errors.


    public void testInvalidNonStickySessionDoesNotCallOnBackupWithoutLoadedSessionIssue137() throws Exception {

        _service.setStickyInternal( false );
        _service.setLockingMode( LockingMode.NONE, null, false );
        _service.startInternal(_memcachedMock); // we must put in our mock again

        final String sessionId = "nonStickySessionToTimeOut-n1";

        // For findSession needed
        final Request requestMock = mock(Request.class);

        final MemcachedBackupSession session = _service.findSession(sessionId);

        _service.backupSession( sessionId, false, null ).get();

        // check that validity info is not loaded - this would trigger the
        // WARNING: Found no validity info for session id ...
        final String validityKey = new SessionIdFormat().createValidityInfoKeyName( sessionId );
        verify( _memcachedMock, times( 0 ) ).get( eq( validityKey ) );


Related Classes of de.javakaffee.web.msm.MemcachedSessionServiceTest

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