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   Derby - Class

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   The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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import java.sql.CallableStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Properties;

import junit.framework.Test;
import junit.framework.TestSuite;

import org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.util.Formatters;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.util.PrivilegedFileOpsForTests;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.util.TestUtil;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.BaseJDBCTestCase;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.CleanDatabaseTestSetup;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.DatabasePropertyTestSetup;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.SupportFilesSetup;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.SystemPropertyTestSetup;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.TestConfiguration;

* Test of JDBC result set Stream calls.
public class StreamingColumnTest extends BaseJDBCTestCase {

    public static final int DB2_LONGVARCHAR_MAXWIDTH = 32700;
    public static final int DB2_VARCHAR_MAXWIDTH = 32672;

    public StreamingColumnTest(String name) {

    // set up a short (fit in one page) inputstream for insert
    static String[] fileName;
    static long[] fileLength;

    static {
        int numFiles = 4;
        fileName = new String[numFiles];
        fileLength = new long[numFiles];

        fileName[0] = "extin/"; // set up a short (fit in one page)
        // inputstream for insert
        fileName[1] = "extin/shortbanner"; // set up a long (longer than a
        // page) inputstream for insert
        fileName[2] = "extin/derby.banner"; // set up a really long (over 300K)
        // inputstream for insert
        fileName[3] = "extin/"; // set up a file with nothing in it

    private static final int LONGVARCHAR = 1;
    private static final int CLOB = 2;
    private static final int VARCHAR = 3;

     * Test inserting data into long varchar columns from FileInputStreams, and
     * retrieving them back as InputStreams. Check if the length of the
     * retrieved streams is the same as their respective files. Also, retrieve
     * as Strings and compare lengths. <p/> Check insertion and updating of long
     * strings.
     * @throws Exception
     *             If an unexpected error occurs.
    public void testStream1() throws Exception {
        ResultSet rs;
        Statement stmt;
        stmt = createStatement();
        for (int i = 0; i < fileName.length; i++) {

            // prepare an InputStream from the file
            final File file = new File(fileName[i]);
            fileLength[i] = PrivilegedFileOpsForTests.length(file);
            InputStream fileIn = PrivilegedFileOpsForTests
            println("===>  testing " + fileName[i] + " with length = "
                    + fileLength[i]);

            // insert a streaming column
            PreparedStatement ps = prepareStatement("insert into testLongVarChar1 values(?, ?)");
            ps.setInt(1, 100 + i);
            ps.setAsciiStream(2, fileIn, (int) fileLength[i]);
            try {// if trying to insert data > 32700, there will be an
                // exception
                if (DB2_LONGVARCHAR_MAXWIDTH < fileLength[i]) {
                    fail("Attempting to insert data longer than "
                            + DB2_LONGVARCHAR_MAXWIDTH + " should have thrown"
                            + "an exception.");
                println("No truncation and hence no error");
            } catch (SQLException e) {
                if (fileLength[i] > DB2_LONGVARCHAR_MAXWIDTH) {
                    if (i == 2 && usingDerbyNetClient()) {
                        assertSQLState("XJ001", e); // was getting data longer
                        // than maxValueAllowed
                    } else {
                        assertSQLState("22001", e); // was getting data longer
                        // than maxValueAllowed
                    println("expected exception for data > "
                            + DB2_LONGVARCHAR_MAXWIDTH + " in length");
                } else {
                    throw e;
            } finally {

        rs = stmt.executeQuery("select a, b from testLongVarChar1");
        byte[] buff = new byte[128];

        // fetch all rows back, get the long varchar columns as streams.
        while ( {

            // get the first column as an int
            int a = rs.getInt("a");

            // get the second column as a stream
            InputStream fin = rs.getAsciiStream(2);
            int columnSize = 0;
            for (;;) {
                int size =;
                if (size == -1)
                columnSize += size;
            verifyLength(a, columnSize, fileLength);

        rs = stmt.executeQuery("select a, b from testLongVarChar1 order by a");

        // fetch all rows back in order, get the long varchar columns as
        // streams.
        while ( {
            // get the first column as an int
            int a = rs.getInt("a");
            // get the second column as a stream
            InputStream fin = rs.getAsciiStream(2);
            int columnSize = 0;
            for (;;) {
                int size =;
                if (size == -1)
                columnSize += size;
            verifyLength(a, columnSize, fileLength);

        rs = stmt.executeQuery("select a, b from testLongVarChar1");
        // fetch all rows back, get the long varchar columns as Strings.
        while ( {
            // JDBC columns use 1-based counting

            // get the first column as an int
            int a = rs.getInt("a");

            // get the second column as a string
            String resultString = rs.getString(2);
            verifyLength(a, resultString.length(), fileLength);

        rs = stmt.executeQuery("select a, b from testLongVarChar1 "
                + "order by a");
        // fetch all rows back in order, get the long varchar columns as
        // Strings.
        while ( {

            // JDBC columns use 1-based counting
            // get the first column as an int
            int a = rs.getInt("a");

            // get the second column as a string
            String resultString = rs.getString(2);
            verifyLength(a, resultString.length(), fileLength);

        // should return one row.
        rs = stmt.executeQuery("select a, b from testLongVarChar1 "
                + "where b like 'test data: a string column inserted "
                + "as an object'");

        while ( {

            // JDBC columns use 1-based counting
            // get the first column as an int
            int a = rs.getInt("a");

            // get the second column as a string
            String resultString = rs.getString(2);
            verifyLength(a, resultString.length(), fileLength);

        // tests on table foo1
        insertLongString(10, "ssssssssss", false, "foo1");
        insertLongString(0, "", false, "foo1");
        insertLongString(1, "1", false, "foo1");
        insertLongString(-1, null, false, "foo1");
        insertLongString(20, "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", false, "foo1");

        rs = stmt.executeQuery("select a, b from foo1");

        println("Expect to get null string back");
        while ( {
            int a = rs.getInt("a");
            String resultString = rs.getString(2);
            assertEquals("FAIL - failed to get string back, expect "
                    + a
                    + " got "
                    + (resultString == null ? "null resultString" : ""
                            + resultString.length()), a,
                    resultString == null ? -1 : resultString.length());

        updateLongString(1, 3000, "foo1");
        updateLongString(0, 800, "foo1");
        updateLongString(3000, 0, "foo1");
        updateLongString(0, 51, "foo1");
        updateLongString(20, 0, "foo1");
        rs = stmt.executeQuery("select a, b from foo1");
        while ( {
            int a = rs.getInt("a");
            String resultString = rs.getString(2);
            assertEquals("FAIL - failed to get string back, expect "
                    + a
                    + " got "
                    + (resultString == null ? "null resultString" : ""
                            + resultString.length()), a,
                    resultString == null ? -1 : resultString.length());

     * test column size 1500 bytes. Run streamTest2 with padding length 1500.
     * @throws Exception
    public void testStream2_1500() throws Exception {
        long length = 1500;
        streamTest2(length, "foo2_1500");

     * test column size 5000 bytes.Run streamTest2 with padding length 5000
     * @throws Exception
    public void testStream2_5000() throws Exception {
        long length = 5000;
        streamTest2(length, "foo2_5000");

     * test column size 10000 bytes. Run streamTest2 with padding length 10000
     * @throws Exception
    public void testStream2_10000() throws Exception {
        long length = 10000;
        streamTest2(length, "foo2_10000");

     * Insert strings padded with various lengths and verify their existence.
     * @param length
     *            How long the string should be padded.
     * @param tableName
     *            The table to enter the strings.
     * @throws Exception
     *             If any unexpected errors occur.
    private void streamTest2(long length, String tableName) throws Exception {
        Statement sourceStmt = createStatement();

        insertLongString(1, pad("Broadway", length), false, tableName);
        insertLongString(2, pad("Franklin", length), false, tableName);
        insertLongString(3, pad("Webster", length), false, tableName);

        sourceStmt.executeUpdate("insert into " + tableName + " select a+100, "
                + "b from " + tableName);

        verifyExistence(1, "Broadway", length, tableName);
        verifyExistence(2, "Franklin", length, tableName);
        verifyExistence(3, "Webster", length, tableName);
        verifyExistence(101, "Broadway", length, tableName);
        verifyExistence(102, "Franklin", length, tableName);
        verifyExistence(103, "Webster", length, tableName);

     * Run streamTest3 with padding length 0
     * @throws Exception
    public void testStream3_0() throws Exception {
        final long length = 0;
        final String tableName = "foo3_0";
        streamTest3(length, tableName);

