Package org.apache.maven.archiva.consumers.core.repository

Source Code of org.apache.maven.archiva.consumers.core.repository.DaysOldRepositoryPurgeTest

package org.apache.maven.archiva.consumers.core.repository;

* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import org.apache.commons.lang.time.DateUtils;
import org.apache.maven.archiva.consumers.core.repository.stubs.LuceneRepositoryContentIndexStub;
import org.apache.maven.archiva.indexer.RepositoryContentIndex;

* @author <a href="">Maria Odea Ching</a>
public class DaysOldRepositoryPurgeTest
    extends AbstractRepositoryPurgeTest

    private Map<String, RepositoryContentIndex> map;

    private static final String[] extensions =
        new String[] { "-5.jar", "-5.pom", "-6.jar", "-6.pom", "-7.jar", "-7.pom" };

    private String year;

    private String mon;

    private String day;

    private String hr;

    private String min;

    private String sec;

    protected void setUp()
        throws Exception

    private void setLastModified( String dirPath, long lastModified )
        File dir = new File( dirPath );
        File[] contents = dir.listFiles();
        for ( int i = 0; i < contents.length; i++ )
            contents[i].setLastModified( lastModified );

    public void testByLastModified()
        throws Exception
        map = new HashMap<String, RepositoryContentIndex>();
        map.put( "filecontent", new LuceneRepositoryContentIndexStub( 2 ) );
        map.put( "hashcodes", new LuceneRepositoryContentIndexStub( 2 ) );
        map.put( "bytecode", new LuceneRepositoryContentIndexStub( 2 ) );

        repoPurge =
            new DaysOldRepositoryPurge( getRepository(), dao, getRepoConfiguration().getDaysOlder(),
                                        getRepoConfiguration().getRetentionCount(), map );

        String repoRoot = prepareTestRepo();

        String projectRoot = repoRoot + "/org/apache/maven/plugins/maven-install-plugin";

        setLastModified( projectRoot + "/2.2-SNAPSHOT/", 1179382029 );


        repoPurge.process( PATH_TO_BY_DAYS_OLD_ARTIFACT );

        assertDeleted( projectRoot + "/2.2-SNAPSHOT/maven-install-plugin-2.2-SNAPSHOT.jar" );
        assertDeleted( projectRoot + "/2.2-SNAPSHOT/maven-install-plugin-2.2-SNAPSHOT.jar.md5" );
        assertDeleted( projectRoot + "/2.2-SNAPSHOT/maven-install-plugin-2.2-SNAPSHOT.jar.sha1" );
        assertDeleted( projectRoot + "/2.2-SNAPSHOT/maven-install-plugin-2.2-SNAPSHOT.pom" );
        assertDeleted( projectRoot + "/2.2-SNAPSHOT/maven-install-plugin-2.2-SNAPSHOT.pom.md5" );
        assertDeleted( projectRoot + "/2.2-SNAPSHOT/maven-install-plugin-2.2-SNAPSHOT.pom.sha1" );

        // shouldn't be deleted because even if older than 30 days (because retention count = 2)
        assertExists( projectRoot + "/2.2-SNAPSHOT/maven-install-plugin-2.2-20070513.034619-5.jar" );
        assertExists( projectRoot + "/2.2-SNAPSHOT/maven-install-plugin-2.2-20070513.034619-5.jar.md5" );
        assertExists( projectRoot + "/2.2-SNAPSHOT/maven-install-plugin-2.2-20070513.034619-5.jar.sha1" );
        assertExists( projectRoot + "/2.2-SNAPSHOT/maven-install-plugin-2.2-20070513.034619-5.pom" );
        assertExists( projectRoot + "/2.2-SNAPSHOT/maven-install-plugin-2.2-20070513.034619-5.pom.md5" );
        assertExists( projectRoot + "/2.2-SNAPSHOT/maven-install-plugin-2.2-20070513.034619-5.pom.sha1" );

