Package org.apache.myfaces.view.facelets

Source Code of org.apache.myfaces.view.facelets.FaceletViewDeclarationLanguage$FaceletViewMetadata

* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.myfaces.view.facelets;

import java.beans.BeanDescriptor;
import java.beans.BeanInfo;
import java.beans.PropertyDescriptor;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

import javax.el.ELContext;
import javax.el.ELException;
import javax.el.MethodExpression;
import javax.el.ValueExpression;
import javax.el.VariableMapper;
import javax.faces.FacesException;
import javax.faces.FacesWrapper;
import javax.faces.FactoryFinder;
import javax.faces.application.Application;
import javax.faces.application.ProjectStage;
import javax.faces.application.Resource;
import javax.faces.application.StateManager;
import javax.faces.application.ViewHandler;
import javax.faces.component.ActionSource2;
import javax.faces.component.EditableValueHolder;
import javax.faces.component.UIComponent;
import javax.faces.component.UINamingContainer;
import javax.faces.component.UIPanel;
import javax.faces.component.UIViewRoot;
import javax.faces.component.visit.VisitContext;
import javax.faces.component.visit.VisitHint;
import javax.faces.context.ExternalContext;
import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
import javax.faces.context.ResponseWriter;
import javax.faces.event.ActionEvent;
import javax.faces.event.ActionListener;
import javax.faces.event.MethodExpressionActionListener;
import javax.faces.event.MethodExpressionValueChangeListener;
import javax.faces.event.PhaseId;
import javax.faces.event.PostAddToViewEvent;
import javax.faces.event.PostRestoreStateEvent;
import javax.faces.event.ValueChangeEvent;
import javax.faces.event.ValueChangeListener;
import javax.faces.render.RenderKit;
import javax.faces.render.RenderKitFactory;
import javax.faces.render.ResponseStateManager;
import javax.faces.validator.MethodExpressionValidator;
import javax.faces.validator.Validator;
import javax.faces.view.ActionSource2AttachedObjectHandler;
import javax.faces.view.ActionSource2AttachedObjectTarget;
import javax.faces.view.AttachedObjectHandler;
import javax.faces.view.AttachedObjectTarget;
import javax.faces.view.BehaviorHolderAttachedObjectHandler;
import javax.faces.view.BehaviorHolderAttachedObjectTarget;
import javax.faces.view.EditableValueHolderAttachedObjectHandler;
import javax.faces.view.EditableValueHolderAttachedObjectTarget;
import javax.faces.view.StateManagementStrategy;
import javax.faces.view.ValueHolderAttachedObjectHandler;
import javax.faces.view.ValueHolderAttachedObjectTarget;
import javax.faces.view.ViewDeclarationLanguage;
import javax.faces.view.ViewMetadata;
import javax.faces.view.facelets.Facelet;
import javax.faces.view.facelets.FaceletContext;
import javax.faces.view.facelets.ResourceResolver;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import org.apache.myfaces.application.StateManagerImpl;

import org.apache.myfaces.buildtools.maven2.plugin.builder.annotation.JSFWebConfigParam;
import org.apache.myfaces.config.RuntimeConfig;
import org.apache.myfaces.shared.application.DefaultViewHandlerSupport;
import org.apache.myfaces.shared.application.ViewHandlerSupport;
import org.apache.myfaces.shared.config.MyfacesConfig;
import org.apache.myfaces.shared.util.ClassUtils;
import org.apache.myfaces.shared.util.StringUtils;
import org.apache.myfaces.shared.util.WebConfigParamUtils;
import org.apache.myfaces.view.ViewDeclarationLanguageStrategy;
import org.apache.myfaces.view.ViewMetadataBase;
import org.apache.myfaces.view.facelets.compiler.Compiler;
import org.apache.myfaces.view.facelets.compiler.SAXCompiler;
import org.apache.myfaces.view.facelets.el.CompositeComponentELUtils;
import org.apache.myfaces.view.facelets.el.LocationMethodExpression;
import org.apache.myfaces.view.facelets.el.LocationValueExpression;
import org.apache.myfaces.view.facelets.el.MethodExpressionMethodExpression;
import org.apache.myfaces.view.facelets.el.RedirectMethodExpressionValueExpressionActionListener;
import org.apache.myfaces.view.facelets.el.RedirectMethodExpressionValueExpressionValidator;
import org.apache.myfaces.view.facelets.el.RedirectMethodExpressionValueExpressionValueChangeListener;
import org.apache.myfaces.view.facelets.el.ValueExpressionMethodExpression;
import org.apache.myfaces.view.facelets.el.VariableMapperWrapper;
import org.apache.myfaces.view.facelets.impl.DefaultFaceletFactory;
import org.apache.myfaces.view.facelets.impl.DefaultResourceResolver;
import org.apache.myfaces.view.facelets.tag.composite.ClientBehaviorAttachedObjectTarget;
import org.apache.myfaces.view.facelets.tag.composite.ClientBehaviorRedirectBehaviorAttachedObjectHandlerWrapper;
import org.apache.myfaces.view.facelets.tag.composite.ClientBehaviorRedirectEventComponentWrapper;
import org.apache.myfaces.view.facelets.tag.jsf.ComponentSupport;
import org.apache.myfaces.view.facelets.tag.jsf.core.AjaxHandler;
import org.apache.myfaces.view.facelets.tag.ui.UIDebug;

import static org.apache.myfaces.view.facelets.DefaultFaceletsStateManagementStrategy.*;
import org.apache.myfaces.view.facelets.compiler.FaceletsCompilerSupport;
import org.apache.myfaces.view.facelets.compiler.RefreshDynamicComponentListener;
import org.apache.myfaces.view.facelets.impl.SectionUniqueIdCounter;
import org.apache.myfaces.view.facelets.pool.RestoreViewFromPoolResult;
import org.apache.myfaces.view.facelets.pool.ViewEntry;
import org.apache.myfaces.view.facelets.pool.ViewPool;
import org.apache.myfaces.view.facelets.pool.ViewStructureMetadata;
import org.apache.myfaces.view.facelets.tag.composite.CreateDynamicCompositeComponentListener;
import org.apache.myfaces.view.facelets.tag.jsf.PartialMethodExpressionActionListener;
import org.apache.myfaces.view.facelets.tag.jsf.PartialMethodExpressionValidator;
import org.apache.myfaces.view.facelets.tag.jsf.PartialMethodExpressionValueChangeListener;
import org.apache.myfaces.view.facelets.util.FaceletsViewDeclarationLanguageUtils;

* This class represents the abstraction of Facelets as a ViewDeclarationLanguage.
* @author Simon Lessard (latest modification by $Author: lu4242 $)
* @version $Revision: 1552960 $ $Date: 2013-12-22 01:34:47 +0100 (Sun, 22 Dec 2013) $
* @since 2.0
public class FaceletViewDeclarationLanguage extends FaceletViewDeclarationLanguageBase
    //private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(FaceletViewDeclarationLanguage.class);
    private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(FaceletViewDeclarationLanguage.class.getName());

    private static final Class<?>[] EMPTY_CLASS_ARRAY = new Class<?>[0];

    private static final Class<?>[] VALUE_CHANGE_LISTENER_SIGNATURE = new Class[]{ValueChangeEvent.class};

    private static final Class<?>[] ACTION_LISTENER_SIGNATURE = new Class[]{ActionEvent.class};

    private static final Class<?>[] VALIDATOR_SIGNATURE
            = new Class[]{FacesContext.class, UIComponent.class, Object.class};

    public static final String CHARACTER_ENCODING_KEY = "javax.faces.request.charset";

    public final static long DEFAULT_REFRESH_PERIOD = 2;
    public final static long DEFAULT_REFRESH_PERIOD_PRODUCTION = -1;

    public final static String DEFAULT_CHARACTER_ENCODING = "UTF-8";

     * Define the default buffer size value passed to ExternalContext.setResponseBufferResponse() and in a
     * servlet environment to HttpServletResponse.setBufferSize().
    @JSFWebConfigParam(since = "2.0", deprecated = true, classType = "java.lang.Integer")
    private final static String PARAM_BUFFER_SIZE_DEPRECATED = "facelets.BUFFER_SIZE";

    private final static String[] PARAMS_BUFFER_SIZE = {ViewHandler.FACELETS_BUFFER_SIZE_PARAM_NAME,

    //private final static String PARAM_BUILD_BEFORE_RESTORE = "facelets.BUILD_BEFORE_RESTORE";

     * Constant used by EncodingHandler to indicate the current encoding of the page being built,
     * and indicate which one is the response encoding on getResponseEncoding(FacesContext, String) method.
    public final static String PARAM_ENCODING = "facelets.Encoding";

     * Define the period used to refresh the facelet abstract syntax tree from the view definition file.
     * <p>By default is infinite (no active).</p>
    @JSFWebConfigParam(since = "2.0", defaultValue = "-1", deprecated = true)
    public final static String PARAM_REFRESH_PERIOD_DEPRECATED = "facelets.REFRESH_PERIOD";

    public final static String[] PARAMS_REFRESH_PERIOD = {ViewHandler.FACELETS_REFRESH_PERIOD_PARAM_NAME,

     * Class implementing ResourceResolver interface used to locate facelet resources.
    @JSFWebConfigParam(since = "2.0", alias = "facelets.RESOURCE_RESOLVER")
    public final static String PARAM_RESOURCE_RESOLVER = "javax.faces.FACELETS_RESOURCE_RESOLVER";

     * Class implementing ResourceResolver interface used to locate facelet resources.
    @JSFWebConfigParam(since = "2.0", deprecated = true)
    private final static String PARAM_RESOURCE_RESOLVER_DEPRECATED = "facelets.RESOURCE_RESOLVER";

    private final static String[] PARAMS_RESOURCE_RESOLVER

    @JSFWebConfigParam(since = "2.1", defaultValue = "false", expectedValues = "true, false", tags = "performance")
            = "org.apache.myfaces.MARK_INITIAL_STATE_WHEN_APPLY_BUILD_VIEW";

    public final static String FILLED_VIEW = "org.apache.myfaces.FILLED_VIEW";


    public final static String BUILDING_VIEW_METADATA = "org.apache.myfaces.BUILDING_VIEW_METADATA";

    public final static String REFRESHING_TRANSIENT_BUILD = "org.apache.myfaces.REFRESHING_TRANSIENT_BUILD";

    public final static String REFRESH_TRANSIENT_BUILD_ON_PSS = "org.apache.myfaces.REFRESH_TRANSIENT_BUILD_ON_PSS";

    public final static String USING_PSS_ON_THIS_VIEW = "org.apache.myfaces.USING_PSS_ON_THIS_VIEW";

    public final static String REMOVING_COMPONENTS_BUILD = "org.apache.myfaces.REMOVING_COMPONENTS_BUILD";

