Package org.apache.ddlutils.platform

Source Code of org.apache.ddlutils.platform.TestMSSqlPlatform

package org.apache.ddlutils.platform;

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* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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import org.apache.ddlutils.TestPlatformBase;
import org.apache.ddlutils.platform.mssql.MSSqlPlatform;
import org.apache.oro.text.regex.MatchResult;
import org.apache.oro.text.regex.Pattern;
import org.apache.oro.text.regex.PatternMatcher;
import org.apache.oro.text.regex.PatternMatcherInput;
import org.apache.oro.text.regex.Perl5Compiler;
import org.apache.oro.text.regex.Perl5Matcher;

* Tests the Microsoft SQL Server platform.
* @version $Revision: 231110 $
public class TestMSSqlPlatform extends TestPlatformBase
    /** The database schema for testing escaping of character sequences. */
    public static final String COLUMN_CHAR_SEQUENCES_TO_ESCAPE =
        "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-1'?>\n" +
        "<database name='escapetest'>\n" +
        "  <table name='escapedcharacters'>\n" +
        "    <column name='COL_PK' type='INTEGER' primaryKey='true'/>\n" +
        "    <column name='COL_TEXT' type='VARCHAR' size='128' default='&#39;'/>\n" +
        "  </table>\n" +

     * {@inheritDoc}
    protected String getDatabaseName()
        return MSSqlPlatform.DATABASENAME;

     * Tests the column types.
    public void testColumnTypes() throws Exception
        String sql = createTestDatabase(COLUMN_TEST_SCHEMA);

        // Since we have no way of knowing the auto-generated variables in the SQL,
        // we simply try to extract it from the SQL
        Pattern        declarePattern    = new Perl5Compiler().compile("DECLARE @([\\S]+) [^@]+@([\\S]+)");
        PatternMatcher matcher           = new Perl5Matcher();
        String         tableNameVar      = "tablename";
        String         constraintNameVar = "constraintname";

        if (matcher.contains(sql, declarePattern))
            tableNameVar      = matcher.getMatch().group(1);
            constraintNameVar = matcher.getMatch().group(2);
            "SET quoted_identifier on;\n"+
            "SET quoted_identifier on;\n"+
            "IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM sysobjects WHERE type = 'U' AND name = 'coltype')\n"+
            "  DECLARE @" + tableNameVar + " nvarchar(256), @" + constraintNameVar + " nvarchar(256)\n"+
            "  DECLARE refcursor CURSOR FOR\n"+
            "  SELECT object_name(objs.parent_obj) tablename, constraintname\n"+
            "    FROM sysobjects objs JOIN sysconstraints cons ON = cons.constid\n"+
            "    WHERE objs.xtype != 'PK' AND object_name(objs.parent_obj) = 'coltype'  OPEN refcursor\n"+
            "  FETCH NEXT FROM refcursor INTO @" + tableNameVar + ", @" + constraintNameVar + "\n"+
            "  WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0\n"+
            "    BEGIN\n"+
            "      EXEC ('ALTER TABLE '+@" + tableNameVar + "+' DROP CONSTRAINT '+@" + constraintNameVar + ")\n"+
            "      FETCH NEXT FROM refcursor INTO @" + tableNameVar + ", @" + constraintNameVar + "\n"+
            "    END\n"+
            "  CLOSE refcursor\n"+
            "  DEALLOCATE refcursor\n"+
            "  DROP TABLE \"coltype\"\n"+
            "SET quoted_identifier on;\n"+
            "CREATE TABLE \"coltype\"\n"+
            "    \"COL_ARRAY\"           IMAGE,\n"+
            "    \"COL_BIGINT\"          DECIMAL(19,0),\n"+
            "    \"COL_BINARY\"          BINARY(254),\n"+
            "    \"COL_BIT\"             BIT,\n"+
            "    \"COL_BLOB\"            IMAGE,\n"+
            "    \"COL_BOOLEAN\"         BIT,\n"+
            "    \"COL_CHAR\"            CHAR(15),\n"+
            "    \"COL_CLOB\"            TEXT,\n"+
            "    \"COL_DATALINK\"        IMAGE,\n"+
            "    \"COL_DATE\"            DATETIME,\n"+
            "    \"COL_DECIMAL\"         DECIMAL(15,3),\n"+
            "    \"COL_DECIMAL_NOSCALE\" DECIMAL(15,0),\n"+
            "    \"COL_DISTINCT\"        IMAGE,\n"+
            "    \"COL_DOUBLE\"          FLOAT,\n"+
            "    \"COL_FLOAT\"           FLOAT,\n"+
            "    \"COL_INTEGER\"         INT,\n"+
            "    \"COL_JAVA_OBJECT\"     IMAGE,\n"+
            "    \"COL_LONGVARBINARY\"   IMAGE,\n"+
            "    \"COL_LONGVARCHAR\"     TEXT,\n"+
            "    \"COL_NULL\"            IMAGE,\n"+
            "    \"COL_NUMERIC\"         NUMERIC(15,0),\n"+
            "    \"COL_OTHER\"           IMAGE,\n"+
            "    \"COL_REAL\"            REAL,\n"+
            "    \"COL_REF\"             IMAGE,\n"+
            "    \"COL_SMALLINT\"        SMALLINT,\n"+
            "    \"COL_STRUCT\"          IMAGE,\n"+
            "    \"COL_TIME\"            DATETIME,\n"+
            "    \"COL_TIMESTAMP\"       DATETIME,\n"+
            "    \"COL_TINYINT\"         SMALLINT,\n"+
            "    \"COL_VARBINARY\"       VARBINARY(15),\n"+
            "    \"COL_VARCHAR\"         VARCHAR(15)\n"+

