Package mrtjp.projectred.integration

Source Code of mrtjp.projectred.integration.ComponentStore$InputPanelButtons

package mrtjp.projectred.integration;

import codechicken.lib.colour.Colour;
import codechicken.lib.math.MathHelper;
import codechicken.lib.raytracer.IndexedCuboid6;
import codechicken.lib.render.*;
import codechicken.lib.render.CCRenderState.IVertexOperation;
import codechicken.lib.render.uv.*;
import codechicken.lib.vec.*;
import mrtjp.core.color.Colors;
import mrtjp.core.vec.InvertX$;
import mrtjp.core.vec.VecLib;
import mrtjp.projectred.core.Configurator;
import mrtjp.projectred.core.RenderHalo;
import mrtjp.projectred.transmission.UVT;
import mrtjp.projectred.transmission.WireModelGen;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.IIconRegister;
import net.minecraft.init.Blocks;
import net.minecraft.util.IIcon;
import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation;

import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

public class ComponentStore
    public static CCModel base = loadBase("base");
    public static CCModel lightChip = loadModel("chip");
    public static CCModel leverOn = loadModel("leveron");
    public static CCModel leverOff = loadModel("leveroff");
    public static CCModel solarArray = loadModel("solar");
    public static CCModel rainSensor = loadModel("rainsensor");
    public static CCModel pointer = loadModel("pointer");
    public static CCModel busXcvr = loadModel("array/busxcvr");
    public static CCModel lightPanel1 = loadModel("array/lightpanel1");
    public static CCModel lightPanel2 = loadModel("array/lightpanel2");
    public static CCModel busRand = loadModel("array/busrand");
    public static CCModel busConv = loadModel("array/busconv");
    public static CCModel signalPanel = loadModel("array/signalpanel");
    public static CCModel busInput = loadModel("array/businput");

    public static CCModel nullCellWireBottom = loadModel("array/nullcellbottomwire").apply(new Translation(0.5, 0, 0.5));
    public static CCModel nullCellWireTop = loadModel("array/nullcelltopwire").apply(new Translation(0.5, 0, 0.5));
    public static CCModel nullCellBase = loadBase("array/nullcellbase");
    public static CCModel extendedCellWireBottom = loadModel("array/extendedcellbottomwire").apply(new Translation(0.5, 0, 0.5));
    public static CCModel extendedCellWireTop = loadModel("array/extendedcelltopwire").apply(new Translation(0.5, 0, 0.5));
    public static CCModel extendedCellBase = loadBase("array/extendedcellbase");
    public static CCModel cellWireSide = loadModel("array/cellsidewire").apply(new Translation(0.5, 0, 0.5));
    public static CCModel cellFrame = loadModel("array/cellstand").apply(new Translation(0.5, 0, 0.5));
    public static CCModel cellPlate = loadModel("array/cellplate").apply(new Translation(0.5, 0, 0.5));

    public static IIcon baseIcon;
    public static IIcon[] wireIcons = new IIcon[3];
    public static Colour[][] wireData = new Colour[3][];
    public static IIcon[] redstoneTorchIcons = new IIcon[2];
    public static IIcon[] taintedChipIcons = new IIcon[2];
    public static IIcon[] redstoneChipIcons = new IIcon[2];
    public static IIcon[] minusChipIcons = new IIcon[2];
    public static IIcon[] plusChipIcons = new IIcon[2];
    public static IIcon leverIcon;
    public static IIcon[] solarIcons = new IIcon[3];
    public static IIcon rainIcon;
    public static IIcon pointerIcon;
    public static IIcon busXcvrIcon;
    public static IIcon cellIcon;
    public static IIcon busRandIcon;
    public static IIcon busConvIcon;
    public static IIcon busInputIcon;

    public static Map<String, CCModel> loadModels(String name)
        return CCModel.parseObjModels(new ResourceLocation("projectred:textures/obj/gateparts/"+name+".obj"), 7, InvertX$.MODULE$);

    public static CCModel loadModel(String name)
        Map<String, CCModel> models = loadModels(name);
        CCModel m = CCModel.combine(models.values());
        return m;

    public static CCModel[] loadModelSet(String name, String[]... groups)
        Map<String, CCModel> modelMap = loadModels(name);
        CCModel[] models = new CCModel[groups.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < groups.length; i++)
            List<CCModel> grp = new LinkedList<CCModel>();
            for (String s : groups[i])