     * Run streamTest3 with padding length 1500
     * @throws Exception
    public void testStream3_1500() throws Exception {
        final long length = 1500;
        final String tableName = "foo3_1500";
        streamTest3(length, tableName);

     * Run streamTest3 with padding length 5000
     * @throws Exception
    public void testStream3_5000() throws Exception {
        final long length = 5000;
        final String tableName = "foo3_5000";
        streamTest3(length, tableName);

     * Run streamTest3 with padding length 10000
     * @throws Exception
    public void testStream3_10000() throws Exception {
        final long length = 10000;
        final String tableName = "foo3_10000";
        streamTest3(length, tableName);

     * Similar to streamTest2 apart from the insertion of file data as ascii
     * streams.
     * @param length
     * @param tableName
     * @throws Exception
    private void streamTest3(final long length, final String tableName)
            throws Exception {
        insertLongString(1, pad("Broadway", length), false, tableName);
        insertLongString(2, pad("Franklin", length), false, tableName);
        insertLongString(3, pad("Webster", length), false, tableName);
        PreparedStatement ps = prepareStatement("update " + tableName + " set "
                + "a=a+1000, b=? where a<99 and a in (select a from "
                + tableName + ")");

        File file = new File("extin/");
        InputStream fileIn = PrivilegedFileOpsForTests.getFileInputStream(file);
        ps.setAsciiStream(1, fileIn, (int) (PrivilegedFileOpsForTests

        ps = prepareStatement("update " + tableName
                + " set a=a+1000, b=? where a<99 and a " + "in (select a from "
                + tableName + ")");
        file = new File("extin/shortbanner");
        fileIn = PrivilegedFileOpsForTests.getFileInputStream(file);
        ps.setAsciiStream(1, fileIn, (int) (PrivilegedFileOpsForTests

     * Insert data from streams to a BLOB field.
     * @throws Exception
    public void testStream4() throws Exception {

        ResultSet rs;
        Statement stmt;
        stmt = createStatement();

        // insert an empty string
        stmt.execute("insert into testLongVarBinary4 values(1, CAST ("
                + TestUtil.stringToHexLiteral("") + "AS BLOB(1G)))");

        // insert a short text string
        stmt.execute("insert into testLongVarBinary4 values(2,CAST ("
                + TestUtil.stringToHexLiteral("test data: a string column "
                        + "inserted as an object") + "AS BLOB(1G)))");

        for (int i = 0; i < fileName.length; i++) {

            // prepare an InputStream from the file
            File file = new File(fileName[i]);
            fileLength[i] = PrivilegedFileOpsForTests.length(file);
            InputStream fileIn = PrivilegedFileOpsForTests

            println("Testing with " + fileName[i] + " length = "
                    + fileLength[i]);

            // insert a streaming column
            PreparedStatement ps = prepareStatement("insert into testLongVarBinary4 values(?, ?)");
            ps.setInt(1, 100 + i);
            ps.setBinaryStream(2, fileIn, (int) fileLength[i]);

        rs = stmt.executeQuery("select a, b from testLongVarBinary4");
        byte[] buff = new byte[128];

        // fetch all rows back, get the long varchar columns as streams.
        while ( {

            // get the first column as an int
            int a = rs.getInt("a");

            // get the second column as a stream
            InputStream fin = rs.getBinaryStream(2);
            int columnSize = 0;
            for (;;) {
                int size =, 0, 100);
                if (size == -1)
                columnSize += size;
            verifyLength(a, columnSize, fileLength);

        rs = stmt
                .executeQuery("select a, b from testLongVarBinary4 order by a");

        // fetch all rows back in order, get the long varchar columns as
        // streams.
        while ( {

            // get the first column as an int
            int a = rs.getInt("a");

            // get the second column as a stream
            InputStream fin = rs.getBinaryStream(2);
            int columnSize = 0;
            for (;;) {
                int size =;
                if (size == -1)
                columnSize += size;
            verifyLength(a, columnSize, fileLength);

        rs = stmt.executeQuery("select a, b from testLongVarBinary4");

        // fetch all rows back, get the long varchar columns as Strings.

        while ( {

            // JDBC columns use 1-based counting
            // get the first column as an int
            int a = rs.getInt("a");

            // get the second column as a string
            String resultString = rs.getString(2);

            // dividing string length by 2 as the binary column's hex digits are
            // each represented by a character
            // e.g. the hex number 0xA0 would be represented by a string of
            // length 2, "AO"
            verifyLength(a, resultString.length() / 2, fileLength);

        rs = stmt
                .executeQuery("select a, b from testLongVarBinary4 order by a");
        // fetch all rows back in order, get the long varchar columns as
        // Strings.

        while ( {

            // JDBC columns use 1-based counting
            // get the first column as an int
            int a = rs.getInt("a");

            // get the second column as a string
            String resultString = rs.getString(2);

            // dividing string length by 2 as the binary column's hex digits are
            // each represented by a character
            // e.g. the hex number 0xA0 would be represented by a string of
            // length 2, "AO"
            verifyLength(a, resultString.length() / 2, fileLength);


     * Run streamTest5 with padding length 0.
     * @throws Exception
    public void testStream5_0() throws Exception {
        final long length = 0;
        final String tableName = "foo5_0";
        streamTest5(length, tableName);

     * Run streamTest5 with padding length 1500.
     * @throws Exception
    public void testStream5_1500() throws Exception {
        final long length = 1500;
        final String tableName = "foo5_1500";
        streamTest5(length, tableName);

     * Run streamTest5 with padding length 5000.
     * @throws Exception
    public void testStream5_5000() throws Exception {
        final long length = 5000;
        final String tableName = "foo5_5000";
        streamTest5(length, tableName);

     * Run streamTest5 with padding length 100000.
     * @throws Exception
    // This test fails when running w/ derby.language.logStatementText=true
    // see DERBY-595
    // public void testStream5_100000() throws Exception {
    // final long length = 100000;
    // final String tableName = "foo5_100000";
    // streamTest5(length, tableName);
    // }
     * If length > 32700 insert to a BLOB field. Else, a long varchar field.
     * @param length
     *            Padding length
     * @param tableName
     *            Name of table
     * @throws Exception
    private void streamTest5(long length, String tableName) throws Exception {
        InputStream fileIn = null;
        try {
            insertLongString(1, pad("Broadway", length), true, tableName);
            insertLongString(2, pad("Franklin", length), true, tableName);
            insertLongString(3, pad("Webster", length), true, tableName);
            insertLongString(4, pad("Broadway", length), true, tableName);
            insertLongString(5, pad("Franklin", length), true, tableName);
            insertLongString(6, pad("Webster", length), true, tableName);
            PreparedStatement ps = prepareStatement("update " + tableName
                    + " set a=a+1000, "
                    + "b=? where a<99 and a in (select a from " + tableName
                    + ")");
            File file = new File("extin/");
            fileIn = PrivilegedFileOpsForTests.getFileInputStream(file);
            ps.setBinaryStream(1, fileIn, (int) (PrivilegedFileOpsForTests

            ps = prepareStatement("update " + tableName
                    + " set a=a+1000, b=? where a<99 "
                    + "and a in (select a from " + tableName + ")");
            file = new File("extin/shortbanner");
            fileIn = PrivilegedFileOpsForTests.getFileInputStream(file);
            ps.setBinaryStream(1, fileIn, (int) (PrivilegedFileOpsForTests
        } finally {

     * Test getting a ByteArrayInputStream from data and inserting.
     * @throws Exception
    public void testStream6() throws Exception {
        final long length = 5000;
        final String tableName = "foo_6";
        Statement sourceStmt = createStatement();

        insertLongString(1, pad("Broadway", length), false, tableName);
        insertLongString(2, pad("Franklin", length), false, tableName);
        insertLongString(3, pad("Webster", length), false, tableName);
        PreparedStatement ps = prepareStatement("update foo_6 set a=a+1000, "
                + "b=? where a<99 and a in (select a from foo_6)");

        streamInLongCol(ps, pad("Grand", length));

     * Test insertion of a long string to a long varchar field in a table
     * created with pagesize 1024.
     * @throws Exception
    public void testStream7() throws Exception {

        PreparedStatement ps1 = prepareStatement("insert into testlvc7 values (?, "
                + "'filler for column b on null column', null, 'filler for column d')");
        PreparedStatement ps2 = prepareStatement("insert into testlvc7 values (?, "
                + "'filler for column b on empty string column', ?, 'filler2 for column d')");

        for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
            ps1.setInt(1, i);

            ByteArrayInputStream emptyString = new ByteArrayInputStream(
                    new byte[0]);
            ps2.setInt(1, i);
            ps2.setAsciiStream(2, emptyString, 0);


