Package javax.faces.webapp

Source Code of javax.faces.webapp.UIComponentClassicTagBase

* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package javax.faces.webapp;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Stack;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.logging.Level;

import javax.faces.component.NamingContainer;
import javax.faces.component.UIComponent;
import javax.faces.component.UIOutput;
import javax.faces.component.UIViewRoot;
import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
import javax.faces.render.ResponseStateManager;
import javax.servlet.jsp.JspException;
import javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter;
import javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext;
import javax.servlet.jsp.jstl.core.LoopTag;
import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.BodyContent;
import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.BodyTag;
import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.JspIdConsumer;
import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag;

* @author Bruno Aranda (latest modification by $Author: struberg $)
* @author Manfred Geiler
* @author Dennis Byrne
* @version $Revision: 1188235 $ $Date: 2011-10-24 17:09:33 +0000 (Mon, 24 Oct 2011) $
* @since 1.2

public abstract class UIComponentClassicTagBase extends UIComponentTagBase implements BodyTag, JspIdConsumer

    // do not change this w/out doing likewise in UIComponentTag
    private static final String COMPONENT_STACK_ATTR = "org.apache.myfaces.COMPONENT_STACK";

    private static final String REQUEST_FACES_CONTEXT = "org.apache.myfaces.REQUEST_FACES_CONTEXT";

    private static final String VIEW_IDS = "org.apache.myfaces.VIEW_IDS";

    private static final String FORMER_CHILD_IDS_SET_ATTR = "org.apache.myfaces.FORMER_CHILD_IDS";
    private static final String FORMER_FACET_NAMES_SET_ATTR = "org.apache.myfaces.FORMER_FACET_NAMES";

    private static final String PREVIOUS_JSP_IDS_SET = "org.apache.myfaces.PREVIOUS_JSP_IDS_SET";

    private static final String BOUND_VIEW_ROOT = "org.apache.myfaces.BOUND_VIEW_ROOT";
    private static final String LOGICAL_PAGE_ID = "org.apache.myfaces.LOGICAL_PAGE_ID";
    private static final String LOGICAL_PAGE_COUNTER = "org.apache.myfaces.LOGICAL_PAGE_COUNTER";

    protected static final String UNIQUE_ID_PREFIX = UIViewRoot.UNIQUE_ID_PREFIX + "_";

    protected PageContext pageContext = null;
    protected BodyContent bodyContent = null;

    private boolean _created = false;

    private String _jspId = null;
    private String _facesJspId = null;

    private List<String> _childrenAdded = null;
    private List<String> _facetsAdded = null;

    private UIComponent _componentInstance = null;
    private String _id = null;

    private boolean isInAnIterator;

    // the parent tag
    private Tag _parent = null;

    // the enclosing "classic" parent tag
    private UIComponentClassicTagBase _parentClassicTag = null;

    private FacesContext _facesContext = null;

    protected abstract void setProperties(UIComponent component);

    protected abstract UIComponent createComponent(FacesContext context, String newId) throws JspException;

    public void release()

        // members, that must/need only be reset when there is no more risk, that the container
        // wants to reuse this tag
        pageContext = null;
        _parent = null;
        _jspId = null;
        _id = null;
        _facesJspId = null;
        bodyContent = null;

     * Reset any members that apply to the according component instance and must not be reused if the container wants to
     * reuse this tag instance. This method is called when rendering for this tag is finished ( doEndTag() ) or when
     * released by the container.
    private void internalRelease()
        _facesContext = null;
        _componentInstance = null;
        _created = false;

        _childrenAdded = null;
        _facetsAdded = null;

     * @see
    public boolean getCreated()
        return _created;

    protected List<String> getCreatedComponents()
        return _childrenAdded;

     * @see
     *      getParentUIComponentClassicTagBase(javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext)
     * @param pageContext
     * @return
    public static UIComponentClassicTagBase getParentUIComponentClassicTagBase(PageContext pageContext)
        Stack<UIComponentClassicTagBase> stack = getStack(pageContext);

        int size = stack.size();

        return size > 0 ? stack.get(size - 1) : null;

