Package org.apache.derby.impl.sql.compile

Source Code of org.apache.derby.impl.sql.compile.TableElementList


   Derby - Class org.apache.derby.impl.sql.compile.TableElementList

   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
   contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
   this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
   The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0
   (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
   the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at

   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   limitations under the License.


package  org.apache.derby.impl.sql.compile;


import org.apache.derby.iapi.error.StandardException;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.reference.Property;

import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.StatementType;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.compile.CompilerContext;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.compile.C_NodeTypes;

import org.apache.derby.iapi.types.DataTypeDescriptor;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.types.StringDataValue;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.types.TypeId;

import org.apache.derby.catalog.types.DefaultInfoImpl;

import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.ColumnDescriptorList;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.ConstraintDescriptor;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.DataDictionary;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.SchemaDescriptor;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.TableDescriptor;

import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.depend.DependencyManager;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.depend.ProviderInfo;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.depend.ProviderList;

import org.apache.derby.iapi.reference.SQLState;

import org.apache.derby.impl.sql.execute.ColumnInfo;
import org.apache.derby.impl.sql.execute.ConstraintInfo;
import org.apache.derby.impl.sql.execute.ConstraintConstantAction;
import org.apache.derby.impl.sql.execute.IndexConstantAction;

import  org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.ConstraintDescriptorList;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.ColumnDescriptor;

import org.apache.derby.catalog.UUID;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Vector;

* A TableElementList represents the list of columns and other table elements
* such as constraints in a CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE statement.

public class TableElementList extends QueryTreeNodeVector
  private int        numColumns;
  private TableDescriptor td;

   * Add a TableElementNode to this TableElementList
   * @param tableElement  The TableElementNode to add to this list

  public void addTableElement(TableElementNode tableElement)
    if ((tableElement instanceof ColumnDefinitionNode) ||
      tableElement.getElementType() == TableElementNode.AT_DROP_COLUMN)

   * Use the passed schema descriptor's collation type to set the collation
   * of the character string types in create table node
   * @param sd
  void setCollationTypesOnCharacterStringColumns(SchemaDescriptor sd)
        throws StandardException
    int      size = size();
    int collationType = sd.getCollationType();
    for (int index = 0; index < size; index++)
      TableElementNode tableElement = (TableElementNode) elementAt(index);

      if (tableElement instanceof ColumnDefinitionNode)
        ColumnDefinitionNode cdn = (ColumnDefinitionNode) elementAt(index);

                setCollationTypeOnCharacterStringColumn( sd, cdn );

   * Use the passed schema descriptor's collation type to set the collation
   * of a character string column.
   * @param sd
  void setCollationTypeOnCharacterStringColumn(SchemaDescriptor sd, ColumnDefinitionNode cdn )
        throws StandardException
    int collationType = sd.getCollationType();

        // Only generated columns can omit the datatype specification during the
        // early phases of binding--before we have been able to bind the
        // generation clause.
        DataTypeDescriptor  dtd = cdn.getType();
        if ( dtd == null )
            if ( cdn.hasGenerationClause() )
                throw StandardException.newException
                    ( SQLState.LANG_NEEDS_DATATYPE, cdn.getColumnName() );
            if ( dtd.getTypeId().isStringTypeId() ) { cdn.setCollationType(collationType); }
   * Validate this TableElementList.  This includes checking for
   * duplicate columns names, and checking that user types really exist.
   * @param ddlStmt  DDLStatementNode which contains this list
   * @param dd    DataDictionary to use
   * @param td    TableDescriptor for table, if existing table.
   * @exception StandardException    Thrown on error
  void validate(DDLStatementNode ddlStmt,
               DataDictionary dd,
             TableDescriptor td)
          throws StandardException
  { = td;
    int numAutoCols = 0;

    int      size = size();
    Hashtable  columnHT = new Hashtable(size + 2, (float) .999);
    Hashtable  constraintHT = new Hashtable(size + 2, (float) .999);
    //all the primary key/unique key constraints for this table
    Vector constraintsVector = new Vector();

    //special case for alter table (td is not null in case of alter table)
    if (td != null)
      //In case of alter table, get the already existing primary key and unique
      //key constraints for this table. And then we will compare them with  new
      //primary key/unique key constraint column lists.
      ConstraintDescriptorList cdl = dd.getConstraintDescriptors(td);
      ConstraintDescriptor cd;

      if (cdl != null) //table does have some pre-existing constraints defined on it
        for (int i=0; i<cdl.size();i++)
          cd = cdl.elementAt(i);
          //if the constraint type is not primary key or unique key, ignore it.
          if (cd.getConstraintType() == DataDictionary.PRIMARYKEY_CONSTRAINT ||
          cd.getConstraintType() == DataDictionary.UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT)

    int tableType = TableDescriptor.BASE_TABLE_TYPE;
    if (ddlStmt instanceof CreateTableNode)
      tableType = ((CreateTableNode)ddlStmt).tableType;

    for (int index = 0; index < size; index++)
      TableElementNode tableElement = (TableElementNode) elementAt(index);

      if (tableElement instanceof ColumnDefinitionNode)
        ColumnDefinitionNode cdn = (ColumnDefinitionNode) elementAt(index);
        if (tableType == TableDescriptor.GLOBAL_TEMPORARY_TABLE_TYPE &&
          (cdn.getType().getTypeId().isLongConcatableTypeId() ||
          throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.LANG_LONG_DATA_TYPE_NOT_ALLOWED, cdn.getColumnName());
        checkForDuplicateColumns(ddlStmt, columnHT, cdn.getColumnName());
        cdn.bindAndValidateDefault(dd, td);

        cdn.validateAutoincrement(dd, td, tableType);

        if (tableElement instanceof ModifyColumnNode)
          ModifyColumnNode mcdn = (ModifyColumnNode)cdn;