        PreparedStatement ps = prepareStatement("update testlvc7 set lvc = ? where a = ?");

        String longString = "this is a relatively long string, hopefully "
                + "the row will be split or otherwise become long ???  "
                + "I don't think it will become long but maybe if it rolls "
                + "back it will become strange";
        for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
            ByteArrayInputStream string1 = new ByteArrayInputStream(longString
            ps.setAsciiStream(1, string1, longString.length());
            ps.setInt(2, i);
            if ((i % 2) == 0) {
            } else {

            ByteArrayInputStream emptyString = new ByteArrayInputStream(
                    new byte[0]);
            ps.setAsciiStream(1, emptyString, 0);
            if ((i % 3) == 0) {
            } else {

     * long row test of insert/backout case, using setAsciiStream().
     * <p>
     * The heap tries to make rows all fit on one page if possible. So it first
     * asks raw store to try inserting without overflowing rows or columns. If
     * that doesn't work it then asks raw store for a mostly empty page and
     * tries to insert it there with overflow, If that doesn't work then an
     * empty page is picked.
     * <p>
     * If parameters are 10,2500 - then the second row inserted will have the
     * 1st column fit, but the second not fit which caused track #2240.
    public void testStream8_10_2500() throws Exception {
        int stream1_len = 10;
        int stream2_len = 2500;
        String tableName = "t8_10_2500";
        println("Starting testStream8_10_2500(" + stream1_len + ", "
                + stream2_len + ")");
        streamTest8(stream1_len, stream2_len, tableName);
        println("Finishing testStream8_10_2500(" + stream1_len + ", "
                + stream2_len + ")");

     * long row test of insert/backout case, using setAsciiStream().
     * <p>
     * The heap tries to make rows all fit on one page if possible. So it first
     * asks raw store to try inserting without overflowing rows or columns. If
     * that doesn't work it then asks raw store for a mostly empty page and
     * tries to insert it there with overflow, If that doesn't work then an
     * empty page is picked.
     * <p>
     * If parameters are 10,2500 - then the second row inserted will have the
     * 1st column fit, but the second not fit which caused track #2240.
     * @exception StandardException
     *                Standard exception policy.
    public void testStream8_2500_10() throws Exception {
        int stream1_len = 2500;
        int stream2_len = 10;
        String tableName = "t8_2500_10";
        println("Starting streamTest8_2500_10(" + stream1_len + ", "
                + stream2_len + ")");
        streamTest8(stream1_len, stream2_len, tableName);
        println("Finishing streamTest8_2500_10(" + stream1_len + ", "
                + stream2_len + ")");

     * Method called by testStream8_10_2500 and testStream8_2500_10
     * @param stream1_len
     *            Length of the 1st stream
     * @param stream2_len
     *            Length of the 2nd stream
     * @param tableName
     *            Name of table
     * @throws Exception
    private void streamTest8(int stream1_len, int stream2_len, String tableName)
            throws Exception {
        println("Starting streamTest8(" + stream1_len + ", " + stream2_len
                + ")");

        ResultSet rs;
        Statement stmt;

        String insertsql = new String("insert into " + tableName
                + " values (?, ?, ?) ");

        int numStrings = 10;

        byte[][] stream1_byte_array = new byte[numStrings][];
        byte[][] stream2_byte_array = new byte[numStrings][];

        // make string size match input sizes.
        for (int i = 0; i < numStrings; i++) {
            stream1_byte_array[i] = new byte[stream1_len];

            for (int j = 0; j < stream1_len; j++)
                stream1_byte_array[i][j] = (byte) ('a' + i);

            stream2_byte_array[i] = new byte[stream2_len];
            for (int j = 0; j < stream2_len; j++)
                stream2_byte_array[i][j] = (byte) ('A' + i);

        stmt = createStatement();

        PreparedStatement insert_ps = prepareStatement(insertsql);

        for (int i = 0; i < numStrings; i++) {
            // create the stream and insert it
            insert_ps.setInt(1, i);

            // create the stream and insert it
            insert_ps.setAsciiStream(2, new ByteArrayInputStream(
                    stream1_byte_array[i]), stream1_len);

            // create the stream and insert it
            insert_ps.setAsciiStream(3, new ByteArrayInputStream(
                    stream2_byte_array[i]), stream2_len);


            // just force a scan of the table, no insert is done.
            String checkSQL = "insert into " + tableName + " select * from "
                    + tableName + " where a = -6363";


        rs = stmt.executeQuery("select a, b, c from " + tableName);

        // should return one row.
        while ( {

            // JDBC columns use 1-based counting
            // get the first column as an int
            int a = rs.getInt("a");

            // get the second column as a string
            String resultString = rs.getString(2);

            // compare result with expected, using fixed length string from
            // the streamed byte array
            String canon = new String(stream1_byte_array[a], "US-ASCII");

            assertEquals("FAIL -- bad result string:" + "canon: " + canon
                    + "resultString: " + resultString, 0, canon

            // get the second column as a string
            resultString = rs.getString(3);

            // compare result with expected, using fixed length string from
            // the second streamed byte array.
            canon = new String(stream2_byte_array[a], "US-ASCII");

            assertEquals("FAIL -- bad result string:" + "canon: " + canon
                    + "resultString: " + resultString, 0, canon


        stmt.execute("insert into " + tableName + " select * from " + tableName
                + " ");

        println("Finishing streamTest8(" + stream1_len + ", " + stream2_len
                + ")");

     * long row test of insert/backout case, using setBinaryStream().
     * <p>
     * The heap tries to make rows all fit on one page if possible. So it first
     * asks raw store to try inserting without overflowing rows or columns. If
     * that doesn't work it then asks raw store for a mostly empty page and
     * tries to insert it there with overflow, If that doesn't work then an
     * empty page is picked.
     * <p>
     * If input parameters are 10,2500 - then the second row inserted will have
     * the 1st column fit, but the second not fit which caused track #2240.
     * @exception StandardException
     *                Standard exception policy.
    public void testStream9_10_2500() throws Exception {
        int stream1_len = 10, stream2_len = 2500;
        String tableName = "t9_10_2500";
        println("Starting testStream9_10_2500(" + stream1_len + ", "
                + stream2_len + ")");
        streamTest9(stream1_len, stream2_len, tableName);
        println("Finishing testStream_10_2500(" + stream1_len + ", "
                + stream2_len + ")");

     * long row test of insert/backout case, using setBinaryStream().
     * <p>
     * The heap tries to make rows all fit on one page if possible. So it first
     * asks raw store to try inserting without overflowing rows or columns. If
     * that doesn't work it then asks raw store for a mostly empty page and
     * tries to insert it there with overflow, If that doesn't work then an
     * empty page is picked.
     * <p>
     * If input parameters are 10,2500 - then the second row inserted will have
     * the 1st column fit, but the second not fit which caused track #2240.
     * @exception StandardException
     *                Standard exception policy.
    public void testStream9_2500_10() throws Exception {
        int stream1_len = 2500, stream2_len = 10;
        String tableName = "t9_2500_10";
        println("Starting streamTest9_2500_10(" + stream1_len + ", "
                + stream2_len + ")");
        streamTest9(stream1_len, stream2_len, tableName);
        println("Finishing testStream9_2500_10(" + stream1_len + ", "
                + stream2_len + ")");

     * Metjod called by testStream9_10_2500 and testStream9_2500_10
     * @param stream1_len
     *            Length of 1st stream
     * @param stream2_len
     *            Length of 2nd stream
     * @param tableName
     *            name of table
     * @throws SQLException
    private void streamTest9(int stream1_len, int stream2_len, String tableName)
            throws SQLException {
        ResultSet rs;
        Statement stmt;

        String insertsql = new String("insert into " + tableName
                + " values (?, ?, ?) ");
        int numStrings = 10;

        byte[][] stream1_byte_array = new byte[numStrings][];
        byte[][] stream2_byte_array = new byte[numStrings][];

        // make string size match input sizes.
        for (int i = 0; i < numStrings; i++) {
            stream1_byte_array[i] = new byte[stream1_len];

            for (int j = 0; j < stream1_len; j++)
                stream1_byte_array[i][j] = (byte) ('a' + i);

            stream2_byte_array[i] = new byte[stream2_len];
            for (int j = 0; j < stream2_len; j++)
                stream2_byte_array[i][j] = (byte) ('A' + i);

        stmt = createStatement();
        PreparedStatement insert_ps = prepareStatement(insertsql);

        for (int i = 0; i < numStrings; i++) {
            // create the stream and insert it
            insert_ps.setInt(1, i);

