
Source Code of

* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.


import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.InputFormat;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Job;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.RecordReader;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.input.FileInputFormat;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.pig.LoadPushDown;
import org.apache.pig.PigException;
import org.apache.pig.StoreFuncInterface;
import org.apache.pig.backend.executionengine.ExecException;
import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.mapReduceLayer.PigSplit;
import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.mapReduceLayer.PigTextInputFormat;
import org.apache.pig.builtin.PigStorage;
import org.apache.pig.bzip2r.Bzip2TextInputFormat;
import org.apache.pig.impl.logicalLayer.FrontendException;
import org.apache.pig.impl.util.ObjectSerializer;
import org.apache.pig.impl.util.StorageUtil;
import org.apache.pig.impl.util.UDFContext;

* CSV loading and storing with support for multi-line fields,
* and escaping of delimiters and double quotes within fields;
* uses CSV conventions of Excel 2007.
* Arguments allow for control over:
* <ul>
* <li>   Which delimiter is used (default is ',')
* <li>   Whether line breaks are allowed inside of fields
* <li>   Whether line breaks are to be written Unix style, of Windows style
* </ul>
* <b>Usage:</b><br>
*     {@code STORE x INTO '<destFileName>'}<br>
*      {@code USING CSVExcelStorage(['<delimiter>' [,{'YES_MULTILINE' | 'NO_MULTILINE'} [,{'UNIX' | 'WINDOWS' | 'UNCHANGED'}]]]);}
* <p>
*        Defaults are comma, 'NO_MULTILINE', 'UNCHANGED'
*        The linebreak parameter is only used during store. During load
*        no conversion is performed.               
* <b>Example:</b><br>
*       {@code STORE res INTO '/tmp/result.csv'}<br>
*    {@code USING CSVExcelStorage(',', 'NO_MULTILINE', 'WINDOWS');}
*      would expect to see comma separated files for load, would
*      use comma as field separator during store, would treat
*      every newline as a record terminator, and would use CRLF
*          as line break characters (0x0d 0x0a: \r\n).
* <p>         
* <b>Example:</b><br>
*      {@code STORE res INTO '/tmp/result.csv'}<br>
*    {@code USING CSVExcelStorage(',', 'YES_MULTILINE');}
* <p>
*          would allow newlines inside of fields. During load
*         such fields are expected to conform to the Excel
*      requirement that the field is enclosed in double quotes.
*      On store, the <code>chararray</code> containing the field will accordingly be
*      enclosed in double quotes.
* <p>
* <b>Note:</b><br>
*       A danger with enabling multiline fields during load is that unbalanced
*      double quotes will cause slurping up of input until a balancing double
*      quote is found, or until something breaks. If you are not expecting
*      newlines within fields it is therefore more robust to use NO_MULTILINE,
*        which is the default for that reason.
* <p>
* Excel expects double quotes within fields to be escaped with a second
* double quote. When such an embedding of double quotes is used, Excel
* additionally expects the entire fields to be surrounded by double quotes.
* This package follows that escape mechanism, rather than the use of
* backslash.
* <p>
* <b>Tested with:</b> Pig 0.8.0, Windows Vista, Excel 2007 SP2 MSO(12.0.6545.5004).
* <b>Note:</b><br>
*      When a file with newlines embedded in a field is loaded into Excel,
*      the application does not automatically vertically enlarge the respective
*      rows. It is therefore easy to miss when fields consist of multiple lines.
*        To make the multiline rows clear:<br>
*      <ul>
*        <li>Select the column.
*        <li>On the home ribbon, activate the Format pull-down menu
*         <li>Select Autofit Row Height.
*       </ul>
* <p>
* <b>Examples:</b>
* <br>
*      With multiline turned on:<br>
*           {@code "Conrad\n}<br>
*           {@code   Emil",Dinger,40}<br>
*            Is read as {@code (Conrad\nEmil,Dinger,40)}
* <p>          
*         With multiline turned off:<br>           
*           {@code "Conrad\n}<br>
*         {@code  Emil",Dinger,40}<br>
*            is read as<br>
*               {@code (Conrad)}<br>
*                   {@code (Emil,Dinger,40)}
* <p>
*      Always:
*          <ul>
*          <li> {@code "Mac ""the knife""",Cohen,30}
*            is read as {@code (Mac "the knife",Cohen,30)}
*         <li> {@code Jane, "nee, Smith",20}
*            Is read as {@code (Jane,nee, Smith,20)}
*          </ul>
* <p>           
*     That is, the escape character is the double quote,
*     not backslash.
* <p>
* <b>Known Issues:</b>
* <ul>
*     <li> When using {@code TAB} {@code{('\t')} as the field delimiter, Excel does not
*            properly handle newlines embedded in fields. Maybe there is a trick...
*      <li> Excel will only deal properly with embedded newlines if the file
*           name does not have a .csv extension.
* </ul>
* @author "Andreas Paepcke" <".
*           The load portion is based on Dmitriy V. Ryaboy's CSVLoader,
*           which in turn is loosely based on a version by James Kebinger.