        } else if (cdn.isAutoincrementColumn())
                { numAutoCols ++; }
      else if (tableElement.getElementType() == TableElementNode.AT_DROP_COLUMN)
        String colName = tableElement.getName();
        if (td.getColumnDescriptor(colName) == null)
          throw StandardException.newException(

      /* The rest of this method deals with validating constraints */
      if (! (tableElement.hasConstraint()))

      ConstraintDefinitionNode cdn = (ConstraintDefinitionNode) tableElement;

      cdn.bind(ddlStmt, dd);

      //if constraint is primary key or unique key, add it to the vector
      if (cdn.getConstraintType() == DataDictionary.PRIMARYKEY_CONSTRAINT ||
      cdn.getConstraintType() == DataDictionary.UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT)
        /* In case of create table, the vector can have only ConstraintDefinitionNode
        * elements. In case of alter table, it can have both ConstraintDefinitionNode
        * (for new constraints) and ConstraintDescriptor(for pre-existing constraints).

        Object destConstraint;
        String destName = null;
        String[] destColumnNames = null;

        for (int i=0; i<constraintsVector.size();i++)

          destConstraint = constraintsVector.elementAt(i);
          if (destConstraint instanceof ConstraintDefinitionNode)
            ConstraintDefinitionNode destCDN = (ConstraintDefinitionNode)destConstraint;
            destName = destCDN.getConstraintMoniker();
            destColumnNames = destCDN.getColumnList().getColumnNames();
          else if (destConstraint instanceof ConstraintDescriptor)
            //will come here only for pre-existing constraints in case of alter table
            ConstraintDescriptor destCD = (ConstraintDescriptor)destConstraint;
            destName = destCD.getConstraintName();
            destColumnNames = destCD.getColumnDescriptors().getColumnNames();
          //check if there are multiple constraints with same set of columns
          if (columnsMatch(cdn.getColumnList().getColumnNames(), destColumnNames))
            throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.LANG_MULTIPLE_CONSTRAINTS_WITH_SAME_COLUMNS,
            cdn.getConstraintMoniker(), destName);

      /* Make sure that there are no duplicate constraint names in the list */
      if (cdn instanceof ConstraintDefinitionNode)
        checkForDuplicateConstraintNames(ddlStmt, constraintHT, cdn.getConstraintMoniker());

      /* Make sure that the constraint we are trying to drop exists */
      if (cdn.getConstraintType() == DataDictionary.DROP_CONSTRAINT)
        ** If no schema descriptor, then must be an invalid
        ** schema name.

        String dropConstraintName = cdn.getConstraintMoniker();

        if (dropConstraintName != null) {

          String dropSchemaName = cdn.getDropSchemaName();

          SchemaDescriptor sd = dropSchemaName == null ? td.getSchemaDescriptor() :

          ConstraintDescriptor cd =
                    td, sd, dropConstraintName,
          if (cd == null)
            throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.LANG_DROP_NON_EXISTENT_CONSTRAINT,
                (sd.getSchemaName() + "."+ dropConstraintName),
          /* Statement is dependendent on the ConstraintDescriptor */

            // validation of primary key nullability moved to validatePrimaryKeyNullability().
            if (cdn.hasPrimaryKeyConstraint())
                // for PRIMARY KEY, check that columns are unique
                verifyUniqueColumnList(ddlStmt, cdn);
            else if (cdn.hasUniqueKeyConstraint())
                // for UNIQUE, check that columns are unique
                verifyUniqueColumnList(ddlStmt, cdn);

                // unique constraints on nullable columns added in 10.4,
                // disallow until database hard upgraded at least to 10.4.
                if (!dd.checkVersion(
                        DataDictionary.DD_VERSION_DERBY_10_4, null))
                    checkForNullColumns(cdn, td);
            else if (cdn.hasForeignKeyConstraint())
                // for FOREIGN KEY, check that columns are unique
                verifyUniqueColumnList(ddlStmt, cdn);

    /* Can have only one autoincrement column in DB2 mode */
    if (numAutoCols > 1)
      throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.LANG_MULTIPLE_AUTOINCREMENT_COLUMNS);


