Package com.kellerkindt.scs.listeners

Source Code of com.kellerkindt.scs.listeners.PlayerListener

* ShowCaseStandalone
* Copyright (C) 2012 Kellerkindt <copyright at>
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
package com.kellerkindt.scs.listeners;

import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler;
import org.bukkit.event.EventPriority;
import org.bukkit.event.Listener;
import org.bukkit.event.block.Action;
import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerInteractEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerPickupItemEvent;

import com.kellerkindt.scs.ShowCaseStandalone;
import com.kellerkindt.scs.internals.Todo;
import com.kellerkindt.scs.internals.Todo.Type;
import com.kellerkindt.scs.shops.Shop;
import com.kellerkindt.scs.utilities.Term;

public class PlayerListener implements Listener {
  private ShowCaseStandalone scs;

  public PlayerListener(ShowCaseStandalone instance) {
    scs = instance;
   * Cancel pickup of a Item if the item is a shop Item
  @EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.HIGHEST)
  public void onPlayerPickupItem (PlayerPickupItemEvent pe) {
    if ( scs.getShopHandler().isShopItem(pe.getItem()) )
   * Let the player Interact with the shop
     * Lets keep the priority low, so we don't get cancelled when we're not doing anything.
  @EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.LOW, ignoreCancelled=true)
  public void onPlayerInteract (PlayerInteractEvent pie) {
    // Abort if action does not fit - saves power :)
    if (!pie.getAction().equals(Action.RIGHT_CLICK_BLOCK) && !pie.getAction().equals(Action.LEFT_CLICK_BLOCK)) {
    Action      action    = pie.getAction();
    Player      player    = pie.getPlayer();
    Block      block     = pie.getClickedBlock();

    Todo      todo    = scs.removeTodo(player);
    Shop       shopEvent  = scs.getShopHandler().getShop(pie.getClickedBlock());
    Shop      shopTodo  = todo != null ? todo.Shop : null;
    ShowCaseEvent  event    = null;
    String      msgSuccess  = null;
    if (shopEvent != null && action == Action.RIGHT_CLICK_BLOCK) {
      // interaction event
      event = new ShowCaseInteractEvent(player, shopEvent, todo, pie.getAction() == Action.RIGHT_CLICK_BLOCK);
    } else if (shopEvent != null && action == Action.LEFT_CLICK_BLOCK) {
      // info event
      event = new ShowCaseInfoEvent(player, shopEvent);
    } else if (todo != null && todo.Type == Type.CREATE && shopTodo != null) {
      // create event
      event     = new ShowCaseCreateEvent(player, shopTodo);
      msgSuccess  = Term.MESSAGE_SUCCESSFULL_CREATED.get();
    } else if (todo != null) {
      scs.msgPlayer(player, Term.ERROR_NOT_A_SHOP.get());
    if (event != null) {     
      // dispatch event
      // have to
      // send the error message
      if (event.isCancelled() && event.getCause() != null) {
        // an error occurred
        scs.msgPlayer(player, event.getCause().getMessage());

      } else if (!event.isCancelled() && msgSuccess != null) {
        // successfully
        scs.msgPlayer(player, msgSuccess);
       *  cancel the current event so nothing else does work with the interaction,
       *  if the ShowCaseEvent was not cancelled
      if (!event.isCancelled()) {
//    // Collect information
//    Player    sender    = pie.getPlayer();
//    Block    block    = pie.getClickedBlock();
//    Action    action    = pie.getAction();
//    ItemStack  itemStack  = pie.getItem();
//    Todo    todo    = this.todo.get(sender);
//    Shop    shop    = scs.getShopHandler().getShop(block);
//    if (todo == null && shop == null)
//      return;   // nothing to do here
//    // Collect more information
//    boolean  isAdmin    = scs.hasPermission(sender, Properties.permAdmin  );
//    boolean canManage  = scs.hasPermission(sender, Properties.permManage  );
//    boolean canRemove  = scs.hasPermission(sender, Properties.permRemove  );
//    boolean canUse    = scs.hasPermission(sender, Properties.permUse    );
//    int    amount    = 1;
//    if (sender.isSneaking())
//      amount = ShowCaseStandalone.pv.getPlayerTransactionAmount(sender);
//    try {
//      if (todo == null && shop != null) {
//        if (action == Action.RIGHT_CLICK_BLOCK && !(isItemToAttach(itemStack) && shop.isOwnerOrMember(sender.getName())))
//          shop.onInteract(isAdmin, canUse, sender, amount);
//        else if (action == Action.LEFT_CLICK_BLOCK)
//          shop.onSeeInfo(isAdmin, canUse, sender);
//      } else if (todo != null) {
//        switch (todo.type) {
//          case ADD_ITEMS:
//            onAddItems(shop, sender, isAdmin, canManage, (int)todo.amount);
//            break;
//          case ADD_MEMBER:
//            onAddMember(shop, sender, isAdmin, canManage, todo.string);
//            break;
//          case CREATE:
//            onCreate(, sender, isAdmin, block);
//            break;
//          case DESTROY:
//            onDestroy(shop, sender, isAdmin);
//            break;
//          case GET_ITEMS:
//            onGetItems(shop, sender, isAdmin, canManage, (int)todo.amount);
//            break;
//          case LIMIT:
//            onLimit(shop, sender, isAdmin, canManage, (int)todo.amount);
//            break;
//          case REMOVE:
//            onRemove(shop, sender, isAdmin, canRemove);
//            break;
//          case REMOVE_MEMBER:
//            onRemoveMember(shop, sender, isAdmin, canManage, todo.string);
//            break;
//          case SET_OWNER:
//            onSetOwner(shop, sender, isAdmin, canManage, todo.string);
//            break;
//          case SET_PRICE:
//            onSetPrice(shop, sender, isAdmin, canManage, todo.amount);
//            break;
//          default:
//            break;
//        }
//      }
//    } catch (InsufficientPermissionException ipe) {
//      Messaging.send(sender, ipe.getMessage());
//    } finally {
//      if (!(isItemToAttach(itemStack) && shop != null && shop.isOwnerOrMember(sender.getName())))
//        pie.setCancelled(true);
//      this.todo.remove(sender);
//      sender.updateInventory();
//    }
////            /*
////             * This whole routine needs optimization.  Currently it takes far more time
////             * then it should.