public class CSVExcelStorage extends PigStorage implements StoreFuncInterface, LoadPushDown {

  public static enum Linebreaks {UNIX, WINDOWS, NOCHANGE};
  public static enum Multiline {YES, NO};
  protected final static byte LINEFEED = '\n';
  protected final static byte NEWLINE = '\r';
    protected final static byte DOUBLE_QUOTE = '"';
  protected final static byte RECORD_DEL = LINEFEED;
  private static final byte FIELD_DEL_DEFAULT = ',';
  private static final String MULTILINE_DEFAULT_STR = "NOMULTILINE";
  private static final String LINEBREAKS_DEFAULT_STR = "NOCHANGE";
  private static final Multiline MULTILINE_DEFAULT = Multiline.NO;
  private static final Linebreaks LINEBREAKS_DEFAULT = Linebreaks.NOCHANGE;
  long end = Long.MAX_VALUE;

  private byte fieldDelimiter = FIELD_DEL_DEFAULT;
  private Linebreaks eolTreatment = LINEBREAKS_DEFAULT;
  private Multiline multilineTreatment = MULTILINE_DEFAULT;
    private ArrayList<Object> mProtoTuple = null;
    private TupleFactory mTupleFactory = TupleFactory.getInstance();
    private String signature;
    private String loadLocation;
    private boolean[] mRequiredColumns = null;
    private boolean mRequiredColumnsInitialized = false;
  final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(getClass().getName());
  // Counters for in an out records:
  /*   CODE FOR COUNTERS. Also, look for CSVRecords.READ, and CSVRecords.WRITTEN for the other pieces.
  protected static enum CSVRecords {
  PigStatusReporter reporter = PigStatusReporter.getInstance();

    protected RecordReader in = null;   

  // For replacing LF with CRLF (Unix --> Windows end-of-line convention):
  Pattern loneLFDetectorPattern = Pattern.compile("([^\r])\n", Pattern.DOTALL | Pattern.MULTILINE);
  Matcher loneLFDetector = loneLFDetectorPattern.matcher("");
  // For removing CR (Windows --> Unix):
  Pattern CRLFDetectorPattern = Pattern.compile("\r\n", Pattern.DOTALL | Pattern.MULTILINE);
  Matcher CRLFDetector = CRLFDetectorPattern.matcher("");