     * @see
     * @return
    public String getJspId()
        return _jspId;

    public void setJspId(String jspId)
        // -= Leonardo Uribe =- The javadoc says the following about this method:
        // 1. This method is called by the container before doStartTag().
        // 2. The argument is guaranteed to be unique within the page.
        // Doing some tests it was found that the jspId generated in a
        // jsp:include are "reset", so if before call it it was id10
        // the tags inside jsp:include starts from id1 (really I suppose a
        // different counter is used), so if we assign this one
        // directly it is possible to cause duplicate id exceptions later.
        // One problem is caused by f:view tag. This one is not included when
        // we check for duplicate id, so it is possible to assign to a component
        // in a jsp:include the id of the UIViewRoot instance and cause a
        // duplicate id exception when the view is saved.
        // Checking the javadoc it was found the following note:
        // "... IMPLEMENTATION NOTE: This method will detect where we are in an
        // include and assign a unique ID for each include in a particular 'logical page'.
        // This allows us to avoid possible duplicate ID situations for included pages
        // that have components without explicit IDs..."
        // So we need to keep a counter per logical page or page context found.
        // It is assumed the first one should not be suffixed. The others needs to be
        // suffixed, so all generated ids of those pages are different. The final result
        // is that jsp:include works correctly.
        // Note this implementation detail takes precedence over c:forEach tag. If a
        // jsp:include is inside a c:forEach, jsp:include takes precedence and the
        // iteration prefix is ignored. If a custom id is provided for a component,
        // it will throw duplicate id exception, because this code is "override"
        // by the custom id, and the iteration suffix only applies on generated ids.
        Integer logicalPageId = (Integer) pageContext.getAttribute(LOGICAL_PAGE_ID);
        if (logicalPageId != null)
            if (logicalPageId.intValue() == 1)
                //Base case, just pass it unchanged
                _jspId = jspId;
                // We are on a different page context, suffix it with the logicalPageId
                _jspId = jspId + "pc" + logicalPageId;
            Map<Object, Object> attributeMap = getFacesContext().getAttributes();
            AtomicInteger logicalPageCounter = (AtomicInteger) attributeMap.get(LOGICAL_PAGE_COUNTER);
            if (logicalPageCounter == null)
                //We are processing the first component tag.
                logicalPageCounter = new AtomicInteger(1);
                logicalPageId = 1;
                attributeMap.put(LOGICAL_PAGE_COUNTER, logicalPageCounter);
                pageContext.setAttribute(LOGICAL_PAGE_ID, logicalPageId);
                //We are on a different page context, so we need to assign and set.
                logicalPageId = logicalPageCounter.incrementAndGet();
                pageContext.setAttribute(LOGICAL_PAGE_ID, logicalPageId);
                _jspId = jspId + "pc" + logicalPageId;
        _facesJspId = null;

     * @param child
     * @see
     *      _componentInstance.UIComponent)

    protected void addChild(UIComponent child)
        if (_childrenAdded == null)
            _childrenAdded = new ArrayList<String>();


     * @param name
     * @see
    protected void addFacet(String name)
        if (_facetsAdded == null)
            _facetsAdded = new ArrayList<String>();


     * Return the UIComponent instance associated with this tag.
     * @return a UIComponent, never null.
    public UIComponent getComponentInstance()
        return _componentInstance;

     * @return
     * @see

    protected FacesContext getFacesContext()
        if (_facesContext != null)
            return _facesContext;

        _facesContext = pageContext == null ? null : (FacesContext)pageContext.getAttribute(REQUEST_FACES_CONTEXT);

        if (_facesContext != null)
            return _facesContext;

        _facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();

        if (_facesContext != null)
            if (pageContext != null)
                pageContext.setAttribute(REQUEST_FACES_CONTEXT, _facesContext);
            return _facesContext;