////             */
////            BenchMark bm = null;
////            if(Properties.interactDebug){
////                bm = new BenchMark("onPlayerInteract");
////                bm.start("init");
////            }
////    // Abort if action does not fit - saves power :)
////    if (!pie.getAction().equals(Action.RIGHT_CLICK_BLOCK) && !pie.getAction().equals(Action.LEFT_CLICK_BLOCK))
////      return;
////    // Collects information
////    Player     player     = pie.getPlayer();
////    Block     block    = pie.getClickedBlock();
////                if(Properties.interactDebug)
////                    bm.mark();
////    try {
////      // Interact
////      if (pie.getAction().equals(Action.RIGHT_CLICK_BLOCK))
////      {
////                //Lets check for attachables in player's hand.  IF found, abort this.
////                //This will allow players to attach signs, paintings, torches etc. to showcases.
////                //I have to find type ids for signs and paintings, since they don't respond to
////                //any instanceof's i could find.
////                if(pie.hasItem() && !todo.containsKey(player))
////                    if((pie.getItem().getData() instanceof Attachable) ||
////                        (pie.getItem().getTypeId() == 323) ||
////                        (pie.getItem().getTypeId() == 321) )
////                            return;
////        if (todo.containsKey(player)) {
////          if (todo.get(player).type.equals(Type.CREATE)){
////                        if(Properties.interactDebug)
////                            bm.mark("Rightclickblock");
////            if(cantInteract(player, block))
////                            throw new InsufficientPermissionException(Term.ERROR_AREA_PROTECTED.get());
////                        else
////              this.create(player, block);
////          }
////          else if (todo.get(player).type.equals(Type.REMOVE))
////            this.remove(player, block);
////          else if (todo.get(player).type.equals(Type.ADD))
////            ;
//////            this.add(player, block, (int)todo.get(player).amount);
////          else if (todo.get(player).type.equals(Type.GET))
////            ;
//////            this.get(player, block, (int)todo.get(player).amount);
////          else if (todo.get(player).type.equals(Type.LIMIT))
////            this.limit (player, block, (int)todo.get(player).amount);
////          else if (todo.get(player).type.equals(Type.SET_OWNER))
////            this.setOwner (player, block);
////          else if (todo.get(player).type.equals(Type.SET_PRICE))
////            this.price (player, block, todo.get(player).amount);
////          else if (todo.get(player).type.equals(Type.DESTROY))
////            this.destroy(player, block);
////                    if(Properties.interactDebug)
////                        bm.mark("end if block");
////          pie.setCancelled(true);
////          player.updateInventory();  // Have to :(
////                    if (todo.containsKey(player))
////                            todo.remove(player);
////                    if(Properties.interactDebug){
////                        bm.mark("end rightclick");
////                        bm.end();
////                    }
////        } else {
////          Shop p = scs.getShopHandler().getShopForBlock(pie.getClickedBlock());
////          if (p.getOwner().equals(player.getName()) && !p.isUnlimited() && p.getActivity() != Activity.DISPLAY) {
//////            scs.getServer().getPluginManager().callEvent(new InventoryEvent(new ShopInventoryView(p, player)));
//////            player.openInventory(new ShopInventoryView(p, player));
//////            player.openInventory(new ShopInventory(p, player));
//////            Inventory inventory = scs.getServer().createInventory(player, 6*9);//.createInventory(new DoubleChest(null), InventoryType.CHEST);
//////            ItemStack  is  = p.getItemStack().clone();
//////                  is.setAmount(p.getAmount());
//////            inventory.addItem(is);
//////            inventory.setContents(new ItemStack[27]);
////            pie.setCancelled    (true);
////            player.openInventory  (p.getInventory());
//////            scs.log(Level.INFO, inventory.toString());
////          } else {
////                        if(Properties.interactDebug)
////                            bm.mark("interact shopforblck");
////            if (p != null && scs.hasPermission(player, Properties.permUse)) {
////                        if(Properties.interactDebug)
////                            bm.mark("hasPermission");
////              pie.setCancelled(true);
////                          if(player.isSneaking()){
////                            //  p.interact(player, scs.pv.getPlayerTransactionAmount(player));  -- This went around the shop handler, which actually is the thing that updates the save file.  Bad.
