Package org.apache.qpid.client

Source Code of org.apache.qpid.client.AMQSession_0_10

/* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.qpid.client;

import org.apache.qpid.framing.AMQShortString;
import org.apache.qpid.framing.FieldTable;
import org.apache.qpid.AMQException;
import org.apache.qpid.protocol.AMQConstant;
import org.apache.qpid.client.failover.FailoverException;
import org.apache.qpid.client.failover.FailoverNoopSupport;
import org.apache.qpid.client.failover.FailoverProtectedOperation;
import org.apache.qpid.client.protocol.AMQProtocolHandler;
import org.apache.qpid.client.message.MessageFactoryRegistry;
import org.apache.qpid.client.message.FiledTableSupport;
import org.apache.qpid.client.message.AMQMessageDelegateFactory;
import org.apache.qpid.client.message.UnprocessedMessage_0_10;
import org.apache.qpid.util.Serial;
import org.apache.qpid.transport.ExecutionException;
import org.apache.qpid.transport.MessageAcceptMode;
import org.apache.qpid.transport.MessageAcquireMode;
import org.apache.qpid.transport.MessageCreditUnit;
import org.apache.qpid.transport.MessageFlowMode;
import org.apache.qpid.transport.MessageTransfer;
import org.apache.qpid.transport.RangeSet;
import org.apache.qpid.transport.Option;
import org.apache.qpid.transport.ExchangeBoundResult;
import org.apache.qpid.transport.Future;
import org.apache.qpid.transport.Range;
import org.apache.qpid.transport.Session;
import org.apache.qpid.transport.SessionException;
import org.apache.qpid.transport.SessionListener;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import static org.apache.qpid.transport.Option.*;

import javax.jms.*;
import javax.jms.IllegalStateException;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.Map;

* This is a 0.10 Session
public class AMQSession_0_10 extends AMQSession<BasicMessageConsumer_0_10, BasicMessageProducer_0_10>
    implements SessionListener

     * This class logger
    private static final Logger _logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AMQSession_0_10.class);

     * The underlying QpidSession
    private Session _qpidSession;

     * The latest qpid Exception that has been reaised.
    private Object _currentExceptionLock = new Object();
    private SessionException _currentException;

    // a ref on the qpid connection
    protected org.apache.qpid.transport.Connection _qpidConnection;

    private RangeSet unacked = new RangeSet();
    private int unackedCount = 0;

     * USed to store the range of in tx messages
    private RangeSet _txRangeSet = new RangeSet();
    private int _txSize = 0;
    //--- constructors

     * Creates a new session on a connection.
     * @param con                     The connection on which to create the session.
     * @param channelId               The unique identifier for the session.
     * @param transacted              Indicates whether or not the session is transactional.
     * @param acknowledgeMode         The acknoledgement mode for the session.
     * @param messageFactoryRegistry  The message factory factory for the session.
     * @param defaultPrefetchHighMark The maximum number of messages to prefetched before suspending the session.
     * @param defaultPrefetchLowMark  The number of prefetched messages at which to resume the session.
     * @param qpidConnection          The qpid connection
    AMQSession_0_10(org.apache.qpid.transport.Connection qpidConnection, AMQConnection con, int channelId,
                    boolean transacted, int acknowledgeMode, MessageFactoryRegistry messageFactoryRegistry,
                    int defaultPrefetchHighMark, int defaultPrefetchLowMark)

        super(con, channelId, transacted, acknowledgeMode, messageFactoryRegistry, defaultPrefetchHighMark,
        _qpidConnection = qpidConnection;
        _qpidSession = _qpidConnection.createSession(1);
        if (_transacted)

     * Creates a new session on a connection with the default 0-10 message factory.
     * @param con                 The connection on which to create the session.
     * @param channelId           The unique identifier for the session.
     * @param transacted          Indicates whether or not the session is transactional.
     * @param acknowledgeMode     The acknoledgement mode for the session.
     * @param defaultPrefetchHigh The maximum number of messages to prefetched before suspending the session.
     * @param defaultPrefetchLow  The number of prefetched messages at which to resume the session.
     * @param qpidConnection      The connection
    AMQSession_0_10(org.apache.qpid.transport.Connection qpidConnection, AMQConnection con, int channelId,
                    boolean transacted, int acknowledgeMode, int defaultPrefetchHigh, int defaultPrefetchLow)

        this(qpidConnection, con, channelId, transacted, acknowledgeMode, MessageFactoryRegistry.newDefaultRegistry(),
             defaultPrefetchHigh, defaultPrefetchLow);

    private void addUnacked(int id)

    private void clearUnacked()
        unackedCount = 0;