        // should never be reached
        throw new RuntimeException("FacesContext not found");

     * @return
     * @see

    protected int getIndexOfNextChildTag()
        if (_childrenAdded == null)
            return 0;

        return _childrenAdded.size();

     * @param id
     * @see
    public void setId(String id)
        if (id != null && id.startsWith(UIViewRoot.UNIQUE_ID_PREFIX))
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Id is non-null and starts with UIViewRoot.UNIQUE_ID_PREFIX: " + id);

        _id = id;

     * Return the id (if any) specified as an xml attribute on this tag.
    protected String getId()
        return _id;

    protected String getFacesJspId()
        if (_facesJspId == null)
            if (_jspId != null)
                _facesJspId = UNIQUE_ID_PREFIX + _jspId;

                if (isIdDuplicated(_facesJspId))
                    _facesJspId = createNextId(_facesJspId);
                _facesJspId = _facesContext.getViewRoot().createUniqueId();

        return _facesJspId;

    public void setBodyContent(BodyContent bodyContent)
        this.bodyContent = bodyContent;

    public void doInitBody() throws JspException
        // nothing by default

    public int doAfterBody() throws JspException
        UIComponentClassicTagBase parentTag = getParentUIComponentClassicTagBase(pageContext);

        if (isRootTag(parentTag) || isInRenderedChildrenComponent(parentTag))
            UIComponent verbatimComp = createVerbatimComponentFromBodyContent();

            if (verbatimComp != null)
                List<String> childrenAddedIds =

                if (childrenAddedIds == null)
                    int index = _componentInstance.getChildCount();
                    if (childrenAddedIds.size() == index)
                        // verbatim already present, replace it
                        _componentInstance.getChildren().add(index - 1, verbatimComp);

                // also tell the parent-tag about the new component instance
                if (parentTag != null)

        return getDoAfterBodyValue();

     * Standard method invoked by the JSP framework to inform this tag of the PageContext associated with the jsp page
     * currently being processed.
    public void setPageContext(PageContext pageContext)
        this.pageContext = pageContext;

     * Returns the enclosing JSP tag object. Note that this is not necessarily a JSF tag.
    public Tag getParent()
        return _parent;

     * Standard method invoked by the JSP framework to inform this tag of the enclosing JSP tag object.
    public void setParent(Tag tag)
        this._parent = tag;

    public BodyContent getBodyContent()
        return bodyContent;

    public int doStartTag() throws JspException
        this._facesContext = getFacesContext();

        if (_facesContext == null)
            throw new JspException("FacesContext not found");

        _childrenAdded = null;
        _facetsAdded = null;

        _parentClassicTag = getParentUIComponentClassicTagBase(pageContext);

        UIComponent verbatimComp = null;

        // create the verbatim component if not inside a facet (facets are rendered
        // by their parents) and in a component that renders children
        if (!isFacet())
            Tag parent = getParent();

            // flush if in a loop tag and not in a jsp tag
            if (parent != null && parent instanceof LoopTag)
                JspWriter outWriter = pageContext.getOut();
                boolean insideJspTag = (outWriter instanceof BodyContent);

                if (!insideJspTag)
                    catch (IOException e)
                        throw new JspException("Exception flushing when creating verbatim _componentInstance", e);

            // create the transient _componentInstance
            if (_parentClassicTag != null)
                verbatimComp = _parentClassicTag.createVerbatimComponentFromBodyContent();

        // find the _componentInstance for this tag
        _componentInstance = findComponent(_facesContext);

        // add the verbatim component
        if (verbatimComp != null && _parentClassicTag != null)
            addVerbatimBeforeComponent(_parentClassicTag, verbatimComp, _componentInstance);

        Map<String, Object> viewComponentIds = getViewComponentIds();

