Package org.apache.ldap.server.jndi

Source Code of org.apache.ldap.server.jndi.CoreContextFactory

*   Copyright 2004 The Apache Software Foundation
*   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
*   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
*   You may obtain a copy of the License at
*   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
*   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
*   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
*   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
*   limitations under the License.
package org.apache.ldap.server.jndi;

import org.apache.ldap.common.exception.LdapAuthenticationNotSupportedException;
import org.apache.ldap.common.exception.LdapConfigurationException;
import org.apache.ldap.common.exception.LdapNoPermissionException;
import org.apache.ldap.common.message.LockableAttributesImpl;
import org.apache.ldap.common.message.ResultCodeEnum;
import org.apache.ldap.common.schema.AttributeType;
import org.apache.ldap.common.schema.Normalizer;
import org.apache.ldap.common.util.DateUtils;
import org.apache.ldap.common.util.StringTools;
import org.apache.ldap.server.*;
import org.apache.ldap.server.db.*;
import org.apache.ldap.server.db.jdbm.JdbmDatabase;
import org.apache.ldap.server.interceptor.InterceptorChain;
import org.apache.ldap.server.interceptor.InterceptorConfigBuilder;
import org.apache.ldap.server.interceptor.InterceptorContext;
import org.apache.ldap.server.schema.AttributeTypeRegistry;
import org.apache.ldap.server.schema.GlobalRegistries;
import org.apache.ldap.server.schema.MatchingRuleRegistry;
import org.apache.ldap.server.schema.OidRegistry;
import org.apache.ldap.server.schema.bootstrap.BootstrapRegistries;
import org.apache.ldap.server.schema.bootstrap.BootstrapSchemaLoader;

import javax.naming.Context;
import javax.naming.Name;
import javax.naming.NamingException;
import javax.naming.spi.InitialContextFactory;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.List;

* A server-side provider implementation of a InitialContextFactory.  Can be
* utilized via JNDI API in the standard fashion:
* <code>
* Hashtable env = new Hashtable();
* env.put( Context.PROVIDER_URL, "ou=system" );
* env.put(
* Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "org.apache.ldap.server.jndi.CoreContextFactory" );
* InitialContext initialContext = new InitialContext( env );
* </code>
* @author <a href="">Apache Directory Project</a>
* @version $Rev$
* @see javax.naming.spi.InitialContextFactory
public class CoreContextFactory implements InitialContextFactory
     * @todo this class needs to be better broken down - its in disarray; too much
     * fuctionality in one place which can be better organized

    /** shorthand reference to the authentication type property */
    private static final String TYPE = Context.SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION;

    /** shorthand reference to the authentication credentials property */
    private static final String CREDS = Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS;

    /** shorthand reference to the authentication principal property */
    protected static final String PRINCIPAL = Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL;

    /** shorthand reference to the admin principal name */
    protected static final String ADMIN = SystemPartition.ADMIN_PRINCIPAL;

    /** shorthand reference to the admin principal distinguished name */
    protected static final Name ADMIN_NAME = SystemPartition.getAdminDn();

    /** default path to working directory if WKDIR_ENV property is not set */
    public static final String DEFAULT_WKDIR = "server-work";

    /** default schema classes for the SCHEMAS_ENV property if not set */
    protected static final String[] DEFAULT_SCHEMAS = new String[]

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Members
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    /** The singleton JndiProvider instance */
    protected JndiProvider provider = null;

    /** the initial context environment that fired up the backend subsystem */
    protected Hashtable initialEnv;

    /** the system partition used by the context factory */
    protected SystemPartition system;

    /** the registries for system schema objects */
    protected GlobalRegistries globalRegistries;

    /** the root nexus */
    protected RootNexus nexus;

    /** whether or not server is started for the first time */
    protected boolean createMode;

     * Default constructor that sets the provider of this ServerContextFactory.
    public CoreContextFactory()
        JndiProvider.setProviderOn( this );

     * Enables this ServerContextFactory with a handle to the JndiProvider singleton.
     * @param provider the system's singleton BackendSubsystem service.
    void setProvider( JndiProvider provider )
        this.provider = provider;

    public Context getInitialContext( Hashtable env ) throws NamingException
        env = ( Hashtable ) env.clone();