            // create the stream and insert it
            insert_ps.setBinaryStream(2, new ByteArrayInputStream(
                    stream1_byte_array[i]), stream1_len);

            // create the stream and insert it
            insert_ps.setBinaryStream(3, new ByteArrayInputStream(
                    stream2_byte_array[i]), stream2_len);


            // just force a scan of the table, no insert is done.
            String checkSQL = "insert into " + tableName + " select * from "
                    + tableName + " where a = -6363";

        rs = stmt.executeQuery("select a, b, c from " + tableName);

        // should return one row.
        while ( {
            // JDBC columns use 1-based counting

            // get the first column as an int
            int a = rs.getInt("a");

            // get the second column as a string
            byte[] resultString = rs.getBytes(2);

            // compare result with expected
            byte[] canon = stream1_byte_array[a];
            assertTrue("FAIL -- bad result byte array 1:" + "canon: " + canon
                    + "resultString: " + resultString, Arrays.equals(canon,

            // get the second column as a string
            resultString = rs.getBytes(3);

            // compare result with expected
            canon = stream2_byte_array[a];
            assertTrue("FAIL -- bad result byte array 2:" + "canon: " + canon
                    + "resultString: " + resultString, Arrays.equals(canon,
                .execute("insert into " + tableName + " select * from "
                        + tableName);

        println("Finishing streamTest9(" + stream1_len + ", " + stream2_len
                + ")");

     * table with multiple indexes, indexes share columns table has more than 4
     * rows, insert stream into table compress table and verify that each index
     * is valid .
    public void testStream10() throws Exception {
        Statement stmt;
        println("Test 10 starts from here");
        stmt = createStatement();

        // insert stream into table
        for (int i = 0; i < fileName.length; i++) {
            println("i:" + i + " fileName:" + fileName[i]);

            // prepare an InputStream from the file
            File file = new File(fileName[i]);
            fileLength[i] = PrivilegedFileOpsForTests.length(file);
            InputStream fileIn = PrivilegedFileOpsForTests
            println("===> testing " + fileName[i] + " length = "
                    + fileLength[i]);

            // insert a streaming column
            PreparedStatement ps = prepareStatement("insert into tab10 values(?, ?, ?)");
            ps.setInt(1, 100 + i);
            ps.setInt(2, 100 + i);
            ps.setAsciiStream(3, fileIn, (int) fileLength[i]);
            try {// if trying to insert data > 32700, there will be an
                // exception
                if (i == 2) {
                    fail("Length 414000 should have thrown a truncation error!");
                println("No truncation and hence no error");
            } catch (SQLException e) {
                println(i + " " + fileName[i]);
                if (fileLength[i] > DB2_LONGVARCHAR_MAXWIDTH) {
                    if (usingDerbyNetClient() && i == 2) {
                        assertSQLState("XJ001", e);
                    } else {
                        assertSQLState("22001", e);
                    // was getting data longer than maxValueAllowed
                    println("expected exception for data > "
                            + DB2_LONGVARCHAR_MAXWIDTH + " in length");
                } else {
                    throw e;
            } finally {

        // execute the compress command
        CallableStatement cs = prepareCall("CALL SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_COMPRESS_TABLE(?, ?, ?)");
        cs.setString(1, "APP");
        cs.setString(2, "TESTLONGVARCHAR1");
        cs.setInt(3, 0);

        // do consistency checking
                .execute("CREATE FUNCTION ConsistencyChecker() "
                        + "RETURNS VARCHAR(128) EXTERNAL NAME "
                        + "'org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.util.T_ConsistencyChecker.runConsistencyChecker' "
                        + "LANGUAGE JAVA PARAMETER STYLE JAVA");
        stmt.execute("VALUES ConsistencyChecker()");

        println("Test 10 ends here");

     * Test the passing of negative values for stream lengths to various
     * setXXXStream methods.
    public void testStream11() throws Exception {

        println("Test 11 - Can't pass negative length as the stream length "
                + "for various setXXXStream methods");

        // prepare an InputStream from the file
        File file = new File("extin/");
        InputStream fileIn = PrivilegedFileOpsForTests.getFileInputStream(file);
        PreparedStatement ps = prepareStatement("insert into "
                + "testLongVarCharInvalidStreamLength11 values(?, ?, ?)");
        ps.setInt(1, 100);
        try {
            println("===> testing using setAsciiStream with -2 as length");

            // The follwoing test depends on patch for DERBY-3705 being applied
            // to pass
            ps.setAsciiStream(2, fileIn, -2); // test specifically for
            // Cloudscape bug 4250
            fail("FAIL -- should have gotten exception for -2 "
                    + "param value to setAsciiStream");
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            assertSQLState("XJ025", e);
            println("Expected exception:" + e.toString());
        } finally {

        Reader filer = new InputStreamReader(fileIn, "US-ASCII");
        try {
            println("===> testing using setCharacterStream with -1 as length");
            ps.setCharacterStream(2, filer, -1);
            fail("FAIL -- should have gotten exception for -1 param "
                    + "value to setCharacterStream");
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            assertSQLState("XJ025", e);
            println("PASS -- expected exception:" + e.toString());
        } finally {

        try {
            println("===> testing using setBinaryStream with -1 as length");
            ps.setBinaryStream(3, fileIn, -1);
            fail("FAIL -- should have gotten exception for -1 param "
                    + "value to setBinaryStream");
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            assertSQLState("XJ025", e);
            println("Expected exception:" + e.toString());
        } finally {
        println("Test 11 - negative stream length tests end in here");

     * Test truncation from files with trailing blanks and non-blanks.
    public void testStream12() throws Exception {

        ResultSet rs;
        Statement stmt;

        // The following 2 files are for testing the truncation in varchar.
        // only non-blank character truncation will throw an exception for
        // varchars.
        // max value allowed in varchars is 32672 characters long

        // set up a file 32675 characters long but with last 3 characters as
        // blanks
        String fileName1 = "extin/";

        // set up a file 32675 characters long with 3 extra non-blank characters
        // trailing in the end
        String fileName2 = "extin/";
        println("Test 12 - varchar truncation tests start from here");

        stmt = createStatement();
        String largeStringA16350 = new String(Formatters.repeatChar("a", 16350));
        String largeStringA16336 = new String(Formatters.repeatChar("a", 16336));
        PreparedStatement ps = prepareStatement("insert into testConcatenation12 values (?, ?, ?, ?)");
        ps.setString(1, largeStringA16350);
        ps.setString(2, largeStringA16350);
        ps.setString(3, largeStringA16336);
        ps.setString(4, largeStringA16336);

        ps = prepareStatement("insert into testVarChar12 values(?, ?)");

        // prepare an InputStream from the file which has 3 trailing blanks
        // in the end, so after blank truncation, there won't be any
        // overflow
        // try this using setAsciiStream, setCharacterStream, setString and
        // setObject
        insertDataUsingAsciiStream(ps, 1, fileName1, DB2_VARCHAR_MAXWIDTH, 12);
        insertDataUsingCharacterStream(ps, 2, fileName1, DB2_VARCHAR_MAXWIDTH,
        insertDataUsingStringOrObject(ps, 3, DB2_VARCHAR_MAXWIDTH, true, true,
        insertDataUsingStringOrObject(ps, 4, DB2_VARCHAR_MAXWIDTH, true, false,
        println("===> testing trailing blanks using concatenation");
        insertDataUsingConcat(stmt, 5, DB2_VARCHAR_MAXWIDTH, true, VARCHAR,

        // prepare an InputStream from the file which has 3 trailing
        // non-blanks in the end, and hence there would be overflow
        // exception
        // try this using setAsciiStream, setCharacterStream, setString and
        // setObject
        insertDataUsingAsciiStream(ps, 6, fileName2, DB2_VARCHAR_MAXWIDTH, 12);
        insertDataUsingCharacterStream(ps, 7, fileName2, DB2_VARCHAR_MAXWIDTH,
        insertDataUsingStringOrObject(ps, 8, DB2_VARCHAR_MAXWIDTH, false, true,
        insertDataUsingStringOrObject(ps, 9, DB2_VARCHAR_MAXWIDTH, false,
                false, 12);
        println("===> testing trailing non-blank characters using concatenation");
        insertDataUsingConcat(stmt, 10, DB2_VARCHAR_MAXWIDTH, false, VARCHAR,

        rs = stmt.executeQuery("select a, b from testVarChar12");
        streamTestDataVerification(rs, DB2_VARCHAR_MAXWIDTH);

        println("Test 12 - varchar truncation tests end in here");