  // Pig Storage with COMMA as delimiter:
    TupleFactory tupleMaker = TupleFactory.getInstance();
  private boolean getNextInQuotedField;
  private int getNextFieldID;
  private boolean nextTupleSkipChar;
  | Constructors
     * Constructs a CSVExcel load/store that uses {@code comma} as the
     * field delimiter, terminates records on reading a newline
     * within a field (even if the field is enclosed in double quotes),
     * and uses {@code LF} as line terminator.
    public CSVExcelStorage() {
      super(new String(new byte[] {FIELD_DEL_DEFAULT}));
     * Constructs a CSVExcel load/store that uses specified string as a field delimiter.
     * @param delimiter
     *            the single byte character that is used to separate fields.
     *            ("," is the default.)
    public CSVExcelStorage(String delimiter) {
        initializeInstance(delimiter, MULTILINE_DEFAULT_STR, LINEBREAKS_DEFAULT_STR);
     * Constructs a CSVExcel load/store that uses specified string
     * as a field delimiter, and allows specification whether to handle
     * line breaks within fields.
     * <ul>
     *     <li> For NO_MULTILINE, every line break
     *        will be considered an end-of-record.
     *     <li> For YES_MULTILINE, fields may include newlines,
     *        as long as the fields are enclosed in
     *        double quotes.
     * </ul> 
     * <b>Pig example:</b><br>
     * {@code STORE a INTO '/tmp/foo.csv'}<br>
     * {@code USING",", "YES_MULTILINE");}
     * @param delimiter
     *            the single byte character that is used to separate fields.
     *            ("," is the default.)
     * @param multilineTreatment
     *         "YES_MULTILINE" or "NO_MULTILINE"
     *            ("NO_MULTILINE is the default.)
    public CSVExcelStorage(String delimiter, String multilineTreatment) {
        initializeInstance(delimiter, multilineTreatment, LINEBREAKS_DEFAULT_STR);

     * Constructs a CSVExcel load/store that uses specified string
     * as a field delimiter, provides choice whether to manage multiline
     * fields, and specifies chars used for end of line.
     * <p>
     * The eofTreatment parameter is only relevant for STORE():
     * <ul>
     * <li>      For "UNIX", newlines will be stored as LF chars
     * <li>      For "WINDOWS", newlines will be stored as CRLF
     * </ul>
     * <b>Pig example:</b><br>
     * {@code STORE a INTO '/tmp/foo.csv'}<br>
     * {@code USING",", "NO_MULTILINE", "WINDOWS");}
     * @param delimiter
     *            the single byte character that is used to separate fields.
     *            ("," is the default.)
     * @param String
     *         "YES_MULTILINE" or "NO_MULTILINE"
     *            ("NO_MULTILINE is the default.)
     * @param eolTreatment
     *         "UNIX", "WINDOWS", or "NOCHANGE"
     *            ("NOCHANGE" is the default.)
    public CSVExcelStorage(String delimiter, String multilineTreatment,  String eolTreatment) {
      initializeInstance(delimiter, multilineTreatment, eolTreatment);