     * Tests the column constraints.
    public void testColumnConstraints() throws Exception
        String sql = createTestDatabase(COLUMN_CONSTRAINT_TEST_SCHEMA);

        // Since we have no way of knowing the auto-generated variables in the SQL,
        // we simply try to extract it from the SQL
        Pattern        declarePattern    = new Perl5Compiler().compile("DECLARE @([\\S]+) [^@]+@([\\S]+)");
        PatternMatcher matcher           = new Perl5Matcher();
        String         tableNameVar      = "tablename";
        String         constraintNameVar = "constraintname";

        if (matcher.contains(sql, declarePattern))
            tableNameVar      = matcher.getMatch().group(1);
            constraintNameVar = matcher.getMatch().group(2);
        // Note that this is not valid SQL as a table can have only one identity column at most
            "SET quoted_identifier on;\n"+
            "SET quoted_identifier on;\n"+
            "IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM sysobjects WHERE type = 'U' AND name = 'constraints')\n"+
            "  DECLARE @" + tableNameVar + " nvarchar(256), @" + constraintNameVar + " nvarchar(256)\n"+
            "  DECLARE refcursor CURSOR FOR\n"+
            "  SELECT object_name(objs.parent_obj) tablename, constraintname\n"+
            "    FROM sysobjects objs JOIN sysconstraints cons ON = cons.constid\n"+
            "    WHERE objs.xtype != 'PK' AND object_name(objs.parent_obj) = 'constraints'  OPEN refcursor\n"+
            "  FETCH NEXT FROM refcursor INTO @" + tableNameVar + ", @" + constraintNameVar + "\n"+
            "  WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0\n"+
            "    BEGIN\n"+
            "      EXEC ('ALTER TABLE '+@" + tableNameVar + "+' DROP CONSTRAINT '+@" + constraintNameVar + ")\n"+
            "      FETCH NEXT FROM refcursor INTO @" + tableNameVar + ", @" + constraintNameVar + "\n"+
            "    END\n"+
            "  CLOSE refcursor\n"+
            "  DEALLOCATE refcursor\n"+
            "  DROP TABLE \"constraints\"\n"+
            "SET quoted_identifier on;\n"+
            "CREATE TABLE \"constraints\"\n"+
            "    \"COL_PK\"               VARCHAR(32),\n"+
            "    \"COL_PK_AUTO_INCR\"     INT IDENTITY(1,1),\n"+
            "    \"COL_NOT_NULL\"         BINARY(100) NOT NULL,\n"+
            "    \"COL_NOT_NULL_DEFAULT\" FLOAT DEFAULT -2.0 NOT NULL,\n"+
            "    \"COL_DEFAULT\"          CHAR(4) DEFAULT 'test',\n"+
            "    \"COL_AUTO_INCR\"        DECIMAL(19,0) IDENTITY(1,1),\n"+
            "    PRIMARY KEY (\"COL_PK\", \"COL_PK_AUTO_INCR\")\n"+

     * Tests the table constraints.
    public void testTableConstraints() throws Exception
        String sql = createTestDatabase(TABLE_CONSTRAINT_TEST_SCHEMA);

