Package org.apache.batik.ext.awt.image.rendered

Source Code of org.apache.batik.ext.awt.image.rendered.IndexImage$Counter


   Copyright 2002-2003  The Apache Software Foundation

   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   You may obtain a copy of the License at

   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package org.apache.batik.ext.awt.image.rendered;

import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.awt.RenderingHints;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.awt.image.ColorModel;
import java.awt.image.DataBuffer;
import java.awt.image.IndexColorModel;
import java.awt.image.MultiPixelPackedSampleModel;
import java.awt.image.Raster;
import java.awt.image.SampleModel;
import java.awt.image.WritableRaster;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Vector;

import org.apache.batik.ext.awt.image.GraphicsUtil;

* This implements an adaptive pallete generator to reduce images to a
* specified number of colors.
* Ideally this would also support a better dither option than just
* the JDK's pattern dither.
* @author <a href="">Thomas DeWeese</a>
* @author <a href="">Jun Inamori</a>
* @version $Id:,v 1.7 2004/08/18 07:14:08 vhardy Exp $ */
public class IndexImage{

     * Used to track a color and the number of pixels of that colors
    private static class Counter {
        public int val;
        public int count=1;
        public Counter(int val) {  this.val = val; }
        public boolean add(int val) {
            // See if the value matches us...
            if (this.val != val)
                return false;
            return true;

     * Used to define a cube of the colorspace.  The cube can be split
     * approximagely in half to generate two cubes. 
    private static class Cube {
        int []min={0, 0, 0}, max={255,255,255};

        boolean done = false;
        Vector []colors = null;
        int count=0;
        static final int RED = 0;
        static final int GRN = 1;
        static final int BLU = 2;

         * Define a new cube.
         * @param colors contains the 3D color histogram to be subdivided
         * @param count the total number of pixels in the 3D histogram.
        public Cube(Vector []colors, int count) {
            this.colors = colors;
            this.count = count;

         * If this returns true then the cube can not be subdivided any
         * further
        public boolean isDone() { return done; }
         * Splits the cube into two parts.  This cube is
         * changed to be one half and the returned cube is the other half.
         * This tries to pick the right channel to split on.
        public Cube split() {
            int dr = max[0]-min[0]+1;
            int dg = max[1]-min[1]+1;
            int db = max[2]-min[2]+1;
            int c0, c1, splitChannel;

            // Figure out which axis is the longest and split along
            // that axis (this tries to keep cubes square-ish).
            if (dr >= dg) {
                c0 = GRN;
                if (dr >= db) { splitChannel = RED; c1=BLU; }
                else          { splitChannel = BLU; c1=RED; }
            } else if (dg >= db) {
                splitChannel = GRN;
            } else {
                splitChannel = BLU;

            Cube ret;
            ret = splitChannel(splitChannel, c0, c1);
            if (ret != null ) return ret;

            ret = splitChannel(c0, splitChannel, c1);
            if (ret != null ) return ret;

            ret = splitChannel(c1, splitChannel, c0);
            if (ret != null) return ret;
            done = true;
            return null;

         * Splits the image according to the parameters.  It tries
         * to find a location where half the pixels are on one side
         * and half the pixels are on the other.
        public Cube splitChannel(int splitChannel, int c0, int c1) {
            if (min[splitChannel] == max[splitChannel]) return null;
            int splitSh4 = (2-splitChannel)*4;
            int c0Sh4    = (2-c0)*4;
            int c1Sh4    = (2-c1)*4;

            int half = count/2;
            // Each entry is the number of pixels that have that value
            // in the split channel within the cube (so pixels
            // that have that value in the split channel aren't counted
            // if they are outside the cube in the other color channels.
            int counts [] = new int[256];
            int tcount = 0;

            // System.out.println("Cube: [" +
            //                    min[0] + "-" + max[0] + "] [" +
            //                    min[1] + "-" + max[1] + "] [" +
            //                    min[2] + "-" + max[2] + "]");

