Package org.apache.airavata.xbaya.scufl.script

Source Code of org.apache.airavata.xbaya.scufl.script.ScuflScript

* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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package org.apache.airavata.xbaya.scufl.script;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.UUID;

import javax.xml.namespace.QName;

import org.apache.airavata.workflow.model.graph.DataPort;
import org.apache.airavata.workflow.model.graph.GraphException;
import org.apache.airavata.workflow.model.graph.Node;
import org.apache.airavata.workflow.model.graph.Port;
import org.apache.airavata.workflow.model.graph.impl.NodeImpl;
import org.apache.airavata.workflow.model.graph.system.ConstantNode;
import org.apache.airavata.workflow.model.graph.system.EndifNode;
import org.apache.airavata.workflow.model.graph.system.IfNode;
import org.apache.airavata.workflow.model.graph.system.InputNode;
import org.apache.airavata.workflow.model.graph.system.MemoNode;
import org.apache.airavata.workflow.model.graph.system.OutputNode;
import org.apache.airavata.workflow.model.graph.util.GraphUtil;
import org.apache.airavata.xbaya.XBayaConfiguration;
import org.xmlpull.infoset.impl.XmlElementWithViewsImpl;
import org.xmlpull.v1.builder.XmlBuilderException;
import org.xmlpull.v1.builder.XmlDocument;
import org.xmlpull.v1.builder.XmlElement;
import org.xmlpull.v1.builder.XmlInfosetBuilder;
import org.xmlpull.v1.builder.XmlNamespace;

import xsul.XmlConstants;
import xsul5.wsdl.WsdlMessage;
import xsul5.wsdl.WsdlMessagePart;
import xsul5.wsdl.WsdlPort;
import xsul5.wsdl.WsdlPortType;
import xsul5.wsdl.WsdlPortTypeOperation;
import xsul5.wsdl.WsdlService;

public class ScuflScript {

    private Workflow workflow;

    private XBayaConfiguration configuration;

    private WSGraph graph;

    private ArrayList<String> arguments;

    private List<InputNode> inputNodes;

    private List<OutputNode> outputNodes;

    private XmlInfosetBuilder builder = XmlConstants.BUILDER;

    private LinkedList<Node> notYetInvokedNodes;

    private LinkedList<Node> executingNodes;

    private XmlNamespace scuflNS = builder.newNamespace("s", "http://org.embl.ebi.escience/xscufl/0.1alpha");

    private Map<String, XmlElement> sources = new HashMap<String, XmlElement>();

    private List<XmlElement> links = new ArrayList<XmlElement>();

    private List<XmlElement> sinks = new ArrayList<XmlElement>();

    private XmlDocument script;

    public ScuflScript(Workflow workflow, XBayaConfiguration configuration) {
        this.workflow = workflow;
        this.configuration = configuration;
        this.graph = this.workflow.getGraph();

        this.arguments = new ArrayList<String>();

        this.notYetInvokedNodes = new LinkedList<Node>();
        for (Node node : this.graph.getNodes()) {
            if (!(node instanceof MemoNode)) {
        this.executingNodes = new LinkedList<Node>();
        this.inputNodes = GraphUtil.getInputNodes(this.graph);
        this.outputNodes = GraphUtil.getOutputNodes(this.graph);

    public void create() throws GraphException {

        XmlDocument doc = builder.newDocument();

        XmlElement scufl = doc.addDocumentElement(scuflNS, "scufl");
        scufl.addAttribute("version", "0.2");
        scufl.addAttribute("log", "0");
        XmlElement description = scufl.addElement(scuflNS, "workflowdescription");
        description.addAttribute("lsid", "urn:lsid:net.sf.taverna:wfDefinition:" + UUID.randomUUID());
        description.addAttribute("author", "");
        description.addAttribute("title", workflow.getName());


        // add links
        for (XmlElement link : this.links) {

        // add source
        for (String key : this.sources.keySet()) {

        // add sinks
        for (XmlElement sink : this.sinks) {

        this.script = doc;


    public String getScript() {
        return builder.serializeToString(this.script);

     * @param scufl
     * @throws GraphException
    private void writeSplitors(XmlElement scufl) throws GraphException {

