Package org.apache.jackrabbit.core

Source Code of org.apache.jackrabbit.core.NodeImpl

* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.jackrabbit.core;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;

import javax.jcr.AccessDeniedException;
import javax.jcr.Binary;
import javax.jcr.InvalidItemStateException;
import javax.jcr.Item;
import javax.jcr.ItemExistsException;
import javax.jcr.ItemNotFoundException;
import javax.jcr.ItemVisitor;
import javax.jcr.MergeException;
import javax.jcr.NamespaceException;
import javax.jcr.NoSuchWorkspaceException;
import javax.jcr.Node;
import javax.jcr.NodeIterator;
import javax.jcr.PathNotFoundException;
import javax.jcr.Property;
import javax.jcr.PropertyIterator;
import javax.jcr.PropertyType;
import javax.jcr.RepositoryException;
import javax.jcr.UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException;
import javax.jcr.Value;
import javax.jcr.ValueFormatException;
import javax.jcr.lock.Lock;
import javax.jcr.lock.LockException;
import javax.jcr.lock.LockManager;
import javax.jcr.nodetype.ConstraintViolationException;
import javax.jcr.nodetype.NoSuchNodeTypeException;
import javax.jcr.nodetype.NodeDefinition;
import javax.jcr.nodetype.NodeType;
import javax.jcr.nodetype.PropertyDefinition;
import javax.jcr.query.Query;
import javax.jcr.query.QueryResult;
import javax.jcr.version.OnParentVersionAction;
import javax.jcr.version.Version;
import javax.jcr.version.VersionException;
import javax.jcr.version.VersionHistory;
import javax.jcr.version.VersionIterator;
import javax.jcr.version.VersionManager;

import org.apache.jackrabbit.commons.iterator.NodeIteratorAdapter;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.commons.iterator.PropertyIteratorAdapter;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.core.nodetype.EffectiveNodeType;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.core.nodetype.ItemDef;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.core.nodetype.NodeDef;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.core.nodetype.NodeDefId;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.core.nodetype.NodeDefinitionImpl;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.core.nodetype.NodeTypeConflictException;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.core.nodetype.NodeTypeImpl;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.core.nodetype.NodeTypeManagerImpl;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.core.nodetype.NodeTypeRegistry;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.core.nodetype.PropDef;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.core.nodetype.PropertyDefinitionImpl;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query.QueryManagerImpl;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state.ChildNodeEntry;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state.ItemState;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state.ItemStateException;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state.NodeReferences;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state.NodeState;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state.PropertyState;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.core.value.InternalValue;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.core.version.DateVersionSelector;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.core.version.InternalFreeze;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.core.version.InternalFrozenNode;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.core.version.InternalFrozenVersionHistory;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.core.version.InternalVersion;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.core.version.InternalVersionHistory;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.core.version.LabelVersionSelector;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.core.version.VersionImpl;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.core.version.VersionSelector;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.Name;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.Path;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.commons.conversion.MalformedPathException;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.commons.conversion.NameException;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.util.ChildrenCollectorFilter;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.util.ISO9075;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.uuid.UUID;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.value.ValueHelper;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

* <code>NodeImpl</code> implements the <code>Node</code> interface.
public class NodeImpl extends ItemImpl implements Node {

    private static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(NodeImpl.class);

    // flag set in status passed to getOrCreateProperty if property was created
    protected static final short CREATED = 0;

    /** node data (avoids casting <code></code>) */
    private final AbstractNodeData data;

     * Protected constructor.
     * @param itemMgr    the <code>ItemManager</code> that created this <code>Node</code> instance
     * @param session    the <code>Session</code> through which this <code>Node</code> is acquired
     * @param data       the node data
    protected NodeImpl(ItemManager itemMgr, SessionImpl session, AbstractNodeData data) {
        super(itemMgr, session, data); = data;
        // paranoid sanity check
        NodeTypeRegistry ntReg = session.getNodeTypeManager().getNodeTypeRegistry();
        final NodeState state = data.getNodeState();
        if (!ntReg.isRegistered(state.getNodeTypeName())) {
             * todo need proper way of handling inconsistent/corrupt node type references
             * e.g. 'flag' nodes that refer to non-registered node types
            log.warn("Fallback to nt:unstructured due to unknown node type '"
                    + state.getNodeTypeName() + "' of " + this);

     * Returns the id of the property at <code>relPath</code> or <code>null</code>
     * if no property exists at <code>relPath</code>.
     * <p/>
     * Note that access rights are not checked.
     * @param relPath relative path of a (possible) property
     * @return the id of the property at <code>relPath</code> or
     *         <code>null</code> if no property exists at <code>relPath</code>
     * @throws RepositoryException if <code>relPath</code> is not a valid
     *                             relative path
    protected PropertyId resolveRelativePropertyPath(String relPath)
            throws RepositoryException {
        try {
             * first check if relPath is just a name (in which case we don't
             * have to build & resolve absolute path)
            if (relPath.indexOf('/') == -1) {
                Name propName = session.getQName(relPath);
                // check if property entry exists
                NodeState thisState = data.getNodeState();
                if (thisState.hasPropertyName(propName)) {
                    return new PropertyId(thisState.getNodeId(), propName);
                } else {
                    // there's no property with that name
                    return null;
             * build and resolve absolute path
            Path p = PathFactoryImpl.getInstance().create(
                    getPrimaryPath(), session.getQPath(relPath), true);
            return session.getHierarchyManager().resolvePropertyPath(p);
        } catch (NameException e) {
            String msg = "failed to resolve path " + relPath + " relative to " + this;
            throw new RepositoryException(msg, e);

     * Returns the id of the node at <code>relPath</code> or <code>null</code>
     * if no node exists at <code>relPath</code>.
     * <p/>
     * Note that access rights are not checked.
     * @param relPath relative path of a (possible) node
     * @return the id of the node at <code>relPath</code> or
     *         <code>null</code> if no node exists at <code>relPath</code>
     * @throws RepositoryException if <code>relPath</code> is not a valid
     *                             relative path
    protected NodeId resolveRelativeNodePath(String relPath)
            throws RepositoryException {

        Path p = resolveRelativePath(relPath);
        return getNodeId(p);

     * Resolve a relative path given as string into a <code>Path</code>. If
     * a <code>NameException</code> occurs, it will be rethrown embedded
     * into a <code>RepositoryException</code>
     * @param relPath relative path
     * @return <code>Path</code> object
     * @throws RepositoryException if an error occurs
    private Path resolveRelativePath(String relPath) throws RepositoryException {
        try {
            return session.getQPath(relPath);
        } catch (NameException e) {
            String msg = "failed to resolve path " + relPath + " relative to " + this;
            throw new RepositoryException(msg, e);

     * Returns the id of the node at <code>p</code> or <code>null</code>
     * if no node exists at <code>p</code>.
     * <p/>
     * Note that access rights are not checked.
     * @param p relative path of a (possible) node
     * @return the id of the node at <code>p</code> or
     *         <code>null</code> if no node exists at <code>p</code>
     * @throws RepositoryException if <code>relPath</code> is not a valid
     *                             relative path
    private NodeId getNodeId(Path p) throws RepositoryException {
        if (p.getLength() == 1) {
            Path.Element pe = p.getNameElement();
            if (pe.denotesName()) {
                // check if node entry exists
                NodeState thisState = data.getNodeState();
                int index = pe.getIndex();
                if (index == 0) {
                    index = 1;
                ChildNodeEntry cne =
                        thisState.getChildNodeEntry(pe.getName(), index);
                if (cne != null) {
                    return cne.getId();
                } else {
                    // there's no child node with that name
                    return null;
         * build and resolve absolute path
        p = PathFactoryImpl.getInstance().create(getPrimaryPath(), p, true);
        return session.getHierarchyManager().resolveNodePath(p);

     * Determines if there are pending unsaved changes either on <i>this</i>
     * node or on any node or property in the subtree below it.
     * @return <code>true</code> if there are pending unsaved changes,
     *         <code>false</code> otherwise.
     * @throws RepositoryException if an error occurred
    protected boolean hasPendingChanges() throws RepositoryException {
        if (isTransient()) {
            return true;
        Iterator<ItemState> iter = stateMgr.getDescendantTransientItemStates((NodeId) id);
        return iter.hasNext();

    protected synchronized ItemState getOrCreateTransientItemState()
            throws RepositoryException {

        synchronized (data) {
            if (!isTransient()) {
                try {
                    // make transient (copy-on-write)
                    NodeState transientState =
                                    data.getNodeState(), ItemState.STATUS_EXISTING_MODIFIED);
                    // replace persistent with transient state
                } catch (ItemStateException ise) {
                    String msg = "failed to create transient state";
                    throw new RepositoryException(msg, ise);
            return getItemState();

     * Computes the values of well-known system (i.e. protected) properties.
     * todo: duplicate code in BatchedItemOperations: consolidate and delegate to NodeTypeInstanceHandler
     * @param name
     * @param def
     * @return
     * @throws RepositoryException
    protected InternalValue[] computeSystemGeneratedPropertyValues(Name name,
                                                                   PropertyDefinitionImpl def)
            throws RepositoryException {
        InternalValue[] genValues = null;

         * todo: need to come up with some callback mechanism for applying system generated values
         * (e.g. using a NodeTypeInstanceHandler interface)

        NodeState thisState = data.getNodeState();

        // compute system generated values
        NodeTypeImpl nt = (NodeTypeImpl) def.getDeclaringNodeType();
        // TODO JCR-2116: Built-In Node Types; => adapt to JCR 2.0 built-in node types (mix:created, etc)
        if (nt.getQName().equals(NameConstants.MIX_REFERENCEABLE)) {
            // mix:referenceable node type
            if (name.equals(NameConstants.JCR_UUID)) {
                // jcr:uuid property
                genValues = new InternalValue[]{
       todo consolidate version history creation code (currently in ItemImpl.initVersionHistories)
       } else if (nt.getQName().equals(MIX_VERSIONABLE)) {
           // mix:versionable node type
           VersionHistory hist = session.getVersionManager().getOrCreateVersionHistory(this);
           if (name.equals(JCR_VERSIONHISTORY)) {
               // jcr:versionHistory property
               genValues = new InternalValue[]{InternalValue.create(new UUID(hist.getUUID()))};
           } else if (name.equals(JCR_BASEVERSION)) {
               // jcr:baseVersion property
               genValues = new InternalValue[]{InternalValue.create(new UUID(hist.getRootVersion().getUUID()))};
           } else if (name.equals(JCR_ISCHECKEDOUT)) {
               // jcr:isCheckedOut property
               genValues = new InternalValue[]{InternalValue.create(true)};
           } else if (name.equals(JCR_PREDECESSORS)) {
               // jcr:predecessors property
               genValues = new InternalValue[]{InternalValue.create(new UUID(hist.getRootVersion().getUUID()))};
        } else if (nt.getQName().equals(NameConstants.NT_HIERARCHYNODE)
                || nt.getQName().equals(NameConstants.MIX_CREATED)) {
            // nt:hierarchyNode node type
            if (name.equals(NameConstants.JCR_CREATED)) {
                // jcr:created property
                genValues = new InternalValue[]{InternalValue.create(Calendar.getInstance())};
        } else if (nt.getQName().equals(NameConstants.NT_RESOURCE)) {
            // nt:resource node type
            if (name.equals(NameConstants.JCR_LASTMODIFIED)) {
                // jcr:lastModified property
                genValues = new InternalValue[]{InternalValue.create(Calendar.getInstance())};
        } else if (nt.getQName().equals(NameConstants.NT_VERSION)) {
            // nt:version node type
            if (name.equals(NameConstants.JCR_CREATED)) {
                // jcr:created property
                genValues = new InternalValue[]{InternalValue.create(Calendar.getInstance())};
        } else if (nt.getQName().equals(NameConstants.NT_BASE)) {
            // nt:base node type
            if (name.equals(NameConstants.JCR_PRIMARYTYPE)) {
                // jcr:primaryType property
                genValues = new InternalValue[]{InternalValue.create(thisState.getNodeTypeName())};
            } else if (name.equals(NameConstants.JCR_MIXINTYPES)) {
                // jcr:mixinTypes property
                Set<Name> mixins = thisState.getMixinTypeNames();
                ArrayList<InternalValue> values = new ArrayList<InternalValue>(mixins.size());
                for (Name n : mixins) {
                genValues = values.toArray(new InternalValue[values.size()]);

        return genValues;

     * @param name
     * @param type
     * @param multiValued
     * @param exactTypeMatch
     * @param status
     * @return
     * @throws ConstraintViolationException if no applicable property definition
     *                                      could be found
     * @throws RepositoryException          if another error occurs
    protected PropertyImpl getOrCreateProperty(String name, int type,
                                               boolean multiValued,
                                               boolean exactTypeMatch,
                                               BitSet status)
            throws ConstraintViolationException, RepositoryException {
        try {
            return getOrCreateProperty(
                    session.getQName(name), type,
                    multiValued, exactTypeMatch, status);
        } catch (NameException e) {
            throw new RepositoryException("invalid property name: " + name, e);

     * @param name
     * @param type
     * @param multiValued
     * @param exactTypeMatch
     * @param status
     * @return
     * @throws ConstraintViolationException if no applicable property definition
     *                                      could be found
     * @throws RepositoryException          if another error occurs
    protected synchronized PropertyImpl getOrCreateProperty(Name name, int type,
                                                            boolean multiValued,
                                                            boolean exactTypeMatch,
                                                            BitSet status)
            throws ConstraintViolationException, RepositoryException {

        if (isNew() && !hasProperty(name)) {
            // this is a new node and the property does not exist yet
            // -> no need to check item manager
            PropertyDefinitionImpl def = getApplicablePropertyDefinition(
                    name, type, multiValued, exactTypeMatch);
            PropertyImpl prop = createChildProperty(name, type, def);
            return prop;

         * Please note, that this implementation does not win a price for beauty
         * or speed. It's never a good idea to use exceptions for semantical
         * control flow.
         * However, compared to the previous version, this one is thread save
         * and makes the test/get block atomic in respect to transactional
         * commits. the test/set can still fail.
         * Old Version:

            NodeState thisState = (NodeState) state;
            if (thisState.hasPropertyName(name)) {
                 * the following call will throw ItemNotFoundException if the
                 * current session doesn't have read access
                return getProperty(name);
            [...create block...]

        try {
            PropertyId propId = new PropertyId(getNodeId(), name);
            return (PropertyImpl) itemMgr.getItem(propId);
        } catch (AccessDeniedException ade) {
            throw new ItemNotFoundException(name.toString());
        } catch (ItemNotFoundException e) {
            // does not exist yet:
            // find definition for the specified property and create property
            PropertyDefinitionImpl def = getApplicablePropertyDefinition(
                    name, type, multiValued, exactTypeMatch);
            PropertyImpl prop = createChildProperty(name, type, def);
            return prop;

    protected synchronized PropertyImpl createChildProperty(Name name, int type,
                                                            PropertyDefinitionImpl def)
            throws RepositoryException {

        // create a new property state
        PropertyState propState;
        try {
            propState =
                    stateMgr.createTransientPropertyState(getNodeId(), name,
            // compute system generated values if necessary
            InternalValue[] genValues =
                    computeSystemGeneratedPropertyValues(name, def);
            InternalValue[] defValues = def.unwrap().getDefaultValues();
            if (genValues != null) {
            } else if (defValues != null) {
        } catch (ItemStateException ise) {
            String msg = "failed to add property " + name + " to " + this;
            throw new RepositoryException(msg, ise);

        // create Property instance wrapping new property state
        // NOTE: since the property is not yet connected to its parent, avoid
        // calling ItemManager#getItem(ItemId) which may include a permission
        // check (with subsequent usage of the hierarachy-mgr -> error).
        // just let the mgr create the new property that is known to exist and
        // which has not been accessed before.
        PropertyImpl prop = (PropertyImpl) itemMgr.createItemInstance(propState);

        // modify the state of 'this', i.e. the parent node
        NodeState thisState = (NodeState) getOrCreateTransientItemState();
        // add new property entry

        return prop;

    protected synchronized NodeImpl createChildNode(Name name,
                                                    NodeDefinitionImpl def,
                                                    NodeTypeImpl nodeType,
                                                    NodeId id)
            throws RepositoryException {
        // create a new node state
        NodeState nodeState;
        try {
            if (id == null) {
                id = new NodeId(UUID.randomUUID());
            nodeState =
                    stateMgr.createTransientNodeState(id, nodeType.getQName(),
                            getNodeId(), ItemState.STATUS_NEW);
        } catch (ItemStateException ise) {
            String msg = "failed to add child node " + name + " to " + this;
            throw new RepositoryException(msg, ise);

        // create Node instance wrapping new node state
        NodeImpl node;
        try {
            // NOTE: since the node is not yet connected to its parent, avoid
            // calling ItemManager#getItem(ItemId) which may include a permission
            // check (with subsequent usage of the hierarachy-mgr -> error).
            // just let the mgr create the new node that is known to exist and
            // which has not been accessed before.
            node = (NodeImpl) itemMgr.createItemInstance(nodeState);
        } catch (RepositoryException re) {
            // something went wrong
            // re-throw
            throw re;

        // modify the state of 'this', i.e. the parent node
        NodeState thisState = (NodeState) getOrCreateTransientItemState();
        // add new child node entry
        thisState.addChildNodeEntry(name, nodeState.getNodeId());

        // add 'auto-create' properties defined in node type
        PropertyDefinition[] pda = nodeType.getAutoCreatedPropertyDefinitions();
        for (int i = 0; i < pda.length; i++) {
            PropertyDefinitionImpl pd = (PropertyDefinitionImpl) pda[i];
            node.createChildProperty(pd.getQName(), pd.getRequiredType(), pd);

