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*  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
*  or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
*  distributed with this work for additional information
*  regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
*  to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IConfigurationElement;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IExtension;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IExtensionPoint;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IExtensionRegistry;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform;
import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.IDialogConstants;
import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.MessageDialog;
import org.eclipse.jface.resource.ImageDescriptor;
import org.eclipse.osgi.util.NLS;
import org.eclipse.ui.IEditorPart;
import org.eclipse.ui.IEditorReference;
import org.eclipse.ui.IPartListener2;
import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchPage;
import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchPart;
import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchPartReference;
import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchWindow;
import org.eclipse.ui.PartInitException;
import org.eclipse.ui.PlatformUI;
import org.eclipse.ui.plugin.AbstractUIPlugin;

* A EntryEditorManager is used to manage entry editors. It provides methods to get
* the best or alternative entry editors for a given entry.
* The available value editors are specified by the extension point
* <code></code>.
* @author <a href="">Apache Directory Project</a>
* @version $Rev$, $Date$
public class EntryEditorManager
    private static final String ID_ATTR = "id"; //$NON-NLS-1$
    private static final String NAME_ATTR = "name"; //$NON-NLS-1$
    private static final String DESCRIPTION_ATTR = "description"; //$NON-NLS-1$
    private static final String ICON_ATTR = "icon"; //$NON-NLS-1$
    private static final String CLASS_ATTR = "class"; //$NON-NLS-1$
    private static final String EDITOR_ID_ATTR = "editorId"; //$NON-NLS-1$
    private static final String MULTI_WINDOW_ATTR = "multiWindow"; //$NON-NLS-1$
    private static final String PRIORITY_ATTR = "priority"; //$NON-NLS-1$

    /** The priorities separator */
    public static final String PRIORITIES_SEPARATOR = ","; //$NON-NLS-1$

    /** The list of entry editors */
    private Map<String, EntryEditorExtension> entryEditorExtensions = new HashMap<String, EntryEditorExtension>();

    /** The shared reference copies for open-save-close editors; original entry -> reference copy */
    private Map<IEntry, IEntry> oscSharedReferenceCopies = new HashMap<IEntry, IEntry>();

    /** The shared working copies for open-save-close editors; original entry -> working copy */
    private Map<IEntry, IEntry> oscSharedWorkingCopies = new HashMap<IEntry, IEntry>();

    /** The shared reference copies for auto-save editors; original entry -> reference copy */
    private Map<IEntry, IEntry> autoSaveSharedReferenceCopies = new HashMap<IEntry, IEntry>();

    /** The shared working copies for auto-save editors; original entry -> working copy */
    private Map<IEntry, IEntry> autoSaveSharedWorkingCopies = new HashMap<IEntry, IEntry>();

    /** The comparator for entry editors */
    private Comparator<EntryEditorExtension> entryEditorComparator = new Comparator<EntryEditorExtension>()
        public int compare( EntryEditorExtension o1, EntryEditorExtension o2 )
            if ( o1 == null )
                return ( o2 == null ) ? 0 : -1;

            if ( o2 == null )
                return 1;

            // Getting priorities
            int o1Priority = o1.getPriority();
            int o2Priority = o2.getPriority();

            if ( o1Priority != o2Priority )
                return ( o1Priority > o2Priority ) ? -1 : 1;

            // Getting names
            String o1Name = o1.getName();
            String o2Name = o2.getName();

            if ( o1Name == null )
                return ( o2Name == null ) ? 0 : -1;

            if ( o2 == null )
                return 1;

            return o1Name.compareTo( o2Name );

    /** The listener for workbench part update */
    private IPartListener2 partListener = new IPartListener2()
        public void partActivated( IWorkbenchPartReference partRef )
            cleanupCopies( partRef.getPage() );

