Package org.apache.cassandra.cql3.statements

Source Code of org.apache.cassandra.cql3.statements.Selection$FieldSelector

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package org.apache.cassandra.cql3.statements;

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;


import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.functions.Function;
import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.functions.Functions;
import org.apache.cassandra.config.CFMetaData;
import org.apache.cassandra.config.ColumnDefinition;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.Cell;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.CounterCell;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.ExpiringCell;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.context.CounterContext;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.AbstractType;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.Int32Type;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.LongType;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.UserType;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.UTF8Type;
import org.apache.cassandra.exceptions.InvalidRequestException;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.ByteBufferUtil;

public abstract class Selection
    private final Collection<ColumnDefinition> columns;
    private final ResultSet.Metadata metadata;
    private final boolean collectTimestamps;
    private final boolean collectTTLs;

    protected Selection(Collection<ColumnDefinition> columns, List<ColumnSpecification> metadata, boolean collectTimestamps, boolean collectTTLs)
        this.columns = columns;
        this.metadata = new ResultSet.Metadata(metadata);
        this.collectTimestamps = collectTimestamps;
        this.collectTTLs = collectTTLs;

    // Overriden by SimpleSelection when appropriate.
    public boolean isWildcard()
        return false;

    public ResultSet.Metadata getResultMetadata()
        return metadata;

    public static Selection wildcard(CFMetaData cfm)
        List<ColumnDefinition> all = new ArrayList<ColumnDefinition>(cfm.allColumns().size());
        Iterators.addAll(all, cfm.allColumnsInSelectOrder());
        return new SimpleSelection(all, true);

    public static Selection forColumns(Collection<ColumnDefinition> columns)
        return new SimpleSelection(columns, false);

    public int addColumnForOrdering(ColumnDefinition c)
        return columns.size() - 1;

    private static boolean isUsingFunction(List<RawSelector> rawSelectors)
        for (RawSelector rawSelector : rawSelectors)
            if (!(rawSelector.selectable instanceof ColumnIdentifier))
                return true;
        return false;

    private static int addAndGetIndex(ColumnDefinition def, List<ColumnDefinition> l)
        int idx = l.indexOf(def);
        if (idx < 0)
            idx = l.size();
        return idx;

    private static Selector makeSelector(CFMetaData cfm, RawSelector raw, List<ColumnDefinition> defs, List<ColumnSpecification> metadata) throws InvalidRequestException
        if (raw.selectable instanceof ColumnIdentifier)
            ColumnDefinition def = cfm.getColumnDefinition((ColumnIdentifier)raw.selectable);
            if (def == null)
                throw new InvalidRequestException(String.format("Undefined name %s in selection clause", raw.selectable));
            if (metadata != null)
                metadata.add(raw.alias == null ? def : makeAliasSpec(cfm, def.type, raw.alias));
            return new SimpleSelector(, addAndGetIndex(def, defs), def.type);
        else if (raw.selectable instanceof Selectable.WritetimeOrTTL)
            Selectable.WritetimeOrTTL tot = (Selectable.WritetimeOrTTL)raw.selectable;
            ColumnDefinition def = cfm.getColumnDefinition(;
            if (def == null)
                throw new InvalidRequestException(String.format("Undefined name %s in selection clause",;
            if (def.isPrimaryKeyColumn())
                throw new InvalidRequestException(String.format("Cannot use selection function %s on PRIMARY KEY part %s", tot.isWritetime ? "writeTime" : "ttl",;
            if (def.type.isCollection())
                throw new InvalidRequestException(String.format("Cannot use selection function %s on collections", tot.isWritetime ? "writeTime" : "ttl"));

            if (metadata != null)
                metadata.add(makeWritetimeOrTTLSpec(cfm, tot, raw.alias));
            return new WritetimeOrTTLSelector(, addAndGetIndex(def, defs), tot.isWritetime);
        else if (raw.selectable instanceof Selectable.WithFieldSelection)
            Selectable.WithFieldSelection withField = (Selectable.WithFieldSelection)raw.selectable;
            Selector selected = makeSelector(cfm, new RawSelector(withField.selected, null), defs, null);
            AbstractType<?> type = selected.getType();
            if (!(type instanceof UserType))
                throw new InvalidRequestException(String.format("Invalid field selection: %s of type %s is not a user type", withField.selected, type.asCQL3Type()));

            UserType ut = (UserType)type;
            for (int i = 0; i < ut.size(); i++)
                if (!ut.fieldName(i).equals(withField.field.bytes))

                if (metadata != null)
                    metadata.add(makeFieldSelectSpec(cfm, withField, ut.fieldType(i), raw.alias));
                return new FieldSelector(ut, i, selected);
            throw new InvalidRequestException(String.format("%s of type %s has no field %s", withField.selected, type.asCQL3Type(), withField.field));
            Selectable.WithFunction withFun = (Selectable.WithFunction)raw.selectable;
            List<Selector> args = new ArrayList<Selector>(withFun.args.size());
            for (Selectable rawArg : withFun.args)
                args.add(makeSelector(cfm, new RawSelector(rawArg, null), defs, null));