        // recursively add 'auto-create' child nodes defined in node type
        NodeDefinition[] nda = nodeType.getAutoCreatedNodeDefinitions();
        for (int i = 0; i < nda.length; i++) {
            NodeDefinitionImpl nd = (NodeDefinitionImpl) nda[i];
            node.createChildNode(nd.getQName(), nd,
                    (NodeTypeImpl) nd.getDefaultPrimaryType(), null);

        return node;

    protected void renameChildNode(Name oldName, int index, NodeId id,
                                   Name newName)
            throws RepositoryException {
        // modify the state of 'this', i.e. the parent node
        NodeState thisState = (NodeState) getOrCreateTransientItemState();
        thisState.renameChildNodeEntry(oldName, index, newName);

    protected void removeChildProperty(String propName) throws RepositoryException {
        try {
        } catch (NameException e) {
            throw new RepositoryException(
                    "invalid property name: " + propName, e);

    protected void removeChildProperty(Name propName) throws RepositoryException {
        // modify the state of 'this', i.e. the parent node
        NodeState thisState = (NodeState) getOrCreateTransientItemState();

        // remove the property entry
        if (!thisState.removePropertyName(propName)) {
            String msg = "failed to remove property " + propName + " of " + this;
            throw new RepositoryException(msg);

        // remove property
        PropertyId propId = new PropertyId(thisState.getNodeId(), propName);

    protected void removeChildNode(Name nodeName, int index)
            throws RepositoryException {
        // modify the state of 'this', i.e. the parent node
        NodeState thisState = (NodeState) getOrCreateTransientItemState();
        if (index == 0) {
            index = 1;
        ChildNodeEntry entry =
                thisState.getChildNodeEntry(nodeName, index);
        if (entry == null) {
            String msg = "failed to remove child " + nodeName + " of " + this;
            throw new RepositoryException(msg);

        // notify target of removal
        NodeId childId = entry.getId();
        NodeImpl childNode = itemMgr.getNode(childId, getNodeId());

        // remove the child node entry
        if (!thisState.removeChildNodeEntry(nodeName, index)) {
            String msg = "failed to remove child " + nodeName + " of " + this;
            throw new RepositoryException(msg);

    protected void onRedefine(NodeDefId defId) throws RepositoryException {
        NodeDefinitionImpl newDef =
        // modify the state of 'this', i.e. the target node
        NodeState thisState = (NodeState) getOrCreateTransientItemState();
        // set id of new definition

    protected void onRemove(NodeId parentId) throws RepositoryException {
        // modify the state of 'this', i.e. the target node
        NodeState thisState = (NodeState) getOrCreateTransientItemState();

        // remove this node from its shared set
        if (thisState.isShareable()) {
            if (thisState.removeShare(parentId) > 0) {
                // this state is still connected to some parents, so
                // leave the child node entries and properties

                // set state of this instance to 'invalid'
                // notify the item manager that this instance has been
                // temporarily invalidated
                itemMgr.itemInvalidated(id, data);

        if (thisState.hasChildNodeEntries()) {
            // remove child nodes
            // use temp array to avoid ConcurrentModificationException
            ArrayList<ChildNodeEntry> tmp = new ArrayList<ChildNodeEntry>(thisState.getChildNodeEntries());
            // remove from tail to avoid problems with same-name siblings
            for (int i = tmp.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                ChildNodeEntry entry =
                // recursively remove child node
                NodeId childId = entry.getId();
                //NodeImpl childNode = (NodeImpl) itemMgr.getItem(childId);
                NodeImpl childNode = itemMgr.getNode(childId, getNodeId());
                // remove the child node entry
                thisState.removeChildNodeEntry(entry.getName(), entry.getIndex());

        // remove properties
        // use temp set to avoid ConcurrentModificationException
        HashSet<Name> tmp = new HashSet<Name>(thisState.getPropertyNames());
        for (Name propName : tmp) {
            // remove the property entry
            // remove property
            PropertyId propId = new PropertyId(thisState.getNodeId(), propName);

        // finally remove this node

    protected NodeImpl internalAddNode(String relPath, NodeTypeImpl nodeType)
            throws ItemExistsException, PathNotFoundException, VersionException,
            ConstraintViolationException, LockException, RepositoryException {
        return internalAddNode(relPath, nodeType, null);

    protected NodeImpl internalAddNode(String relPath, NodeTypeImpl nodeType,
                                       NodeId id)
            throws ItemExistsException, PathNotFoundException, VersionException,
            ConstraintViolationException, LockException, RepositoryException {
        Path nodePath;
        Name nodeName;
        Path parentPath;
        try {
            nodePath =
                PathFactoryImpl.getInstance().create(getPrimaryPath(), session.getQPath(relPath), false)
            if (nodePath.getNameElement().getIndex() != 0) {
                String msg = "illegal subscript specified: " + nodePath;
                throw new RepositoryException(msg);
            nodeName = nodePath.getNameElement().getName();
            parentPath = nodePath.getAncestor(1);
        } catch (NameException e) {
            String msg =
                "failed to resolve path " + relPath + " relative to " + this;
            throw new RepositoryException(msg, e);

        NodeImpl parentNode;
        try {
            Item parent = itemMgr.getItem(parentPath);
            if (!parent.isNode()) {
                String msg = "cannot add a node to property " + parentPath;
                throw new ConstraintViolationException(msg);
            parentNode = (NodeImpl) parent;
        } catch (AccessDeniedException ade) {
            throw new PathNotFoundException(relPath);

        // make sure that parent node is checked-out and not locked
        int options = ItemValidator.CHECK_LOCK | ItemValidator.CHECK_VERSIONING;
        session.getValidator().checkModify(parentNode, options, Permission.NONE);

        // delegate the creation of the child node to the parent node
        return parentNode.internalAddChildNode(nodeName, nodeType, id);

    protected NodeImpl internalAddChildNode(Name nodeName,
                                            NodeTypeImpl nodeType)
            throws ItemExistsException, ConstraintViolationException,
            RepositoryException {
        return internalAddChildNode(nodeName, nodeType, null);

    protected NodeImpl internalAddChildNode(Name nodeName,
                                            NodeTypeImpl nodeType, NodeId id)
            throws ItemExistsException, ConstraintViolationException,
            RepositoryException {
        Path nodePath;
        try {
            nodePath = PathFactoryImpl.getInstance().create(getPrimaryPath(), nodeName, true);
        } catch (MalformedPathException e) {
            // should never happen
            String msg = "internal error: invalid path " + this;
            throw new RepositoryException(msg, e);

        Name nodeTypeName = null;
        if (nodeType != null) {
            nodeTypeName = nodeType.getQName();
            if (nodeType.isMixin()) {
                throw new ConstraintViolationException(session.getJCRName(nodeTypeName) + ": not a primary node type.");
            if (nodeType.isAbstract()) {
                throw new ConstraintViolationException(session.getJCRName(nodeTypeName+ ": is an abstract node type.");
        NodeDefinitionImpl def;
        try {
            def = getApplicableChildNodeDefinition(nodeName, nodeTypeName);
        } catch (RepositoryException re) {
            String msg = "no definition found in parent node's node type for new node";
            throw new ConstraintViolationException(msg, re);
        if (nodeType == null) {
            // use default node type
            nodeType = (NodeTypeImpl) def.getDefaultPrimaryType();
        } else {
            // adding a node with explicit specifying the node type name
            // requires the editing session to have nt_management privilege.
            session.getAccessManager().checkPermission(nodePath, Permission.NODE_TYPE_MNGMT);

        // check for name collisions
        NodeState thisState = data.getNodeState();
        ChildNodeEntry cne = thisState.getChildNodeEntry(nodeName, 1);
        if (cne != null) {
            // there's already a child node entry with that name;
            // check same-name sibling setting of new node
            if (!def.allowsSameNameSiblings()) {
                throw new ItemExistsException(itemMgr.safeGetJCRPath(nodePath));
            // check same-name sibling setting of existing node
            NodeId newId = cne.getId();
            if (!((NodeImpl) itemMgr.getItem(newId)).getDefinition().allowsSameNameSiblings()) {
                throw new ItemExistsException(itemMgr.safeGetJCRPath(nodePath));

        // check protected flag of parent (i.e. this) node and retention/hold
        int options = ItemValidator.CHECK_CONSTRAINTS | ItemValidator.CHECK_HOLD
                | ItemValidator.CHECK_RETENTION;
        session.getValidator().checkModify(this, options, Permission.NONE);

        // now do create the child node
        return createChildNode(nodeName, def, nodeType, id);

    private void setMixinTypesProperty(Set<Name> mixinNames) throws RepositoryException {
        NodeState thisState = data.getNodeState();
        // get or create jcr:mixinTypes property
        PropertyImpl prop;
        if (thisState.hasPropertyName(NameConstants.JCR_MIXINTYPES)) {
            prop = (PropertyImpl) itemMgr.getItem(new PropertyId(thisState.getNodeId(), NameConstants.JCR_MIXINTYPES));
        } else {
            // find definition for the jcr:mixinTypes property and create property
            PropertyDefinitionImpl def = getApplicablePropertyDefinition(
                    NameConstants.JCR_MIXINTYPES, PropertyType.NAME, true, true);
            prop = createChildProperty(NameConstants.JCR_MIXINTYPES, PropertyType.NAME, def);

        if (mixinNames.isEmpty()) {
            // purge empty jcr:mixinTypes property

        // call internalSetValue for setting the jcr:mixinTypes property
        // to avoid checking of the 'protected' flag
        InternalValue[] vals = new InternalValue[mixinNames.size()];
        Iterator<Name> iter = mixinNames.iterator();
        int cnt = 0;
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            vals[cnt++] = InternalValue.create(;
        prop.internalSetValue(vals, PropertyType.NAME);

     * Returns the <code>Name</code>s of this node's mixin types.
     * @return a set of the <code>Name</code>s of this node's mixin types.
    public Set<Name> getMixinTypeNames() {
        return data.getNodeState().getMixinTypeNames();

     * Returns the effective (i.e. merged and resolved) node type representation
     * of this node's primary and mixin node types.
     * @return the effective node type
     * @throws RepositoryException if an error occurs
    public EffectiveNodeType getEffectiveNodeType() throws RepositoryException {
        try {
            NodeTypeRegistry registry =
            return registry.getEffectiveNodeType(
        } catch (NodeTypeConflictException ntce) {
            String msg = "Failed to build effective node type for " + this;
            throw new RepositoryException(msg, ntce);

     * Returns the applicable child node definition for a child node with the
     * specified name and node type.
     * @param nodeName
     * @param nodeTypeName
     * @return
     * @throws ConstraintViolationException if no applicable child node definition
     *                                      could be found
     * @throws RepositoryException          if another error occurs
    protected NodeDefinitionImpl getApplicableChildNodeDefinition(Name nodeName,
                                                                  Name nodeTypeName)
            throws ConstraintViolationException, RepositoryException {
        NodeTypeManagerImpl ntMgr = session.getNodeTypeManager();
        NodeDef cnd = getEffectiveNodeType().getApplicableChildNodeDef(
                nodeName, nodeTypeName, ntMgr.getNodeTypeRegistry());
        return ntMgr.getNodeDefinition(cnd.getId());

     * Returns the applicable property definition for a property with the
     * specified name and type.
     * @param propertyName
     * @param type
     * @param multiValued
     * @param exactTypeMatch
     * @return
     * @throws ConstraintViolationException if no applicable property definition
     *                                      could be found
     * @throws RepositoryException          if another error occurs
    protected PropertyDefinitionImpl getApplicablePropertyDefinition(Name propertyName,
                                                                     int type,
                                                                     boolean multiValued,
                                                                     boolean exactTypeMatch)
            throws ConstraintViolationException, RepositoryException {
        PropDef pd;
        if (exactTypeMatch || type == PropertyType.UNDEFINED) {
            pd = getEffectiveNodeType().getApplicablePropertyDef(
                    propertyName, type, multiValued);
        } else {
            try {
                // try to find a definition with matching type first
                pd = getEffectiveNodeType().getApplicablePropertyDef(
                        propertyName, type, multiValued);
            } catch (ConstraintViolationException cve) {
                // none found, now try by ignoring the type
                pd = getEffectiveNodeType().getApplicablePropertyDef(
                        propertyName, PropertyType.UNDEFINED, multiValued);
        return session.getNodeTypeManager().getPropertyDefinition(pd.getId());

    protected void makePersistent() throws InvalidItemStateException {
        if (!isTransient()) {
            log.debug(this + " (" + id + "): there's no transient state to persist");

        NodeState transientState = data.getNodeState();

        NodeState persistentState = (NodeState) transientState.getOverlayedState();
        if (persistentState == null) {
            // this node is 'new'
            persistentState = stateMgr.createNew(transientState);

        synchronized (persistentState) {
            // check staleness of transient state first
            if (transientState.isStale()) {
                String msg =
                    this + ": the node cannot be saved because it has been"
                    + " modified externally.";
                throw new InvalidItemStateException(msg);
            // copy state from transient state:
            // parent id's
            // primary type
            // mixin types
            // id of definition
            // child node entries
            // property entries
            // shared set

            // make state persistent

        // tell state manager to disconnect item state
        // swap transient state with persistent state
        // reset status

        if (isShareable() && data.getPrimaryParentId() == null) {

    protected void restoreTransient(NodeState transientState)
            throws RepositoryException {
        NodeState thisState = (NodeState) getOrCreateTransientItemState();
        if (transientState.getStatus() == ItemState.STATUS_NEW
                && thisState.getStatus() != ItemState.STATUS_NEW) {
        // re-apply transient changes

     * Same as {@link Node#addMixin(String)} except that it takes a
     * <code>Name</code> instead of a <code>String</code>.
     * @see Node#addMixin(String)
    public void addMixin(Name mixinName)
            throws NoSuchNodeTypeException, VersionException,
            ConstraintViolationException, LockException, RepositoryException {
        // check state of this instance

        int options = ItemValidator.CHECK_LOCK | ItemValidator.CHECK_VERSIONING
                | ItemValidator.CHECK_CONSTRAINTS | ItemValidator.CHECK_HOLD;
        int permissions = Permission.NODE_TYPE_MNGMT;
        // special handling of mix:(simple)versionable. since adding the mixin alters
        // the version storage jcr:versionManagement privilege is required
        // in addition.
        if (NameConstants.MIX_VERSIONABLE.equals(mixinName)
                || NameConstants.MIX_SIMPLE_VERSIONABLE.equals(mixinName)) {
            permissions |= Permission.VERSION_MNGMT;
        session.getValidator().checkModify(this, options, permissions);

        NodeTypeManagerImpl ntMgr = session.getNodeTypeManager();
        NodeTypeImpl mixin = ntMgr.getNodeType(mixinName);
        if (!mixin.isMixin()) {
            throw new RepositoryException(mixinName + ": not a mixin node type");

        final Name primaryTypeName = data.getNodeState().getNodeTypeName();
        NodeTypeImpl primaryType = ntMgr.getNodeType(primaryTypeName);
        if (primaryType.isDerivedFrom(mixinName)) {
            // new mixin is already included in primary type

        // build effective node type of mixin's & primary type in order to detect conflicts
        NodeTypeRegistry ntReg = ntMgr.getNodeTypeRegistry();
        EffectiveNodeType entExisting;
        try {
            // existing mixin's
            Set<Name> mixins = new HashSet<Name>(data.getNodeState().getMixinTypeNames());

            // build effective node type representing primary type including existing mixin's
            entExisting = ntReg.getEffectiveNodeType(primaryTypeName, mixins);
            if (entExisting.includesNodeType(mixinName)) {
                // new mixin is already included in existing mixin type(s)

            // add new mixin
            // try to build new effective node type (will throw in case of conflicts)
            ntReg.getEffectiveNodeType(primaryTypeName, mixins);
        } catch (NodeTypeConflictException e) {
            throw new ConstraintViolationException(e.getMessage(), e);

        // do the actual modifications implied by the new mixin;
        // try to revert the changes in case an exception occurs
        try {
            // modify the state of this node
            NodeState thisState = (NodeState) getOrCreateTransientItemState();
            // add mixin name
            Set<Name> mixins = new HashSet<Name>(thisState.getMixinTypeNames());

            // set jcr:mixinTypes property

            // add 'auto-create' properties defined in mixin type
            PropertyDefinition[] pda = mixin.getAutoCreatedPropertyDefinitions();
            for (int i = 0; i < pda.length; i++) {
                PropertyDefinitionImpl pd = (PropertyDefinitionImpl) pda[i];
                // make sure that the property is not already defined by primary type
                // or existing mixin's
                NodeTypeImpl declaringNT = (NodeTypeImpl) pd.getDeclaringNodeType();
                if (!entExisting.includesNodeType(declaringNT.getQName())) {
                    createChildProperty(pd.getQName(), pd.getRequiredType(), pd);

            // recursively add 'auto-create' child nodes defined in mixin type
            NodeDefinition[] nda = mixin.getAutoCreatedNodeDefinitions();
            for (int i = 0; i < nda.length; i++) {
                NodeDefinitionImpl nd = (NodeDefinitionImpl) nda[i];
                // make sure that the child node is not already defined by primary type
                // or existing mixin's
                NodeTypeImpl declaringNT = (NodeTypeImpl) nd.getDeclaringNodeType();
                if (!entExisting.includesNodeType(declaringNT.getQName())) {
                    createChildNode(nd.getQName(), nd, (NodeTypeImpl) nd.getDefaultPrimaryType(), null);
        } catch (RepositoryException re) {
            // try to undo the modifications by removing the mixin
            try {
            } catch (RepositoryException re1) {
                // silently ignore & fall through
            throw re;

     * Same as {@link Node#removeMixin(String)} except that it takes a
     * <code>Name</code> instead of a <code>String</code>.
     * @see Node#removeMixin(String)
    public void removeMixin(Name mixinName)
            throws NoSuchNodeTypeException, VersionException,
            ConstraintViolationException, LockException, RepositoryException {
        // check state of this instance

        int options = ItemValidator.CHECK_LOCK | ItemValidator.CHECK_VERSIONING
                | ItemValidator.CHECK_CONSTRAINTS | ItemValidator.CHECK_HOLD;
        int permissions = Permission.NODE_TYPE_MNGMT;
        session.getValidator().checkModify(this, options, permissions);

