Package org.apache.maven.continuum.buildcontroller

Source Code of org.apache.maven.continuum.buildcontroller.DefaultBuildController

package org.apache.maven.continuum.buildcontroller;

* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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import org.apache.maven.continuum.core.action.AbstractContinuumAction;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.model.project.BuildDefinition;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.model.project.BuildResult;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.model.project.Project;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.model.project.ProjectDependency;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.model.scm.ChangeFile;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.model.scm.ChangeSet;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.model.scm.ScmResult;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.notification.ContinuumNotificationDispatcher;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.project.ContinuumProjectState;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.scm.ContinuumScmException;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.utils.ContinuumUtils;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.utils.WorkingDirectoryService;
import org.codehaus.plexus.action.ActionManager;
import org.codehaus.plexus.action.ActionNotFoundException;
import org.codehaus.plexus.logging.AbstractLogEnabled;
import org.codehaus.plexus.taskqueue.execution.TaskExecutionException;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.StringUtils;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

* @author <a href="">Trygve Laugst&oslash;l</a>
* @version $Id: 584714 2007-10-15 09:02:58Z evenisse $
* @plexus.component role="org.apache.maven.continuum.buildcontroller.BuildController" role-hint="default"
public class DefaultBuildController
    extends AbstractLogEnabled
    implements BuildController
     * @plexus.requirement role-hint="jdo"
    private ContinuumStore store;

     * @plexus.requirement
    private ContinuumNotificationDispatcher notifierDispatcher;

     * @plexus.requirement
    private ActionManager actionManager;

     * @plexus.requirement
    private WorkingDirectoryService workingDirectoryService;

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // BuildController Implementation
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

     * @param projectId
     * @param buildDefinitionId
     * @param trigger
     * @throws TaskExecutionException
    public void build( int projectId, int buildDefinitionId, int trigger )
        throws TaskExecutionException
        getLogger().info( "Initializing build" );
        BuildContext context = initializeBuildContext( projectId, buildDefinitionId, trigger );

        getLogger().info( "Starting build of " + context.getProject().getName() );
        startBuild( context );

            // check if build definition requires smoking the existing checkout and rechecking out project
            if ( context.getBuildDefinition().isBuildFresh() )
                getLogger().info( "Purging exiting working copy" );
                cleanWorkingDirectory( context );

            // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
            // TODO: Centralize the error handling from the SCM related actions.
            // ContinuumScmResult should return a ContinuumScmResult from all
            // methods, even in a case of failure.
            // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
            getLogger().info( "Updating working dir" );
            updateWorkingDirectory( context );

            getLogger().info( "Merging SCM results" );
            if ( !context.getBuildDefinition().isBuildFresh() )
                mergeScmResults( context );

            // ignore this if AlwaysBuild ?
            if ( !checkScmResult( context ) )
                getLogger().info( "Error updating from SCM, not building" );

            checkProjectDependencies( context );

            if ( !shouldBuild( context ) )

            Map actionContext = context.getActionContext();

                performAction( "update-project-from-working-directory", context );
            catch ( TaskExecutionException e )
                //just log the error but don't stop the build from progressing in order not to suppress any build result messages there
                getLogger().error( "Error executing action update-project-from-working-directory '", e );

            performAction( "execute-builder", context );

            performAction( "deploy-artifact", context );

            String s = (String) actionContext.get( AbstractContinuumAction.KEY_BUILD_ID );

            if ( s != null )
                    context.setBuildResult( store.getBuildResult( Integer.valueOf( s ).intValue() ) );
                catch ( NumberFormatException e )
                    throw new TaskExecutionException( "Internal error: build id not an integer", e );
                catch ( ContinuumObjectNotFoundException e )
                    throw new TaskExecutionException( "Internal error: Cannot find build result", e );
                catch ( ContinuumStoreException e )
                    throw new TaskExecutionException( "Error loading build result", e );
            endBuild( context );