   * Validate nullability of primary keys. This logic was moved out of the main validate
   * method so that it can be called after binding generation clauses. We need
   * to perform the nullability checks later on because the datatype may be
   * omitted on the generation clause--we can't set/vet the nullability of the
   * datatype until we determine what the datatype is.
    public  void    validatePrimaryKeyNullability()
        throws StandardException
    int      size = size();
    for (int index = 0; index < size; index++)
      TableElementNode tableElement = (TableElementNode) elementAt(index);

      if (! (tableElement.hasConstraint()))
      ConstraintDefinitionNode cdn = (ConstraintDefinitionNode) tableElement;

            if (cdn.hasPrimaryKeyConstraint())
                if (td == null)
                    // in CREATE TABLE so set PRIMARY KEY columns to NOT NULL
                    // in ALTER TABLE so raise error if any columns are nullable
                    checkForNullColumns(cdn, td);
   * Count the number of constraints of the specified type.
   * @param constraintType  The constraint type to search for.
   * @return int  The number of constraints of the specified type.
  public int countConstraints(int constraintType)
    int  numConstraints = 0;
    int size = size();

    for (int index = 0; index < size; index++)
      ConstraintDefinitionNode cdn;
      TableElementNode element = (TableElementNode) elementAt(index);

      if (! (element instanceof ConstraintDefinitionNode))

      cdn = (ConstraintDefinitionNode) element;

      if (constraintType == cdn.getConstraintType())

    return numConstraints;

   * Count the number of generation clauses.
  public int countGenerationClauses()
    int  numGenerationClauses = 0;
    int size = size();

    for (int index = 0; index < size; index++)
      ColumnDefinitionNode cdn;
      TableElementNode element = (TableElementNode) elementAt(index);

      if (! (element instanceof ColumnDefinitionNode))

      cdn = (ColumnDefinitionNode) element;

      if ( cdn.hasGenerationClause() )

    return numGenerationClauses;

   * Count the number of columns.
   * @return int  The number of columns.
  public int countNumberOfColumns()
    return numColumns;

   * Fill in the ColumnInfo[] for this table element list.
   * @param colInfos  The ColumnInfo[] to be filled in.
   * @return int    The number of constraints in the create table.
  public int genColumnInfos( ColumnInfo[] colInfos)
        throws StandardException
    int  numConstraints = 0;
    int size = size();

    for (int index = 0; index < size; index++)
      if (((TableElementNode) elementAt(index)).getElementType() == TableElementNode.AT_DROP_COLUMN)
                String columnName = ((TableElementNode) elementAt(index)).getName();

        colInfos[index] = new ColumnInfo(
                td.getColumnDescriptor( columnName ).getType(),
                                null, null, null, null, null,
                ColumnInfo.DROP, 0, 0, 0);

      if (! (elementAt(index) instanceof ColumnDefinitionNode))
        if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
          SanityManager.ASSERT( elementAt(index) instanceof ConstraintDefinitionNode,
            "elementAt(index) expected to be instanceof " +

        /* Remember how many constraints we've seen */

      ColumnDefinitionNode coldef = (ColumnDefinitionNode) elementAt(index);

            // Generated columns may depend on functions mentioned in their
            // generation clauses.
            ProviderList apl = null;
            ProviderInfo[]  providerInfos = null;
      if ( coldef.hasGenerationClause() )
        apl = coldef.getGenerationClauseNode().getAuxiliaryProviderList();
            if (apl != null && apl.size() > 0)
                DependencyManager dm = getDataDictionary().getDependencyManager();
                providerInfos = dm.getPersistentProviderInfos(apl);

      colInfos[index - numConstraints] =
        new ColumnInfo(coldef.getColumnName(),
                 (UUID) null,
                 (coldef.isAutoincrementColumn() ?
                coldef.getAutoincrementStart() : 0),
                 (coldef.isAutoincrementColumn() ?
                coldef.getAutoincrementIncrement() : 0),
                 (coldef.isAutoincrementColumn() ?
                coldef.getAutoinc_create_or_modify_Start_Increment() : -1));

      /* Remember how many constraints that we've seen */
      if (coldef.hasConstraint())

    return numConstraints;
   * Append goobered up ResultColumns to the table's RCL.
   * This is useful for binding check constraints for CREATE and ALTER TABLE.
   * @param table    The table in question.
   * @exception StandardException    Thrown on error
  public void appendNewColumnsToRCL(FromBaseTable table)
    throws StandardException
    int         size = size();
    ResultColumnList rcl = table.getResultColumns();
    TableName     exposedName = table.getTableName();

    for (int index = 0; index < size; index++)
      if (elementAt(index) instanceof ColumnDefinitionNode)
        ColumnDefinitionNode cdn = (ColumnDefinitionNode) elementAt(index);
        ResultColumn  resultColumn;
        ValueNode    valueNode;

        /* Build a ResultColumn/BaseColumnNode pair for the column */
        valueNode = (ValueNode) getNodeFactory().getNode(

        resultColumn = (ResultColumn) getNodeFactory().getNode(

   * Bind and validate all of the check constraints in this list against
   * the specified FromList. 
   * @param fromList    The FromList in question.
   * @exception StandardException    Thrown on error
  void bindAndValidateCheckConstraints(FromList fromList)
    throws StandardException
    CompilerContext cc;
    FromBaseTable        table = (FromBaseTable) fromList.elementAt(0);
    int              size = size();

    cc = getCompilerContext();

    Vector aggregateVector = new Vector();

    for (int index = 0; index < size; index++)
      ConstraintDefinitionNode cdn;
      TableElementNode element = (TableElementNode) elementAt(index);
      ValueNode  checkTree;

      if (! (element instanceof ConstraintDefinitionNode))

      cdn = (ConstraintDefinitionNode) element;

      if (cdn.getConstraintType() != DataDictionary.CHECK_CONSTRAINT)

      checkTree = cdn.getCheckCondition();