        // check if mixin is assigned
        final NodeState state = data.getNodeState();
        if (!state.getMixinTypeNames().contains(mixinName)) {
            throw new NoSuchNodeTypeException();

        NodeTypeManagerImpl ntMgr = session.getNodeTypeManager();
        NodeTypeRegistry ntReg = ntMgr.getNodeTypeRegistry();

        // build effective node type of remaining mixin's & primary type
        Set<Name> remainingMixins = new HashSet<Name>(state.getMixinTypeNames());
        // remove name of target mixin
        EffectiveNodeType entResulting;
        try {
            // build effective node type representing primary type including remaining mixin's
            entResulting = ntReg.getEffectiveNodeType(
                    state.getNodeTypeName(), remainingMixins);
        } catch (NodeTypeConflictException e) {
            throw new ConstraintViolationException(e.getMessage(), e);

         * mix:referenceable needs special handling because it has
         * special semantics:
         * it can only be removed if there no more references to this node
        NodeTypeImpl mixin = ntMgr.getNodeType(mixinName);
        if ((NameConstants.MIX_REFERENCEABLE.equals(mixinName)
                || mixin.isDerivedFrom(NameConstants.MIX_REFERENCEABLE))
                && !entResulting.includesNodeType(NameConstants.MIX_REFERENCEABLE)) {
            // removing this mixin would effectively remove mix:referenceable:
            // make sure no references exist
            PropertyIterator iter = getReferences();
            if (iter.hasNext()) {
                throw new ConstraintViolationException(mixinName + " can not be removed: the node is being referenced"
                        + " through at least one property of type REFERENCE");

         * mix:lockable: the mixin cannot be removed if the node is currently
         * locked even if the editing session is the lock holder.
        if ((NameConstants.MIX_LOCKABLE.equals(mixinName)
                || mixin.isDerivedFrom(NameConstants.MIX_LOCKABLE))
                && !entResulting.includesNodeType(NameConstants.MIX_LOCKABLE)
                && isLocked()) {
            throw new ConstraintViolationException(mixinName + " can not be removed: the node is locked.");

        // modify the state of this node
        NodeState thisState = (NodeState) getOrCreateTransientItemState();

        // set jcr:mixinTypes property

        // shortcut
        if (mixin.getChildNodeDefinitions().length == 0
                && mixin.getPropertyDefinitions().length == 0) {
            // the node type has neither property nor child node definitions,
            // i.e. we're done

        // walk through properties and child nodes and remove those that aren't
        // accomodated by the resulting new effective node type (see JCR-2130)
        boolean success = false;
        try {
            // use temp set to avoid ConcurrentModificationException
            HashSet<Name> set = new HashSet<Name>(thisState.getPropertyNames());
            for (Name propName : set) {
                PropertyState propState = (PropertyState) stateMgr.getItemState(new PropertyId(thisState.getNodeId(), propName));
                // check if property has been defined by mixin type (or one of its supertypes)
                PropertyDefinition def = ntMgr.getPropertyDefinition(propState.getDefinitionId());
                NodeTypeImpl declaringNT = (NodeTypeImpl) def.getDeclaringNodeType();
                if (!entResulting.includesNodeType(declaringNT.getQName())) {
                    // the resulting effective node type doesn't include the
                    // node type that declared this property

                    // try to find new applicable definition first and
                    // redefine property if possible (JCR-2130)
                    try {
                        PropertyImpl prop = (PropertyImpl) itemMgr.getItem(propState.getId());
                        if (prop.getDefinition().isProtected()) {
                            // remove 'orphaned' protected properties immediately
                        PropertyDefinitionImpl pdi = getApplicablePropertyDefinition(
                                propName, propState.getType(),
                                propState.isMultiValued(), false);
                        if (pdi.getRequiredType() != PropertyType.UNDEFINED
                                && pdi.getRequiredType() != propState.getType()) {
                            // value conversion required
                            if (propState.isMultiValued()) {
                                // convert value
                                Value[] values =
                                // redefine property
                                // set converted values
                            } else {
                                // convert value
                                Value value =
                                // redefine property
                                // set converted values
                        } else {
                            // redefine property
                    } catch (ValueFormatException vfe) {
                        // value conversion failed, remove it
                    } catch (ConstraintViolationException cve) {
                        // no suitable definition found for this property,
                        // remove it
            // use temp array to avoid ConcurrentModificationException
            ArrayList<ChildNodeEntry> list = new ArrayList<ChildNodeEntry>(thisState.getChildNodeEntries());
            // start from tail to avoid problems with same-name siblings
            for (int i = list.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                ChildNodeEntry entry = list.get(i);
                NodeState nodeState = (NodeState) stateMgr.getItemState(entry.getId());
                NodeDefinition def = ntMgr.getNodeDefinition(nodeState.getDefinitionId());
                // check if node has been defined by mixin type (or one of its supertypes)
                NodeTypeImpl declaringNT = (NodeTypeImpl) def.getDeclaringNodeType();
                if (!entResulting.includesNodeType(declaringNT.getQName())) {
                    // the resulting effective node type doesn't include the
                    // node type that declared this child node

                    try {
                        NodeImpl node = (NodeImpl) itemMgr.getItem(nodeState.getId());
                        if (node.getDefinition().isProtected()) {
                            // remove 'orphaned' protected child node immediately
                            removeChildNode(entry.getName(), entry.getIndex());
                        NodeDefinitionImpl ndi = getApplicableChildNodeDefinition(
                        // redefine node
                    } catch (ConstraintViolationException cve) {
                        // no suitable definition found for this child node,
                        // remove it
                        removeChildNode(entry.getName(), entry.getIndex());
            success = true;
        } catch (ItemStateException e) {
            throw new RepositoryException("Failed to clean up child items defined by removed mixin " + session.getJCRName(mixinName));
        } finally {
            if (!success) {
                // TODO JCR-1914: revert changes made to jcr:mixinTypes

     * Same as {@link Node#isNodeType(String)} except that it takes a
     * <code>Name</code> instead of a <code>String</code>.
     * @param ntName name of node type
     * @return <code>true</code> if this node is of the specified node type;
     *         otherwise <code>false</code>
    public boolean isNodeType(Name ntName) throws RepositoryException {
        // check state of this instance

        // first do trivial checks without using type hierarchy
        Name primary = data.getNodeState().getNodeTypeName();
        if (ntName.equals(primary)) {
            return true;
        Set<Name> mixins = data.getNodeState().getMixinTypeNames();
        if (mixins.contains(ntName)) {
            return true;

        // check effective node type
        try {
            NodeTypeRegistry registry =
            EffectiveNodeType type =
                registry.getEffectiveNodeType(primary, mixins);
            return type.includesNodeType(ntName);
        } catch (NodeTypeConflictException e) {
            String msg = "Failed to build effective node type for " + this;
            throw new RepositoryException(msg, e);

     * Checks various pre-conditions that are common to all
     * <code>setProperty()</code> methods. The checks performed are:
     * <ul>
     * <li>this node must be checked-out</li>
     * <li>this node must not be locked by somebody else</li>
     * </ul>
     * Note that certain checks are performed by the respective
     * <code>Property.setValue()</code> methods.
     * @throws VersionException    if this node is not checked-out
     * @throws LockException       if this node is locked by somebody else
     * @throws RepositoryException if another error occurs
     * @see javax.jcr.Node#setProperty
    protected void checkSetProperty()
            throws VersionException, LockException, RepositoryException {
        // make sure this node is checked-out and is not locked
        int options = ItemValidator.CHECK_LOCK | ItemValidator.CHECK_VERSIONING;
        session.getValidator().checkModify(this, options, Permission.NONE);

     * Sets the internal value of a property without checking any constraints.
     * <p/>
     * Note that no type conversion is being performed, i.e. it's the caller's
     * responsibility to make sure that the type of the given value is compatible
     * with the specified property's definition.
     * @param name
     * @param value
     * @return
     * @throws ValueFormatException
     * @throws RepositoryException
    protected Property internalSetProperty(Name name, InternalValue value)
            throws ValueFormatException, RepositoryException {
        int type;
        if (value == null) {
            type = PropertyType.UNDEFINED;
        } else {
            type = value.getType();

        BitSet status = new BitSet();
        PropertyImpl prop = getOrCreateProperty(name, type, false, true, status);
        try {
            if (value == null) {
                prop.internalSetValue(null, type);
            } else {
                prop.internalSetValue(new InternalValue[]{value}, type);
        } catch (RepositoryException re) {
            if (status.get(CREATED)) {
                // setting value failed, get rid of newly created property
            // rethrow
            throw re;
        return prop;

     * Sets the internal value of a property without checking any constraints.
     * <p/>
     * Note that no type conversion is being performed, i.e. it's the caller's
     * responsibility to make sure that the type of the given values is compatible
     * with the specified property's definition.
     * @param name
     * @param values
     * @return
     * @throws ValueFormatException
     * @throws RepositoryException
    protected Property internalSetProperty(Name name, InternalValue[] values)
            throws ValueFormatException, RepositoryException {
        int type;
        if (values == null || values.length == 0
                || values[0] == null) {
            type = PropertyType.UNDEFINED;
        } else {
            type = values[0].getType();
        return internalSetProperty(name, values, type);

     * Sets the internal value of a property without checking any constraints.
     * <p/>
     * Note that no type conversion is being performed, i.e. it's the caller's
     * responsibility to make sure that the type of the given values is compatible
     * with the specified property's definition.
     * @param name
     * @param values
     * @param type
     * @return
     * @throws ValueFormatException
     * @throws RepositoryException
    protected Property internalSetProperty(Name name, InternalValue[] values,
                                           int type)
            throws ValueFormatException, RepositoryException {
        BitSet status = new BitSet();
        PropertyImpl prop = getOrCreateProperty(name, type, true, true, status);
        try {
            prop.internalSetValue(values, type);
        } catch (RepositoryException re) {
            if (status.get(CREATED)) {
                // setting value failed, get rid of newly created property
            // rethrow
            throw re;
        return prop;

     * Returns the child node of <code>this</code> node with the specified
     * <code>name</code>.
     * @param name The name of the child node to retrieve.
     * @return The child node with the specified <code>name</code>.
     * @throws ItemNotFoundException If no child node exists with the
     *                               specified name.
     * @throws RepositoryException   If another error occurs.
    public NodeImpl getNode(Name name) throws ItemNotFoundException, RepositoryException {
        return getNode(name, 1);

     * Returns the child node of <code>this</code> node with the specified
     * <code>name</code>.
     * @param name The name of the child node to retrieve.
     * @param index The index of the child node to retrieve (in the case of same-name siblings).
     * @return The child node with the specified <code>name</code>.
     * @throws ItemNotFoundException If no child node exists with the
     *                               specified name.
     * @throws RepositoryException   If another error occurs.
    public NodeImpl getNode(Name name, int index)
            throws ItemNotFoundException, RepositoryException {
        // check state of this instance

        NodeState thisState = data.getNodeState();
        if (index == 0) {
            index = 1;
        ChildNodeEntry cne = thisState.getChildNodeEntry(name, index);
        if (cne == null) {
            throw new ItemNotFoundException();
        try {
            return itemMgr.getNode(cne.getId(), getNodeId());
        } catch (AccessDeniedException ade) {
            throw new ItemNotFoundException();

     * Indicates whether a child node with the specified <code>name</code> exists.
     * Returns <code>true</code> if the child node exists and <code>false</code>
     * otherwise.
     * @param name The name of the child node.
     * @return <code>true</code> if the child node exists; <code>false</code> otherwise.
     * @throws RepositoryException If an unspecified error occurs.
    public boolean hasNode(Name name) throws RepositoryException {
        return hasNode(name, 1);

     * Indicates whether a child node with the specified <code>name</code> exists.
     * Returns <code>true</code> if the child node exists and <code>false</code>
     * otherwise.
     * @param name The name of the child node.
     * @param index The index of the child node (in the case of same-name siblings).
     * @return <code>true</code> if the child node exists; <code>false</code> otherwise.
     * @throws RepositoryException If an unspecified error occurs.
    public boolean hasNode(Name name, int index) throws RepositoryException {
        // check state of this instance

        NodeState thisState = data.getNodeState();
        if (index == 0) {
            index = 1;
        ChildNodeEntry cne = thisState.getChildNodeEntry(name, index);
        if (cne == null) {
            return false;
        return itemMgr.itemExists(cne.getId());

     * Returns the property of <code>this</code> node with the specified
     * <code>name</code>.
     * @param name The name of the property to retrieve.
     * @return The property with the specified <code>name</code>.
     * @throws ItemNotFoundException If no property exists with the
     *                               specified name.
     * @throws RepositoryException   If another error occurs.
    public PropertyImpl getProperty(Name name)
            throws ItemNotFoundException, RepositoryException {
        // check state of this instance

        PropertyId propId = new PropertyId(getNodeId(), name);
        try {
            return (PropertyImpl) itemMgr.getItem(propId);
        } catch (AccessDeniedException ade) {
            throw new ItemNotFoundException(name.toString());

     * Indicates whether a property with the specified <code>name</code> exists.
     * Returns <code>true</code> if the property exists and <code>false</code>
     * otherwise.
     * @param name The name of the property.
     * @return <code>true</code> if the property exists; <code>false</code> otherwise.
     * @throws RepositoryException If an unspecified error occurs.
    public boolean hasProperty(Name name) throws RepositoryException {
        // check state of this instance

        NodeState thisState = data.getNodeState();
        if (!thisState.hasPropertyName(name)) {
            return false;
        PropertyId propId = new PropertyId(thisState.getNodeId(), name);

        return itemMgr.itemExists(propId);

     * Same as <code>{@link Node#addNode(String, String)}</code> except that
     * this method takes <code>Name</code> arguments instead of
     * <code>String</code>s and has an additional <code>uuid</code> argument.
     * <p/>
     * <b>Important Notice:</b> This method is for internal use only! Passing
     * already assigned uuid's might lead to unexpected results and
     * data corruption in the worst case.
     * @param nodeName     name of the new node
     * @param nodeTypeName name of the new node's node type or <code>null</code>
     *                     if it should be determined automatically
     * @param id           id of the new node or <code>null</code> if a new
     *                     id should be assigned
     * @return the newly added node
     * @throws ItemExistsException
     * @throws NoSuchNodeTypeException
     * @throws VersionException
     * @throws ConstraintViolationException
     * @throws LockException
     * @throws RepositoryException
    public synchronized NodeImpl addNode(Name nodeName, Name nodeTypeName,
                                         NodeId id)
            throws ItemExistsException, NoSuchNodeTypeException, VersionException,
            ConstraintViolationException, LockException, RepositoryException {
        // check state of this instance

        // make sure this node is checked-out and not locked by another session.
        int options = ItemValidator.CHECK_LOCK | ItemValidator.CHECK_VERSIONING;
        session.getValidator().checkModify(this, options, Permission.NONE);

        NodeTypeImpl nt = null;
        if (nodeTypeName != null) {
            nt = session.getNodeTypeManager().getNodeType(nodeTypeName);
        return internalAddChildNode(nodeName, nt, id);

     * Same as <code>{@link Node#setProperty(String, Value[])}</code> except that
     * this method takes a <code>Name</code> name argument instead of a
     * <code>String</code>.
     * @param name
     * @param values
     * @return
     * @throws ValueFormatException
     * @throws VersionException
     * @throws LockException
     * @throws ConstraintViolationException
     * @throws RepositoryException
    public PropertyImpl setProperty(Name name, Value[] values)
            throws ValueFormatException, VersionException, LockException,
            ConstraintViolationException, RepositoryException {

        // check state of this instance

        // check pre-conditions for setting property

        int type;
        if (values == null || values.length == 0
                || values[0] == null) {
            type = PropertyType.UNDEFINED;
        } else {
            type = values[0].getType();

        BitSet status = new BitSet();
        PropertyImpl prop = getOrCreateProperty(name, type, true, false, status);
        try {
        } catch (RepositoryException re) {
            if (status.get(CREATED)) {
                // setting value failed, get rid of newly created property
            // rethrow
            throw re;
        return prop;

     * Same as <code>{@link Node#setProperty(String, Value[], int)}</code> except
     * that this method takes a <code>Name</code> name argument instead of a
     * <code>String</code>.
     * @param name
     * @param values
     * @param type
     * @return
     * @throws ValueFormatException
     * @throws VersionException
     * @throws LockException
     * @throws ConstraintViolationException
     * @throws RepositoryException
    public PropertyImpl setProperty(Name name, Value[] values, int type)
            throws ValueFormatException, VersionException, LockException,
            ConstraintViolationException, RepositoryException {
        // check state of this instance

        // check pre-conditions for setting property

        BitSet status = new BitSet();
        PropertyImpl prop = getOrCreateProperty(name, type, true, true, status);
        try {
            if (prop.getDefinition().getRequiredType() == PropertyType.UNDEFINED
                    && type != PropertyType.UNDEFINED) {
                prop.setValue(ValueHelper.convert(values, type, session.getValueFactory()));
            } else {
        } catch (RepositoryException re) {
            if (status.get(CREATED)) {
                // setting value failed, get rid of newly created property
            // rethrow
            throw re;
        return prop;

     * Same as <code>{@link Node#setProperty(String, Value)}</code> except that
     * this method takes a <code>Name</code> name argument instead of a
     * <code>String</code>.
     * @param name
     * @param value
     * @return
     * @throws ValueFormatException
     * @throws VersionException
     * @throws LockException
     * @throws ConstraintViolationException
     * @throws RepositoryException
    public PropertyImpl setProperty(Name name, Value value)
            throws ValueFormatException, VersionException, LockException,
            ConstraintViolationException, RepositoryException {
        // check state of this instance

        // check pre-conditions for setting property

        int type = PropertyType.UNDEFINED;
        if (value != null) {
            type = value.getType();

        BitSet status = new BitSet();
        PropertyImpl prop = getOrCreateProperty(name, type, false, false, status);
        try {
        } catch (RepositoryException re) {
            if (status.get(CREATED)) {
                // setting value failed, get rid of newly created property
            // rethrow
            throw re;
        return prop;