    //------- overwritten methods of class AMQSession

     * Acknowledge one or many messages.
     * @param deliveryTag The tag of the last message to be acknowledged.
     * @param multiple    <tt>true</tt> to acknowledge all messages up to and including the one specified by the
     *                    delivery tag, <tt>false</tt> to just acknowledge that message.

    public void acknowledgeMessage(long deliveryTag, boolean multiple)
        if (_logger.isDebugEnabled())
            _logger.debug("Sending ack for delivery tag " + deliveryTag + " on session " + _channelId);
        // acknowledge this message
        if (multiple)
            for (Long messageTag : _unacknowledgedMessageTags)
                if( messageTag <= deliveryTag )
            //empty the list of unack messages

            addUnacked((int) deliveryTag);

        long prefetch = getAMQConnection().getMaxPrefetch();

        if (unackedCount >= prefetch/2)

    void flushAcknowledgments()
        if (unackedCount > 0)
                (unacked, _acknowledgeMode != org.apache.qpid.jms.Session.NO_ACKNOWLEDGE);

    void messageAcknowledge(RangeSet ranges, boolean accept)
        Session ssn = getQpidSession();
        for (Range range : ranges)
        ssn.flushProcessed(accept ? BATCH : NONE);
        if (accept)

     * Bind a queue with an exchange.
     * @param queueName    Specifies the name of the queue to bind. If the queue name is empty,
     *                     refers to the current
     *                     queue for the session, which is the last declared queue.
     * @param exchangeName The exchange name.
     * @param routingKey   Specifies the routing key for the binding.
     * @param arguments    0_8 specific
    public void sendQueueBind(final AMQShortString queueName, final AMQShortString routingKey,
                              final FieldTable arguments, final AMQShortString exchangeName, final AMQDestination destination)
            throws AMQException, FailoverException
        Map args = FiledTableSupport.convertToMap(arguments);
        // this is there only becasue the broker may expect a value for x-match
        if( ! args.containsKey("x-match") )
            args.put("x-match", "any");

        for (AMQShortString rk: destination.getBindingKeys())
            _logger.debug("Binding queue : " + queueName.toString() + " exchange: " + exchangeName.toString() + " using binding key " + rk.asString());
            getQpidSession().exchangeBind(queueName.toString(), exchangeName.toString(), rk.toString(), args);
        // We need to sync so that we get notify of an error.

     * Close this session.
     * @param timeout no used / 0_8 specific
     * @throws AMQException
     * @throws FailoverException
    public void sendClose(long timeout) throws AMQException, FailoverException

     * Commit the receipt and the delivery of all messages exchanged by this session resources.
    public void sendCommit() throws AMQException, FailoverException
        // We need to sync so that we get notify of an error.

     * Create a queue with a given name.
     * @param name       The queue name
     * @param autoDelete If this field is set and the exclusive field is also set,
     *                   then the queue is deleted when the connection closes.
     * @param durable    If set when creating a new queue,
     *                   the queue will be marked as durable.
     * @param exclusive  Exclusive queues can only be used from one connection at a time.
     * @param arguments  Exclusive queues can only be used from one connection at a time.
     * @throws AMQException
     * @throws FailoverException
    public void sendCreateQueue(AMQShortString name, final boolean autoDelete, final boolean durable,
                                final boolean exclusive, Map<String, Object> arguments) throws AMQException, FailoverException
        getQpidSession().queueDeclare(name.toString(), null, arguments, durable ? Option.DURABLE : Option.NONE,
                                      autoDelete ? Option.AUTO_DELETE : Option.NONE,
                                      exclusive ? Option.EXCLUSIVE : Option.NONE);
        // We need to sync so that we get notify of an error.

