
Source Code of$ProjectQuadsToTriples

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import java.util.Iterator ;

import org.apache.jena.atlas.iterator.Iter ;
import org.apache.jena.atlas.iterator.Transform ;
import org.apache.jena.atlas.lib.Closeable ;
import org.apache.jena.atlas.lib.Sync ;
import org.apache.jena.atlas.lib.Tuple ;
import org.apache.jena.riot.other.GLib ;

import com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.* ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.shared.PrefixMapping ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.core.GraphView ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.core.Quad ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.tdb.TDBException ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.tdb.graph.BulkUpdateHandlerTDB ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.tdb.graph.TransactionHandlerTDB ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.tdb.nodetable.NodeTupleTable ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.util.iterator.ExtendedIterator ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.util.iterator.WrappedIterator ;

/** General operations for TDB graphs (free-standing graph, default graph and named graphs) */
public class GraphTDB extends GraphView implements Closeable, Sync
    private final BulkUpdateHandler bulkUpdateHandler = new BulkUpdateHandlerTDB(this) ;
    private final TransactionHandler transactionHandler = new TransactionHandlerTDB(this) ;
    // Switch this to DatasetGraphTransaction
    private final DatasetGraphTDB dataset ;
    public GraphTDB(DatasetGraphTDB dataset, Node graphName) {
        super(dataset, graphName) ;
        this.dataset = dataset ;
    /** get the current TDB dataset graph - changes for transactions */ 
    public DatasetGraphTDB getDSG()
    { return dataset ; }

    /** The NodeTupleTable for this graph */
    public NodeTupleTable getNodeTupleTable() {
        return getDSG().chooseNodeTupleTable(getGraphName()) ;

     * @deprecated Use DatasetGraphTDB.chooseNodeTupleTable
    public static NodeTupleTable chooseNodeTupleTable(DatasetGraphTDB dsg, Node graphNode) {
        return dsg.chooseNodeTupleTable(graphNode) ;
    protected PrefixMapping createPrefixMapping() {
        if ( isDefaultGraph() )
            return getDSG().getPrefixes().getPrefixMapping() ;
        if ( isUnionGraph() )
            return getDSG().getPrefixes().getPrefixMapping() ;
        return getDSG().getPrefixes().getPrefixMapping(getGraphName().getURI()) ;
    public final void performAdd(Triple triple) {
        startUpdate() ;
        super.performAdd(triple) ;
        finishUpdate() ;

    public final void performDelete(Triple triple) {
        startUpdate() ;
        super.performDelete(triple) ;
        finishUpdate() ;
    public final void sync()        { dataset.sync(); }
    final public void close()       { sync() ; }
    protected static ExtendedIterator<Triple> graphBaseFindDft(DatasetGraphTDB dataset, TripleMatch m)
        Iterator<Quad> iterQuads = dataset.find(Quad.defaultGraphIRI, m.getMatchSubject(), m.getMatchPredicate(), m.getMatchObject()) ;
        if ( iterQuads == null )
            return com.hp.hpl.jena.util.iterator.NullIterator.instance() ;
        // Can't be duplicates - fixed graph node..
        Iterator<Triple> iterTriples = new ProjectQuadsToTriples(Quad.defaultGraphIRI , iterQuads) ;
        return WrappedIterator.createNoRemove(iterTriples) ;
    protected static ExtendedIterator<Triple> graphBaseFindNG(DatasetGraphTDB dataset, Node graphNode, TripleMatch m) {
        Node gn = graphNode ;
        // Explicitly named union graph.
        if ( isUnionGraph(gn) )
            gn = Node.ANY ;