     * @see ItemImpl#getQName()
    public Name getQName() throws RepositoryException {
        HierarchyManager hierMgr = session.getHierarchyManager();
        Name name;

        if (!isShareable()) {
            name = hierMgr.getName(id);
        } else {
            name = hierMgr.getName(getNodeId(), getParentId());
        return name;

     * Returns the identifier of this <code>Node</code>.
     * @return the id of this <code>Node</code>
    public NodeId getNodeId() {
        return (NodeId) id;

     * Same as <code>{@link Node#orderBefore(String, String)}</code> except that
     * this method takes a <code>Path.Element</code> arguments instead of
     * <code>String</code>s.
     * @param srcName
     * @param dstName
     * @throws UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException
     * @throws VersionException
     * @throws ConstraintViolationException
     * @throws ItemNotFoundException
     * @throws LockException
     * @throws RepositoryException
    public synchronized void orderBefore(Path.Element srcName,
                                         Path.Element dstName)
            throws UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException, VersionException,
            ConstraintViolationException, ItemNotFoundException, LockException,
            RepositoryException {

        // check state of this instance

        if (!getPrimaryNodeType().hasOrderableChildNodes()) {
            throw new UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException(
                    "child node ordering not supported on " + this);

        // check arguments
        if (srcName.equals(dstName)) {
            // there's nothing to do

        // check existence
        if (!hasNode(srcName.getName(), srcName.getIndex())) {
            String name;
            try {
                Path.Element[] path = new Path.Element[] { srcName };
                name = session.getJCRPath(new PathBuilder(path).getPath());
            } catch (NameException e) {
                name = srcName.toString();
            } catch (NamespaceException e) {
                name = srcName.toString();
            throw new ItemNotFoundException(
                    this + " has no child node with name " + name);
        if (dstName != null && !hasNode(dstName.getName(), dstName.getIndex())) {
            String name;
            try {
                Path.Element[] path = new Path.Element[] { dstName };
                name = session.getJCRPath(new PathBuilder(path).getPath());
            } catch (NameException e) {
                name = dstName.toString();
            } catch (NamespaceException e) {
                name = dstName.toString();
            throw new ItemNotFoundException(
                    this + " has no child node with name " + name);

        // make sure this node is checked-out and neither protected nor locked
        int options = ItemValidator.CHECK_LOCK | ItemValidator.CHECK_VERSIONING
                | ItemValidator.CHECK_CONSTRAINTS;
        session.getValidator().checkModify(this, options, Permission.NONE);

        ArrayList<ChildNodeEntry> list = new ArrayList<ChildNodeEntry>(data.getNodeState().getChildNodeEntries());
        int srcInd = -1, destInd = -1;
        for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
            ChildNodeEntry entry = list.get(i);
            if (srcInd == -1) {
                if (entry.getName().equals(srcName.getName())
                        && (entry.getIndex() == srcName.getIndex()
                        || srcName.getIndex() == 0 && entry.getIndex() == 1)) {
                    srcInd = i;
            if (destInd == -1 && dstName != null) {
                if (entry.getName().equals(dstName.getName())
                        && (entry.getIndex() == dstName.getIndex()
                        || dstName.getIndex() == 0 && entry.getIndex() == 1)) {
                    destInd = i;
                    if (srcInd != -1) {
            } else {
                if (srcInd != -1) {

        // check if resulting order would be different to current order
        if (destInd == -1) {
            if (srcInd == list.size() - 1) {
                // no change, we're done
        } else {
            if ((destInd - srcInd) == 1) {
                // no change, we're done

        // reorder list
        if (destInd == -1) {
        } else {
            if (srcInd < destInd) {
                list.add(destInd, list.get(srcInd));
            } else {
                list.add(destInd, list.remove(srcInd));

        // modify the state of 'this', i.e. the parent node
        NodeState thisState = (NodeState) getOrCreateTransientItemState();

     * Replaces the child node with the specified <code>id</code>
     * by a new child node with the same id and specified <code>nodeName</code>,
     * <code>nodeTypeName</code> and <code>mixinNames</code>.
     * @param id           id of the child node to be replaced
     * @param nodeName     name of the new node
     * @param nodeTypeName name of the new node's node type
     * @param mixinNames   name of the new node's mixin types
     * @return the new child node replacing the existing child
     * @throws ItemNotFoundException
     * @throws NoSuchNodeTypeException
     * @throws VersionException
     * @throws ConstraintViolationException
     * @throws LockException
     * @throws RepositoryException
    public synchronized NodeImpl replaceChildNode(NodeId id, Name nodeName,
                                                  Name nodeTypeName,
                                                  Name[] mixinNames)
            throws ItemNotFoundException, NoSuchNodeTypeException, VersionException,
            ConstraintViolationException, LockException, RepositoryException {
        // check state of this instance

        Node existing = (Node) itemMgr.getItem(id);

        // 'replace' is actually a 'remove existing/add new' operation;
        // this unfortunately changes the order of this node's
        // child node entries (JCR-1055);
        // => backup list of child node entries beforehand in order
        // to restore it afterwards
        NodeState state = data.getNodeState();
        ChildNodeEntry cneExisting = state.getChildNodeEntry(id);
        if (cneExisting == null) {
            throw new ItemNotFoundException(
                    this + ": no child node entry with id " + id);
        List<ChildNodeEntry> cneList = new ArrayList<ChildNodeEntry>(state.getChildNodeEntries());

        // remove existing

        // create new child node
        NodeImpl node = addNode(nodeName, nodeTypeName, id);
        if (mixinNames != null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < mixinNames.length; i++) {

        // fetch <code>state</code> again, as it changed while removing child
        state = data.getNodeState();

        // restore list of child node entries (JCR-1055)
        if (cneExisting.getName().equals(nodeName)) {
            // restore original child node list
        } else {
            // replace child node entry with different name
            // but preserving original position
            for (ChildNodeEntry cne : cneList) {
                if (cne.getId().equals(id)) {
                    // replace entry with different name
                    state.addChildNodeEntry(nodeName, id);
                } else {
                    state.addChildNodeEntry(cne.getName(), cne.getId());

        return node;

     * Create a child node that is a clone of a shareable node.
     * @param src shareable source node
     * @param name name of new node
     * @return child node
     * @throws ItemExistsException if there already is a child node with the
     *             name given and the definition does not allow creating another one
     * @throws VersionException if this node is not checked out
     * @throws ConstraintViolationException if no definition is found in this
     *             node that would allow creating the child node
     * @throws LockException if this node is locked
     * @throws RepositoryException if some other error occurs
    public synchronized NodeImpl clone(NodeImpl src, Name name)
            throws ItemExistsException, VersionException,
                   ConstraintViolationException, LockException,
                   RepositoryException {

        Path nodePath;
        try {
            nodePath = PathFactoryImpl.getInstance().create(getPrimaryPath(), name, true);
        } catch (MalformedPathException e) {
            // should never happen
            String msg = "internal error: invalid path " + this;
            throw new RepositoryException(msg, e);

        // (1) make sure that parent node is checked-out
        // (2) check lock status
        // (3) check protected flag of parent (i.e. this) node
        int options = ItemValidator.CHECK_LOCK | ItemValidator.CHECK_VERSIONING | ItemValidator.CHECK_CONSTRAINTS;
        session.getValidator().checkModify(this, options, Permission.NONE);

        // (4) check for name collisions
        NodeDefinitionImpl def;
        try {
            def = getApplicableChildNodeDefinition(name, null);
        } catch (RepositoryException re) {
            String msg = "no definition found in parent node's node type for new node";
            throw new ConstraintViolationException(msg, re);
        NodeState thisState = data.getNodeState();
        ChildNodeEntry cne = thisState.getChildNodeEntry(name, 1);
        if (cne != null) {
            // there's already a child node entry with that name;
            // check same-name sibling setting of new node
            if (!def.allowsSameNameSiblings()) {
                throw new ItemExistsException(itemMgr.safeGetJCRPath(nodePath));
            // check same-name sibling setting of existing node
            NodeId newId = cne.getId();
            if (!((NodeImpl) itemMgr.getItem(newId)).getDefinition().allowsSameNameSiblings()) {
                throw new ItemExistsException(itemMgr.safeGetJCRPath(nodePath));

        // (5) do clone operation
        NodeId parentId = getNodeId();

        // (6) modify the state of 'this', i.e. the parent node
        NodeId srcId = src.getNodeId();
        thisState = (NodeState) getOrCreateTransientItemState();
        // add new child node entry
        thisState.addChildNodeEntry(name, srcId);

        return itemMgr.getNode(srcId, parentId);

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------< Item >
     * {@inheritDoc}
    public boolean isNode() {
        return true;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public String getName() throws RepositoryException {
        // check state of this instance

        final NodeState state = data.getNodeState();
        if (state.getParentId() == null) {
            // this is the root node
            return "";

        HierarchyManager hierMgr = session.getHierarchyManager();
        Name name;

        if (!isShareable()) {
            name = hierMgr.getName(id);
        } else {
            name = hierMgr.getName(getNodeId(), getParentId());
        return session.getJCRName(name);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public void accept(ItemVisitor visitor) throws RepositoryException {
        // check state of this instance


     * {@inheritDoc}
    public Node getParent()
            throws ItemNotFoundException, AccessDeniedException, RepositoryException {
        // check state of this instance

        // check if root node
        NodeId parentId = getParentId();
        if (parentId == null) {
            String msg = "root node doesn't have a parent";
            throw new ItemNotFoundException(msg);
        return (Node) itemMgr.getItem(parentId);

    //-----------------------------------------------------------------< Node >
     * {@inheritDoc}
    public synchronized Node addNode(String relPath)
            throws ItemExistsException, PathNotFoundException, VersionException,
            ConstraintViolationException, LockException, RepositoryException {
        // check state of this instance

        return internalAddNode(relPath, null);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public synchronized Node addNode(String relPath, String nodeTypeName)
            throws ItemExistsException, PathNotFoundException,
            NoSuchNodeTypeException, VersionException,
            ConstraintViolationException, LockException, RepositoryException {
        // check state of this instance

        NodeTypeImpl nt = (NodeTypeImpl) session.getNodeTypeManager().getNodeType(nodeTypeName);
        return internalAddNode(relPath, nt);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public void orderBefore(String srcName, String destName)
            throws UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException, VersionException,
            ConstraintViolationException, ItemNotFoundException, LockException,
            RepositoryException {

        Path.Element insertName;
        try {
            Path p = session.getQPath(srcName);
            // p must be a relative path of length==depth==1 (to eliminate e.g. "..")
            if (p.isAbsolute() || p.getLength() != 1 || p.getDepth() != 1) {
                throw new RepositoryException("invalid name: " + srcName);
            insertName = p.getNameElement();
        } catch (NameException e) {
            String msg = "invalid name: " + srcName;
            throw new RepositoryException(msg, e);

        Path.Element beforeName;
        if (destName != null) {
            try {
                Path p = session.getQPath(destName);
                // p must be a relative path of length==depth==1 (to eliminate e.g. "..")
                if (p.isAbsolute() || p.getLength() != 1 || p.getDepth() != 1) {
                    throw new RepositoryException("invalid name: " + destName);
                beforeName = p.getNameElement();
            } catch (NameException e) {
                String msg = "invalid name: " + destName;
                throw new RepositoryException(msg, e);
        } else {
            beforeName = null;

        orderBefore(insertName, beforeName);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public Property setProperty(String name, Value[] values)
            throws ValueFormatException, VersionException, LockException,
            ConstraintViolationException, RepositoryException {
        // check state of this instance

        // check pre-conditions for setting property

        int type;
        if (values == null || values.length == 0
                || values[0] == null) {
            type = PropertyType.UNDEFINED;
        } else {
            type = values[0].getType();

        BitSet status = new BitSet();
        PropertyImpl prop = getOrCreateProperty(name, type, true, false, status);
        try {
            if (prop.getDefinition().getRequiredType() == PropertyType.UNDEFINED
                    && type != PropertyType.UNDEFINED) {
                prop.setValue(ValueHelper.convert(values, type, session.getValueFactory()));
            } else {
        } catch (RepositoryException re) {
            if (status.get(CREATED)) {
                // setting value failed, get rid of newly created property
            // rethrow
            throw re;
        return prop;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public Property setProperty(String name, Value[] values, int type)
            throws ValueFormatException, VersionException, LockException,
            ConstraintViolationException, RepositoryException {
        // check state of this instance

        // check pre-conditions for setting property

        BitSet status = new BitSet();
        PropertyImpl prop = getOrCreateProperty(name, type, true, true, status);
        try {
            prop.setValue(values, type);
        } catch (RepositoryException re) {
            if (status.get(CREATED)) {
                // setting value failed, get rid of newly created property
            // rethrow
            throw re;
        return prop;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public Property setProperty(String name, String[] values)
            throws ValueFormatException, VersionException, LockException,
            ConstraintViolationException, RepositoryException {
         * if the target property is not of type STRING then a
         * best-effort conversion is attempted
        // check state of this instance

        // check pre-conditions for setting property

        BitSet status = new BitSet();
        PropertyImpl prop = getOrCreateProperty(
                name, PropertyType.STRING, true, false, status);
        try {
        } catch (RepositoryException re) {
            if (status.get(CREATED)) {
                // setting value failed, get rid of newly created property
            // rethrow
            throw re;
        return prop;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public Property setProperty(String name, String[] values, int type)
            throws ValueFormatException, VersionException, LockException,
            ConstraintViolationException, RepositoryException {
        // check state of this instance

        // check pre-conditions for setting property

        BitSet status = new BitSet();
        PropertyImpl prop = getOrCreateProperty(name, type, true, true, status);
        try {
            if (prop.getDefinition().getRequiredType() == PropertyType.UNDEFINED
                    && type != PropertyType.UNDEFINED) {
                prop.setValue(ValueHelper.convert(values, type, session.getValueFactory()));
            } else {
        } catch (RepositoryException re) {
            if (status.get(CREATED)) {
                // setting value failed, get rid of newly created property
            // rethrow
            throw re;
        return prop;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public Property setProperty(String name, String value)
            throws ValueFormatException, VersionException, LockException,
            ConstraintViolationException, RepositoryException {
        // check state of this instance

        // check pre-conditions for setting property

        BitSet status = new BitSet();
        PropertyImpl prop = getOrCreateProperty(
                name, PropertyType.STRING, false, false, status);
        try {
        } catch (RepositoryException re) {
            if (status.get(CREATED)) {
                // setting value failed, get rid of newly created property
            // rethrow
            throw re;
        return prop;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public Property setProperty(String name, String value, int type)
            throws ValueFormatException, VersionException, LockException,
            ConstraintViolationException, RepositoryException {
        // check state of this instance

        // check pre-conditions for setting property

        BitSet status = new BitSet();
        PropertyImpl prop = getOrCreateProperty(name, type, false, true, status);
        try {
            if (prop.getDefinition().getRequiredType() == PropertyType.UNDEFINED
                    && type != PropertyType.UNDEFINED) {
                prop.setValue(ValueHelper.convert(value, type, session.getValueFactory()));
            } else {
        } catch (RepositoryException re) {
            if (status.get(CREATED)) {
                // setting value failed, get rid of newly created property
            // rethrow
            throw re;
        return prop;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public Property setProperty(String name, Value value, int type)
            throws ValueFormatException, VersionException, LockException,
            ConstraintViolationException, RepositoryException {
        // check state of this instance

        // check pre-conditions for setting property

        BitSet status = new BitSet();
        PropertyImpl prop = getOrCreateProperty(name, type, false, true, status);
        try {
            if (prop.getDefinition().getRequiredType() == PropertyType.UNDEFINED
                    && type != PropertyType.UNDEFINED) {
                prop.setValue(ValueHelper.convert(value, type, session.getValueFactory()));
            } else {
        } catch (RepositoryException re) {
            if (status.get(CREATED)) {
                // setting value failed, get rid of newly created property
            // rethrow
            throw re;
        return prop;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public Property setProperty(String name, Value value)
            throws ValueFormatException, VersionException, LockException,
            ConstraintViolationException, RepositoryException {
        // check state of this instance

        // check pre-conditions for setting property

        int type = PropertyType.UNDEFINED;
        if (value != null) {
            type = value.getType();

        BitSet status = new BitSet();
        PropertyImpl prop = getOrCreateProperty(name, type, false, false, status);
        try {
            if (prop.getDefinition().getRequiredType() == PropertyType.UNDEFINED
                    && type != PropertyType.UNDEFINED) {
                prop.setValue(ValueHelper.convert(value, type, session.getValueFactory()));
            } else {
        } catch (RepositoryException re) {
            if (status.get(CREATED)) {
                // setting value failed, get rid of newly created property
            // rethrow
            throw re;
        return prop;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public Property setProperty(String name, InputStream value)
            throws ValueFormatException, VersionException, LockException,
            ConstraintViolationException, RepositoryException {
        // check state of this instance

        // check pre-conditions for setting property

        BitSet status = new BitSet();
        PropertyImpl prop = getOrCreateProperty(
                name, PropertyType.BINARY, false, false, status);
        try {
        } catch (RepositoryException re) {
            if (status.get(CREATED)) {
                // setting value failed, get rid of newly created property
            // rethrow
            throw re;
        return prop;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public Property setProperty(String name, boolean value)
            throws ValueFormatException, VersionException, LockException,
            ConstraintViolationException, RepositoryException {
        // check state of this instance

        // check pre-conditions for setting property

        BitSet status = new BitSet();
        PropertyImpl prop = getOrCreateProperty(
                name, PropertyType.BOOLEAN, false, false, status);
        try {
        } catch (RepositoryException re) {
            if (status.get(CREATED)) {
                // setting value failed, get rid of newly created property
            // rethrow
            throw re;
        return prop;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public Property setProperty(String name, double value)
            throws ValueFormatException, VersionException, LockException,
            ConstraintViolationException, RepositoryException {
        // check state of this instance

