Package org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.internal

Source Code of org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.internal.ModuleImpl

// Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 The Apache Software Foundation
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

package org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.internal;

import org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.*;
import org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.annotations.Local;
import org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.def.*;
import org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.internal.util.*;
import org.apache.tapestry5.plastic.*;
import org.slf4j.Logger;

import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.util.*;

import static java.lang.String.format;

public class ModuleImpl implements Module
    private final InternalRegistry registry;

    private final ServiceActivityTracker tracker;

    private final ModuleDef2 moduleDef;

    private final PlasticProxyFactory proxyFactory;

    private final Logger logger;

     * Lazily instantiated. Access is guarded by BARRIER.
    private Object moduleInstance;

    // Set to true when invoking the module constructor. Used to
    // detect endless loops caused by irresponsible dependencies in
    // the constructor.
    private boolean insideConstructor;

     * Keyed on fully qualified service id; values are instantiated services (proxies). Guarded by BARRIER.
    private final Map<String, Object> services = CollectionFactory.newCaseInsensitiveMap();

    private final Map<String, ServiceDef3> serviceDefs = CollectionFactory.newCaseInsensitiveMap();

     * The barrier is shared by all modules, which means that creation of *any* service for any module is single
     * threaded.
    private final static ConcurrentBarrier BARRIER = new ConcurrentBarrier();

     * "Magic" method related to Serializable that allows the Proxy object to replace itself with the token when being
     * streamed out.
    private static final MethodDescription WRITE_REPLACE = new MethodDescription(Modifier.PRIVATE, "java.lang.Object",
            "writeReplace", null, null, new String[]

    public ModuleImpl(InternalRegistry registry, ServiceActivityTracker tracker, ModuleDef moduleDef,
                      PlasticProxyFactory proxyFactory, Logger logger)
        this.registry = registry;
        this.tracker = tracker;
        this.proxyFactory = proxyFactory;
        this.moduleDef = InternalUtils.toModuleDef2(moduleDef);
        this.logger = logger;

        for (String id : moduleDef.getServiceIds())
            ServiceDef sd = moduleDef.getServiceDef(id);

            ServiceDef3 sd3 = InternalUtils.toServiceDef3(sd);

            serviceDefs.put(id, sd3);

    public <T> T getService(String serviceId, Class<T> serviceInterface)
        assert InternalUtils.isNonBlank(serviceId);
        assert serviceInterface != null;
        ServiceDef3 def = getServiceDef(serviceId);

        // RegistryImpl should already have checked that the service exists.
        assert def != null;

        Object service = findOrCreate(def, null);

            return serviceInterface.cast(service);
        } catch (ClassCastException ex)
            // This may be overkill: I don't know how this could happen
            // given that the return type of the method determines
            // the service interface.

            throw new RuntimeException(IOCMessages.serviceWrongInterface(serviceId, def.getServiceInterface(),

    public Set<DecoratorDef> findMatchingDecoratorDefs(ServiceDef serviceDef)
        Set<DecoratorDef> result = CollectionFactory.newSet();

        for (DecoratorDef def : moduleDef.getDecoratorDefs())
            if (def.matches(serviceDef) || markerMatched(serviceDef, InternalUtils.toDecoratorDef2(def)))

        return result;

    public Set<AdvisorDef> findMatchingServiceAdvisors(ServiceDef serviceDef)
        Set<AdvisorDef> result = CollectionFactory.newSet();

        for (AdvisorDef def : moduleDef.getAdvisorDefs())
            if (def.matches(serviceDef) || markerMatched(serviceDef, InternalUtils.toAdvisorDef2(def)))

        return result;

    public Collection<String> findServiceIdsForInterface(Class serviceInterface)
        assert serviceInterface != null;
        Collection<String> result = CollectionFactory.newList();

        for (ServiceDef2 def : serviceDefs.values())
            if (serviceInterface.isAssignableFrom(def.getServiceInterface()))

        return result;

     * Locates the service proxy for a particular service (from the service definition).
     * @param def              defines the service
     * @param eagerLoadProxies collection into which proxies for eager loaded services are added (or null)
     * @return the service proxy
    private Object findOrCreate(final ServiceDef3 def, final Collection<EagerLoadServiceProxy> eagerLoadProxies)
        final String key = def.getServiceId();

        final Invokable create = new Invokable()
            public Object invoke()
                // In a race condition, two threads may try to create the same service simulatenously.
                // The second will block until after the first creates the service.