////                                scs.getShopHandler().interact(block, player, ShowCaseStandalone.pv.getPlayerTransactionAmount(player));
////                            } else {
////                              scs.getShopHandler().interact(block, player, 1);
////                            }
////                              if(Properties.interactDebug)
////                                  bm.mark("afterinteract");
////              player.updateInventory();  // Have to :(
////                          if(Properties.interactDebug){
////                              bm.mark("updateInventory");
////                              bm.end();
////                          }
////            } else if (p != null && !scs.hasPermission(player, Properties.permUse))
////              throw new InsufficientPermissionException();
////          }
////        }
////      }
////      // Show info
////      else if (pie.getAction().equals(Action.LEFT_CLICK_BLOCK) ) {
////                if(Properties.interactDebug)
////                    bm.mark("leftclick");
////        Shop p = scs.getShopHandler().getShopForBlock(pie.getClickedBlock());
////                if(Properties.interactDebug)
////                    bm.mark("interact shopforblck");
////        if (p != null && scs.hasPermission(player, Properties.permUse)) {            
////                if(Properties.interactDebug)
////                    bm.mark("hasPermission");
////          pie.setCancelled(true);
////        } else if (p != null && !scs.hasPermission(player, Properties.permUse))
////          throw new InsufficientPermissionException();
////                if(Properties.interactDebug)
////                    bm.end();
////      }
////    } catch (ShopNotFoundException snfe) {
////      // No problem, if the selected block is no shop, nothing needs to be done.
////      /// Just give a little feedback
////      if (todo.containsKey(player))
////        Messaging.send(player, Term.ERROR_NOT_A_SHOP);
////    } catch (InsufficientPermissionException ipe) {
////            Messaging.send(player, "`r" + ipe.getMessage());
////            pie.setCancelled(true);
////        } finally {
//////          if (todo.containsKey(player))
////                todo.remove(player);
////        }
//  }
//  /**
//   * Checks if the given item is can be attached to the shop
//   * @param itemStack
//   * @return
//   */
//  private boolean isItemToAttach (ItemStack itemStack) {
//    if (itemStack == null)
//      return false;
//    return (itemStack.getData() instanceof Attachable
//       || itemStack.getTypeId()  == 323
//       || itemStack.getTypeId()   == 321
//       || itemStack.getType() == Material.ITEM_FRAME);
//  }
//  /*
//   * Remove any player-set unit size.
//   */
//  @EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.MONITOR)
//  public void onPlayerQuit(PlayerQuitEvent event) {
//    Player p = event.getPlayer();
//    ShowCaseStandalone.pv.clearPlayerTransactionAmount(p);
//    ShowCaseStandalone.pv.clearLastTransaction(p);
//  }
//  /*
//   * Adds given Todo-Object to HashMap
//   */
//  public void addTodo (Player player, Todo t) {
//    todo.put(player, t);
//  }
//  /*
//   * Removes Todo-Object with given player as key
//   */
//  public Todo removeTodo (Player player) {
//      return todo.remove(player);
//  }
//  /**
//   * Throws an exception if the shop is null
//   * @param shop
//   * @throws InsufficientPermissionException
//   */
//  private void checkShop (Shop shop) throws InsufficientPermissionException {
//    if (shop == null)
//      throw new InsufficientPermissionException(Term.ERROR_NOT_A_SHOP.get());
//  }
//  /**
//   * Performs the ShowCaseCreateEvent, and checks if it was canceled
//   * @param shop    Shop to check for
//   * @param player  Player that want to create the shop
//   * @throws InsufficientPermissionException
//   *
//   */
//  private void checkShowCaseCreateEvent (Location location, Player player) throws InsufficientPermissionException {
//    // TODO to be fully implemented soon
//    ShowCaseCreateEvent event = new ShowCaseCreateEvent(player, location, null, false, 0, null);
//    if (scs.callShowCaseEvent(event)) {
//      if (event.getCause() instanceof InsufficientPermissionException) {
//        throw (InsufficientPermissionException)event.getCause();
//      } else if (event.getCause() != null) {
//        throw new InsufficientPermissionException(event.getCause().getMessage());
//      } else {
//        throw new InsufficientPermissionException("Unknown issue, probably: " + Term.ERROR_AREA_PROTECTED.get());
//      }
//    }
//  }
//  /**
//   * Checks if the MaterialData is listed on the black or whitelist
//   * @param data
//   * @throws InsufficientPermissionException
//   */
//  private void checkBlackWhiteList (MaterialData data) throws InsufficientPermissionException {
//    if (Properties.blackList && Properties.blockList.contains(data)
//     ||!Properties.blackList &&!Properties.blockList.contains(data))
//      throw new InsufficientPermissionException(Term.BLACKLIST_BLOCK.get());
//  }
//  /**