            CCModel m = CCModel.combine(grp);
            models[i] = m;
        return models;

    private static CCModel loadBase(String name)
        CCModel m = loadModel(name);
        m.apply(new Translation(0.5, 0, 0.5));
        for (int i = 0; i < m.verts.length; i++)//inset each face a little for posts and other stuff that render overtop
        return m;

    public static void registerIcons(IIconRegister r)
        String baseTex = "projectred:gates/";
        baseIcon = r.registerIcon(baseTex+"base");
        wireIcons[0] = r.registerIcon(baseTex+"surface/bordermatte");
        wireIcons[1] = r.registerIcon(baseTex+"surface/wirematte-OFF");
        wireIcons[2] = r.registerIcon(baseTex+"surface/wirematte-ON");
        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
            ResourceLocation res = new ResourceLocation(wireIcons[i].getIconName());
            wireData[i] = TextureUtils.loadTextureColours(new ResourceLocation(res.getResourceDomain(), "textures/blocks/"+res.getResourcePath()+".png"));
        redstoneTorchIcons[0] = r.registerIcon("redstone_torch_off");
        redstoneTorchIcons[1] = r.registerIcon("redstone_torch_on");
        taintedChipIcons[0] = r.registerIcon(baseTex+"yellowchipoff");
        taintedChipIcons[1] = r.registerIcon(baseTex+"yellowchipon");
        redstoneChipIcons[0] = r.registerIcon(baseTex+"redchipoff");
        redstoneChipIcons[1] = r.registerIcon(baseTex+"redchipon");
        minusChipIcons[0] = r.registerIcon(baseTex+"minuschipoff");
        minusChipIcons[1] = r.registerIcon(baseTex+"minuschipon");
        plusChipIcons[0] = r.registerIcon(baseTex+"pluschipoff");
        plusChipIcons[1] = r.registerIcon(baseTex+"pluschipon");
        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
            solarIcons[i] = r.registerIcon(baseTex+"solar"+i);
        rainIcon = r.registerIcon(baseTex+"rainsensor");
        leverIcon = r.registerIcon(baseTex+"lever");
        pointerIcon = r.registerIcon(baseTex+"pointer");
        busXcvrIcon = r.registerIcon(baseTex+"busxcvr");
        cellIcon = r.registerIcon(baseTex+"cells");
        busRandIcon = r.registerIcon(baseTex+"busrand");
        busConvIcon = r.registerIcon(baseTex+"busconv");
        busInputIcon = r.registerIcon(baseTex+"businput");

    public static WireComponentModel[] generateWireModels(String name, int count)
        WireComponentModel[] models = new WireComponentModel[count];
        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
            models[i] = generateWireModel(name+"-"+i);
        return models;

    public static WireComponentModel generateWireModel(String name)
        Colour[] data = TextureUtils.loadTextureColours(new ResourceLocation("projectred:textures/blocks/gates/surface/"+name+".png"));
        WireComponentModel m = new WireComponentModel();
        if (Configurator.logicwires3D)
            new WireModel3D(data).bind(m);
            new WireModel2D(data).bind(m);
        return m;

    public static Transformation orientT(int orient)
        Transformation t = Rotation.sideOrientation(orient%24>>2, orient&3);
        if (orient >= 24) t = new Scale(-1, 1, 1).with(t);


    public static Transformation dynamicT(int orient)
        return orient == 0 ? new RedundantTransformation() : new Scale(-1, 1, 1).at(;

    public static CCModel bakeCopy(CCModel base, int orient)
        CCModel m = base.copy();
        if (orient >= 24)

        return m;

    public static CCModel[] bakeDynamic(CCModel base)
        return new CCModel[]{base.copy(), reverseFacing(base.copy())};

