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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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import java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Proxy;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;

import org.apache.jetspeed.Jetspeed;
import org.apache.jetspeed.PortalReservedParameters;
import org.apache.jetspeed.portalsite.view.SiteView;
import org.apache.jetspeed.portalsite.view.SiteViewSearchPath;
import org.apache.jetspeed.request.RequestContext;

* This class proxies PSML Folder instances to create a logical view
* of site content using the Dynamic Proxy pattern.
* @author <a href="">Randy Watler</a>
* @version $Id: 828270 2009-10-22 01:23:05Z rwatler $
public class FolderProxy extends NodeProxy implements InvocationHandler
     * *_METHOD - Folder method constants
    protected static final Method GET_ALL_METHOD = reflectMethod(Folder.class, "getAll", null);
    protected static final Method GET_DEFAULT_PAGE_METHOD = reflectMethod(Folder.class, "getDefaultPage", null);
    protected static final Method GET_FOLDERS_METHOD = reflectMethod(Folder.class, "getFolders", null);
    protected static final Method GET_FOLDER_METHOD = reflectMethod(Folder.class, "getFolder", new Class[]{String.class});
    protected static final Method GET_LINKS_METHOD = reflectMethod(Folder.class, "getLinks", null);
    protected static final Method GET_LINK_METHOD = reflectMethod(Folder.class, "getLink", new Class[]{String.class});
    protected static final Method GET_MENU_DEFINITIONS_METHOD = reflectMethod(Folder.class, "getMenuDefinitions", null);
    protected static final Method GET_METADATA_METHOD = reflectMethod(Folder.class, "getMetadata", null);
    protected static final Method GET_NAME_METHOD = reflectMethod(Folder.class, "getName", null);
    protected static final Method GET_PAGES_METHOD = reflectMethod(Folder.class, "getPages", null);
    protected static final Method GET_PAGE_METHOD = reflectMethod(Folder.class, "getPage", new Class[]{String.class});
    protected static final Method GET_PAGE_SECURITY_METHOD = reflectMethod(Folder.class, "getPageSecurity", null);
    protected static final Method GET_SHORT_TITLE_LOCALE_METHOD = reflectMethod(Folder.class, "getShortTitle", new Class[]{Locale.class});
    protected static final Method GET_SHORT_TITLE_METHOD = reflectMethod(Folder.class, "getShortTitle", null);
    protected static final Method GET_TITLE_LOCALE_METHOD = reflectMethod(Folder.class, "getTitle", new Class[]{Locale.class});
    protected static final Method GET_TITLE_METHOD = reflectMethod(Folder.class, "getTitle", null);

     * defaultFolder - default proxy delegate folder instance
    private Folder defaultFolder;

     * titledFolder - titled proxy delegate folder instance
    private Folder titledFolder;

     * children - aggregated proxy sub-folder, page, and link nodes
    private NodeSet children;

     * childrenAggregated - boolean flag to indicate children aggregated
    private boolean childrenAggregated;

     * folders - aggregated proxy sub-folder nodes
    private NodeSet folders;

     * foldersAggregated - boolean flag to indicate folders aggregated
    private boolean foldersAggregated;

     * pages - aggregated proxy page nodes
    private NodeSet pages;

     * pagesAggregated - boolean flag to indicate pages aggregated
    private boolean pagesAggregated;

     * links - aggregated proxy link nodes
    private NodeSet links;

     * linksAggregated - boolean flag to indicate links aggregated
    private boolean linksAggregated;

     * SearchFolder - data object used hold concrete search folder and
     *                related search path profile locator name pairs
    private class SearchFolder
        public Folder folder;
        public String locatorName;

        public SearchFolder(Folder folder, String locatorName)
            this.folder = folder;
            this.locatorName = locatorName;

     * searchFolders - search folder objects along view search paths
     *                 in most to least specific order
    private List searchFolders;

     * inheritanceFolders - inheritance graph folder list in most to
     *                      least specific order
    private List inheritanceFolders;
     * newInstance - creates a new proxy instance that implements the Folder interface
     * @param view site view owner of this proxy
     * @param locatorName name of profile locator associated
     *                    with the proxy delegate
     * @param parentFolder view parent proxy folder
     * @param folder proxy delegate
    public static Folder newInstance(SiteView view, String locatorName, Folder parentFolder, Folder folder)
        return (Folder)Proxy.newProxyInstance(folder.getClass().getClassLoader(), new Class[]{Folder.class}, new FolderProxy(view, locatorName, parentFolder, folder));