     * This method asks the broker to redeliver all unacknowledged messages
     * @throws AMQException
     * @throws FailoverException
    public void sendRecover() throws AMQException, FailoverException
        // release all unack messages
        RangeSet ranges = new RangeSet();
        while (true)
            Long tag = _unacknowledgedMessageTags.poll();
            if (tag == null)
            ranges.add((int) (long) tag);
        getQpidSession().messageRelease(ranges, Option.SET_REDELIVERED);
        // We need to sync so that we get notify of an error.

    public void releaseForRollback()
        if (_dispatcher != null)
        getQpidSession().messageRelease(_txRangeSet, Option.SET_REDELIVERED);
        _txSize = 0;

     * Release (0_8 notion of Reject) an acquired message
     * @param deliveryTag the message ID
     * @param requeue     always true
    public void rejectMessage(long deliveryTag, boolean requeue)
        // The value of requeue is always true
        RangeSet ranges = new RangeSet();
        ranges.add((int) deliveryTag);
        getQpidSession().messageRelease(ranges, Option.SET_REDELIVERED);
        //I don't think we need to sync

     * Create an 0_10 message consumer
    public BasicMessageConsumer_0_10 createMessageConsumer(final AMQDestination destination, final int prefetchHigh,
                                                      final int prefetchLow, final boolean noLocal,
                                                      final boolean exclusive, String messageSelector,
                                                      final FieldTable ft, final boolean noConsume,
                                                      final boolean autoClose) throws JMSException

        final AMQProtocolHandler protocolHandler = getProtocolHandler();
        return new BasicMessageConsumer_0_10(_channelId, _connection, destination, messageSelector, noLocal,
                                             _messageFactoryRegistry, this, protocolHandler, ft, prefetchHigh,
                                             prefetchLow, exclusive, _acknowledgeMode, noConsume, autoClose);

     * Bind a queue with an exchange.

    public boolean isQueueBound(final AMQShortString exchangeName, final AMQShortString queueName, final AMQShortString routingKey)
    throws JMSException
        return isQueueBound(exchangeName,queueName,routingKey,null);

    public boolean isQueueBound(final AMQDestination destination) throws JMSException
        return isQueueBound(destination.getExchangeName(),destination.getAMQQueueName(),destination.getRoutingKey(),destination.getBindingKeys());

    public boolean isQueueBound(final AMQShortString exchangeName, final AMQShortString queueName, final AMQShortString routingKey,AMQShortString[] bindingKeys)
    throws JMSException
        String rk = "";
        boolean res;
        if (bindingKeys != null && bindingKeys.length>0)
            rk = bindingKeys[0].toString();
        else if (routingKey != null)
            rk = routingKey.toString();

        ExchangeBoundResult bindingQueryResult =
            getQpidSession().exchangeBound(exchangeName.toString(),queueName.toString(), rk, null).get();

        if (rk == null)
            res = !(bindingQueryResult.getExchangeNotFound() || bindingQueryResult.getQueueNotFound());
            res = !(bindingQueryResult.getKeyNotMatched() || bindingQueryResult.getQueueNotFound() || bindingQueryResult
        return res;

     * This method is invoked when a consumer is creted
     * Registers the consumer with the broker
    public void sendConsume(BasicMessageConsumer_0_10 consumer, AMQShortString queueName, AMQProtocolHandler protocolHandler,
                            boolean nowait, String messageSelector, int tag)
            throws AMQException, FailoverException
        boolean preAcquire;
            preAcquire = ( ! consumer.isNoConsume()  &&
                    (consumer.getMessageSelector() == null || consumer.getMessageSelector().equals("")) )
                    || !(consumer.getDestination() instanceof AMQQueue);
                (queueName.toString(), String.valueOf(tag),
                 getAcknowledgeMode() == NO_ACKNOWLEDGE ? MessageAcceptMode.NONE : MessageAcceptMode.EXPLICIT,
                 preAcquire ? MessageAcquireMode.PRE_ACQUIRED : MessageAcquireMode.NOT_ACQUIRED, null, 0, null,
                 consumer.isExclusive() ? Option.EXCLUSIVE : Option.NONE);
        catch (JMSException e)
            throw new AMQException(AMQConstant.INTERNAL_ERROR, "problem when registering consumer", e);

        String consumerTag = ((BasicMessageConsumer_0_10)consumer).getConsumerTagString();

        if (! prefetch())
            getQpidSession().messageSetFlowMode(consumerTag, MessageFlowMode.CREDIT);
            getQpidSession().messageSetFlowMode(consumerTag, MessageFlowMode.WINDOW);
        getQpidSession().messageFlow(consumerTag, MessageCreditUnit.BYTE, 0xFFFFFFFF);
        // We need to sync so that we get notify of an error.
        // only if not immediat prefetch
        if(prefetch() && (consumer.isStrated() || _immediatePrefetch))
            // set the flow