     * Marker to indicate tag handlers the view currently being built is using
     * partial state saving and it is necessary to call UIComponent.markInitialState
     * after component instances are populated.
    public final static String MARK_INITIAL_STATE_KEY = "org.apache.myfaces.MARK_INITIAL_STATE";
    public final static String IS_BUILDING_INITIAL_STATE_KEY_ALIAS
            = "javax.faces.view.ViewDeclarationLanguage.IS_BUILDING_INITIAL_STATE";

    public final static String CLEAN_TRANSIENT_BUILD_ON_RESTORE
            = "org.apache.myfaces.CLEAN_TRANSIENT_BUILD_ON_RESTORE";

    private final static String STATE_KEY = "<!--@@JSF_FORM_STATE_MARKER@@-->";

    private final static int STATE_KEY_LEN = STATE_KEY.length();
    private static final Set<VisitHint> VISIT_HINTS_DYN_REFRESH = Collections.unmodifiableSet(
     * Key used to cache component ids for the counter
    public final static String CACHED_COMPONENT_IDS = "oam.CACHED_COMPONENT_IDS";
    private static final String ASTERISK = "*";

    private int _bufferSize;

    // This param evolve in jsf 2.0 to partial state saving
    //private boolean _buildBeforeRestore = false;

    private ViewHandlerSupport _cachedViewHandlerSupport;

    private String _defaultSuffix;

    private FaceletFactory _faceletFactory;

    private StateManagementStrategy _stateMgmtStrategy;
    private RenderKitFactory _renderKitFactory = null;

    private boolean _partialStateSaving;

    private boolean _refreshTransientBuildOnPSS;

    private boolean _refreshTransientBuildOnPSSAuto;

    private Set<String> _viewIds;

    private boolean _markInitialStateWhenApplyBuildView;

    private final ViewDeclarationLanguageStrategy _strategy;

    private ResourceResolver _resourceResolver;
    private Map<String, List<String>> _contractMappings;
    private List<String> _prefixWildcardKeys;
    private FaceletsCompilerSupport _faceletsCompilerSupport;
    private MyfacesConfig _config;
    private ViewPoolProcessor _viewPoolProcessor;

    public FaceletViewDeclarationLanguage(FacesContext context)
        _config = MyfacesConfig.getCurrentInstance(context.getExternalContext());
        _strategy = new FaceletViewDeclarationLanguageStrategy();

    public FaceletViewDeclarationLanguage(FacesContext context, ViewDeclarationLanguageStrategy strategy)
        _config = MyfacesConfig.getCurrentInstance(context.getExternalContext());
        _strategy = strategy;

    public String getId()
        return ViewDeclarationLanguage.FACELETS_VIEW_DECLARATION_LANGUAGE_ID;

    public boolean viewExists(FacesContext facesContext, String viewId)
        if (_strategy.handles(viewId))
            return _resourceResolver.resolveUrl(viewId) != null;
        return false;

    private RestoreViewFromPoolResult tryRestoreViewFromCache(FacesContext context, UIViewRoot view)
        if (_viewPoolProcessor != null)
            ViewPool viewPool = _viewPoolProcessor.getViewPool(context, view);
            if (viewPool != null)
                ViewStructureMetadata metadata = viewPool.retrieveStaticViewStructureMetadata(context, view);
                if (metadata != null)
                    ViewEntry entry = viewPool.popStaticOrPartialStructureView(context, view);
                    if (entry != null)
                        _viewPoolProcessor.cloneAndRestoreView(context, view, entry, metadata);
                        return entry.getResult();
        return null;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public void buildView(FacesContext context, UIViewRoot view) throws IOException
        if (isFilledView(context, view))
            if (view != null &&
                FaceletViewDeclarationLanguageBase.isDynamicComponentRefreshTransientBuildActive(context, view))
                // don't return

        // setup our viewId
        String previousViewId = view.getViewId();
        String renderedViewId = getRenderedViewId(context, previousViewId);

        if (renderedViewId == null)
        else if (!renderedViewId.equals(previousViewId))

        if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINEST))
            log.finest("Building View: " + renderedViewId);

        boolean usePartialStateSavingOnThisView = _usePartialStateSavingOnThisView(renderedViewId);
        boolean refreshTransientBuild = (view.getChildCount() > 0);
        boolean refreshTransientBuildOnPSS = (usePartialStateSavingOnThisView && _refreshTransientBuildOnPSS);
        boolean refreshPartialView = false;

        if (_viewPoolProcessor != null && !refreshTransientBuild)
            RestoreViewFromPoolResult result = tryRestoreViewFromCache(context, view);
            if (result != null)
                // Since all transient stuff has been removed, add listeners that keep
                // track of tree updates.
                if (RestoreViewFromPoolResult.COMPLETE.equals(result))
                    if (!PhaseId.RESTORE_VIEW.equals(context.getCurrentPhaseId()))
                                getStateManagementStrategy(context, view.getViewId())).
                    // If the result is complete, the view restored here is static.
                    // static views can be marked as filled.
                    if (!refreshTransientBuildOnPSS)
                        // This option will be true on this cases:
                        // -pss is true and refresh is not active
                        setFilledView(context, view);
                    //At this point refreshTransientBuild = false && refreshTransientBuildOnPSS is true
                    else if (_refreshTransientBuildOnPSSAuto &&
                        setFilledView(context, view);
                    // We need to refresh a partial view.
                    refreshTransientBuild = true;
                    refreshPartialView = true;
        if (usePartialStateSavingOnThisView)
            // Before apply we need to make sure the current view has
            // a clientId that will be used as a key to save and restore
            // the current view. Note that getClientId is never called (or used)
            // from UIViewRoot.
            if (view.getId() == null)
                view.setId(view.createUniqueId(context, null));

            context.getAttributes().put(USING_PSS_ON_THIS_VIEW, Boolean.TRUE);
            //Add a key to indicate ComponentTagHandlerDelegate to
            //call UIComponent.markInitialState after it is populated
            if (!refreshTransientBuild || refreshPartialView)
                context.getAttributes().put(StateManager.IS_BUILDING_INITIAL_STATE, Boolean.TRUE);
                context.getAttributes().put(IS_BUILDING_INITIAL_STATE_KEY_ALIAS, Boolean.TRUE);
            if (!refreshTransientBuild && _markInitialStateWhenApplyBuildView)
                context.getAttributes().put(MARK_INITIAL_STATE_KEY, Boolean.TRUE);
            if (refreshTransientBuildOnPSS)
                //This value is only set when _refreshTransientBuildOnPSSMode is "auto" or "true"
                                            _refreshTransientBuildOnPSSAuto ? "auto" : "true");

            if (refreshTransientBuild)
                context.getAttributes().put(REFRESHING_TRANSIENT_BUILD, Boolean.TRUE);

                // In theory, this should be disabled on ComponentTagHandlerDelegate,
                // otherwise we could lost PostAddToViewEvent / PreRemoveFromViewEvent
                // caused by c:if effect or facelets cleanup algorithm
            // populate UIViewRoot
            _getFacelet(context, renderedViewId).apply(context, view);
            if (refreshTransientBuildOnPSS)
            if (refreshTransientBuild)
                if (FaceletViewDeclarationLanguageBase.isDynamicComponentRefreshTransientBuildActive(context))
                    VisitContext visitContext = (VisitContext) getVisitContextFactory().
                        getVisitContext(context, null, VISIT_HINTS_DYN_REFRESH);
                    view.visitTree(visitContext, new PublishDynamicComponentRefreshTransientBuildCallback());
                if (!usePartialStateSavingOnThisView || refreshTransientBuildOnPSS)
                    // When the facelet is applied, all components are removed and added from view,
                    // but the difference resides in the ordering. Since the view is
                    // being refreshed, if we don't do this manually, some tags like
                    // cc:insertChildren or cc:insertFacet will not work correctly, because
                    // we expect PostAddToViewEvent will be propagated from parent to child, and
                    // facelets refreshing algorithm do the opposite.
                    //FaceletViewDeclarationLanguage._publishPreRemoveFromViewEvent(context, view);
                    //FaceletViewDeclarationLanguage._publishPostAddToViewEvent(context, view);
                    FaceletViewDeclarationLanguage._publishPostBuildComponentTreeOnRestoreViewEvent(context, view);

                // Publish PostAddToView over UIViewRoot, because this is not done automatically.
                context.getApplication().publishEvent(context, PostAddToViewEvent.class, UIViewRoot.class, view);

        // set this view as filled
        if (refreshTransientBuild)
            //This option will be true on this cases:
            //- pss is false, but we are refreshing
            //- pss is true, and we are refreshing a view already filled
            setFilledView(context, view);
        else if (!refreshTransientBuildOnPSS)
            // This option will be true on this cases:
            // -pss is true and refresh is not active
            setFilledView(context, view);
        //At this point refreshTransientBuild = false && refreshTransientBuildOnPSS is true
        else if (_refreshTransientBuildOnPSSAuto &&
            setFilledView(context, view);

        // Suscribe listeners if we are using partialStateSaving
        if (usePartialStateSavingOnThisView)
            // UIViewRoot.markInitialState() is not called because it does
            // not have a facelet tag handler class that create it, instead
            // new instances are created programatically.
            if (!refreshTransientBuild || refreshPartialView)
                // Save the state
                if (_viewPoolProcessor != null &&
                    _viewPoolProcessor.isViewPoolEnabledForThisView(context, view))
                    _viewPoolProcessor.storeViewStructureMetadata(context, view);
                if (_markInitialStateWhenApplyBuildView)
                    if (!refreshTransientBuildOnPSS ||

                    //Remove the key that indicate we need to call UIComponent.markInitialState
                    //on the current tree
                    context.getAttributes().put(MARK_INITIAL_STATE_KEY, Boolean.TRUE);
                    _markInitialStateOnView(view, refreshTransientBuildOnPSS);

            // We need to suscribe the listeners of changes in the component tree
            // only the first time here. Later we suscribe this listeners on
            // DefaultFaceletsStateManagement.restoreView after calling
            // _publishPostBuildComponentTreeOnRestoreViewEvent(), to ensure
            // relocated components are not retrieved later on getClientIdsRemoved().
            if (!(refreshTransientBuild && PhaseId.RESTORE_VIEW.equals(context.getCurrentPhaseId())) &&
                ((DefaultFaceletsStateManagementStrategy) getStateManagementStrategy(context, view.getViewId())).