            int [] minIdx = {min[0]>>4, min[1]>>4, min[2]>>4};
            int [] maxIdx = {max[0]>>4, max[1]>>4, max[2]>>4};
            int minR=min[0], minG=min[1], minB=min[2];
            int maxR=max[0], maxG=max[1], maxB=max[2];
            int val = 0;
            int [] vals = {0, 0, 0};
            for (int i=minIdx[splitChannel]; i<=maxIdx[splitChannel]; i++) {
                int idx1 = i<<splitSh4;
                for (int j=minIdx[c0]; j<=maxIdx[c0]; j++) {
                    int idx2 = idx1 | (j<<c0Sh4);
                    for (int k=minIdx[c1]; k<=maxIdx[c1]; k++) {
                        int idx = idx2 | (k<<c1Sh4);
                        Vector v = colors[idx];
                        if (v==null) continue;
                        Iterator itr = v.iterator();
                        Counter c;
                        while (itr.hasNext()) {
                            c = (Counter);
                            val = c.val;
                            vals[0] = (val&0xFF0000)>>16;
                            vals[1] = (val&0xFF00)>>8;
                            vals[2] = (val&0xFF);
                            if (((vals[0] >= minR) && (vals[0] <= maxR))&&
                                ((vals[1] >= minG) && (vals[1] <= maxG))&&
                                ((vals[2] >= minB) && (vals[2] <= maxB))) {
                                // The val lies within this cube so count it.
                                counts[vals[splitChannel]] += c.count;
                                tcount += c.count;
                // We've found the half way point.  Note that the
                // rest of counts is not filled out.
                if (tcount >= half) break;

            int lastAdd=-1;
            // These indicate what the top value for the low cube and
            // the low value of the high cube should be in the split channel
            // (they may not be one off if there are 'dead' spots in the
            // counts array.
            int splitLo=min[splitChannel], splitHi=max[splitChannel];
            for (int i=min[splitChannel]; i<=max[splitChannel]; i++) {
                int c = counts[i];
                if (c == 0) {
                    // No counts below this so move up bottom of cube.
                    if ((tcount == 0) && (i < max[splitChannel]))
                        this.min[splitChannel] = i+1;

                if (tcount+c < half) {
                    lastAdd = i;
                if ((half-tcount) <= ((tcount+c)-half)) {
                    // Then lastAdd is a better top idx for this then i.
                    if (lastAdd == -1) {
                        // No lower place to break.
                        if (c == this.count) {
                            // All pixels are at this value so make min/max
                            // reflect that.
                            this.max[splitChannel] = i;
                            return null; // no split to make.
                        } else {
                            // There are values about this one so
                            // split above.
                            splitLo = i;
                            splitHi = i+1;
                    splitLo = lastAdd;
                    splitHi = i;
                } else {
                    if (i == this.max[splitChannel]) {
                        if ( c == this.count) {
                            // would move min up but that should
                            // have happened already.
                            return null; // no split to make.
                        } else {
                            // Would like to break between i and i+1
                            // but no i+1 so use lastAdd and i;
                            splitLo = lastAdd;
                            splitHi = i;
                    // Include c in counts
                    tcount += c;
                    splitLo = i;
                    splitHi = i+1;

            // System.out.println("Split: " + splitChannel + "@"
            //                    + splitLo + "-"+splitHi +
            //                    " Count: " + tcount  + " of " + count +
            //                    " LA: " + lastAdd);

            // Create the new cube and update everone's bounds & counts.
            Cube ret = new Cube(colors, tcount);
            this.count = this.count-tcount;
            ret.min[splitChannel] = this.min[splitChannel];
            ret.max[splitChannel] = splitLo;
            this.min[splitChannel] = splitHi;
            ret.min[c0] = this.min[c0];
            ret.max[c0] = this.max[c0];
            ret.min[c1] = this.min[c1];
            ret.max[c1] = this.max[c1];
            return ret;

         * Returns the average color for this cube
        public int averageColor() {
            if (this.count == 0) return 0;

            float red=0, grn=0, blu=0;

            int minR=min[0], minG=min[1], minB=min[2];
            int maxR=max[0], maxG=max[1], maxB=max[2];
            int [] minIdx = {minR>>4, minG>>4, minB>>4};
            int [] maxIdx = {maxR>>4, maxG>>4, maxB>>4};
            int val, ired, igrn, iblu;
            float weight;
            for (int i=minIdx[0]; i<=maxIdx[0]; i++) {
                int idx1 = i<<8;
                for (int j=minIdx[1]; j<=maxIdx[1]; j++) {
                    int idx2 = idx1 | (j<<4);
                    for (int k=minIdx[2]; k<=maxIdx[2]; k++) {
                        int idx = idx2 | k;
                        Vector v = colors[idx];
                        if (v==null) continue;
                        Iterator itr = v.iterator();
                        Counter c;
                        while (itr.hasNext()) {
                            c = (Counter);
                            val = c.val;
                            ired = (val&0xFF0000)>>16;
                            igrn = (val&0x00FF00)>>8;
                            iblu = (val&0x0000FF);
                            if (((ired >= minR) && (ired <= maxR))&&
                                ((igrn >= minG) && (igrn <= maxG))&&
                                ((iblu >= minB) && (iblu <= maxB))) {
                                weight = (c.count/(float)this.count);
                                red += (ired*weight);
                                grn += (igrn*weight);
                                blu += (iblu*weight);
            // System.out.println("RGB: [" + red + ", " +
            //                    grn + ", " + blu + "]");
            return (((int)(red+0.5))<<16 |