      // bind the check condition
      // verify that it evaluates to a boolean
      final int previousReliability = cc.getReliability();
        /* Each check constraint can have its own set of dependencies.
         * These dependencies need to be shared with the prepared
         * statement as well.  We create a new auxiliary provider list
         * for the check constraint, "push" it on the compiler context
         * by swapping it with the current auxiliary provider list
         * and the "pop" it when we're done by restoring the old
         * auxiliary provider list.
        ProviderList apl = new ProviderList();

        ProviderList prevAPL = cc.getCurrentAuxiliaryProviderList();

        // Tell the compiler context to only allow deterministic nodes
        cc.setReliability( CompilerContext.CHECK_CONSTRAINT );
        checkTree = checkTree.bindExpression(fromList, (SubqueryList) null,

        // no aggregates, please
        if (aggregateVector.size() != 0)
          throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.LANG_INVALID_CHECK_CONSTRAINT, cdn.getConstraintText());
        checkTree = checkTree.checkIsBoolean();

        /* Save the APL off in the constraint node */
        if (apl.size() > 0)

        // Restore the previous AuxiliaryProviderList
      /* We have a valid check constraint, now build an array of
       * 1-based columnIds that the constraint references.
      ResultColumnList rcl = table.getResultColumns();
      int    numReferenced = rcl.countReferencedColumns();
      int[]  checkColumnReferences = new int[numReferenced];

      rcl.recordColumnReferences(checkColumnReferences, 1);

      /* Now we build a list with only the referenced columns and
       * copy it to the cdn.  Thus we can build the array of
       * column names for the referenced columns during generate().
      ResultColumnList refRCL =
            (ResultColumnList) getNodeFactory().getNode(

      /* A column check constraint can only refer to that column. If this is a
       * column constraint, we should have an RCL with that column
      if (cdn.getColumnList() != null)
        String colName = ((ResultColumn)(cdn.getColumnList().elementAt(0))).getName();
        if (numReferenced > 1 ||
          throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.LANG_DB2_INVALID_CHECK_CONSTRAINT, colName);

      /* Clear the column references in the RCL so each check constraint
       * starts with a clean list.

   * Bind and validate all of the generation clauses in this list against
   * the specified FromList. 
   * @param sd      Schema where the table lives.
   * @param fromList    The FromList in question.
   * @param generatedColumns Bitmap of generated columns in the table. Vacuous for CREATE TABLE, but may be non-trivial for ALTER TABLE. This routine may set bits for new generated columns.
   * @param baseTable  Table descriptor if this is an ALTER TABLE statement.
   * @exception StandardException    Thrown on error
  void bindAndValidateGenerationClauses( SchemaDescriptor sd, FromList fromList, FormatableBitSet generatedColumns, TableDescriptor baseTable )
    throws StandardException
    CompilerContext cc;
    FromBaseTable        table = (FromBaseTable) fromList.elementAt(0);
        ResultColumnList            tableColumns = table.getResultColumns();
        int                                 columnCount = table.getResultColumns().size();
    int              size = size();

        // complain if a generation clause references another generated column
        findIllegalGenerationReferences( fromList, baseTable );

        generatedColumns.grow( columnCount + 1 );
    cc = getCompilerContext();

    Vector aggregateVector = new Vector();

    for (int index = 0; index < size; index++)
      ColumnDefinitionNode cdn;
      TableElementNode element = (TableElementNode) elementAt(index);
            GenerationClauseNode    generationClauseNode;
      ValueNode  generationTree;

      if (! (element instanceof ColumnDefinitionNode))

      cdn = (ColumnDefinitionNode) element;

      if (!cdn.hasGenerationClause())

            generationClauseNode = cdn.getGenerationClauseNode();

      // bind the generation clause
      final int previousReliability = cc.getReliability();
            ProviderList prevAPL = cc.getCurrentAuxiliaryProviderList();
        /* Each generation clause can have its own set of dependencies.
         * These dependencies need to be shared with the prepared
         * statement as well.  We create a new auxiliary provider list
         * for the generation clause, "push" it on the compiler context
         * by swapping it with the current auxiliary provider list
         * and the "pop" it when we're done by restoring the old
         * auxiliary provider list.
        ProviderList apl = new ProviderList();


        // Tell the compiler context to forbid subqueries and
        // non-deterministic functions.
        cc.setReliability( CompilerContext.GENERATION_CLAUSE_RESTRICTION );
        generationTree = generationClauseNode.bindExpression(fromList, (SubqueryList) null,

                // If the user did not declare a type for this column, then the column type defaults
                // to the type of the generation clause.
                // However, if the user did declare a type for this column, then the
                // type of the generation clause must be assignable to the declared
                // type.
                DataTypeDescriptor  generationClauseType = generationTree.getTypeServices();
                DataTypeDescriptor  declaredType = cdn.getType();
                if ( declaredType == null )
                    cdn.setType( generationClauseType );

                    // Poke the type into the FromTable so that constraints will
                    // compile.
                    tableColumns.getResultColumn( cdn.getColumnName(), false ).setType( generationClauseType );