        // check that the instance returned by the client ID for the viewComponentIds
        // is the same like this one, so we do not perform again the check for duplicated ids
        Object tagInstance = null;
        String clientId = null;
        if (_id != null)
            clientId = _componentInstance.getClientId(_facesContext);
            tagInstance = (viewComponentIds.get(clientId) == this) ? this : null;

        if (tagInstance == null)
            // check for duplicated IDs
            if (_id != null)
                if (clientId != null)
                    if (viewComponentIds.containsKey(clientId))
                        throw new JspException("Duplicated component Id: '" + clientId + "' " + "for component: '"
                                + getPathToComponent(_componentInstance) + "'.");

                    viewComponentIds.put(clientId, this);

            // add to the component or facet to parent
            if (_parentClassicTag != null)
                if (isFacet())

        // push this tag on the stack

        return getDoStartValue();

    public int doEndTag() throws JspException
        UIComponent component = getComponentInstance();


            UIComponentClassicTagBase parentTag = getParentUIComponentClassicTagBase(pageContext);

            UIComponent verbatimComp = createVerbatimComponentFromBodyContent();

            if (verbatimComp != null)

                if (parentTag != null)
        catch (Throwable e)
            throw new JspException(e);
            component = null;

        int retValue = getDoEndValue();


        return retValue;

     * @throws JspException 
    protected int getDoAfterBodyValue() throws JspException
        return SKIP_BODY;

     * Get the value to be returned by the doStartTag method to the JSP framework. Subclasses which wish to use the
     * inherited doStartTag but control whether the tag is permitted to contain nested tags or not can just override
     * this method to return Tag.SOME_CONSTANT.
     * @return BodyTag.EVAL_BODY_BUFFERED
     * @throws JspException
    protected int getDoStartValue() throws JspException
        return BodyTag.EVAL_BODY_BUFFERED;

     * Get the value to be returned by the doEndTag method to the JSP framework. Subclasses which wish to use the
     * inherited doEndTag but control whether the tag is permitted to contain nested tags or not can just override this
     * method to return Tag.SOME_CONSTANT.
     * @return Tag.EVAL_PAGE
     * @throws JspException
    protected int getDoEndValue() throws JspException
        return Tag.EVAL_PAGE;

    protected String getFacetName()
        return isFacet() ? ((FacetTag)_parent).getName() : null;

     * Creates a UIComponent from the BodyContent
    protected UIComponent createVerbatimComponentFromBodyContent()
        UIOutput verbatimComp = null;

        if (bodyContent != null)
            String strContent = bodyContent.getString();

            if (strContent != null)
                String trimmedContent = strContent.trim();
                if (trimmedContent.length() > 0 && !isComment(strContent))
                    verbatimComp = createVerbatimComponent();


        return verbatimComp;

    private static boolean isComment(String bodyContent)
        return (bodyContent.startsWith("<!--") && bodyContent.endsWith("-->"));

     * <p>
     * Creates a transient UIOutput using the Application, with the following characteristics:
     * </p>
     * <p/>
     * <p>
     * <code>componentType</code> is <code>javax.faces.HtmlOutputText</code>.
     * </p>
     * <p/>
     * <p>
     * <code>transient</code> is <code>true</code>.
     * </p>
     * <p/>
     * <p>
     * <code>escape</code> is <code>false</code>.
     * </p>
     * <p/>
     * <p>
     * <code>id</code> is <code>FacesContext.getViewRoot().createUniqueId()</code>
     * </p>
    protected UIOutput createVerbatimComponent()
        UIOutput verbatimComp =
        verbatimComp.getAttributes().put("escape", Boolean.FALSE);

        return verbatimComp;

    protected void addVerbatimBeforeComponent(UIComponentClassicTagBase parentTag, UIComponent verbatimComp,
                                              UIComponent component)
        UIComponent parent = component.getParent();

        if (parent == null)

        List<UIComponent> children = parent.getChildren();
        // EDGE CASE:
        // Consider CASE 1 or 2 where the _componentInstance is provided via a
        // _componentInstance binding in session or application scope.
        // The automatically created UIOuput instances for the template text
        // will already be present. Check the JSP_CREATED_COMPONENT_IDS attribute,
        // if present and the number of created components is the same
        // as the number of children replace at a -1 offset from the current
        // value of indexOfComponentInParent, otherwise, call add()