    private void initializeInstance(String delimiter, String multilineStr, String theEofTreatment) {
        fieldDelimiter = StorageUtil.parseFieldDel(delimiter);
        multilineTreatment = canonicalizeMultilineTreatmentRequest(multilineStr);
        eolTreatment = canonicalizeEOLTreatmentRequest(theEofTreatment);
    private Multiline canonicalizeMultilineTreatmentRequest(String theMultilineStr) {
      if (theMultilineStr.equalsIgnoreCase("YES_MULTILINE")) {
        return Multiline.YES;
      if (theMultilineStr.equalsIgnoreCase("NO_MULTILINE")) {
        return Multiline.NO;
    private Linebreaks canonicalizeEOLTreatmentRequest (String theEolTreatmentStr) {
      if (theEolTreatmentStr.equalsIgnoreCase("Unix"))
        return Linebreaks.UNIX;
      if (theEolTreatmentStr.equalsIgnoreCase("Windows"))
        return Linebreaks.WINDOWS;
    // ---------------------------------------- STORAGE -----------------------------
  | putNext()
    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.apache.pig.builtin.PigStorage#putNext(
     * Given a tuple that corresponds to one record, write
     * it out as CSV, converting among Unix/Windows line
     * breaks as requested in the instantiation. Also take
     * care of escaping field delimiters, double quotes,
     * and linebreaks embedded within fields,
    public void putNext(Tuple tupleToWrite) throws IOException {
      if (tupleToWrite.isNull()) {
        logger.warn("putNext() called with null for a tuple.");
      ArrayList<Object> mProtoTuple = new ArrayList<Object>();
      int embeddedNewlineIndex = -1;
      String fieldStr = null;
      // For good debug messages:
      int fieldCounter = -1;
      // Do the escaping:
      for (Object field : tupleToWrite.getAll()) {
        if (field == null) {
          logger.warn("Field " + fieldCounter + " within tuple '" + tupleToWrite + "' is null.");
        fieldStr = field.toString();
        // Embedded double quotes are replaced by two double quotes:
        fieldStr = fieldStr.replaceAll("[\"]", "\"\"");
        // If any field delimiters are in the field, or if we did replace
        // any double quotes with a pair of double quotes above,
        // or if the string includes a newline character (LF:\n:0x0A)
        // and we are to allow newlines in fields,
        // then the entire field must be enclosed in double quotes:
        embeddedNewlineIndex =  fieldStr.indexOf(LINEFEED);
        if ((fieldStr.indexOf(fieldDelimiter) != -1) ||
          (fieldStr.indexOf(DOUBLE_QUOTE) != -1) ||
          (multilineTreatment == Multiline.YES) && (embeddedNewlineIndex != -1))  {
          fieldStr = "\"" + fieldStr + "\"";
        // If requested: replace any Linefeed-only (^J), with LF-Newline (^M^J),
        // This is needed for Excel to recognize a field-internal
        // new line:

        if ((eolTreatment != Linebreaks.NOCHANGE) && (embeddedNewlineIndex != -1)) {
          if (eolTreatment == Linebreaks.WINDOWS) {
            fieldStr = loneLFDetector.replaceAll("$1\r\n");
          } else if (eolTreatment == Linebreaks.UNIX) {
            fieldStr = CRLFDetector.replaceAll("\n");

      // If Windows line breaks are requested, append
      // a newline (0x0D a.k.a. ^M) to the last field
      // so that the row termination will end up being
      // \r\n, once the superclass' putNext() method
      // is done below:

      if ((eolTreatment == Linebreaks.WINDOWS) && (fieldStr != null))
        mProtoTuple.set(mProtoTuple.size() - 1, fieldStr + "\r");

      Tuple resTuple = tupleMaker.newTuple(mProtoTuple);
      // Checking first for debug enabled is faster:
      if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
        logger.debug("Row: " + resTuple);
        // Increment number of records written (Couldn't get counters to work. So commented out.
      //if (reporter != null)
      //  reporter.getCounter(CSVRecords.WRITTEN).increment(1L);
    // ---------------------------------------- LOADING  ----------------------------- 
    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.apache.pig.builtin.PigStorage#getNext()
    public Tuple getNext() throws IOException {
        mProtoTuple = new ArrayList<Object>();

        getNextInQuotedField = false;
        boolean evenQuotesSeen = true;
        boolean sawEmbeddedRecordDelimiter = false;
        byte[] buf = null;
        if (!mRequiredColumnsInitialized) {
            if (signature != null) {
                Properties p = UDFContext.getUDFContext().getUDFProperties(this.getClass());
                mRequiredColumns = (boolean[])ObjectSerializer.deserialize(p.getProperty(signature));
            mRequiredColumnsInitialized = true;
        // Note: we cannot factor out the check for nextKeyValue() being null,
        // because that call overwrites buf with the new line, which is
        // bad if we have a field with a newline.