                    // We skipped these steps earlier on because we didn't have
                    // a datatype. Now that we have a datatype, revisit these
                    // steps.
                    setCollationTypeOnCharacterStringColumn( sd, cdn );
                    cdn.checkUserType( table.getTableDescriptor() );
                    TypeId  declaredTypeId = declaredType.getTypeId();
                    TypeId  resolvedTypeId = generationClauseType.getTypeId();

                    if ( !getTypeCompiler( resolvedTypeId ).convertible( declaredTypeId, false ) )
                        throw StandardException.newException
                            ( SQLState.LANG_UNASSIGNABLE_GENERATION_CLAUSE, cdn.getName(), resolvedTypeId.getSQLTypeName() );

        // no aggregates, please
        if (aggregateVector.size() != 0)
          throw StandardException.newException( SQLState.LANG_AGGREGATE_IN_GENERATION_CLAUSE, cdn.getName());
        /* Save the APL off in the constraint node */
        if (apl.size() > 0)

        // Restore previous compiler state

      /* We have a valid generation clause, now build an array of
       * 1-based columnIds that the clause references.
      ResultColumnList rcl = table.getResultColumns();
      int    numReferenced = rcl.countReferencedColumns();
      int[]  generationClauseColumnReferences = new int[numReferenced];
            int     position = rcl.getPosition( cdn.getColumnName(), 1 );

            generatedColumns.set( position );
      rcl.recordColumnReferences(generationClauseColumnReferences, 1);

            String[]    referencedColumnNames = new String[ numReferenced ];

            for ( int i = 0; i < numReferenced; i++ )
                referencedColumnNames[ i ] = ((ResultColumn)rcl.elementAt( generationClauseColumnReferences[ i ] - 1 )).getName();

            String              currentSchemaName = getLanguageConnectionContext().getCurrentSchemaName();
            DefaultInfoImpl dii = new DefaultInfoImpl
                ( generationClauseNode.getExpressionText(), referencedColumnNames, currentSchemaName );
            cdn.setDefaultInfo( dii );

      /* Clear the column references in the RCL so each generation clause
       * starts with a clean list.


   * Complain if a generation clause references other generated columns. This
   * is required by the SQL Standard, part 2, section 4.14.8.
   * @param fromList    The FromList in question.
   * @param baseTable  Table descriptor if this is an ALTER TABLE statement.
   * @exception StandardException    Thrown on error
  void findIllegalGenerationReferences( FromList fromList, TableDescriptor baseTable )
    throws StandardException
        ArrayList   generatedColumns = new ArrayList();
        HashSet     names = new HashSet();
    int         size = size();

        // add in existing generated columns if this is an ALTER TABLE statement
        if ( baseTable != null )
            ColumnDescriptorList cdl = baseTable.getGeneratedColumns();
            int                  count = cdl.size();
            for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
                names.add( cdl.elementAt( i ).getColumnName() );
        // find all of the generated columns
    for (int index = 0; index < size; index++)
      ColumnDefinitionNode cdn;
      TableElementNode     element = (TableElementNode) elementAt(index);

      if (! (element instanceof ColumnDefinitionNode)) { continue; }

      cdn = (ColumnDefinitionNode) element;

      if (!cdn.hasGenerationClause()) { continue; }

            generatedColumns.add( cdn );
            names.add( cdn.getColumnName() );

        // now look at their generation clauses to see if they reference one
        // another
        int    count = generatedColumns.size();
        for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
            ColumnDefinitionNode    cdn = (ColumnDefinitionNode) generatedColumns.get( i );
            GenerationClauseNode    generationClauseNode = cdn.getGenerationClauseNode();
            Vector                  referencedColumns = generationClauseNode.findReferencedColumns();
            int                     refCount = referencedColumns.size();
            for ( int j = 0; j < refCount; j++ )
                String  name = ((ColumnReference) referencedColumns.elementAt( j ) ).getColumnName();

                if ( name != null )
                    if ( names.contains( name ) )
                        throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.LANG_CANT_REFERENCE_GENERATED_COLUMN, cdn.getColumnName());

   * Prevent foreign keys on generated columns from violating the SQL spec,
   * part 2, section 11.8 (<column definition>), syntax rule 12: the
   * referential action may not specify SET NULL or SET DEFAULT and the update
   * rule may not specify ON UPDATE CASCADE. 
   * @param fromList    The FromList in question.
   * @param generatedColumns Bitmap of generated columns in the table.
   * @exception StandardException    Thrown on error
  void validateForeignKeysOnGenerationClauses(FromList fromList, FormatableBitSet generatedColumns )
    throws StandardException
        // nothing to do if there are no generated columns
        if ( generatedColumns.getNumBitsSet() <= 0 ) { return; }
    FromBaseTable        table = (FromBaseTable) fromList.elementAt(0);
        ResultColumnList        tableColumns = table.getResultColumns();
    int              size = size();

        // loop through the foreign keys, looking for keys which violate the
        // rulse we're enforcing
    for (int index = 0; index < size; index++)
      TableElementNode element = (TableElementNode) elementAt(index);

      if (! (element instanceof FKConstraintDefinitionNode))