    public static CCModel reverseFacing(CCModel m)
        for (int i = 0; i < m.verts.length; i += 4)
            Vertex5 vtmp = m.verts[i+1];
            Vector3 ntmp = m.normals()[i+1];
            m.verts[i+1] = m.verts[i+3];
            m.normals()[i+1] = m.normals()[i+3];
            m.verts[i+3] = vtmp;
            m.normals()[i+3] = ntmp;
        return m;

    public static abstract class ComponentModel
        public abstract void renderModel(Transformation t, int orient);

        public void registerTextures(IIconRegister r)

    public static class BaseComponentModel extends ComponentModel
        public static CCModel[] models = new CCModel[24];

            for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++)
                models[i] = bakeCopy(base, i);

        public void renderModel(Transformation t, int orient)
            models[orient%24].render(t, new IconTransformation(baseIcon));

    public static abstract class SingleComponentModel extends ComponentModel
        public CCModel[] models = new CCModel[48];

        public SingleComponentModel(CCModel m)
            for (int i = 0; i < 48; i++)
                models[i] = bakeCopy(m, i);

        public SingleComponentModel(CCModel m, Vector3 pos)

        public abstract UVTransformation getUVT();

        public void renderModel(Transformation t, int orient)
            models[orient].render(t, getUVT());

    public static abstract class MultiComponentModel extends ComponentModel
        public CCModel[][] models;
        public int state;

        public MultiComponentModel(CCModel... m)
            this(new Vector3(0, 0, 0), m);

        public MultiComponentModel(Vector3 pos, CCModel... m)
            models = new CCModel[m.length][48];
            for (int j = 0; j < m.length; j++)
                for (int i = 0; i < 48; i++)
                    models[j][i] = bakeCopy(m[j].copy().apply(pos.copy().multiply(1/16D).translation()), i);


        public abstract UVTransformation getUVT();

        public void renderModel(Transformation t, int orient)
            models[state][orient].render(t, getUVT());

    public static class LeverModel extends MultiComponentModel

        public LeverModel(double x, double z)
            super(new Vector3(x, 2, z), leverOn, leverOff);

        public UVTransformation getUVT()
            return new IconTransformation(leverIcon);


    public static abstract class SimpleComponentModel extends SingleComponentModel
        public SimpleComponentModel(CCModel m)

        public SimpleComponentModel(CCModel m, Vector3 pos)
            super(m, pos);

        public UVTransformation getUVT()
            return new IconTransformation(getIcon());

        public abstract IIcon getIcon();

    public static abstract class OnOffModel extends SingleComponentModel
        public boolean on;

        public OnOffModel(CCModel m)

        public OnOffModel(CCModel m, Vector3 pos)
            super(m, pos);

        public abstract IIcon[] getIcons();

        public UVTransformation getUVT()
            return new IconTransformation(getIcons()[on ? 1 : 0]);

    public static abstract class StateIconModel extends SingleComponentModel
        public int state;

        public StateIconModel(CCModel m)

        public StateIconModel(CCModel m, Vector3 pos)
            super(m, pos);

        public abstract IIcon[] getIcons();

        public UVTransformation getUVT()
            return new IconTransformation(getIcons()[state]);

    // use pass down composition to allow different wire model classes but have the same fields and reference type
    public static class WireComponentModel extends ComponentModel
        public boolean on;
        public boolean disabled;

        private ComponentModel model;

        public WireComponentModel bind(ComponentModel model)
            this.model = model;
            return this;

        protected static List<Rectangle4i> rectangulate(Colour[] data)
            boolean[] wireCorners = new boolean[1024];

            for (int y = 0; y <= 30; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x <= 30; x++)
                    if (data[y*32+x].rgba() != -1)

                    if (overlap(wireCorners, x, y))

                    if (!segment2x2(data, x, y))
                        throw new RuntimeException("Wire segment not 2x2 at ("+x+", "+y+")");

                    wireCorners[y*32+x] = true;