        try {
          int recordLen = 0;
          getNextFieldID = 0;
          while (sawEmbeddedRecordDelimiter || getNextFieldID == 0) {
            Text value = null;
            if (sawEmbeddedRecordDelimiter) {
              // Deal with pulling more records from the input, because
              // a double quoted embedded newline was encountered in a field.
              // Save the length of the record so far, plus one byte for the
              // record delimiter (usually newline) that's embedded in the field
              // we were working on before falling into this branch:
              int prevLineLen = recordLen + 1;
              // Save previous line (the one with the field that has the newline) in a new array.
              // The last byte will be random; we'll fill in the embedded
              // record delimiter (usually newline) below:
              byte[] prevLineSaved = Arrays.copyOf(buf, prevLineLen);
              prevLineSaved[prevLineLen - 1] = RECORD_DEL;
              // Read the continuation of the record, unless EOF:
              if (!in.nextKeyValue()) {
                return null;
              value = (Text) in.getCurrentValue();
              recordLen = value.getLength();
              // Grab the continuation's bytes:
              buf = value.getBytes();
              // Combine the previous line and the continuation into a new array.
              // The following copyOf() does half the job: it allocates all the
              // space, and also copies the previous line into that space:
              byte[] prevLineAndContinuation = Arrays.copyOf(prevLineSaved, prevLineLen + recordLen);
              // Now append the continuation. Parms: fromBuf, fromStartPos, toBuf, toStartPos, lengthToCopy:
              System.arraycopy(buf, 0, prevLineAndContinuation, prevLineLen, recordLen);
              // We'll work with the combination now:
              buf = prevLineAndContinuation;
              // Do the whole record over from the start:
              getNextInQuotedField = false;
              evenQuotesSeen = true;
              sawEmbeddedRecordDelimiter = false;
              getNextFieldID = 0;
              recordLen = prevLineAndContinuation.length;
            } else {
              // Previous record finished cleanly: start with the next record,
              // unless EOF:
              if (!in.nextKeyValue()) {
                return null;
              value = (Text) in.getCurrentValue();
              buf = value.getBytes();
              getNextFieldID = 0;
              recordLen = value.getLength();
            sawEmbeddedRecordDelimiter = false;

            nextTupleSkipChar = false;

            ByteBuffer fieldBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(recordLen);

            sawEmbeddedRecordDelimiter = processOneInRecord(evenQuotesSeen,
            sawEmbeddedRecordDelimiter, buf, recordLen, fieldBuffer);
            // The last field is never delimited by a FIELD_DEL, but by
            // the end of the record. So we need to add that last field.
            // The '!sawEmbeddedRecordDelimiter' handles the case of
            // embedded newlines; we are amidst a field, not at
            // the final record:
            if (!sawEmbeddedRecordDelimiter)
              readField(fieldBuffer, getNextFieldID++);
          } // end while

        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
          int errCode = 6018;
          String errMsg = "Error while reading input";
          throw new ExecException(errMsg, errCode,
              PigException.REMOTE_ENVIRONMENT, e);

        Tuple t =  mTupleFactory.newTupleNoCopy(mProtoTuple);
        // Increment number of records read (Couldn't get counters to work. So commented out.
        //if (reporter != null)
        //  reporter.getCounter(CSVRecords.READ).increment(1L);
        return t;