      FKConstraintDefinitionNode fk = (FKConstraintDefinitionNode) element;
            ConstraintInfo                      ci = fk.getReferencedConstraintInfo();
            int                                     deleteRule = ci.getReferentialActionDeleteRule();
            int                                     updateRule = ci.getReferentialActionUpdateRule();

            // Currently we don't support ON UPDATE CASCADE. Someday we might.
            // We're laying a trip-wire here so that we won't neglect to code the appropriate check
            // when we support ON UPDATE CASCADE.
            if (
                ( updateRule != StatementType.RA_RESTRICT ) &&
                ( updateRule != StatementType.RA_NOACTION )
                throw StandardException.newException( SQLState.BTREE_UNIMPLEMENTED_FEATURE );
            if (
                ( deleteRule != StatementType.RA_SETNULL ) &&
                ( deleteRule != StatementType.RA_SETDEFAULT )
            { continue; }

            // OK, we have found a foreign key whose referential action is SET NULL or
            // SET DEFAULT or whose update rule is ON UPDATE CASCADE.
            // See if any of the key columns are generated columns.
            ResultColumnList                keyCols = fk.getColumnList();
            int                                     keyCount = keyCols.size();

            for ( int i = 0; i < keyCount; i++ )
                ResultColumn    keyCol = (ResultColumn) keyCols.elementAt( i );
                String                  keyColName = keyCol.getName();
                int     position = tableColumns.getPosition( keyColName, 1 );

                if ( generatedColumns.isSetposition ) )
                    throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.LANG_BAD_FK_ON_GENERATED_COLUMN, keyColName );

        }   // end of loop through table elements
   * Fill in the ConstraintConstantAction[] for this create/alter table.
     * @param forCreateTable ConstraintConstantAction is for a create table.
   * @param conActions  The ConstraintConstantAction[] to be filled in.
   * @param tableName    The name of the Table being created.
   * @param tableSd    The schema for that table.
   * @param dd        The DataDictionary
   * @exception StandardException    Thrown on failure
  void genConstraintActions(boolean forCreateTable,
        ConstraintConstantAction[] conActions,
        String tableName,
        SchemaDescriptor tableSd,
        DataDictionary dd)
    throws StandardException
    int size = size();
    int conActionIndex = 0;
    for (int index = 0; index < size; index++)
      String[]  columnNames = null;
      TableElementNode ten = (TableElementNode) elementAt(index);
      IndexConstantAction indexAction = null;

      if (! ten.hasConstraint())

      if (ten instanceof ColumnDefinitionNode)

      ConstraintDefinitionNode constraintDN = (ConstraintDefinitionNode) ten;

      if (constraintDN.getColumnList() != null)
        columnNames = new String[constraintDN.getColumnList().size()];

      int constraintType = constraintDN.getConstraintType();
      String constraintText = constraintDN.getConstraintText();

      ** If the constraint is not named (e.g.
      ** create table x (x int primary key)), then
      ** the constraintSd is the same as the table.
      String constraintName = constraintDN.getConstraintMoniker();

      /* At execution time, we will generate a unique name for the backing
       * index (for CREATE CONSTRAINT) and we will look up the conglomerate
       * name (for DROP CONSTRAINT).
      if (constraintDN.requiresBackingIndex())
                // implement unique constraints using a unique backing index
                // unless it is soft upgrade in version before 10.4, or if
                // constraint contains no nullable columns.  In 10.4 use
                // "unique with duplicate null" backing index for constraints
                // that contain at least one nullable column.

        if (constraintDN.constraintType ==
          DataDictionary.UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT &&
                         DataDictionary.DD_VERSION_DERBY_10_4, null)))
                    boolean contains_nullable_columns =
                        areColumnsNullable(constraintDN, td);

                    // if all the columns are non nullable, continue to use
                    // a unique backing index.
                    boolean unique =

                    // Only use a "unique with duplicate nulls" backing index
                    // for constraints with nullable columns.
                    boolean uniqueWithDuplicateNulls =

          indexAction = genIndexAction(
            null, constraintDN,
            columnNames, true, tableSd, tableName,
            constraintType, dd);
          indexAction = genIndexAction(
            constraintDN.requiresUniqueIndex(), false,
            null, constraintDN,
            columnNames, true, tableSd, tableName,
            constraintType, dd);

      if (constraintType == DataDictionary.DROP_CONSTRAINT)
                if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
                    // Can't drop constraints on a create table.
        conActions[conActionIndex] =
                         constraintDN.getDropSchemaName(), /// FiX
        ProviderList apl = constraintDN.getAuxiliaryProviderList();
        ConstraintInfo refInfo = null;
        ProviderInfo[]  providerInfos = null;

        if (constraintDN instanceof FKConstraintDefinitionNode)
          refInfo = ((FKConstraintDefinitionNode)constraintDN).getReferencedConstraintInfo();

        /* Create the ProviderInfos, if the constraint is dependent on any Providers */
        if (apl != null && apl.size() > 0)
          /* Get all the dependencies for the current statement and transfer
           * them to this view.
          DependencyManager dm = dd.getDependencyManager();
          providerInfos = dm.getPersistentProviderInfos(apl);
          providerInfos = new ProviderInfo[0];
          // System.out.println("TABLE ELEMENT LIST EMPTY");

        conActions[conActionIndex++] =
                         ((td != null) ? td.getUUID() : (UUID) null),
                         true,     // enabled