            IEntryEditor editor = getEntryEditor( partRef );
            if ( editor != null )
                EntryEditorInput eei = editor.getEntryEditorInput();
                IEntry originalEntry = eei.getResolvedEntry();
                IEntry oscSharedReferenceCopy = oscSharedReferenceCopies.get( originalEntry );
                IEntry oscSharedWorkingCopy = oscSharedWorkingCopies.get( originalEntry );
                if ( editor.isAutoSave() )
                    // check if the same entry is used in an OSC editor and is dirty -> should save first?
                    if ( oscSharedReferenceCopy != null && oscSharedWorkingCopy != null )
                        LdifFile diff = Utils.computeDiff( oscSharedReferenceCopy, oscSharedWorkingCopy );
                        if ( diff != null )
                            MessageDialog dialog = new MessageDialog( partRef.getPart( false ).getSite().getShell(),
                                Messages.getString( "EntryEditorManager.SaveChanges" ), null,//$NON-NLS-1$
                                Messages.getString( "EntryEditorManager.SaveChangesDescription" ), //$NON-NLS-1$
                                MessageDialog.QUESTION, new String[]
                                    { IDialogConstants.YES_LABEL, IDialogConstants.NO_LABEL }, 0 );
                            int result =;
                            if ( result == 0 )
                                saveSharedWorkingCopy( originalEntry, true, null );
                    // check if original entry was updated
                    if ( oscSharedReferenceCopy != null && oscSharedWorkingCopy != null )
                        LdifFile refDiff = Utils.computeDiff( originalEntry, oscSharedReferenceCopy );
                        if ( refDiff != null )
                            // check if we could just update the working copy
                            LdifFile workDiff = Utils.computeDiff( oscSharedReferenceCopy, oscSharedWorkingCopy );
                            if ( workDiff != null )
                                askUpdateSharedWorkingCopy( partRef, originalEntry, oscSharedWorkingCopy, null );


        public void partOpened( IWorkbenchPartReference partRef )

        public void partClosed( IWorkbenchPartReference partRef )
            cleanupCopies( partRef.getPage() );

        public void partInputChanged( IWorkbenchPartReference partRef )
            cleanupCopies( partRef.getPage() );

        public void partHidden( IWorkbenchPartReference partRef )

        public void partDeactivated( IWorkbenchPartReference partRef )

        public void partBroughtToTop( IWorkbenchPartReference partRef )

        public void partVisible( IWorkbenchPartReference partRef )

    /** The listener for entry update */
    private EntryUpdateListener entryUpdateListener = new EntryUpdateListener()
        public void entryUpdated( EntryModificationEvent event )
            IEntry modifiedEntry = event.getModifiedEntry();
            IBrowserConnection browserConnection = modifiedEntry.getBrowserConnection();
            IEntry originalEntry = browserConnection.getEntryFromCache( modifiedEntry.getDn() );

            if ( modifiedEntry == originalEntry )
                // an original entry has been modified, check if we could update the editors

                // if the OSC editor is not dirty we could update the working copy
                IEntry oscSharedReferenceCopy = oscSharedReferenceCopies.get( originalEntry );
                IEntry oscSharedWorkingCopy = oscSharedWorkingCopies.get( originalEntry );
                if ( oscSharedReferenceCopy != null && oscSharedWorkingCopy != null )
                    LdifFile refDiff = Utils.computeDiff( originalEntry, oscSharedReferenceCopy );
                    if ( refDiff != null )
                        // diff between original entry and reference copy
                        LdifFile workDiff = Utils.computeDiff( oscSharedReferenceCopy, oscSharedWorkingCopy );
                        if ( workDiff == null )
                            // no changes on working copy, update
                            updateOscSharedReferenceCopy( originalEntry );
                            updateOscSharedWorkingCopy( originalEntry );

                            // inform all OSC editors
                            List<IEntryEditor> oscEditors = getOscEditors( oscSharedWorkingCopy );
                            for ( IEntryEditor editor : oscEditors )
                                editor.workingCopyModified( event.getSource() );
                            // changes on working copy, ask before update
                            IWorkbenchPartReference reference = getActivePartRef( getOscEditors( oscSharedWorkingCopy ) );
                            if ( reference != null )
                                askUpdateSharedWorkingCopy( reference, originalEntry, oscSharedWorkingCopy, event
                                    .getSource() );
                        // no diff betweeen original entry and reference copy, check if editor is dirty
                        LdifFile workDiff = Utils.computeDiff( oscSharedReferenceCopy, oscSharedWorkingCopy );
                        if ( workDiff != null )
                            // changes on working copy, ask before update
                            IWorkbenchPartReference reference = getActivePartRef( getOscEditors( oscSharedWorkingCopy ) );
                            if ( reference != null )
                                askUpdateSharedWorkingCopy( reference, originalEntry, oscSharedWorkingCopy, event
                                    .getSource() );