        // Remove this var from faces context because this one prevent AjaxHandler
        // register the standard script library on Post-Redirect-Get pattern or
        // in the next view

    private void _markInitialStateOnView(final UIViewRoot view, final boolean refreshTransientBuildOnPSS)
        if (!refreshTransientBuildOnPSS ||
            if (!view.isTransient())

        int childCount = view.getChildCount();
        if (childCount > 0)
            for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++)
                UIComponent child = view.getChildren().get(i);
                if (!child.isTransient())
        if (view.getFacetCount() > 0)
            Map<String, UIComponent> facetMap = view.getFacets();
            for (Map.Entry<String, UIComponent> entry : facetMap.entrySet())
                UIComponent child = entry.getValue();
                if (!child.isTransient())


    private void _markInitialState(final UIComponent component)

        final int childCount = component.getChildCount();
        if (childCount > 0)
            for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++)
                UIComponent child = component.getChildren().get(i);
                if (!child.isTransient())
        if (component.getFacetCount() > 0)
            Map<String, UIComponent> facetMap = component.getFacets();
            for (Map.Entry<String, UIComponent> entry : facetMap.entrySet())
                UIComponent child = entry.getValue();
                if (!child.isTransient())


    public static void _publishPostBuildComponentTreeOnRestoreViewEvent(FacesContext context, UIComponent component)
        context.getApplication().publishEvent(context, PostBuildComponentTreeOnRestoreViewEvent.class,
                                              component.getClass(), component);

        if (component.getChildCount() > 0)
            // PostAddToViewEvent could cause component relocation
            // (h:outputScript, h:outputStylesheet, composite:insertChildren, composite:insertFacet)
            // so we need to check if the component was relocated or not
            List<UIComponent> children = component.getChildren();
            UIComponent child = null;
            UIComponent currentChild = null;
            int i = 0;
            while (i < children.size())
                child = children.get(i);
                // Iterate over the same index if the component was removed
                // This prevents skip components when processing
                    _publishPostBuildComponentTreeOnRestoreViewEvent(context, child);
                    currentChild = child;
                    child = children.get(i);
                while ((i < children.size()) && child != currentChild);
        if (component.getFacetCount() > 0)
            for (UIComponent child : component.getFacets().values())
                _publishPostBuildComponentTreeOnRestoreViewEvent(context, child);

    private boolean isFilledView(FacesContext context, UIViewRoot view)
        // The view is only built on restoreView or renderView, but if
        // we are not using partial state saving, we need to mark the current
        // view as filled, otherwise it will be filled again on renderView.
        return context.getAttributes().containsKey(view);
        // -= Leonardo Uribe =- save this key on view cause render fail, because the view
        // is built before render view to "restore" the transient components that has
        // facelet markup (facelets UIInstructions ...) This effect is only notice when
        // partial state saving is not used.
        //return view.getAttributes().containsKey(FILLED_VIEW);

    private void setFilledView(FacesContext context, UIViewRoot view)
        context.getAttributes().put(view, Boolean.TRUE);
        // -= Leonardo Uribe =- save this key on view cause render fail, because the view
        // is built before render view to "restore" the transient components that has
        // facelet markup (facelets UIInstructions ...) This effect is only notice when
        // partial state saving is not used.
        // view.getAttributes().put(FILLED_VIEW, Boolean.TRUE);

     * retargetMethodExpressions(FacesContext, UIComponent) has some clues about the behavior of this method
     * {@inheritDoc}
    public BeanInfo getComponentMetadata(FacesContext context, Resource componentResource)
        BeanInfo beanInfo = null;

        checkNull(context, "context");

            Facelet compositeComponentFacelet;
                        = _faceletFactory.getCompositeComponentMetadataFacelet(componentResource.getURL());
            //context.getAttributes().put(BUILDING_COMPOSITE_COMPONENT_METADATA, Boolean.TRUE);

            // Create a temporal tree where all components will be put, but we are only
            // interested in metadata.
            UINamingContainer compositeComponentBase
                    = (UINamingContainer) context.getApplication().createComponent(
                    context, UINamingContainer.COMPONENT_TYPE, null);

            // Fill the component resource key, because this information should be available
            // on metadata to recognize which is the component used as composite component base.
            // Since this method is called from Application.createComponent(FacesContext,Resource),
            // and in that specific method this key is updated, this is the best option we
            // have for recognize it (also this key is used by UIComponent.isCompositeComponent)
            compositeComponentBase.getAttributes().put(Resource.COMPONENT_RESOURCE_KEY, componentResource);

            // According to UserTagHandler, in this point we need to wrap the facelet
            // VariableMapper, so local changes are applied on "page context", but
            // data is retrieved from full context
            FaceletContext faceletContext = (FaceletContext) context.
            VariableMapper orig = faceletContext.getVariableMapper();
                faceletContext.setVariableMapper(new VariableMapperWrapper(orig));

                compositeComponentBase.pushComponentToEL(context, compositeComponentBase);

                compositeComponentFacelet.apply(context, compositeComponentBase);


            beanInfo = (BeanInfo) compositeComponentBase.getAttributes().get(UIComponent.BEANINFO_KEY);
        catch (IOException e)
            throw new FacesException(e);

        return beanInfo;

     * Check if the current facelet applied is used to build composite component metadata.
     * @param context
     * @return
    //public static boolean isBuildingCompositeComponentMetadata(FacesContext context)
    //    return context.getAttributes().containsKey(BUILDING_COMPOSITE_COMPONENT_METADATA);

     * Check if the current facelet applied is used to build view metadata.
     * @param context
     * @return
    public static boolean isBuildingViewMetadata(FacesContext context)
        return context.getAttributes().containsKey(BUILDING_VIEW_METADATA);

    public static boolean isRefreshingTransientBuild(FacesContext context)
        return context.getAttributes().containsKey(REFRESHING_TRANSIENT_BUILD);

    public static boolean isRemovingComponentBuild(FacesContext context)
        return context.getAttributes().containsKey(REMOVING_COMPONENTS_BUILD);

    public static boolean isMarkInitialState(FacesContext context)
        return Boolean.TRUE.equals(context.getAttributes().get(MARK_INITIAL_STATE_KEY));

    public static boolean isRefreshTransientBuildOnPSS(FacesContext context)
        //this include both "true" and "auto"
        return context.getAttributes().containsKey(REFRESH_TRANSIENT_BUILD_ON_PSS);

    public static boolean isRefreshTransientBuildOnPSSAuto(FacesContext context)
        return "auto".equalsIgnoreCase((String) context.getAttributes().get(REFRESH_TRANSIENT_BUILD_ON_PSS));

    public static boolean isCleanTransientBuildOnRestore(FacesContext context)
        return context.getAttributes().containsKey(CLEAN_TRANSIENT_BUILD_ON_RESTORE);

    public static void cleanTransientBuildOnRestore(FacesContext context)
        context.getAttributes().put(CLEAN_TRANSIENT_BUILD_ON_RESTORE, Boolean.TRUE);

    public static boolean isUsingPSSOnThisView(FacesContext context)
        return context.getAttributes().containsKey(USING_PSS_ON_THIS_VIEW);

     * In short words, this method take care of "target" an "attached object".
     * <ul>
     * <li>The "attached object" is instantiated by a tag handler.</li>
     * <li>The "target" is an object used as "marker", that exposes a List<UIComponent></li>
     * </ul>
     * This method should be called from some composite component tag handler, after
     * all children of composite component has been applied.
    public void retargetAttachedObjects(FacesContext context,
                                        UIComponent topLevelComponent, List<AttachedObjectHandler> handlerList)
        checkNull(context, "context");
        checkNull(topLevelComponent, "topLevelComponent");
        checkNull(handlerList, "handlerList");

        BeanInfo compositeComponentMetadata
                = (BeanInfo) topLevelComponent.getAttributes().get(UIComponent.BEANINFO_KEY);

        if (compositeComponentMetadata == null)
            log.severe("Composite component metadata not found for: " + topLevelComponent.getClientId(context));

        BeanDescriptor compositeComponentDescriptor = compositeComponentMetadata.getBeanDescriptor();

        List<AttachedObjectTarget> targetList = (List<AttachedObjectTarget>)

        if (targetList == null || targetList.isEmpty())

        for (int i = 0, size = handlerList.size(); i < size; i++)
            AttachedObjectHandler currentHandler = handlerList.get(i);
            // In the spec javadoc this variable is referred as forAttributeValue, but
            // note it is also called curTargetName
            String forValue = currentHandler.getFor();
            // perf: targetList is always arrayList: see AttachedObjectTargetHandler.apply
            // and ClientBehaviorHandler.apply
            for (int k = 0, targetsSize = targetList.size(); k < targetsSize; k++)
                AttachedObjectTarget currentTarget = targetList.get(k);
                FaceletCompositionContext mctx = FaceletCompositionContext.getCurrentInstance();

                if ((forValue != null && forValue.equals(currentTarget.getName())) &&
                        ((currentTarget instanceof ActionSource2AttachedObjectTarget &&
                                currentHandler instanceof ActionSource2AttachedObjectHandler) ||
                                (currentTarget instanceof EditableValueHolderAttachedObjectTarget &&
                                        currentHandler instanceof EditableValueHolderAttachedObjectHandler) ||
                                (currentTarget instanceof ValueHolderAttachedObjectTarget &&
                                        currentHandler instanceof ValueHolderAttachedObjectHandler)))
                    // perf: getTargets return ArrayList - see getTargets implementations
                    List<UIComponent> targets = currentTarget.getTargets(topLevelComponent);
                    for (int l = 0, targetsCount = targets.size(); l < targetsCount; l++)
                        UIComponent component = targets.get(l);
                        // If we found composite components when traverse the tree
                        // we have to call this one recursively, because each composite component
                        // should have its own AttachedObjectHandler list, filled earlier when
                        // its tag handler is applied.
                        if (UIComponent.isCompositeComponent(component))
                            // How we obtain the list of AttachedObjectHandler for
                            // the current composite component? It should be a component
                            // attribute or retrieved by a key inside component.getAttributes
                            // map. Since api does not specify any attribute, we suppose
                            // this is an implementation detail and it should be retrieved
                            // from component attribute map.
                            // But this is only the point of the iceberg, because we should
                            // define how we register attached object handlers in this list.
                            // ANS: see CompositeComponentResourceTagHandler.
                            // The current handler should be added to the list, to be chained.
                            // Note that the inner component should have a target with the same name
                            // as "for" attribute
                            mctx.addAttachedObjectHandler(component, currentHandler);

                            List<AttachedObjectHandler> handlers = mctx.getAttachedObjectHandlers(component);

                            retargetAttachedObjects(context, component, handlers);

                            currentHandler.applyAttachedObject(context, component);
                        if (mctx.isUsingPSSOnThisView() && mctx.isMarkInitialState())
                else if ((currentTarget instanceof BehaviorHolderAttachedObjectTarget &&
                        currentHandler instanceof BehaviorHolderAttachedObjectHandler))
                    String eventName = ((BehaviorHolderAttachedObjectHandler) currentHandler).getEventName();
                    boolean isDefaultEvent = ((BehaviorHolderAttachedObjectTarget) currentTarget).isDefaultEvent();

                    if ((eventName != null && eventName.equals(currentTarget.getName())) ||
                            (eventName == null && isDefaultEvent))
                        List<UIComponent> targets = currentTarget.getTargets(topLevelComponent);
                        for (int j = 0, targetssize = targets.size(); j < targetssize; j++)
                            UIComponent component = targets.get(j);
                            // If we found composite components when traverse the tree
                            // we have to call this one recursively, because each composite component
                            // should have its own AttachedObjectHandler list, filled earlier when
                            // its tag handler is applied.
                            if (UIComponent.isCompositeComponent(component))
                                if (currentTarget instanceof ClientBehaviorAttachedObjectTarget)
                                            new ClientBehaviorRedirectBehaviorAttachedObjectHandlerWrapper(
                                                    (BehaviorHolderAttachedObjectHandler) currentHandler,
                                                    ((ClientBehaviorAttachedObjectTarget) currentTarget).getEvent()));
                                    mctx.addAttachedObjectHandler(component, currentHandler);