        List<String> childrenAddedIds = (List<String>)parent.getAttributes().get(FORMER_CHILD_IDS_SET_ATTR);

        int parentIndex = children.indexOf(component);

        if (childrenAddedIds != null)
            if (parentIndex > 0 && childrenAddedIds.size() == parentIndex)
                UIComponent formerVerbatim = children.get(parentIndex - 1);

                if (formerVerbatim instanceof UIOutput && formerVerbatim.isTransient())
                    children.set(parentIndex - 1, verbatimComp);

        children.add(parentIndex, verbatimComp);


     * <p>
     * Add <i>verbatim</i> as a sibling of <i>_componentInstance</i> in <i>_componentInstance</i> in the parent's child
     * list. <i>verbatim</i> is added to the list at the position immediatly following <i>_componentInstance</i>.
     * </p>

    protected void addVerbatimAfterComponent(UIComponentClassicTagBase parentTag, UIComponent verbatim,
                                             UIComponent component)
        int indexOfComponentInParent = 0;
        UIComponent parent = component.getParent();

        // invert the order of this if and the assignment below. Since this line is
        // here, it appears an early return is acceptable/desired if parent is null,
        // and, if it is null, we should probably check for that before we try to
        // access it. 2006-03-15 jdl
        if (null == parent)
        List<UIComponent> children = parent.getChildren();
        indexOfComponentInParent = children.indexOf(component);
        if (children.size() - 1 == indexOfComponentInParent)
            children.add(indexOfComponentInParent + 1, verbatim);

     * @deprecated the ResponseWriter is now set by {@link javax.faces.application.ViewHandler#renderView}
    protected void setupResponseWriter()

     * Invoke encodeBegin on the associated UIComponent. Subclasses can override this method to perform custom
     * processing before or after the UIComponent method invocation.
    protected void encodeBegin() throws IOException
        if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE))
            log.fine("Entered encodeBegin for client-Id: " + _componentInstance.getClientId(getFacesContext()));
        if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE))
            log.fine("Exited encodeBegin");

     * Invoke encodeChildren on the associated UIComponent. Subclasses can override this method to perform custom
     * processing before or after the UIComponent method invocation. This is only invoked for components whose
     * getRendersChildren method returns true.
    protected void encodeChildren() throws IOException
        if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE))
            log.fine("Entered encodeChildren for client-Id: " + _componentInstance.getClientId(getFacesContext()));
        if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE))
            log.fine("Exited encodeChildren for client-Id: " + _componentInstance.getClientId(getFacesContext()));

     * Invoke encodeEnd on the associated UIComponent. Subclasses can override this method to perform custom processing
     * before or after the UIComponent method invocation.
    protected void encodeEnd() throws IOException
        if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE))
            log.fine("Entered encodeEnd for client-Id: " + _componentInstance.getClientId(getFacesContext()));
        if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE))
            log.fine("Exited encodeEnd for client-Id: " + _componentInstance.getClientId(getFacesContext()));


    private boolean isRootTag(UIComponentClassicTagBase parentTag)
        return (parentTag == this);

    private boolean isInRenderedChildrenComponent(UIComponentClassicTagBase tag)
        return (_parentClassicTag != null && tag.getComponentInstance().getRendersChildren());

    private boolean isFacet()
        return _parent != null && _parent instanceof FacetTag;