                // always update auto-save working copies, if necessary
                IEntry autoSaveSharedReferenceCopy = autoSaveSharedReferenceCopies.get( originalEntry );
                IEntry autoSaveSharedWorkingCopy = autoSaveSharedWorkingCopies.get( originalEntry );
                if ( autoSaveSharedReferenceCopy != null && autoSaveSharedWorkingCopy != null )
                    LdifFile diff = Utils.computeDiff( originalEntry, autoSaveSharedReferenceCopy );
                    if ( diff != null )
                        updateAutoSaveSharedReferenceCopy( originalEntry );
                        updateAutoSaveSharedWorkingCopy( originalEntry );
                        List<IEntryEditor> editors = getAutoSaveEditors( autoSaveSharedWorkingCopy );
                        for ( IEntryEditor editor : editors )
                            editor.workingCopyModified( event.getSource() );

                // check all editors: if the input does not exist any more then close the editor
                IWorkbenchPage activePage = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getActivePage();
                // Collecting editor references to close
                List<IEditorReference> editorReferences = new ArrayList<IEditorReference>();
                for ( IEditorReference ref : activePage.getEditorReferences() )
                    IEntryEditor editor = getEntryEditor( ref );
                    if ( editor != null && editor.getEntryEditorInput().getResolvedEntry() != null )
                        IBrowserConnection bc = editor.getEntryEditorInput().getResolvedEntry().getBrowserConnection();
                        LdapDN dn = editor.getEntryEditorInput().getResolvedEntry().getDn();
                        if ( bc.getEntryFromCache( dn ) == null )
                            editorReferences.add( ref );

                // Closing the corresponding editor references
                if ( editorReferences.size() > 0 )
                    activePage.closeEditors( editorReferences.toArray( new IEditorReference[0] ), false );

            else if ( oscSharedWorkingCopies.containsKey( originalEntry )
                && oscSharedWorkingCopies.get( originalEntry ) == modifiedEntry )
                // OSC working copy has been modified: inform OSC editors
                IEntry oscSharedWorkingCopy = oscSharedWorkingCopies.get( originalEntry );
                List<IEntryEditor> oscEditors = getOscEditors( oscSharedWorkingCopy );
                for ( IEntryEditor editor : oscEditors )
                    editor.workingCopyModified( event.getSource() );

            else if ( autoSaveSharedWorkingCopies.containsValue( originalEntry )
                && autoSaveSharedWorkingCopies.get( originalEntry ) == modifiedEntry )
                // auto-save working copy has been modified: save and inform all auto-save editors
                IEntry autoSaveSharedReferenceCopy = autoSaveSharedReferenceCopies.get( originalEntry );
                IEntry autoSaveSharedWorkingCopy = autoSaveSharedWorkingCopies.get( originalEntry );

                // sanity check: never save if event source is the EntryEditorManager
                if ( event.getSource() instanceof EntryEditorManager )

                // only save if we receive a real value modification event
                if ( !( event instanceof ValueAddedEvent || event instanceof ValueDeletedEvent
                    || event instanceof ValueModifiedEvent || event instanceof ValueRenamedEvent || event instanceof ValueMultiModificationEvent ) )

                // consistency check: don't save if there is an empty value, silently return in that case
                for ( IAttribute attribute : autoSaveSharedWorkingCopy.getAttributes() )
                    for ( IValue value : attribute.getValues() )
                        if ( value.isEmpty() )

                LdifFile diff = Utils.computeDiff( autoSaveSharedReferenceCopy, autoSaveSharedWorkingCopy );
                if ( diff != null )
                    // remove entry from map, reduces number of fired events
                    autoSaveSharedReferenceCopies.remove( originalEntry );
                    autoSaveSharedWorkingCopies.remove( originalEntry );
                    UpdateEntryRunnable runnable = new UpdateEntryRunnable( originalEntry, diff
                        .toFormattedString( LdifFormatParameters.DEFAULT ) );
                    RunnableContextRunner.execute( runnable, null, true );
                    // put entry back to map
                    autoSaveSharedReferenceCopies.put( originalEntry, autoSaveSharedReferenceCopy );
                    autoSaveSharedWorkingCopies.put( originalEntry, autoSaveSharedWorkingCopy );