//   * Adds Items from a Player to the shop
//   * @param shop
//   * @param sender
//   * @param isAdmin
//   * @param canManage
//   * @param amount
//   * @throws InsufficientPermissionException
//   * @throws ShopNotFoundException
//   */
//  private void onAddItems (Shop shop, Player sender, boolean isAdmin, boolean canManage, int amount) throws InsufficientPermissionException {
//    checkShop(shop);
//    amount = shop.onAddItems(isAdmin, canManage, sender, amount);
//    Messaging.send(sender, Term.INVENTORY_UPDATE.get(""+amount, ""+shop.getAmount()));
//  }
//  /**
//   * Gets Items from a shop and adds them to a player
//   * @param shop
//   * @param sender
//   * @param isAdmin
//   * @param canManage
//   * @param amount
//   * @throws InsufficientPermissionException
//   * @throws ShopNotFoundException
//   */
//  private void onGetItems (Shop shop, Player sender, boolean isAdmin, boolean canManage, int amount) throws InsufficientPermissionException {
//    checkShop(shop);
//    amount = shop.onGetItems(isAdmin, canManage, sender, amount);
//    Messaging.send(sender, Term.INVENTORY_CURRENT.get(""+shop.getAmount()));
//  }
//  /**
//   * Adds the given member to a shop
//   * @param shop
//   * @param sender
//   * @param isAdmin
//   * @param canManage
//   * @param member
//   * @throws InsufficientPermissionException
//   * @throws ShopNotFoundException
//   */
//  private void onAddMember (Shop shop, Player sender, boolean isAdmin, boolean canManage, String member) throws InsufficientPermissionException {
//    checkShop(shop);
//    shop.onAddMember(isAdmin, canManage, sender, member);
//    Messaging.send(sender, Term.MESSAGE_SUCCESSFULL_ADDED_MEMBER.get());
//  }
//  /**
//   * Removes a member from a shop
//   * @param shop
//   * @param sender
//   * @param isAdmin
//   * @param canManage
//   * @param member
//   * @throws InsufficientPermissionException
//   * @throws ShopNotFoundException
//   */
//  private void onRemoveMember (Shop shop, Player sender, boolean isAdmin, boolean canManage, String member) throws InsufficientPermissionException {
//    checkShop(shop);
//    shop.onRemMember(isAdmin, canManage, sender, member);
//    Messaging.send(sender, Term.MESSAGE_SUCCESSFULL_REMOVED_MEMBER.get());
//  }
//  /**
//   * Creates a shop
//   * @param shop
//   * @param sender
//   * @param isAdmin
//   * @param canManage
//   * @param block
//   * @throws InsufficientPermissionException
//   * @throws ShopNotFoundException
//   */
//  private void onCreate (Shop shop, Player sender, boolean isAdmin, Block block) throws InsufficientPermissionException {
//    checkShop(shop);
//    double   price    = 0;
//    boolean  canCreate  = false;
//    switch (shop.getActivity()) {
//    case BUY:
//      price    = Properties.buyShopCreatePrice;
//      canCreate  = scs.hasPermission(sender, Properties.permCreateBuy);
//      break;
//    case DISPLAY:
//      price    = Properties.displayCreatePrice;
//      canCreate  = scs.hasPermission(sender, Properties.permCreateDisplay);
//      break;
//    case EXCHANGE:
//      price    = Properties.exchangeCreatePrice;
//      canCreate  = scs.hasPermission(sender, Properties.permCreateExchange);
//      break;
//    case SELL:
//      price    = Properties.sellShopCreatePrice;
//      canCreate  = scs.hasPermission(sender, Properties.permCreateSell);
//      break;
//    default:
//      break;
//    }
//    if (!canCreate && !isAdmin)
//      throw new InsufficientPermissionException(Term.ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_PERMISSION.get());
//    if (price > 0 && !scs.getBalanceHandler().hasEnough(sender.getName(), price))
//      throw new InsufficientPermissionException(Term.ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_MONEY_CREATE.get());
//    if (scs.getShopHandler().isShopBlock(block))
//      throw new InsufficientPermissionException(Term.ERROR_ALREADY_SHOWCASE.get());
//    if ( Properties.maxShopAmountPerPlayer >= 0 && !sender.hasPermission( Properties.permMaxShopPerPlayerOverride ) && scs.getShopHandler().getShopAmount( sender.getName() ) >= Properties.maxShopAmountPerPlayer ) {
//      throw new InsufficientPermissionException(Term.ERROR_SHOP_LIMIT_EXCEEDED.get());
//    }
//    // Black- Whitelist check
//    checkBlackWhiteList    (new MaterialData(block.getTypeId(), block.getData()));
//    checkShowCaseCreateEvent(block.getLocation(), sender);
//    // get the promised items - ignore if in creative mode
//    if ((shop.getActivity() == Activity.SELL || shop.getActivity() == Activity.EXCHANGE) && shop.getAmount() > 0 && !shop.isUnlimited() && !GameMode.CREATIVE.equals(sender.getGameMode())) {
//      int removed  = ItemStackUtilities.removeFromInventory(sender.getInventory(), shop.getItemStack(), shop.getAmount(), shop.needsEqualNBTTag());
//      if (removed <= 0)
//        throw new InsufficientPermissionException(Term.ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_ITEMS_CREATE.get());
//      shop.setAmount(removed);
//    }
//    //Try to replace with a unique hash, otherwise keep the random hash.