     * Create an 0_10 message producer
    public BasicMessageProducer_0_10 createMessageProducer(final Destination destination, final boolean mandatory,
                                                      final boolean immediate, final boolean waitUntilSent,
                                                      long producerId)
        return new BasicMessageProducer_0_10(_connection, (AMQDestination) destination, _transacted, _channelId, this,
                                             getProtocolHandler(), producerId, immediate, mandatory, waitUntilSent);


     * creates an exchange if it does not already exist
    public void sendExchangeDeclare(final AMQShortString name, final AMQShortString type,
                                    final AMQProtocolHandler protocolHandler, final boolean nowait)
            throws AMQException, FailoverException
        getQpidSession().exchangeDeclare(name.toString(), type.toString(), null, null);
        // autoDelete --> false
        // durable --> false
        // passive -- false
        // We need to sync so that we get notify of an error.

     * Declare a queue with the given queueName
    public void sendQueueDeclare(final AMQDestination amqd, final AMQProtocolHandler protocolHandler)
            throws AMQException, FailoverException
        // do nothing this is only used by 0_8

     * Declare a queue with the given queueName
    public AMQShortString send0_10QueueDeclare(final AMQDestination amqd, final AMQProtocolHandler protocolHandler,
                                               final boolean noLocal)
            throws AMQException, FailoverException
        AMQShortString res;
        if (amqd.getAMQQueueName() == null)
            // generate a name for this queue
            res = new AMQShortString("TempQueue" + UUID.randomUUID());
            res = amqd.getAMQQueueName();
        Map<String,Object> arguments = null;
        if (noLocal)
            arguments = new HashMap<String,Object>();
            arguments.put("no-local", true);
        getQpidSession().queueDeclare(res.toString(), null, arguments,
                                      amqd.isAutoDelete() ? Option.AUTO_DELETE : Option.NONE,
                                      amqd.isDurable() ? Option.DURABLE : Option.NONE,
                                      !amqd.isDurable() && amqd.isExclusive() ? Option.EXCLUSIVE : Option.NONE);
        // passive --> false
        // We need to sync so that we get notify of an error.
        return res;

     * deletes a queue
    public void sendQueueDelete(final AMQShortString queueName) throws AMQException, FailoverException
        // ifEmpty --> false
        // ifUnused --> false
        // We need to sync so that we get notify of an error.

     * Activate/deactivate the message flow for all the consumers of this session.
    public void sendSuspendChannel(boolean suspend) throws AMQException, FailoverException
        if (suspend)
            for (BasicMessageConsumer consumer : _consumers.values())
            for (BasicMessageConsumer_0_10 consumer : _consumers.values())
                String consumerTag = String.valueOf(consumer.getConsumerTag());
                //only set if msg list is null
                    if (! prefetch())
                        if (consumer.getMessageListener() != null)
                                                         MessageCreditUnit.MESSAGE, 1);
                            .messageFlow(consumerTag, MessageCreditUnit.MESSAGE,
                        .messageFlow(consumerTag, MessageCreditUnit.BYTE, 0xFFFFFFFF);
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new AMQException(AMQConstant.INTERNAL_ERROR, "Error while trying to get the listener", e);
        // We need to sync so that we get notify of an error.

    public void sendRollback() throws AMQException, FailoverException
        // We need to sync so that we get notify of an error.

    //------ Private methods
     * Access to the underlying Qpid Session
     * @return The associated Qpid Session.
    protected Session getQpidSession()
        return _qpidSession;

     * Get the latest thrown exception.
     * @throws org.apache.qpid.AMQException get the latest thrown error.
    public void getCurrentException() throws AMQException
        synchronized (_currentExceptionLock)
            if (_currentException != null)
                SessionException se = _currentException;
                _currentException = null;
                ExecutionException ee = se.getException();
                int code;
                if (ee == null)
                    code = 0;
                    code = ee.getErrorCode().getValue();
                throw new AMQException
                    (AMQConstant.getConstant(code), se.getMessage(), se);

    public void opened(Session ssn) {}

    public void message(Session ssn, MessageTransfer xfr)
        messageReceived(new UnprocessedMessage_0_10(xfr));

    public void exception(Session ssn, SessionException exc)
        synchronized (_currentExceptionLock)
            _currentException = exc;