                                List<AttachedObjectHandler> handlers = mctx.getAttachedObjectHandlers(component);

                                retargetAttachedObjects(context, component, handlers);

                                if (currentHandler instanceof
                                            new ClientBehaviorRedirectEventComponentWrapper(component,
                                                    currentHandler).getWrappedEventName(), eventName));
                                    currentHandler.applyAttachedObject(context, component);
                            if (mctx.isUsingPSSOnThisView() && mctx.isMarkInitialState())

    public void retargetMethodExpressions(FacesContext context, UIComponent topLevelComponent)
        checkNull(context, "context");

        BeanInfo compositeComponentMetadata
                = (BeanInfo) topLevelComponent.getAttributes().get(UIComponent.BEANINFO_KEY);

        if (compositeComponentMetadata == null)
            log.severe("Composite component metadata not found for: " + topLevelComponent.getClientId(context));

        // "...For each attribute that is a MethodExpression..." This means we have to scan
        // all attributes with "method-signature" attribute and no "type" attribute
        // javax.faces.component._ComponentAttributesMap uses BeanInfo.getPropertyDescriptors to
        // traverse over it, but here the metadata returned by UIComponent.BEANINFO_KEY is available
        // only for composite components.
        // That means somewhere we need to create a custom BeanInfo object for composite components
        // that will be filled somewhere (theorically in ViewDeclarationLanguage.getComponentMetadata())

        PropertyDescriptor[] propertyDescriptors = compositeComponentMetadata.getPropertyDescriptors();

        ELContext elContext = (ELContext) context.getAttributes().get(FaceletContext.FACELET_CONTEXT_KEY);

        for (PropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor : propertyDescriptors)
            if (propertyDescriptor.getValue("type") != null)
                // This check is necessary if we have both "type" and "method-signature" set.
                // In that case, "method-signature" is ignored

            String attributeName = propertyDescriptor.getName();
            //boolean isKnownMethod = "action".equals(attributeName) || "actionListener".equals(attributeName) 
            //        || "validator".equals(attributeName) || "valueChangeListener".equals(attributeName);

            // <composite:attribute> method-signature attribute is
            // ValueExpression that must evaluate to String
            ValueExpression methodSignatureExpression
                    = (ValueExpression) propertyDescriptor.getValue("method-signature");
            String methodSignature = null;
            if (methodSignatureExpression != null)
                // Check if the value expression holds a method signature
                // Note that it could be null, so in that case we don't have to do anything
                methodSignature = (String) methodSignatureExpression.getValue(elContext);

            String targetAttributeName = null;
            ValueExpression targetAttributeNameVE
                    = (ValueExpression) propertyDescriptor.getValue("targetAttributeName");
            if (targetAttributeNameVE != null)
                targetAttributeName = (String) targetAttributeNameVE.getValue(context.getELContext());
                if (targetAttributeName == null)
                    targetAttributeName = attributeName;
                targetAttributeName = attributeName;

            boolean isKnownTargetAttributeMethod
                    = "action".equals(targetAttributeName) || "actionListener".equals(targetAttributeName)
                      || "validator".equals(targetAttributeName) || "valueChangeListener".equals(targetAttributeName);

            // either the attributeName has to be a knownMethod or there has to be a method-signature
            if (isKnownTargetAttributeMethod || methodSignature != null)
                ValueExpression targetsExpression =
                        (ValueExpression) propertyDescriptor.getValue("targets");

                String targets = null;
                // <composite:attribute> targets attribute is
                // ValueExpression that must evaluate to String
                if (targetsExpression != null)
                    targets = (String) targetsExpression.getValue(elContext);

                if (targets == null)
                    // "...let the name of the metadata element be the
                    // evaluated value of the targets attribute..."
                    targets = attributeName;

                FaceletCompositionContext mctx = FaceletCompositionContext.getCurrentInstance();

                // If the MethodExpression attribute has been already applied, there is no need to
                // handle it and it is probably a MethodExpression instance is on attribute map, so the
                // inner code will cause a ClassCastException.
                if (!mctx.isMethodExpressionAttributeApplied(topLevelComponent, attributeName))

                    ValueExpression attributeNameValueExpression =
                            (ValueExpression) topLevelComponent.getAttributes().get(attributeName);

                    if (attributeNameValueExpression == null)
                        // composite:attribute has a default property, so if we can't found on the
                        // component attribute map, we should get the default as CompositeComponentELResolver
                        // does.
                        attributeNameValueExpression = (ValueExpression) propertyDescriptor.getValue("default");
                        if (attributeNameValueExpression == null)
                            // It is only valid to log an error if the attribute is required
                            ValueExpression ve = (ValueExpression) propertyDescriptor.getValue("required");
                            if (ve != null)
                                Object requiredValue = ve.getValue(elContext);
                                Boolean required = null;
                                if (requiredValue instanceof Boolean)
                                    required = (Boolean) requiredValue;
                                    required = Boolean.valueOf(requiredValue.toString());

                                if (required != null && required.booleanValue())
                                    if (log.isLoggable(Level.SEVERE))
                                        log.severe("attributeValueExpression not found under the key \""
                                                   + attributeName
                                                   + "\". Looking for the next attribute");

                    String[] targetsArray = StringUtils.splitShortString(targets, ' ');
                    String attributeExpressionString = attributeNameValueExpression.getExpressionString();

                    //Check if the stored valueExpression is a ccRedirection, to handle it properly later.
                    boolean ccAttrMeRedirection =
                            attributeNameValueExpression instanceof LocationValueExpression &&

                    if (isKnownTargetAttributeMethod)
                        // To add support to #{cc.attrs.action}, #{cc.attrs.actionListener}, #{cc.attrs.validator} or
                        // #{cc.attrs.valueChangeListener} it is necessary to put a MethodExpression or a
                        // ValueExpression pointing to the associated java method in the component attribute map.
                        // org.apache.myfaces.view.facelets.tag.composite.RetargetMethodExpressionRule already put
                        // a ValueExpression, so we only need to put a MethodExpression when a non redirecting
                        // expression is used (for example when a nested #{} is used).
                        if ("action".equals(targetAttributeName))
                            applyActionMethodExpressionEL(context, elContext,
                                    topLevelComponent, attributeName,
                                    attributeExpressionString, attributeNameValueExpression,
                        else if ("actionListener".equals(targetAttributeName))
                            applyActionListenerMethodExpressionEL(context, elContext,
                                    topLevelComponent, attributeName,
                                    attributeExpressionString, attributeNameValueExpression,
                        else if ("validator".equals(targetAttributeName))
                            applyValidatorMethodExpressionEL(context, elContext,
                                    topLevelComponent, attributeName,
                                    attributeExpressionString, attributeNameValueExpression,
                        else if ("valueChangeListener".equals(targetAttributeName))
                            applyValueChangeListenerMethodExpressionEL(context, elContext,
                                    topLevelComponent, attributeName,
                                    attributeExpressionString, attributeNameValueExpression,

                        UIComponent topLevelComponentBase =

                        for (String target : targetsArray)
                            UIComponent innerComponent
                                    = ComponentSupport.findComponentChildOrFacetFrom(context, topLevelComponentBase,

                            if (innerComponent == null)

                            if (isCompositeComponentRetarget(context, innerComponent, targetAttributeName))
                                innerComponent.getAttributes().put(targetAttributeName, attributeNameValueExpression);

                                mctx.clearMethodExpressionAttribute(innerComponent, targetAttributeName);

                                retargetMethodExpressions(context, innerComponent);
                                if (mctx.isUsingPSSOnThisView() && mctx.isMarkInitialState())
                                if ("action".equals(targetAttributeName))
                                    applyActionMethodExpressionTarget(context, mctx, elContext,
                                            topLevelComponentBase, innerComponent,
                                            attributeName, targetAttributeName,
                                            attributeExpressionString, attributeNameValueExpression,
                                    if (mctx.isUsingPSSOnThisView() && mctx.isMarkInitialState())
                                else if ("actionListener".equals(targetAttributeName))
                                    applyActionListenerMethodExpressionTarget(context, mctx, elContext,
                                            topLevelComponentBase, innerComponent,
                                            attributeName, targetAttributeName,
                                            attributeExpressionString, attributeNameValueExpression,
                                    if (mctx.isUsingPSSOnThisView() && mctx.isMarkInitialState())
                                else if ("validator".equals(targetAttributeName))
                                    applyValidatorMethodExpressionTarget(context, mctx, elContext,
                                            topLevelComponentBase, innerComponent,
                                            attributeName, targetAttributeName,
                                            attributeExpressionString, attributeNameValueExpression,
                                    if (mctx.isUsingPSSOnThisView() && mctx.isMarkInitialState())
                                else if ("valueChangeListener".equals(targetAttributeName))
                                    applyValueChangeListenerMethodExpressionTarget(context, mctx, elContext,
                                            topLevelComponentBase, innerComponent,
                                            attributeName, targetAttributeName,
                                            attributeExpressionString, attributeNameValueExpression,
                                    if (mctx.isUsingPSSOnThisView() && mctx.isMarkInitialState())
                        MethodExpression methodExpression = null;
                        // composite:attribute targets property only has sense for action, actionListener,
                        // validator or valueChangeListener. This means we have to retarget the method expression
                        // to the topLevelComponent.

                        // Since a MethodExpression has no state, we can use it multiple times without problem, so
                        // first create it here.
                        methodSignature = methodSignature.trim();
                        methodExpression = context.getApplication().getExpressionFactory().