        Context ctx = null;

        if ( env.containsKey( EnvKeys.SHUTDOWN ) )
            if ( this.provider == null )
                return new DeadContext();

            catch ( Throwable t )
                ctx = new DeadContext();

                provider = null;

                initialEnv = null;

            return ctx;

        if ( env.containsKey( EnvKeys.SYNC ) )

            return provider.getLdapContext( env );

        checkSecuritySettings( env );

        if ( isAnonymous( env ) )
            env.put( PRINCIPAL, "" );

        // fire up the backend subsystem if we need to
        if ( null == provider )
            // we need to check this here instead of in AuthenticationService
            // because otherwise we are going to start up the system incorrectly
            if ( isAnonymous( env ) && env.containsKey( EnvKeys.DISABLE_ANONYMOUS ) )
                throw new LdapNoPermissionException( "cannot bind as anonymous "
                        + "on startup while disabling anonymous binds w/ property: "
                        + EnvKeys.DISABLE_ANONYMOUS );

            this.initialEnv = env;


            createMode = createBootstrapEntries();

             * Unfortunately to test non-root user startup of the core and make sure
             * all the appropriate functionality is there we need to load more user
             * entries at startup due to a chicken and egg like problem.  The value
             * of this property is a list of attributes to be added.

            if ( createMode && env.containsKey( EnvKeys.TEST_ENTRIES ) )
                ArrayList list = ( ArrayList ) initialEnv.get( EnvKeys.TEST_ENTRIES );

                if ( list != null )
                    for ( int ii = 0; ii < list.size(); ii++ )
                        Attributes attributes = ( Attributes ) list.get( ii );

                        attributes.put( "creatorsName", ADMIN );

                        attributes.put( "createTimestamp", DateUtils.getGeneralizedTime() );

                        Attribute dn = attributes.remove( "dn" );

                        nexus.add( ( String ) dn.get(), new LdapName( ( String ) dn.get() ), attributes );

        ctx = ( ServerContext ) provider.getLdapContext( env );

        return ctx;

     * Checks to make sure security environment parameters are set correctly.
     * @throws javax.naming.NamingException if the security settings are not correctly configured.
    protected void checkSecuritySettings( Hashtable env ) throws NamingException
        if ( env.containsKey( TYPE ) && env.get( TYPE ) != null )
             * If bind is simple make sure we have the credentials and the
             * principal name set within the environment, otherwise complain
            if ( env.get( TYPE ).equals( "simple" ) )
                if ( !env.containsKey( CREDS ) )
                    throw new LdapConfigurationException( "missing required "
                            + CREDS + " property for simple authentication" );

                if ( !env.containsKey( PRINCIPAL ) )
                    throw new LdapConfigurationException( "missing required "
                            + PRINCIPAL + " property for simple authentication" );
             * If bind is none make sure credentials and the principal
             * name are NOT set within the environment, otherwise complain
            else if ( env.get( TYPE ).equals( "none" ) )
                if ( env.containsKey( CREDS ) )
                    throw new LdapConfigurationException( "ambiguous bind "
                            + "settings encountered where bind is anonymous yet "
                            + CREDS + " property is set" );
                if ( env.containsKey( PRINCIPAL ) )
                    throw new LdapConfigurationException( "ambiguous bind "
                            + "settings encountered where bind is anonymous yet "
                            + PRINCIPAL + " property is set" );
             * If bind is anything other than simple or none we need to
             * complain because SASL is not a supported auth method yet
                throw new LdapAuthenticationNotSupportedException( ResultCodeEnum.AUTHMETHODNOTSUPPORTED );
        else if ( env.containsKey( CREDS ) )
            if ( !env.containsKey( PRINCIPAL ) )
                throw new LdapConfigurationException( "credentials provided "
                        + "without principal name property: " + PRINCIPAL );

     * Checks to see if an anonymous bind is being attempted.
     * @return true if bind is anonymous, false otherwise
    protected boolean isAnonymous( Hashtable env )

        if ( env.containsKey( TYPE ) && env.get( TYPE ) != null )
            if ( env.get( TYPE ).equals( "none" ) )
                return true;

            return false;

        if ( env.containsKey( CREDS ) )
            return false;

        return true;