     * Converts the input image (must be TYPE_INT_RGB or
     * TYPE_INT_ARGB) to an indexed image.  Generating an adaptive
     * palette with number of colors specified.
     * @param bi the image to be processed.
     * @param nColors number of colors in the palette
    static public BufferedImage getIndexedImage
        (BufferedImage bi, int nColors) {
        int w=bi.getWidth();
        int h=bi.getHeight();

        // Using 4 bits from RG & B.
        Vector [] colors = new Vector[1<<12];

        int rgb=0;
        for(int i_w=0; i_w<w; i_w++){
            for(int i_h=0; i_h<h; i_h++){
                rgb=(bi.getRGB(i_w,i_h) & 0xFFFFFF);
                // Get index from high four bits of each component.
                int idx = (((rgb&0xF00000)>>> 12) |
                           ((rgb&0x00F000)>>>  8) |
                           ((rgb&0x0000F0)>>>  4));

                    // Get the 'hash vector' for that key.
                Vector v = colors[idx];
                if (v == null) {
                    // No colors in this bin yet so create vector and
                    // add color.
                    v = new Vector();
                    v.add(new Counter(rgb));
                    colors[idx] = v;
                } else {
                    // find our color in the bin or create a counter for it.
                    Iterator i = v.iterator();
                    while (true) {
                        if (i.hasNext()) {
                            // try adding our color to each counter...
                            if (((Counter) break;
                        } else {
                            v.add(new Counter(rgb));

        int nCubes=1;
        int fCube=0;
        Cube [] cubes = new Cube[nColors];
        cubes[0] = new Cube(colors, w*h);
        while (nCubes < nColors) {
            while (cubes[fCube].isDone()) {
                if (fCube == nCubes) break;
            if (fCube == nCubes) break;
            Cube c = cubes[fCube];
            Cube nc = c.split();
            if (nc != null) {
                if (nc.count > c.count) {
                    Cube tmp = c; c= nc; nc = tmp;
                int j = fCube;
                int cnt = c.count;
                for (int i=fCube+1; i<nCubes; i++) {
                    if (cubes[i].count < cnt)
                    cubes[j++] = cubes[i];
                cubes[j++] = c;

                cnt = nc.count;
                while (j<nCubes) {
                    if (cubes[j].count < cnt)
                for (int i=nCubes; i>j; i--)
                    cubes[i] = cubes[i-1];
                cubes[j++] = nc;

        byte [] r = new byte[nCubes];
        byte [] g = new byte[nCubes];
        byte [] b = new byte[nCubes];
        for (int i=0; i<nCubes; i++) {
            int val = cubes[i].averageColor();
            r[i] = (byte)((val>>16)&0xFF);
            g[i] = (byte)((val>> 8)&0xFF);
            b[i] = (byte)((val    )&0xFF);

            // System.out.println("Color [" + i + "]: #" +
            //                    (((val>>16)<16)?"0":"") +
            //                    Integer.toHexString(val));
        BufferedImage indexed;

        // The JDK doesn't seem to dither the image correctly if I go
        // below 8bits per pixel.  So I dither to an 8bit pallete
        // image that only has nCubes colors.  Then I copy the data to
        // a lower bit depth image that I return.
        IndexColorModel icm=new IndexColorModel(8,nCubes,r,g,b);
        indexed =new BufferedImage
            (w, h, BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_INDEXED, icm);
        Graphics2D g2d=indexed.createGraphics();
        g2d.drawImage(bi, 0, 0, null);

        int bits;
        for (bits=1; bits <=8; bits++) {
            if ((1<<bits) >= nCubes) break;
        // System.out.println("Bits: " + bits + " Cubes: " + nCubes);

        if (bits > 4)
            // 8 bit image we are done...
            return indexed;

        // Create our low bit depth image...
        if (bits ==3) bits = 4;
        ColorModel cm=new IndexColorModel(bits,nCubes,r,g,b);
        SampleModel sm = new MultiPixelPackedSampleModel
            (DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE, w, h, bits);
        WritableRaster ras = Raster.createWritableRaster
            (sm, new Point(0,0));

        // Copy the data to the low bitdepth image.
        bi = indexed;
        indexed = new BufferedImage(cm, ras,
                                    bi.isAlphaPremultiplied(), null);
        GraphicsUtil.copyData(bi, indexed);
        return indexed;

Related Classes of org.apache.batik.ext.awt.image.rendered.IndexImage$Counter

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