                    // don't care if status is ok or not: always update
                    updateAutoSaveSharedReferenceCopy( originalEntry );
                    updateAutoSaveSharedWorkingCopy( originalEntry );
                    List<IEntryEditor> editors = getAutoSaveEditors( autoSaveSharedWorkingCopy );
                    for ( IEntryEditor editor : editors )
                        editor.workingCopyModified( event.getSource() );

    /** The listener for connection update */
    private ConnectionUpdateListener connectionUpdateListener = new ConnectionUpdateAdapter()
        public void connectionClosed( Connection connection )
            closeEditorsBelongingToConnection( connection );

        public void connectionRemoved( Connection connection )
            closeEditorsBelongingToConnection( connection );

     * Creates a new instance of EntryEditorManager.
    public EntryEditorManager()
        PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getPartService().addPartListener( partListener );
            .addEntryUpdateListener( entryUpdateListener, BrowserCommonActivator.getDefault().getEventRunner() );
        ConnectionEventRegistry.addConnectionUpdateListener( connectionUpdateListener, ConnectionUIPlugin.getDefault()
            .getEventRunner() );


     * Initializes the entry editors extensions.
    private void initEntryEditorExtensions()
        entryEditorExtensions = new HashMap<String, EntryEditorExtension>();

        IExtensionRegistry registry = Platform.getExtensionRegistry();
        IExtensionPoint extensionPoint = registry.getExtensionPoint( BrowserUIConstants.ENTRY_EDITOR_EXTENSION_POINT );
        IConfigurationElement[] members = extensionPoint.getConfigurationElements();

        // For each extension:
        for ( int m = 0; m < members.length; m++ )
            EntryEditorExtension bean = new EntryEditorExtension();

            IConfigurationElement member = members[m];
            IExtension extension = member.getDeclaringExtension();
            String extendingPluginId = extension.getNamespaceIdentifier();

            bean.setId( member.getAttribute( ID_ATTR ) );
            bean.setName( member.getAttribute( NAME_ATTR ) );
            bean.setDescription( member.getAttribute( DESCRIPTION_ATTR ) );
            String iconPath = member.getAttribute( ICON_ATTR );
            ImageDescriptor icon = AbstractUIPlugin.imageDescriptorFromPlugin( extendingPluginId, iconPath );
            if ( icon == null )
                icon = ImageDescriptor.getMissingImageDescriptor();
            bean.setIcon( icon );
            bean.setClassName( member.getAttribute( CLASS_ATTR ) );
            bean.setEditorId( member.getAttribute( EDITOR_ID_ATTR ) );
            bean.setMultiWindow( "true".equalsIgnoreCase( member.getAttribute( MULTI_WINDOW_ATTR ) ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$
            bean.setPriority( Integer.parseInt( member.getAttribute( PRIORITY_ATTR ) ) );

                bean.setEditorInstance( ( IEntryEditor ) member.createExecutableExtension( CLASS_ATTR ) );
            catch ( CoreException e )
                // Will never happen

            entryEditorExtensions.put( bean.getId(), bean );

    public void dispose()
        IWorkbenchWindow ww = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow();
        if ( ww != null )
            ww.getPartService().removePartListener( partListener );
            EventRegistry.removeEntryUpdateListener( entryUpdateListener );

     * Gets the entry editor extensions.
     * @return the entry editor extensions
    public Collection<EntryEditorExtension> getEntryEditorExtensions()
        return entryEditorExtensions.values();

     * Gets the entry editor extension.
     * @param id the entry editor extension id
     * @return the entry editor extension, null if none found
    public EntryEditorExtension getEntryEditorExtension( String id )
        return entryEditorExtensions.get( id );

     * Gets the sorted entry editor extensions.
     * @return
     *      the sorted entry editor extensions
    public Collection<EntryEditorExtension> getSortedEntryEditorExtensions()
        boolean useUserPriority = BrowserUIPlugin.getDefault().getPluginPreferences().getBoolean(

        if ( useUserPriority )
            return getEntryEditorExtensionsSortedByUserPriority();
            return getEntryEditorExtensionsSortedByDefaultPriority();