     * FolderProxy - private constructor used by newInstance()
     * @param view site view owner of this proxy
     * @param locatorName name of profile locator associated
     *                    with the proxy delegate
     * @param parentFolder view parent proxy folder
     * @param folder proxy delegate
    private FolderProxy(SiteView view, String locatorName, Folder parentFolder, Folder folder)
        super(view, locatorName, parentFolder, folder.getName(), folder.isHidden());
        this.defaultFolder = selectDefaultFromAggregateFolders(folder);
        this.titledFolder = selectTitledFromAggregateFolders(this.defaultFolder);
     * invoke - method invocation dispatch for this proxy, (defaults to
     *          invocation of delegate unless method is implemented in this
     *          proxy handler or should be hidden/stubbed)
     * @param proxy instance invoked against
     * @param method Folder interface method invoked
     * @param args method arguments
     * @throws Throwable
    public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method m, Object [] args) throws Throwable
        // proxy implementation method dispatch
        if (m.equals(GET_ALL_METHOD))
            return getAll(proxy);
        else if (m.equals(GET_DEFAULT_PAGE_METHOD))
            return getDefaultPage(proxy);
        else if (m.equals(GET_FOLDERS_METHOD))
            return getFolders(proxy);
        else if (m.equals(GET_FOLDER_METHOD))
            return getFolder(proxy, (String)args[0]);
        else if (m.equals(GET_LINKS_METHOD))
            return getLinks(proxy);
        else if (m.equals(GET_LINK_METHOD))
            return getLink(proxy, (String)args[0]);
        else if (m.equals(GET_MENU_DEFINITIONS_METHOD))
            return getMenuDefinitions();
        else if (m.equals(GET_METADATA_METHOD))
            return getMetadata();
        else if (m.equals(GET_NAME_METHOD))
            return getName();
        else if (m.equals(GET_PAGES_METHOD))
            return getPages(proxy);
        else if (m.equals(GET_PAGE_METHOD))
            return getPage(proxy, (String)args[0]);
        else if (m.equals(GET_SHORT_TITLE_LOCALE_METHOD))
            return getShortTitle((Locale)args[0]);
        else if (m.equals(GET_SHORT_TITLE_METHOD))
            return getShortTitle();
        else if (m.equals(GET_TITLE_LOCALE_METHOD))
            return getTitle((Locale)args[0]);
        else if (m.equals(GET_TITLE_METHOD))
            return getTitle();
        else if (m.equals(GET_PARENT_METHOD))
            return getParent();
        else if (m.equals(GET_PATH_METHOD))
            return getPath();
        else if (m.equals(GET_URL_METHOD))
            return getUrl();
        else if (m.equals(EQUALS_METHOD))
            return new Boolean(equals(args[0]));
        else if (m.equals(HASH_CODE_METHOD))
            return new Integer(hashCode());
        else if (m.equals(IS_HIDDEN_METHOD))
            return new Boolean(isHidden());
        else if (m.equals(TO_STRING_METHOD))
            return toString();
        // proxy suppression of not implemented or mutable methods
        if (m.equals(GET_PAGE_SECURITY_METHOD) ||
            throw new RuntimeException("Folder instance is immutable from proxy.");

            // attempt to invoke method on delegate Folder instance
            return m.invoke(defaultFolder, args);
        catch (InvocationTargetException ite)
            throw ite.getTargetException();

     * getAll - proxy implementation of Folder.getAll()
     * @param proxy this folder proxy
     * @return list containing sub-folders and documents in folder
     * @throws DocumentException
    public NodeSet getAll(Object proxy) throws DocumentException
        // latently aggregate all children
        if (!childrenAggregated)
            children = aggregateChildren(proxy);
            childrenAggregated = true;
        return children;

     * getDefaultPage - proxy implementation of Folder.getDefaultPage()
     * @param proxy this folder proxy
     * @return default page name
    public String getDefaultPage(Object proxy)
        // attempt to get explicitly specified default page
        return selectDefaultPageFromAggregateFolders(proxy);