////        try {shop.setSHA1(Utilities.sha1(block.toString()));} catch (IOException ioe) {}
//    shop.setBlock  (block  );
//    shop.setVisible  (true  );
//    scs.getShopHandler().addShop(shop);
//    scs.getBalanceHandler().sub(sender, price);
//    Messaging.send(sender, Term.MESSAGE_SUCCESSFULL_CREATED.get());
//    if (shop.getActivity() != Activity.DISPLAY && !shop.isUnlimited())
//      Messaging.send(sender, Term.INVENTORY_CURRENT.get(""+shop.getAmount()));
//    else if (shop.getActivity() != Activity.DISPLAY && shop.isUnlimited())
//      Messaging.send(sender, Term.INVENTORY_CURRENT.get(Term.INFO_UNLIMITED.get()));
//  }
//  /**
//   * Destroys the given shop
//   * @param shop
//   * @param sender
//   * @param isAdmin
//   * @throws InsufficientPermissionException
//   * @throws ShopNotFoundException
//   */
//  private void onDestroy (Shop shop, Player sender, boolean isAdmin) throws InsufficientPermissionException {
//    checkShop(shop);
//    if (!isAdmin)
//      throw new InsufficientPermissionException(Term.ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_PERMISSION_DESTROY.get());
//    scs.getShopHandler().removeShop(shop);
////    scs.getShopHandler().hide(shop); // done in remove
////    shop.hide();
//    Messaging.send(sender, Term.MESSAGE_SUCCESSFULL_DESTROYED.get());
//    // informs other listeners that this shop is now removed
//    // TODO
////    scs.callShowCaseRemovedEvent(shop, sender);
//  }
//  /**
//   * Sets the limit of a shop
//   * @param shop
//   * @param sender
//   * @param isAdmin
//   * @param canManage
//   * @param limit
//   * @throws InsufficientPermissionException
//   * @throws ShopNotFoundException
//   */
//  private void onLimit (Shop shop, Player sender, boolean isAdmin, boolean canManage, int limit) throws InsufficientPermissionException {
//    checkShop(shop);
//    shop.onSetLimit(isAdmin, canManage, sender, limit);
//    Messaging.send(sender, Term.MESSAGE_BUY_LIMIT.get(""+limit));
//  }
//  /**
//   * Removes a shop
//   * @param shop
//   * @param sender
//   * @param isAdmin
//   * @param canRemove
//   * @throws InsufficientPermissionException
//   * @throws ShopNotFoundException
//   */
//  private void onRemove (Shop shop, Player sender, boolean isAdmin, boolean canRemove) throws InsufficientPermissionException {
//    checkShop(shop);
//    if (!isAdmin && !(shop.isOwner(sender.getName()) && canRemove))
//      throw new InsufficientPermissionException(Term.ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_PERMISSION_REM_SHOWCASE.get());
//    int amount = 0;
//    if (!shop.isUnlimited()) {
//      // remove items
//      amount  = ItemStackUtilities.addToInventory(sender.getInventory(), shop.getItemStack(), shop.getAmount());
//      // set new amount
//      shop.setAmount(shop.getAmount() - amount);
//      // get rest amount
//      amount = shop.getAmount();
//    }
//    // check for ExcahngeShop
//    if (shop instanceof ExchangeShop && !shop.isUnlimited()) {
//      ExchangeShop exShop = (ExchangeShop)shop;
//      // remove items
//      int exAmount = ItemStackUtilities.addToInventory(sender.getInventory(), exShop.getExchangeItemStack(), exShop.getExchangeAmount());
//      // set new amount
//      exShop.setExchangeAmount(exShop.getExchangeAmount() - exAmount);
//      // add to amount
//      amount += exShop.getExchangeAmount();
//    }
//    if (amount > 0)
//      throw new InsufficientPermissionException(Term.INVENTORY_FULL.get());
//    scs.getShopHandler().removeShop(shop);
////    scs.getShopHandler().hide(shop);  // done in remove
////    shop.hide();
//    Messaging.send(sender, Term.MESSAGE_SUCCESSFULL_REMOVED.get());
//    // informs other listeners that this shop is now removed
////    scs.callShowCaseRemovedEvent(shop, sender); // TODO
//  }
//  /**
//   * Sets the owner of a shop
//   * @param shop
//   * @param sender
//   * @param isAdmin
//   * @param canManage
//   * @param owner
//   * @throws InsufficientPermissionException
//   * @throws ShopNotFoundException
//   */
//  private void onSetOwner (Shop shop, Player sender, boolean isAdmin, boolean canManage, String owner) throws InsufficientPermissionException {
//    checkShop(shop);
//    shop.onSetOwner(isAdmin, canManage, sender, owner);
