Package org.apache.harmony.jpda.tests.jdwp.ThreadReference

Source Code of org.apache.harmony.jpda.tests.jdwp.ThreadReference.FramesTest

* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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* @author Vitaly A. Provodin

* Created on 15.02.2005
package org.apache.harmony.jpda.tests.jdwp.ThreadReference;

import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.Enumeration;

import org.apache.harmony.jpda.tests.framework.jdwp.CommandPacket;
import org.apache.harmony.jpda.tests.framework.jdwp.JDWPCommands;
import org.apache.harmony.jpda.tests.framework.jdwp.JDWPConstants;
import org.apache.harmony.jpda.tests.framework.jdwp.Location;
import org.apache.harmony.jpda.tests.framework.jdwp.ReplyPacket;
import org.apache.harmony.jpda.tests.jdwp.share.JDWPSyncTestCase;
import org.apache.harmony.jpda.tests.share.JPDADebuggeeSynchronizer;

* JDWP Unit test for ThreadReference.Frames command.
public class FramesTest extends JDWPSyncTestCase {

    short err;
    long threadID;

    class FrameStruct {
        long frameID;
        Location loc;
        FrameStruct(long frameID, Location loc) {
            this.frameID = frameID;
            this.loc = loc;

    protected String getDebuggeeClassName() {
        return "org.apache.harmony.jpda.tests.jdwp.ThreadReference.FramesDebuggee";

     * This testcase exercises ThreadReference.Frames command.
     * <BR>At first the test starts FramesDebuggee which recursively invokes
     * the method 'FramesDebuggee.recursiveMethod' thereby the specified depth
     * 'FramesDebuggee.DEPTH' of recursion is reached.
     * <BR> Then the tests performs the ThreadReference.Frames command
     * for the main thread with parameters:
     * <BR>startFrame=0, length=(amount_of_all_frames + 1)
     * <BR>It is expected the error INVALID_LENGTH is returned.
    public void testFrames005() {
        logWriter.println("==> testFrames005 START ");
        String testedThreadName = synchronizer.receiveMessage();

        ("==> testedThreadName = |" + testedThreadName +"|");
        threadID = debuggeeWrapper.vmMirror.getThreadID(testedThreadName);
        logWriter.println("==> threadID = " + threadID);
        Vector allFrames = getFrames(0, -1);
        if (err != JDWPConstants.Error.NONE) {
            printErrorAndFail("Unexpected ERROR = " + err
                    + "(" + JDWPConstants.Error.getName(err) + ")");
        String methodName, classSignature;
        int i = 0;
        for (Enumeration e = allFrames.elements(); e.hasMoreElements(); i++) {
            FrameStruct frame = (FrameStruct )e.nextElement();
            methodName = getMethodName(frame.loc.classID, frame.loc.methodID);
            classSignature = getClassSignature(frame.loc.classID);
            logWriter.println("\t" + i + ". frameID=" + frame.frameID
                    + " - " + classSignature
                    + methodName
                    + "(" + frame.loc.index + ")");

        allFrames = getFrames(0, allFrames.size() + 1);
        if (err == JDWPConstants.Error.INVALID_LENGTH) {
            logWriter.println("Cought expected error - " + JDWPConstants.Error.getName(err)
                    + "(" + err + ")");
        } else {
            printErrorAndFail("unexpected behaviour: error is "
                    + JDWPConstants.Error.getName(err) + "(" + err + ")"
                    + " but  must be "
                    + JDWPConstants.Error.getName(JDWPConstants.Error.INVALID_LENGTH)
                    + "(" + JDWPConstants.Error.INVALID_LENGTH + ")");
        logWriter.println("==> testFrames005 OK. ");


     * This testcase exercises ThreadReference.Frames command.
     * <BR>At first the test starts FramesDebuggee which recursively invokes
     * the method 'FramesDebuggee.recursiveMethod' thereby the specified depth
     * 'FramesDebuggee.DEPTH' of recursion is reached.
     * <BR> Then the tests performs the ThreadReference.Frames command
     * for the main thread with parameters:
     * <BR>startFrame=(amount_of_all_frames + 1), length=-1
     * <BR>It is expected the error INVALID_INDEX is returned.
    public void testFrames004() {
        logWriter.println("==> testFrames004 START ");
        String testedThreadName = synchronizer.receiveMessage();