            List<Rectangle4i> wireRectangles = new LinkedList<Rectangle4i>();
            for (int i = 0; i < 1024; i++)
                if (wireCorners[i])
                    Rectangle4i rect = new Rectangle4i(i%32, i/32, 0, 0);
                    int x = rect.x+2;
                    while (x < 30 && wireCorners[rect.y*32+x])
                        x += 2;
                    rect.w = x-rect.x;

                    int y = rect.y+2;
                    while (y < 30)
                        boolean advance = true;
                        for (int dx = rect.x; dx < rect.x+rect.w && advance; dx += 2)
                            if (!wireCorners[y*32+dx])
                                advance = false;

                        if (!advance)

                        y += 2;
                    rect.h = y-rect.y;

                    for (int dy = rect.y; dy < rect.y+rect.h; dy += 2)
                        for (int dx = rect.x; dx < rect.x+rect.w; dx += 2)
                            wireCorners[dy*32+dx] = false;


            return wireRectangles;

        private static boolean overlap(boolean[] wireCorners, int x, int y)
            return wireCorners[y*32+x-1] ||
                    (y > 0 && wireCorners[(y-1)*32+x]) ||
                    (y > 0 && wireCorners[(y-1)*32+x-1]);

        private static boolean segment2x2(Colour[] data, int x, int y)
            return data[y*32+x+1].rgba() == -1 && data[(y+1)*32+x].rgba() == -1 && data[(y+1)*32+x+1].rgba() == -1;

        public static Rectangle4i border(Rectangle4i wire)
            Rectangle4i border = new Rectangle4i(wire.x-2, wire.y-2, wire.w+4, wire.h+4);
            if (border.x < 0)
                border.w += border.x;
                border.x = 0;
            if (border.y < 0)
                border.h += border.y;
                border.y = 0;
            if (border.x+border.w >= 32)
                border.w -= border.x+border.w-32;
            if (border.y+border.h >= 32)
                border.h -= border.y+border.h-32;

            return border;

        public void renderModel(Transformation t, int orient)
            model.renderModel(t, orient);

        public void registerTextures(IIconRegister r)

    public static class WireModel3D extends SingleComponentModel
        private WireComponentModel parent;

        public WireModel3D(Colour[] data)

        public void bind(WireComponentModel parent)
            this.parent = parent;

        private static CCModel generateModel(Colour[] data)
            List<Rectangle4i> wireRectangles = WireComponentModel.rectangulate(data);
            CCModel model = CCModel.quadModel(wireRectangles.size()*40);
            int i = 0;
            for (Rectangle4i rect : wireRectangles)
                generateWireSegment(model, i, rect);
                i += 40;
            return model;

        private static void generateWireSegment(CCModel model, int i, Rectangle4i rect)
            generateWireSegment(model, i, WireComponentModel.border(rect), 0.01, 0);
            generateWireSegment(model, i+20, rect, 0.02, 1);

        private static void generateWireSegment(CCModel model, int i, Rectangle4i rect, double h, int icon)
            double x1 = rect.x/32D;
            double x2 = (rect.x+rect.w)/32D;
            double z1 = rect.y/32D;
            double z2 = (rect.y+rect.h)/32D;
            double d = 0.0005-h/50D;// little offset for the wires go ontop of the border
            model.generateBlock(i, x1+d, 0.125, z1+d, x2-d, 0.125+h, z2-d, 1);
            for (int v = i; v < i+20; v++) model.verts[v].uv.tex = icon;

        public UVTransformation getUVT()
            if (parent.disabled)
                return new IconTransformation(wireIcons[0]);
            else if (parent.on)
                return new MultiIconTransformation(wireIcons[0], wireIcons[2]);
                return new MultiIconTransformation(wireIcons[0], wireIcons[1]);

    public static class WireModel2D extends ComponentModel
        public static CCModel[] models = new CCModel[48];
        private static int iconCounter = 0;