    /** Map of <ID,Tag> in the view */
    private Map<String, Object> getViewComponentIds()
        Map<Object, Object> attributes = _facesContext.getAttributes();
        Map<String, Object> viewComponentIds;

        if (_parent == null)
            // top level _componentInstance
            viewComponentIds = new HashMap<String, Object>();
            attributes.put(VIEW_IDS, viewComponentIds);
            viewComponentIds = (Map<String, Object>) attributes.get(VIEW_IDS);
            // Check if null, this can happen if someone programatically tries to do an include of a
            // JSP fragment. This code will prevent NullPointerException from happening in such cases.
            if (viewComponentIds == null)
                viewComponentIds = new HashMap<String, Object>();
                attributes.put(VIEW_IDS, viewComponentIds);

        return viewComponentIds;

    private static final Stack<UIComponentClassicTagBase> getStack(PageContext pageContext)
        Stack<UIComponentClassicTagBase> stack =

        if (stack == null)
            stack = new Stack<UIComponentClassicTagBase>();
            pageContext.setAttribute(COMPONENT_STACK_ATTR, stack, PageContext.REQUEST_SCOPE);

        return stack;

     * The pageContext's request scope map is used to hold a stack of JSP tag objects seen so far, so that a new tag can
     * find the parent tag that encloses it. Access to the parent tag is used to find the parent UIComponent for the
     * component associated with this tag plus some other uses.
    private void popTag()
        Stack<UIComponentClassicTagBase> stack = getStack(pageContext);

        int size = stack.size();
        stack.remove(size - 1);
        if (size <= 1)
            pageContext.removeAttribute(COMPONENT_STACK_ATTR, PageContext.REQUEST_SCOPE);


    private void pushTag()

    //private boolean isIncludedOrForwarded() {
    //    return getFacesContext().getExternalContext().getRequestMap().
    //            containsKey("javax.servlet.include.request_uri");

    /** Generate diagnostic output. */
    private String getPathToComponent(UIComponent component)
        StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();

        if (component == null)
            buf.append("{Component-Path : ");
            return buf.toString();

        getPathToComponent(component, buf);

        buf.insert(0, "{Component-Path : ");

        return buf.toString();

    /** Generate diagnostic output. */
    private static void getPathToComponent(UIComponent component, StringBuffer buf)
        if (component == null)

        StringBuffer intBuf = new StringBuffer();

        intBuf.append("[Class: ");
        if (component instanceof UIViewRoot)
            intBuf.append(",ViewId: ");
            intBuf.append(",Id: ");

        buf.insert(0, intBuf);

        getPathToComponent(component.getParent(), buf);

     * Remove any child components of the associated components which do not have corresponding tags as children of this
     * tag. This only happens when a view is being re-rendered and there are components in the view tree which don't
     * have corresponding JSP tags. Wrapping JSF tags in JSTL "c:if" statements is one way this can happen. <br />
     * Attention: programmatically added components are are not affected by this: they will not be on the old list of
     * created components nor on the new list of created components, so nothing will happen to them.
    private void removeFormerChildren(UIComponent component)
        List<String> formerChildIds = (List<String>)component.getAttributes().get(FORMER_CHILD_IDS_SET_ATTR);
        if (formerChildIds != null)
            for (String childId : formerChildIds)
                if (_childrenAdded == null || !_childrenAdded.contains(childId))
                    UIComponent childToRemove = component.findComponent(childId);
                    if (childToRemove != null)
            if (_childrenAdded == null)
                component.getAttributes().put(FORMER_CHILD_IDS_SET_ATTR, _childrenAdded);
            if (_childrenAdded != null)
                component.getAttributes().put(FORMER_CHILD_IDS_SET_ATTR, _childrenAdded);

    /** See removeFormerChildren. */
    private void removeFormerFacets(UIComponent component)
        List<String> formerFacetNames = (List<String>)component.getAttributes().get(FORMER_FACET_NAMES_SET_ATTR);
        if (formerFacetNames != null)
            for (String facetName : formerFacetNames)
                if (_facetsAdded == null || !_facetsAdded.contains(facetName))
            if (_facetsAdded == null)
                component.getAttributes().put(FORMER_FACET_NAMES_SET_ATTR, _facetsAdded);
            if (_facetsAdded != null)
                component.getAttributes().put(FORMER_FACET_NAMES_SET_ATTR, _facetsAdded);