//    Messaging.send(sender, Term.MESSAGE_SET_OWNER.get(owner));
//  }
//  /**
//   * Sets the price of a shop
//   * @param shop
//   * @param sender
//   * @param isAdmin
//   * @param canManage
//   * @param price
//   * @throws InsufficientPermissionException
//   * @throws ShopNotFoundException
//   */
//  private void onSetPrice (Shop shop, Player sender, boolean isAdmin, boolean canManage, double price) throws InsufficientPermissionException {
//    checkShop(shop);
//    shop.onSetPrice(isAdmin, canManage, sender, price);
//    Messaging.send(sender, Term.MESSAGE_SET_PRICE.get(""+price));
//  }
//  /**
//   * Destroys the given shop
//   * @param player
//   * @param b
//   * @throws ShopNotFoundException
//   * @throws InsufficientPermissionException
//   */
//  private void destroy (Player player, Block b) throws ShopNotFoundException, InsufficientPermissionException {
//    Shop  shop  = scs.getShopHandler().getShopForBlock(b);
//    if (shop == null)
//      throw new ShopNotFoundException();
//    if (!scs.hasPermission(player, Properties.permAdmin))
//      throw new InsufficientPermissionException(Term.ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_PERMISSION_DESTROY.get());
//    // destroy the shop
//    scs.getShopHandler().removeShop(shop);
//    Messaging.send(player, Term.MESSAGE_SUCCESSFULL_DESTROYED);
//  }
//  /*
//   * Changes price of a shop
//   */
//  private void price (Player player, Block b, double price) throws ShopNotFoundException, InsufficientPermissionException {
//    Shop shop = scs.getShopHandler().getShopForBlock(b);
//    if (shop == null)
//                        throw new ShopNotFoundException();
//    if (shop.getActivity().equals(Activity.DISPLAY)) {
//      Messaging.send(player, Term.ERROR_SET_PRICE_DISPLAY.get());
//      return;
//    }
//        if (!player.getName().equals(shop.getOwner()) && !scs.hasPermission(player, Properties.permAdmin))
//                throw new InsufficientPermissionException(Term.ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_PERMISSION_SET_PRICE.get());
//    // Set the shop price
//    shop.setPrice(price);
//    Messaging.send(player, Term.MESSAGE_SET_PRICE.get() + scs.formatCurrency(shop.getPrice()));
//    // Saving changes
//    this.saveShop(shop, player);
//  }
//  /*
//   * Changes maxAmount of a BUY showcase
//   */
//  private void limit (Player player, Block b, int limit) throws ShopNotFoundException, InsufficientPermissionException {
//    Shop shop = scs.getShopHandler().getShopForBlock(b);
//    if (shop == null)
//                        throw new ShopNotFoundException();
//    if(!shop.getActivity().equals(Activity.BUY)) {
//      Messaging.send(player, Term.ERROR_BUY_LIMIT.get());
//      return;
//    }
//        if (!player.getName().equals(shop.getOwner()) && !scs.hasPermission(player, Properties.permAdmin))
//                throw new InsufficientPermissionException(Term.ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_PERMISSION_SET_LIMIT.get());
//    // Set the shop limit
//    shop.setMaxAmount(limit);
//    Messaging.send(player, Term.MESSAGE_BUY_LIMIT.get() + shop.getMaxAmount());
//    // Saving changes
//    this.saveShop(shop, player);
//  }
////  /*
////   * Add Items to a shop
////   */
////  private void add (Player player, Block b, int amount) throws ShopNotFoundException, InsufficientPermissionException {
////    Shop shop = scs.getShopHandler().getShopForBlock(b);
////    if (shop == null)
////          throw new ShopNotFoundException();
////    if (shop.getActivity().equals(Activity.DISPLAY)) {
////      Messaging.send(player, Term.ERROR_ADD_ITEMS_DISPlAY.get());
////      return;
////    }
////    if (shop.isUnlimited()) {
////      Messaging.send(player, Term.ERROR_ADD_ITEMS_UNLIMITED.get());
////      return;
////    }
////    int workingAmount = shop.getItemsFromPlayer(player, amount, scs.hasPermission(player, Properties.permAdmin));
////    saveShop(shop, player);
////    Messaging.send(player, Term.INVENTORY_UPDATE.get(String.valueOf(workingAmount),
////        String.valueOf(shop.getAmount())));
////    ShowCaseStandalone.tlog(player.getName(), player.getName(), "add",
////        workingAmount, 0, shop.getMaterial(), shop.getSHA1(), shop.getAmount());