     * Returns true if we had to create the bootstrap entries on the first
     * start of the server.  Otherwise if all entries exist, meaning none
     * had to be created, then we are not starting for the first time.
     * @throws javax.naming.NamingException
    private boolean createBootstrapEntries() throws NamingException
        boolean isFirstStart = false;

        // -------------------------------------------------------------------
        // create admin entry
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------

         * If the admin entry is there, then the database was already created
        if ( nexus.hasEntry( ADMIN_NAME ) )
            isFirstStart = false;
            isFirstStart = true;

            Attributes attributes = new LockableAttributesImpl();

            attributes.put( "objectClass", "top" );

            attributes.put( "objectClass", "person" );

            attributes.put( "objectClass", "organizationalPerson" );

            attributes.put( "objectClass", "inetOrgPerson" );

            attributes.put( "uid", SystemPartition.ADMIN_UID );

            attributes.put( "userPassword", SystemPartition.ADMIN_PW );

            attributes.put( "displayName", "Directory Superuser" );

            attributes.put( "creatorsName", ADMIN );

            attributes.put( "createTimestamp", DateUtils.getGeneralizedTime() );

            attributes.put( "displayName", "Directory Superuser" );

            nexus.add( ADMIN, ADMIN_NAME, attributes );

        // -------------------------------------------------------------------
        // create system users area
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------

        if ( nexus.hasEntry( new LdapName( "ou=users,ou=system" ) ) )
            isFirstStart = false;
            isFirstStart = true;

            Attributes attributes = new LockableAttributesImpl();

            attributes.put( "objectClass", "top" );

            attributes.put( "objectClass", "organizationalUnit" );

            attributes.put( "ou", "users" );

            attributes.put( "creatorsName", ADMIN );

            attributes.put( "createTimestamp", DateUtils.getGeneralizedTime() );

            nexus.add( "ou=users,ou=system", new LdapName( "ou=users,ou=system" ), attributes );

        // -------------------------------------------------------------------
        // create system groups area
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------

        if ( nexus.hasEntry( new LdapName( "ou=groups,ou=system" ) ) )
            isFirstStart = false;
            isFirstStart = true;

            Attributes attributes = new LockableAttributesImpl();

            attributes.put( "objectClass", "top" );

            attributes.put( "objectClass", "organizationalUnit" );

            attributes.put( "ou", "groups" );

            attributes.put( "creatorsName", ADMIN );

            attributes.put( "createTimestamp", DateUtils.getGeneralizedTime() );

            nexus.add( "ou=groups,ou=system", new LdapName( "ou=groups,ou=system" ), attributes );

        // -------------------------------------------------------------------
        // create system preferences area
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------

        if ( nexus.hasEntry( new LdapName( "prefNodeName=sysPrefRoot,ou=system" ) ) )
            isFirstStart = false;
            isFirstStart = true;

            Attributes attributes = new LockableAttributesImpl();

            attributes.put( "objectClass", "top" );

            attributes.put( "objectClass", "prefNode" );

            attributes.put( "objectClass", "extensibleObject" );

            attributes.put( "prefNodeName", "sysPrefRoot" );

            attributes.put( "creatorsName", ADMIN );

            attributes.put( "createTimestamp", DateUtils.getGeneralizedTime() );

            LdapName dn = new LdapName( "prefNodeName=sysPrefRoot,ou=system" );

            nexus.add( "prefNodeName=sysPrefRoot,ou=system", dn, attributes );

        return isFirstStart;

     * Kicks off the initialization of the entire system.
     * @throws javax.naming.NamingException if there are problems along the way
    protected void initialize() throws NamingException
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Load the schema here and check that it is ok!
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------

        BootstrapRegistries bootstrapRegistries = new BootstrapRegistries();

        BootstrapSchemaLoader loader = new BootstrapSchemaLoader();