        // check pre-conditions for setting property

        BitSet status = new BitSet();
        PropertyImpl prop = getOrCreateProperty(
                name, PropertyType.DOUBLE, false, false, status);
        try {
        } catch (RepositoryException re) {
            if (status.get(CREATED)) {
                // setting value failed, get rid of newly created property
            // rethrow
            throw re;
        return prop;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public Property setProperty(String name, long value)
            throws ValueFormatException, VersionException, LockException,
            ConstraintViolationException, RepositoryException {
        // check state of this instance

        // check pre-conditions for setting property

        BitSet status = new BitSet();
        PropertyImpl prop = getOrCreateProperty(
                name, PropertyType.LONG, false, false, status);
        try {
        } catch (RepositoryException re) {
            if (status.get(CREATED)) {
                // setting value failed, get rid of newly created property
            // rethrow
            throw re;
        return prop;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public Property setProperty(String name, Calendar value)
            throws ValueFormatException, VersionException, LockException,
            ConstraintViolationException, RepositoryException {
        // check state of this instance

        // check pre-conditions for setting property

        BitSet status = new BitSet();
        PropertyImpl prop = getOrCreateProperty(
                name, PropertyType.DATE, false, false, status);
        try {
        } catch (RepositoryException re) {
            if (status.get(CREATED)) {
                // setting value failed, get rid of newly created property
            // rethrow
            throw re;
        return prop;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public Property setProperty(String name, Node value)
            throws ValueFormatException, VersionException, LockException,
            ConstraintViolationException, RepositoryException {
        // check state of this instance

        // check pre-conditions for setting property

        BitSet status = new BitSet();
        PropertyImpl prop = getOrCreateProperty(
                name, PropertyType.REFERENCE, false, true, status);
        try {
        } catch (RepositoryException re) {
            if (status.get(CREATED)) {
                // setting value failed, get rid of newly created property
            // rethrow
            throw re;
        return prop;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public Node getNode(String relPath)
            throws PathNotFoundException, RepositoryException {

        // check state of this instance

        Path p = resolveRelativePath(relPath);
        NodeId id = getNodeId(p);
        if (id == null) {
            throw new PathNotFoundException(relPath);

        // determine parent as mandated by path
        NodeId parentId = null;
        if (!p.denotesRoot()) {
            parentId = getNodeId(p.getAncestor(1));
        try {
            if (parentId == null) {
                return (NodeImpl) itemMgr.getItem(id);
            // if the node is shareable, it now returns the node with the right
            // parent
            return itemMgr.getNode(id, parentId);
        } catch (AccessDeniedException ade) {
            throw new PathNotFoundException(relPath);
        } catch (ItemNotFoundException infe) {
            throw new PathNotFoundException(relPath);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public NodeIterator getNodes() throws RepositoryException {
        // check state of this instance

         * IMPORTANT:
         * an implementation of Node.getNodes()
         * must not use a class derived from TraversingElementVisitor
         * to traverse the hierarchy because this would lead to an infinite
         * recursion!
        try {
            return itemMgr.getChildNodes((NodeId) id);
        } catch (ItemNotFoundException infe) {
            String msg = "failed to list the child nodes of " + this;
            throw new RepositoryException(msg, infe);
        } catch (AccessDeniedException ade) {
            String msg = "failed to list the child nodes of " + this;
            throw new RepositoryException(msg, ade);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public PropertyIterator getProperties() throws RepositoryException {
        // check state of this instance

         * IMPORTANT:
         * an implementation of Node.getProperties()
         * must not use a class derived from TraversingElementVisitor
         * to traverse the hierarchy because this would lead to an infinite
         * recursion!
        try {
            return itemMgr.getChildProperties((NodeId) id);
        } catch (ItemNotFoundException infe) {
            String msg = "failed to list the child properties of " + this;
            throw new RepositoryException(msg, infe);
        } catch (AccessDeniedException ade) {
            String msg = "failed to list the child properties of " + this;
            throw new RepositoryException(msg, ade);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public Property getProperty(String relPath)
            throws PathNotFoundException, RepositoryException {
        // check state of this instance

        PropertyId id = resolveRelativePropertyPath(relPath);
        if (id == null) {
            throw new PathNotFoundException(relPath);
        try {
            return (Property) itemMgr.getItem(id);
        } catch (ItemNotFoundException infe) {
            throw new PathNotFoundException(relPath);
        } catch (AccessDeniedException ade) {
            throw new PathNotFoundException(relPath);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public boolean hasNode(String relPath) throws RepositoryException {
        // check state of this instance

        NodeId id = resolveRelativeNodePath(relPath);
        if (id != null) {
            return itemMgr.itemExists(id);
        } else {
            return false;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public boolean hasNodes() throws RepositoryException {
        // check state of this instance

         * hasNodes respects the access rights
         * of this node's session, i.e. it will
         * return false if child nodes exist
         * but the session is not granted read-access
        return itemMgr.hasChildNodes((NodeId) id);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public boolean hasProperties() throws RepositoryException {
        // check state of this instance

         * hasProperties respects the access rights
         * of this node's session, i.e. it will
         * return false if properties exist
         * but the session is not granted read-access
        return itemMgr.hasChildProperties((NodeId) id);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public boolean isNodeType(String nodeTypeName) throws RepositoryException {
        try {
            return isNodeType(session.getQName(nodeTypeName));
        } catch (NameException e) {
            throw new RepositoryException(
                    "invalid node type name: " + nodeTypeName, e);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public NodeType getPrimaryNodeType() throws RepositoryException {
        // check state of this instance

        return session.getNodeTypeManager().getNodeType(

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public NodeType[] getMixinNodeTypes() throws RepositoryException {
        // check state of this instance

        Set<Name> mixinNames = data.getNodeState().getMixinTypeNames();
        if (mixinNames.isEmpty()) {
            return new NodeType[0];
        NodeType[] nta = new NodeType[mixinNames.size()];
        Iterator<Name> iter = mixinNames.iterator();
        int i = 0;
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            nta[i++] = session.getNodeTypeManager().getNodeType(;
        return nta;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public void addMixin(String mixinName)
            throws NoSuchNodeTypeException, VersionException,
            ConstraintViolationException, LockException, RepositoryException {
        try {
        } catch (NameException e) {
            throw new RepositoryException(
                    "invalid mixin type name: " + mixinName, e);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public void removeMixin(String mixinName)
            throws NoSuchNodeTypeException, VersionException,
            ConstraintViolationException, LockException, RepositoryException {
        try {
        } catch (NameException e) {
            throw new RepositoryException(
                    "invalid mixin type name: " + mixinName, e);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public boolean canAddMixin(String mixinName)
            throws NoSuchNodeTypeException, RepositoryException {
        // check state of this instance

        Name ntName = session.getQName(mixinName);
        NodeTypeManagerImpl ntMgr = session.getNodeTypeManager();
        NodeTypeImpl mixin = ntMgr.getNodeType(ntName);
        if (!mixin.isMixin()) {
            return false;

        int options = ItemValidator.CHECK_LOCK | ItemValidator.CHECK_VERSIONING
                | ItemValidator.CHECK_CONSTRAINTS | ItemValidator.CHECK_HOLD;
        int permissions = Permission.NODE_TYPE_MNGMT;
        // special handling of mix:(simple)versionable. since adding the mixin alters
        // the version storage jcr:versionManagement privilege is required
        // in addition.
        if (NameConstants.MIX_VERSIONABLE.equals(ntName)
                || NameConstants.MIX_SIMPLE_VERSIONABLE.equals(ntName)) {
            permissions |= Permission.VERSION_MNGMT;
        if (!session.getValidator().canModify(this, options, permissions)) {
            return false;

        final Name primaryTypeName = data.getNodeState().getNodeTypeName();

        NodeTypeImpl primaryType = ntMgr.getNodeType(primaryTypeName);
        if (primaryType.isDerivedFrom(ntName)) {
            // mixin already inherited -> addMixin is allowed but has no effect.
            return true;

        // build effective node type of mixins & primary type
        // in order to detect conflicts
        NodeTypeRegistry ntReg = ntMgr.getNodeTypeRegistry();
        EffectiveNodeType entExisting;
        try {
            // existing mixin's
            Set<Name> mixins = new HashSet<Name>(data.getNodeState().getMixinTypeNames());

            // build effective node type representing primary type including existing mixin's
            entExisting = ntReg.getEffectiveNodeType(primaryTypeName, mixins);
            if (entExisting.includesNodeType(ntName)) {
                // the existing mixins already include the mixin to be added.
                // addMixin would succeed without modifying the node.
                return true;

            // add new mixin
            // try to build new effective node type (will throw in case of conflicts)
            ntReg.getEffectiveNodeType(primaryTypeName, mixins);
        } catch (NodeTypeConflictException ntce) {
            return false;

        return true;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public boolean hasProperty(String relPath) throws RepositoryException {
        // check state of this instance

        PropertyId id = resolveRelativePropertyPath(relPath);
        if (id != null) {
            return itemMgr.itemExists(id);
        } else {
            return false;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public PropertyIterator getReferences() throws RepositoryException {
        return getReferences(null);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public NodeDefinition getDefinition() throws RepositoryException {
        // check state of this instance

        return data.getNodeDefinition();

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public NodeIterator getNodes(String namePattern) throws RepositoryException {
        // check state of this instance

        ArrayList nodes = new ArrayList();
        // traverse children using a special filtering 'collector'
        accept(new ChildrenCollectorFilter(namePattern, nodes, true, false, 1));
        return new NodeIteratorAdapter(nodes);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public PropertyIterator getProperties(String namePattern)
            throws RepositoryException {
        // check state of this instance

        ArrayList properties = new ArrayList();
        // traverse children using a special filtering 'collector'
        accept(new ChildrenCollectorFilter(namePattern, properties, false, true, 1));
        return new PropertyIteratorAdapter(properties);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public Item getPrimaryItem()
            throws ItemNotFoundException, RepositoryException {
        // check state of this instance

        String name = getPrimaryNodeType().getPrimaryItemName();
        if (name == null) {
            throw new ItemNotFoundException();
        if (hasProperty(name)) {
            return getProperty(name);
        } else if (hasNode(name)) {
            return getNode(name);
        } else {
            throw new ItemNotFoundException();

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public String getUUID()
            throws UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException, RepositoryException {
        // check state of this instance

        if (!isNodeType(NameConstants.MIX_REFERENCEABLE)) {
            throw new UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException();

        return getNodeId().toString();

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public String getCorrespondingNodePath(String workspaceName)
            throws ItemNotFoundException, NoSuchWorkspaceException,
            AccessDeniedException, RepositoryException {
        // check state of this instance

        SessionImpl srcSession = null;
        try {
            // create session on other workspace for current subject
            // (may throw NoSuchWorkspaceException and AccessDeniedException)
            srcSession = rep.createSession(session.getSubject(), workspaceName);

            // search nearest ancestor that is referenceable
            NodeImpl m1 = this;
            while (m1.getDepth() != 0 && !m1.isNodeType(NameConstants.MIX_REFERENCEABLE)) {
                m1 = (NodeImpl) m1.getParent();

            // if root is common ancestor, corresponding path is same as ours
            if (m1.getDepth() == 0) {
                // check existence
                if (!srcSession.getItemManager().nodeExists(getPrimaryPath())) {
                    throw new ItemNotFoundException("Node not found: " + this);
                } else {
                    return getPath();

            // get corresponding ancestor
            Node m2 = srcSession.getNodeByUUID(m1.getUUID());

            // return path of m2, if m1 == n1
            if (m1 == this) {
                return m2.getPath();

            String relPath;
            try {
                Path p = m1.getPrimaryPath().computeRelativePath(getPrimaryPath());
                // use prefix mappings of srcSession
                relPath = session.getJCRPath(p);
            } catch (NameException be) {
                // should never get here...
                String msg = "internal error: failed to determine relative path";
                log.error(msg, be);
                throw new RepositoryException(msg, be);

            if (!m2.hasNode(relPath)) {
                throw new ItemNotFoundException();
            } else {
                return m2.getNode(relPath).getPath();
        } finally {
            if (srcSession != null) {
                // we don't need the other session anymore, logout

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public int getIndex() throws RepositoryException {
        // check state of this instance

        NodeId parentId = getParentId();
        if (parentId == null) {
            // the root node cannot have same-name siblings; always return 1
            return 1;

        try {
            NodeState parent =
                    (NodeState) stateMgr.getItemState(parentId);
            ChildNodeEntry parentEntry =
            return parentEntry.getIndex();
        } catch (ItemStateException ise) {
            // should never get here...
            String msg = "internal error: failed to determine index";
            log.error(msg, ise);
            throw new RepositoryException(msg, ise);

    //-------------------------------------------------------< shareable nodes >

     * Returns an iterator over all nodes that are in the shared set of this
     * node. If this node is not shared then the returned iterator contains
     * only this node.
     * @return a <code>NodeIterator</code>
     * @throws RepositoryException if an error occurs.
     * @since JCR 2.0
    public NodeIterator getSharedSet() throws RepositoryException {
        // check state of this instance

        ArrayList<NodeImpl> list = new ArrayList<NodeImpl>();

        if (!isShareable()) {
        } else {
            NodeState state = data.getNodeState();
            for (NodeId parentId : state.getSharedSet()) {
                list.add(itemMgr.getNode(getNodeId(), parentId));
        return new NodeIteratorAdapter(list);

     * A special kind of <code>remove()</code> that removes this node and every
     * other node in the shared set of this node.
     * <p/>
     * This removal must be done atomically, i.e., if one of the nodes cannot be
     * removed, the function throws the exception <code>remove()</code> would
     * have thrown in that case, and none of the nodes are removed.
     * <p/>
     * If this node is not shared this method removes only this node.
     * @throws VersionException
     * @throws LockException
     * @throws ConstraintViolationException
     * @throws RepositoryException
     * @see #removeShare()
     * @see Item#remove()
     * @since JCR 2.0
    public void removeSharedSet() throws VersionException, LockException,
            ConstraintViolationException, RepositoryException {

        // check state of this instance

        NodeIterator iter = getSharedSet();
        while (iter.hasNext()) {

     * A special kind of <code>remove()</code> that removes this node, but does
     * not remove any other node in the shared set of this node.
     * <p/>
     * All of the exceptions defined for <code>remove()</code> apply to this
     * function. In addition, a <code>RepositoryException</code> is thrown if
     * this node cannot be removed without removing another node in the shared
     * set of this node.
     * <p/>
     * If this node is not shared this method removes only this node.
     * @throws VersionException
     * @throws LockException
     * @throws ConstraintViolationException
     * @throws RepositoryException
     * @see #removeSharedSet()
     * @see Item#remove()
     * @since JCR 2.0
    public void removeShare() throws VersionException, LockException,
            ConstraintViolationException, RepositoryException {

        // check state of this instance

        // Standard remove() will remove just this node

     * Helper method, returning a flag that indicates whether this node is
     * shareable.
     * @return <code>true</code> if this node is shareable;
     *         <code>false</code> otherwise.
     * @see NodeState#isShareable()
    boolean isShareable() {
       return data.getNodeState().isShareable();

     * Helper method, returning the parent id this node is attached to. If this
     * node is shareable, it returns the primary parent id (which remains
     * fixed since shareable nodes are not moveable). Otherwise returns the
     * underlying state's parent id.
     * @return parent id
    NodeId getParentId() {
        return data.getParentId();

     * Helper method, returning a flag indicating whether this node has
     * the given share-parent.
     * @param parentId parent id
     * @return <code>true</code> if the node has the given shared parent;
     *         <code>false</code> otherwise.
    boolean hasShareParent(NodeId parentId) {
        return data.getNodeState().containsShare(parentId);

     * Add a share-parent to this node. This method checks, whether:
     * <ul>
     * <li>this node is shareable</li>
     * <li>adding the given would create a share cycle</li>
     * <li>the given parent is already a share-parent</li>
     * </ul>
     * @param parentId parent to add to the shared set
     * @throws RepositoryException if an error occurs
    void addShareParent(NodeId parentId) throws RepositoryException {
        // verify that we're shareable
        if (!isShareable()) {
            String msg = this + " is not shareable.";
            throw new RepositoryException(msg);

        // detect share cycle
        NodeId srcId = getNodeId();
        HierarchyManager hierMgr = session.getHierarchyManager();
        if (parentId.equals(srcId) || hierMgr.isAncestor(srcId, parentId)) {
            String msg = "This would create a share cycle.";
            throw new RepositoryException(msg);

        // quickly verify whether the share is already contained before creating
        // a transient state in vain
        NodeState state = data.getNodeState();
        if (!state.containsShare(parentId)) {
            state = (NodeState) getOrCreateTransientItemState();
            if (state.addShare(parentId)) {
        String msg = "Adding a shareable node twice to the same parent is not supported.";
        throw new UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException(msg);

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * Overridden to return a different path for shareable nodes.
     * TODO SN: copies functionality in that is already available in
     *          HierarchyManagerImpl, namely composing a path by
     *          concatenating the parent path + this node's name and index:
     *          rather use hierarchy manager to do this
    public Path getPrimaryPath() throws RepositoryException {
        if (!isShareable()) {
            return super.getPrimaryPath();

        NodeId parentId = getParentId();
        NodeImpl parentNode = (NodeImpl) getParent();
        Path parentPath = parentNode.getPrimaryPath();
        PathBuilder builder = new PathBuilder(parentPath);

        ChildNodeEntry entry = ((NodeState) parentNode.getItemState()).
        if (entry == null) {
            String msg = "failed to build path of " + id + ": "
                    + parentId + " has no child entry for "
                    + id;
            throw new ItemNotFoundException(msg);
        // add to path
        if (entry.getIndex() == 1) {
        } else {
            builder.addLast(entry.getName(), entry.getIndex());
        return builder.getPath();

    //------------------------------< versioning support: public Node methods >
     * {@inheritDoc}
    public Version checkin()
            throws VersionException, UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException,
            InvalidItemStateException, LockException, RepositoryException {
        // check state of this instance