        Collection<Node> nextNodes = getNextNodes();
        while (nextNodes.size() > 0) {
            for (Node node : nextNodes) {

                if (node instanceof WSNode) {
                    WSNode wsNode = (WSNode) node;
                    writeSplitorPerService(scufl, wsNode);

                } else {
                    // TODO conditions, loops might come here.
                nextNodes = getNextNodes();

     * @param scufl
     * @param node
     * @throws GraphException
    private void writeSplitorPerService(XmlElement scufl, WSNode node) throws GraphException {
        List<DataPort> inputPorts = node.getInputPorts();
        XmlElement processor = scufl.addElement(scuflNS, "processor");
        processor.addAttribute("name", getValidName(node) + "InputMessagePartXML");
        XmlElement local = processor.addElement(scuflNS, "local");
        local.addChild(0, "");
        XmlElement extensions = local.addElement(scuflNS, "extensions");

        QName inputName = getInputElementName(node);
        if (null == inputName) {
            throw new GraphException("No Valid input type found for WS Node" + node.getName());
        if (node.getOutputPorts().size() != 1) {
            throw new GraphException("Number of out ports in WS node " + node.getName() + "is invalid:"
                    + node.getOutputPorts().size());
        DataPort outputPort = node.getOutputPort(0);

        WSComponent component = node.getComponent();
        String inputPartName = component.getInputPartName();
        String inputTypeName = component.getInputTypeName();

        XmlElement complexType = extensions.addElement(scuflNS, "complextype");
        complexType.addAttribute("optional", "false");
        complexType.addAttribute("unbounded", "false");
        complexType.addAttribute("typename", inputTypeName);

        String spliterName = inputPartName;
        complexType.addAttribute("name", spliterName);
        complexType.addAttribute("qname", inputName.toString());

        XmlElement element = complexType.addElement(scuflNS, "elements");
        for (DataPort port : inputPorts) {
            if ("".equals(port.getType().getNamespaceURI())) {
                XmlElement baseType = element.addElement(scuflNS, "basetype");
                baseType.addAttribute("optional", "false");
                baseType.addAttribute("unbounded", "false");
                baseType.addAttribute("typename", port.getType().getLocalPart());
                baseType.addAttribute("name", port.getName());
                baseType.addAttribute("qname", inputTypeName + "&gt;" + port.getName());

            // all the sources are written here
            // the links from input nodes to the spiters are done here
            // links from the from node output splitter to the this service's
            // inputsplitter is done here

            if (port.getFromNode() instanceof InputNode) {
                XmlElement source = builder.newFragment(scuflNS, "source");
                source.addAttribute("name", port.getFromNode().getID());
                if (!sourceExist(port.getFromNode().getID())) {
                    this.sources.put(port.getFromNode().getID(), source);
                XmlElement link = builder.newFragment(scuflNS, "link");
                link.addAttribute("source", port.getFromNode().getID());
                link.addAttribute("sink", getValidName(node) + "InputMessagePartXML:" + port.getName());

            } else if (port.getFromNode() instanceof WSNode) {
                XmlElement link = builder.newFragment(scuflNS, "link");
                if (port.getFromNode().getOutputPorts().size() != 1) {
                    throw new GraphException("Number of out ports in from WS node " + port.getFromNode().getName()
                            + "is invalid:" + node.getOutputPorts().size());
                link.addAttribute("source", getValidName((WSNode) port.getFromNode()) + "OutputMessagePartXML:"
                        + port.getFromNode().getOutputPort(0).getName());
                link.addAttribute("sink", getValidName(node) + "InputMessagePartXML:" + port.getName());
            } else {
                throw new GraphException("Unhandled from node type:" + port.getFromNode() + " for node"
                        + node.getName());

        // link from the spliter to the service

        XmlElement link = builder.newFragment(scuflNS, "link");
        link.addAttribute("source", getValidName(node) + "InputMessagePartXML:output");
        link.addAttribute("sink", getValidName(node) + ":" + spliterName);

        // link from service out to the ouput spliter

        link = builder.newFragment(scuflNS, "link");
        link.addAttribute("source", getValidName(node) + ":" + node.getComponent().getOutputPartName());
        link.addAttribute("sink", getValidName(node) + "OutputMessagePartXML:input");