     * Gets the entry editor extensions sorted by default priority.
     * @return
     *      the entry editor extensions sorted by default priority
    public Collection<EntryEditorExtension> getEntryEditorExtensionsSortedByDefaultPriority()
        // Getting all entry editors
        Collection<EntryEditorExtension> entryEditorExtensions = getEntryEditorExtensions();

        // Creating the sorted entry editors list
        ArrayList<EntryEditorExtension> sortedEntryEditorsList = new ArrayList<EntryEditorExtension>(
            entryEditorExtensions.size() );

        // Adding the remaining entry editors
        for ( EntryEditorExtension entryEditorExtension : entryEditorExtensions )
            sortedEntryEditorsList.add( entryEditorExtension );

        // Sorting the remaining entry editors based on their priority
        Collections.sort( sortedEntryEditorsList, entryEditorComparator );

        return sortedEntryEditorsList;

     * Gets the entry editor extensions sorted by user's priority.
     * @return
     *      the entry editor extensions sorted by user's priority
    public Collection<EntryEditorExtension> getEntryEditorExtensionsSortedByUserPriority()
        // Getting all entry editors
        Collection<EntryEditorExtension> entryEditorExtensions = BrowserUIPlugin.getDefault().getEntryEditorManager()

        // Creating the sorted entry editors list
        Collection<EntryEditorExtension> sortedEntryEditorsList = new ArrayList<EntryEditorExtension>(
            entryEditorExtensions.size() );

        // Getting the user's priorities
        String userPriorities = BrowserUIPlugin.getDefault().getPluginPreferences().getString(
        if ( ( userPriorities != null ) && ( !"".equals( userPriorities ) ) ) //$NON-NLS-1$
            String[] splittedUserPriorities = userPriorities.split( PRIORITIES_SEPARATOR );
            if ( ( splittedUserPriorities != null ) && ( splittedUserPriorities.length > 0 ) )

                // Creating a map where entry editors are accessible via their ID
                Map<String, EntryEditorExtension> entryEditorsMap = new HashMap<String, EntryEditorExtension>();
                for ( EntryEditorExtension entryEditorExtension : entryEditorExtensions )
                    entryEditorsMap.put( entryEditorExtension.getId(), entryEditorExtension );

                // Adding the entry editors according to the user's priority
                for ( String entryEditorId : splittedUserPriorities )
                    // Verifying the entry editor is present in the map
                    if ( entryEditorsMap.containsKey( entryEditorId ) )
                        // Adding it to the sorted list
                        sortedEntryEditorsList.add( entryEditorsMap.get( entryEditorId ) );

            // If some new plugins have been added recently, their new
            // entry editors may not be present in the string stored in
            // the preferences.
            // We are then adding them at the end of the sorted list.

            // Creating a list of remaining entry editors
            List<EntryEditorExtension> remainingEntryEditors = new ArrayList<EntryEditorExtension>();
            for ( EntryEditorExtension entryEditorExtension : entryEditorExtensions )
                // Verifying the entry editor is present in the sorted list
                if ( !sortedEntryEditorsList.contains( entryEditorExtension ) )
                    // Adding it to the remaining list
                    remainingEntryEditors.add( entryEditorExtension );

            // Sorting the remaining entry editors based on their priority
            Collections.sort( remainingEntryEditors, entryEditorComparator );

            // Adding the remaining entry editors
            for ( EntryEditorExtension entryEditorExtension : remainingEntryEditors )
                sortedEntryEditorsList.add( entryEditorExtension );

        return sortedEntryEditorsList;

     * Closes the open editors belonging to the given connection.
     * @param connection
     *      the connection
    private void closeEditorsBelongingToConnection( Connection connection )
        if ( connection != null )
            IWorkbenchPage activePage = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getActivePage();

            // Collecting editor references to close
            List<IEditorReference> editorReferences = new ArrayList<IEditorReference>();
            for ( IEditorReference ref : activePage.getEditorReferences() )
                IEntryEditor editor = getEntryEditor( ref );
                if ( editor != null && editor.getEntryEditorInput().getResolvedEntry() != null )
                    IBrowserConnection bc = editor.getEntryEditorInput().getResolvedEntry().getBrowserConnection();
                    if ( connection.equals( bc.getConnection() ) )
                        editorReferences.add( ref );