                Object result = services.get(key);

                // Normally, result is null, unless some other thread slipped in and created the service
                // proxy.

                if (result == null)
                    result = create(def, eagerLoadProxies);

                    services.put(key, result);

                return result;

        Invokable find = new Invokable()
            public Object invoke()
                Object result = services.get(key);

                if (result == null)
                    result = BARRIER.withWrite(create);

                return result;

        return BARRIER.withRead(find);

    public void collectEagerLoadServices(final Collection<EagerLoadServiceProxy> proxies)
        Runnable work = new Runnable()
            public void run()
                for (ServiceDef3 def : serviceDefs.values())
                    if (def.isEagerLoad())
                        findOrCreate(def, proxies);
        };"Eager loading services", work);

     * Creates the service and updates the cache of created services.
     * @param eagerLoadProxies a list into which any eager loaded proxies should be added
    private Object create(final ServiceDef3 def, final Collection<EagerLoadServiceProxy> eagerLoadProxies)
        final String serviceId = def.getServiceId();

        final Logger logger = registry.getServiceLogger(serviceId);

        final Class serviceInterface = def.getServiceInterface();

        String description = String.format("Creating %s service %s",
                serviceInterface.isInterface() ? "proxy for" : "non-proxied instance of",

        if (logger.isDebugEnabled())

        final Module module = this;

        Invokable operation = new Invokable()
            public Object invoke()
                    ServiceBuilderResources resources = new ServiceResourcesImpl(registry, module, def, proxyFactory,

                    // Build up a stack of operations that will be needed to realize the service
                    // (by the proxy, at a later date).

                    ObjectCreator creator = def.createServiceCreator(resources);

                    // For non-proxyable services, we immediately create the service implementation
                    // and return it. There's no interface to proxy, which throws out the possibility of
                    // deferred instantiation, service lifecycles, and decorators.

                    ServiceLifecycle2 lifecycle = registry.getServiceLifecycle(def.getServiceScope());

                    if (!serviceInterface.isInterface())
                        if (lifecycle.requiresProxy())
                            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                                            "Service scope '%s' requires a proxy, but the service does not have a service interface (necessary to create a proxy). Provide a service interface or select a different service scope.",

                        return creator.createObject();

                    creator = new OperationTrackingObjectCreator(registry, String.format("Instantiating service %s implementation via %s", serviceId, creator), creator);

                    creator = new LifecycleWrappedServiceCreator(lifecycle, resources, creator);

                    // Marked services (or services inside marked modules) are not decorated.
                    // TapestryIOCModule prevents decoration of its services. Note that all decorators will decorate
                    // around the aspect interceptor, which wraps around the core service implementation.

                    boolean allowDecoration = !def.isPreventDecoration();

                    if (allowDecoration)
                        creator = new AdvisorStackBuilder(def, creator, getAspectDecorator(), registry);
                        creator = new InterceptorStackBuilder(def, creator, registry);

                    // Add a wrapper that checks for recursion.

                    creator = new RecursiveServiceCreationCheckWrapper(def, creator, logger);

                    creator = new OperationTrackingObjectCreator(registry, "Realizing service " + serviceId, creator);

                    JustInTimeObjectCreator delegate = new JustInTimeObjectCreator(tracker, creator, serviceId);

                    Object proxy = createProxy(resources, delegate);


                    // Occasionally eager load service A may invoke service B from its service builder method; if
                    // service B is eager loaded, we'll hit this method but eagerLoadProxies will be null. That's OK
                    // ... service B is being realized anyway.

                    if (def.isEagerLoad() && eagerLoadProxies != null)

                    tracker.setStatus(serviceId, Status.VIRTUAL);

                    return proxy;
                } catch (Exception ex)
                    throw new RuntimeException(IOCMessages.errorBuildingService(serviceId, def, ex), ex);

        return registry.invoke(description, operation);

    private AspectDecorator getAspectDecorator()
        return registry.invoke("Obtaining AspectDecorator service", new Invokable<AspectDecorator>()
            public AspectDecorator invoke()
                return registry.getService(AspectDecorator.class);

    private final Runnable instantiateModule = new Runnable()
        public void run()
            moduleInstance = registry.invoke("Constructing module class " + moduleDef.getBuilderClass().getName(),
                    new Invokable()
                        public Object invoke()
                            return instantiateModuleInstance();

    private final Invokable provideModuleInstance = new Invokable<Object>()
        public Object invoke()
            if (moduleInstance == null)

            return moduleInstance;

    public Object getModuleBuilder()
        return BARRIER.withRead(provideModuleInstance);

    private Object instantiateModuleInstance()
        Class moduleClass = moduleDef.getBuilderClass();

        Constructor[] constructors = moduleClass.getConstructors();

        if (constructors.length == 0)
            throw new RuntimeException(IOCMessages.noPublicConstructors(moduleClass));

        if (constructors.length > 1)
            // Sort the constructors ascending by number of parameters (descending); this is really
            // just to allow the test suite to work properly across different JVMs (which will
            // often order the constructors differently).