     * Checks if the build should be marked as ERROR and notifies the end of the build.
     * @param context
     * @throws TaskExecutionException
    private void endBuild( BuildContext context )
        throws TaskExecutionException
        Project project = context.getProject();

            if ( project.getState() != ContinuumProjectState.NEW &&
                project.getState() != ContinuumProjectState.CHECKEDOUT &&
                project.getState() != ContinuumProjectState.OK && project.getState() != ContinuumProjectState.FAILED &&
                project.getState() != ContinuumProjectState.ERROR )
                    String s = (String) context.getActionContext().get( AbstractContinuumAction.KEY_BUILD_ID );

                    if ( s != null )
                        BuildResult buildResult = store.getBuildResult( Integer.valueOf( s ).intValue() );
                        project.setState( buildResult.getState() );
                        project.setState( ContinuumProjectState.ERROR );

                    store.updateProject( project );
                catch ( ContinuumStoreException e )
                    throw new TaskExecutionException( "Error storing the project", e );
            notifierDispatcher.buildComplete( project, context.getBuildDefinition(), context.getBuildResult() );

    private void updateBuildResult( BuildContext context, String error )
        throws TaskExecutionException
        BuildResult build = context.getBuildResult();

        if ( build == null )
            build = makeAndStoreBuildResult( context, error );
            updateBuildResult( build, context );

            build.setError( error );

                store.updateBuildResult( build );

                build = store.getBuildResult( build.getId() );

                context.setBuildResult( build );
            catch ( ContinuumStoreException e )
                throw new TaskExecutionException( "Error updating build result", e );

        context.getProject().setState( build.getState() );

            store.updateProject( context.getProject() );
        catch ( ContinuumStoreException e )
            throw new TaskExecutionException( "Error updating project", e );

    private void updateBuildResult( BuildResult build, BuildContext context )
        if ( build.getScmResult() == null && context.getScmResult() != null )
            build.setScmResult( context.getScmResult() );

        if ( build.getModifiedDependencies() == null && context.getModifiedDependencies() != null )
            build.setModifiedDependencies( context.getModifiedDependencies() );

    private void startBuild( BuildContext context )
        throws TaskExecutionException

        Project project = context.getProject();

        project.setOldState( project.getState() );

        project.setState( ContinuumProjectState.BUILDING );

            store.updateProject( project );
        catch ( ContinuumStoreException e )
            throw new TaskExecutionException( "Error persisting project", e );

        notifierDispatcher.buildStarted( project, context.getBuildDefinition() );


     * Initializes a BuildContext for the build.
     * @param projectId
     * @param buildDefinitionId
     * @param trigger
     * @return
     * @throws TaskExecutionException
    protected BuildContext initializeBuildContext( int projectId, int buildDefinitionId, int trigger )
        throws TaskExecutionException
        BuildContext context = new BuildContext();

        context.setStartTime( System.currentTimeMillis() );

        context.setTrigger( trigger );

            context.setProject( store.getProject( projectId ) );

            BuildDefinition buildDefinition = store.getBuildDefinition( buildDefinitionId );

            context.setBuildDefinition( buildDefinition );

            BuildResult oldBuildResult = store.getLatestBuildResultForBuildDefinition( projectId, buildDefinitionId );

            context.setOldBuildResult( oldBuildResult );

            if ( oldBuildResult != null )
                context.setOldScmResult( getOldScmResult( projectId, oldBuildResult.getEndTime() ) );
        catch ( ContinuumStoreException e )
            throw new TaskExecutionException( "Error initializing the build context", e );