        // check if versionable
        boolean isFull = checkVersionable();

        // check if checked out
        if (!internalIsCheckedOut()) {
            String msg = this + ": Node is already checked-in. ignoring.";
            return getBaseVersion();

        // check lock status, holds and permissions
        int options = ItemValidator.CHECK_LOCK | ItemValidator.CHECK_HOLD | ItemValidator.CHECK_PENDING_CHANGES_ON_NODE;
        session.getValidator().checkModify(this, options, Permission.VERSION_MNGMT);

        Version v = session.getVersionManager().checkin(this);
        boolean success = false;
        try {
            internalSetProperty(NameConstants.JCR_ISCHECKEDOUT, InternalValue.create(false));
            if (isFull) {
                        InternalValue.create(new NodeId(v.getUUID())));
                internalSetProperty(NameConstants.JCR_PREDECESSORS, InternalValue.EMPTY_ARRAY, PropertyType.REFERENCE);
                if (hasProperty(NameConstants.JCR_ACTIVITY)) {
            success = true;
        } finally {
            if (!success) {
                try {
                    // TODO: need to revert changes made within the version manager as well.
                } catch (RepositoryException e) {
                    // cleanup failed
                    log.error("Error while cleaning up after failed Node.checkin", e);
        return v;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public void checkout()
            throws UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException, LockException,
            RepositoryException {
        // check state of this instance

        // check if versionable
        boolean isFull = checkVersionable();

        // check checked-out status
        if (internalIsCheckedOut()) {
            String msg = this + ": Node is already checked-out. ignoring.";

        int options = ItemValidator.CHECK_LOCK | ItemValidator.CHECK_HOLD;
        session.getValidator().checkModify(this, options, Permission.VERSION_MNGMT);

        boolean hasPendingChanges = hasPendingChanges();
        Property[] props = new Property[3];
        boolean success = false;
        try {
            props[0] = internalSetProperty(NameConstants.JCR_ISCHECKEDOUT, InternalValue.create(true));
            if (isFull) {
                NodeImpl activity = (NodeImpl) session.getWorkspace().getVersionManager().getActivity();
                Version baseVersion = session.getVersionManager().checkout(this);
                props[1] = internalSetProperty(NameConstants.JCR_PREDECESSORS,
                        new InternalValue[]{
                                InternalValue.create(new NodeId(baseVersion.getUUID()))
                if (activity != null) {
                    props[2] = internalSetProperty(NameConstants.JCR_ACTIVITY,
            if (hasPendingChanges) {
                for (Property prop : props) {
                    if (prop != null) {
            } else {
            success = true;
        } finally {
            if (!success) {
                for (Property prop : props) {
                    if (prop != null) {
                        try {
                        } catch (RepositoryException e) {
                            log.error("Error while cleaning up after failed Node.checkout", e);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public void update(String srcWorkspaceName)
            throws NoSuchWorkspaceException, AccessDeniedException,
            LockException, InvalidItemStateException, RepositoryException {
        internalMerge(srcWorkspaceName, null, false, false);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public NodeIterator merge(String srcWorkspace, boolean bestEffort)
            throws NoSuchWorkspaceException, AccessDeniedException,
            VersionException, LockException, InvalidItemStateException,
            RepositoryException {
        return merge(srcWorkspace, bestEffort, false);

     * @see VersionManager#merge(String, String, boolean, boolean)
    public NodeIterator merge(String srcWorkspace, boolean bestEffort, boolean isShallow)
            throws NoSuchWorkspaceException, AccessDeniedException,
            VersionException, LockException, InvalidItemStateException,
            RepositoryException {

        List failedIds = new ArrayList();
        internalMerge(srcWorkspace, failedIds, bestEffort, isShallow);

        return new LazyItemIterator(itemMgr, failedIds);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public void cancelMerge(Version version)
            throws VersionException, InvalidItemStateException,
            UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException, RepositoryException {
        internalFinishMerge(version, true);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public void doneMerge(Version version) throws VersionException,
            InvalidItemStateException, UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException,
            RepositoryException {
        internalFinishMerge(version, false);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public boolean isCheckedOut() throws RepositoryException {
        // check state of this instance

        return internalIsCheckedOut();

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public void restore(String versionName, boolean removeExisting)
            throws VersionException, ItemExistsException,
            UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException, LockException,
            InvalidItemStateException, RepositoryException {

        // checks
        int options = ItemValidator.CHECK_PENDING_CHANGES | ItemValidator.CHECK_LOCK | ItemValidator.CHECK_HOLD;
        session.getValidator().checkModify(this, options, Permission.NONE);

        Version v = getVersionHistory().getVersion(versionName);
        DateVersionSelector gvs = new DateVersionSelector(v.getCreated());
        internalRestore(v, gvs, removeExisting);
        // is done in internal restore

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public void restore(Version version, boolean removeExisting)
            throws VersionException, ItemExistsException,
            UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException, LockException,
            RepositoryException {

        // do checks
        int options = ItemValidator.CHECK_PENDING_CHANGES | ItemValidator.CHECK_LOCK | ItemValidator.CHECK_HOLD;
        session.getValidator().checkModify(this, options, Permission.NONE);

        // check if 'own' version
        if (!version.getContainingHistory().isSame(getVersionHistory())) {
            throw new VersionException("Unable to restore version. Not same version history.");

        internalRestore(version, new DateVersionSelector(version.getCreated()), removeExisting);
        // is done in internal restore

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public void restore(Version version, String relPath, boolean removeExisting)
            throws PathNotFoundException, ItemExistsException, VersionException,
            ConstraintViolationException, UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException,
            LockException, InvalidItemStateException, RepositoryException {

        // do checks
        int options = ItemValidator.CHECK_PENDING_CHANGES | ItemValidator.CHECK_LOCK | ItemValidator.CHECK_HOLD;
        session.getValidator().checkModify(this, options, Permission.NONE);

        // if node exists, do a 'normal' restore
        if (hasNode(relPath)) {
            getNode(relPath).restore(version, removeExisting);
        } else {
            NodeImpl node;
            try {
                // check if versionable node exists
                InternalFrozenNode fn = ((VersionImpl) version).getInternalFrozenNode();
                node = (NodeImpl) session.getNodeById(fn.getFrozenId());
                if (removeExisting) {
                    try {
                        Path relative = session.getQPath(relPath);
                        Path dstPath =
                            PathFactoryImpl.getInstance().create(getPrimaryPath(), relative, false)
                        // move to respective location
                        session.move(node.getPath(), session.getJCRPath(dstPath));
                        // need to refetch ?
                        node = (NodeImpl) session.getNodeById(fn.getFrozenId());
                    } catch (NameException e) {
                        throw new RepositoryException(e);
                } else {
                    throw new ItemExistsException("Unable to restore version. Versionable node already exists.");
            } catch (ItemNotFoundException e) {
                // not found, create new one
                node = addNode(relPath, ((VersionImpl) version).getInternalFrozenNode());

            // recreate node from frozen state
            node.internalRestore(version, new DateVersionSelector(version.getCreated()), removeExisting);
            // is done in internal restore

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public void restoreByLabel(String versionLabel, boolean removeExisting)
            throws VersionException, ItemExistsException,
            UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException, LockException,
            InvalidItemStateException, RepositoryException {

        // do checks
        int options = ItemValidator.CHECK_PENDING_CHANGES | ItemValidator.CHECK_LOCK | ItemValidator.CHECK_HOLD;
        session.getValidator().checkModify(this, options, Permission.NONE);

        Version v = getVersionHistory().getVersionByLabel(versionLabel);
        if (v == null) {
            throw new VersionException("No version for label " + versionLabel + " found.");
        internalRestore(v, new LabelVersionSelector(versionLabel), removeExisting);
        // is done in internal restore

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public VersionHistory getVersionHistory()
            throws UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException, RepositoryException {
        // check state of this instance

        boolean isFull = checkVersionable();

        InternalVersionHistory vh;
        if (isFull) {
            NodeId id = NodeId.valueOf(getProperty(NameConstants.JCR_VERSIONHISTORY).getString());
            vh = session.getVersionManager().getVersionHistory(id);
        } else {
            vh = session.getVersionManager().getVersionHistoryOfNode((NodeId) id);
        return (VersionHistory) session.getNodeById(vh.getId());

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public Version getBaseVersion()
            throws UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException, RepositoryException {
        // check state of this instance

        boolean isFull = checkVersionable();

        InternalVersion v;
        if (isFull) {
            NodeId id = NodeId.valueOf(getProperty(NameConstants.JCR_BASEVERSION).getString());
            v = session.getVersionManager().getVersion(id);
        } else {
            // note, that the method currently only works for linear version
            // graphs (i.e. simple versioning)
            v = session.getVersionManager().getHeadVersionOfNode(((NodeId) id));

        return (Version) session.getNodeById(v.getId());

    //-----------------------------------< versioning support: implementation >
     * Checks if this node is versionable, i.e. has 'mix:versionable' or a
     * 'mix:simpleVersionable'.
     * @return <code>true</code> if this node is full versionable, i.e. is
     *         of nodetype mix:versionable
     * @throws UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException
     *          if this node is not versionable at all
    private boolean checkVersionable()
            throws UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException, RepositoryException {
        if (isNodeType(NameConstants.MIX_VERSIONABLE)) {
            return true;
        } else if (isNodeType(NameConstants.MIX_SIMPLE_VERSIONABLE)) {
            return false;
        } else {
            String msg = "Unable to perform a versioning operation on a " +
                         "non versionable node: " + this;
            throw new UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException(msg);

     * Returns the corresponding node in the workspace of the given session.
     * <p/>
     * Given a node N1 in workspace W1, its corresponding node N2 in workspace
     * W2 is defined as follows:
     * <ul>
     * <li>If N1 is the root node of W1 then N2 is the root node of W2.
     * <li>If N1 is referenceable (has a UUID) then N2 is the node in W2 with
     * the same UUID.
     * <li>If N1 is not referenceable (does not have a UUID) then there is some
     * node M1 which is either the nearest ancestor of N1 that is
     * referenceable, or is the root node of W1. If the corresponding node
     * of M1 is M2 in W2, then N2 is the node with the same relative path
     * from M2 as N1 has from M1.
     * </ul>
     * @param srcSession
     * @return the corresponding node or <code>null</code> if no corresponding
     *         node exists.
     * @throws RepositoryException If another error occurs.
    private NodeImpl getCorrespondingNode(SessionImpl srcSession) throws RepositoryException {

        // search nearest ancestor that is referenceable
        NodeImpl m1 = this;
        while (!m1.isNodeType(NameConstants.MIX_REFERENCEABLE)) {
            if (m1.getDepth() == 0) {
                // root node
                try {
                    return (NodeImpl) srcSession.getItem(getPath());
                } catch (PathNotFoundException e) {
                    return null;
            m1 = (NodeImpl) m1.getParent();

        try {
            // get corresponding ancestor (might throw ItemNotFoundException)
            NodeImpl m2 = (NodeImpl) srcSession.getNodeByUUID(m1.getUUID());

            // return m2, if m1 == n1
            if (m1 == this) {
                return m2;

            String relPath;
            try {
                Path p = m1.getPrimaryPath().computeRelativePath(getPrimaryPath());
                // use prefix mappings of srcSession
                relPath = session.getJCRPath(p);
            } catch (NameException be) {
                // should never get here...
                String msg = "internal error: failed to determine relative path";
                log.error(msg, be);
                throw new RepositoryException(msg, be);
            if (!m2.hasNode(relPath)) {
                return null;
            } else {
                return (NodeImpl) m2.getNode(relPath);
        } catch (ItemNotFoundException e) {
            return null;

     * Performs the merge test. If the result is 'update', then the corresponding
     * source node is returned. if the result is 'leave' or 'besteffort-fail'
     * then <code>null</code> is returned. If the result of the merge test is
     * 'fail' with bestEffort set to <code>false</code> a MergeException is
     * thrown.
     * <p/>
     * jsr170 - 8.2.10 Merge:
     * [...]
     * <ul>
     * <li>If N is currently checked-in then:</li>
     * <ul>
     * <li>If V' is a successor (to any degree) of V, then the merge result
     *     for N is update.
     * </li>
     * <li>If V' is a predecessor (to any degree) of V or if V and
     *     V' are identical (i.e., are actually the same version),
     *     then the merge result for N is leave.
     * </li>
     * <li>If V is neither a successor of, predecessor of, nor
     *     identical with V', then the merge result for N is failed.
     *     This is the case where N and N' represent divergent
     *     branches of the version graph, thus determining the
     *     result of a merge is non-trivial.
     * </li>
     * </ul>
     * <li>If N is currently checked-out then:</li>
     * <ul>
     * <li>If V' is a predecessor (to any degree) of V or if V and
     *     V' are identical (i.e., are actually the same version),
     *     then the merge result for N is leave.
     * </li>
     * <li>If any other relationship holds between V and V',
     *     then the merge result for N is fail.
     * </li>
     * </ul>
     * </ul>
     * @param srcSession the source session
     * @param failedIds the list to store the failed node ids.
     * @param bestEffort the best effort flag
     * @return the corresponding source node or <code>null</code>
     * @throws RepositoryException if an error occurs.
     * @throws AccessDeniedException if access is denied
    private NodeImpl doMergeTest(SessionImpl srcSession, List<ItemId> failedIds, boolean bestEffort)
            throws RepositoryException, AccessDeniedException {

        // If N does not have a corresponding node then the merge result for N is leave.
        NodeImpl srcNode = getCorrespondingNode(srcSession);
        if (srcNode == null) {
            return null;

        // if not versionable, update
        if (!isNodeType(NameConstants.MIX_VERSIONABLE) || failedIds == null) {
            return srcNode;
        // if source node is not versionable, leave
        if (!srcNode.isNodeType(NameConstants.MIX_VERSIONABLE)) {
            return null;
        // test versions
        VersionImpl v = (VersionImpl) getBaseVersion();
        VersionImpl vp = (VersionImpl) srcNode.getBaseVersion();
        if (vp.isMoreRecent(v) && !isCheckedOut()) {
            // I f V' is a successor (to any degree) of V, then the merge result for
            // N is update. This case can be thought of as the case where N' is
            // "newer" than N and therefore N should be updated to reflect N'.
            return srcNode;
        } else if (v.isSame(vp) || v.isMoreRecent(vp)) {
            // If V' is a predecessor (to any degree) of V or if V and V' are
            // identical (i.e., are actually the same version), then the merge
            // result for N is leave. This case can be thought of as the case where
            // N' is "older" or the "same age" as N and therefore N should be left alone.
            return null;
        } else {
            // If V is neither a successor of, predecessor of, nor identical
            // with V', then the merge result for N is failed. This is the case
            // where N and N' represent divergent branches of the version graph,
            // thus determining the result of a merge is non-trivial.
            if (bestEffort) {
                // add 'offending' version to jcr:mergeFailed property
                Set<String> set = internalGetMergeFailed();
                return null;
            } else {
                String msg =
                    "Unable to merge nodes. Violating versions. " + this;
                throw new MergeException(msg);

     * Perform {@link Node#cancelMerge(Version)} or {@link Node#doneMerge(Version)}
     * depending on the value of <code>cancel</code>.
    private void internalFinishMerge(Version version, boolean cancel)
            throws VersionException, InvalidItemStateException,
            UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException, RepositoryException {
        // check state of this instance

        // check versionable

        // check lock, permissions and checkout-status
        int options = ItemValidator.CHECK_LOCK | ItemValidator.CHECK_VERSIONING | ItemValidator.CHECK_PENDING_CHANGES_ON_NODE | ItemValidator.CHECK_HOLD;
        session.getValidator().checkModify(this, options, Permission.VERSION_MNGMT);

        // check if version is in mergeFailed list
        Set<String> failed = internalGetMergeFailed();
        if (!failed.remove(version.getUUID())) {
            String msg =
                "Unable to finish merge. Specified version is not in"
                + " jcr:mergeFailed property: " + this;
            throw new VersionException(msg);

        boolean success = false;
        try {
            // remove version from mergeFailed list

            if (!cancel) {
                // add version to jcr:predecessors list
                Value[] vals = getProperty(NameConstants.JCR_PREDECESSORS).getValues();
                InternalValue[] v = new InternalValue[vals.length + 1];
                for (int i = 0; i < vals.length; i++) {
                    v[i] = InternalValue.create(new NodeId(vals[i].getString()));
                v[vals.length] = InternalValue.create(new NodeId(version.getUUID()));
                internalSetProperty(NameConstants.JCR_PREDECESSORS, v);

            success = true;
        } finally {
            if (!success) {
                try {
                } catch (RepositoryException e) {
                    log.error("Error while reverting changes upon failed Node.doneMerge or Node.cancelMerge, respectively.", e);

     * @return
     * @throws RepositoryException
    private Set<String> internalGetMergeFailed() throws RepositoryException {
        HashSet<String> set = new HashSet<String>();
        if (hasProperty(NameConstants.JCR_MERGEFAILED)) {
            Value[] vals = getProperty(NameConstants.JCR_MERGEFAILED).getValues();
            for (int i = 0; i < vals.length; i++) {
        return set;

     * @param set
     * @throws RepositoryException
    private void internalSetMergeFailed(Set<String> set) throws RepositoryException {
        if (set.isEmpty()) {
            internalSetProperty(NameConstants.JCR_MERGEFAILED, (InternalValue[]) null);
        } else {
            InternalValue[] vals = new InternalValue[set.size()];
            Iterator<String> iter = set.iterator();
            int i = 0;
            while (iter.hasNext()) {
                String uuid =;
                vals[i++] = InternalValue.create(new NodeId(uuid));
            internalSetProperty(NameConstants.JCR_MERGEFAILED, vals);