        // /outspiltor
        XmlElement outProcessor = scufl.addElement(scuflNS, "processor");
        outProcessor.addAttribute("name", getValidName(node) + "OutputMessagePartXML");
        XmlElement outLocal = outProcessor.addElement(scuflNS, "local");
        outLocal.addChild(0, "");
        XmlElement outExtensions = outLocal.addElement(scuflNS, "extensions");
        XmlElement outComplextype = outExtensions.addElement(scuflNS, "complextype");
        outComplextype.addAttribute("optional", "false");
        outComplextype.addAttribute("unbounded", "false");
        outComplextype.addAttribute("typename", component.getOutputTypeName());
        outComplextype.addAttribute("name", component.getOutputPartName());
        QName outputName = getOutputElementName(node);
        if (null == outputName) {
            throw new GraphException("No Valid output type found for WS Node" + node.getName());
        outComplextype.addAttribute("qname", outputName.toString());
        XmlElement elements = outComplextype.addElement(scuflNS, "elements");
        XmlElement outBaseType = elements.addElement(scuflNS, "basetype");
        outBaseType.addAttribute("optional", "false");
        outBaseType.addAttribute("unbounded", "false");

        outBaseType.addAttribute("typename", outputPort.getType().getLocalPart());
        String Z = component.getOutputPort(0).getName();
        outBaseType.addAttribute("name", Z);

        outBaseType.addAttribute("qname", component.getOutputTypeName() + "&gt;" + Z);

        List<DataPort> outputPorts = node.getOutputPorts();
        for (DataPort port : outputPorts) {
            List<Node> toNodes = port.getToNodes();
            for (Node toNode : toNodes) {
                if (toNode instanceof OutputNode) {
                    if ("".equals(port.getType().getNamespaceURI())) {
                        XmlElement sink = builder.newFragment(scuflNS, "sink");
                        sink.addAttribute("name", toNode.getID());
                        link = builder.newFragment(scuflNS, "link");
                        link.addAttribute("source", getValidName(node) + "OutputMessagePartXML:" + outputPort.getName());
                        link.addAttribute("sink", toNode.getID());


    private boolean sourceExist(String name) {
        Set<String> keys = this.sources.keySet();
        for (String string : keys) {
            if (name.equals(string))
                return true;
        return false;

     * @param node
     * @return
     * @throws GraphException
    private QName getInputElementName(WSNode node) throws GraphException {
        WSComponent component = node.getComponent();
        String portTypeName = component.getPortTypeQName().getLocalPart();
        WsdlPortType portType = component.getWSDL().getPortType(portTypeName);
        WsdlPortTypeOperation operation = portType.getOperation(component.getOperationName());
        QName message = operation.getInput().getMessage();
        WsdlMessage wsdlMessage = component.getWSDL().getMessage(message.getLocalPart());
        Iterator<WsdlMessagePart> iterator =;
        QName inputName = null;
        if (iterator.hasNext()) {
            inputName =;
        } else {
            throw new GraphException("No input part found for WS Node" + node.getName());
        return inputName;

    private QName getOutputElementName(WSNode node) throws GraphException {
        WSComponent component = node.getComponent();
        String portTypeName = component.getPortTypeQName().getLocalPart();
        WsdlPortType portType = component.getWSDL().getPortType(portTypeName);
        WsdlPortTypeOperation operation = portType.getOperation(component.getOperationName());
        QName message = operation.getOutput().getMessage();
        WsdlMessage wsdlMessage = component.getWSDL().getMessage(message.getLocalPart());
        Iterator<WsdlMessagePart> iterator =;
        QName inputName = null;
        if (iterator.hasNext()) {
            inputName =;
        } else {
            throw new GraphException("No output part found for WS Node" + node.getName());
        return inputName;

    private void writeServices(XmlElement scufl) throws GraphException {

        Collection<NodeImpl> nextNodes = this.graph.getNodes();
        for (NodeImpl node : nextNodes) {
            if (node instanceof WSNode) {
                WSNode wsNode = (WSNode) node;
                createWSProcess(wsNode, scufl);

    private XmlElement createWSProcess(WSNode node, XmlElement scufl) throws GraphException, XmlBuilderException {

        XmlElement processor = scufl.addElement(scuflNS, "processor");
        String name = getValidName(node);
        processor.addAttribute("name", name);
        XmlElement description = processor.addElement(scuflNS, "description");
        String txt = node.getComponent().getDescription();
        if (null == txt) {
        } else {