        Map actionContext = context.getActionContext();

        actionContext.put( AbstractContinuumAction.KEY_PROJECT_ID, new Integer( projectId ) );

        actionContext.put( AbstractContinuumAction.KEY_PROJECT, context.getProject() );

        actionContext.put( AbstractContinuumAction.KEY_BUILD_DEFINITION_ID, new Integer( buildDefinitionId ) );

        actionContext.put( AbstractContinuumAction.KEY_BUILD_DEFINITION, context.getBuildDefinition() );

        actionContext.put( AbstractContinuumAction.KEY_TRIGGER, new Integer( trigger ) );

        actionContext.put( AbstractContinuumAction.KEY_FIRST_RUN,
                           Boolean.valueOf( context.getOldBuildResult() == null ) );

        return context;

    private void cleanWorkingDirectory( BuildContext context )
        throws TaskExecutionException
        performAction( "clean-working-directory", context );

    private void updateWorkingDirectory( BuildContext context )
        throws TaskExecutionException
        Map actionContext = context.getActionContext();

        performAction( "check-working-directory", context );

        boolean workingDirectoryExists =
            AbstractContinuumAction.getBoolean( actionContext, AbstractContinuumAction.KEY_WORKING_DIRECTORY_EXISTS );

        ScmResult scmResult;

        if ( workingDirectoryExists )
            performAction( "update-working-directory-from-scm", context );

            scmResult = AbstractContinuumAction.getUpdateScmResult( actionContext, null );
            Project project = (Project) actionContext.get( AbstractContinuumAction.KEY_PROJECT );

            actionContext.put( AbstractContinuumAction.KEY_WORKING_DIRECTORY,
                               workingDirectoryService.getWorkingDirectory( project ).getAbsolutePath() );

            performAction( "checkout-project", context );

            scmResult = AbstractContinuumAction.getCheckoutResult( actionContext, null );

        context.setScmResult( scmResult );

    private void performAction( String actionName, BuildContext context )
        throws TaskExecutionException
        String error = null;
        TaskExecutionException exception = null;

            getLogger().info( "Performing action " + actionName );
            actionManager.lookup( actionName ).execute( context.getActionContext() );
        catch ( ActionNotFoundException e )
            error = ContinuumUtils.throwableToString( e );
            exception = new TaskExecutionException( "Error looking up action '" + actionName + "'", e );
        catch ( ContinuumScmException e )
            ScmResult result = e.getResult();

            if ( result != null )
                error = convertScmResultToError( result );

            if ( error == null )
                error = ContinuumUtils.throwableToString( e );

            exception = new TaskExecutionException( "SCM error while executing '" + actionName + "'", e );
        catch ( Exception e )
            exception = new TaskExecutionException( "Error executing action '" + actionName + "'", e );
            error = ContinuumUtils.throwableToString( exception );

        // TODO: clean this up. We catch the original exception from the action, and then update the buildresult
        // for it - we need to because of the specialized error message for SCM.
        // If updating the buildresult fails, log the previous error and throw the new one.
        // If updating the buildresult succeeds, throw the original exception. The build result should NOT
        // be updated again - a TaskExecutionException is final, no further action should be taken upon it.

            updateBuildResult( context, error );
        catch ( TaskExecutionException e )
            getLogger().error( "Error updating build result after receiving the following exception: ", exception );
            throw e;

        throw exception;

    protected boolean shouldBuild( BuildContext context )
        throws TaskExecutionException
        BuildDefinition buildDefinition = context.getBuildDefinition();
        if ( buildDefinition.isAlwaysBuild() )
            getLogger().info( "AlwaysBuild configured, building" );
            return true;
        if ( context.getOldBuildResult() == null )
            getLogger().info( "The project was never be built with the current build definition, building" );
            return true;

        boolean shouldBuild = true;