        assertExists( projectRoot + "/2.2-SNAPSHOT/maven-install-plugin-2.2-20061118.060401-2.jar" );
        assertExists( projectRoot + "/2.2-SNAPSHOT/maven-install-plugin-2.2-20061118.060401-2.jar.md5" );
        assertExists( projectRoot + "/2.2-SNAPSHOT/maven-install-plugin-2.2-20061118.060401-2.jar.sha1" );
        assertExists( projectRoot + "/2.2-SNAPSHOT/maven-install-plugin-2.2-20061118.060401-2.pom" );
        assertExists( projectRoot + "/2.2-SNAPSHOT/maven-install-plugin-2.2-20061118.060401-2.pom.md5" );
        assertExists( projectRoot + "/2.2-SNAPSHOT/maven-install-plugin-2.2-20061118.060401-2.pom.sha1" );

    public void testOrderOfDeletion()
        throws Exception
        map = new HashMap<String, RepositoryContentIndex>();
        map.put( "filecontent", new LuceneRepositoryContentIndexStub( 2 ) );
        map.put( "hashcodes", new LuceneRepositoryContentIndexStub( 2 ) );
        map.put( "bytecode", new LuceneRepositoryContentIndexStub( 2 ) );

        repoPurge =
            new DaysOldRepositoryPurge( getRepository(), dao, getRepoConfiguration().getDaysOlder(),
                                        getRepoConfiguration().getRetentionCount(), map );

        String repoRoot = prepareTestRepo();

        String projectRoot = repoRoot + "/org/apache/maven/plugins/maven-assembly-plugin";

        setLastModified( projectRoot + "/1.1.2-SNAPSHOT/", 1179382029 );


        repoPurge.process( PATH_TO_TEST_ORDER_OF_DELETION );

        assertDeleted( projectRoot + "/1.1.2-SNAPSHOT/maven-assembly-plugin-1.1.2-20070427.065136-1.jar" );
        assertDeleted( projectRoot + "/1.1.2-SNAPSHOT/maven-assembly-plugin-1.1.2-20070427.065136-1.jar.sha1" );
        assertDeleted( projectRoot + "/1.1.2-SNAPSHOT/maven-assembly-plugin-1.1.2-20070427.065136-1.jar.md5" );
        assertDeleted( projectRoot + "/1.1.2-SNAPSHOT/maven-assembly-plugin-1.1.2-20070427.065136-1.pom" );
        assertDeleted( projectRoot + "/1.1.2-SNAPSHOT/maven-assembly-plugin-1.1.2-20070427.065136-1.pom.sha1" );
        assertDeleted( projectRoot + "/1.1.2-SNAPSHOT/maven-assembly-plugin-1.1.2-20070427.065136-1.pom.md5" );

        // the following should not have been deleted
        assertExists( projectRoot + "/1.1.2-SNAPSHOT/maven-assembly-plugin-1.1.2-20070506.163513-2.jar" );
        assertExists( projectRoot + "/1.1.2-SNAPSHOT/maven-assembly-plugin-1.1.2-20070506.163513-2.jar.sha1" );
        assertExists( projectRoot + "/1.1.2-SNAPSHOT/maven-assembly-plugin-1.1.2-20070506.163513-2.jar.md5" );
        assertExists( projectRoot + "/1.1.2-SNAPSHOT/maven-assembly-plugin-1.1.2-20070506.163513-2.pom" );
        assertExists( projectRoot + "/1.1.2-SNAPSHOT/maven-assembly-plugin-1.1.2-20070506.163513-2.pom.sha1" );
        assertExists( projectRoot + "/1.1.2-SNAPSHOT/maven-assembly-plugin-1.1.2-20070506.163513-2.pom.md5" );

        assertExists( projectRoot + "/1.1.2-SNAPSHOT/maven-assembly-plugin-1.1.2-20070615.105019-3.jar" );
        assertExists( projectRoot + "/1.1.2-SNAPSHOT/maven-assembly-plugin-1.1.2-20070615.105019-3.jar.sha1" );
        assertExists( projectRoot + "/1.1.2-SNAPSHOT/maven-assembly-plugin-1.1.2-20070615.105019-3.jar.md5" );
        assertExists( projectRoot + "/1.1.2-SNAPSHOT/maven-assembly-plugin-1.1.2-20070615.105019-3.pom" );
        assertExists( projectRoot + "/1.1.2-SNAPSHOT/maven-assembly-plugin-1.1.2-20070615.105019-3.pom.sha1" );
        assertExists( projectRoot + "/1.1.2-SNAPSHOT/maven-assembly-plugin-1.1.2-20070615.105019-3.pom.md5" );