            CCModel m = CCModel.quadModel(4).generateBlock(0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1/8D+0.002, 1, ~2).computeNormals();

            for (int i = 0; i < 48; i++)
                models[i] = bakeCopy(m, i);

        private WireComponentModel parent;

        public TextureSpecial[] icons;
        public Colour[] wireMask;
        private final int iconIndex = iconCounter++;

        public WireModel2D(Colour[] data)
            wireMask = data;

        public void bind(WireComponentModel parent)
            this.parent = parent;

        public void renderModel(Transformation t, int orient)
            models[orient].render(t, new IconTransformation(icons[parent.disabled ? 0 : parent.on ? 2 : 1]));

        public void registerTextures(IIconRegister r)
            List<Rectangle4i> wireRectangles = WireComponentModel.rectangulate(wireMask);

            icons = new TextureSpecial[wireData.length];

            for (int tex = 0; tex < icons.length; tex++)
                int[] texMap = new int[1024];
                for (Rectangle4i rect : wireRectangles)
                    fillMask(texMap, rect, 2);
                    fillMask(texMap, WireComponentModel.border(rect), 1);

                int pSize = (int)Math.sqrt(wireData[0].length);
                int size = Math.max(32, pSize);
                int relM = size/32;
                int relP = size/pSize;

                int[] imageData = new int[size*size];
                for (int i = 0; i < imageData.length; i++)
                    int x = i%size;
                    int y = i/size;
                    int type = texMap[y/relM*32+x/relM];
                    if (type != 0)
                        imageData[i] = wireData[type == 1 ? 0 : tex][y/relP*pSize+x/relP].argb();

                icons[tex] = TextureUtils.getTextureSpecial(r, "projectred:gates/wire2d_"+iconIndex+"_"+tex).addTexture(new TextureDataHolder(imageData, size));

        private void fillMask(int[] map, Rectangle4i r, int val)
            for (int i = r.x; i < r.x+r.w; i++)
                for (int j = r.y; j < r.y+r.h; j++)
                    if (map[j*32+i] < val)
                        map[j*32+i] = val;

    public static class RedstoneTorchModel extends OnOffModel
        public Vector3 lightPos;

        public RedstoneTorchModel(double x, double z, int height)
            super(genModel(height, x, z));
            lightPos = new Vector3(x, height-1, z).multiply(1/16D);

        public RedstoneTorchModel(CCModel m)

        public static CCModel genModel(int height, double x, double z)
            CCModel m = CCModel.quadModel(20);
            m.verts[0] = new Vertex5(7/16D, 10/16D, 9/16D, 7/16D, 8/16D);
            m.verts[1] = new Vertex5(9/16D, 10/16D, 9/16D, 9/16D, 8/16D);
            m.verts[2] = new Vertex5(9/16D, 10/16D, 7/16D, 9/16D, 6/16D);
            m.verts[3] = new Vertex5(7/16D, 10/16D, 7/16D, 7/16D, 6/16D);
            m.generateBlock(4, 6/16D, (10-height)/16D, 7/16D, 10/16D, 11/16D, 9/16D, 0x33);
            m.generateBlock(12, 7/16D, (10-height)/16D, 6/16D, 9/16D, 11/16D, 10/16D, 0xF);
            m.apply(new Translation(-0.5+x/16, (height-10)/16D, -0.5+z/16));
            m.apply(new Scale(1.0005)); // Eliminates z-fighting when torch is on wire.
            return m;

        public IIcon[] getIcons()
            return redstoneTorchIcons;

    public static class FlippedRSTorchModel extends RedstoneTorchModel
        public FlippedRSTorchModel(double x, double z)
            super(genModel(4, x, z).apply(new Rotation(180*MathHelper.torad, 0, 0, 1).at( Translation(new Vector3(0, -6, 0).multiply(1/16D)))));
            lightPos = new Vector3(x, 4-1, z).multiply(1/16D);

    public static class YellowChipModel extends OnOffModel
        public YellowChipModel(double x, double z)
            super(lightChip, new Vector3(x, 0, z));

        public IIcon[] getIcons()
            return taintedChipIcons;

    public static class RedChipModel extends OnOffModel
        public RedChipModel(double x, double z)
            super(lightChip, new Vector3(x, 0, z));

