Package mondrian.test

Source Code of mondrian.test.ScenarioTest

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* Copyright (c) 2002-2013 Pentaho Corporation..  All rights reserved.

package mondrian.test;

import mondrian.olap.Result;

import org.olap4j.*;

import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.Arrays;

* Test for writeback functionality.
* @author jhyde
* @since 24 April, 2009
public class ScenarioTest extends FoodMartTestCase {
     * Tests creating a scenario and setting a connection's active scenario.
    public void testCreateScenario() throws SQLException {
        final OlapConnection connection =
        try {
            final Scenario scenario = connection.createScenario();
            assertSame(scenario, connection.getScenario());
            final Scenario scenario2 = connection.createScenario();
        } finally {

     * Tests setting the value of one cell.
    public void testSetCell() throws SQLException {
        final OlapConnection connection =
        try {
            final Scenario scenario = connection.createScenario();
                "select {[Measures].[Unit Sales]} on 0,\n"
                + "{[Product].Children} on 1\n"
                + "from [Sales]");
        } finally {

     * Tests that setting a cell's value without an active scenario is illegal.
    public void testSetCellWithoutScenarioFails() throws SQLException {
        final OlapConnection connection =
        try {
            final PreparedOlapStatement pstmt = connection.prepareOlapStatement(
                "select {[Measures].[Unit Sales]} on 0,\n"
                + "{[Product].Children} on 1\n"
                + "from [Sales]");
            final CellSet result = pstmt.executeQuery();
            final Cell cell = result.getCell(Arrays.asList(0, 1));
            try {
                cell.setValue(123, AllocationPolicy.EQUAL_ALLOCATION);
                fail("expected error");
            } catch (RuntimeException e) {
                TestContext.checkThrowable(e, "No active scenario");
        } finally {

     * Tests that setting a calculated member is illegal.
    public void testSetCellCalcError() throws SQLException {
        final TestContext testContext = TestContext.instance().withScenario();
        final OlapConnection connection = testContext.getOlap4jConnection();
        PreparedOlapStatement pstmt = connection.prepareOlapStatement(
            "with member [Measures].[Unit Sales Plus One]\n"
            + "   as ' [Measures].[Unit Sales] + 1 '\n"
            + "select {[Measures].[Unit Sales Plus One]} on 0,\n"
            + "{[Product].Children} on 1\n"
            + "from [Sales]");
        CellSet cellSet = pstmt.executeQuery();
        Cell cell = cellSet.getCell(Arrays.asList(0, 1));
        try {
            cell.setValue(123, AllocationPolicy.EQUAL_ALLOCATION);
            fail("expected exception");
        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
                "Cannot write to cell: one of the coordinates "
                + "([Measures].[Unit Sales Plus One]) is a calculated member");

        // Calc member on non-measures dimension
        cellSet = pstmt.executeOlapQuery(
            "with member [Product].[FoodDrink]\n"
            + "   as Aggregate({[Product].[Food], [Product].[Drink]})\n"
            + "select {[Measures].[Unit Sales]} on 0,\n"
            + "{[Product].Children, [Product].[FoodDrink]} on 1\n"
            + "from [Sales]");
        // OK to set ([Measures].[Unit Sales], [Product].[Drink])
        cell = cellSet.getCell(Arrays.asList(0, 1));
        cell.setValue(123, AllocationPolicy.EQUAL_ALLOCATION);
        // Not OK to set ([Measures].[Unit Sales], [Product].[FoodDrink])
        cell = cellSet.getCell(Arrays.asList(0, 3));
        try {
            cell.setValue(123, AllocationPolicy.EQUAL_ALLOCATION);
            fail("expected exception");
        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
                "Cannot write to cell: one of the coordinates "
                + "([Product].[FoodDrink]) is a calculated member");

