Package com.hp.hpl.jena.sdb.core.sqlnode

Source Code of com.hp.hpl.jena.sdb.core.sqlnode.SqlSelectBlock

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package com.hp.hpl.jena.sdb.core.sqlnode;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;

import com.hp.hpl.jena.sdb.core.*;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.sdb.core.sqlexpr.SqlColumn;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.sdb.core.sqlexpr.SqlExpr;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.sdb.core.sqlexpr.SqlExprList;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.sdb.shared.SDBInternalError;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.core.Var;

/** A unit that generates an SQL SELECT Statement.
*  The SQL generation process is a pass over the SqlNdoe structure to generate SelectBlocks,
*  then to generate the SQL strings.

public class SqlSelectBlock extends SqlNodeBase1
    // Need: code to take an SqlNode and produce a rename map.
    // Already in SqlRename.  Use SqlRename.view.
    // SqlRename is currently unused.
    // Is SqlRename > SqlProject?
    //   with Map<Var, String> = List<VarCol>
    // Mapping of names
    // projection
    // Joins (inner and left)
    // Restriction.
    // Group
    // aggregrate
    // order
    // limit/offset
    private List<ColAlias> cols = new ArrayList<ColAlias>() ;
    private SqlExprList exprs = new SqlExprList() ;
    private static final int NOT_SET = -9 ;
    private long start = NOT_SET ;
    private long length = NOT_SET ;
    private boolean distinct = false ;
    private SqlTable vTable ;           // Naming base for renamed columns
    private Scope idScope = null ;      // Scopes are as the wrapped SqlNode unless explicitly changed.
    private Scope nodeScope = null ;
    static public SqlNode distinct(SDBRequest request, SqlNode sqlNode)
        SqlSelectBlock block = blockWithView(request, sqlNode) ;
        block.setDistinct(true) ;
        return block ;
    static public SqlNode project(SDBRequest request, SqlNode sqlNode)
    { return project(request, sqlNode, (ColAlias)null) ; }
    static public SqlNode project(SDBRequest request, SqlNode sqlNode, Collection<ColAlias> cols)
        // If already a view, not via a project, - think harder
        SqlSelectBlock block = blockNoView(request, sqlNode) ;
        if ( block.idScope != null || block.nodeScope != null )
            System.err.println("SqlSelectBlock.project : already a view") ;
        if ( cols != null )
            block.addAll(cols) ;
        return block ;
    static public SqlNode project(SDBRequest request, SqlNode sqlNode, ColAlias col)
        SqlSelectBlock block = blockNoView(request, sqlNode) ;
        if ( col != null )
            block.add(col) ;
        return block ;

    static public SqlNode slice(SDBRequest request, SqlNode sqlNode, long start, long length)
        SqlSelectBlock block = blockWithView(request, sqlNode) ;
        if ( start >= 0 )
            if block.getStart() > 0 )
                start = start + block.getStart() ;
            block.setStart(start) ;
        if ( length >= 0 )
            if ( block.getLength() >= 0 )
                length = Math.min(length, block.getLength()) ;
            block.setLength(length) ;
        return block ;
    static public SqlNode view(SDBRequest request, SqlNode sqlNode)
        SqlSelectBlock block = blockWithView(request, sqlNode) ;
        return block ;

    static public SqlNode restrict(SDBRequest request, SqlNode sqlNode, SqlExprList exprs)
        if ( exprs.size() == 0 )
            return sqlNode ;
        // Single table does not need renaming of columns
        SqlSelectBlock block = (sqlNode.isTable() ? blockPlain(request, sqlNode) : blockWithView(request, sqlNode)) ;
        block.getConditions().addAll(exprs) ;
        return block ;
    static public SqlNode restrict(SDBRequest request, SqlNode sqlNode, SqlExpr expr)
        SqlSelectBlock block = (sqlNode.isTable() ? blockPlain(request, sqlNode) : blockWithView(request, sqlNode)) ;
        block.getConditions().add(expr) ;
        return block ;
     * @param aliasName
     * @param sqlNode
    private SqlSelectBlock(String aliasName, SqlNode sqlNode)
        super(aliasName, sqlNode) ;
        if ( aliasName != null )
            vTable = new SqlTable(aliasName) ;
    public boolean         isSelectBlock() { return true ; }
    public SqlSelectBlock  asSelectBlock() { return this  ; }
    public void setBlockAlias(String alias)      { super.aliasName = alias ; }
    public List<ColAlias> getCols()       { return cols ; }
    public void add(ColAlias c)           { _add(c) ; }
    public void addAll(Collection<ColAlias> vc)   
        for ( ColAlias c : vc )
            _add(c) ;
    private void _add(ColAlias c)
        SqlColumn col = c.getColumn() ;
        SqlColumn aliasCol = c.getAlias() ;
        c.check(getAliasName()) ;
//        if ( aliasCol.getTable() != null && aliasCol.getTable().getAliasName().equals(getAliasName()) )
//            throw new SDBInternalError("Attempt to project to a column with different alias: "+col+" -> "+aliasCol) ;
        cols.add(c) ;
    /** Prepare the SelectBlock for use as a top level element - may discard the block */
    public SqlNode clearView()
        idScope = null ;
        nodeScope = null ;
        cols.clear() ;
        if ( !distinct && ! hasConditions() && ! hasSlice() )
            return getSubNode() ;
        return this ;
    public SqlExprList getConditions()      { return exprs ; }

