Package org.eurekastreams.server.persistence

Source Code of org.eurekastreams.server.persistence.PersonMapperTest

* Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Lockheed Martin Corporation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.eurekastreams.server.persistence;

import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertSame;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import javax.persistence.PersistenceException;

import org.eurekastreams.server.domain.BackgroundItemType;
import org.eurekastreams.server.domain.EntityCacheUpdater;
import org.eurekastreams.server.domain.Layout;
import org.eurekastreams.server.domain.PagedSet;
import org.eurekastreams.server.domain.Person;
import org.eurekastreams.server.domain.Tab;
import org.eurekastreams.server.domain.TabGroup;
import org.eurekastreams.server.persistence.mappers.cache.Cache;
import org.jmock.Mockery;
import org.jmock.integration.junit4.JUnit4Mockery;
import org.jmock.lib.legacy.ClassImposteriser;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.test.annotation.ExpectedException;

* This class is responsible for testing the JPA Implementation of the Person Mapper interface. The tests contained in
* here ensure proper interaction with the database.
public class PersonMapperTest extends DomainEntityMapperTest
     * mock context.
    private final Mockery context = new JUnit4Mockery()

     * JpaPersonMapper - system under test.
    private PersonMapper jpaPersonMapper;

     * JpaGroupMapper.
    private TabGroupMapper jpaTabGroupMapper;

     * PersonId for Ford Prefect.
    private final int fordPersonId = 42;

     * PersonId for MrBurns.
    private final int mrburnsPersonId = 99;

     * Memcached.
    private final Cache memcached = context.mock(Cache.class);

     * Setup method.
    public void setup()

     * Teardown method.
    public void teardown()

     * Test the DBUnit XML Dataset - person.
    public void testDBUnitDatasetPerson()
        Person ford = jpaPersonMapper.findByAccountId("fordp");
        assertEquals("Expected the first name of the user with accountId='fordp' to be 'Ford' from DBUnit setup.",
                "Ford", ford.getFirstName());
        assertEquals("Expected the last name of the user with accountId='fordp' to be 'Prefect' from DBUnit setup.",
                "Prefect", ford.getLastName());
        assertEquals("Expected the preferred name of the user with accountId='fordp' "
                + "to be 'Volgon-Swatter' from DBUnit setup.", "Volgon-Swatter", ford.getPreferredName());

     * Test the DBUnit XML Dataset - tabs.
    public void testDBUnitDatasetTabs()
        Person ford = jpaPersonMapper.findByAccountId("fordp");
        TabGroup tabGroup = ford.getStartTabGroup();
        List<Tab> tabs = tabGroup.getTabs();

        // Assert the order is 1,2,3
        assertEquals("Expected Ford's first tab in his first TabGroup to be called 'Ford Tab 1' from DBUnit setup.",
                "Ford Tab 1", tabs.get(0).getTabName());
        assertEquals("Expected Ford's first tab in his first TabGroup to be called 'Ford Tab 2' from DBUnit setup.",
                "Ford Tab 2", tabs.get(1).getTabName());
        assertEquals("Expected Ford's first tab in his first TabGroup to be called 'Ford Tab 3' from DBUnit setup.",
                "Ford Tab 3", tabs.get(2).getTabName());

     * Test the domain entity name of the mapper - used for parent class generic operations.
    public void testGetDomainEntityName()
        assertEquals("Domain entity name should be 'Person'", "Person", jpaPersonMapper.getDomainEntityName());

     * Test inserting a person.
    public void testInsert()
        final long id = 4231L;
        TabGroup tg = jpaTabGroupMapper.findById(id);

        Person p = new Person("ndtyson", "Neil", "d", "deGrasse Tyson", "Dr. To You");
        p.setTitle("Better than you!");
        p.setJobDescription("some description!");
        assertTrue("Inserting a Person did not get a positive id.",
                jpaPersonMapper.findByAccountId("ndtyson").getId() > 0);

     * Test inserting a person w/profile properties.
    public void testInsertWithProfileProperties()
        final long id = 4231L;
        TabGroup tg = jpaTabGroupMapper.findById(id);

        Person p = new Person("yoyojoe", "Joe", "hey", "Yoyo", "Call Me Joe");
        p.setTitle("Better than you!");
        p.setJobDescription("some description!");

        // phone types not set should return null.
        assertNull("Phone types not set should return null", p.getCellPhone());
        assertNull("Phone types not set should return null", p.getFax());


        assertTrue("Inserting a Person did not get a positive id.",
                jpaPersonMapper.findByAccountId("yoyojoe").getId() > 0);