     * Return the corresponding UIComponent for this tag, creating it if necessary.
     * <p>
     * If this is not the first time this method has been called, then return the cached _componentInstance instance
     * found last time.
     * <p>
     * If this is not the first time this view has been seen, then locate the existing _componentInstance using the id
     * attribute assigned to this tag and return it. Note that this is simple for components with user-assigned ids. For
     * components with generated ids, the "reattachment" relies on the fact that UIViewRoot will generate the same id
     * values for tags in this page as it did when first generating the view. For this reason all JSF tags within a JSTL
     * "c:if" are required to have explicitly-assigned ids.
     * <p>
     * Otherwise create the _componentInstance, populate its properties from the xml attributes on this JSP tag and
     * attach it to its parent.
     * <p>
     * When a _componentInstance is found or created the parent JSP tag is also told that the _componentInstance has
     * been "seen". When the parent tag ends it will delete any components which were in the view previously but have
     * not been seen this time; see doEndTag for more details.
    protected UIComponent findComponent(FacesContext context) throws JspException
        // 1. If we have previously located this component, return it.
        if (_componentInstance != null)
            return _componentInstance;

        // 2. Locate the parent component by looking for a parent UIComponentTag instance,
        // and ask it for its component. If there is no parent UIComponentTag instance,
        // this tag represents the root component, so get it from the current Tree and return it.
        UIComponentClassicTagBase parentTag = getParentUIComponentClassicTagBase(pageContext);

        if (parentTag == null)
            // This is the root
            _componentInstance = context.getViewRoot();

            // check if the view root is already bound to the tag
            Object alreadyBoundViewRootFlag = _componentInstance.getAttributes().get(BOUND_VIEW_ROOT);

            if (alreadyBoundViewRootFlag == null)
                catch (Throwable e)
                    throw new JspException(e);

                if (_id != null)
                _componentInstance.getAttributes().put(BOUND_VIEW_ROOT, true);
                _created = true;

            else if (hasBinding())

            return _componentInstance;

        UIComponent parent = parentTag.getComponentInstance();

        if (parent == null)
            throw new IllegalStateException("parent is null?");

        String facetName = getFacetName();
        if (facetName != null)
            // Facet
            String id = createUniqueId(context, parent);
            _componentInstance = parent.getFacet(facetName);
            if (_componentInstance == null)
                _componentInstance = createComponent(context, id);
                _created = true;
                parent.getFacets().put(facetName, _componentInstance);
                if (checkFacetNameOnParentExists(parentTag, facetName))
                    throw new IllegalStateException("facet '" + facetName
                            + "' already has a child associated. current associated _componentInstance id: "
                            + _componentInstance.getClientId(context) + " class: "
                            + _componentInstance.getClass().getName());

            addFacetNameToParentTag(parentTag, facetName);
            return _componentInstance;

        // Child
        // Note that setProperties is called only when we create the
        // _componentInstance; on later passes, the attributes defined on the
        // JSP tag are set on this Tag object, but then completely
        // ignored.

        String id = createUniqueId(context, parent);

        // Warn users that this tag is about to find/steal the UIComponent
        // that has already been created for a sibling tag with the same id value .
        // _childrenAdded is a Set, and we will stomp over a past id when calling
        // addChildIdToParentTag.
        // It would also be reasonable to throw an exception here rather than
        // just issue a warning as this is a pretty serious problem. However the
        // Sun RI just issues a warning...
        if (parentTag._childrenAdded != null && parentTag._childrenAdded.contains(id))
            if (log.isLoggable(Level.WARNING))
                log.warning("There is more than one JSF tag with an id : " + id);

        _componentInstance = findComponent(parent, id);
        if (_componentInstance == null)
            _componentInstance = createComponent(context, id);
            if (id.equals(_componentInstance.getId()) )
            _created = true;
            int index = parentTag.getIndexOfNextChildTag();
            if (index > parent.getChildCount())
                index = parent.getChildCount();