    public boolean hasSlice()               { return (start != NOT_SET || ( length != NOT_SET ) ; }
    public boolean hasConditions()          { return exprs.size() > 0 ; }
    public long getStart()                  { return start ; }
    private void setStart(long start)       { this.start = start ; }

    public long getLength()                 { return length ; }
    private void setLength(long length)     { this.length = length ; }
    public Scope getIdScope()               { return idScope != null ? idScope : super.getIdScope() ; }

    public Scope getNodeScope()             { return nodeScope != null ? nodeScope : super.getNodeScope() ; }

    public SqlNode apply(SqlTransform transform, SqlNode newSubNode)
    { return transform.transform(this, newSubNode) ; }
    public SqlNode copy(SqlNode subNode)
    { return new SqlSelectBlock(this.getAliasName(), subNode) ; }
    public void visit(SqlNodeVisitor visitor)
    { visitor.visit(this) ; }

    // Not "isDistinct"
    public boolean getDistinct()
        return distinct ;

    private void setDistinct(boolean isDistinct)
        this.distinct = isDistinct ;

    private static SqlSelectBlock blockWithView(SDBRequest request,SqlNode sqlNode)
        if ( sqlNode instanceof SqlSelectBlock )
            SqlSelectBlock block = (SqlSelectBlock)sqlNode ;
            if ( block.cols.size() == 0 )
                // Didn't have a column view - force it
                calcView(block) ;
            return (SqlSelectBlock)sqlNode ;
        SqlSelectBlock block = _create(request, sqlNode) ;
        if ( block.getCols().size() != 0 )
            throw new SDBInternalError("Can't set a view on Select block which is already had columns set") ;
        calcView(block) ;
        return block ;
    private static SqlSelectBlock blockPlain(SDBRequest request,SqlNode sqlNode)
        if ( sqlNode instanceof SqlSelectBlock )
            return (SqlSelectBlock)sqlNode ;
        // Same alias (typically, sqlNode is a table or view and this is the table name)
        SqlSelectBlock block = new SqlSelectBlock(sqlNode.getAliasName(), sqlNode) ;
        //addNotes(block, sqlNode) ;
        return block ;
    private static SqlSelectBlock blockNoView(SDBRequest request, SqlNode sqlNode)
        if ( sqlNode instanceof SqlSelectBlock )
            return (SqlSelectBlock)sqlNode ;
        return _create(request, sqlNode) ;
    private static SqlSelectBlock _create(SDBRequest request,SqlNode sqlNode)
        String alias = sqlNode.getAliasName() ;
        //if ( ! sqlNode.isTable() )
        alias = request.generator(AliasesSql.SelectBlock).next() ;
        SqlSelectBlock block = new SqlSelectBlock(alias, sqlNode) ;
        addNotes(block, sqlNode) ;
        return block ;
    private static void addNotes(SqlSelectBlock block, SqlNode sqlNode)
        block.addNotes(sqlNode.getNotes()) ;

    static private void calcView(SqlSelectBlock block)
        SqlNode sqlNode = block.getSubNode() ;
        ScopeBase idScopeRename = new ScopeBase() ;
        ScopeBase nodeScopeRename = new ScopeBase() ;
        Generator gen = Gensym.create("X") ;    // Column names.  Not global.
        block.merge(sqlNode.getIdScope(), idScopeRename, gen) ;
        block.merge(sqlNode.getNodeScope(), nodeScopeRename, gen) ;
        block.nodeScope = nodeScopeRename ;
        block.idScope = idScopeRename ;

    // Calculate renames
    // Map all vars in the scope to names in the rename.
    private void merge(Scope scope, ScopeBase newScope, Generator gen)
        String x = "" ;
        String sep = "" ;
        for ( ScopeEntry e : scope.findScopes() )
            SqlColumn oldCol = e.getColumn() ;
            Var v = e.getVar() ;
            String colName = ;
            SqlColumn newCol = new SqlColumn(vTable, colName) ;
            this.add(new ColAlias(oldCol, newCol)) ;
            newScope.setColumnForVar(v, newCol) ;
            // Annotations
            x = String.format("%s%s%s:(%s=>%s)", x, sep, v, oldCol, newCol) ;
            sep = " " ;
        if ( x.length() > 0 )
            addNote(x) ;

Related Classes of com.hp.hpl.jena.sdb.core.sqlnode.SqlSelectBlock

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