     * getFolders - proxy implementation of Folder.getFolders()
     * @param proxy this folder proxy
     * @return list containing all sub-folders in folder
     * @throws DocumentException
    public NodeSet getFolders(Object proxy) throws DocumentException
        // latently subset folders by type from aggregated children
        if (!foldersAggregated)
            NodeSet allChildren = getAll(proxy);
            if (allChildren != null)
                folders = allChildren.subset(Folder.FOLDER_TYPE);
            foldersAggregated = true;
        return folders;
     * getFolder - proxy implementation of Folder.getFolder()
     * @param proxy this folder proxy
     * @param name sub-folder name
     * @return sub-folder
     * @throws FolderNotFoundException
     * @throws DocumentException
    public Folder getFolder(Object proxy, String name) throws FolderNotFoundException, DocumentException
        // search for folder by name or absolute path from
        // aggregated folders
        NodeSet allFolders = getFolders(proxy);
        if (allFolders != null)
            Folder folder = (Folder)allFolders.get(name);
            if (folder != null)
                return folder;
        throw new FolderNotFoundException("Folder " + name + " not found at " + getPath());

     * getLinks - proxy implementation of Folder.getLinks()
     * @param proxy this folder proxy
     * @return list containing all links in folder
     * @throws NodeException
    public NodeSet getLinks(Object proxy) throws NodeException
        // latently subset links by type from aggregated children
        if (!linksAggregated)
            NodeSet allChildren = getAll(proxy);
            if (allChildren != null)
                links = allChildren.subset(Link.DOCUMENT_TYPE);
            linksAggregated = true;
        return links;
     * getLink - proxy implementation of Folder.getLink()
     * @param proxy this folder proxy
     * @param name link name including extension
     * @return link
     * @throws DocumentNotFoundException
     * @throws NodeException
    public Link getLink(Object proxy, String name) throws DocumentNotFoundException, NodeException
        // search for link by name or absolute path from
        // aggregated links
        NodeSet allLinks = getLinks(proxy);
        if (allLinks != null)
            Link link = (Link)allLinks.get(name);
            if (link != null)
                return link;
        throw new DocumentNotFoundException("Link " + name + " not found at " + getPath());

     * getName - proxy implementation of Node.getName()
     * @return name of folder
    public String getName()
        // force root folder name since the folder is
        // normally aggregated using more specific folders;
        // otherwise, use concrete default folder name
        if (getPath().equals(Folder.PATH_SEPARATOR))
            return Folder.PATH_SEPARATOR;
        return defaultFolder.getName();

     * getPages - proxy implementation of Folder.getPages()
     * @param proxy this folder proxy
     * @return list containing all pages in folder
     * @throws NodeException
    public NodeSet getPages(Object proxy) throws NodeException
        // latently subset pages by type from aggregated children
        if (!pagesAggregated)
            NodeSet allChildren = getAll(proxy);
            if (allChildren != null)
                pages = allChildren.subset(Page.DOCUMENT_TYPE);
            pagesAggregated = true;
        return pages;
     * getPage - proxy implementation of Folder.getPage()
     * @param proxy this folder proxy
     * @param name page name including extension
     * @return page
     * @throws PageNotFoundException
     * @throws NodeException
    public Page getPage(Object proxy, String name) throws PageNotFoundException, NodeException
        // search for page by name or absolute path from
        // aggregated pages
        NodeSet allPages = getPages(proxy);
        if (allPages != null)
            Page page = (Page)allPages.get(name);
            if (page != null)
                return page;
        throw new PageNotFoundException("Page " + name + " not found at " + getPath());

     * getMetadata - proxy implementation of Folder.getMetadata()
     * @return metadata
    public GenericMetadata getMetadata()
        // return titled concrete folder metadata
        return titledFolder.getMetadata();

     * getTitle - proxy implementation of Folder.getTitle()
     * @return default title
    public String getTitle()
        // return titled concrete folder title
        return titledFolder.getTitle();

     * getShortTitle - proxy implementation of Folder.getShortTitle()
     * @return default short title
    public String getShortTitle()
        // return titled concrete folder short title
        return titledFolder.getShortTitle();

     * getTitle - proxy implementation of Folder.getTitle()
     * @param locale preferred locale
     * @return title
    public String getTitle(Locale locale)
        // return titled concrete folder title
        return titledFolder.getTitle(locale);

     * getShortTitle - proxy implementation of Folder.getShortTitle()
     * @param locale preferred locale
     * @return short title
    public String getShortTitle(Locale locale)
        // return titled concrete folder short title
        return titledFolder.getShortTitle(locale);