        Person sut = jpaPersonMapper.findByAccountId("yoyojoe");
        assertTrue(sut.getTitle().equals("Better than you!"));
        assertTrue(sut.getJobDescription().equals("some description!"));
        assertEquals(id, sut.getStartTabGroup().getId());

     * Test adding a tab to a user's tab group persists when we update the person.
    public void testUpdateAddNewTab()
        Person ford = jpaPersonMapper.findById(fordPersonId);
        ford.getStartTabGroup().getTabs().add(new Tab("Foo", Layout.THREECOLUMN));


        ford = jpaPersonMapper.findById(fordPersonId);
        assertEquals("Attemped updating a Person after adding a Tab to his first "
                + "TabGroup, then clearing the EntityManager.  "
                + "Expected to see the new tab after re-loading the Person.", "Foo", ford.getStartTabGroup().getTabs()
                .get(ford.getStartTabGroup().getTabs().size() - 1).getTabName());

     * Test inserting a person that already exists in the database throws a PersistenceException exception, with an
     * account id of different case - casing shouldn't matter - the account ids go into the database in lower-case.
    public void testInsertThrowsExceptionWithExistingAccountIdOfSameCase()
        jpaPersonMapper.insert(new Person("fordp", "Niels", "A", "Bohr", "Atom-Head"));

     * Test inserting a person that already exists in the database throws a PersistenceException exception, with an
     * account id of different case - casing shouldn't matter - the account ids go into the database in lower-case.
    public void testInsertThrowsExceptionWithExistingAccountIdOfDifferentCase()
        jpaPersonMapper.insert(new Person("fOrDp", "Niels", "A", "Bohr", "Atom-Head"));

     * Make sure we can find a Person when we ask for the account id with the correct case.
    public void testFindByAccountIdCorrectCase()
        assertEquals(fordPersonId, jpaPersonMapper.findByAccountId("fordp").getId());

     * Test to see if ford prefect is found when searching by the lastname "pre" pre-letters.
    public void testFindByLastNamePrefixForMrPrefect()
        assertEquals(fordPersonId, jpaPersonMapper.findPeopleByPrefix("Pre").get(0).getId());

     * Test to see if no results are returned for search with first name.
    public void testFindByLastNamePrefixForManyPeople()
        final int id = 142;
        assertEquals(2, jpaPersonMapper.findPeopleByPrefix("P").size());
        assertEquals(fordPersonId, jpaPersonMapper.findPeopleByPrefix("P").get(0).getId());
        assertEquals(id, jpaPersonMapper.findPeopleByPrefix("P").get(1).getId());

     * Test to see if Ford Prefect and Ford Prefect are found for the pre-letter p.
    public void testFindByLastNamePrefixWithFirstName()
        assertEquals(2, jpaPersonMapper.findPeopleByPrefix("Prefect, Volgon").size());

     * Test to see if no results are returned for search with type.
    public void testFindByLastNamePrefixWithFirstNameNoSpace()
        List<Person> people = jpaPersonMapper.findPeopleByPrefix("Perfect,Ford");
        assertTrue("Returned list should be empty", people.size() == 0);

     * Test to see null is returned if no one is in the list.
    public void testFindByLastNamePrefixReturnNull()
        List<Person> people = jpaPersonMapper.findPeopleByPrefix("Poop");
        assertTrue("Returned list should be empty", people.size() == 0);


     * Make sure we can't find a non-existent person.
    public void testFindByNonExistentAccountId()
        assertEquals(null, jpaPersonMapper.findByAccountId("nonexistentuser"));

     * Make sure we can find a Person when we ask for the account id with the incorrect case.
    public void testFindByAccountIdMixedCase()
        assertEquals(fordPersonId, jpaPersonMapper.findByAccountId("foRDp").getId());

     * Make sure we can find people by opensocial ids.
    public void testFindPeopleByOpenSocialIds()
        ArrayList<String> openSocialIds = new ArrayList<String>();
        assertEquals("2 Person objects should have been returned", 2, jpaPersonMapper.findPeopleByOpenSocialIds(

     * Make sure we can find only the Person objects from valid opensocial id inputs.
    public void testFindPeopleByOpenSocialIdsWithInvalidId()
        ArrayList<String> openSocialIds = new ArrayList<String>();
        assertEquals("1 Person object should have been returned", 1, jpaPersonMapper.findPeopleByOpenSocialIds(

     * Make sure we can find followed people by follower opensocial ids.
    public void testfindPeopleFollowedUsingFollowerOpenSocialIds()
        ArrayList<String> openSocialIds = new ArrayList<String>();
        assertEquals("3 Person objects should have been returned", 3, jpaPersonMapper