     * Test truncation from files to long varchar.
     * @throws Exception
    public void testStream13() throws Exception {

        ResultSet rs;
        Statement stmt;

        // The following 2 files are for testing the truncation in long varchar.
        // any character truncation (including blanks characters) will throw an
        // exception for long varchars.
        // max value allowed in long varchars is 32700 characters long

        // set up a file 32703 characters long but with last 3 characters
        // as blanks
        String fileName1 = "extin/";

        // set up a file 32703 characters long with 3 extra non-blank
        // characters trailing in the end
        String fileName2 = "extin/";
        println("testStream13 - long varchar truncation tests start from here");
        stmt = createStatement();
        PreparedStatement ps = prepareStatement("insert into testLongVarChars13 values(?, ?)");

        // prepare an InputStream from the file which has 3 trailing blanks
        // in the end. For long varchar, this would throw a truncation error
        // try this using setAsciiStream, setCharacterStream, setString and
        // setObject
        insertDataUsingAsciiStream(ps, 1, fileName1, DB2_LONGVARCHAR_MAXWIDTH,
        insertDataUsingCharacterStream(ps, 2, fileName1,
                DB2_LONGVARCHAR_MAXWIDTH, 13);
        insertDataUsingStringOrObject(ps, 3, DB2_LONGVARCHAR_MAXWIDTH, true,
                true, 13);
        insertDataUsingStringOrObject(ps, 4, DB2_LONGVARCHAR_MAXWIDTH, true,
                false, 13);

        // bug 5600- Can't test data overflow in longvarchar using
        // concatenation because longvarchar concatenated string can't be
        // longer than 32700
        // println("===> testing trailing blanks using
        // concatenation");
        // insertDataUsingConcat(stmt, 5, DB2_LONGVARCHAR_MAXWIDTH,
        // true, LONGVARCHAR, "testLongVarChars13");

        // prepare an InputStream from the file which has 3 trailing
        // non-blanks in the end, and hence there would be overflow
        // exception
        // try this using setAsciiStream, setCharacterStream, setString and
        // setObject
        insertDataUsingAsciiStream(ps, 6, fileName2, DB2_LONGVARCHAR_MAXWIDTH,
        insertDataUsingCharacterStream(ps, 7, fileName2,
                DB2_LONGVARCHAR_MAXWIDTH, 13);
        insertDataUsingStringOrObject(ps, 7, DB2_LONGVARCHAR_MAXWIDTH, false,
                true, 13);
        insertDataUsingStringOrObject(ps, 9, DB2_LONGVARCHAR_MAXWIDTH, false,
                false, 13);

        // bug 5600 - Can't test data overflow in longvarchar using
        // concatenation because longvarchar concatenated string can't be
        // longer than 32700
        // println("===> testing trailing non-blank characters
        // using concatenation");
        // insertDataUsingConcat(stmt, 10, DB2_LONGVARCHAR_MAXWIDTH,
        // false, LONGVARCHAR, "testLongVarChars13");
        rs = stmt.executeQuery("select a, b from testLongVarChars13");
        streamTestDataVerification(rs, DB2_LONGVARCHAR_MAXWIDTH);

        println("Test 13 - long varchar truncation tests end in here");

     * Test truncation behavior for clobs Test is similar to streamTest12 except
     * that this test tests for clob column
    public void testStream14() throws Exception {

        ResultSet rs;
        Statement stmt;

        // The following 2 files are for testing the truncation in clob
        // only non-blank character truncation will throw an exception for clob.
        // max value allowed in clob is 2G-1

        // set up a file 32675 characters long but with last 3 characters as
        // blanks
        String fileName1 = "extin/";

        // set up a file 32675 characters long with 3 extra non-blank characters
        // trailing in the end
        String fileName2 = "extin/";

        println("testStream 14 - clob truncation tests start from here");

        stmt = createStatement();
        String largeStringA16350 = new String(Formatters.repeatChar("a", 16350));
        String largeStringA16336 = new String(Formatters.repeatChar("a", 16336));
        PreparedStatement ps = prepareStatement("insert into testConcatenation14 values (?, ?, ?, ?)");
        ps.setString(1, largeStringA16350);
        ps.setString(2, largeStringA16350);
        ps.setString(3, largeStringA16336);
        ps.setString(4, largeStringA16336);

        ps = prepareStatement("insert into testClob14 values(?, ?)");

        // prepare an InputStream from the file which has 3 trailing blanks
        // in the end, so after blank truncation, there won't be any
        // overflow
        // try this using setAsciiStream, setCharacterStream, setString and
        // setObject
        insertDataUsingAsciiStream(ps, 1, fileName1, DB2_VARCHAR_MAXWIDTH, 14);
        insertDataUsingCharacterStream(ps, 2, fileName1, DB2_VARCHAR_MAXWIDTH,
        insertDataUsingStringOrObject(ps, 3, DB2_VARCHAR_MAXWIDTH, true, true,
        insertDataUsingStringOrObject(ps, 4, DB2_VARCHAR_MAXWIDTH, true, false,
        println("testStream14 - Testing trailing blanks using concatenation");
        insertDataUsingConcat(stmt, 5, DB2_VARCHAR_MAXWIDTH, true, CLOB,

        // prepare an InputStream from the file which has 3 trailing
        // non-blanks in the end, and hence there would be overflow
        // exception
        // try this using setAsciiStream, setCharacterStream, setString and
        // setObject
        insertDataUsingAsciiStream(ps, 6, fileName2, DB2_VARCHAR_MAXWIDTH, 14);
        insertDataUsingCharacterStream(ps, 7, fileName2, DB2_VARCHAR_MAXWIDTH,
        insertDataUsingStringOrObject(ps, 8, DB2_VARCHAR_MAXWIDTH, false, true,
        insertDataUsingStringOrObject(ps, 9, DB2_VARCHAR_MAXWIDTH, false,
                false, 14);
        println("testStream14 - Testing trailing non-blank characters using concatenation");
        insertDataUsingConcat(stmt, 10, DB2_VARCHAR_MAXWIDTH, false, CLOB,

        rs = stmt.executeQuery("select a, b from testVarChar12");
        streamTestDataVerification(rs, DB2_VARCHAR_MAXWIDTH);

        println("Test 14 - clob truncation tests end in here");

     * Streams are not re-used. This test tests the fix for DERBY-500. If an
     * update statement has multiple rows that is affected, and one of the
     * parameter values is a stream, the update will fail because streams are
     * not re-used.
    public void testDerby500() throws Exception {
        Statement stmt;
        println("START  DERBY-500 TEST ");
        stmt = createStatement();
        PreparedStatement ps = prepareStatement("insert into test500 "
                + "values (?,?,?,?,?)");

        // insert 10 rows.
        int rowCount = 0;

        // use blob and clob values
        int len = 10000;
        byte buf[] = new byte[len];
        char cbuf[] = new char[len];
        char orig = 'c';
        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            buf[i] = (byte) orig;
            cbuf[i] = orig;
        int randomOffset = 9998;
        buf[randomOffset] = (byte) 'e';
        cbuf[randomOffset] = 'e';
        println("Inserting rows ");
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
            ps.setInt(1, i);
            ps.setString(2, "mname" + i);
            ps.setInt(3, 0);
            ps.setBinaryStream(4, new ByteArrayInputStream(buf), len);
            ps.setAsciiStream(5, new ByteArrayInputStream(buf), len);
            rowCount += ps.executeUpdate();
        println("Rows inserted =" + rowCount);

        PreparedStatement pss = prepareStatement(" select chardata,bytedata from test500 where id = ?");
        verifyDerby500Test(pss, buf, cbuf, 0, 10, true);

        // do the update, update must qualify more than 1 row and update
        // will fail as currently we don't allow stream values to be re-used
        PreparedStatement psu = prepareStatement("update test500 set bytedata = ? "
                + ", chardata = ? where mvalue = ?  ");

        buf[randomOffset + 1] = (byte) 'u';
        cbuf[randomOffset + 1] = 'u';
        rowCount = 0;
        println("Update qualifies many rows + streams");

        try {
            psu.setBinaryStream(1, new ByteArrayInputStream(buf), len);
            psu.setCharacterStream(2, new CharArrayReader(cbuf), len);
            psu.setInt(3, 0);
            rowCount += psu.executeUpdate();
            println("DERBY500 #1 Rows updated  =" + rowCount);
            fail("Attempting to reuse stream should have thrown an exception!");
        } catch (SQLException sqle) {
            assertSQLState("XJ001", sqle);
            println("EXPECTED EXCEPTION - streams cannot be re-used");