                        methodExpression = reWrapMethodExpression(methodExpression, attributeNameValueExpression);

                        applyMethodExpression(context, mctx, topLevelComponent, attributeName,
                                targetAttributeName, attributeNameValueExpression, methodExpression,
                                ccAttrMeRedirection, targetsArray);
                    mctx.markMethodExpressionAttribute(topLevelComponent, attributeName);

                // We need to remove the previous ValueExpression, to prevent some possible
                // confusion when the same value is retrieved from the attribute map.
                topLevelComponent.setValueExpression(attributeName, null);
    private void applyActionMethodExpressionEL(FacesContext context,
                                               ELContext elContext,
                                               UIComponent topLevelComponent,
                                               String attributeName,
                                               String attributeExpressionString,
                                               ValueExpression attributeNameValueExpression,
                                               boolean ccAttrMeRedirection)
        // target is ActionSource2
        MethodExpression methodExpression = reWrapMethodExpression(context.getApplication().getExpressionFactory().
                        attributeExpressionString, null,
                        EMPTY_CLASS_ARRAY), attributeNameValueExpression);

        //Store the method expression to the topLevelComponent to allow reference it through EL
        if (!ccAttrMeRedirection)
            //Replace it with a method expression
            topLevelComponent.getAttributes().put(attributeName, methodExpression);
        // Otherwise keep the current ValueExpression,
        // because it will be used chain other value expressions

    private void applyActionListenerMethodExpressionEL(FacesContext context,
                                                       ELContext elContext,
                                                       UIComponent topLevelComponent,
                                                       String attributeName,
                                                       String attributeExpressionString,
                                                       ValueExpression attributeNameValueExpression,
                                                       boolean ccAttrMeRedirection)
        // target is ActionSource2
        MethodExpression methodExpression = reWrapMethodExpression(context.getApplication().getExpressionFactory().
                        attributeExpressionString, Void.TYPE, ACTION_LISTENER_SIGNATURE),

        MethodExpression methodExpression2 = reWrapMethodExpression(context.getApplication().getExpressionFactory().
                        attributeExpressionString, Void.TYPE, EMPTY_CLASS_ARRAY),

        //Store the method expression to the topLevelComponent to allow reference it through EL
        if (!ccAttrMeRedirection)
            //Replace it with a method expression
                    new MethodExpressionMethodExpression(methodExpression, methodExpression2));
        // Otherwise keep the current ValueExpression,
        // because it will be used chain other value expressions
    private void applyValidatorMethodExpressionEL(FacesContext context,
                                                  ELContext elContext,
                                                  UIComponent topLevelComponent,
                                                  String attributeName,
                                                  String attributeExpressionString,
                                                  ValueExpression attributeNameValueExpression,
                                                  boolean ccAttrMeRedirection)
        // target is EditableValueHolder
        MethodExpression methodExpression = reWrapMethodExpression(context.getApplication().getExpressionFactory().
                        attributeExpressionString, Void.TYPE,
                        VALIDATOR_SIGNATURE), attributeNameValueExpression);

        //Store the method expression to the topLevelComponent to allow reference it through EL
        if (!ccAttrMeRedirection)
            //Replace it with a method expression
            topLevelComponent.getAttributes().put(attributeName, methodExpression);
        // Otherwise keep the current ValueExpression,
        // because it will be used chain other value expressions
    private void applyValueChangeListenerMethodExpressionEL(FacesContext context,
                                                            ELContext elContext,
                                                            UIComponent topLevelComponent,
                                                            String attributeName,
                                                            String attributeExpressionString,
                                                            ValueExpression attributeNameValueExpression,
                                                            boolean ccAttrMeRedirection)
        // target is EditableValueHolder
        MethodExpression methodExpression = reWrapMethodExpression(context.getApplication().getExpressionFactory().
                        attributeExpressionString, Void.TYPE,
                        VALUE_CHANGE_LISTENER_SIGNATURE), attributeNameValueExpression);

        MethodExpression methodExpression2 = reWrapMethodExpression(context.getApplication().getExpressionFactory().
                        attributeExpressionString, Void.TYPE,
                        EMPTY_CLASS_ARRAY), attributeNameValueExpression);

        //Store the method expression to the topLevelComponent to allow reference it through EL
        if (!ccAttrMeRedirection)
            //Replace it with a method expression
                    new MethodExpressionMethodExpression(methodExpression, methodExpression2));
        // Otherwise keep the current ValueExpression, because it will be used chain other value expressions
    private void applyActionMethodExpressionTarget(FacesContext context, FaceletCompositionContext mctx,
                                                   ELContext elContext,
                                                   UIComponent topLevelComponent,
                                                   UIComponent innerComponent,
                                                   String attributeName,
                                                   String targetAttributeName,
                                                   String attributeExpressionString,
                                                   ValueExpression attributeNameValueExpression,
                                                   boolean ccAttrMeRedirection)
        // target is ActionSource2
        MethodExpression methodExpression
                = reWrapMethodExpression(context.getApplication().getExpressionFactory().
                        attributeExpressionString, null, EMPTY_CLASS_ARRAY),

        // If it is a redirection, a wrapper is used to
        // locate the right instance and call it properly.
        if (ccAttrMeRedirection)
            ((ActionSource2) innerComponent).setActionExpression(
                    new ValueExpressionMethodExpression(attributeNameValueExpression));
            ((ActionSource2) innerComponent).setActionExpression(methodExpression);

    private void applyActionListenerMethodExpressionTarget(FacesContext context, FaceletCompositionContext mctx,
            ELContext elContext,
            UIComponent topLevelComponent,
            UIComponent innerComponent,
            String attributeName,
            String targetAttributeName,
            String attributeExpressionString,
            ValueExpression attributeNameValueExpression,
            boolean ccAttrMeRedirection)
        //First try to remove any prevous target if any
        ActionListener o = (ActionListener)
                mctx.removeMethodExpressionTargeted(innerComponent, targetAttributeName);
        if (o != null)
            ((ActionSource2) innerComponent).removeActionListener(o);

        // target is ActionSource2
        ActionListener actionListener = null;
        // If it is a redirection, a wrapper is used to locate the right instance and call
        //it properly.
        if (ccAttrMeRedirection)
            actionListener = new RedirectMethodExpressionValueExpressionActionListener(
            MethodExpression methodExpression = reWrapMethodExpression(context.getApplication().getExpressionFactory().
                       attributeExpressionString, Void.TYPE, ACTION_LISTENER_SIGNATURE), attributeNameValueExpression);

            MethodExpression methodExpression2 = reWrapMethodExpression(context.getApplication().getExpressionFactory().
                            attributeExpressionString, Void.TYPE, EMPTY_CLASS_ARRAY), attributeNameValueExpression);

            if (mctx.isUsingPSSOnThisView())
                actionListener = new PartialMethodExpressionActionListener(methodExpression, methodExpression2);
                actionListener = new MethodExpressionActionListener(methodExpression, methodExpression2);
        ((ActionSource2) innerComponent).addActionListener(actionListener);
        mctx.addMethodExpressionTargeted(innerComponent, targetAttributeName, actionListener);
    private void applyValidatorMethodExpressionTarget(FacesContext context, FaceletCompositionContext mctx,
            ELContext elContext,
            UIComponent topLevelComponent,
            UIComponent innerComponent,
            String attributeName,
            String targetAttributeName,
            String attributeExpressionString,
            ValueExpression attributeNameValueExpression,
            boolean ccAttrMeRedirection)
        //First try to remove any prevous target if any
        Validator o = (Validator) mctx.removeMethodExpressionTargeted(innerComponent, targetAttributeName);
        if (o != null)
            ((EditableValueHolder) innerComponent).removeValidator(o);

        // target is EditableValueHolder
        Validator validator = null;
        // If it is a redirection, a wrapper is used to locate the right instance and call it properly.
        if (ccAttrMeRedirection)
            validator = new RedirectMethodExpressionValueExpressionValidator(attributeNameValueExpression);
            MethodExpression methodExpression = reWrapMethodExpression(context.getApplication().getExpressionFactory().
                            attributeExpressionString, Void.TYPE,
                            VALIDATOR_SIGNATURE), attributeNameValueExpression);

            if (mctx.isUsingPSSOnThisView())
                validator = new PartialMethodExpressionValidator(methodExpression);
                validator = new MethodExpressionValidator(methodExpression);
        ((EditableValueHolder) innerComponent).addValidator(validator);
        mctx.addMethodExpressionTargeted(innerComponent, targetAttributeName, validator);
    private void applyValueChangeListenerMethodExpressionTarget(FacesContext context, FaceletCompositionContext mctx,
            ELContext elContext,
            UIComponent topLevelComponent,
            UIComponent innerComponent,
            String attributeName,
            String targetAttributeName,
            String attributeExpressionString,
            ValueExpression attributeNameValueExpression,
            boolean ccAttrMeRedirection)
        ValueChangeListener o = (ValueChangeListener) mctx.removeMethodExpressionTargeted(
                innerComponent, targetAttributeName);
        if (o != null)
            ((EditableValueHolder) innerComponent).removeValueChangeListener(o);

        // target is EditableValueHolder
        ValueChangeListener valueChangeListener = null;
        // If it is a redirection, a wrapper is used to locate the right instance and call it properly.
        if (ccAttrMeRedirection)
            valueChangeListener = new RedirectMethodExpressionValueExpressionValueChangeListener(
            MethodExpression methodExpression = reWrapMethodExpression(context.getApplication().getExpressionFactory().
                            attributeExpressionString, Void.TYPE,
                            VALUE_CHANGE_LISTENER_SIGNATURE), attributeNameValueExpression);

            MethodExpression methodExpression2 = reWrapMethodExpression(context.getApplication().getExpressionFactory().
                            attributeExpressionString, Void.TYPE,
                            EMPTY_CLASS_ARRAY), attributeNameValueExpression);

            if (mctx.isUsingPSSOnThisView())
                valueChangeListener = new PartialMethodExpressionValueChangeListener(
                        methodExpression, methodExpression2);
                valueChangeListener = new MethodExpressionValueChangeListener(methodExpression, methodExpression2);
        ((EditableValueHolder) innerComponent).addValueChangeListener(valueChangeListener);
        mctx.addMethodExpressionTargeted(innerComponent, targetAttributeName, valueChangeListener);
    private void applyMethodExpression(FacesContext context, FaceletCompositionContext mctx,
            UIComponent topLevelComponent,
            String attributeName,
            String targetAttributeName,
            ValueExpression attributeNameValueExpression,
            MethodExpression methodExpression,
            boolean ccAttrMeRedirection,
            String[] targetsArray)
        UIComponent topLevelComponentBase = topLevelComponent.getFacet(

        for (String target : targetsArray)
            UIComponent innerComponent = ComponentSupport.findComponentChildOrFacetFrom(context,
                    topLevelComponentBase, target);

            if (innerComponent == null)

            // If a component is found, that means the expression should be retarget to the
            // components related
            if (isCompositeComponentRetarget(context, innerComponent, targetAttributeName))
                innerComponent.getAttributes().put(targetAttributeName, attributeNameValueExpression);

                mctx.clearMethodExpressionAttribute(innerComponent, targetAttributeName);

                retargetMethodExpressions(context, innerComponent);
                if (mctx.isUsingPSSOnThisView() && mctx.isMarkInitialState())
                    //retargetMethodExpression occur on build view time, so it is safe to call markInitiaState here
                //Put the retarget
                if (ccAttrMeRedirection)
                    // Since we require here a method expression, it is necessary to wrap
                    // the ValueExpression into a MethodExpression that handles redirection.
                            new ValueExpressionMethodExpression(attributeNameValueExpression));
                    innerComponent.getAttributes().put(targetAttributeName, methodExpression);
                if (mctx.isUsingPSSOnThisView() && mctx.isMarkInitialState())
        //Store the method expression to the topLevelComponent to allow reference it through EL
        if (!ccAttrMeRedirection)
            //Replace it with a method expression
            topLevelComponent.getAttributes().put(attributeName, methodExpression);
        // Othewise keep the current ValueExpression, because it will be used chain other value
        // expressions

    private boolean isCompositeComponentRetarget(FacesContext context, UIComponent component, String attributeName)
        if (UIComponent.isCompositeComponent(component))
            BeanInfo compositeComponentMetadata = (BeanInfo) component.getAttributes().get(UIComponent.BEANINFO_KEY);