        ("==> testedThreadName = |" + testedThreadName +"|");
        threadID = debuggeeWrapper.vmMirror.getThreadID(testedThreadName);
        logWriter.println("==> threadID = " + threadID);
        Vector allFrames = getFrames(0, -1);
        if (err != JDWPConstants.Error.NONE) {
            printErrorAndFail("Unexpected ERROR = " + err
                    + "(" + JDWPConstants.Error.getName(err) + ")");
        String methodName, classSignature;
        int i = 0;
        for (Enumeration e = allFrames.elements(); e.hasMoreElements(); i++) {
            FrameStruct frame = (FrameStruct )e.nextElement();
            methodName = getMethodName(frame.loc.classID, frame.loc.methodID);
            classSignature = getClassSignature(frame.loc.classID);
            logWriter.println("\t" + i + ". frameID=" + frame.frameID
                       + " - " + classSignature
                    + methodName
                    + "(" + frame.loc.index + ")");

        allFrames = getFrames(allFrames.size() + 1, -1);
        if (err == JDWPConstants.Error.INVALID_INDEX) {
            logWriter.println("Cought expected error - " + JDWPConstants.Error.getName(err)
                    + "(" + err + ")");
        } else {
            printErrorAndFail("unexpected behaviour: error is "
                    + JDWPConstants.Error.getName(err) + "(" + err + ")"
                    + " but  must be "
                    + JDWPConstants.Error.getName(JDWPConstants.Error.INVALID_INDEX)
                    + "(" + JDWPConstants.Error.INVALID_INDEX + ")");
        logWriter.println("==> testFrames004 OK. ");


     * This testcase exercises ThreadReference.Frames command.
     * <BR>At first the test starts FramesDebuggee which recursively invokes
     * the method 'FramesDebuggee.recursiveMethod' thereby the specified depth
     * 'FramesDebuggee.DEPTH' of recursion is reached.
     * <BR> Then the tests performs the ThreadReference.Frames command
     * for the main thread with parameters:
     * <BR>startFrame=amount_of_all_frames, length=-1
     * <BR>It is expected an empty set of frames is returned.
    public void testFrames003() {
        logWriter.println("==> testFrames003 START ");
        String testedThreadName = synchronizer.receiveMessage();

        ("==> testedThreadName = |" + testedThreadName +"|");
        threadID = debuggeeWrapper.vmMirror.getThreadID(testedThreadName);
        logWriter.println("==> threadID = " + threadID);
        Vector allFrames = getFrames(0, -1);
        if (err != JDWPConstants.Error.NONE) {
            printErrorAndFail("Unexpected ERROR = " + err
                    + "(" + JDWPConstants.Error.getName(err) + ")");
        String methodName, classSignature;
        int i = 0;
        for (Enumeration e = allFrames.elements(); e.hasMoreElements(); i++) {
            FrameStruct frame = (FrameStruct )e.nextElement();
            methodName = getMethodName(frame.loc.classID, frame.loc.methodID);
            classSignature = getClassSignature(frame.loc.classID);
               logWriter.println("\t" + i + ". frameID=" + frame.frameID
                       + " - " + classSignature
                    + methodName
                    + "(" + frame.loc.index + ")");

        allFrames = getFrames(allFrames.size(), -1);
        if (err != JDWPConstants.Error.NONE) {
            printErrorAndFail("Unexpected ERROR = " + err
                    + "(" + JDWPConstants.Error.getName(err) + ")");
        if (allFrames.size() == 0) {
            logWriter.println("empty set of frames is returned");
        } else {
            printErrorAndFail("it is expected an empty set of frames, but frameCount = "
                    + allFrames.size());
        logWriter.println("==> testFrames003 OK. ");