     * Test the tab order on persisting the Person. The ORM should maintain the tab order when reordered and persisted.
    // TODO: Consider moving this test to the TabGroupMapper.
    public void testTabOrder()
        final int expectedTabCount = 3;

        // Load Ford, and rearrange his tabs
        Person ford = jpaPersonMapper.findByAccountId("fordp");
        TabGroup tabGroup = ford.getStartTabGroup();
        List<Tab> tabs = tabGroup.getTabs();

        Tab t2 = tabs.get(1);

        // update all modified entities

        // clear the entity manager

        // reload
        ford = jpaPersonMapper.findByAccountId("fordp");
        tabGroup = ford.getStartTabGroup();
        tabs = tabGroup.getTabs();

        // assert there's 3 tabs
        assertEquals("Ford Prefect should have 3 (non-deleted) tabs in the DBUnit fixture", expectedTabCount, tabs

        // assert the order is 1,3,2
        assertEquals("Ford Tab 1", tabs.get(0).getTabName());
        assertEquals("Ford Tab 3", tabs.get(1).getTabName());
        assertEquals("Ford Tab 2", tabs.get(2).getTabName());

     * Test inserting a user, then finding the user by ID when the object is still in object cache.
    public void testFindByIdWhenCached()
        assertSame("When finding a Person by ID and that object exists in object cache, "
                + "expected the cached instance to be returned.", jpaPersonMapper.findById(fordPersonId),

     * Test add follower.
    public void testAddFollower()
        Person ford = jpaPersonMapper.findByAccountId("fordp");
        Person sagan = jpaPersonMapper.findByAccountId("csagan");

        assertEquals("followers/followings should be 0 initially", 0, ford.getFollowersCount());
        assertEquals("followers/followings should be 0 initially", 0, ford.getFollowingCount());
        assertEquals("followers/followings should be 0 initially", 0, sagan.getFollowersCount());
        assertEquals("followers/followings should be 0 initially", 0, sagan.getFollowingCount());

        jpaPersonMapper.addFollower(ford.getId(), sagan.getId());

        ford = jpaPersonMapper.findByAccountId("fordp");
        sagan = jpaPersonMapper.findByAccountId("csagan");

        assertEquals("sagan should have 1 follower", 1, sagan.getFollowersCount());
        assertEquals("sagan follows no one", 0, sagan.getFollowingCount());

        assertEquals("ford should have no followers", 0, ford.getFollowersCount());
        assertEquals("ford should be following sagan", 1, ford.getFollowingCount());

        // test case for add when relationship already present.
        jpaPersonMapper.addFollower(ford.getId(), sagan.getId());

        ford = jpaPersonMapper.findByAccountId("fordp");
        sagan = jpaPersonMapper.findByAccountId("csagan");

        // verify nothing has changed counts should be same.
        assertEquals("Followers count changed after duplicate add.", 1, sagan.getFollowersCount());
        assertEquals("Following count changed after duplicate add", 0, sagan.getFollowingCount());

        assertEquals("follower's Followers count changed after duplicate add.", 0, ford.getFollowersCount());
        assertEquals("follower's Following count changed after duplicate add", 1, ford.getFollowingCount());

     * Test remove follower.
    public void testRemoveFollower()
        Person smithers = jpaPersonMapper.findByAccountId("smithers");
        Person burns = jpaPersonMapper.findByAccountId("mrburns");

        // assert initial state correct from DB unit.
        assertEquals("burns should have 1 follower", 1, burns.getFollowersCount());
        assertEquals("burns should not be following any", 0, burns.getFollowingCount());

        assertEquals("smithers should have no followers", 0, smithers.getFollowersCount());
        assertEquals("smithers should be following burns", 1, smithers.getFollowingCount());

        jpaPersonMapper.removeFollower(smithers.getId(), burns.getId());

        smithers = jpaPersonMapper.findByAccountId("smithers");
        burns = jpaPersonMapper.findByAccountId("mrburns");

        assertEquals("followers/followings should be 0 after removal", 0, smithers.getFollowersCount());
        assertEquals("followers/followings should be 0 after removal", 0, smithers.getFollowingCount());
        assertEquals("followers/followings should be 0 after removal", 0, burns.getFollowersCount());
        assertEquals("burns followings should be 0 after removal", 0, burns.getFollowingCount());

        // cover case where remove is called on relationship that doesn't exist
        // (no-op).
        Person ford = jpaPersonMapper.findByAccountId("fordp");
        Person sagan = jpaPersonMapper.findByAccountId("csagan");