        String[] schemas = DEFAULT_SCHEMAS;

        if ( initialEnv.containsKey( EnvKeys.SCHEMAS ) )
            String schemaList = ( String ) initialEnv.get( EnvKeys.SCHEMAS );

            schemaList = StringTools.deepTrim( schemaList );

            schemas = schemaList.split( " " );

            for ( int ii = 0; ii < schemas.length; ii++ )
                schemas[ii] = schemas[ii].trim();

        loader.load( schemas, bootstrapRegistries );

        List errors = bootstrapRegistries.checkRefInteg();

        if ( !errors.isEmpty() )
            NamingException e = new NamingException();

            e.setRootCause( ( Throwable ) errors.get( 0 ) );

            throw e;

        // --------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Fire up the system partition
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------

        String wkdir = DEFAULT_WKDIR;

        if ( initialEnv.containsKey( EnvKeys.WKDIR ) )
            wkdir = ( ( String ) initialEnv.get( EnvKeys.WKDIR ) ).trim();

        File wkdirFile = new File( wkdir );

        if ( wkdirFile.isAbsolute() )
            if ( !wkdirFile.exists() )
                throw new NamingException( "working directory " + wkdir + " does not exist" );
            File current = new File( "." );

            mkdirs( current.getAbsolutePath(), wkdir );

        LdapName suffix = new LdapName();

        suffix.add( SystemPartition.SUFFIX );

        Database db = new JdbmDatabase( suffix, suffix, wkdir );

        AttributeTypeRegistry attributeTypeRegistry;

        attributeTypeRegistry = bootstrapRegistries .getAttributeTypeRegistry();

        OidRegistry oidRegistry;

        oidRegistry = bootstrapRegistries.getOidRegistry();

        ExpressionEvaluator evaluator;

        evaluator = new ExpressionEvaluator( db, oidRegistry, attributeTypeRegistry );

        ExpressionEnumerator enumerator;

        enumerator = new ExpressionEnumerator( db, attributeTypeRegistry, evaluator );

        SearchEngine eng = new DefaultSearchEngine( db, evaluator, enumerator );

        AttributeType[] attributes = new AttributeType[]
            attributeTypeRegistry.lookup( SystemPartition.ALIAS_OID ),

            attributeTypeRegistry.lookup( SystemPartition.EXISTANCE_OID ),

            attributeTypeRegistry.lookup( SystemPartition.HIERARCHY_OID ),

            attributeTypeRegistry.lookup( SystemPartition.NDN_OID ),

            attributeTypeRegistry.lookup( SystemPartition.ONEALIAS_OID ),

            attributeTypeRegistry.lookup( SystemPartition.SUBALIAS_OID ),

            attributeTypeRegistry.lookup( SystemPartition.UPDN_OID )

        system = new SystemPartition( db, eng, attributes );

        globalRegistries = new GlobalRegistries( system, bootstrapRegistries );

        nexus = new RootNexus( system, new LockableAttributesImpl() );

        provider = new JndiProvider( nexus );

        // --------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Adding interceptors
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------
        InterceptorChain interceptor = ( InterceptorChain ) initialEnv.get( EnvKeys.INTERCEPTORS );

        if( interceptor == null )
            // If custom interceptor is not specified, use defaule one.

            interceptor = InterceptorChain.newDefaultChain();

        interceptor.init( new InterceptorContext( initialEnv, system, globalRegistries, nexus,
       initialEnv, EnvKeys.INTERCEPTORS ) ) );

        provider.setInterceptor( interceptor );

        // fire up the app partitions now!
        if ( initialEnv.get( EnvKeys.PARTITIONS ) != null )
            startUpAppPartitions( wkdir );

     * Starts up all the application partitions that will be attached to naming contexts in the system.  Partition
     * database files are created within a subdirectory immediately under the Eve working directory base.
     * @param eveWkdir the base Eve working directory
     * @throws javax.naming.NamingException if there are problems creating and starting these new application
     *                                      partitions
    protected void startUpAppPartitions( String eveWkdir ) throws NamingException
        OidRegistry oidRegistry = globalRegistries.getOidRegistry();

        AttributeTypeRegistry attributeTypeRegistry;

        attributeTypeRegistry = globalRegistries.getAttributeTypeRegistry();