     * Tests that allocation policies that are not supported give an error.
    public void testUnsupportedAllocationPolicyFails() throws SQLException {
        final TestContext testContext = TestContext.instance().withScenario();
        final OlapConnection connection = testContext.getOlap4jConnection();
        final PreparedOlapStatement pstmt = connection.prepareOlapStatement(
            "select {[Measures].[Unit Sales]} on 0,\n"
            + "{[Product].Children} on 1\n"
            + "from [Sales]");
        final CellSet cellSet = pstmt.executeQuery();
        final Cell cell = cellSet.getCell(Arrays.asList(0, 1));
        for (AllocationPolicy policy : AllocationPolicy.values()) {
            switch (policy) {
            case EQUAL_ALLOCATION:
            case EQUAL_INCREMENT:
            try {
                cell.setValue(123, policy);
                fail("expected error");
            } catch (RuntimeException e) {
                    "Allocation policy " + policy + " is not supported");
        try {
            cell.setValue(123, null);
            fail("expected error");
        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
                e, "Allocation policy must not be null");

     * Tests setting cells by the "equal increment" allocation policy.
    public void testEqualIncrement() throws SQLException {

     * Tests setting cells by the "equal allocation" allocation policy.
    public void testEqualAllocation() throws SQLException {

    private void assertAllocation(
        final AllocationPolicy allocationPolicy) throws SQLException
        // TODO: Should not need to explicitly create a scenario. Add element
        //  <Writeback enabled="true"/>
        // to cube definition, and [Scenario] dimension will appear. Also, need
        // more elegant way for users to create dimensions that only contain
        // calculated members.
        final TestContext testContext =
                "<Dimension name='Scenario' foreignKey='time_id'>\n"
                + "  <Hierarchy primaryKey='time_id' hasAll='true'>\n"
                + "    <InlineTable alias='foo'>\n"
                + "      <ColumnDefs>\n"
                + "        <ColumnDef name='foo' type='Numeric'/>\n"
                + "      </ColumnDefs>\n"
                + "      <Rows/>\n"
                + "    </InlineTable>\n"
                + "    <Level name='Scenario' column='foo'/>\n"
                + "  </Hierarchy>\n"
                + "</Dimension>",
                "<Measure name='Atomic Cell Count' aggregator='count'/>")
        final OlapConnection connection = testContext.getOlap4jConnection();
        final Scenario scenario = connection.getScenario();
        String id = scenario.getId();
        final PreparedOlapStatement pstmt = connection.prepareOlapStatement(
            "select {[Measures].[Unit Sales]} on 0,\n"
            + "{[Product].Children} on 1\n"
            + "from [Sales]\n"
            + "where [Scenario].["
            + id
            + "]");
        CellSet cellSet = pstmt.executeQuery();

        // Update ([Product].[Drink], [Measures].[Unit Sales])
        // from 24,597 to 23,597.
        final Cell cell = cellSet.getCell(Arrays.asList(0, 0));
        cell.setValue(23597, allocationPolicy);

            "select {[Measures].[Unit Sales]} on 0,\n"
            + "{[Product].[Drink]} on 1\n"
            + "from [Sales]"
            + "where [Scenario].[" + id + "]",
            "Axis #0:\n"
            + "{[Scenario].[" + id + "]}\n"
            + "Axis #1:\n"
            + "{[Measures].[Unit Sales]}\n"
            + "Axis #2:\n"
            + "{[Product].[Drink]}\n"
            + "Row #0: 23,597\n");