        public IIcon[] getIcons()
            return redstoneChipIcons;

    public static class MinusChipModel extends OnOffModel
        public MinusChipModel(double x, double z)
            super(lightChip, new Vector3(x, 0, z));

        public IIcon[] getIcons()
            return minusChipIcons;

    public static class PlusChipModel extends OnOffModel
        public PlusChipModel(double x, double z)
            super(lightChip, new Vector3(x, 0, z));

        public IIcon[] getIcons()
            return plusChipIcons;

    public static class SolarModel extends StateIconModel
        public SolarModel(double x, double z)
            super(solarArray, new Vector3(x, 0, z));

        public IIcon[] getIcons()
            return solarIcons;

    public static class RainSensorModel extends SimpleComponentModel
        public RainSensorModel(double x, double z)
            super(rainSensor, new Vector3(x, 0, z));

        public IIcon getIcon()
            return rainIcon;

    public static class PointerModel extends ComponentModel
        public CCModel[] models;

        public double angle;
        public Vector3 pos;

        public PointerModel(double x, double y, double z)
            models = bakeDynamic(pointer);
            pos = new Vector3(x, y-1, z).multiply(1/16D);

        public PointerModel(double x, double y, double z, double scale)
            models = bakeDynamic(pointer.copy().apply(new Scale(scale, 1, scale)));
            pos = new Vector3(x, y-1, z).multiply(1/16D);

        public void renderModel(Transformation t, int orient)
            models[orient].render(new Rotation(-angle+MathHelper.pi, 0, 1, 0).with(pos.translation()).with(dynamicT(orient)).with(t), new IconTransformation(pointerIcon));

    public static abstract class BundledCableModel extends SingleComponentModel
        public BundledCableModel(CCModel model, Vector3 pos, double texCenterU, double texCenterV)
            super(model, pos);

            for (int orient = 0; orient < 48; orient++)
                int side = orient%24>>2;
                int r = orient&3;
                boolean reflect = orient >= 24;
                boolean rotate = (r+WireModelGen.reorientSide()[side])%4 >= 2;

                Transformation t = new RedundantTransformation();
                if (reflect)
                    t = t.with(new Scale(-1, 0, 1));
                if (rotate)
                    t = t.with(Rotation.quarterRotations[2]);

                if (!(t instanceof RedundantTransformation))
                    models[orient].apply(new UVT( Vector3(texCenterU, 0, texCenterV))));

    public static class BusXcvrCableModel extends BundledCableModel
        public BusXcvrCableModel()
            super(busXcvr, new Vector3(8, 0, 8), 10/32D, 14/32D);

        public UVTransformation getUVT()
            return new IconTransformation(busXcvrIcon);

    public static class BusRandCableModel extends BundledCableModel
        public BusRandCableModel()
            super(busRand, new Vector3(8, 0, 8), 7/32D, 12/32D);

        public UVTransformation getUVT()
            return new IconTransformation(busRandIcon);

    public static class BusConvCableModel extends BundledCableModel
        public BusConvCableModel()
            super(busConv, new Vector3(8, 0, 8), 7/32D, 12/32D);

        public UVTransformation getUVT()
            return new IconTransformation(busConvIcon);

    public static class BusInputPanelCableModel extends BundledCableModel
        public BusInputPanelCableModel()
            super(busInput, new Vector3(8, 0, 8), 16/32D, 16/32D);

        public UVTransformation getUVT()
            return new IconTransformation(busInputIcon);

    public static class SigLightPanelModel extends ComponentModel
        public static CCModel[] displayModels = new CCModel[16];

            for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
                CCModel m = CCModel.quadModel(4);
                int x = i%4;
                int z = i/4;
                double y = 10/32D+0.0001D;
                m.verts[0] = new Vertex5(x, y, z+1, x, z);
                m.verts[1] = new Vertex5(x+1, y, z+1, x+1, z);
                m.verts[2] = new Vertex5(x+1, y, z, x+1, z+1);
                m.verts[3] = new Vertex5(x, y, z, x, z+1);
                m.apply(new Scale(1/16D, 1, 1/16D).with(new Translation(-2/16D, 0, -2/16D)));
                m.apply(new UVTranslation(22, 0));
                m.apply(new UVScale(1/32D));
                displayModels[i] = m;