            // Closing the corresponding editor references
            if ( editorReferences.size() > 0 )
                activePage.closeEditors( editorReferences.toArray( new IEditorReference[0] ), false );

     * Opens an entry editor with the given entry editor extension and one of
     * the given entries, search results or bookmarks.
     * @param extension
     *      the entry editor extension
     * @param entries
     *      an array of entries
     * @param searchResults
     *      an array of search results
     * @param bookmarks
     *      an arrays of bookmarks
    public void openEntryEditor( EntryEditorExtension extension, IEntry[] entries, ISearchResult[] searchResults,
        IBookmark[] bookmarks )
        EntryEditorInput input = null;
        IEntry entry;
        if ( entries.length == 1 )
            input = new EntryEditorInput( entries[0], extension );
            entry = entries[0];
        else if ( searchResults.length == 1 )
            input = new EntryEditorInput( searchResults[0], extension );
            entry = searchResults[0].getEntry();
        else if ( bookmarks.length == 1 )
            input = new EntryEditorInput( bookmarks[0], extension );
            entry = bookmarks[0].getEntry();
            if ( entry.getBrowserConnection().getEntryFromCache( entry.getDn() ) == null )
                EntryEditorUtils.ensureAttributesInitialized( entry );
            input = new EntryEditorInput( ( IEntry ) null, extension );
            entry = null;

        if ( entry != null && entry instanceof IContinuation )
            IContinuation continuation = ( IContinuation ) entry;
            if ( continuation.getState() == State.UNRESOLVED )

        String editorId = extension.getEditorId();

            PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getActivePage().openEditor( input, editorId, false );
        catch ( PartInitException e )
            throw new RuntimeException( e );

     * Opens an entry editor with one of the given entries, search results or bookmarks.
     * @param extension
     *      the entry editor extension
     * @param entries
     *      an array of entries
     * @param searchResults
     *      an array of search results
     * @param bookmarks
     *      an arrays of bookmarks
    public void openEntryEditor( IEntry[] entries, ISearchResult[] searchResults, IBookmark[] bookmarks )
        // Looking for the entry to test the editor on
        IEntry entry = null;
        if ( entries.length == 1 )
            entry = entries[0];
        else if ( searchResults.length == 1 )
            entry = searchResults[0].getEntry();
        else if ( bookmarks.length == 1 )
            entry = bookmarks[0].getEntry();

        // Looking for the correct entry editor
        for ( EntryEditorExtension entryEditor : getSortedEntryEditorExtensions() )
            // Verifying that the editor can handle the entry
            if ( entryEditor.getEditorInstance().canHandle( entry ) )
                // The correct editor has been found, let's open the entry in the editor
                openEntryEditor( entryEditor, entries, searchResults, bookmarks );

    private void updateOscSharedReferenceCopy( IEntry entry )
        IEntry referenceCopy = oscSharedReferenceCopies.remove( entry );
        if ( referenceCopy != null )
            EntryEditorUtils.ensureAttributesInitialized( entry );
            new CompoundModification().replaceAttributes( entry, referenceCopy, this );
            oscSharedReferenceCopies.put( entry, referenceCopy );

    private void updateOscSharedWorkingCopy( IEntry entry )
        IEntry workingCopy = oscSharedWorkingCopies.get( entry );
        if ( workingCopy != null )
            EntryEditorUtils.ensureAttributesInitialized( entry );
            new CompoundModification().replaceAttributes( entry, workingCopy, this );

    private void updateAutoSaveSharedReferenceCopy( IEntry entry )
        EntryEditorUtils.ensureAttributesInitialized( entry );
        IEntry workingCopy = autoSaveSharedReferenceCopies.get( entry );
        new CompoundModification().replaceAttributes( entry, workingCopy, this );

    private void updateAutoSaveSharedWorkingCopy( IEntry entry )
        EntryEditorUtils.ensureAttributesInitialized( entry );
        IEntry workingCopy = autoSaveSharedWorkingCopies.get( entry );
        new CompoundModification().replaceAttributes( entry, workingCopy, this );