            "select {[Measures].[Unit Sales]} on 0,\n"
            + "{[Product].Children,\n"
            + " [Product].[Drink].Children,\n"
            + " [Product].[Drink].[Beverages].[Carbonated Beverages].[Soda],\n"
            + " [Product].[Drink].[Beverages].[Carbonated Beverages].[Soda].Children} on 1\n"
            + "from [Sales]"
            + "where [Scenario].[" + id + "]",
            "Axis #0:\n"
            + "{[Scenario].[" + id + "]}\n"
            + "Axis #1:\n"
            + "{[Measures].[Unit Sales]}\n"
            + "Axis #2:\n"
            + "{[Product].[Drink]}\n"
            + "{[Product].[Food]}\n"
            + "{[Product].[Non-Consumable]}\n"
            + "{[Product].[Drink].[Alcoholic Beverages]}\n"
            + "{[Product].[Drink].[Beverages]}\n"
            + "{[Product].[Drink].[Dairy]}\n"
            + "{[Product].[Drink].[Beverages].[Carbonated Beverages].[Soda]}\n"
            + "{[Product].[Drink].[Beverages].[Carbonated Beverages].[Soda].[Excellent]}\n"
            + "{[Product].[Drink].[Beverages].[Carbonated Beverages].[Soda].[Fabulous]}\n"
            + "{[Product].[Drink].[Beverages].[Carbonated Beverages].[Soda].[Skinner]}\n"
            + "{[Product].[Drink].[Beverages].[Carbonated Beverages].[Soda].[Token]}\n"
            + "{[Product].[Drink].[Beverages].[Carbonated Beverages].[Soda].[Washington]}\n"
            + (allocationPolicy == AllocationPolicy.EQUAL_INCREMENT
                ? "Row #0: 23,597\n"
                  + "Row #1: 191,940\n"
                  + "Row #2: 50,236\n"
                  + "Row #3: 6,560\n"
                  + "Row #4: 13,022\n"
                  + "Row #5: 4,015\n"
                  + "Row #6: 3,268\n"
                  + "Row #7: 708\n"
                  + "Row #8: 606\n"
                  + "Row #9: 629\n"
                  + "Row #10: 705\n"
                  + "Row #11: 620\n"
                : "Row #0: 23,597\n"
                  + "Row #1: 191,940\n"
                  + "Row #2: 50,236\n"
                  + "Row #3: 6,563\n"
                  + "Row #4: 12,990\n"
                  + "Row #5: 4,043\n"
                  + "Row #6: 3,274\n"
                  + "Row #7: 704\n"
                  + "Row #8: 612\n"
                  + "Row #9: 603\n"
                  + "Row #10: 716\n"
                  + "Row #11: 639\n"));

        // For reference here are the original values:
        // Row #0: 24,597
        // Row #1: 191,940
        // Row #2: 50,236
        // Row #3: 6,838
        // Row #4: 13,573
        // Row #5: 4,186
        // Row #6: 3,407
        // Row #7: 738
        // Row #8: 632
        // Row #9: 655
        // Row #10: 735
        // Row #11: 647

        // Create a new scenario, and show that the scenario in the slicer
        // overrides.
        final Scenario scenario2 = connection.createScenario();
        final String id2 = scenario2.getId();

        // Connection has scenario1,
        // slicer has scenario2,
        // slicer wins.
        String value;
        final OlapStatement stmt = connection.createStatement();
        cellSet =
                "select {[Measures].[Unit Sales]} on 0,\n"
                + "{[Product].Children} on 1\n"
                + "from [Sales]\n"
                + "where [Scenario].["
                + id2
                + "]");
        cellSet.getCell(Arrays.asList(0, 0)).setValue(100, allocationPolicy);

        // With slicer=scenario1, value as per scenario1.
        cellSet =
                "select {[Measures].[Unit Sales]} on 0,\n"
                + "{[Product].Children} on 1\n"
                + "from [Sales]\n"
                + "where [Scenario].["
                + id
                + "]");
        value = cellSet.getCell(Arrays.asList(0, 0)).getFormattedValue();
        assertEquals("23,597", value);

        // With slicer=scenario2, value as per scenario2.
        cellSet =
                "select {[Measures].[Unit Sales]} on 0,\n"
                + "{[Product].Children} on 1\n"
                + "from [Sales]\n"
                + "where [Scenario].["
                + id2
                + "]");
        value = cellSet.getCell(Arrays.asList(0, 0)).getFormattedValue();
        assertEquals("100", value);

        // With no slicer, value as per connection's scenario, scenario1.
        assert connection.getScenario() == scenario;
        cellSet =
                "select {[Measures].[Unit Sales]} on 0,\n"
                + "{[Product].Children} on 1\n"
                + "from [Sales]\n");
        value = cellSet.getCell(Arrays.asList(0, 0)).getFormattedValue();
        assertEquals("23,597", value);

        // Set connection's scenario to null, and we get the unmodified value.
        cellSet =
                "select {[Measures].[Unit Sales]} on 0,\n"
                + "{[Product].Children} on 1\n"
                + "from [Sales]\n");
        value = cellSet.getCell(Arrays.asList(0, 0)).getFormattedValue();
        assertEquals("24,597", value);