        public CCModel[] models;
        public Vector3 pos;
        public boolean flip;
        public int signal;
        public int disableMask;

        public int offColour = 0x420000FF;
        public int onColour = 0xEC0000FF;
        public int disableColour = Colors.GREY.rgba;

        public SigLightPanelModel(double x, double z, boolean flip)
            this(x, z, flip, 0x420000FF, 0xEC0000FF, true);

        public SigLightPanelModel(double x, double z, boolean flip, int offc, int onc, boolean sideIndicator)
            this.flip = flip;
            offColour = offc;
            onColour = onc;
            pos = new Vector3(x, 0, z).multiply(1/16D);

            CCModel base = sideIndicator ? lightPanel1.copy() : lightPanel2.copy();
            if (flip) base.apply(Rotation.quarterRotations[2]);

            this.models = new CCModel[48];
            for (int i = 0; i < 48; i++)
                models[i] = bakeCopy(base, i);

        public void renderModel(Transformation t, int orient)
            IconTransformation icont = new IconTransformation(busXcvrIcon);
            models[orient].render(t, icont);

            Vector3 displayPos = pos.copy();
            if (orient >= 24)// flipped x
                displayPos.x = 1-displayPos.x;

            Transformation displayT = flip ? new RedundantTransformation() : Rotation.quarterRotations[2];
            displayT = displayT.with(displayPos.translation()).with(orientT(orient%24)).with(t);
            for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
                displayModels[i].render(displayT, icont, PlanarLightModel.standardLightModel,
                        ColourMultiplier.instance((signal&1<<i) != 0 ? onColour : (disableMask&1<<i) != 0 ? disableColour : offColour));

    public static class SignalBarModel extends ComponentModel
        public CCModel[] models;
        public static CCModel[] bars;
        public static CCModel[] barsInv;
        public static CCModel barsBg;
        public static CCModel barsBgInv;
        public Vector3 pos;

        public int signal;
        public boolean inverted;


        public static void buildBars()
            bars = new CCModel[16];
            barsInv = new CCModel[16];
            for (int i = 1; i < 17; i++)
                CCModel bar = CCModel.quadModel(4);
                double y = 12/32D+0.0001D;
                bar.verts[0] = new Vertex5(0, y, 0, 0, 0);
                bar.verts[1] = new Vertex5(0, y, i, 0, i);
                bar.verts[2] = new Vertex5(1, y, i, 2, i);
                bar.verts[3] = new Vertex5(1, y, 0, 2, 0);
                bar.apply(new UVTranslation(22, 0));
                bar.apply(new UVScale(1/32D, 1/128D));

                CCModel bar1 = bar.backfacedCopy();
                bar1.apply(new Translation(-0.5, 0, -12));
                bar1.apply(new Scale(1/16D, 1, -1/64D));
                CCModel bar2 = bar.copy();
                bar2.apply(new Translation(-0.5, 0, -1.25*4));
                bar2.apply(new Scale(1/16D, 1, 1/64D));

                bars[i-1] = bar1;
                barsInv[i-1] = bar2;

            Transformation t = new Scale(4/8D+1, 0.9999D, 4/32D+1);
            barsBg = bars[15].copy().apply(t);
            barsBgInv = barsInv[15].copy().apply(t);

        public SignalBarModel(double x, double z)
            pos = new Vector3(x, 0, z).multiply(1/16D);

            CCModel base = signalPanel.copy().apply(pos.translation());
            this.models = new CCModel[48];
            for (int i = 0; i < 48; i++) models[i] = bakeCopy(base, i);

        public void renderModel(Transformation t, int orient)
            IconTransformation iconT = new IconTransformation(busConvIcon);
            models[orient%24].render(t, iconT);
            Transformation position = new TransformationList(pos.translation()).with(orientT(orient%24)).with(t);