    private List<IEntryEditor> getOscEditors( IEntry workingCopy )
        List<IEntryEditor> oscEditors = new ArrayList<IEntryEditor>();
        IEditorReference[] editorReferences = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getActivePage()
        for ( IEditorReference ref : editorReferences )
            IEntryEditor editor = getEntryEditor( ref );
            if ( editor != null && !editor.isAutoSave()
                && ( workingCopy == null || editor.getEntryEditorInput().getSharedWorkingCopy( editor ) == workingCopy ) )
                oscEditors.add( editor );
        return oscEditors;

    private List<IEntryEditor> getAutoSaveEditors( IEntry workingCopy )
        List<IEntryEditor> autoSaveEditors = new ArrayList<IEntryEditor>();
        IEditorReference[] editorReferences = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getActivePage()
        for ( IEditorReference ref : editorReferences )
            IEntryEditor editor = getEntryEditor( ref );
            if ( editor != null && editor.isAutoSave()
                && editor.getEntryEditorInput().getSharedWorkingCopy( editor ) == workingCopy )
                autoSaveEditors.add( editor );
        return autoSaveEditors;

    private IEntryEditor getEntryEditor( IWorkbenchPartReference partRef )
        IWorkbenchPart part = partRef.getPart( false );
        if ( part != null && part instanceof IEntryEditor )
            IEntryEditor entryEditor = ( IEntryEditor ) part;
            return entryEditor;
        return null;

    private IWorkbenchPartReference getActivePartRef( List<IEntryEditor> editors )
        for ( IEntryEditor editor : editors )
            IWorkbenchPart part = ( IWorkbenchPart ) editor;
            IEditorPart activeEditor = part.getSite().getPage().getActiveEditor();
            if ( part == activeEditor )
                IWorkbenchPartReference reference = part.getSite().getPage().getReference( part );
                return reference;
        return null;

    IEntry getSharedWorkingCopy( IEntry originalEntry, IEntryEditor editor )
        cleanupCopies( PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getActivePage() );

        EntryEditorUtils.ensureAttributesInitialized( originalEntry );
        if ( editor.isAutoSave() )
            if ( !autoSaveSharedReferenceCopies.containsKey( originalEntry ) )
                    .put( originalEntry, new CompoundModification().cloneEntry( originalEntry ) );
            if ( !autoSaveSharedWorkingCopies.containsKey( originalEntry ) )
                IEntry referenceCopy = autoSaveSharedReferenceCopies.get( originalEntry );
                autoSaveSharedWorkingCopies.put( originalEntry, new CompoundModification().cloneEntry( referenceCopy ) );
            return autoSaveSharedWorkingCopies.get( originalEntry );
            if ( !oscSharedReferenceCopies.containsKey( originalEntry ) )
                oscSharedReferenceCopies.put( originalEntry, new CompoundModification().cloneEntry( originalEntry ) );
            if ( !oscSharedWorkingCopies.containsKey( originalEntry ) )
                IEntry referenceCopy = oscSharedReferenceCopies.get( originalEntry );
                oscSharedWorkingCopies.put( originalEntry, new CompoundModification().cloneEntry( referenceCopy ) );
            return oscSharedWorkingCopies.get( originalEntry );

    boolean isSharedWorkingCopyDirty( IEntry originalEntry, IEntryEditor editor )
        if ( editor.isAutoSave() )
            return false;
            IEntry referenceCopy = oscSharedReferenceCopies.get( originalEntry );
            IEntry workingCopy = oscSharedWorkingCopies.get( originalEntry );
            if ( referenceCopy != null && workingCopy != null )
                LdifFile diff = Utils.computeDiff( referenceCopy, workingCopy );
                return diff != null;
            return false;

    IStatus saveSharedWorkingCopy( IEntry originalEntry, boolean handleError, IEntryEditor editor )
        if ( editor == null || !editor.isAutoSave() )
            IEntry referenceCopy = oscSharedReferenceCopies.get( originalEntry );
            IEntry workingCopy = oscSharedWorkingCopies.get( originalEntry );
            if ( referenceCopy != null && workingCopy != null )
                // consistency check: don't save if there is an empty value, throw an exception as the user pressed 'save'
                for ( IAttribute attribute : workingCopy.getAttributes() )
                    for ( IValue value : attribute.getValues() )
                        if ( value.isEmpty() )
                            throw new RuntimeException( NLS.bind( Messages
                                .getString( "EntryEditorManager.EmptyValueInAttribute" ), attribute.getDescription() ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$