     * getDefaultFolder - get default proxy delegate folder instance
     * @return default delegate folder
    public Folder getDefaultFolder()
        return defaultFolder;

     * checkAccessToFolderNotFound - checks security access to child folder
     *                               nodes not found in aggregated children
     *                               site view when accessed directly; folders
     *                               part of the view are by definition
     *                               accessible
     * @throws SecurityException if view access to folder not granted
    public void checkAccessToFolderNotFound(String folderName)
            // check access on concrete child in all search folders
            Iterator foldersIter = getSearchFolders().iterator();
            while (foldersIter.hasNext())
                // test access against child in search folder
                SearchFolder searchFolder = (SearchFolder);
                Folder folder = searchFolder.folder;
                // ignore all folder access exceptions, (throws SecurityException on failed check access)
                catch (DocumentException de)
                catch (FolderNotFoundException fnfe)
        catch (FolderNotFoundException fnfe)

     * checkAccessToNodeNotFound - checks security access to child node
     *                             nodes not found in aggregated children
     *                             site view when accessed directly; pages,
     *                             folders, and links part of the view are
     *                             by definition accessible
     * @throws SecurityException if view access to node not granted
    public void checkAccessToNodeNotFound(String nodeName)
            // check access on concrete child in all search folders
            Iterator foldersIter = getSearchFolders().iterator();
            while (foldersIter.hasNext())
                // test access against child in search folder
                SearchFolder searchFolder = (SearchFolder);
                Folder folder = searchFolder.folder;
                // ignore all folder access exceptions, (throws SecurityException on failed check access)
                catch (DocumentException de)
                catch (FolderNotFoundException fnfe)
                // ignore all page access exceptions, (throws SecurityException on failed check access)
                catch (NodeException ne)
                catch (PageNotFoundException ne)
                // ignore all link access exceptions, (throws SecurityException on failed check access)
                catch (NodeException ne)
                catch (DocumentNotFoundException ne)
        catch (FolderNotFoundException fnfe)

     * aggregateMenuDefinitionLocators - aggregate all menu definition locators
     *                                   in site view for this folder or page
    protected void aggregateMenuDefinitionLocators()
        // aggregate folder menu definition locators from most to least
        // specific along inheritance folder graph by name
            Iterator foldersIter = getInheritanceFolders().iterator();
            while (foldersIter.hasNext())
                // get menu definitions from inheritance folders and
                // merge into aggregate menu definition locators
                Folder folder = (Folder);
                mergeMenuDefinitionLocators(folder.getMenuDefinitions(), folder);
        catch (FolderNotFoundException fnfe)

        // aggregate standard menu definition locator defaults

     * selectDefaultFromAggregateFolders - select most appropriate aggregate concrete
     *                                     folder to use generally in site view at
     *                                     this proxy folder view path
     * @param defaultFolder default concrete folder
     * @return selected concrete folder
    private Folder selectDefaultFromAggregateFolders(Folder defaultFolder)
        // select most specific folder, (i.e. first) along
        // search paths ordered most to least specific
            return ((SearchFolder)getSearchFolders().get(0)).folder;
        catch (FolderNotFoundException fnfe)
        return defaultFolder;

     * selectTitledFromAggregateFolders - select most appropriate aggregate concrete
     *                                    folder with a title to use in site view at
     *                                    this proxy folder view path
     * @param defaultFolder default concrete folder
     * @return selected concrete folder
    private Folder selectTitledFromAggregateFolders(Folder defaultFolder)
        // select most specific folder along search paths
        // with a specified title, short title, or metadata
            Iterator foldersIter = getSearchFolders().iterator();
            while (foldersIter.hasNext())
                Folder folder = ((SearchFolder);
                String name = folder.getName();
                String title = folder.getTitle();
                String shortTitle = folder.getShortTitle();
                GenericMetadata folderMetadata = folder.getMetadata();
                if (((title != null) && !title.equalsIgnoreCase(name)) ||
                    ((shortTitle != null) && !shortTitle.equalsIgnoreCase(name)) ||
                    ((folderMetadata != null) && (folderMetadata.getFields() != null) && !folderMetadata.getFields().isEmpty()))
                    return folder;
        catch (FolderNotFoundException fnfe)
        return defaultFolder;