        XmlElement arbitrarywsdl = processor.addElement(scuflNS, "arbitrarywsdl");
        XmlElement wsdl = arbitrarywsdl.addElement(scuflNS, "wsdl");

        String epr = getEPR(node);
        if (null == epr) {
            throw new GraphException("EPR not found for the WS-node:" + builder.serializeToString(node));
        wsdl.addChild(epr + "?wsdl");

        XmlElement operation = arbitrarywsdl.addElement(scuflNS, "operation");

        return processor;


     * @param node
     * @return
    private String getValidName(WSNode node) {
        return node.getID();
        // String name = node.getName();
        // if (name.indexOf(":") != -1) {
        // name = name.substring(0, name.indexOf(":"));
        // }
        // return name;

     * @param wsNode
    private String getEPR(WSNode wsNode) {
        Iterable<WsdlService> services = wsNode.getComponent().getWSDL().services();
        Iterator<WsdlService> iterator = services.iterator();
        if (iterator.hasNext()) {
            Iterable<WsdlPort> ports =;
            Iterator<WsdlPort> portIterator = ports.iterator();
            if (portIterator.hasNext()) {
                WsdlPort port =;
                Iterable children = port.xml().children();
                Iterator childIterator = children.iterator();
                while (childIterator.hasNext()) {
                    Object next =;
                    if (next instanceof XmlElementWithViewsImpl) {
                        org.xmlpull.infoset.XmlAttribute epr = ((XmlElementWithViewsImpl) next).attribute("location");
                        return epr.getValue();
        return null;

    public boolean validate(List<String> warnings) {
        // Empty
        if (this.graph.getNodes().size() == 0) {
            String message = "The workflow is empty.";

        // Input ports need to be connected.
        Collection<Port> inputPorts = GraphUtil.getPorts(this.graph, Port.Kind.DATA_IN);
        for (Port inputPort : inputPorts) {
            Collection<Port> fromPorts = inputPort.getFromPorts();
            if (fromPorts.size() == 0) {
                Node node = inputPort.getNode();
                String message = node.getID() + " has an unconnected input " + inputPort.getName();

        // Input nodes need to be connected.
        for (InputNode inputNode : this.inputNodes) {
            if (inputNode.getPort().getToPorts().size() == 0) {
                String message = inputNode.getID() + " is not connected to any service.";

        // Cycle
        if (GraphUtil.containsCycle(this.graph)) {
            String message = "There is a cycle in the workflow.";

        // Constants are not supported.
        List<ConstantNode> constantNodes = GraphUtil.getNodes(this.graph, ConstantNode.class);
        if (constantNodes.size() > 0) {
            String message = "Constants are not supported for Scufl scripts.";

        // If/endif are not supported.
        List<IfNode> ifNodes = GraphUtil.getNodes(this.graph, IfNode.class);
        List<EndifNode> endifNodes = GraphUtil.getNodes(this.graph, EndifNode.class);
        if (ifNodes.size() > 0 || endifNodes.size() > 0) {
            String message = "If/endif are not supported for Scufl scripts.";

        if (warnings.size() > 0) {
            return false;
        } else {
            // No error.
            return true;

    private Collection<Node> getNextNodes() throws GraphException {
        Collection<Node> nextNodes = new ArrayList<Node>();
        for (Node node : this.notYetInvokedNodes) {
            if (isNextNode(node)) {
        return nextNodes;

    private boolean isNextNode(Node node) throws GraphException {
        if (node instanceof OutputNode) {
            return false;
        for (Port port : node.getInputPorts()) {
            Collection<Node> fromNodes = port.getFromNodes();
            if (fromNodes.isEmpty()) {
                throw new GraphException("There is a port that is not connected to any.");
            } else {
                for (Node fromNode : fromNodes) {
                    if (this.notYetInvokedNodes.contains(fromNode)) {
                        // There is a node that should be executed before this
                        // node.
                        return false;
        Port port = node.getControlInPort();
        if (port != null) {
            Collection<Node> fromNodes = port.getFromNodes();
            for (Node fromNode : fromNodes) {
                if (this.notYetInvokedNodes.contains(fromNode)) {
                    return false;
        return true;


Related Classes of org.apache.airavata.xbaya.scufl.script.ScuflScript

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