            PropertyDescriptor[] propertyDescriptors = compositeComponentMetadata.getPropertyDescriptors();

            ELContext elContext = (ELContext) context.getAttributes().get(FaceletContext.FACELET_CONTEXT_KEY);

            for (PropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor : propertyDescriptors)
                if (propertyDescriptor.getValue("type") != null)
                    // This check is necessary if we have both "type" and "method-signature" set.
                    // In that case, "method-signature" is ignored

                if (attributeName.equals(propertyDescriptor.getName()))
                    //boolean isKnownMethod = "action".equals(attributeName) || "actionListener".equals(attributeName) 
                    //|| "validator".equals(attributeName) || "valueChangeListener".equals(attributeName);

                    // <composite:attribute> method-signature attribute is
                    // ValueExpression that must evaluate to String
                    ValueExpression methodSignatureExpression
                            = (ValueExpression) propertyDescriptor.getValue("method-signature");
                    String methodSignature = null;
                    if (methodSignatureExpression != null)
                        // Check if the value expression holds a method signature
                        // Note that it could be null, so in that case we don't have to do anything
                        methodSignature = (String) methodSignatureExpression.getValue(elContext);

                    String targetAttributeName = null;
                    ValueExpression targetAttributeNameVE = (ValueExpression)
                    if (targetAttributeNameVE != null)
                        targetAttributeName = (String) targetAttributeNameVE.getValue(context.getELContext());
                        if (targetAttributeName == null)
                            targetAttributeName = attributeName;
                        targetAttributeName = attributeName;

                    boolean isKnownTargetAttributeMethod = "action".equals(targetAttributeName)
                            || "actionListener".equals(targetAttributeName)
                            || "validator".equals(targetAttributeName)
                            || "valueChangeListener".equals(targetAttributeName);

                    // either the attributeName has to be a knownMethod or there has to be a method-signature
                    if (isKnownTargetAttributeMethod || methodSignature != null)
                        if ("action".equals(targetAttributeName))
                            return !(component instanceof ActionSource2);
                        else if ("actionListener".equals(targetAttributeName))
                            return !(component instanceof ActionSource2);
                        else if ("validator".equals(targetAttributeName))
                            return !(component instanceof EditableValueHolder);
                        else if ("valueChangeListener".equals(targetAttributeName))
                            return !(component instanceof EditableValueHolder);
                            return true;
            return false;
            return false;

    private MethodExpression reWrapMethodExpression(MethodExpression createdMethodExpression,
                                                    ValueExpression originalValueExpression)
        if (originalValueExpression instanceof LocationValueExpression)
            return new LocationMethodExpression(
                    ((LocationValueExpression) originalValueExpression).getLocation(),
                            ((LocationValueExpression) originalValueExpression).getWrapped()),
                    ((LocationValueExpression) originalValueExpression).getCCLevel());
        else if (originalValueExpression instanceof FacesWrapper &&
                ((FacesWrapper) originalValueExpression).getWrapped() instanceof ValueExpression)
            return reWrapMethodExpression(createdMethodExpression,
                    (ValueExpression) ((FacesWrapper) originalValueExpression).getWrapped());
            return createdMethodExpression;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public Resource getScriptComponentResource(FacesContext context, Resource componentResource)
        checkNull(context, "context");
        checkNull(componentResource, "componentResource");
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        return null;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public StateManagementStrategy getStateManagementStrategy(FacesContext context, String viewId)
        // Use partial state saving strategy only if javax.faces.PARTIAL_STATE_SAVING is "true" and
        // the current view is not on javax.faces.FULL_STATE_SAVING_VIEW_IDS.
        if (_partialStateSaving && _stateMgmtStrategy == null)
            _stateMgmtStrategy = new DefaultFaceletsStateManagementStrategy(context);

        return _usePartialStateSavingOnThisView(viewId) ? _stateMgmtStrategy : null;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public ViewMetadata getViewMetadata(FacesContext context, String viewId)
        checkNull(context, "facesContext");
        checkNull(viewId, "viewId");
        return new FaceletViewMetadata(viewId);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public void renderView(FacesContext context, UIViewRoot view) throws IOException
        if (!view.isRendered())

        // log request
        if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE))
            log.fine("Rendering View: " + view.getViewId());

            // build view - but not if we're in "buildBeforeRestore"
            // land and we've already got a populated view. Note
            // that this optimizations breaks if there's a "c:if" in
            // the page that toggles as a result of request processing -
            // should that be handled? Or
            // is this optimization simply so minor that it should just
            // be trimmed altogether?
            // See JSF 2.0 spec section 2.2.6, buildView is called before
            // Render Response
            //if (!isFilledView(context, view))
            //    buildView(context, view);

            // setup writer and assign it to the context
            ResponseWriter origWriter = createResponseWriter(context);

            ExternalContext extContext = context.getExternalContext();
            Writer outputWriter = extContext.getResponseOutputWriter();

            StateWriter stateWriter = new StateWriter(outputWriter, 1024, context);
                ResponseWriter writer = origWriter.cloneWithWriter(stateWriter);

                    StateManager stateMgr = context.getApplication().getStateManager();
                    // force creation of session if saving state there
                    // -= Leonardo Uribe =- Do this does not have any sense!. The only reference
                    // about these lines are on
                    // and it says: "fixed lazy session instantiation with eager response commit"
                    // This code is obviously to prevent this exception:
                    // java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot create a session after the response has been committed
                    // But in theory if that so, StateManager.saveState must happen before writer.close() is called,
                    // which can be done very easily.
                    //if (!stateMgr.isSavingStateInClient(context))
                    //    extContext.getSession(true);

                    // render the view to the response



                    // finish writing
                    // -= Leonardo Uribe =- This does not has sense too, because that's the reason
                    // of the try/finally block. In practice, it only forces the close of the tag
                    // in HtmlResponseWriter if necessary, but according to the spec, this should
                    // be done using writer.flush() instead.
                    // writer.close();

                    // flush to origWriter
                    if (stateWriter.isStateWritten())
                        // Call this method to force close the tag if necessary.
                        // The spec javadoc says this:
                        // "... Flush any ouput buffered by the output method to the underlying
                        // Writer or OutputStream. This method will not flush the underlying
                        // Writer or OutputStream; it simply clears any values buffered by this
                        // ResponseWriter. ..."

                        // =-= markoc: STATE_KEY is in output ONLY if
                        // stateManager.isSavingStateInClient(context)is true - see
                        // org.apache.myfaces.application.ViewHandlerImpl.writeState(FacesContext)
                        // TODO this class and ViewHandlerImpl contain same constant <!--@@JSF_FORM_STATE_MARKER@@-->
                        Object stateObj = stateMgr.saveView(context);
                        String content = stateWriter.getAndResetBuffer();
                        int end = content.indexOf(STATE_KEY);
                        // See if we can find any trace of the saved state.
                        // If so, we need to perform token replacement
                        if (end >= 0)
                            // save state
                            String stateStr;
                            if (stateObj == null)
                                stateStr = null;
                                stateMgr.writeState(context, stateObj);
                                stateStr = stateWriter.getAndResetBuffer();

                            int start = 0;

                            while (end != -1)
                                origWriter.write(content, start, end - start);
                                if (stateStr != null)
                                start = end + STATE_KEY_LEN;
                                end = content.indexOf(STATE_KEY, start);

                            origWriter.write(content, start, content.length() - start);
                            // No trace of any saved state, so we just need to flush
                            // the buffer
                    else if (stateWriter.isStateWrittenWithoutWrapper())
                        // The state token has been written but the state has not been
                        // saved yet.
                        // GET case without any form that trigger state saving.
                        // Try to store it into cache.
                        if (_viewPoolProcessor != null &&
                            _viewPoolProcessor.isViewPoolEnabledForThisView(context, view))
                            ViewDeclarationLanguage vdl = context.getApplication().
                                        context, view.getViewId());

                            if (ViewDeclarationLanguage.FACELETS_VIEW_DECLARATION_LANGUAGE_ID.equals(
                                StateManagementStrategy sms = vdl.getStateManagementStrategy(
                                        context, view.getId());
                                if (sms != null)
                                    context.getAttributes().put(ViewPoolProcessor.FORCE_HARD_RESET, Boolean.TRUE);

                                    // Force indirectly to store the map in the cache
                                        Object state = sms.saveView(context);

                                    // Clear the calculated value from the application map
                    // The Facelets implementation must close the writer used to write the response
        catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe)
            handleFaceletNotFound(context, view.getViewId());
        catch (Exception e)
            handleRenderException(context, e);
    private static final String SERIALIZED_VIEW_REQUEST_ATTR =
        StateManagerImpl.class.getName() + ".SERIALIZED_VIEW";

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public UIViewRoot createView(FacesContext context, String viewId)
        checkNull(viewId, "viewId");
        // we have to check for a possible debug request
        if (UIDebug.debugRequest(context))
            // the current request is a debug request, so we don't need
            // to create a view, since the output has already been written
            // in UIDebug.debugRequest() and facesContext.responseComplete()
            // has been called.
            return null;
            UIViewRoot root = super.createView(context, viewId);
            if (root != null)
                //Ensure calculateResourceLibraryContracts() can be decorated
                ViewDeclarationLanguage vdl = context.getApplication().getViewHandler().
                    getViewDeclarationLanguage(context, viewId);
                List<String> contracts = vdl.calculateResourceLibraryContracts(
                    context, root.getViewId() != null ? root.getViewId() : viewId);
            return root;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public UIViewRoot restoreView(FacesContext context, String viewId)
        checkNull(viewId, "viewId");
        // Currently there is no way, in which UIDebug.debugRequest(context)
        // can create debug information and return true at this point,
        // because this method is only accessed if the current request
        // is a postback, which will never be true for a debug page.
        // The only point where valid debug output can be produced by now
        // is in createView() -= Jakob Korherr =-
        //if (UIDebug.debugRequest(context))
        //    return new UIViewRoot();

        //else if (!_buildBeforeRestore)
        // When partial state saving is not used, createView() is not called. To ensure
        // everything is in place it is necessary to calculate the resource library
        // contracts and set them into facesContext.
        ViewDeclarationLanguage vdl = context.getApplication().getViewHandler().
            getViewDeclarationLanguage(context, viewId);
        List<String> contracts = vdl.calculateResourceLibraryContracts(
            context, viewId);
        // JSF 2.2 stateless views
        // We need to check if the incoming view is stateless or not and if that so rebuild it here
        // note we cannot do this in DefaultFaceletsStateManagementStrategy because it is only used
        // when PSS is enabled, but stateless views can be used without PSS. If the view is stateless,
        // there is no need to ask to the StateManager.
        Application application = context.getApplication();
        ViewHandler applicationViewHandler = application.getViewHandler();
        String renderKitId = applicationViewHandler.calculateRenderKitId(context);