        Iterator<Quad> iter = dataset.getQuadTable().find(gn, m.getMatchSubject(), m.getMatchPredicate(), m.getMatchObject()) ;
        if ( iter == null )
            return com.hp.hpl.jena.util.iterator.NullIterator.instance() ;
        Iterator<Triple> iterTriples = new ProjectQuadsToTriples((gn == Node.ANY ? null : gn) , iter) ;
        if ( gn == Node.ANY )
            iterTriples = Iter.distinct(iterTriples) ;
        return WrappedIterator.createNoRemove(iterTriples) ;
    protected ExtendedIterator<Triple> graphUnionFind(Node s, Node p, Node o) {
        Node g = Quad.unionGraph ;
        Iterator<Quad> iterQuads = getDSG().find(g, s, p, o) ;
        Iterator<Triple> iter = GLib.quads2triples(iterQuads) ;
        // Suppress duplicates after projecting to triples.
        // TDB guarantees that duplicates are adjacent.
        // See SolverLib.
        iter = Iter.distinctAdjacent(iter) ;
        return WrappedIterator.createNoRemove(iter) ;
    public void startRead()             { getDSG().startRead() ; }
    public void finishRead()            { getDSG().finishRead() ; }

    public final void startUpdate()     { getDSG().startUpdate() ; }
    public final void finishUpdate()    { getDSG().finishUpdate() ; }

    protected final int graphBaseSize() {
        if ( isDefaultGraph() )
            return (int)getNodeTupleTable().size() ;
        Node gn = getGraphName() ;
        boolean unionGraph = isUnionGraph(gn) ;
        gn =  unionGraph ? Node.ANY : gn ;
        Iterator<Tuple<NodeId>> iter = getDSG().getQuadTable().getNodeTupleTable().findAsNodeIds(gn, null, null, null) ;
        if ( unionGraph ) {
            iter =, project4TupleTo3Tuple) ;
            iter = Iter.distinctAdjacent(iter) ;
        return (int)Iter.count(iter) ;
    private static Transform<Tuple<NodeId>, Tuple<NodeId>> project4TupleTo3Tuple = new Transform<Tuple<NodeId>, Tuple<NodeId>>(){
        public Tuple<NodeId> convert(Tuple<NodeId> item) {
            if ( item.size() != 4 )
                throw new TDBException("Expected a Tuple of 4, got: "+item) ;
            return Tuple.create(item.get(1), item.get(2), item.get(3)) ;
        }} ;
    // Convert from Iterator<Quad> to Iterator<Triple>
    static class ProjectQuadsToTriples implements Iterator<Triple> {
        private final Iterator<Quad> iter ;
        private final Node graphNode ;
        /** Project quads to triples - check the graphNode is as expected if not null */
        ProjectQuadsToTriples(Node graphNode, Iterator<Quad> iter) { this.graphNode = graphNode ; this.iter = iter ; }
        public boolean hasNext() { return iter.hasNext() ; }
        public Triple next() {
            Quad q =;
            if ( graphNode != null && ! q.getGraph().equals(graphNode))
                throw new InternalError("ProjectQuadsToTriples: Quads from unexpected graph (expected="+graphNode+", got="+q.getGraph()+")") ;
            return q.asTriple() ;
        public void remove() { iter.remove(); }
    public Capabilities getCapabilities() {
        if ( capabilities == null )
            capabilities = new Capabilities(){
                public boolean sizeAccurate() { return true; }
                public boolean addAllowed() { return true ; }
                public boolean addAllowed( boolean every ) { return true; }
                public boolean deleteAllowed() { return true ; }
                public boolean deleteAllowed( boolean every ) { return true; }
                public boolean canBeEmpty() { return true; }
                public boolean iteratorRemoveAllowed() { return false; } /* ** */
                public boolean findContractSafe() { return true; }
                public boolean handlesLiteralTyping() { return false; } /* ** */
            } ;
        return super.getCapabilities() ;
    public BulkUpdateHandler getBulkUpdateHandler()
    { return bulkUpdateHandler ; }
    public TransactionHandler getTransactionHandler()
    { return transactionHandler ; }

    public void clear() {
        dataset.deleteAny(getGraphName(), Node.ANY, Node.ANY, Node.ANY) ;
        getEventManager().notifyEvent(this, GraphEvents.removeAll ) ;  
    public void remove( Node s, Node p, Node o ) {
        if ( getEventManager().listening() )
            // Have to do it the hard way so that triple events happen.
            super.remove(s, p, o) ;
            return ;
        dataset.deleteAny(getGraphName(), s, p, o);
        // We know no one is listening ...
        //getEventManager().notifyEvent(this, GraphEvents.remove(s, p, o) ) ;

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