     * selectDefaultPageFromAggregateFolders - select most specific default page
     *                                         proxy to use in site view at this
     *                                         proxy folder view path
     * @param proxy this folder proxy
     * @return selected default page name
    private String selectDefaultPageFromAggregateFolders(Object proxy)
        // select most specific specified default page
        // along search paths
            // only test for fallback default page once
            boolean fallbackDefaultPageNotFound = false;
            Iterator foldersIter = getSearchFolders().iterator();
            while (foldersIter.hasNext())
                // get folder default page name or look for fallback default name
                Folder folder = ((SearchFolder);
                String defaultPageName = folder.getDefaultPage();
                if (defaultPageName != null)
                    // validate and return default page or folder
                    // if it exists as child in this folder
                    if (defaultPageName.equals(".."))
                        // default parent folder
                        if (getParent() != null)
                            return defaultPageName;
                        // default page
                            getPage(proxy, defaultPageName);
                            return defaultPageName;
                        catch (NodeException ne)
                        catch (NodeNotFoundException nnfe)
                        catch (SecurityException se)
                        // default folder
                        if (!defaultPageName.endsWith(Page.DOCUMENT_TYPE))
                                getFolder(proxy, defaultPageName);
                                return defaultPageName;
                            catch (NodeException ne)
                            catch (NodeNotFoundException nnfe)
                            catch (SecurityException se)
                else if (!fallbackDefaultPageNotFound)
                    // validate and return fallback default page if
                    // it exists as child in this folder
                        getPage(proxy, Folder.FALLBACK_DEFAULT_PAGE);
                        return Folder.FALLBACK_DEFAULT_PAGE;
                    catch (NodeException ne)
                        fallbackDefaultPageNotFound = true;
                    catch (NodeNotFoundException nnfe)
                        fallbackDefaultPageNotFound = true;
                    catch (SecurityException se)
                        fallbackDefaultPageNotFound = true;
        catch (FolderNotFoundException fnfe)
        return null;

     * aggregateChildren - aggregate all children proxies in site view
     * @param proxy this folder proxy
     * @return list containing sub-folders, pages, and links in folder view
    private NodeSet aggregateChildren(Object proxy)
        // extract all children and document ordering information
        // from aggregate folders
            // get children proxies
            List allChildren = new ArrayList();
            List folderDocumentOrder = null;
            Iterator foldersIter = getSearchFolders().iterator();
            while (foldersIter.hasNext())
                // aggregate folders
                SearchFolder searchFolder = (SearchFolder);
                Folder folder = searchFolder.folder;
                String locatorName = searchFolder.locatorName;

                // create and save proxies for concrete children
                NodeSet children = folder.getAll();
                Iterator childrenIter = children.iterator();
                while (childrenIter.hasNext())
                    Node child = (Node);
                    String childName = child.getName();

                    // filter profiling property folders; they are
                    // accessed only via SiteView search path
                    // aggregation that directly utilizes the
                    // current view page manager
                    boolean visible = (!(child instanceof Folder) || (!childName.startsWith(Folder.RESERVED_SUBSITE_FOLDER_PREFIX) &&
                    RequestContext rc = Jetspeed.getCurrentRequestContext();
                    boolean configureMode = false;
                    if (rc != null)
                        if (rc.getPipeline().getName().equals(PortalReservedParameters.CONFIG_PIPELINE_NAME) ||
                            configureMode = true;
                    if (visible || configureMode)
                        // test child name uniqueness
                        boolean childUnique = true ;
                        Iterator allChildrenIter = allChildren.iterator();
                        while (childUnique && allChildrenIter.hasNext())
                            childUnique = !childName.equals(((Node);                           

                        // add uniquely named children proxies
                        if (childUnique)
                            if (child instanceof Folder)
                                allChildren.add(FolderProxy.newInstance(getView(), locatorName, (Folder)proxy, (Folder)child));
                            else if (child instanceof Page)
                                allChildren.add(PageProxy.newInstance(getView(), locatorName, (Folder)proxy, (Page)child));
                            else if (child instanceof Link)
                                allChildren.add(LinkProxy.newInstance(getView(), locatorName, (Folder)proxy, (Link)child));

                // capture most specific document ordering
                if (folderDocumentOrder == null)
                    List documentOrder = folder.getDocumentOrder();
                    if ((documentOrder != null) && !documentOrder.isEmpty())
                        folderDocumentOrder = documentOrder;