            Comparator<Constructor> comparator = new Comparator<Constructor>()
                public int compare(Constructor c1, Constructor c2)
                    return c2.getParameterTypes().length - c1.getParameterTypes().length;

            Arrays.sort(constructors, comparator);

            logger.warn(IOCMessages.tooManyPublicConstructors(moduleClass, constructors[0]));

        Constructor constructor = constructors[0];

        if (insideConstructor)
            throw new RuntimeException(IOCMessages.recursiveModuleConstructor(moduleClass, constructor));

        ObjectLocator locator = new ObjectLocatorImpl(registry, this);
        Map<Class, Object> resourcesMap = CollectionFactory.newMap();

        resourcesMap.put(Logger.class, logger);
        resourcesMap.put(ObjectLocator.class, locator);
        resourcesMap.put(OperationTracker.class, registry);

        InjectionResources resources = new MapInjectionResources(resourcesMap);

        Throwable fail = null;

            insideConstructor = true;

            ObjectCreator[] parameterValues = InternalUtils.calculateParameters(locator, resources,
                    constructor.getParameterTypes(), constructor.getGenericParameterTypes(),
                    constructor.getParameterAnnotations(), registry);

            Object[] realized = InternalUtils.realizeObjects(parameterValues);

            Object result = constructor.newInstance(realized);

            InternalUtils.injectIntoFields(result, locator, resources, registry);

            return result;
        } catch (InvocationTargetException ex)
            fail = ex.getTargetException();
        } catch (Exception ex)
            fail = ex;
        } finally
            insideConstructor = false;

        throw new RuntimeException(IOCMessages.instantiateBuilderError(moduleClass, fail), fail);

    private Object createProxy(ServiceResources resources, ObjectCreator creator)
        String serviceId = resources.getServiceId();
        Class serviceInterface = resources.getServiceInterface();

        String toString = format("<Proxy for %s(%s)>", serviceId, serviceInterface.getName());

        ServiceProxyToken token = SerializationSupport.createToken(serviceId);

        return createProxyInstance(creator, token, serviceInterface, toString);

    private Object createProxyInstance(final ObjectCreator creator, final ServiceProxyToken token,
                                       final Class serviceInterface, final String description)
        ClassInstantiator instantiator = proxyFactory.createProxy(serviceInterface, new PlasticClassTransformer()
            public void transform(final PlasticClass plasticClass)

                final PlasticField creatorField = plasticClass.introduceField(ObjectCreator.class, "creator").inject(

                final PlasticField tokenField = plasticClass.introduceField(ServiceProxyToken.class, "token").inject(

                PlasticMethod delegateMethod = plasticClass.introducePrivateMethod(serviceInterface.getName(),
                        "delegate", null, null);

                // If not concerned with efficiency, this might be done with method advice instead.
                delegateMethod.changeImplementation(new InstructionBuilderCallback()
                    public void doBuild(InstructionBuilder builder)
                        builder.invoke(ObjectCreator.class, Object.class, "createObject").checkcast(serviceInterface)

                for (Method m : serviceInterface.getMethods())

                plasticClass.introduceMethod(WRITE_REPLACE).changeImplementation(new InstructionBuilderCallback()
                    public void doBuild(InstructionBuilder builder)


        return instantiator.newInstance();

    public Set<ContributionDef2> getContributorDefsForService(ServiceDef serviceDef)
        Set<ContributionDef2> result = CollectionFactory.newSet();

        for (ContributionDef next : moduleDef.getContributionDefs())
            ContributionDef2 def = InternalUtils.toContributionDef2(next);

            if (serviceDef.getServiceId().equalsIgnoreCase(def.getServiceId()))
            } else
                if (markerMatched(serviceDef, def))

        return result;

    private boolean markerMatched(ServiceDef serviceDef, Markable markable)
        final Class markableInterface = markable.getServiceInterface();

        if (markableInterface == null || !markableInterface.isAssignableFrom(serviceDef.getServiceInterface()))
            return false;

        Set<Class> contributionMarkers = CollectionFactory.newSet(markable.getMarkers());

        if (contributionMarkers.contains(Local.class))
            // If @Local is present, filter out services that aren't in the same module.
            // Don't consider @Local to be a marker annotation
            // for the later match, however.

            if (!isLocalServiceDef(serviceDef))
                return false;


        // Filter out any stray annotations that aren't used by some
        // service, in any module, as a marker annotation.


        //@Advise and @Decorate default to Object.class service interface.
        //If @Match is present, no marker annotations are needed.
        //In such a case an empty contribution marker list  should be ignored.
        if (markableInterface == Object.class && contributionMarkers.isEmpty())
            return false;

        return serviceDef.getMarkers().containsAll(contributionMarkers);

    private boolean isLocalServiceDef(ServiceDef serviceDef)
        return serviceDefs.containsKey(serviceDef.getServiceId());

    public ServiceDef3 getServiceDef(String serviceId)
        return serviceDefs.get(serviceId);

    public String getLoggerName()
        return moduleDef.getLoggerName();

    public String toString()
        return String.format("ModuleImpl[%s]", moduleDef.getLoggerName());

Related Classes of org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.internal.ModuleImpl

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