        ResponseStateManager manager = getRenderKitFactory().getRenderKit(
            context, renderKitId).getResponseStateManager();
        if (manager.isStateless(context, viewId))
            // Per the spec: build the view.
            UIViewRoot view = null;
                ViewMetadata metadata = vdl.getViewMetadata (context, viewId);
                if (metadata != null)
                    view = metadata.createMetadataView(context);
                if (view == null)
                    view = context.getApplication().getViewHandler().createView(context, viewId);
                context.setViewRoot (view);
                boolean oldContextEventState = context.isProcessingEvents();
                    context.setProcessingEvents (true);
                    vdl.buildView (context, view);
                    context.setProcessingEvents (oldContextEventState);
            catch (Throwable e)
                throw new FacesException ("unable to create view \"" + viewId + "\"", e);
            return view;
            return super.restoreView(context, viewId);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    protected String calculateViewId(FacesContext context, String viewId)
        if (_cachedViewHandlerSupport == null)
            _cachedViewHandlerSupport = new DefaultViewHandlerSupport();

        return _cachedViewHandlerSupport.calculateViewId(context, viewId);

     * Creates the Facelet page compiler.
     * @param context
     *            the current FacesContext
     * @return the application's Facelet page compiler
    protected Compiler createCompiler(FacesContext context)
        Compiler compiler = new SAXCompiler();


        loadLibraries(context, compiler);
        loadDecorators(context, compiler);
        loadOptions(context, compiler);

        return compiler;

     * Creates a FaceletFactory instance using the specified compiler.
     * @param context
     *            the current FacesContext
     * @param compiler
     *            the compiler to be used by the factory
     * @return the factory used by this VDL to load pages
    protected FaceletFactory createFaceletFactory(FacesContext context, Compiler compiler)
        ExternalContext eContext = context.getExternalContext();

        // refresh period
        long refreshPeriod;
        if (context.isProjectStage(ProjectStage.Production))
            refreshPeriod = WebConfigParamUtils.getLongInitParameter(eContext, PARAMS_REFRESH_PERIOD,
            refreshPeriod = WebConfigParamUtils.getLongInitParameter(eContext, PARAMS_REFRESH_PERIOD,

        // resource resolver
        ResourceResolver resolver = new DefaultResourceResolver();
        ArrayList<String> classNames = new ArrayList<String>();
        String faceletsResourceResolverClassName = WebConfigParamUtils.getStringInitParameter(eContext,
                PARAMS_RESOURCE_RESOLVER, null);
        List<String> resourceResolversFromAnnotations = RuntimeConfig.getCurrentInstance(
        if (faceletsResourceResolverClassName != null)
        if (!resourceResolversFromAnnotations.isEmpty())
        if (!classNames.isEmpty())
            resolver = ClassUtils.buildApplicationObject(ResourceResolver.class, classNames, resolver);

        _resourceResolver = resolver;

        return new DefaultFaceletFactory(compiler, resolver, refreshPeriod);

    protected ResponseWriter createResponseWriter(FacesContext context) throws IOException, FacesException
        ExternalContext extContext = context.getExternalContext();
        RenderKit renderKit = context.getRenderKit();
        // Avoid a cryptic NullPointerException when the renderkit ID
        // is incorrectly set
        if (renderKit == null)
            String id = context.getViewRoot().getRenderKitId();
            throw new IllegalStateException("No render kit was available for id \"" + id + "\"");

        // set the buffer for content
        if (_bufferSize != -1)

        // get our content type
        String contentType = (String) context.getAttributes().get("facelets.ContentType");

        // get the encoding
        String encoding = (String) context.getAttributes().get("facelets.Encoding");

        // -= Leonardo Uribe =- Add */* to the contentType is a fix done from FaceletViewHandler
        // to make old RI versions work, but since this is for JSF 2.0 it is not necessary that code.
        ResponseWriter writer = renderKit.createResponseWriter(FaceletsVDLUtils.NullWriter.INSTANCE,
            contentType, encoding);

        //ResponseWriter writer;
        // append */* to the contentType so createResponseWriter will succeed no matter
        // the requested contentType.
        //if (contentType != null && !contentType.equals("*/*"))
        //    contentType += ",*/*";
        // Create a dummy ResponseWriter with a bogus writer,
        // so we can figure out what content type the ReponseWriter
        // is really going to ask for
        //    writer = renderKit.createResponseWriter(NullWriter.Instance, contentType, encoding);
        // catch (IllegalArgumentException e)
        // Added because of an RI bug prior to 1.2_05-b3. Might as well leave it in case other
        // impls have the same problem.
        //log.finest("The impl didn't correctly handled '*/*' in the content type list.  Trying '*/*' directly.");
        //writer = renderKit.createResponseWriter(NullWriter.Instance, "*/*", encoding);

        // Override the JSF provided content type if necessary
        contentType = getResponseContentType(context, writer.getContentType());
        encoding = getResponseEncoding(context, writer.getCharacterEncoding());

        // apply them to the response
        extContext.setResponseContentType(contentType + "; charset=" + encoding);

        // removed 2005.8.23 to comply with J2EE 1.3
        // response.setCharacterEncoding(encoding);

        // Now, clone with the real writer
        writer = writer.cloneWithWriter(extContext.getResponseOutputWriter());

        return writer;

     * @deprecated this code is not used anymore
    protected String getDefaultSuffix(FacesContext context) throws FacesException
        if (_defaultSuffix == null)
            ExternalContext eContext = context.getExternalContext();

            String viewSuffix = eContext.getInitParameter(ViewHandler.DEFAULT_SUFFIX_PARAM_NAME);

            _defaultSuffix = viewSuffix == null ? ViewHandler.DEFAULT_FACELETS_SUFFIX : viewSuffix;

        return _defaultSuffix;

     * @deprecated
    protected String getRenderedViewId(FacesContext context, String actionId)
        // The previous code comes from Facelets 1.1.x but now it becomes invalid. In JSF 2.1, it is possible
        // to have multiple file extensions, and to make work correctly viewExists(), it is necessary to return
        // the viewId without changes
        return actionId;

     * Generate the content type
     * @param context
     * @param orig
     * @return
    protected String getResponseContentType(FacesContext context, String orig)
        String contentType = orig;

        // see if we need to override the contentType
        Map<Object, Object> m = context.getAttributes();
        if (m.containsKey("facelets.ContentType"))
            contentType = (String) m.get("facelets.ContentType");
            if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINEST))
                log.finest("Facelet specified alternate contentType '" + contentType + "'");

        // safety check
        if (contentType == null)
            contentType = "text/html";
            log.finest("ResponseWriter created had a null ContentType, defaulting to text/html");

        return contentType;

     * Generate the encoding
     * @param context
     * @param orig
     * @return
    protected String getResponseEncoding(FacesContext context, String orig)
        String encoding = orig;

        // see if we need to override the encoding
        Map<Object, Object> m = context.getAttributes();
        Map<String, Object> sm = context.getExternalContext().getSessionMap();

        // 1. check the request attribute
        if (m.containsKey(PARAM_ENCODING))
            encoding = (String) m.get(PARAM_ENCODING);
            if (encoding != null && log.isLoggable(Level.FINEST))
                log.finest("Facelet specified alternate encoding '" + encoding + "'");

            sm.put(CHARACTER_ENCODING_KEY, encoding);

        // 2. get it from request
        if (encoding == null)
            encoding = context.getExternalContext().getRequestCharacterEncoding();

        // 3. get it from the session
        if (encoding == null)
            encoding = (String) sm.get(CHARACTER_ENCODING_KEY);
            if (encoding != null && log.isLoggable(Level.FINEST))
                log.finest("Session specified alternate encoding '" + encoding + "'");

        // 4. default it
        if (encoding == null)
            encoding = DEFAULT_CHARACTER_ENCODING;
            if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINEST))
                log.finest("ResponseWriter created had a null CharacterEncoding, defaulting to " + encoding);

        return encoding;

    protected void handleFaceletNotFound(FacesContext context, String viewId) throws FacesException, IOException
        String actualId = context.getApplication().getViewHandler().getActionURL(context, viewId);
        context.getExternalContext().responseSendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND, actualId);


    protected void handleRenderException(FacesContext context, Exception e)
            throws IOException, ELException, FacesException
        UIViewRoot root = context.getViewRoot();
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(64);
        sb.append("Error Rendering View");
        if (root != null)
        log.log(Level.SEVERE, sb.toString(), e);

        // rethrow the Exception to be handled by the ExceptionHandler
        if (e instanceof RuntimeException)
            throw (RuntimeException) e;
        else if (e instanceof IOException)
            throw (IOException) e;
            throw new FacesException(e.getMessage(), e);

     * Initialize the ViewHandler during its first request.
    protected void initialize(FacesContext context)

        Compiler compiler = createCompiler(context);

        _faceletFactory = createFaceletFactory(context, compiler);

        ExternalContext eContext = context.getExternalContext();
        // Create a component ids cache and store it on application map to
        // reduce the overhead associated with create such ids over and over.
        MyfacesConfig mfConfig = MyfacesConfig.getCurrentInstance(eContext);
        if (mfConfig.getComponentUniqueIdsCacheSize() > 0)
            String[] componentIdsCached = SectionUniqueIdCounter.generateUniqueIdCache("_",
                    CACHED_COMPONENT_IDS, componentIdsCached);
        _viewPoolProcessor = ViewPoolProcessor.getInstance(context);

        log.finest("Initialization Successful");

     * Load the various decorators for Facelets.
     * @param context
     *            the current FacesContext
     * @param compiler
     *            the page compiler
    protected void loadDecorators(FacesContext context, Compiler compiler)
        getFaceletsCompilerSupport().loadDecorators(context, compiler);

    protected FaceletsCompilerSupport getFaceletsCompilerSupport()
        if (_faceletsCompilerSupport == null)
            _faceletsCompilerSupport = new FaceletsCompilerSupport();
        return _faceletsCompilerSupport;
    public void setFaceletsCompilerSupport(FaceletsCompilerSupport support)
        _faceletsCompilerSupport = support;

     * Load the various tag libraries for Facelets.
     * @param context
     *            the current FacesContext
     * @param compiler
     *            the page compiler
    protected void loadLibraries(FacesContext context, Compiler compiler)
        getFaceletsCompilerSupport().loadLibraries(context, compiler);

     * Load the various options for Facelets compiler. Currently only comment skipping is supported.
     * @param context
     *            the current FacesContext
     * @param compiler
     *            the page compiler
    protected void loadOptions(FacesContext context, Compiler compiler)
        getFaceletsCompilerSupport().loadOptions(context, compiler);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    protected void sendSourceNotFound(FacesContext context, String message)
            context.getExternalContext().responseSendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND, message);
        catch (IOException ioe)
            throw new FacesException(ioe);

     * Gets the Facelet representing the specified view identifier.
     * @param viewId
     *            the view identifier
     * @return the Facelet representing the specified view identifier
     * @throws IOException
     *             if a read or parsing error occurs
    private Facelet _getFacelet(FacesContext context, String viewId) throws IOException
        // grab our FaceletFactory and create a Facelet
            return _faceletFactory.getFacelet(context, viewId);

    private Facelet _getViewMetadataFacelet(FacesContext context, String viewId) throws IOException
        // grab our FaceletFactory and create a Facelet used to create view metadata
            return _faceletFactory.getViewMetadataFacelet(context, viewId);

    private void _initializeBuffer(ExternalContext context)
        _bufferSize = WebConfigParamUtils.getIntegerInitParameter(context, PARAMS_BUFFER_SIZE, 1024);

    private void _initializeMode(ExternalContext context)
        String facesVersion = RuntimeConfig.getCurrentInstance(context).getFacesVersion();
        boolean partialStateSavingDefault;