        // nothing really to assert after this, just verify everything is the
        // same.
        jpaPersonMapper.removeFollower(ford.getId(), sagan.getId());

        ford = jpaPersonMapper.findByAccountId("fordp");
        sagan = jpaPersonMapper.findByAccountId("csagan");

        assertEquals("followers/followings should be 0 after removal", 0, smithers.getFollowersCount());
        assertEquals("followers/followings should be 0 after removal", 0, smithers.getFollowingCount());
        assertEquals("followers/followings should be 0 after removal", 0, burns.getFollowersCount());
        assertEquals("burns followings should be 0 after removal", 0, burns.getFollowingCount());


     * Test get followers.
    public void testGetFollowers()
        Person ford = jpaPersonMapper.findByAccountId("fordp");
        Person sagan = jpaPersonMapper.findByAccountId("csagan");

        assertEquals("followers/followings should be 0 initially", 0, ford.getFollowersCount());
        assertEquals("followers/followings should be 0 initially", 0, ford.getFollowingCount());
        assertEquals("followers/followings should be 0 initially", 0, sagan.getFollowersCount());
        assertEquals("followers/followings should be 0 initially", 0, sagan.getFollowingCount());

        jpaPersonMapper.addFollower(ford.getId(), sagan.getId());

        ford = jpaPersonMapper.findByAccountId("fordp");
        sagan = jpaPersonMapper.findByAccountId("csagan");

        assertEquals("sagan should have 1 follower", 1, sagan.getFollowersCount());
        assertEquals("sagan follows no one", 0, sagan.getFollowingCount());
        PagedSet<Person> connections = jpaPersonMapper.getFollowers(sagan.getAccountId(), 0, 6);
        assertEquals("sagan is followed by ford", "fordp", connections.getPagedSet().get(0).getAccountId());

     * Test for isFollowing Method.
    public void testIsFollowing()
        assertTrue(jpaPersonMapper.isFollowing("smithers", "mrburns"));
        assertTrue(jpaPersonMapper.isFollowing("mrburns", "smithers"));
        assertFalse(jpaPersonMapper.isFollowing("abc", "123"));

     * Test findByOpenSocialId.
    public void testFindByOpenSocialId()
        // from dataset.xml
        String osid = "2d359911-0977-418a-9490-57e8252b1a42";
        String bogusOsid = "bogusOsid";


     * Test the profile properties.
    public void testProfileProperties()
        Person ford = jpaPersonMapper.findByAccountId("fordp");

        assertEquals(1, ford.getBackground().getBackgroundItems(BackgroundItemType.INTEREST).size());
        assertEquals("Earthlings", ford.getBackground().getBackgroundItems(BackgroundItemType.INTEREST).get(0)

     * Test the updater of the Person entity.
    public void testUpdatedCallback()
        // wire up the updater
        DummyUpdater dummyUpdater = new DummyUpdater();

        // find a person to update
        Person ford = jpaPersonMapper.findByAccountId("fordp");

        // make sure the event hasn't fired yet


        // make sure we received the event
        assertSame(ford, dummyUpdater.getUpdatedPerson());

     * Test the updater of the Person entity.
    public void testPersistedCallback()
        // wire up the updater
        DummyUpdater dummyUpdater = new DummyUpdater();

        final long id = 4231L;

        TabGroup tg = jpaTabGroupMapper.findById(id);

        Person p = new Person("ndtyson", "Neil", "d", "deGrasse Tyson", "Dr. To You");
        p.setTitle("Better than you!");
        p.setJobDescription("some description!");

        // make sure nothing's happened yet

        // make sure we received the event
        assertSame(p, dummyUpdater.getPersistedPerson());

     * Dummy updater used to test the static Person updater call-back.
    public class DummyUpdater implements EntityCacheUpdater<Person>
         * The person updated.
        private Person updatedPerson;

         * The person updated.
        private Person persistedPerson;

         * Get the updated person.
         * @return the updated person
        public Person getUpdatedPerson()
            return updatedPerson;

         * Get the person person.
         * @return the persisted person
        public Person getPersistedPerson()
            return persistedPerson;

         * Updater callback.
         * @param inUpdatedPerson
         *            the person just updated
        public void onPostUpdate(final Person inUpdatedPerson)
            updatedPerson = inUpdatedPerson;

         * Persisted callback.
         * @param inPersistedPerson
         *            the person being persisted
        public void onPostPersist(final Person inPersistedPerson)
            persistedPerson = inPersistedPerson;


Related Classes of org.eurekastreams.server.persistence.PersonMapperTest

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