        // Since we have no way of knowing the auto-generated variables in the SQL,
        // we simply try to extract it from the SQL
        Pattern             declarePattern     = new Perl5Compiler().compile("DECLARE @([\\S]+) [^@]+@([\\S]+)");
        PatternMatcherInput input              = new PatternMatcherInput(sql);
        PatternMatcher      matcher            = new Perl5Matcher();
        String[]            tableNameVars      = { "tablename", "tablename", "tablename" };
        String[]            constraintNameVars = { "constraintname", "constraintname", "constraintname" };

        for (int idx = 0; (idx < 3) && matcher.contains(input, declarePattern); idx++)
            MatchResult result = matcher.getMatch();

            tableNameVars[idx]      =;
            constraintNameVars[idx] =;
            "SET quoted_identifier on;\n"+
            "IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM sysobjects WHERE type = 'F' AND name = 'testfk')\n"+
            "     ALTER TABLE \"table3\" DROP CONSTRAINT \"testfk\";\n"+
            "SET quoted_identifier on;\n"+
            "IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM sysobjects WHERE type = 'F' AND name = 'table2_FK_COL_FK_1_COL_FK_2_table1')\n"+
            "     ALTER TABLE \"table2\" DROP CONSTRAINT \"table2_FK_COL_FK_1_COL_FK_2_table1\";\n"+
            "SET quoted_identifier on;\n"+
            "SET quoted_identifier on;\n"+
            "IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM sysobjects WHERE type = 'U' AND name = 'table3')\n"+
            "  DECLARE @" + tableNameVars[0] + " nvarchar(256), @" + constraintNameVars[0] + " nvarchar(256)\n"+
            "  DECLARE refcursor CURSOR FOR\n"+
            "  SELECT object_name(objs.parent_obj) tablename, constraintname\n"+
            "    FROM sysobjects objs JOIN sysconstraints cons ON = cons.constid\n"+
            "    WHERE objs.xtype != 'PK' AND object_name(objs.parent_obj) = 'table3'  OPEN refcursor\n"+
            "  FETCH NEXT FROM refcursor INTO @" + tableNameVars[0] + ", @" + constraintNameVars[0] + "\n"+
            "  WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0\n"+
            "    BEGIN\n"+
            "      EXEC ('ALTER TABLE '+@" + tableNameVars[0] + "+' DROP CONSTRAINT '+@" + constraintNameVars[0] + ")\n"+
            "      FETCH NEXT FROM refcursor INTO @" + tableNameVars[0] + ", @" + constraintNameVars[0] + "\n"+
            "    END\n"+
            "  CLOSE refcursor\n"+
            "  DEALLOCATE refcursor\n"+
            "  DROP TABLE \"table3\"\n"+
            "SET quoted_identifier on;\n"+
            "IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM sysobjects WHERE type = 'U' AND name = 'table2')\n"+
            "  DECLARE @" + tableNameVars[1] + " nvarchar(256), @" + constraintNameVars[1] + " nvarchar(256)\n"+
            "  DECLARE refcursor CURSOR FOR\n"+
            "  SELECT object_name(objs.parent_obj) tablename, constraintname\n"+
            "    FROM sysobjects objs JOIN sysconstraints cons ON = cons.constid\n"+
            "    WHERE objs.xtype != 'PK' AND object_name(objs.parent_obj) = 'table2'  OPEN refcursor\n"+
            "  FETCH NEXT FROM refcursor INTO @" + tableNameVars[1] + ", @" + constraintNameVars[1] + "\n"+
            "  WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0\n"+
            "    BEGIN\n"+
            "      EXEC ('ALTER TABLE '+@" + tableNameVars[1] + "+' DROP CONSTRAINT '+@" + constraintNameVars[1] + ")\n"+
            "      FETCH NEXT FROM refcursor INTO @" + tableNameVars[1] + ", @" + constraintNameVars[1] + "\n"+
            "    END\n"+
            "  CLOSE refcursor\n"+
            "  DEALLOCATE refcursor\n"+
            "  DROP TABLE \"table2\"\n"+
            "SET quoted_identifier on;\n"+
            "IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM sysobjects WHERE type = 'U' AND name = 'table1')\n"+
            "  DECLARE @" + tableNameVars[2] + " nvarchar(256), @" + constraintNameVars[2] + " nvarchar(256)\n"+
            "  DECLARE refcursor CURSOR FOR\n"+
            "  SELECT object_name(objs.parent_obj) tablename, constraintname\n"+
            "    FROM sysobjects objs JOIN sysconstraints cons ON = cons.constid\n"+
            "    WHERE objs.xtype != 'PK' AND object_name(objs.parent_obj) = 'table1'  OPEN refcursor\n"+
            "  FETCH NEXT FROM refcursor INTO @" + tableNameVars[2] + ", @" + constraintNameVars[2] + "\n"+
            "  WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0\n"+
            "    BEGIN\n"+
            "      EXEC ('ALTER TABLE '+@" + tableNameVars[2] + "+' DROP CONSTRAINT '+@" + constraintNameVars[2] + ")\n"+
            "      FETCH NEXT FROM refcursor INTO @" + tableNameVars[2] + ", @" + constraintNameVars[2] + "\n"+
            "    END\n"+
            "  CLOSE refcursor\n"+
            "  DEALLOCATE refcursor\n"+
            "  DROP TABLE \"table1\"\n"+
            "SET quoted_identifier on;\n"+
            "CREATE TABLE \"table1\"\n"+
            "    \"COL_PK_1\"    VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL,\n"+
            "    \"COL_PK_2\"    INT,\n"+
            "    \"COL_INDEX_1\" BINARY(100) NOT NULL,\n"+
            "    \"COL_INDEX_2\" FLOAT NOT NULL,\n"+
            "    \"COL_INDEX_3\" CHAR(4),\n"+
            "    PRIMARY KEY (\"COL_PK_1\", \"COL_PK_2\")\n"+
            "CREATE INDEX \"testindex1\" ON \"table1\" (\"COL_INDEX_2\");\n"+
            "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX \"testindex2\" ON \"table1\" (\"COL_INDEX_3\", \"COL_INDEX_1\");\n"+
            "SET quoted_identifier on;\n"+
            "CREATE TABLE \"table2\"\n"+
            "    \"COL_PK\"   INT,\n"+
            "    \"COL_FK_1\" INT,\n"+
            "    \"COL_FK_2\" VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL,\n"+
            "    PRIMARY KEY (\"COL_PK\")\n"+
            "SET quoted_identifier on;\n"+
            "CREATE TABLE \"table3\"\n"+
            "    \"COL_PK\" VARCHAR(16),\n"+
            "    \"COL_FK\" INT NOT NULL,\n"+
            "    PRIMARY KEY (\"COL_PK\")\n"+
            "ALTER TABLE \"table2\" ADD CONSTRAINT \"table2_FK_COL_FK_1_COL_FK_2_table1\" FOREIGN KEY (\"COL_FK_1\", \"COL_FK_2\") REFERENCES \"table1\" (\"COL_PK_2\", \"COL_PK_1\");\n"+
            "ALTER TABLE \"table3\" ADD CONSTRAINT \"testfk\" FOREIGN KEY (\"COL_FK\") REFERENCES \"table2\" (\"COL_PK\");\n",