    public void testMetadataDrivenSnapshots()
        throws Exception
        map = new HashMap<String, RepositoryContentIndex>();
        map.put( "filecontent", new LuceneRepositoryContentIndexStub( 2 ) );
        map.put( "hashcodes", new LuceneRepositoryContentIndexStub( 2 ) );
        map.put( "bytecode", new LuceneRepositoryContentIndexStub( 2 ) );

        repoPurge =
            new DaysOldRepositoryPurge( getRepository(), dao, getRepoConfiguration().getDaysOlder(),
                                        getRepoConfiguration().getRetentionCount(), map );

        String repoRoot = prepareTestRepo();

        String versionRoot = repoRoot + "/org/codehaus/plexus/plexus-utils/1.4.3-SNAPSHOT";

        Calendar currentDate = Calendar.getInstance( DateUtils.UTC_TIME_ZONE );
        setLastModified( versionRoot, currentDate.getTimeInMillis() );

        year = String.valueOf( currentDate.get( Calendar.YEAR ) );
        mon = String.valueOf( currentDate.get( Calendar.MONTH ) + 1 );
        day = String.valueOf( currentDate.get( Calendar.DATE ) );
        hr = String.valueOf( currentDate.get( Calendar.HOUR ) );
        min = String.valueOf( currentDate.get( Calendar.MINUTE ) );
        sec = String.valueOf( currentDate.get( Calendar.SECOND ) );

        if ( mon.length() == 1 )
            mon = "0" + mon;

        if ( day.length() == 1 )
            day = "0" + day;

        if ( hr.length() == 1 )
            hr = "0" + hr;

        if ( min.length() == 1 )
            min = "0" + min;

        if ( sec.length() == 1 )
            sec = "0" + sec;

        createFiles( versionRoot );

        List<String> versions = new ArrayList<String>();
        versions.add( "1.4.3-20070113.163208-4" );
        versions.add( "1.4.3-" + year + mon + day + "." + hr + min + sec + "-5" );
        versions.add( "1.4.3-" + year + mon + day + "." + hr + min + sec + "-6" );
        versions.add( "1.4.3-" + year + mon + day + "." + hr + min + sec + "-7" );
        versions.add( "1.4.3-SNAPSHOT" );

        populateDb( "org.codehaus.plexus", "plexus-utils", versions );


        // this should be deleted since the filename version (timestamp) is older than
        // 100 days even if the last modified date was <100 days ago
        assertDeleted( versionRoot + "/plexus-utils-1.4.3-20070113.163208-4.jar" );
        assertDeleted( versionRoot + "/plexus-utils-1.4.3-20070113.163208-4.jar.sha1" );
        assertDeleted( versionRoot + "/plexus-utils-1.4.3-20070113.163208-4.pom" );
        assertDeleted( versionRoot + "/plexus-utils-1.4.3-20070113.163208-4.pom.sha1" );

        // this should not be deleted because last modified date is <100 days ago
        assertExists( versionRoot + "/plexus-utils-1.4.3-SNAPSHOT.jar" );
        assertExists( versionRoot + "/plexus-utils-1.4.3-SNAPSHOT.pom" );

        for ( int i = 0; i < extensions.length; i++ )
            assertExists( versionRoot + "/plexus-utils-1.4.3-" + year + mon + day + "." + hr + min + sec +
                extensions[i] );

    private void createFiles( String versionRoot )
        throws IOException
        for ( int i = 0; i < extensions.length; i++ )
            File file =
                new File( versionRoot, "/plexus-utils-1.4.3-" + year + mon + day + "." + hr + min + sec + extensions[i] );

    protected void tearDown()
        throws Exception
        repoPurge = null;

    private void populateDbForTestByLastModified()
        throws Exception
        List<String> versions = new ArrayList<String>();
        versions.add( "2.2-20061118.060401-2" );
        versions.add( "2.2-20070513.034619-5" );
        versions.add( "2.2-SNAPSHOT" );

        populateDb( "org.apache.maven.plugins", "maven-install-plugin", versions );

Related Classes of org.apache.maven.archiva.consumers.core.repository.DaysOldRepositoryPurgeTest

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