        // verify data
        // set back buffer value to what was inserted.
        buf[randomOffset + 1] = (byte) orig;
        cbuf[randomOffset + 1] = orig;

        verifyDerby500Test(pss, buf, cbuf, 0, 10, true);

        PreparedStatement psu2 = prepareStatement("update test500 set "
                + "bytedata = ? , chardata = ? where id = ?  ");

        buf[randomOffset + 1] = (byte) 'u';
        cbuf[randomOffset + 1] = 'u';

        rowCount = 0;
        psu2.setBinaryStream(1, new ByteArrayInputStream(buf), len);
        psu2.setAsciiStream(2, new ByteArrayInputStream(buf), len);
        psu2.setInt(3, 0);
        rowCount += psu2.executeUpdate();
        println("DERBY500 #2 Rows updated  =" + rowCount);

        verifyDerby500Test(pss, buf, cbuf, 0, 1, true);

        // delete, as currently we dont allow stream values to be re-used
        PreparedStatement psd = prepareStatement("delete from test500 where "
                + "mvalue = ?");

        rowCount = 0;
        psd.setInt(1, 0);
        rowCount += psd.executeUpdate();
        rowCount += psd.executeUpdate();
        println("DERBY500 #3 Rows deleted =" + rowCount);


        // verify data
        verifyDerby500Test(pss, buf, cbuf, 0, 10, true);

        PreparedStatement psd2 = prepareStatement("delete from test500 "
                + "where id = ?");
        rowCount = 0;

        psd2.setInt(1, 0);
        rowCount += psd2.executeUpdate();
        println("DERBY500 #4 Rows deleted  =" + rowCount);

        verifyDerby500Test(pss, buf, cbuf, 1, 2, true);

        try {
            ps.setInt(1, 11);
            rowCount += ps.executeUpdate();
            fail("Attempting to reuse stream should have thrown an exception!");
        } catch (SQLException sqle) {
            if (usingDerbyNetClient()) {
              // DERBY-4315.  This SQLState is wrong for client.
              // It should throw XJ001 like embedded.
              // Also client inserts bad data.
              // Remove special case when DERBY-4315
              // is fixed.
                assertSQLState("XN017", sqle);               
            } else {
                assertSQLState("XJ001", sqle);
                println("EXPECTED EXCEPTION - streams cannot be re-used");
        println("END  DERBY-500 TEST ");

     * Test that DERBY500 fix did not change the behavior for varchar, char,
     * long varchar types when stream api is used. Currently, for char,varchar
     * and long varchar - the stream is read once and materialized, hence the
     * materialized stream value will/can be used for multiple executions of the
     * prepared statement
    public void testDerby500_verifyVarcharStreams() throws Exception {
        Statement stmt;
        println("START  DERBY-500 TEST for varchar ");

        stmt = createStatement();
        PreparedStatement ps = prepareStatement("insert into test500_verify "
                + "values (?,?,?,?,?)");

        // insert 10 rows.
        int rowCount = 0;

        // use blob and clob values
        int len = 10000;
        byte buf[] = new byte[len];
        char cbuf[] = new char[len];
        char orig = 'c';
        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            buf[i] = (byte) orig;
            cbuf[i] = orig;
        int randomOffset = 9998;
        buf[randomOffset] = (byte) 'e';
        cbuf[randomOffset] = 'e';
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
            ps.setInt(1, i);
            ps.setString(2, "mname" + i);
            ps.setInt(3, 0);
            ps.setCharacterStream(4, new CharArrayReader(cbuf), len);
            ps.setAsciiStream(5, new ByteArrayInputStream(buf), len);
            rowCount += ps.executeUpdate();
        println("Rows inserted =" + rowCount);

        try {
            ps.setInt(1, 11);
            rowCount += ps.executeUpdate();
        } catch (SQLException sqle) {
            if (usingDerbyNetClient()) {
              // DERBY-4315.  This SQLState is wrong for client.
              // It should have the same behavior as embedded.
              // That may rquire some additional work in addition
              // to DERBY-4315.
              // Remove special case when DERBY-4315
              // is fixed or at least throw XJ001 and
              // avoid bad data insert.
                assertSQLState("XN017", sqle);
                // rollback the bad insert.
            } else {
                println("UNEXPECTED EXCEPTION - streams cannot be "
                        + "re-used but in case of varchar, stream is materialized the"
                        + " first time around. So multiple executions using streams should "
                        + " work fine. ");
                throw sqle;

        PreparedStatement pss = prepareStatement(" select lvc,vc from test500_verify where "
                + "id = ?");
        verifyDerby500Test(pss, buf, cbuf, 0, 10, false);

        // do the update, update must qualify more than 1 row and update will
        // pass for char,varchar,long varchar columns.
        PreparedStatement psu = prepareStatement("update test500_verify set vc = ? "
                + ", lvc = ? where mvalue = ?  ");

        buf[randomOffset + 1] = (byte) 'u';
        cbuf[randomOffset + 1] = 'u';
        rowCount = 0;
        psu.setAsciiStream(1, new ByteArrayInputStream(buf), len);
        psu.setCharacterStream(2, new CharArrayReader(cbuf), len);
        psu.setInt(3, 0);
        rowCount += psu.executeUpdate();

        println("DERBY500 for varchar #1 Rows updated  =" + rowCount);

        // verify data
        verifyDerby500Test(pss, buf, cbuf, 0, 10, false);

        PreparedStatement psu2 = prepareStatement("update test500_verify set vc = ? "
                + ", lvc = ? where id = ?  ");

        buf[randomOffset + 1] = (byte) 'h';
        cbuf[randomOffset + 1] = 'h';

        rowCount = 0;
        psu2.setAsciiStream(1, new ByteArrayInputStream(buf), len);
        psu2.setAsciiStream(2, new ByteArrayInputStream(buf), len);
        psu2.setInt(3, 0);
        rowCount += psu2.executeUpdate();

        println("DERBY500 for varchar #2 Rows updated  =" + rowCount);
        verifyDerby500Test(pss, buf, cbuf, 0, 1, false);

        // delete, as currently we dont allow stream values to be re-used
        PreparedStatement psd = prepareStatement("delete from test500_verify "
                + "where mvalue = ?");

        rowCount = 0;
        psd.setInt(1, 0);
        rowCount += psd.executeUpdate();
        rowCount += psd.executeUpdate();

        println("DERBY500 for varchar #3 Rows deleted =" + rowCount);

        // verify data
        verifyDerby500Test(pss, buf, cbuf, 0, 10, false);
        PreparedStatement psd2 = prepareStatement("delete from test500_verify where id = ?");
        rowCount = 0;
        psd2.setInt(1, 0);
        rowCount += psd2.executeUpdate();

        println("DERBY500 for varchar #4 Rows deleted  =" + rowCount);
        verifyDerby500Test(pss, buf, cbuf, 1, 2, false);
        println("END  DERBY-500 TEST  for varchar");


     * verify the data in the derby500Test
     * @param ps
     *            select preparedstatement
     * @param buf
     *            byte array to compare the blob data
     * @param cbuf
     *            char array to compare the clob data
     * @param startId
     *            start id of the row to check data for
     * @param endId
     *            end id of the row to check data for
     * @param binaryType
     *            flag to indicate if the second column in resultset is a binary
     *            type or not. true for binary type
     * @throws Exception
    private void verifyDerby500Test(PreparedStatement ps, byte[] buf,
            char[] cbuf, int startId, int endId, boolean binaryType)
            throws Exception {
        int rowCount = 0;
        ResultSet rs = null;
        for (int i = startId; i < endId; i++) {
            ps.setInt(1, i);
            rs = ps.executeQuery();
            if ( {
                compareCharArray(rs.getCharacterStream(1), cbuf, cbuf.length);
                if (binaryType) {
                    Arrays.equals(rs.getBytes(2), buf);
                    // byteArrayEquals(rs.getBytes(2), 0, buf.length, buf, 0,
                    // buf.length);
                } else {
                    compareCharArray(rs.getCharacterStream(2), cbuf,
        println("Rows selected =" + rowCount);