            // sort children proxies if more than one by folder
            // document order or strict collation order
            if (allChildren.size() > 1)
                final List order = folderDocumentOrder;
                Comparator comparator = new Comparator()
                        public int compare(Object proxyNode1, Object proxyNode2)
                            // compare names of nodes against order or each other by default
                            String name1 = ((Node)proxyNode1).getName();
                            String name2 = ((Node)proxyNode2).getName();
                            if (order != null)
                                // compare names against order
                                int index1 = order.indexOf(name1);
                                int index2 = order.indexOf(name2);
                                if ((index1 != -1) || (index2 != -1))
                                    if ((index1 == -1) && (index2 != -1))
                                        return 1;
                                    if ((index1 != -1) && (index2 == -1))
                                        return -1;
                                    return index1-index2;
                            // compare names against each other
                            return name1.compareTo(name2);
                    } ;
                Collections.sort(allChildren, comparator);

            // wrap ordered children in new NodeSet
            if (!allChildren.isEmpty())
                return new NodeSetImpl(allChildren);
        catch (FolderNotFoundException fnfe)
        catch (DocumentException de)
        return null;

     * getSearchFolders - aggregate all concrete folders in site view
     *                    at this proxy folder view path
     * @return list containing concrete search folders in folder view
     * @throws FolderNotFoundException
    private List getSearchFolders() throws FolderNotFoundException
        // latently aggregate search folders
        if (searchFolders == null)
            // search for existing folders along search paths
            List searchPaths = getView().getSearchPaths();
            searchFolders = new ArrayList(searchPaths.size());
            Iterator pathsIter = searchPaths.iterator();
            while (pathsIter.hasNext())
                // construct folder paths
                SiteViewSearchPath searchPath = (SiteViewSearchPath);
                String path = searchPath.toString();
                if (!path.equals(Folder.PATH_SEPARATOR))
                    path += getPath();
                    path = getPath();
                // get existing folders from PageManager, create
                // corresponding search folder objects, and add to
                // search folders list
                    Folder folder = getView().getPageManager().getFolder(path);
                    if (folder != null)
                        searchFolders.add(new SearchFolder(folder, searchPath.getLocatorName()));
                catch (NodeException ne)
                catch (NodeNotFoundException ne)
                catch (SecurityException se)

        // return search folders
        if (!searchFolders.isEmpty())
            return searchFolders;
        throw new FolderNotFoundException("Search folders at " + getPath() + " not found or accessible");

     * getInheritanceFolders - aggregate all concrete inheritance folders
     *                         in site view at this proxy folder view path
     * @return list containing concrete inheritance folders in folder view
     * @throws FolderNotFoundException
    private List getInheritanceFolders() throws FolderNotFoundException
        // latently aggregate inheritance folders
        if (inheritanceFolders == null)
            // inheritance folders are aggregated from super/parent
            // folder search paths for each proxy folder in the view
            // path; concatinate all search paths from this proxy
            // folder to the proxy root to create the inheritance
            // graph folder list
            FolderProxy folder = this;
            List searchFolders = folder.getSearchFolders();
            if (getParent() != null)
                inheritanceFolders = new ArrayList(searchFolders.size() * 2);
                inheritanceFolders = new ArrayList(searchFolders.size());
                // copy ordered search path folders into inheritance
                // graph folders list
                Iterator foldersIter = searchFolders.iterator();
                while (foldersIter.hasNext())

                // get super/parent search paths
                folder = (FolderProxy)getNodeProxy(folder.getParent());
                if (folder != null)
                    searchFolders = folder.getSearchFolders();
            while (folder != null);

        // return inheritance folders
        if (!inheritanceFolders.isEmpty())
            return inheritanceFolders;
        throw new FolderNotFoundException("Inheritance folders at " + getPath() + " not found or accessible");

     * getFolderProxy - utility method to access FolderProxy handler
     *                  from Folder proxy instance
     * @param folder folder proxy instance
     * @return folder proxy invocation handler instance
    public static FolderProxy getFolderProxy(Object folder)
        if ((folder != null) && Proxy.isProxyClass(folder.getClass()))
            Object folderProxyHandler = Proxy.getInvocationHandler(folder);
            if (folderProxyHandler instanceof FolderProxy)
                return (FolderProxy)folderProxyHandler;
        return null;

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