        Project project = context.getProject();

        if ( project.getOldState() == ContinuumProjectState.ERROR ||
            context.getOldBuildResult().getState() == ContinuumProjectState.ERROR )
            getLogger().info( "Latest state was 'ERROR', building" );
            return true;

        if ( project.getOldState() != ContinuumProjectState.NEW &&
            project.getOldState() != ContinuumProjectState.CHECKEDOUT &&
            context.getTrigger() != ContinuumProjectState.TRIGGER_FORCED &&
            project.getState() != ContinuumProjectState.NEW && project.getState() != ContinuumProjectState.CHECKEDOUT )
            // Check SCM changes
            boolean allChangesUnknown = checkAllChangesUnknown( context.getScmResult().getChanges() );

            if ( allChangesUnknown )
                if ( !context.getScmResult().getChanges().isEmpty() )
                        "The project was not built because all changes are unknown (maybe local modifications or ignored files not defined in your SCM tool." );
                        "The project was not built because no changes were detected in sources since the last build." );

                project.setState( project.getOldState() );

                project.setOldState( 0 );

                    store.updateProject( project );
                catch ( ContinuumStoreException e )
                    throw new TaskExecutionException( "Error storing project", e );

                shouldBuild = false;

                // Check dependencies changes
                if ( context.getModifiedDependencies() != null && !context.getModifiedDependencies().isEmpty() )
                    getLogger().info( "Found dependencies changes, building" );
                    shouldBuild = true;
                // Check dependencies changes
                if ( context.getModifiedDependencies() != null && !context.getModifiedDependencies().isEmpty() )
                    getLogger().info( "Found dependencies changes, building" );
                    shouldBuild = true;

        if ( shouldBuild )
            getLogger().info( "Changes found, building" );
            getLogger().info( "No changes, not building" );

        return shouldBuild;

    private boolean checkAllChangesUnknown( List changes )
        for ( Iterator iterChanges = changes.iterator(); iterChanges.hasNext(); )
            ChangeSet changeSet = (ChangeSet);

            List changeFiles = changeSet.getFiles();

            Iterator iterFiles = changeFiles.iterator();

            while ( iterFiles.hasNext() )
                ChangeFile changeFile = (ChangeFile);

                if ( !"unknown".equalsIgnoreCase( changeFile.getStatus() ) )
                    return false;

        return true;

    protected void checkProjectDependencies( BuildContext context )
        if ( context.getOldBuildResult() == null )

            Project project = store.getProjectWithAllDetails( context.getProject().getId() );
            List dependencies = project.getDependencies();

            if ( dependencies == null )
                dependencies = new ArrayList();

            if ( project.getParent() != null )
                dependencies.add( project.getParent() );

            if ( dependencies.isEmpty() )

            List modifiedDependencies = new ArrayList();

            for ( Iterator i = dependencies.iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
                ProjectDependency dep = (ProjectDependency);
                Project dependencyProject = store.getProject( dep.getGroupId(), dep.getArtifactId(), dep.getVersion() );

                if ( dependencyProject != null )
                    List buildResults = store.getBuildResultsInSuccessForProject( dependencyProject.getId(),
                                                                                  context.getOldBuildResult().getEndTime() );
                    if ( buildResults != null && !buildResults.isEmpty() )
                        getLogger().debug( "Dependency changed: " + dep.getGroupId() + ":" + dep.getArtifactId() + ":" +
                            dep.getVersion() );
                        modifiedDependencies.add( dep );
                        getLogger().debug( "Dependency not changed: " + dep.getGroupId() + ":" + dep.getArtifactId() +
                            ":" + dep.getVersion() );
                    getLogger().debug( "Skip non Continuum project: " + dep.getGroupId() + ":" + dep.getArtifactId() +
                        ":" + dep.getVersion() );

            context.setModifiedDependencies( modifiedDependencies );
            context.getActionContext().put( AbstractContinuumAction.KEY_UPDATE_DEPENDENCIES, modifiedDependencies );
        catch ( ContinuumStoreException e )
            getLogger().warn( "Can't get the project dependencies", e );

    private String convertScmResultToError( ScmResult result )
        String error = "";

        if ( result == null )
            error = "Scm result is null.";
            if ( result.getCommandLine() != null )
                error = "Command line: " + StringUtils.clean( result.getCommandLine() ) +
                    System.getProperty( "line.separator" );