     * Determines the checked-out status of this node.
     * <p/>
     * A node is considered <i>checked-out</i> if it is versionable and
     * checked-out, or is non-versionable but its nearest versionable ancestor
     * is checked-out, or is non-versionable and there are no versionable
     * ancestors.
     * @return a boolean
     * @see Node#isCheckedOut()
    protected boolean internalIsCheckedOut() throws RepositoryException {
         * try shortcut first:
         * if current node is 'new' we can safely consider it checked-out
         * since otherwise it would had been impossible to add it in the first
         * place
        if (isNew()) {
            return true;

        // search nearest ancestor that is versionable
         * FIXME should not only rely on existence of jcr:isCheckedOut property
         * but also verify that node.isNodeType("mix:versionable")==true;
         * this would have a negative impact on performance though...
        try {
            NodeState state = (NodeState) getItemState();
            while (!state.hasPropertyName(NameConstants.JCR_ISCHECKEDOUT)) {
                ItemId parentId = state.getParentId();
                if (parentId == null) {
                    // root reached or out of hierarchy
                    return true;
                state = (NodeState) session.getItemStateManager().getItemState(parentId);
            PropertyState ps = (PropertyState) session.getItemStateManager().getItemState(new PropertyId(state.getNodeId(), NameConstants.JCR_ISCHECKEDOUT));
            return ps.getValues()[0].getBoolean();
        } catch (ItemStateException e) {
            throw new RepositoryException(e.getMessage());

     * Creates a new node at <code>relPath</code> of the node type, uuid and
     * eventual mixin types stored in the frozen node. The same as
     * <code>{@link #addNode(String relPath)}</code> except that the primary
     * node type type, the uuid and evt. mixin type of the new node is
     * explictly specified in the nt:frozen node.
     * <p/>
     * @param name   The name of the new <code>Node</code> that is to be created.
     * @param frozen The frozen node that contains the creation information
     * @return The node that was added.
     * @throws ItemExistsException          If an item at the
     *                                      specified path already exists(and same-name siblings are not allowed).
     * @throws PathNotFoundException        If specified path implies intermediary
     *                                      <code>Node</code>s that do not exist.
     * @throws NoSuchNodeTypeException      If the specified <code>nodeTypeName</code>
     *                                      is not recognized.
     * @throws ConstraintViolationException If an attempt is made to add a node as the
     *                                      child of a <code>Property</code>
     * @throws RepositoryException          if another error occurs.
    private NodeImpl addNode(Name name, InternalFrozenNode frozen)
            throws ItemExistsException, PathNotFoundException,
            ConstraintViolationException, NoSuchNodeTypeException,
            RepositoryException {

        // get frozen node type
        NodeTypeManagerImpl ntMgr = session.getNodeTypeManager();
        NodeTypeImpl nt = ntMgr.getNodeType(frozen.getFrozenPrimaryType());

        // get frozen id
        NodeId id = frozen.getFrozenId();

        NodeImpl node = internalAddChildNode(name, nt, id);

        // get frozen mixin
        // todo: also respect mixing types on creation?
        Name[] mxNames = frozen.getFrozenMixinTypes();
        for (Name mxName : mxNames) {
        return node;

     * Creates a new node at <code>relPath</code> of the node type, uuid and
     * eventual mixin types stored in the frozen node. The same as
     * <code>{@link #addNode(String relPath)}</code> except that the primary
     * node type type, the uuid and evt. mixin type of the new node is
     * explicitly specified in the nt:frozen node.
     * <p/>
     * @param relPath The path of the new <code>Node</code> that is to be created.
     * @param frozen  The frozen node that contains the creation information
     * @return The node that was added.
     * @throws ItemExistsException          If an item at the
     *                                      specified path already exists(and same-name siblings are not allowed).
     * @throws PathNotFoundException        If specified path implies intermediary
     *                                      <code>Node</code>s that do not exist.
     * @throws NoSuchNodeTypeException      If the specified <code>nodeTypeName</code>
     *                                      is not recognized.
     * @throws ConstraintViolationException If an attempt is made to add a node as the
     *                                      child of a <code>Property</code>
     * @throws RepositoryException          if another error occurs.
    private NodeImpl addNode(String relPath, InternalFrozenNode frozen)
            throws ItemExistsException, PathNotFoundException,
            ConstraintViolationException, NoSuchNodeTypeException,
            RepositoryException {

        // get frozen node type
        NodeTypeManagerImpl ntMgr = session.getNodeTypeManager();
        NodeTypeImpl nt = ntMgr.getNodeType(frozen.getFrozenPrimaryType());

        // get frozen id
        NodeId id = frozen.getFrozenId();

        NodeImpl node = internalAddNode(relPath, nt, id);

        // get frozen mixin
        // todo: also respect mixing types on creation?
        Name[] mxNames = frozen.getFrozenMixinTypes();
        for (Name mxName : mxNames) {
        return node;

     * Executes the Node#update or Node#merge call.
     * @param srcWorkspaceName Name of the source workspace as passed to
     * {@link Node#merge(String, boolean)} or {@link Node#update(String)}.
     * @param failedIds List to place the failed ids or <code>null</code> if
     * {@link Node#update(String)} should be executed.
     * @param bestEffort Flag passed to {@link Node#merge(String, boolean)} or
     * false if {@link Node#update(String)} should be executed.
     * @throws NoSuchWorkspaceException
     * @throws AccessDeniedException
     * @throws LockException
     * @throws InvalidItemStateException
     * @throws RepositoryException
    private void internalMerge(String srcWorkspaceName,
                               List<ItemId> failedIds, boolean bestEffort,
                               boolean shallow)
            throws NoSuchWorkspaceException, AccessDeniedException,
            LockException, InvalidItemStateException, RepositoryException {

        // might be added in future releases
        boolean removeExisting = true;
        boolean replaceExisting = false;

        // do checks
        session.getValidator().checkModify(this, ItemValidator.CHECK_PENDING_CHANGES, Permission.VERSION_MNGMT);

        // if same workspace, ignore
        if (srcWorkspaceName.equals(session.getWorkspace().getName())) {

        SessionImpl srcSession = null;
        boolean success = false;
        try {
            // create session on other workspace for current subject
            // (may throw NoSuchWorkspaceException and AccessDeniedException)
            srcSession = rep.createSession(session.getSubject(), srcWorkspaceName);
            internalMerge(srcSession, failedIds, bestEffort, removeExisting, replaceExisting, shallow);
            success = true;
        } finally {
            if (!success) {
                try {
                } catch (RepositoryException e) {
                    log.error("Error while cleaning up after failed merge/update", e);
            if (srcSession != null) {
                // we don't need the other session anymore, logout

     * Merges/Updates this node with its corresponding ones
     * @param srcSession
     * @param failedIds
     * @param bestEffort
     * @param removeExisting
     * @param replaceExisting
     * @throws LockException
     * @throws RepositoryException
    private void internalMerge(SessionImpl srcSession, List<ItemId> failedIds,
                               boolean bestEffort, boolean removeExisting,
                               boolean replaceExisting, boolean shallow)
            throws LockException, RepositoryException {

        if (shallow) {
            throw new UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException("Shallow merge not supported yet");

        NodeImpl srcNode = doMergeTest(srcSession, failedIds, bestEffort);
        if (srcNode == null) {
            // leave, iterate over children, but ignore non-versionable child
            // nodes (see JCR-1046)
            NodeIterator iter = getNodes();
            while (iter.hasNext()) {
                NodeImpl n = (NodeImpl) iter.nextNode();
                if (n.isNodeType(NameConstants.MIX_VERSIONABLE)) {
                    n.internalMerge(srcSession, failedIds, bestEffort, removeExisting, replaceExisting, shallow);

        // check lock and hold status
        int options = ItemValidator.CHECK_LOCK | ItemValidator.CHECK_HOLD;
        session.getValidator().checkModify(this, options, Permission.NONE);

        // update the properties
        PropertyIterator iter = getProperties();
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            PropertyImpl p = (PropertyImpl) iter.nextProperty();
            if (!srcNode.hasProperty(p.getQName())) {
        iter = srcNode.getProperties();
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            PropertyImpl p = (PropertyImpl) iter.nextProperty();
            // ignore system types
            if (p.getQName().equals(NameConstants.JCR_PRIMARYTYPE)
                    || p.getQName().equals(NameConstants.JCR_MIXINTYPES)
                    || p.getQName().equals(NameConstants.JCR_UUID)) {
            if (p.getDefinition().isMultiple()) {
                internalSetProperty(p.getQName(), p.internalGetValues());
            } else {
                internalSetProperty(p.getQName(), p.internalGetValue());
        // todo: add/remove mixins ?

        // update the nodes. remove non existing ones
        NodeIterator niter = getNodes();
        while (niter.hasNext()) {
            NodeImpl n = (NodeImpl) niter.nextNode();
            Path.Element name = n.getPrimaryPath().getNameElement();
            int idx = name.getIndex();
            if (idx == 0) {
                idx = 1;
            if (!srcNode.hasNode(name.getName(), idx)) {

        // add source ones
        niter = srcNode.getNodes();
        while (niter.hasNext()) {
            NodeImpl child = (NodeImpl) niter.nextNode();
            NodeImpl dstNode = null;
            NodeId childId = child.getNodeId();
            Path.Element name = child.getPrimaryPath().getNameElement();
            int idx = name.getIndex();
            if (idx == 0) {
                idx = 1;

            if (child.isNodeType(NameConstants.MIX_REFERENCEABLE)) {
                // check if correspondance exist in
                // this workspace
                try {
                    dstNode = session.getNodeById(childId);
                    // check if same parent
                    if (!isSame(dstNode.getParent())) {
                        if (removeExisting) {
                            dstNode = null;
                        } else if (replaceExisting) {
                            // node exists outside of this update tree, so continue there
                        } else {
                            throw new ItemExistsException("Unable to update item: " + dstNode);

                } catch (ItemNotFoundException e) {
                    // does not exist
            } else {
                // if child is not referenceable, clear uuid
                childId = null;
            if (dstNode == null && hasNode(name.getName(), idx)) {
                // the exact behaviour for SNS is not specified by the spec
                // so we just try to find the corresponding one.
                dstNode = getNode(name.getName(), idx);
            if (dstNode == null) {
                dstNode = internalAddChildNode(name.getName(), (NodeTypeImpl) child.getPrimaryNodeType(), childId);
                // add mixins
                NodeType[] mixins = child.getMixinNodeTypes();
                for (int i = 0; i < mixins.length; i++) {
                dstNode.internalMerge(srcSession, null, bestEffort, removeExisting, replaceExisting, shallow);
            } else {
                dstNode.internalMerge(srcSession, failedIds, bestEffort, removeExisting, replaceExisting, shallow);

     * Internal method to restore a version.
     * @param version version to restore
     * @param vsel the version selector that will select the correct version for
     * OPV=Version child nodes.
     * @param removeExisting remove existing flag
     * @throws RepositoryException if an error occurs
    private void internalRestore(Version version, VersionSelector vsel, boolean removeExisting)
            throws RepositoryException {

        boolean success = false;
        try {
            internalRestore((VersionImpl) version, vsel, removeExisting);
            success = true;
        } finally {
            if (!success) {
                // revert session
                try {
                    log.debug("reverting changes applied during restore...");
                } catch (RepositoryException e) {
                    log.error("Error while reverting changes applied during restore.", e);

     * Internal method to restore a version.
     * @param version version to restore
     * @param vsel the version selector that will select the correct version for
     * OPV=Version child nodes.
     * @param removeExisting remove existing flag
     * @return array of restored versions
     * @throws RepositoryException if an error occurs
    public Version[] internalRestore(VersionImpl version, VersionSelector vsel,
                                        boolean removeExisting)
            throws RepositoryException {

        // fail if root version
        if (version.isRootVersion()) {
            throw new VersionException("Restore of root version not allowed.");

        boolean isFull = checkVersionable();

        // check permission
        session.getAccessManager().checkPermission(getPrimaryPath(), Permission.VERSION_MNGMT);

        // set jcr:isCheckedOut property to true, in order to avoid any conflicts
        internalSetProperty(NameConstants.JCR_ISCHECKEDOUT, InternalValue.create(true));

        // 1. The child node and properties of N will be changed, removed or
        //    added to, depending on their corresponding copies in V and their
        //    own OnParentVersion attributes (see 7.2.8, below, for details).
        HashSet<Version> restored = new HashSet<Version>();
        restoreFrozenState(version.getInternalFrozenNode(), vsel, restored, removeExisting);

        if (isFull) {
            // 2. N's jcr:baseVersion property will be changed to point to V.
                    InternalValue.create((NodeId) version.getId()));

            // 4. N's jcr:predecessor property is set to null
            internalSetProperty(NameConstants.JCR_PREDECESSORS, InternalValue.EMPTY_ARRAY, PropertyType.REFERENCE);

            // also clear mergeFailed
            internalSetProperty(NameConstants.JCR_MERGEFAILED, (InternalValue[]) null);

        } else {
            // with simple versioning, the node is checked in automatically,
            // thus not allowing any branches
        // 3. N's jcr:isCheckedOut property is set to false.
        internalSetProperty(NameConstants.JCR_ISCHECKEDOUT, InternalValue.create(false));

        return restored.toArray(new Version[restored.size()]);

     * Restores the properties and child nodes from the frozen state.
     * @param freeze the frozen node
     * @param vsel version selector
     * @param restored set of restored versions
     * @param removeExisting remove existing flag
     * @throws RepositoryException if an error occurs
    public void restoreFrozenState(InternalFrozenNode freeze, VersionSelector vsel,
                            Set<Version> restored, boolean removeExisting)
            throws RepositoryException {

        // check uuid
        if (isNodeType(NameConstants.MIX_REFERENCEABLE)) {
            if (!getNodeId().equals(freeze.getFrozenId())) {
                throw new ItemExistsException("Unable to restore version of " + this + ". UUID changed.");

        // check primary type
        if (!freeze.getFrozenPrimaryType().equals(data.getNodeState().getNodeTypeName())) {
            // todo: check with spec what should happen here
            throw new ItemExistsException("Unable to restore version of " + this + ". PrimaryType changed.");

        // adjust mixins
        Name[] mixinNames = freeze.getFrozenMixinTypes();
        setMixinTypesProperty(new HashSet<Name>(Arrays.asList(mixinNames)));

        // copy frozen properties
        PropertyState[] props = freeze.getFrozenProperties();
        HashSet<Name> propNames = new HashSet<Name>();
        for (PropertyState prop : props) {
            // skip properties that should not to be reverted back
            if (prop.getName().equals(NameConstants.JCR_ACTIVITY)) {
            if (prop.isMultiValued()) {
                        prop.getName(), prop.getValues(), prop.getType());
            } else {
                internalSetProperty(prop.getName(), prop.getValues()[0]);
        // remove properties that do not exist in the frozen representation
        PropertyIterator piter = getProperties();
        while (piter.hasNext()) {
            PropertyImpl prop = (PropertyImpl) piter.nextProperty();
            // ignore some props that are not well guarded by the OPV
            if (prop.getQName().equals(NameConstants.JCR_VERSIONHISTORY)) {
            } else if (prop.getQName().equals(NameConstants.JCR_PREDECESSORS)) {
            if (prop.getDefinition().getOnParentVersion() == OnParentVersionAction.COPY
                    || prop.getDefinition().getOnParentVersion() == OnParentVersionAction.VERSION) {
                if (!propNames.contains(prop.getQName())) {

        // add 'auto-create' properties that do not exist yet
        NodeTypeManagerImpl ntMgr = session.getNodeTypeManager();
        for (Name mixinName : mixinNames) {
            NodeTypeImpl mixin = ntMgr.getNodeType(mixinName);
            PropertyDefinition[] pda = mixin.getAutoCreatedPropertyDefinitions();
            for (PropertyDefinition aPda : pda) {
                PropertyDefinitionImpl pd = (PropertyDefinitionImpl) aPda;
                if (!hasProperty(pd.getQName())) {
                    createChildProperty(pd.getQName(), pd.getRequiredType(), pd);

        // first delete some of the version histories
        NodeIterator iter = getNodes();
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            NodeImpl n = (NodeImpl) iter.nextNode();
            if (n.getDefinition().getOnParentVersion() == OnParentVersionAction.COPY) {
                // only remove OPV=Copy nodes
            } else if (n.getDefinition().getOnParentVersion() == OnParentVersionAction.VERSION) {
                // only remove, if node to be restored does not contain child,
                // or if restored child is not versionable
                NodeId vhId = n.hasProperty(NameConstants.JCR_VERSIONHISTORY)
                        ? new NodeId(n.getProperty(NameConstants.JCR_VERSIONHISTORY).getString())
                        : null;
                if (vhId == null || !freeze.hasFrozenHistory(vhId)) {

        // restore the frozen nodes
        InternalFreeze[] frozenNodes = freeze.getFrozenChildNodes();
        for (InternalFreeze child : frozenNodes) {
            NodeImpl restoredChild = null;
            if (child instanceof InternalFrozenNode) {
                InternalFrozenNode f = (InternalFrozenNode) child;
                // check for existing
                if (f.getFrozenId() != null) {
                    try {
                        NodeImpl existing = (NodeImpl) session.getNodeById(f.getFrozenId());
                        // check if one of this restore trees node
                        if (removeExisting) {
                        } else if (existing.isShareable()) {
                            // if existing node is shareable, then clone it
                            restoredChild = clone(existing, f.getName());
                        } else {
                            // since we delete the OPV=Copy children beforehand, all
                            // found nodes must be outside of this tree
                            throw new ItemExistsException(
                                    "Unable to restore node, item already"
                                            + " exists outside of restored tree: "
                                            + existing);
                    } catch (ItemNotFoundException e) {
                        // ignore, item with uuid does not exist
                if (restoredChild == null) {
                    restoredChild = addNode(f.getName(), f);
                    restoredChild.restoreFrozenState(f, vsel, restored, removeExisting);

            } else if (child instanceof InternalFrozenVersionHistory) {
                InternalFrozenVersionHistory f = (InternalFrozenVersionHistory) child;
                VersionHistory history = (VersionHistory) session.getNodeById(f.getVersionHistoryId());
                NodeId nodeId = NodeId.valueOf(history.getVersionableUUID());
                String oldVersion = "jcr:dummy";