     * Test case for
     * <a href="">MONDRIAN-815</a>,
     * "NPE from query if use a scenario and one of the cells is empty/null".
    public void testBugMondrian815() throws SQLException {
        final TestContext testContext =
                "<Dimension name='Scenario' foreignKey='time_id'>\n"
                + "  <Hierarchy primaryKey='time_id' hasAll='true'>\n"
                + "    <InlineTable alias='foo'>\n"
                + "      <ColumnDefs>\n"
                + "        <ColumnDef name='foo' type='Numeric'/>\n"
                + "      </ColumnDefs>\n"
                + "      <Rows/>\n"
                + "    </InlineTable>\n"
                + "    <Level name='Scenario' column='foo'/>\n"
                + "  </Hierarchy>\n"
                + "</Dimension>",
                "<Measure name='Atomic Cell Count' aggregator='count'/>")
        final OlapConnection connection = testContext.getOlap4jConnection();
        final Scenario scenario = connection.createScenario();
        final String id = scenario.getId();
        final String scenarioUniqueName = "[Scenario].[" + id + "]";
        final PreparedOlapStatement pstmt = connection.prepareOlapStatement(
            "select NON EMPTY [Gender].Members ON COLUMNS,\n"
            + "NON EMPTY Order([Product].[All Products].[Drink].Children,\n"
            + "[Gender].[All Gender].[F], ASC) ON ROWS\n"
            + "from [Sales]\n"
            + "where ([Customers].[All Customers].[USA].[CA].[San Francisco],\n"
            + " [Time].[1997], " + scenarioUniqueName + ")");

        // With bug MONDRIAN-815, got an NPE here, because cell (0, 1) has a
        // null value.
        final CellSet cellSet = pstmt.executeQuery();
            "Axis #0:\n"
            + "{[Customers].[USA].[CA].[San Francisco], [Time].[1997], "
            + scenarioUniqueName
            + "}\n"
            + "Axis #1:\n"
            + "{[Gender].[All Gender]}\n"
            + "{[Gender].[F]}\n"
            + "{[Gender].[M]}\n"
            + "Axis #2:\n"
            + "{[Product].[Drink].[Beverages]}\n"
            + "{[Product].[Drink].[Alcoholic Beverages]}\n"
            + "Row #0: 2\n"
            + "Row #0: \n"
            + "Row #0: 2\n"
            + "Row #1: 4\n"
            + "Row #1: 2\n"
            + "Row #1: 2\n",
        cellSet.getCell(Arrays.asList(0, 1))
            .setValue(10, AllocationPolicy.EQUAL_ALLOCATION);
        cellSet.getCell(Arrays.asList(1, 0))
            .setValue(999, AllocationPolicy.EQUAL_ALLOCATION);
        final CellSet cellSet2 = pstmt.executeQuery();
            "Axis #0:\n"
            + "{[Customers].[USA].[CA].[San Francisco], [Time].[1997], "
            + scenarioUniqueName
            + "}\n"
            + "Axis #1:\n"
            + "{[Gender].[All Gender]}\n"
            + "{[Gender].[F]}\n"
            + "{[Gender].[M]}\n"
            + "Axis #2:\n"
            + "{[Product].[Drink].[Alcoholic Beverages]}\n"
            + "{[Product].[Drink].[Beverages]}\n"
            + "Row #0: 10\n"
            + "Row #0: 5\n"
            + "Row #0: 5\n"
            + "Row #1: 1,001\n"
            + "Row #1: 999\n"
            + "Row #1: 2\n",

    public void testScenarioPropertyBug1496() {
        // looking up the $scenario property for a non ScenarioCalc member
        // causes class cast exception
        Result result = TestContext.instance().executeQuery(
            "select {[Gender].[Gender].members} on columns from Sales");

        // non calc member, should return null
        Object o = result.getAxes()[0].getPositions().get(0).get(0)
        assertEquals(null, o);

        result = TestContext.instance().executeQuery(
            "with member as '1' "
            + "select {[Gender].cal} on 0 from Sales");
        // calc member, should return null
        o = result.getAxes()[0].getPositions().get(0).get(0)
        assertEquals(null, o);

    // TODO: test whether it is valid for two connections to have the same
    // active scenario

    // TODO: test that assigning a string to a numeric cell succeeds only if
    // the string contains a valid number

    // TODO: test that assigning a double to an integer cell succeeds; and some
    // other data types

    // TODO: test that EQUAL_ALLOCATION assigns to (a) cells that were
    // already empty, (b) cells that were null, (c) cells that are not visible
    // to the caller. I'm not sure that (c) works right now.

// End

Related Classes of mondrian.test.ScenarioTest

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