     * compare char data
     * @param stream
     *            data from stream to compare
     * @param compare
     *            base data to compare against
     * @param length
     *            compare length number of chars.
     * @throws Exception
    private static void compareCharArray(Reader stream, char[] compare,
            int length) throws Exception {
        int c1 = 0;
        int i = 0;
        do {
            c1 =;
            assertEquals("MISMATCH in data stored versus data retrieved at "
                    + (i - 1), c1, compare[i++]);
        } while (c1 != -1 && length > 0);

    private static void streamTestDataVerification(ResultSet rs,
            int maxValueAllowed) throws Exception {

        byte[] buff = new byte[128];
        // fetch all rows back, get the varchar and/ long varchar columns as
        // streams.
        while ( {
            // get the first column as an int
            int a = rs.getInt("a");
            // get the second column as a stream
            InputStream fin = rs.getAsciiStream(2);
            int columnSize = 0;
            for (;;) {
                int size =;
                if (size == -1)
                columnSize += size;
            if ((a >= 1 && a <= 5) && columnSize == maxValueAllowed)
                println("===> verified length " + maxValueAllowed);
                println("test failed, columnSize should be " + maxValueAllowed
                        + " but it is" + columnSize);

     * blankPadding true means excess trailing blanks false means excess
     * trailing non-blank characters
     * @param tblType
     *            table type, depending on the table type, the corresponding
     *            table is used. for varchar - testVarChar , for long varchar -
     *            testVarChars,
    private static void insertDataUsingConcat(Statement stmt, int intValue,
            int maxValueAllowed, boolean blankPadding, int tblType,
            String tableName) throws Exception {
        String sql;
        boolean throwsException = false;
        switch (tblType) {
        case LONGVARCHAR:
            sql = "insert into testLongVarChars13 select " + intValue
                    + ", a||b||";
        case CLOB:
            sql = "insert into testClob14 select " + intValue + ", c||d||";
            throwsException = true;
            sql = "insert into testVarChar12 select " + intValue + ", c||d||";
            throwsException = true;

        if (blankPadding) { // try overflow with trailing blanks
            sql = sql.concat("'   ' from " + tableName);
        } else {
            // try overflow with trailing non-blank characters
            sql = sql.concat("'123' from " + tableName);

        // for varchars, trailing blank truncation will not throw an exception.
        // Only non-blank characters will cause truncation error
        // for long varchars, any character truncation will throw an exception.
        try {
            if (throwsException && !blankPadding) {
                fail("Truncation sould have thrown an exception!");
            println("No truncation and hence no error.");
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            assertSQLState("22001", e); // truncation error
            println("expected exception for data > " + maxValueAllowed
                    + " in length");

    // blankPadding: true means excess trailing blanks
    // false means excess trailing non-blank characters
    // testUsingString: true means try setString method for overflow
    // false means try setObject method for overflow
    private static void insertDataUsingStringOrObject(PreparedStatement ps,
            int intValue, int maxValueAllowed, boolean blankPadding,
            boolean testUsingString, int test) throws Exception {
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(maxValueAllowed);
        for (int i = 0; i < maxValueAllowed; i++) {

        String largeString = new String(sb);
        if (blankPadding) {
            largeString = largeString.concat("   ");
            println("===> testing trailing blanks(using ");
        } else {
            largeString = largeString.concat("123");
            println("===> testing trailing non-blanks(using ");

        ps.setInt(1, intValue);
        if (testUsingString) {
            println("setString) length = " + largeString.length());
            ps.setString(2, largeString);
        } else {
            println("setObject) length = " + largeString.length());
            ps.setObject(2, largeString);

        // for varchars, trailing blank truncation will not throw an exception.
        // Only non-blank characters cause truncation error
        // for long varchars, any character truncation will throw an exception.
        try {
            if (!blankPadding) {
                fail("Should have thrown a truncation error");
            println("No truncation and hence no error");
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            if (largeString.length() > maxValueAllowed) {
                if (!blankPadding && usingDerbyNetClient()) {
                    assertSQLState("XJ001", e); // truncation error
                } else if (test == 13 && usingDerbyNetClient()) {
                    assertSQLState("XJ001", e); // truncation error
                } else {
                    assertSQLState("22001", e); // truncation error
                println("expected exception for data > " + maxValueAllowed
                        + " in length");
            } else {
                throw e;

     * Method used by testStream12, testStream13, testStream14 to insert data
     * from a file using a character stream
    private static void insertDataUsingCharacterStream(PreparedStatement ps,
            int intValue, String fileName, int maxValueAllowed, int test)
            throws Exception {
        File file = new File(fileName);
        InputStream fileIn = PrivilegedFileOpsForTests.getFileInputStream(file);
        Reader filer = new InputStreamReader(fileIn, "US-ASCII");
        println("===> testing(using setCharacterStream) " + fileName
                + " length = " + PrivilegedFileOpsForTests.length(file));
        ps.setInt(1, intValue);
        // insert a streaming column
        ps.setCharacterStream(2, filer, (int) PrivilegedFileOpsForTests
        // for varchars, trailing blank truncation will not throw an exception.
        // Only non-blank characters cause truncation error
        // for long varchars, any character truncation will throw an exception.
        try {
            if ("extin/".equals(fileName)) {
                fail("Should have thrown a truncation error");
            println("No truncation and hence no error");
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            if (PrivilegedFileOpsForTests.length(file) > maxValueAllowed) {
                if (test == 12) {
                    if (usingDerbyNetClient()
                            && "extin/".equals(fileName)) {
                        assertSQLState("XJ001", e); // truncation error
                    } else {
                        assertSQLState("22001", e); // truncation error
                } else if (test == 13) {
                    if (usingDerbyNetClient()) {
                        assertSQLState("XJ001", e); // truncation error
                    } else {
                        assertSQLState("22001", e); // truncation error
                } else {
                    assertSQLState("XJ001", e); // truncation error
                println("expected exception for data > " + maxValueAllowed
                        + " in length");
            } else {
                throw e;
        } finally {

     * Method used by testStream12, testStream13, testStream14 to insert data
     * from a file using an ASCII stream
    private static void insertDataUsingAsciiStream(PreparedStatement ps,
            int intValue, String fileName, int maxValueAllowed, int test)
            throws Exception {
        File file = new File(fileName);
        InputStream fileIn = PrivilegedFileOpsForTests.getFileInputStream(file);
        println("===> testing(using setAsciiStream) " + fileName + " length = "
                + PrivilegedFileOpsForTests.length(file));
        // insert a streaming column
        ps.setInt(1, intValue);
        ps.setAsciiStream(2, fileIn, (int) PrivilegedFileOpsForTests

        // for varchars, trailing blank truncation will not throw an exception.
        // Only non-blank characters cause truncation error
        // for long varchars, any character truncation will throw an exception.
        try {
            if ("extin/".equals(fileName)) {
                fail("Should have thrown a truncation error");
            println("No truncation and hence no error");
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            if (PrivilegedFileOpsForTests.length(file) > maxValueAllowed) {
                if (test == 12) {
                    if (usingDerbyNetClient()
                            && "extin/".equals(fileName)) {
                        assertSQLState("XJ001", e); // truncation error
                    } else {
                        assertSQLState("22001", e); // truncation error
                } else if (test == 13) {
                    if (usingDerbyNetClient()) { // "extin/".equals(fileName))
                        // {
                        assertSQLState("XJ001", e); // truncation error
                    } else {
                        assertSQLState("22001", e); // truncation error
                } else if (test == 14) {
                    if ("extin/".equals(fileName)) {
                        assertSQLState("XJ001", e); // truncation error
                    } else {
                        assertSQLState("22001", e); // truncation error
                println("expected exception for data > " + maxValueAllowed
                        + " in length");
            } else {
                throw e;
        } finally {

    private void verifyLength(int a, int columnSize, long[] fileLength) {

        for (int i = 0; i < fileLength.length; i++) {
            if ((a == (100 + i)) || (a == (10000 + i))) {
                assertEquals("ColumnSize should be " + fileLength[i]
                        + ", but it is " + columnSize + ", i = " + i,
                        fileLength[i], columnSize);

    private void verifyExistence(int key, String base, long length,
            String tableName) throws Exception {
        assertEquals("failed to find value " + base + "... at key " + key, pad(
                base, length), getLongString(key, tableName));

    private String getLongString(int key, String tableName) throws Exception {
        Statement s = createStatement();
        ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery("select b from " + tableName
                + " where a = " + key);
        assertTrue("There weren't any rows for key = " + key,;
        String answer = rs.getString(1);
        assertFalse("There were multiple rows for key = " + key,;
        return answer;

    static String pad(String base, long length) {
        StringBuffer b = new StringBuffer(base);
        for (long i = 1; b.length() < length; i++)
            b.append(" " + i);
        return b.toString();

    private int insertLongString(int key, String data, boolean binaryColumn,
            String tableName) throws Exception {
        PreparedStatement ps = prepareStatement("insert into " + tableName
                + " values(" + key + ", ?)");
        return streamInStringCol(ps, data, binaryColumn);

    private int updateLongString(int oldkey, int newkey, String tableName)
            throws Exception {
        PreparedStatement ps = prepareStatement("update " + tableName
                + " set a = ?, b = ? where a = " + oldkey);