            if ( result.getProviderMessage() != null )
                error = "Provider message: " + StringUtils.clean( result.getProviderMessage() ) +
                    System.getProperty( "line.separator" );

            if ( result.getCommandOutput() != null )
                error += "Command output: " + System.getProperty( "line.separator" );
                error += "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------" +
                    System.getProperty( "line.separator" );
                error += StringUtils.clean( result.getCommandOutput() ) + System.getProperty( "line.separator" );
                error += "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------" +
                    System.getProperty( "line.separator" );

            if ( result.getException() != null )
                error += "Exception:" + System.getProperty( "line.separator" );
                error += result.getException();

        return error;

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    private BuildResult makeAndStoreBuildResult( BuildContext context, String error )
        throws TaskExecutionException
        // Project project, ScmResult scmResult, long startTime, int trigger )
        // project, scmResult, startTime, trigger );

        BuildResult build = new BuildResult();

        build.setState( ContinuumProjectState.ERROR );

        build.setTrigger( context.getTrigger() );

        build.setStartTime( context.getStartTime() );

        build.setEndTime( System.currentTimeMillis() );

        updateBuildResult( build, context );

        build.setScmResult( context.getScmResult() );

        build.setBuildDefinition( context.getBuildDefinition() );

        if ( error != null )
            build.setError( error );

            store.addBuildResult( context.getProject(), build );

            build = store.getBuildResult( build.getId() );

            context.setBuildResult( build );

            return build;
        catch ( ContinuumStoreException e )
            throw new TaskExecutionException( "Error storing build result", e );

    private ScmResult getOldScmResult( int projectId, long fromDate )
        List results = store.getBuildResultsForProject( projectId, fromDate );

        ScmResult res = new ScmResult();

        if ( results != null )
            for ( Iterator i = results.iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
                BuildResult result = (BuildResult);

                ScmResult scmResult = result.getScmResult();

                if ( scmResult != null )
                    List changes = scmResult.getChanges();

                    if ( changes != null )
                        for ( Iterator j = changes.iterator(); j.hasNext(); )
                            ChangeSet changeSet = (ChangeSet);

                            if ( changeSet.getDate() < fromDate )

                            if ( !res.getChanges().contains( changeSet ) )
                                res.addChange( changeSet );

        return res;

     * Merges scm results so we'll have all changes since last execution of current build definition
    private void mergeScmResults( BuildContext context )
        ScmResult oldScmResult = context.getOldScmResult();
        ScmResult newScmResult = context.getScmResult();

        if ( oldScmResult != null )
            if ( newScmResult == null )
                context.setScmResult( oldScmResult );
                List oldChanges = oldScmResult.getChanges();

                List newChanges = newScmResult.getChanges();

                for ( Iterator i = newChanges.iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
                    ChangeSet change = (ChangeSet);

                    if ( !oldChanges.contains( change ) )
                        oldChanges.add( change );

                newScmResult.setChanges( oldChanges );

     * Check to see if there was a error while checking out/updating the project
     * @throws TaskExecutionException
    private boolean checkScmResult( BuildContext context )
        throws TaskExecutionException
        ScmResult scmResult = context.getScmResult();

        if ( scmResult == null || !scmResult.isSuccess() )
            // scmResult must be converted before storing it because jpox modifies values of all fields to null
            String error = convertScmResultToError( scmResult );

            BuildResult build = makeAndStoreBuildResult( context, error );

                Project project = context.getProject();

                project.setState( build.getState() );

                store.updateProject( project );

                return false;
            catch ( ContinuumStoreException e )
                throw new TaskExecutionException( "Error storing project", e );

        context.getActionContext().put( AbstractContinuumAction.KEY_UPDATE_SCM_RESULT, scmResult );

        return true;


Related Classes of org.apache.maven.continuum.buildcontroller.DefaultBuildController

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