      //check if one array is same as another
  private boolean columnsMatch(String[] columnNames1, String[] columnNames2)
    int srcCount, srcSize, destCount,destSize;
    boolean match = true;

    if (columnNames1.length != columnNames2.length)
      return false;

    srcSize = columnNames1.length;
    destSize = columnNames2.length;

    for (srcCount = 0; srcCount < srcSize; srcCount++)
      match = false;
      for (destCount = 0; destCount < destSize; destCount++) {
        if (columnNames1[srcCount].equals(columnNames2[destCount])) {
          match = true;
      if (match == false)
        return false;

    return true;

     * utility to generated the call to create the index.
     * <p>
     * @param forCreateTable                Executed as part of a CREATE TABLE
     * @param isUnique                    True means it will be a unique index
     * @param isUniqueWithDuplicateNulls    True means index check and disallow
     *                                      any duplicate key if key has no
     *                                      column with a null value.  If any
     *                                      column in the key has a null value,
     *                                      no checking is done and insert will
     *                                      always succeed.
     * @param indexName                      The type of index (BTREE, for
     *                                      example)
     * @param cdn
     * @param columnNames                  Names of the columns in the index,
     *                                      in order.
     * @param isConstraint                  TRUE if index is backing up a
     *                                      constraint, else FALSE.
     * @param sd
     * @param tableName                      Name of table the index will be on
     * @param constraintType
     * @param dd
  private IndexConstantAction genIndexAction(
    boolean                     forCreateTable,
    boolean                     isUnique,
    boolean                     isUniqueWithDuplicateNulls,
    String                      indexName,
    ConstraintDefinitionNode    cdn,
    String[]                    columnNames,
    boolean                     isConstraint,
    SchemaDescriptor            sd,
    String                      tableName,
    int                         constraintType,
    DataDictionary              dd)
    throws StandardException
    if (indexName == null)
            indexName = cdn.getBackingIndexName(dd);

    if (constraintType == DataDictionary.DROP_CONSTRAINT)
            if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
                if (forCreateTable)
                        "DROP INDEX with forCreateTable true");

      return getGenericConstantActionFactory().getDropIndexConstantAction(
      boolean[]  isAscending = new boolean[columnNames.length];

      for (int i = 0; i < isAscending.length; i++)
        isAscending[i] = true;

      return  getGenericConstantActionFactory().getCreateIndexConstantAction(
                    "BTREE", // indexType
                    ((td != null) ? td.getUUID() : (UUID) null),
     * Checks if the index should use a larger page size.
     * If the columns in the index are large, and if the user hasn't already
     * specified a page size to use, then we may need to default to the
     * large page size in order to get an index with sufficiently large pages.
     * For example, this DDL should use a larger page size for the index
     * that backs the PRIMARY KEY constraint:
     * create table t (x varchar(1000) primary key)
     * @param cdn Constraint node
     * @return properties to use for creating the index
    private Properties checkIndexPageSizeProperty(ConstraintDefinitionNode cdn)
        throws StandardException
        Properties result = cdn.getProperties();
        if (result == null)
            result = new Properties();
        if ( result.get(Property.PAGE_SIZE_PARAMETER) != null ||
                 Property.PAGE_SIZE_PARAMETER) != null)
            // do not override the user's choice of page size, whether it
            // is set for the whole database or just set on this statement.
            return result;
        ResultColumnList rcl = cdn.getColumnList();
        int approxLength = 0;
        for (int index = 0; index < rcl.size(); index++)
            String colName = ((ResultColumn) rcl.elementAt(index)).getName();
            DataTypeDescriptor dtd;
            if (td == null)
                dtd = getColumnDataTypeDescriptor(colName);
                dtd = getColumnDataTypeDescriptor(colName, td);
            // There may be no DTD if the column does not exist. That syntax
            // error is not caught til later in processing, so here we just
            // skip the length checking if the column doesn't exist.
            if (dtd != null)
        if (approxLength > Property.IDX_PAGE_SIZE_BUMP_THRESHOLD)
        return result;

   * Check to make sure that there are no duplicate column names
   * in the list.  (The comparison here is case sensitive.
   * The work of converting column names that are not quoted
   * identifiers to upper case is handled by the parser.)
   * RESOLVE: This check will also be performed by alter table.
   * @param ddlStmt  DDLStatementNode which contains this list
   * @param ht    Hashtable for enforcing uniqueness.
   * @param colName  Column name to check for.
   * @exception StandardException    Thrown on error
  private void checkForDuplicateColumns(DDLStatementNode ddlStmt,
                  Hashtable ht,
                  String colName)
      throws StandardException
    Object object = ht.put(colName, colName);
    if (object != null)
      /* RESOLVE - different error messages for create and alter table */
      if (ddlStmt instanceof CreateTableNode)
        throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.LANG_DUPLICATE_COLUMN_NAME_CREATE, colName);

   * Check to make sure that there are no duplicate constraint names
   * in the list.  (The comparison here is case sensitive.
   * The work of converting column names that are not quoted
   * identifiers to upper case is handled by the parser.)
   * RESOLVE: This check will also be performed by alter table.
   * @param ddlStmt  DDLStatementNode which contains this list
   * @exception StandardException    Thrown on error
  private void checkForDuplicateConstraintNames(DDLStatementNode ddlStmt,
                  Hashtable ht,
                  String constraintName)
      throws StandardException
    if (constraintName == null)