        String updateString = pad("", newkey);
        ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(updateString
        ps.setInt(1, newkey);
        ps.setAsciiStream(2, bais, updateString.length());
        int nRows = ps.executeUpdate();
        return nRows;

    private int streamInStringCol(PreparedStatement ps, String data,
            boolean binaryColumn) throws Exception {
        int nRows = 0;
        if (data == null) {
            ps.setAsciiStream(1, null, 0);
            nRows = ps.executeUpdate();
        } else {
            ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(data
            if (binaryColumn) {
                ps.setBinaryStream(1, bais, data.length());
            } else {
                ps.setAsciiStream(1, bais, data.length());
            nRows = ps.executeUpdate();
        return nRows;

     * @param ps
     *            PreparedStatement
     * @param data
     *            Data to be padded and inserted
     * @return Number of rows
     * @throws Exception
    private static int streamInLongCol(PreparedStatement ps, Object data)
            throws Exception {
        String s = (String) data;
        ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(s
        ps.setAsciiStream(1, bais, s.length());
        int nRows = ps.executeUpdate();
        return nRows;

     * Runs the test fixtures in embedded and client.
     * @return test suite
    public static Test suite() {
        Properties strColProperties = new Properties();
        strColProperties.setProperty("", "5");
        strColProperties.setProperty("derby.debug.true", "testSort");
        TestSuite suite = new TestSuite("StreamingColumnTest");
        return new SystemPropertyTestSetup(suite, strColProperties);

    protected static Test baseSuite(String name) {
        TestSuite suite = new TestSuite(name);
        Test test = new SupportFilesSetup(suite, new String[] {
                "functionTests/tests/store/" });
        return new CleanDatabaseTestSetup(DatabasePropertyTestSetup
                .setLockTimeouts(test, 2, 4)) {
             * Creates the tables used in the test cases.
             * @exception SQLException
             *                if a database error occurs
            protected void decorateSQL(Statement stmt) throws SQLException {

                // testStream1
                        .execute("create table testLongVarChar1 (a int, b long varchar)");
                // insert a null long varchar
                stmt.execute("insert into testLongVarChar1 values(1, '')");
                // insert a long varchar with a short text string
                        .execute("insert into testLongVarChar1 values(2, "
                                + "'test data: a string column inserted as an object')");
                // todo use setProperty method
                        .execute("call SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_SET_DATABASE_PROPERTY('', '1024')");
                        .execute("create table foo1 (a int not null, b long varchar, primary key (a))");
                        .execute("call SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_SET_DATABASE_PROPERTY('', NULL)");

                // testStream2_1500
                stmt.execute("create table foo2_1500 (a int not null, "
                        + "b long varchar, primary key (a))");

                // testStream2_5000
                stmt.execute("create table foo2_5000 (a int not null, "
                        + "b long varchar, primary key (a))");

                // testStream2_10000
                stmt.execute("create table foo2_10000 (a int not null, "
                        + "b long varchar, primary key (a))");

                // testStream3_0
                stmt.execute("create table foo3_0 (a int not null "
                        + "constraint pk3_0 primary key, b long varchar)");

                // testStream3_1500
                stmt.execute("create table foo3_1500 (a int not null "
                        + "constraint pk3_1500 primary key, b long varchar)");

                // testStream3_5000
                stmt.execute("create table foo3_5000 (a int not null "
                        + "constraint pk3_5000 primary key, b long varchar)");

                // testStream3_10000
                stmt.execute("create table foo3_10000 (a int not null "
                        + "constraint pk3_10000 primary key, b long varchar)");

                // testStream4
                        .execute("create table testLongVarBinary4 (a int, b BLOB(1G))");

                // testStream5_0
                long length = 0;
                String binaryType = length > 32700 ? "BLOB(1G)"
                        : "long varchar for bit data";
                stmt.execute("create table foo5_0 (a int not null "
                        + "constraint pk5_0 primary key, b " + binaryType
                        + " )");

                // testStream5_1500
                length = 1500;
                binaryType = length > 32700 ? "BLOB(1G)"
                        : "long varchar for bit data";
                stmt.execute("create table foo5_1500 (a int not null "
                        + "constraint pk5_1500 primary key, b " + binaryType
                        + " )");

                // testStream5_5000
                length = 5000;
                binaryType = length > 32700 ? "BLOB(1G)"
                        : "long varchar for bit data";
                stmt.executeUpdate("create table foo5_5000 (a int not null "
                        + "constraint pk5_5000 primary key, b " + binaryType
                        + " )");

                // testStream5_100000
                length = 100000;
                binaryType = length > 32700 ? "BLOB(1G)"
                        : "long varchar for bit data";
                stmt.executeUpdate("create table foo5_100000 (a int not null "
                        + "constraint pk5_100000 primary key, b " + binaryType
                        + " )");

                // testStream6
                        .executeUpdate("create table foo_6 (a int not null constraint"
                                + " pk6 primary key, b long varchar)");

                // testStream7
                        .executeUpdate("call SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_SET_DATABASE_PROPERTY('', '1024')");
                        .execute("create table testlvc7 (a int, b char(100), lvc long varchar, d char(100))");
                        .executeUpdate("call SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_SET_DATABASE_PROPERTY('', NULL)");

                // testStream8_10_2500
                        .execute("create table t8_10_2500(a int, b long varchar, c long varchar)");

                // testStream8_2500_10
                        .execute("create table t8_2500_10(a int, b long varchar, c long varchar)");

                // testStream9_10_2500
                        .execute("create table t9_10_2500(a int, b long varchar for bit data, "
                                + "c long varchar for bit data)");

                // testStream9_2500_10
                        .execute("create table t9_2500_10(a int, b long varchar for bit data, "
                                + "c long varchar for bit data)");

                // testStream10
                        .execute("call SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_SET_DATABASE_PROPERTY('', '1024')");
                        .execute("create table tab10 (a int, b int, c long   varchar)");
                        .execute("call SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_SET_DATABASE_PROPERTY('', NULL)");
                // create the indexes which shares columns
                        .execute("call SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_SET_DATABASE_PROPERTY('', '4096')");
                stmt.execute("create index i_a on tab10 (a)");
                stmt.execute("create index i_ab on tab10 (a, b)");
                        .execute("call SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_SET_DATABASE_PROPERTY('', NULL)");
                // insert a null long varchar
                stmt.execute("insert into tab10 values(1, 1, '')");
                // insert a long varchar with a short text string
                        .execute("insert into tab10 values(2, 2, 'test data: a string column inserted as an object')");

                // testStream11
                        .execute("create table testLongVarCharInvalidStreamLength11 "
                                + "(a int, b long varchar, c long varchar for bit data)");

                // testStream12
                        .executeUpdate("call SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_SET_DATABASE_PROPERTY('', '4096')");
                        .execute("create table testVarChar12 (a int, b varchar(32672))");
                // create a table with 4 varchars. This table will be used to
                // try
                // overflow through concatenation
                        .execute("create table testConcatenation12 (a varchar(16350), b varchar(16350), c varchar(16336), d varchar(16336))");
                        .executeUpdate("call SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_SET_DATABASE_PROPERTY('', NULL)");

                // testStream13
                        .execute("create table testLongVarChars13 (a int, b long varchar)");

                // testStream14
                        .executeUpdate("call SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_SET_DATABASE_PROPERTY('', '4096')");
                stmt.execute("create table testClob14 (a int, b clob(32672))");
                // create a table with 4 varchars. This table will be used to
                // try
                // overflow through concatenation

                        .execute("create table testConcatenation14 (a clob(16350), b clob(16350), c clob(16336), d clob(16336))");
                        .executeUpdate("call SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_SET_DATABASE_PROPERTY('', NULL)");

                // testDerby500
                stmt.execute("CREATE TABLE test500 (" + "id INTEGER NOT NULL,"
                        + "mname VARCHAR( 254 ) NOT NULL,"
                        + "mvalue INT NOT NULL," + "bytedata BLOB NOT NULL,"
                        + "chardata CLOB NOT NULL," + "PRIMARY KEY ( id ))");

                // testDerby500_verifyVarcharStreams
                stmt.execute("CREATE TABLE test500_verify ("
                        + "id INTEGER NOT NULL,"
                        + "mname VARCHAR( 254 ) NOT NULL,"
                        + "mvalue INT NOT NULL," + "vc varchar(32500),"
                        + "lvc long varchar NOT NULL," + "PRIMARY KEY ( id ))");


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