     * This testcase exercises ThreadReference.Frames command.
     * <BR>At first the test starts FramesDebuggee which recursively invokes
     * the method 'FramesDebuggee.recursiveMethod' thereby the specified depth
     * 'FramesDebuggee.DEPTH' of recursion is reached.
     * <BR>Then the test by ThreadReference.Frames command
     * requests all frames and looks for the first frame
     * which has location in the 'recursiveMethod'.
     * <BR>The index of such frame is passed as startFrame parameter for
     * the second invocation of ThreadReference.Frames command.
     * <BR>The length (the second parameter) is set to 'FramesDebuggee.DEPTH'.
     * <BR>It is expected that the amount of returned frames is equal to
     * 'FramesDebuggee.DEPTH' and all returned frames have locations in
     * 'recursiveMethod'.
    public void testFrames002() {
        logWriter.println("==> testFrames002 START ");
        String testedThreadName = synchronizer.receiveMessage();

        ("==> testedThreadName = |" + testedThreadName +"|");
        threadID = debuggeeWrapper.vmMirror.getThreadID(testedThreadName);
        logWriter.println("==> threadID = " + threadID);
        Vector allFrames = getFrames(0, -1);
        if (err != JDWPConstants.Error.NONE) {
            printErrorAndFail("Unexpected ERROR = " + err
                    + "(" + JDWPConstants.Error.getName(err) + ")");
        String methodName, classSignature;
        int frameNumber = -1;
        int i = 0;
        for (Enumeration e = allFrames.elements(); e.hasMoreElements(); i++) {
            FrameStruct frame = (FrameStruct )e.nextElement();
            methodName = getMethodName(frame.loc.classID, frame.loc.methodID);
            classSignature = getClassSignature(frame.loc.classID);
            if (frameNumber < 0 && FramesDebuggee.METHOD_NAME.equals(methodName)) {
                frameNumber = i;
               logWriter.println("\t" + i + ". frameID=" + frame.frameID
                       + " - " + classSignature
                    + methodName
                    + "(" + frame.loc.index + ")");

        if (frameNumber < 0) {
            printErrorAndFail("frameNumber is unexpectedly equal to " + frameNumber);
        allFrames = getFrames(frameNumber, FramesDebuggee.DEPTH);
        if (err != JDWPConstants.Error.NONE) {
            printErrorAndFail("Unexpected ERROR = " + err
                    + "(" + JDWPConstants.Error.getName(err) + ")");
        i = frameNumber;
        int methodCount = 0;
        String unexpectedMethods = null;
        String depthError = null;
        for (Enumeration e = allFrames.elements(); e.hasMoreElements(); i++) {
            FrameStruct frame = (FrameStruct )e.nextElement();
            methodName = getMethodName(frame.loc.classID, frame.loc.methodID);
            classSignature = getClassSignature(frame.loc.classID);
            logWriter.println("\t" + i + ". frameID=" + frame.frameID
                    + " - " + classSignature
                    + methodName
                    + "(" + frame.loc.index + ")");
               if (methodName.equals(FramesDebuggee.METHOD_NAME)) {
               } else {
                   logWriter.printError("unexpected method - " + methodName);
                   unexpectedMethods = null == unexpectedMethods ? methodName : unexpectedMethods + "," + methodName;
        if (methodCount != FramesDebuggee.DEPTH) {
            logWriter.printError(depthError = ("Number of " + FramesDebuggee.METHOD_NAME + " in frames "
                    + methodCount + "  but expected " + FramesDebuggee.DEPTH));
        if (null != unexpectedMethods) {
            logWriter.println("==> testFrames002 FAILED ");
            fail("unexpected method(s): " + unexpectedMethods);
        else if (null != depthError) {
            logWriter.println("==> testFrames002 FAILED ");
        } else {  
            logWriter.println("==> testFrames002 OK. ");

     * This testcase exercises ThreadReference.Frames command.
     * <BR>At first the test starts FramesDebuggee which recursively invokes
     * the method 'FramesDebuggee.recursiveMethod' thereby the specified depth
     * 'FramesDebuggee.DEPTH' of recursion is reached.
     * <BR>Then the test by ThreadReference.Frames command
     * requests all frames and looks for the first frame
     * which has location in the 'recursiveMethod'.
     * <BR>The index of such frame is passed as startFrame parameter for
     * the second invocation of ThreadReference.Frames command.
     * <BR>The length (the second parameter) is set to '-1'.
     * <BR>It is expected that the amount of returned frames which are located in
     * 'recursiveMethod' is equal to 'FramesDebuggee.DEPTH'.
    public void testFrames001() {
        logWriter.println("==> testFrames001 START ");
        String testedThreadName = synchronizer.receiveMessage();