                // check if representing versionable already exists somewhere
                if (itemMgr.itemExists(nodeId)) {
                    NodeImpl n = session.getNodeById(nodeId);
                    if (removeExisting) {
                        String dstPath = getPath() + "/" + n.getName();
                        if (!n.getPath().equals(dstPath)) {
                            session.move(n.getPath(), dstPath);
                        oldVersion = n.getBaseVersion().getName();
                    } else if (n.getParent().isSame(this)) {
                    } else {
                        // since we delete the OPV=Copy children beforehand, all
                        // found nodes must be outside of this tree
                        throw new ItemExistsException(
                                "Unable to restore node, item already exists"
                                        + " outside of restored tree: " + n);
                // get desired version from version selector
                VersionImpl v = (VersionImpl);

                // check existing version of item exists
                if (!itemMgr.itemExists(nodeId)) {
                    if (v == null) {
                        // if version selector was unable to select version,
                        // choose the initial one
                        Version[] vs = history.getRootVersion().getSuccessors();
                        if (vs.length == 0) {
                            String msg = "Unable to select appropariate version for "
                                    + child.getName() + " using " + vsel;
                            throw new VersionException(msg);
                        v = (VersionImpl) vs[0];
                    restoredChild = addNode(child.getName(), v.getInternalFrozenNode());
                } else {
                    restoredChild = session.getNodeById(nodeId);
                    if (v == null || oldVersion == null || v.getName().equals(oldVersion)) {
                        v = null;
                if (v != null) {
                    try {
                        restoredChild.internalRestore(v, vsel, removeExisting);
                    } catch (RepositoryException e) {
                        log.error("Error while restoring node: " + e);
                        log.error("  child path: " + restoredChild);
                        log.error("  selected version: " + v.getName());
                        StringBuffer avail = new StringBuffer();
                        VersionIterator vi = history.getAllVersions();
                        while (vi.hasNext()) {
                            if (vi.hasNext()) {
                                avail.append(", ");
                        log.error("  available versions: " + avail);
                        log.error("  versionselector: " + vsel);
                        throw e;
                    // add this version to set
            // ensure proper ordering (issue JCR-469)
            if (restoredChild != null
                    && getPrimaryNodeType().hasOrderableChildNodes()) {
                orderBefore(restoredChild.getPrimaryPath().getNameElement(), null);

     * Copies a property to this node
     * @param prop property to copy from
     * @throws RepositoryException if an error occurs
    protected void internalCopyPropertyFrom(PropertyImpl prop) throws RepositoryException {
        if (prop.getDefinition().isMultiple()) {
            Value[] values = prop.getValues();
            InternalValue[] ivalues = new InternalValue[values.length];
            for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
                ivalues[i] = InternalValue.create(values[i], session, rep.getDataStore());
            internalSetProperty(prop.getQName(), ivalues);
        } else {
            InternalValue value = InternalValue.create(prop.getValue(), session, rep.getDataStore());
            internalSetProperty(prop.getQName(), value);

    //------------------------------------------------------< locking support >
     * {@inheritDoc}
    public Lock lock(boolean isDeep, boolean isSessionScoped)
            throws UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException, LockException,
            AccessDeniedException, InvalidItemStateException,
            RepositoryException {
        // check state of this instance
        LockManager lockMgr = session.getWorkspace().getLockManager();
        return lockMgr.lock(getPath(), isDeep, isSessionScoped, Long.MAX_VALUE, null);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public Lock getLock()
            throws UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException, LockException,
            AccessDeniedException, RepositoryException {
        // check state of this instance
        LockManager lockMgr = session.getWorkspace().getLockManager();
        return lockMgr.getLock(getPath());

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public void unlock()
            throws UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException, LockException,
            AccessDeniedException, InvalidItemStateException,
            RepositoryException {
        // check state of this instance
        LockManager lockMgr = session.getWorkspace().getLockManager();

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public boolean holdsLock() throws RepositoryException {
        // check state of this instance
        LockManager lockMgr = session.getWorkspace().getLockManager();
        return lockMgr.holdsLock(getPath());

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public boolean isLocked() throws RepositoryException {
        // check state of this instance
        LockManager lockMgr = session.getWorkspace().getLockManager();
        return lockMgr.isLocked(getPath());

     * Check whether this node is locked by somebody else.
     * @throws LockException       if this node is locked by somebody else
     * @throws RepositoryException if some other error occurs
     * @deprecated
    protected void checkLock() throws LockException, RepositoryException {
        if (isNew()) {
            // a new node needs no check

    //--------------------------------------------------< new JSR 283 methods >
     * {@inheritDoc}
    public String getIdentifier() throws RepositoryException {
        return ((NodeId) id).toString();

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public PropertyIterator getReferences(String name)
            throws RepositoryException {
        // check state of this instance

        try {
            NodeReferencesId targetId = new NodeReferencesId((NodeId) id);
            if (stateMgr.hasNodeReferences(targetId)) {
                NodeReferences refs = stateMgr.getNodeReferences(targetId);
                // refs.getReferences() returns a list of PropertyId's
                List<PropertyId> idList = refs.getReferences();
                if (name != null) {
                    Name qName;
                    try {
                        qName = session.getQName(name);
                    } catch (NameException e) {
                        throw new RepositoryException("invalid property name: " + name, e);
                    ArrayList<PropertyId> filteredList = new ArrayList<PropertyId>(idList.size());
                    for (PropertyId propId : idList) {
                        if (propId.getName().equals(qName)) {
                    idList = filteredList;
                return new LazyItemIterator(itemMgr, idList);
            } else {
                // there are no references, return empty iterator
                return PropertyIteratorAdapter.EMPTY;
        } catch (ItemStateException e) {
            String msg = "Unable to retrieve REFERENCE properties that refer to " + id;
            throw new RepositoryException(msg, e);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public PropertyIterator getWeakReferences() throws RepositoryException {
        // check state of this instance

        // shortcut if node isn't referenceable
        if (!isNodeType(NameConstants.MIX_REFERENCEABLE)) {
            return PropertyIteratorAdapter.EMPTY;

        Value ref = getSession().getValueFactory().createValue(this, true);
        List<Property> props = new ArrayList<Property>();
        QueryManagerImpl qm = (QueryManagerImpl) session.getWorkspace().getQueryManager();
        for (Node n : qm.getWeaklyReferringNodes(this)) {
            for (PropertyIterator it = n.getProperties(); it.hasNext(); ) {
                Property p = it.nextProperty();
                if (p.getType() == PropertyType.WEAKREFERENCE) {
                    Collection<Value> refs;
                    if (p.isMultiple()) {
                        refs = Arrays.asList(p.getValues());
                    } else {
                        refs = Collections.singleton(p.getValue());
                    if (refs.contains(ref)) {
        return new PropertyIteratorAdapter(props);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public PropertyIterator getWeakReferences(String name) throws RepositoryException {
        if (name == null) {
            return getWeakReferences();

        // check state of this instance

        // shortcut if node isn't referenceable
        if (!isNodeType(NameConstants.MIX_REFERENCEABLE)) {
            return PropertyIteratorAdapter.EMPTY;
        try {
            StringBuilder stmt = new StringBuilder();
            stmt.append(" = '").append(data.getId()).append("']");
            Query q = session.getWorkspace().getQueryManager().createQuery(
                    stmt.toString(), Query.XPATH);
            QueryResult result = q.execute();
            ArrayList<Property> l = new ArrayList<Property>();
            for (NodeIterator nit = result.getNodes(); nit.hasNext();) {
                Node n = nit.nextNode();
            if (l.isEmpty()) {
                return PropertyIteratorAdapter.EMPTY;
            } else {
                return new PropertyIteratorAdapter(l);
        } catch (RepositoryException e) {
            String msg = "Unable to retrieve WEAKREFERENCE properties that refer to " + id;
            throw new RepositoryException(msg, e);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public NodeIterator getNodes(String[] nameGlobs)
            throws RepositoryException {
        // check state of this instance

        ArrayList nodes = new ArrayList();
        // traverse children using a special filtering 'collector'
        accept(new ChildrenCollectorFilter(nameGlobs, nodes, true, false, 1));
        return new NodeIteratorAdapter(nodes);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public PropertyIterator getProperties(String[] nameGlobs)
            throws RepositoryException {
        // check state of this instance

        ArrayList props = new ArrayList();
        // traverse children using a special filtering 'collector'
        accept(new ChildrenCollectorFilter(nameGlobs, props, false, true, 1));
        return new PropertyIteratorAdapter(props);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public void setPrimaryType(String nodeTypeName)
            throws NoSuchNodeTypeException, VersionException,
            ConstraintViolationException, LockException, RepositoryException {
        // check state of this instance

        // make sure this node is checked-out, neither protected nor locked and
        // the editing session has sufficient permission to change the primary type.
        int options = ItemValidator.CHECK_VERSIONING | ItemValidator.CHECK_LOCK
                | ItemValidator.CHECK_CONSTRAINTS | ItemValidator.CHECK_HOLD;
        session.getValidator().checkModify(this, options, Permission.NODE_TYPE_MNGMT);

        final NodeState state = data.getNodeState();
        if (state.getParentId() == null) {
            String msg = "changing the primary type of the root node is not supported";
            throw new RepositoryException(msg);

        Name ntName = session.getQName(nodeTypeName);
        if (ntName.equals(state.getNodeTypeName())) {
            log.debug("Node already has " + nodeTypeName + " as primary node type.");

        NodeTypeManagerImpl ntMgr = session.getNodeTypeManager();
        NodeType nt = ntMgr.getNodeType(ntName);
        if (nt.isMixin()) {
            throw new ConstraintViolationException(nodeTypeName + ": not a primary node type.");
        } else if (nt.isAbstract()) {
            throw new ConstraintViolationException(nodeTypeName + ": is an abstract node type.");

        // build effective node type of new primary type & existing mixin's
        // in order to detect conflicts
        NodeTypeRegistry ntReg = ntMgr.getNodeTypeRegistry();
        EffectiveNodeType entNew, entOld, entAll;
        try {
            entNew = ntReg.getEffectiveNodeType(ntName);
            entOld = ntReg.getEffectiveNodeType(state.getNodeTypeName());

            // try to build new effective node type (will throw in case of conflicts)
            entAll = ntReg.getEffectiveNodeType(ntName, state.getMixinTypeNames());
        } catch (NodeTypeConflictException ntce) {
            throw new ConstraintViolationException(ntce.getMessage());

        // get applicable definition for this node using new primary type
        NodeDefId defId;
        try {
            NodeImpl parent = (NodeImpl) getParent();
            defId = parent.getApplicableChildNodeDefinition(getQName(), ntName).unwrap().getId();
        } catch (RepositoryException re) {
            String msg = this + ": no applicable definition found in parent node's node type";
            throw new ConstraintViolationException(msg, re);

        if (!defId.equals(state.getDefinitionId())) {

        Set<ItemDef> oldDefs = new HashSet<ItemDef>(Arrays.asList(entOld.getAllItemDefs()));
        Set<ItemDef> newDefs = new HashSet<ItemDef>(Arrays.asList(entNew.getAllItemDefs()));
        Set<ItemDef> allDefs = new HashSet<ItemDef>(Arrays.asList(entAll.getAllItemDefs()));

        // added child item definitions
        Set<ItemDef> addedDefs = new HashSet<ItemDef>(newDefs);

        // referential integrity check
        boolean referenceableOld = entOld.includesNodeType(NameConstants.MIX_REFERENCEABLE);
        boolean referenceableNew = entNew.includesNodeType(NameConstants.MIX_REFERENCEABLE);
        if (referenceableOld && !referenceableNew) {
            // node would become non-referenceable;
            // make sure no references exist
            PropertyIterator iter = getReferences();
            if (iter.hasNext()) {
                throw new ConstraintViolationException(
                        "the new primary type cannot be set as it would render "
                                + "this node 'non-referenceable' while it is still being "
                                + "referenced through at least one property of type REFERENCE");

        // do the actual modifications in content as mandated by the new primary type

        // modify the state of this node
        NodeState thisState = (NodeState) getOrCreateTransientItemState();

        // set jcr:primaryType property
        internalSetProperty(NameConstants.JCR_PRIMARYTYPE, InternalValue.create(ntName));

        // walk through properties and child nodes and change definition as necessary

        // use temp set to avoid ConcurrentModificationException
        HashSet<Name> set = new HashSet<Name>(thisState.getPropertyNames());
        for (Name propName : set) {
            try {
                PropertyState propState =
                        (PropertyState) stateMgr.getItemState(
                                new PropertyId(thisState.getNodeId(), propName));
                if (!allDefs.contains(ntReg.getPropDef(propState.getDefinitionId()))) {
                    // try to find new applicable definition first and
                    // redefine property if possible
                    try {
                        PropertyImpl prop = (PropertyImpl) itemMgr.getItem(propState.getId());
                        if (prop.getDefinition().isProtected()) {
                            // remove 'orphaned' protected properties immediately
                        PropertyDefinitionImpl pdi = getApplicablePropertyDefinition(
                                propName, propState.getType(),
                                propState.isMultiValued(), false);
                        if (pdi.getRequiredType() != PropertyType.UNDEFINED
                                && pdi.getRequiredType() != propState.getType()) {
                            // value conversion required
                            if (propState.isMultiValued()) {
                                // convert value
                                Value[] values =
                                // redefine property
                                // set converted values
                            } else {
                                // convert value
                                Value value =
                                // redefine property
                                // set converted values
                        } else {
                            // redefine property
                        // update collection of added definitions
                    } catch (ValueFormatException vfe) {
                        // value conversion failed, remove it
                    } catch (ConstraintViolationException cve) {
                        // no suitable definition found for this property,
                        // remove it
            } catch (ItemStateException ise) {
                String msg = propName + ": failed to retrieve property state";
                log.error(msg, ise);
                throw new RepositoryException(msg, ise);

        // use temp array to avoid ConcurrentModificationException
        ArrayList<ChildNodeEntry> list = new ArrayList<ChildNodeEntry>(thisState.getChildNodeEntries());
        // start from tail to avoid problems with same-name siblings
        for (int i = list.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            ChildNodeEntry entry = list.get(i);
            try {
                NodeState nodeState = (NodeState) stateMgr.getItemState(entry.getId());
                if (!allDefs.contains(ntReg.getNodeDef(nodeState.getDefinitionId()))) {
                    // try to find new applicable definition first and
                    // redefine node if possible
                    try {
                        NodeImpl node = (NodeImpl) itemMgr.getItem(nodeState.getId());
                        if (node.getDefinition().isProtected()) {
                            // remove 'orphaned' protected child node immediately
                            removeChildNode(entry.getName(), entry.getIndex());
                        NodeDefinitionImpl ndi = getApplicableChildNodeDefinition(
                        // redefine node
                        // update collection of added definitions
                    } catch (ConstraintViolationException cve) {
                        // no suitable definition found for this child node,
                        // remove it
                        removeChildNode(entry.getName(), entry.getIndex());
            } catch (ItemStateException ise) {
                String msg = entry.getName() + ": failed to retrieve node state";
                log.error(msg, ise);
                throw new RepositoryException(msg, ise);

        // create items that are defined as auto-created by the new primary node
        // type and at the same time were not present with the old nt
        for (Iterator<ItemDef> iter = addedDefs.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
            ItemDef def =;
            if (def.isAutoCreated()) {
                if (def.definesNode()) {
                    NodeDefinitionImpl ndi = ntMgr.getNodeDefinition(((NodeDef) def).getId());
                    createChildNode(ndi.getQName(), ndi, (NodeTypeImpl) ndi.getDefaultPrimaryType(), null);
                } else {
                    PropertyDefinitionImpl pdi = ntMgr.getPropertyDefinition(((PropDef) def).getId());
                    createChildProperty(pdi.getQName(), pdi.getRequiredType(), pdi);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public Property setProperty(String name, BigDecimal value)
            throws ValueFormatException, VersionException, LockException,
            ConstraintViolationException, RepositoryException {
        // check state of this instance

        // check pre-conditions for setting property

        BitSet status = new BitSet();
        PropertyImpl prop = getOrCreateProperty(
                name, PropertyType.DECIMAL, false, false, status);
        try {
        } catch (RepositoryException re) {
            if (status.get(CREATED)) {
                // setting value failed, get rid of newly created property
            // rethrow
            throw re;
        return prop;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public Property setProperty(String name, Binary value)
            throws ValueFormatException, VersionException, LockException,
            ConstraintViolationException, RepositoryException {
        // check state of this instance

        // check pre-conditions for setting property

        BitSet status = new BitSet();
        PropertyImpl prop = getOrCreateProperty(
                name, PropertyType.BINARY, false, false, status);
        try {
        } catch (RepositoryException re) {
            if (status.get(CREATED)) {
                // setting value failed, get rid of newly created property
            // rethrow
            throw re;
        return prop;

    // TODO: JCR-1565 JSR 283 lifecycle management
    public String[] getAllowedLifecycleTransistions()
            throws RepositoryException {
        if (isNodeType(NameConstants.MIX_LIFECYCLE)) {
            throw new UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException();
        } else {
            throw new UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException(
                    "Only nodes with mixin node type mix:lifecycle"
                    + " may participate in a lifecycle.");

    // TODO: JCR-1565 JSR 283 lifecycle management
    public void followLifecycleTransition(String transition)
            throws RepositoryException {
        if (isNodeType(NameConstants.MIX_LIFECYCLE)) {
            throw new UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException();
        } else {
            throw new UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException(
                    "Only nodes with mixin node type mix:lifecycle"
                    + " may participate in a lifecycle.");

    //--------------------------------------------------------------< Object >

     * Return a string representation of this node for diagnostic purposes.
     * @return "node /path/to/item"
    public String toString() {
        return "node " + super.toString();


Related Classes of org.apache.jackrabbit.core.NodeImpl

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