//////    if (shop.getActivity().equals(Activity.DISPLAY)) {
//////      Messaging.send(player, Term.ERROR_ADD_ITEMS_DISPlAY.get());
//////      return;
//////    }
//////        if (!player.getName().equals(shop.getOwner()) && !scs.hasPermission(player, Properties.permAdmin))
//////                throw new InsufficientPermissionException(Term.ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_PERMISSION_ADD_ITEM.get());
//////    if (shop.isUnlimited()) {
//////      Messaging.send(player, Term.ERROR_ADD_ITEMS_UNLIMITED.get());
//////      return;
//////    }
//////    int workingAmount = ItemStackHandler.removeFromInventory(player.getInventory(), shop.getItemStack(), amount, shop.needsEqualNBTTag());
////////        int workingAmount = shop.safeRemoveItems(player, amount);
//////        shop.setAmount(shop.getAmount() + workingAmount);
//////        Messaging.send(player, Term.INVENTORY_UPDATE.get(String.valueOf(workingAmount), String.valueOf(shop.getAmount())));
//////            // Saving changes
//////       this.saveShop(shop, player);
//////        ShowCaseStandalone.tlog(player.getName(), player.getName(), "add", workingAmount, 0, shop.getMaterial(), shop.getSHA1(), shop.getAmount());
////  }
////  /*
////   * Get Item from shop
////   */
////  private void get (Player player, Block b, int amount) throws ShopNotFoundException, InsufficientPermissionException {
////    Shop shop = scs.getShopHandler().getShopForBlock(b);
////    if (shop == null)
////      throw new ShopNotFoundException();
////    if (shop.getActivity().equals(Activity.DISPLAY)) {
////      Messaging.send(player, Term.ERROR_GET_DISPLAY.get());
////      return;
////    }
////    int workingAmount = shop.addItemsToPlayer(player, amount, scs.hasPermission(player, Properties.permAdmin));
////    saveShop(shop, player);
////    Messaging.send(player, Term.MESSAGE_RECEIVED_ITEMS.get(String.valueOf(workingAmount)) +
////              ((workingAmount == 0) ? Term.ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_ROOM.get() : ""));
////        ShowCaseStandalone.tlog(player.getName(), player.getName(), "get",
////              workingAmount, 0, shop.getMaterial(), shop.getSHA1(), shop.getAmount());
//////        if (!player.getName().equals(shop.getOwner()) && !scs.hasPermission(player, Properties.permAdmin))
//////                throw new InsufficientPermissionException(Term.ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_PERMISSION_GET_ITEM.get());
//////    if (shop.getAmount() < 0)
//////      Messaging.send(player, Term.ERROR_REM_ITEMS_UNLIMITED.get());
//////            if (amount == 0 || amount > shop.getAmount())
//////                    amount = shop.getAmount();
//////            //Remove as many of the item, up to the amount specified, and store
//////            //how much was actually removed.
//////            int workingAmount  = ItemStackHandler.addToInventory(player.getInventory(), shop.getItemStack(), amount);
////////            int workingAmount = shop.safeAddItems(player, amount);
//////            shop.setAmount(shop.getAmount() - workingAmount);
//////            Messaging.send(player, Term.MESSAGE_RECEIVED_ITEMS.get(String.valueOf(workingAmount)) +
//////                ((workingAmount == 0) ? Term.ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_ROOM.get() : ""));
//////            ShowCaseStandalone.tlog(player.getName(), player.getName(), "get",
//////                workingAmount, 0, shop.getMaterial(), shop.getSHA1(), shop.getAmount());
//////            // Saving changes
//////            this.saveShop(shop, player);
////  }
//  /*
//   * Removes a shop
//   */
//  private void remove (Player player, Block b) throws ShopNotFoundException, InsufficientPermissionException {
//    Shop shop = scs.getShopHandler().getShopForBlock(b);
//    if (shop == null)
//      throw new ShopNotFoundException();
//    if (!player.getName().equals(shop.getOwner()) && !scs.hasPermission(player, Properties.permAdmin))
//      throw new InsufficientPermissionException(Term.ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_PERMISSION_REM_SHOWCASE.get());
//    if (!shop.getActivity().equals(Activity.DISPLAY)) {
//      //Remove as many items as I can.