            AbstractType<?> returnType = Functions.getReturnType(withFun.functionName, cfm.ksName, cfm.cfName);
            if (returnType == null)
                throw new InvalidRequestException(String.format("Unknown function '%s'", withFun.functionName));
            ColumnSpecification spec = makeFunctionSpec(cfm, withFun, returnType, raw.alias);
            Function fun = Functions.get(cfm.ksName, withFun.functionName, args, spec);
            if (metadata != null)
            return new FunctionSelector(fun, args);

    private static ColumnSpecification makeWritetimeOrTTLSpec(CFMetaData cfm, Selectable.WritetimeOrTTL tot, ColumnIdentifier alias)
        return new ColumnSpecification(cfm.ksName,
                                       alias == null ? new ColumnIdentifier(tot.toString(), true) : alias,
                                       tot.isWritetime ? LongType.instance : Int32Type.instance);

    private static ColumnSpecification makeFieldSelectSpec(CFMetaData cfm, Selectable.WithFieldSelection s, AbstractType<?> type, ColumnIdentifier alias)
        return new ColumnSpecification(cfm.ksName,
                                       alias == null ? new ColumnIdentifier(s.toString(), true) : alias,

    private static ColumnSpecification makeFunctionSpec(CFMetaData cfm,
                                                        Selectable.WithFunction fun,
                                                        AbstractType<?> returnType,
                                                        ColumnIdentifier alias) throws InvalidRequestException
        if (returnType == null)
            throw new InvalidRequestException(String.format("Unknown function %s called in selection clause", fun.functionName));

        return new ColumnSpecification(cfm.ksName,
                                       alias == null ? new ColumnIdentifier(fun.toString(), true) : alias,

    private static ColumnSpecification makeAliasSpec(CFMetaData cfm, AbstractType<?> type, ColumnIdentifier alias)
        return new ColumnSpecification(cfm.ksName, cfm.cfName, alias, type);

    public static Selection fromSelectors(CFMetaData cfm, List<RawSelector> rawSelectors) throws InvalidRequestException
        boolean usesFunction = isUsingFunction(rawSelectors);

        if (usesFunction)
            List<ColumnDefinition> defs = new ArrayList<ColumnDefinition>();
            List<ColumnSpecification> metadata = new ArrayList<ColumnSpecification>(rawSelectors.size());
            List<Selector> selectors = new ArrayList<Selector>(rawSelectors.size());
            boolean collectTimestamps = false;
            boolean collectTTLs = false;
            for (RawSelector rawSelector : rawSelectors)
                Selector selector = makeSelector(cfm, rawSelector, defs, metadata);
                if (selector instanceof WritetimeOrTTLSelector)
                    collectTimestamps |= ((WritetimeOrTTLSelector)selector).isWritetime;
                    collectTTLs |= !((WritetimeOrTTLSelector)selector).isWritetime;
            return new SelectionWithFunctions(defs, metadata, selectors, collectTimestamps, collectTTLs);
            List<ColumnDefinition> defs = new ArrayList<ColumnDefinition>(rawSelectors.size());
            List<ColumnSpecification> metadata = new ArrayList<ColumnSpecification>(rawSelectors.size());
            for (RawSelector rawSelector : rawSelectors)
                assert rawSelector.selectable instanceof ColumnIdentifier;
                ColumnDefinition def = cfm.getColumnDefinition((ColumnIdentifier)rawSelector.selectable);
                if (def == null)
                    throw new InvalidRequestException(String.format("Undefined name %s in selection clause", rawSelector.selectable));
                metadata.add(rawSelector.alias == null ? def : makeAliasSpec(cfm, def.type, rawSelector.alias));
            return new SimpleSelection(defs, metadata, false);

    protected abstract List<ByteBuffer> handleRow(ResultSetBuilder rs) throws InvalidRequestException;

     * @return the list of CQL3 columns value this SelectionClause needs.
    public Collection<ColumnDefinition> getColumns()
        return columns;

    public ResultSetBuilder resultSetBuilder(long now)
        return new ResultSetBuilder(now);

    private static ByteBuffer value(Cell c)
        return (c instanceof CounterCell)
            ? ByteBufferUtil.bytes(CounterContext.instance().total(c.value()))
            : c.value();

    public class ResultSetBuilder
        private final ResultSet resultSet;

         * We'll build CQL3 row one by one.
         * The currentRow is the values for the (CQL3) columns we've fetched.
         * We also collect timestamps and ttls for the case where the writetime and
         * ttl functions are used. Note that we might collect timestamp and/or ttls
         * we don't care about, but since the array below are allocated just once,
         * it doesn't matter performance wise.
        List<ByteBuffer> current;
        final long[] timestamps;
        final int[] ttls;
        final long now;

        private ResultSetBuilder(long now)
            this.resultSet = new ResultSet(getResultMetadata(), new ArrayList<List<ByteBuffer>>());
            this.timestamps = collectTimestamps ? new long[columns.size()] : null;
            this.ttls = collectTTLs ? new int[columns.size()] : null;
   = now;

        public void add(ByteBuffer v)

        public void add(Cell c)
            current.add(isDead(c) ? null : value(c));
            if (timestamps != null)
                timestamps[current.size() - 1] = isDead(c) ? -1 : c.timestamp();
            if (ttls != null)
                int ttl = -1;
                if (!isDead(c) && c instanceof ExpiringCell)
                    ttl = c.getLocalDeletionTime() - (int) (now / 1000);
                ttls[current.size() - 1] = ttl;

        private boolean isDead(Cell c)
            return c == null || !c.isLive(now);

        public void newRow() throws InvalidRequestException
            if (current != null)
            current = new ArrayList<ByteBuffer>(columns.size());

        public ResultSet build() throws InvalidRequestException
            if (current != null)
                current = null;
            return resultSet;