    public void closed(Session ssn) {}

    protected AMQShortString declareQueue(final AMQDestination amqd, final AMQProtocolHandler protocolHandler,
                                          final boolean noLocal)
            throws AMQException
        /*return new FailoverRetrySupport<AMQShortString, AMQException>(*/
        return new FailoverNoopSupport<AMQShortString, AMQException>(
                new FailoverProtectedOperation<AMQShortString, AMQException>()
                    public AMQShortString execute() throws AMQException, FailoverException
                        // Generate the queue name if the destination indicates that a client generated name is to be used.
                        if (amqd.isNameRequired())
                            String binddingKey = "";
                            for(AMQShortString key : amqd.getBindingKeys())
                               binddingKey = binddingKey + "_" + key.toString()
                            amqd.setQueueName(new AMQShortString( binddingKey + "@"
                                    + amqd.getExchangeName().toString() + "_" + UUID.randomUUID()));
                        return send0_10QueueDeclare(amqd, protocolHandler, noLocal);
                }, _connection).execute();

    void start() throws AMQException
        for(BasicMessageConsumer  c:  _consumers.values())

    void stop() throws AMQException
        for(BasicMessageConsumer  c:  _consumers.values())

    public TopicSubscriber createDurableSubscriber(Topic topic, String name) throws JMSException

        AMQTopic origTopic=checkValidTopic(topic);
        AMQTopic dest=AMQTopic.createDurable010Topic(origTopic, name, _connection);

        TopicSubscriberAdaptor<BasicMessageConsumer_0_10> subscriber=_subscriptions.get(name);
        if (subscriber != null)
            if (subscriber.getTopic().equals(topic))
                throw new IllegalStateException("Already subscribed to topic " + topic + " with subscription exchange "
                        + name);
            AMQShortString topicName;
            if (topic instanceof AMQTopic)
                topicName=((AMQTopic) topic).getBindingKeys()[0];
                topicName=new AMQShortString(topic.getTopicName());

            if (_strictAMQP)
                if (_strictAMQPFATAL)
                    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("JMS Durable not currently supported by AMQP.");
                    _logger.warn("Unable to determine if subscription already exists for '" + topicName + "' "
                            + "for creation durableSubscriber. Requesting queue deletion regardless.");

                // if the queue is bound to the exchange but NOT for this topic, then the JMS spec
                // says we must trash the subscription.
                if (isQueueBound(dest.getExchangeName(), dest.getAMQQueueName())
                        && !isQueueBound(dest.getExchangeName(), dest.getAMQQueueName(), topicName))

        subscriber=new TopicSubscriberAdaptor(dest, createExclusiveConsumer(dest));

        _subscriptions.put(name, subscriber);
        _reverseSubscriptionMap.put(subscriber.getMessageConsumer(), name);

        return subscriber;

    protected Long requestQueueDepth(AMQDestination amqd)
        return getQpidSession().queueQuery(amqd.getQueueName()).get().getMessageCount();

     * Store non committed messages for this session
     * With 0.10 messages are consumed with window mode, we must send a completion
     * before the window size is reached so credits don't dry up.
     * @param id
    @Override protected void addDeliveredMessage(long id)
        _txRangeSet.add((int) id);
        // this is a heuristic, we may want to have that configurable
        if (_connection.getMaxPrefetch() == 1 ||
                _connection.getMaxPrefetch() != 0 && _txSize % (_connection.getMaxPrefetch() / 2) == 0)
            // send completed so consumer credits don't dry up
            messageAcknowledge(_txRangeSet, false);

    @Override public void commit() throws JMSException
            if( _txSize > 0 )
                messageAcknowledge(_txRangeSet, true);
                _txSize = 0;
        catch (AMQException e)
            throw new JMSAMQException("Failed to commit: " + e.getMessage(), e);
        catch (FailoverException e)
            throw new JMSAMQException("Fail-over interrupted commit. Status of the commit is uncertain.", e);

    protected final boolean tagLE(long tag1, long tag2)
        return Serial.le((int) tag1, (int) tag2);

    protected final boolean updateRollbackMark(long currentMark, long deliveryTag)
        return currentMark, (int) deliveryTag);

    public AMQMessageDelegateFactory getMessageDelegateFactory()
        return AMQMessageDelegateFactory.FACTORY_0_10;


Related Classes of org.apache.qpid.client.AMQSession_0_10

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