    Object object = ht.put(constraintName, constraintName);
    if (object != null) {

      /* RESOLVE - different error messages for create and alter table */
      if (ddlStmt instanceof CreateTableNode)
        /* RESOLVE - new error message */
        throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.LANG_DUPLICATE_CONSTRAINT_NAME_CREATE,

   * Verify that a primary/unique table constraint has a valid column list.
   * (All columns in table and no duplicates.)
   * @param ddlStmt  The outer DDLStatementNode
   * @param cdn    The ConstraintDefinitionNode
   * @exception  StandardException  Thrown if the column list is invalid
  private void verifyUniqueColumnList(DDLStatementNode ddlStmt,
                ConstraintDefinitionNode cdn)
    throws StandardException
    String invalidColName;

    /* Verify that every column in the list appears in the table's list of columns */
    if (ddlStmt instanceof CreateTableNode)
      invalidColName = cdn.getColumnList().verifyCreateConstraintColumnList(this);
      if (invalidColName != null)
        throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.LANG_INVALID_CREATE_CONSTRAINT_COLUMN_LIST,
      /* RESOLVE - alter table will need to get table descriptor */

    /* Check the uniqueness of the column names within the list */
    invalidColName = cdn.getColumnList().verifyUniqueNames(false);
    if (invalidColName != null)
      throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.LANG_DUPLICATE_CONSTRAINT_COLUMN_NAME, invalidColName);

   * Set all columns in that appear in a PRIMARY KEY constraint in a CREATE TABLE statement to NOT NULL.
   * @param cdn    The ConstraintDefinitionNode for a PRIMARY KEY constraint
  private void setColumnListToNotNull(ConstraintDefinitionNode cdn)
    ResultColumnList rcl = cdn.getColumnList();
    int rclSize = rcl.size();
    for (int index = 0; index < rclSize; index++)
      String colName = ((ResultColumn) rcl.elementAt(index)).getName();

     * Checks if any of the columns in the constraint can be null.
     * @param cdn Constraint node
     * @param td tabe descriptor of the target table
     * @return true if any of the column can be null false other wise
    private boolean areColumnsNullable (
    ConstraintDefinitionNode    cdn,
    TableDescriptor             td)
        ResultColumnList rcl = cdn.getColumnList();
        int rclSize = rcl.size();
        for (int index = 0; index < rclSize; index++)
            String colName = ((ResultColumn) rcl.elementAt(index)).getName();
            DataTypeDescriptor dtd;
            if (td == null)
                dtd = getColumnDataTypeDescriptor(colName);
                dtd = getColumnDataTypeDescriptor(colName, td);
            // todo dtd may be null if the column does not exist, we should check that first
            if (dtd != null && dtd.isNullable())
                return true;
        return false;

    private void checkForNullColumns(ConstraintDefinitionNode cdn, TableDescriptor td) throws StandardException
        ResultColumnList rcl = cdn.getColumnList();
        int rclSize = rcl.size();
        for (int index = 0; index < rclSize; index++)
            String colName = ((ResultColumn) rcl.elementAt(index)).getName();
            DataTypeDescriptor dtd;
            if (td == null)
                dtd = getColumnDataTypeDescriptor(colName);
                dtd = getColumnDataTypeDescriptor(colName, td);
            // todo dtd may be null if the column does not exist, we should check that first
            if (dtd != null && dtd.isNullable())
                String errorState =
                        .checkVersion(DataDictionary.DD_VERSION_DERBY_10_4, null))
                    ? SQLState.LANG_ADD_PRIMARY_KEY_ON_NULL_COLS

                throw StandardException.newException(errorState, colName);

    private DataTypeDescriptor getColumnDataTypeDescriptor(String colName)
        ColumnDefinitionNode col = findColumnDefinition(colName);
        if (col != null)
            return col.getType();

        return null;

    private DataTypeDescriptor getColumnDataTypeDescriptor(String colName, TableDescriptor td)
        // check existing columns
        ColumnDescriptor cd = td.getColumnDescriptor(colName);
        if (cd != null)
            return cd.getType();
        // check for new columns
        return getColumnDataTypeDescriptor(colName);
     * Find the column definition node in this list that matches
     * the passed in column name.
     * @param colName
     * @return Reference to column definition node or null if the column is
     * not in the list.
    private ColumnDefinitionNode findColumnDefinition(String colName) {
        int size = size();
        for (int index = 0; index < size; index++) {
            TableElementNode tableElement = (TableElementNode) elementAt(index);

            if (tableElement instanceof ColumnDefinitionNode) {
                ColumnDefinitionNode cdn = (ColumnDefinitionNode) tableElement;
                if (colName.equals(cdn.getName())) {
                    return cdn;
        return null;

     * Determine whether or not the parameter matches a column name in this
     * list.
     * @param colName
     *            The column name to search for.
     * @return boolean Whether or not a match is found.
  public boolean containsColumnName(String colName)
        return findColumnDefinition(colName) != null;

Related Classes of org.apache.derby.impl.sql.compile.TableElementList

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