     * Tests the proper escaping of character sequences where Cloudscape requires it.
    public void testCharacterEscaping() throws Exception
        String sql = createTestDatabase(COLUMN_CHAR_SEQUENCES_TO_ESCAPE);

        // Since we have no way of knowing the auto-generated variables in the SQL,
        // we simply try to extract it from the SQL
        Pattern        declarePattern    = new Perl5Compiler().compile("DECLARE @([\\S]+) [^@]+@([\\S]+)");
        PatternMatcher matcher           = new Perl5Matcher();
        String         tableNameVar      = "tablename";
        String         constraintNameVar = "constraintname";

        if (matcher.contains(sql, declarePattern))
            tableNameVar      = matcher.getMatch().group(1);
            constraintNameVar = matcher.getMatch().group(2);
            "SET quoted_identifier on;\n"+
            "SET quoted_identifier on;\n"+
            "IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM sysobjects WHERE type = 'U' AND name = 'escapedcharacters')\n"+
            "  DECLARE @" + tableNameVar + " nvarchar(256), @" + constraintNameVar + " nvarchar(256)\n"+
            "  DECLARE refcursor CURSOR FOR\n"+
            "  SELECT object_name(objs.parent_obj) tablename, constraintname\n"+
            "    FROM sysobjects objs JOIN sysconstraints cons ON = cons.constid\n"+
            "    WHERE objs.xtype != 'PK' AND object_name(objs.parent_obj) = 'escapedcharacters'  OPEN refcursor\n"+
            "  FETCH NEXT FROM refcursor INTO @" + tableNameVar + ", @" + constraintNameVar + "\n"+
            "  WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0\n"+
            "    BEGIN\n"+
            "      EXEC ('ALTER TABLE '+@" + tableNameVar + "+' DROP CONSTRAINT '+@" + constraintNameVar + ")\n"+
            "      FETCH NEXT FROM refcursor INTO @" + tableNameVar + ", @" + constraintNameVar + "\n"+
            "    END\n"+
            "  CLOSE refcursor\n"+
            "  DEALLOCATE refcursor\n"+
            "  DROP TABLE \"escapedcharacters\"\n"+
            "SET quoted_identifier on;\n"+
            "CREATE TABLE \"escapedcharacters\"\n"+
            "    \"COL_PK\"   INT,\n"+
            "    \"COL_TEXT\" VARCHAR(128) DEFAULT '\'\'',\n"+
            "    PRIMARY KEY (\"COL_PK\")\n"+

Related Classes of org.apache.ddlutils.platform.TestMSSqlPlatform

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