        // Per spec section 11.1.3, the default value for the partial state saving feature needs
        // to be true if 2.0, false otherwise.

        partialStateSavingDefault = "2.0".equals(facesVersion) || "2.1".equals(facesVersion) ||
            "2.2".equals(facesVersion) || (facesVersion == null);

        // In jsf 2.0 this code evolve as PartialStateSaving feature
        //_buildBeforeRestore = _getBooleanParameter(context, PARAM_BUILD_BEFORE_RESTORE, false);
        _partialStateSaving = WebConfigParamUtils.getBooleanInitParameter(context,
                StateManager.PARTIAL_STATE_SAVING_PARAM_NAME, partialStateSavingDefault);

        String[] viewIds = StringUtils.splitShortString(WebConfigParamUtils.getStringInitParameter(context,
                StateManager.FULL_STATE_SAVING_VIEW_IDS_PARAM_NAME), ',');

        if (viewIds.length > 0)
            _viewIds = new HashSet<String>(viewIds.length, 1.0f);
            Collections.addAll(_viewIds, viewIds);
            _viewIds = null;

        if (_partialStateSaving)
            _refreshTransientBuildOnPSS = MyfacesConfig.getCurrentInstance(context).isRefreshTransientBuildOnPSS();

                    = MyfacesConfig.getCurrentInstance(context).isRefreshTransientBuildOnPSSAuto();

            _markInitialStateWhenApplyBuildView = WebConfigParamUtils.getBooleanInitParameter(context,
    private void _initializeContractMappings(ExternalContext context)
        RuntimeConfig runtimeConfig = RuntimeConfig.getCurrentInstance(context);
        List<String> prefixWildcardKeys = new ArrayList<String>();
        Map<String, List<String>> contractMappings = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();
        for (Map.Entry<String, List<String>> entry : runtimeConfig.getContractMappings().entrySet())
            String urlPattern = entry.getKey().trim();
            if (urlPattern.endsWith(ASTERISK))
            contractMappings.put(entry.getKey(), new ArrayList<String>(entry.getValue()));
        Collections.sort(prefixWildcardKeys, new FaceletsVDLUtils.KeyComparator());
        this._prefixWildcardKeys = prefixWildcardKeys;
        this._contractMappings = contractMappings;

    private boolean _usePartialStateSavingOnThisView(String viewId)
        return _partialStateSaving && !(_viewIds != null && _viewIds.contains(viewId));

    public List<String> calculateResourceLibraryContracts(FacesContext context, String viewId)
        List<String> contracts = this._contractMappings.get(viewId);
        if (contracts == null)
            //Check prefix mapping
            for (String prefix : this._prefixWildcardKeys)
                if (FaceletsVDLUtils.matchPattern(viewId, prefix))
                    contracts =  this._contractMappings.get(prefix);
        return contracts;

    private class FaceletViewMetadata extends ViewMetadataBase
         * Constructor
         * Note that this viewId is not the one after calculateViewId() method
        public FaceletViewMetadata(String viewId)

        public UIViewRoot createMetadataView(FacesContext context)

                // spec doesn't say that this is necessary, but we blow up later if
                // the viewroot isn't available from the FacesContext.
                // -= Leonardo Uribe =- since it is supposed when we apply view metadata
                // facelet we don't apply components with renderers and we don't call getRenderKit()
                // it is safe to let this one commented
                // context.setViewRoot(view);

                // -= Leonardo Uribe =- This part is related to section 2.5.5 of jsf 2.0 spec.
                // In theory what we need here is fill UIViewRoot.METADATA_FACET_NAME facet
                // with UIViewParameter instances. Later, ViewHandlerImpl.getBookmarkableURL(),
                // ViewHandlerImpl.getRedirectURL() and UIViewRoot.encodeEnd uses them.
                // For now, the only way to do this is call buildView(context,view) method, but
                // this is a waste of resources. We need to find another way to handle facelets view metadata.
                // Call to buildView causes the view is not created on Render Response phase,
                // if buildView is called from here all components pass through current lifecycle and only
                // UIViewParameter instances should be taken into account.
                // It should be an additional call to buildView on Render Response phase.
                // buildView(context, view);

                context.getAttributes().put(BUILDING_VIEW_METADATA, Boolean.TRUE);

                // we have to invoke createView() on the application's ViewHandler
                // here instead of invoking it directly in FaceletVDL, because
                // the ViewHandler might be wrapped and wants to do some work
                // in createView() (e.g. in Trinidad - see MYFACES-2641)
                UIViewRoot view = context.getApplication().getViewHandler().createView(context, getViewId());

                if (view != null)
                    // inside createView(context,viewId), calculateViewId() is called and
                    // the result is stored inside created UIViewRoot, so we can safely take the derived
                    // viewId from there.
                    Facelet facelet = null;
                        facelet = _getViewMetadataFacelet(context, view.getViewId());
                    catch (FileNotFoundException e)
                        sendSourceNotFound(context, getViewId());
                        return null;

                    facelet.apply(context, view);

                return view;
            catch (IOException ioe)
                throw new FacesException(ioe);

    public FaceletFactory getFaceletFactory()
        return _faceletFactory;

    public UIComponent createComponent(FacesContext context,
        String taglibURI, String tagName, Map<String, Object> attributes)
        checkNull(context, "context");
        UIComponent createdComponent = null;
            Facelet componentFacelet;
                        = _faceletFactory.compileComponentFacelet(taglibURI, tagName, attributes);
            if (componentFacelet == null)
                return null;
            // Create a temporal component base class where all components will be put, but we are only
            // interested in the inner UIComponent and if multiple are created, return this one.
            boolean requiresDynamicRefresh = false;
            boolean requiresFaceletDynamicRefresh = false;
            UIPanel tempParent
                    = (UIPanel) context.getApplication().createComponent(
                    context, UIPanel.COMPONENT_TYPE, null);
            tempParent.setId(context.getViewRoot().createUniqueId(context, null));
            String baseKey = tempParent.getId();
            baseKey = baseKey.startsWith(UIViewRoot.UNIQUE_ID_PREFIX) ? baseKey.substring(4) : baseKey;

                tempParent.pushComponentToEL(context, tempParent);
                    context, tempParent, baseKey);
                // There are two cases:
                // 1. If we are under facelets algorithm control (binding case), the refreshing logic will be done
                // outside this block. We can check that condition easily with FaceletCompositionContext
                // 2. If we are not under facelets algorithm control, check if the dynamic component requires refresh,
                // if that so, mark the view to be refreshed and reset the flag, otherwise continue. This check
                // allows us to decide if we add a third listener to refresh on transient build.
                    // Check if the current component requires dynamic refresh and if that so,
                FaceletCompositionContext fcc = FaceletCompositionContext.getCurrentInstance(context);
                if (fcc != null)
                    requiresFaceletDynamicRefresh = true;
                else if (FaceletViewDeclarationLanguageBase.isDynamicComponentNeedsRefresh(context))
                    requiresDynamicRefresh = true;
            if (tempParent.getChildCount() > 1)
                // Multiple child. The tempParent will be returned. No need to
                // save MARK_CREATED.
                createdComponent = tempParent;
                tempParent.getAttributes().put("oam.vf.DYN_WRAPPER", baseKey);
                tempParent.subscribeToEvent(PostRestoreStateEvent.class, new
                    RefreshDynamicComponentListener(taglibURI, tagName, attributes, baseKey));
                if (requiresFaceletDynamicRefresh)
            else if (tempParent.getChildCount() == 1)
                createdComponent = tempParent.getChildren().get(0);
                boolean requiresRefresh = false;
                // One child. In that case there are three choices:
                if (UIComponent.isCompositeComponent(createdComponent))
                    // 1. Composite component. Needs special handling because
                    // facets will be added programatically. The algorithm that
                    // process the composite component content should occur
                    // after the component is added to the view (PostAddToViewEvent).
                    // Requires refresh. To do that, we need to save the MARK_CREATED
                    // value and set it only when the full component is refreshed after
                    // restore it.
                    createdComponent.getAttributes().put(ComponentSupport.MARK_CREATED, null);
                    createdComponent.subscribeToEvent(PostAddToViewEvent.class, new
                        CreateDynamicCompositeComponentListener(taglibURI, tagName, attributes, baseKey));
                    requiresRefresh = true;
                    if (requiresFaceletDynamicRefresh)
                else if (createdComponent.getChildCount() > 0)
                    // 2. Single component with children inside.
                    // Requires refresh. To do that, we need to save the MARK_CREATED
                    // value and set it only when the full component is refreshed after
                    // restore it.
                    createdComponent.getAttributes().put(ComponentSupport.MARK_CREATED, null);
                    requiresRefresh = true;
                    if (requiresFaceletDynamicRefresh)
                else if (createdComponent.isTransient())
                    // Just transient markup inside. It is necessary to wrap
                    // that content into a component. Requires refresh. No need to
                    // save MARK_CREATED. No requires dynamic refresh.
                    createdComponent = tempParent;
                    tempParent.getAttributes().put("oam.vf.DYN_WRAPPER", baseKey);
                    requiresRefresh = true;
                    // 4. Single component without children:
                    // Remove MARK_CREATED because it does not requires
                    // refresh on restore. When it is added to the component
                    // tree, it will be saved and restored as if was a programatically
                    // added component.
                    createdComponent.getAttributes().put(ComponentSupport.MARK_CREATED, null);
                if (requiresRefresh)
                    createdComponent.subscribeToEvent(PostRestoreStateEvent.class, new
                        RefreshDynamicComponentListener(taglibURI, tagName, attributes, baseKey));
                if (requiresDynamicRefresh)
                    createdComponent.subscribeToEvent(DynamicComponentRefreshTransientBuildEvent.class, new
                        RefreshDynamicComponentListener(taglibURI, tagName, attributes, baseKey));
                            DynamicComponentRefreshTransientBuildEvent.DYN_COMP_REFRESH_FLAG, Boolean.TRUE);
                if (requiresFaceletDynamicRefresh)
                    createdComponent.subscribeToEvent(FaceletDynamicComponentRefreshTransientBuildEvent.class, new
                        RefreshDynamicComponentListener(taglibURI, tagName, attributes, baseKey));
        catch (IOException e)
            throw new FacesException(e);
        return createdComponent;
    protected RenderKitFactory getRenderKitFactory()
        if (_renderKitFactory == null)
            _renderKitFactory = (RenderKitFactory)FactoryFinder.getFactory(FactoryFinder.RENDER_KIT_FACTORY);
        return _renderKitFactory;

Related Classes of org.apache.myfaces.view.facelets.FaceletViewDeclarationLanguage$FaceletViewMetadata

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