            List<UIComponent> children = parent.getChildren();
            children.add(index, _componentInstance);
            // On weblogic portal using faces-adapter, the id set and the retrieved
            // one for <netuix:namingContainer> is different. The reason is
            // this custom solution for integrate jsf changes the id of the parent
            // component to allow the same native portlet to be allocated multiple
            // times in the same page
            else if (null == findComponent(parent,_componentInstance.getId()))
                _created = true;
                int index = parentTag.getIndexOfNextChildTag();
                if (index > parent.getChildCount())
                    index = parent.getChildCount();

                List<UIComponent> children = parent.getChildren();
                children.add(index, _componentInstance);

        return _componentInstance;


    private UIComponent findComponent(UIComponent parent, String id)
        for (UIComponent child : parent.getChildren())
            if (child.getId() != null && child.getId().equals(id))
                return child;

        return null;

    private String createUniqueId(FacesContext context, UIComponent parent) throws JspException
        String id = getId();
        if (id == null)
            id = getFacesJspId();
        else if (isIdDuplicated(id))
            if (isInAnIterator)
                id = getId();
                if (parent != null)

                    UIComponent namingContainer;

                    if (parent instanceof NamingContainer)
                        namingContainer = parent;
                        namingContainer = parent.getParent();

                    if (namingContainer != null)
                        UIComponent component = namingContainer.findComponent(id);

                        if (component == null || isPostBack(context))
                            return id;

                throw new JspException("Duplicated Id found in the view: " + id);

        return id;

    private String createNextId(String componentId)
        Integer currentCounter = (Integer) getFacesContext().getAttributes().get(componentId);

        int iCurrentCounter = 1;

        if (currentCounter != null)
            iCurrentCounter = currentCounter;

        getFacesContext().getAttributes().put(componentId, iCurrentCounter);

        //if (isIncludedOrForwarded())
        //    componentId = componentId + "pc" + iCurrentCounter;
        componentId = componentId + UNIQUE_ID_PREFIX + iCurrentCounter;           

        return componentId;

    private void checkIfItIsInAnIterator(String jspId)
        Set<String> previousJspIdsSet = getPreviousJspIdsSet();

        if (previousJspIdsSet.contains(jspId))
            isInAnIterator = true;
            isInAnIterator = false;

    private Set<String> getPreviousJspIdsSet()
        Set<String> previousJspIdsSet =

        if (previousJspIdsSet == null)
            previousJspIdsSet = new HashSet<String>();
            // Add it to the context! The next time is called
            // this method it takes the ref from the RequestContext
            getFacesContext().getAttributes().put(PREVIOUS_JSP_IDS_SET, previousJspIdsSet);

        return previousJspIdsSet;

    private boolean isIdDuplicated(String componentId)
        boolean result = false;
        if (_parentClassicTag != null)
            if (_parentClassicTag.isInAnIterator)
                return true;
            List<String> childComponents = _parentClassicTag.getCreatedComponents();

            if (childComponents != null)
                result = childComponents.contains(componentId);
                if (result && (!isInAnIterator))
                    return true;

        return result;

    private boolean isPostBack(FacesContext facesContext)
        return facesContext.getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap().containsKey(

     * check if the facet is already added to the parent
    private boolean checkFacetNameOnParentExists(UIComponentClassicTagBase parentTag, String facetName)
        return parentTag._facetsAdded != null && parentTag._facetsAdded.contains(facetName);

     * Notify the enclosing JSP tag of the id of this facet's id. The parent tag will later delete any existing view
     * facets that were not seen during this rendering phase; see doEndTag for details.
    private void addFacetNameToParentTag(UIComponentClassicTagBase parentTag, String facetName)
        if (parentTag._facetsAdded == null)
            parentTag._facetsAdded = new ArrayList<String>();

    protected abstract boolean hasBinding();

    public JspWriter getPreviousOut()
        return bodyContent.getEnclosingWriter();

Related Classes of javax.faces.webapp.UIComponentClassicTagBase

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