    // Special cased selection for when no function is used (this save some allocations).
    private static class SimpleSelection extends Selection
        private final boolean isWildcard;

        public SimpleSelection(Collection<ColumnDefinition> columns, boolean isWildcard)
            this(columns, new ArrayList<ColumnSpecification>(columns), isWildcard);

        public SimpleSelection(Collection<ColumnDefinition> columns, List<ColumnSpecification> metadata, boolean isWildcard)
             * In theory, even a simple selection could have multiple time the same column, so we
             * could filter those duplicate out of columns. But since we're very unlikely to
             * get much duplicate in practice, it's more efficient not to bother.
            super(columns, metadata, false, false);
            this.isWildcard = isWildcard;

        protected List<ByteBuffer> handleRow(ResultSetBuilder rs)
            return rs.current;

        public boolean isWildcard()
            return isWildcard;

    private static abstract class Selector implements AssignementTestable
        public abstract ByteBuffer compute(ResultSetBuilder rs) throws InvalidRequestException;
        public abstract AbstractType<?> getType();

        public boolean isAssignableTo(String keyspace, ColumnSpecification receiver)
            return receiver.type.isValueCompatibleWith(getType());

    private static class SimpleSelector extends Selector
        private final String columnName;
        private final int idx;
        private final AbstractType<?> type;

        public SimpleSelector(String columnName, int idx, AbstractType<?> type)
            this.columnName = columnName;
            this.idx = idx;
            this.type = type;

        public ByteBuffer compute(ResultSetBuilder rs)
            return rs.current.get(idx);

        public AbstractType<?> getType()
            return type;

        public String toString()
            return columnName;

    private static class FunctionSelector extends Selector
        private final Function fun;
        private final List<Selector> argSelectors;

        public FunctionSelector(Function fun, List<Selector> argSelectors)
   = fun;
            this.argSelectors = argSelectors;

        public ByteBuffer compute(ResultSetBuilder rs) throws InvalidRequestException
            List<ByteBuffer> args = new ArrayList<ByteBuffer>(argSelectors.size());
            for (Selector s : argSelectors)

            return fun.execute(args);

        public AbstractType<?> getType()
            return fun.returnType();

        public String toString()
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            for (int i = 0; i < argSelectors.size(); i++)
                if (i > 0)
                    sb.append(", ");
            return sb.append(")").toString();

    private static class FieldSelector extends Selector
        private final UserType type;
        private final int field;
        private final Selector selected;

        public FieldSelector(UserType type, int field, Selector selected)
            this.type = type;
            this.field = field;
            this.selected = selected;

        public ByteBuffer compute(ResultSetBuilder rs) throws InvalidRequestException
            ByteBuffer value = selected.compute(rs);
            if (value == null)
                return null;
            ByteBuffer[] buffers = type.split(value);
            return field < buffers.length ? buffers[field] : null;

        public AbstractType<?> getType()
            return type.fieldType(field);

        public String toString()
            return String.format("%s.%s", selected, UTF8Type.instance.getString(type.fieldName(field)));

    private static class WritetimeOrTTLSelector extends Selector
        private final String columnName;
        private final int idx;
        private final boolean isWritetime;

        public WritetimeOrTTLSelector(String columnName, int idx, boolean isWritetime)
            this.columnName = columnName;
            this.idx = idx;
            this.isWritetime = isWritetime;

        public ByteBuffer compute(ResultSetBuilder rs)
            if (isWritetime)
                long ts = rs.timestamps[idx];
                return ts >= 0 ? ByteBufferUtil.bytes(ts) : null;

            int ttl = rs.ttls[idx];
            return ttl > 0 ? ByteBufferUtil.bytes(ttl) : null;

        public AbstractType<?> getType()
            return isWritetime ? LongType.instance : Int32Type.instance;

        public String toString()
            return columnName;

    private static class SelectionWithFunctions extends Selection
        private final List<Selector> selectors;

        public SelectionWithFunctions(Collection<ColumnDefinition> columns, List<ColumnSpecification> metadata, List<Selector> selectors, boolean collectTimestamps, boolean collectTTLs)
            super(columns, metadata, collectTimestamps, collectTTLs);
            this.selectors = selectors;

        protected List<ByteBuffer> handleRow(ResultSetBuilder rs) throws InvalidRequestException
            List<ByteBuffer> result = new ArrayList<ByteBuffer>();
            for (Selector selector : selectors)
            return result;

Related Classes of org.apache.cassandra.cql3.statements.Selection$FieldSelector

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