        ("==> testedThreadName = |" + testedThreadName +"|");
        threadID = debuggeeWrapper.vmMirror.getThreadID(testedThreadName);
        logWriter.println("==> threadID = " + threadID);
        Vector allFrames = getFrames(0, -1);
        if (err != JDWPConstants.Error.NONE) {
            printErrorAndFail("Unexpected ERROR = " + err
                    + "(" + JDWPConstants.Error.getName(err) + ")");
        String methodName, classSignature;
        int frameNumber = -1;
        int i = 0;
        for (Enumeration e = allFrames.elements(); e.hasMoreElements(); i++) {
            FrameStruct frame = (FrameStruct )e.nextElement();
            methodName = getMethodName(frame.loc.classID, frame.loc.methodID);
            classSignature = getClassSignature(frame.loc.classID);
            if (frameNumber < 0 && FramesDebuggee.METHOD_NAME.equals(methodName)) {
                frameNumber = i;
            logWriter.println("\t" + i + ". frameID=" + frame.frameID
                    + " - " + classSignature
                    + methodName
                    + "(" + frame.loc.index + ")");

        if (frameNumber < 0) {
            logWriter.printError("frameNumber is unexpectedly equal to " + frameNumber);
            assertTrue("Invalid frameNumber", frameNumber > 0);
        allFrames = getFrames(frameNumber, -1);
        if (err != JDWPConstants.Error.NONE) {
            printErrorAndFail("Unexpected ERROR = " + err
                    + "(" + JDWPConstants.Error.getName(err) + ")");
        i = frameNumber;
        int methodCount = 0;
        boolean testCondition;
        String unexpectedMethods = null;
        String depthError = null;
        for (Enumeration e = allFrames.elements(); e.hasMoreElements(); i++) {
            FrameStruct frame = (FrameStruct )e.nextElement();
            methodName = getMethodName(frame.loc.classID, frame.loc.methodID);
            classSignature = getClassSignature(frame.loc.classID);
            logWriter.println("\t" + i + ". frameID=" + frame.frameID
                    + " - " + classSignature
                    + methodName
                    + "(" + frame.loc.index + ")");
               testCondition = (i == frameNumber
                       && !methodName.equals(FramesDebuggee.METHOD_NAME));
               if (testCondition) {
                   logWriter.printError("unexpected method name of the first frame - "
                           + methodName);
                   unexpectedMethods = null == unexpectedMethods ? methodName : unexpectedMethods + "," + methodName;
               if (methodName.equals(FramesDebuggee.METHOD_NAME)) {

        if (methodCount != FramesDebuggee.DEPTH) {
            logWriter.printError(depthError = ("Number of " + FramesDebuggee.METHOD_NAME + " in frames "
                    + methodCount + "  but expected " + FramesDebuggee.DEPTH));


        if (null != unexpectedMethods) {
            logWriter.println("==> testFrames001 FAILED ");
            fail("unexpected method(s): " + unexpectedMethods);
        else if (null != depthError) {
            logWriter.println("==> testFrames001 FAILED ");
        } else {  
            logWriter.println("==> testFrames001 OK. ");

    private Vector getFrames(int startFrame, int length) {

        Vector<FrameStruct> frames = new Vector<FrameStruct>();
        logWriter.println("startFrame=" + startFrame
                + "; length=" + length);

        // getting frames of the thread
        CommandPacket packet = new CommandPacket(
        ReplyPacket reply = debuggeeWrapper.vmMirror.performCommand(packet);
        err = reply.getErrorCode();
        if ( err != JDWPConstants.Error.NONE) {
            logWriter.println("\tthreadID=" + threadID
                    + " - " + JDWPConstants.Error.getName(err));
            return null;
        int framesCount = reply.getNextValueAsInt();
        long frameID;
        Location loc;
        logWriter.println("framesCount=" + framesCount);
        for (int j = 0; j < framesCount; j++) {
               frameID = reply.getNextValueAsFrameID();
               loc = reply.getNextValueAsLocation();
               frames.add(new FrameStruct(frameID, loc));
        return frames;

    public static void main(String[] args) {;

Related Classes of org.apache.harmony.jpda.tests.jdwp.ThreadReference.FramesTest

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