            (inverted?barsBgInv:barsBg).render(position, iconT, PlanarLightModel.standardLightModel,

            (inverted?barsInv:bars)[Math.min(signal, 15)].render(position, iconT, PlanarLightModel.standardLightModel,

    public static abstract class CellWireModel extends ComponentModel
        public byte signal;

        public static int signalColour(byte signal)
            return (signal&0xFF)/2+60<<24|0xFF;

        public IVertexOperation colourMult()
            return ColourMultiplier.instance(signalColour(signal));

    public static class CellTopWireModel extends CellWireModel
        public static CCModel[] left = new CCModel[24];
        public static CCModel[] right = new CCModel[24];

            CCModel cellWireLeft = cellWireSide.copy().apply(new Translation(-7.001/16D, 0, 0));
            CCModel cellWireRight = cellWireSide.copy().apply(new Translation(7.001/16D, 0, 0));
            for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++)
                left[i] = bakeCopy(cellWireLeft, i);
                right[i] = bakeCopy(cellWireRight, i);

        public CCModel[] top = new CCModel[24];
        public byte conn;

        public CellTopWireModel(CCModel wireTop)
            for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++)
                top[i] = bakeCopy(wireTop, i);

        public void renderModel(Transformation t, int orient)
            IconTransformation icont = new IconTransformation(cellIcon);
            top[orient].render(t, icont, colourMult());
            if ((conn&2) == 0)
                right[orient].render(t, icont, colourMult());
            if ((conn&8) == 0)
                left[orient].render(t, icont, colourMult());

    public static class CellBottomWireModel extends CellWireModel
        public CCModel[] bottom = new CCModel[24];

        public CellBottomWireModel(CCModel wireBottom)
            for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++)
                bottom[i] = bakeCopy(wireBottom, i);

        public void renderModel(Transformation t, int orient)
            bottom[orient].render(t, new IconTransformation(cellIcon), colourMult());

    public static class CellFrameModel extends SimpleComponentModel
        public CellFrameModel()

        public IIcon getIcon()
            return cellIcon;

    public static class CellPlateModel extends SimpleComponentModel
        public CellPlateModel()

        public IIcon getIcon()
            return cellIcon;

    public static class NullCellBaseModel extends SimpleComponentModel
        public NullCellBaseModel()

        public IIcon getIcon()
            return cellIcon;

    public static class ExtendedCellBaseModel extends SimpleComponentModel
        public ExtendedCellBaseModel()

        public IIcon getIcon()
            return cellIcon;

    public static class InputPanelButtons extends ComponentModel
        public static IndexedCuboid6[] unpressed = VecLib.buildCubeArray(4, 4, new Cuboid6(3, 1, 3, 13, 3, 13), new Vector3(-0.25, 0, -0.25));
        public static IndexedCuboid6[] pressed = VecLib.buildCubeArray(4, 4, new Cuboid6(3, 1, 3, 13, 2.5, 13), new Vector3(-0.25, 0, -0.25));
        public static IndexedCuboid6[] lights = VecLib.buildCubeArray(4, 4, new Cuboid6(3, 1, 3, 13, 2.5, 13), new Vector3(-0.25, 0, -0.25).add(0.2));

        int pressMask = 0;
        BlockCoord pos = new BlockCoord();
        Transformation orientT;

        public void renderModel(Transformation t, int orient)
            UVTransformation icon = new IconTransformation(Blocks.stone.getIcon(0, 0));
            for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
                CCRenderState.setPipeline(CCRenderState.lightMatrix, orientT(orient).with(t),
                        icon, ColourMultiplier.instance(Colors.get(i).rgba));
                BlockRenderer.renderCuboid((pressMask&1<<i) != 0 ? pressed[i] : unpressed[i], 1);

        public void renderLights()
            for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) if ((pressMask&1<<i) != 0)
                RenderHalo.addLight(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, i, lights[i].copy().apply(orientT));

Related Classes of mrtjp.projectred.integration.ComponentStore$InputPanelButtons

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