//      int workingAmount = ItemStackHandler.addToInventory(player.getInventory(), shop.getItemStack(), shop.getAmount());
//      shop.setAmount(shop.getAmount() - workingAmount);
//      Messaging.send(player, Term.MESSAGE_RECEIVED_ITEMS.get(String.valueOf(workingAmount)));
//      ShowCaseStandalone.tlog(player.getName(), player.getName(), "remove", workingAmount, 0, shop.getMaterial(), shop.getSHA1(), shop.getAmount());
//            if(shop.getAmount() > 0){
//        Messaging.send(player, Term.INVENTORY_FULL.get());
//        Messaging.send(player, Term.ITEM_LEFT.get() + shop.getAmount());
//        this.saveShop(shop, player);
//        return;
//            }
//    }
//                // Remove the showcase
//    scs.getShopHandler().removeShop(shop);
//    Messaging.send(player, Term.MESSAGE_SUCCESSFULL_REMOVED.get());
//  }
//  /*
//   * Create a shop
//   */
//  private void create (Player player, Block b) throws ShopNotFoundException, InsufficientPermissionException {
//    Shop p        = this.removeTodo(player).shop;
//    int removed = 0;
//    double createPrice = 0;
//    switch (p.getActivity()) {
//    case SELL:
//      createPrice = Properties.sellShopCreatePrice;
//      break;
//    case BUY:
//      createPrice = Properties.buyShopCreatePrice;
//      break;
//    case DISPLAY:
//      createPrice = Properties.displayCreatePrice;
//      break;
//    case EXCHANGE:
//      createPrice  = Properties.exchangeCreatePrice;
//    }
//    if(!scs.getBalanceHandler().hasEnough(player.getName(), createPrice)){
//      Messaging.send(player, Term.ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_MONEY_CREATE.get());
//      return;
//    }  
//    if (scs.getShopHandler().isShopBlock(b)) {
//      Messaging.send(player, Term.ERROR_ALREADY_SHOWCASE.get());
//      return;
//    }
//        //Check for blacklisted/whitelisted shop block
//        // I hate fucking workarounds.  Fucking bukkit.
//        MaterialData md = new MaterialData(b.getTypeId(), b.getData());
//        if  (Properties.blackList && Properties.blockList.contains(md)
//                ||
//            (!Properties.blackList && !Properties.blockList.contains(md)))
//                throw new InsufficientPermissionException(Term.BLACKLIST_BLOCK.get());
//    if ((p.getActivity() == Activity.SELL || p.getActivity() == Activity.EXCHANGE) && p.getAmount() > 0 && !p.isUnlimited()) {
//      //Just try to remove the items and see how many I actually can remove (up to the specified amount).
//      removed = ItemStackHandler.removeFromInventory(player.getInventory(), p.getItemStack(), p.getAmount(), p.needsEqualNBTTag());
//      if(removed == 0) {
//        Messaging.send(player, Term.ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_ITEMS_CREATE.get());
//        return;
//      }
//    }
//        //Try to replace with a unique hash, otherwise keep the random hash.
//        try {p.setSHA1(Utilities.sha1(b.toString()));} catch (IOException ioe) {}
//    p.setAmount     (removed);
//    p.setBlock    (b);
//    p.setVisible  (true);
//    scs.getShopHandler().addShop(p);
//    this.saveShop(p, player);  // Saving the shop
//    scs.getBalanceHandler().sub(player, createPrice);
//    Messaging.send(player, Term.MESSAGE_SUCCESSFULL_CREATED.get());
//    if (!p.getActivity().equals(Activity.DISPLAY)) {
//      Messaging.send(player, Term.INVENTORY_CURRENT.get() + p.getAmount());
//      ShowCaseStandalone.tlog(player.getName(), player.getName(), "create", removed, createPrice, p.getMaterial(), p.getSHA1(), p.getAmount());
//    }
//  }
//  /*
//   *  Set Owner of a shop
//   */
//  private void setOwner (Player player, Block b) throws ShopNotFoundException, InsufficientPermissionException {
//    Todo t = this.removeTodo(player);
//    Shop   p     = scs.getShopHandler().getShopForBlock(b);
//    String  owner  = t.string;
//    if (p == null)
//      throw new ShopNotFoundException();
//      if (!player.getName().equals(p.getOwner()) && !scs.hasPermission(player, Properties.permAdmin))
//            throw new InsufficientPermissionException(Term.ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_PERMISSION_SET_OWNER.get());
//    p.setOwner(owner);    
//    Messaging.send(player, Term.MESSAGE_SET_OWNER.get(owner));
//    // Saving changes
//    this.saveShop(p, player);
//  }

//  private void saveShop (Shop p, Player player) {
//    try {
//      scs.getShopHandler().save(p);
//    } catch (IOException ioe) {
//      scs.log(Level.WARNING, ioe+" while saving a shop.");
//      Messaging.send(player, Term.ERROR_ON_SAVE.get());
//    }
//  }
//        /**
//         * Checks for ability of player to do something where the showcase will be.  Default is
//         * to check for building rights (BlockPlaceEvent), but can be other.
//         * @param p Player
//         * @param b Block
//         * @return
//         */
//        private boolean cantInteract(Player p, Block b) {
//            //Right now, block place is the only interact I can think of supported by bukkit.
//            BlockPlaceEvent     bpe   = new BlockPlaceEvent(b, b.getState(), b.getRelative(BlockFace.DOWN), p.getItemInHand(), p, true);
//            ShowCaseCreateEvent    scce  = new ShowCaseCreateEvent(b.getLocation(), p);
//            Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().callEvent(scce);
//            Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().callEvent(bpe);
//            return bpe.isCancelled() || scce.isCancelled();
//        }

Related Classes of com.kellerkindt.scs.listeners.PlayerListener

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