                LdifFile diff = Utils.computeDiff( referenceCopy, workingCopy );
                if ( diff != null )
                    // remove entry from map, reduces number of fired events
                    oscSharedReferenceCopies.remove( originalEntry );
                    oscSharedWorkingCopies.remove( originalEntry );
                    // save by executing the LDIF
                    UpdateEntryRunnable runnable = new UpdateEntryRunnable( originalEntry, diff
                        .toFormattedString( LdifFormatParameters.DEFAULT ) );
                    IStatus status = RunnableContextRunner.execute( runnable, null, handleError );
                    // put entry back to map
                    oscSharedReferenceCopies.put( originalEntry, referenceCopy );
                    oscSharedWorkingCopies.put( originalEntry, workingCopy );
                    if ( status.isOK() )
                        updateOscSharedReferenceCopy( originalEntry );
                        updateOscSharedWorkingCopy( originalEntry );
                    return status;
        return null;

    void resetSharedWorkingCopy( IEntry originalEntry, IEntryEditor editor )
        if ( editor == null || !editor.isAutoSave() )
            IEntry referenceCopy = oscSharedReferenceCopies.get( originalEntry );
            IEntry workingCopy = oscSharedWorkingCopies.get( originalEntry );
            if ( referenceCopy != null && workingCopy != null )
                updateOscSharedReferenceCopy( originalEntry );
                updateOscSharedWorkingCopy( originalEntry );

    private void askUpdateSharedWorkingCopy( IWorkbenchPartReference partRef, IEntry originalEntry,
        IEntry oscSharedWorkingCopy, Object source )
        MessageDialog dialog = new MessageDialog( partRef.getPart( false ).getSite().getShell(), Messages
            .getString( "EntryEditorManager.EntryChanged" ), null, Messages //$NON-NLS-1$
            .getString( "EntryEditorManager.EntryChangedDescription" ), MessageDialog.QUESTION, new String[] //$NON-NLS-1$
            { IDialogConstants.YES_LABEL, IDialogConstants.NO_LABEL }, 0 );
        int result =;
        if ( result == 0 )
            // update reference copy and working copy
            updateOscSharedReferenceCopy( originalEntry );
            updateOscSharedWorkingCopy( originalEntry );

            // inform all OSC editors
            List<IEntryEditor> oscEditors = getOscEditors( oscSharedWorkingCopy );
            for ( IEntryEditor oscEditor : oscEditors )
                oscEditor.workingCopyModified( source );

    private void cleanupCopies( IWorkbenchPage page )
        // cleanup unused copies (OSC + auto-save)
        Set<IEntry> oscEntries = new HashSet<IEntry>();
        Set<IEntry> autoSaveEntries = new HashSet<IEntry>();
        IEditorReference[] editorReferences = page.getEditorReferences();
        for ( IEditorReference ref : editorReferences )
            IEntryEditor editor = getEntryEditor( ref );
            if ( editor != null )
                EntryEditorInput input = editor.getEntryEditorInput();
                if ( input != null && input.getResolvedEntry() != null )
                    IEntry entry = input.getResolvedEntry();
                    if ( editor.isAutoSave() )
                        autoSaveEntries.add( entry );
                        oscEntries.add( entry );
        for ( Iterator<IEntry> it = oscSharedReferenceCopies.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
            IEntry entry =;
            if ( !oscEntries.contains( entry ) )
                oscSharedWorkingCopies.remove( entry );
        for ( Iterator<IEntry> it = oscSharedWorkingCopies.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
            IEntry entry =;
            if ( !oscEntries.contains( entry ) )
        for ( Iterator<IEntry> it = autoSaveSharedReferenceCopies.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
            IEntry entry =;
            if ( !autoSaveEntries.contains( entry ) )
        for ( Iterator<IEntry> it = autoSaveSharedWorkingCopies.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
            IEntry entry =;
            if ( !autoSaveEntries.contains( entry ) )

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