   * Service method for getNext().
   * Looks at char after char in the input record,
   * that was previously pulled in by getNext(),
   * and fills the fieldBuffer with those chars.
   * <p>
   * If multilineTreatment is Multiline.YES, then
   * the return value indicates whether an embedded
   * newline was found in a field, and that newline
   * was in a field that opened with a double quote
   * that was not closed before the end of the
   * record was reached. If multilineTreatment
   * is Multine.NO, then the return value is always false.
   * <p>
   * A return value of true will cause the calling method
   * to continue pulling records from the input stream,
   * until a closing quote is found.
   * <p>
   * Note that the recordReader that delivers records
   * to out getNext() method above considers record
   * boundaries to be newlines. We therefore never see an actual
   * newline character embedded in a field. We just
   * run out of record. For Multiline.NO we just take
   * such an end of record at face value; the final
   * resulting tuple will contain information only up
   * to the first newline that was found.
   * <p>
   * For Multiline.YES, when we run out of record
   * in an open double quote, our return of true from
   * this method will cause the caller getNext() to
   * do its additional readings of records from the
   * stream, until the closing double quote is found.
   *  <p>
   * @param evenQuotesSeen
   * @param sawEmbeddedRecordDelimiter
   * @param buf
   * @param recordLen
   * @param fieldBuffer
   * @return
  private boolean processOneInRecord(boolean evenQuotesSeen,
      boolean sawEmbeddedRecordDelimiter, byte[] buf, int recordLen,
      ByteBuffer fieldBuffer) {
    for (int i = 0; i < recordLen; i++) {
      if (nextTupleSkipChar) {
        nextTupleSkipChar = false;
      byte b = buf[i];
      if (getNextInQuotedField) {
        if (b == DOUBLE_QUOTE) {
          // Does a double quote immediately follow?
          if ((i < recordLen-1) && (buf[i+1] == DOUBLE_QUOTE)) {
            nextTupleSkipChar = true;
          evenQuotesSeen = !evenQuotesSeen;
          if (evenQuotesSeen) {
        } else if (i == recordLen - 1) {
          // This is the last char we read from the input stream,
          // but we have an open double quote.
          // We either have a run-away quoted field (i.e. a missing
          // closing field in the record), or we have a field with
          // a record delimiter in it. We assume the latter,
          // and cause the outer while loop to run again, reading
          // more from the stream. Write out the delimiter:
          sawEmbeddedRecordDelimiter = true;
        } else
          if (!evenQuotesSeen &&
              (b == fieldDelimiter || b == RECORD_DEL)) {
            getNextInQuotedField = false;
            readField(fieldBuffer, getNextFieldID++);
          } else {
      } else if (b == DOUBLE_QUOTE) {
        // Does a double quote immediately follow?                 
        if ((i < recordLen-1) && (buf[i+1] == DOUBLE_QUOTE)) {
          nextTupleSkipChar = true;
        // If we are at the start of a field,
        // that entire field is quoted:
        getNextInQuotedField = true;
        evenQuotesSeen = true;
      } else if (b == fieldDelimiter) {
        readField(fieldBuffer, getNextFieldID++); // end of the field
      } else {
        evenQuotesSeen = true;
    } // end for
    return sawEmbeddedRecordDelimiter && (multilineTreatment == Multiline.YES);

    private void readField(ByteBuffer buf, int fieldID) {
        if (mRequiredColumns==null || (mRequiredColumns.length>fieldID && mRequiredColumns[fieldID])) {
            byte[] bytes = new byte[buf.position()];
            buf.get(bytes, 0, bytes.length);
            mProtoTuple.add(new DataByteArray(bytes));

    public void setLocation(String location, Job job) throws IOException {
        loadLocation = location;
        FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, location);       

    public InputFormat getInputFormat() {
        if(loadLocation.endsWith(".bz2") || loadLocation.endsWith(".bz")) {
            return new Bzip2TextInputFormat();
        } else {
            return new PigTextInputFormat();

    public void prepareToRead(@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") RecordReader reader, PigSplit split) {
        in = reader;

    public RequiredFieldResponse pushProjection(RequiredFieldList requiredFieldList) throws FrontendException {
        if (requiredFieldList == null)
            return null;
        if (requiredFieldList.getFields() != null)
            int lastColumn = -1;
            for (RequiredField rf: requiredFieldList.getFields())
                if (rf.getIndex()>lastColumn)
                    lastColumn = rf.getIndex();
            mRequiredColumns = new boolean[lastColumn+1];
            for (RequiredField rf: requiredFieldList.getFields())
                if (rf.getIndex()!=-1)
                    mRequiredColumns[rf.getIndex()] = true;
            Properties p = UDFContext.getUDFContext().getUDFProperties(this.getClass());
            try {
                p.setProperty(signature, ObjectSerializer.serialize(mRequiredColumns));
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Cannot serialize mRequiredColumns");
        return new RequiredFieldResponse(true);

    public void setUDFContextSignature(String signature) {
        this.signature = signature;

    public List<OperatorSet> getFeatures() {
        return Arrays.asList(LoadPushDown.OperatorSet.PROJECTION);


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