        MatchingRuleRegistry reg = globalRegistries.getMatchingRuleRegistry();

        // start getting all the parameters from the initial environment
        ContextPartitionConfig[] configs = null;

        configs = PartitionConfigBuilder.getContextPartitionConfigs( initialEnv );

        for ( int ii = 0; ii < configs.length; ii++ )
            // ----------------------------------------------------------------
            // create working directory under eve directory for app partition
            // ----------------------------------------------------------------

            String wkdir = eveWkdir + File.separator + configs[ii].getId();

            mkdirs( eveWkdir, configs[ii].getId() );

            // ----------------------------------------------------------------
            // create the database/store
            // ----------------------------------------------------------------

            Name upSuffix = new LdapName( configs[ii].getSuffix() );

            Normalizer dnNorm = reg.lookup( "distinguishedNameMatch" ) .getNormalizer();

            Name normSuffix = new LdapName( ( String ) dnNorm.normalize( configs[ii].getSuffix() ) );

            Database db = new JdbmDatabase( upSuffix, normSuffix, wkdir );

            // ----------------------------------------------------------------
            // create the search engine using db, enumerators and evaluators
            // ----------------------------------------------------------------

            ExpressionEvaluator evaluator;

            evaluator = new ExpressionEvaluator( db, oidRegistry, attributeTypeRegistry );

            ExpressionEnumerator enumerator;

            enumerator = new ExpressionEnumerator( db, attributeTypeRegistry, evaluator );

            SearchEngine eng = new DefaultSearchEngine( db, evaluator, enumerator );

            // ----------------------------------------------------------------
            // fill up a list with the AttributeTypes for the system indices
            // ----------------------------------------------------------------

            ArrayList attributeTypeList = new ArrayList();

            attributeTypeList.add( attributeTypeRegistry.lookup( SystemPartition.ALIAS_OID ) );

            attributeTypeList.add( attributeTypeRegistry.lookup( SystemPartition.EXISTANCE_OID ) );

            attributeTypeList.add( attributeTypeRegistry.lookup( SystemPartition.HIERARCHY_OID ) );

            attributeTypeList.add( attributeTypeRegistry.lookup( SystemPartition.NDN_OID ) );

            attributeTypeList.add( attributeTypeRegistry.lookup( SystemPartition.ONEALIAS_OID ) );

            attributeTypeList.add( attributeTypeRegistry.lookup( SystemPartition.SUBALIAS_OID ) );

            attributeTypeList.add( attributeTypeRegistry.lookup( SystemPartition.UPDN_OID ) );

            // ----------------------------------------------------------------
            // if user indices are specified add those attribute types as well
            // ----------------------------------------------------------------

            for ( int jj = 0; jj < configs[ii].getIndices().length; jj++ )
                attributeTypeList.add( attributeTypeRegistry
                        .lookup( configs[ii].getIndices()[jj] ) );

            // ----------------------------------------------------------------
            // fire up the appPartition & register it with the nexus
            // ----------------------------------------------------------------

            AttributeType[] indexTypes = ( AttributeType[] ) attributeTypeList
                    .toArray( new AttributeType[attributeTypeList.size()] );

            String partitionClass = configs[ii].getPartitionClass();

            String properties = configs[ii].getProperties();

            ContextPartition partition = null;

            if ( partitionClass == null )
                // If custom partition is not defined, use the ApplicationPartion.
                partition = new ApplicationPartition( upSuffix, normSuffix, db, eng, indexTypes );

                // If custom partition is defined, instantiate it.
                    Class clazz = Class.forName( partitionClass );

                    Constructor constructor = clazz.getConstructor(
                            new Class[] { Name.class, Name.class, String.class } );

                    partition = ( ContextPartition ) constructor.newInstance(
                            new Object[] { upSuffix, normSuffix, properties } );
                catch ( Exception e )

            if ( partition != null )
                nexus.register( partition );

            // ----------------------------------------------------------------
            // add the nexus context entry
            // ----------------------------------------------------------------

            partition.add( configs[ii].getSuffix(), normSuffix, configs[ii].getAttributes() );

     * Recursively creates a bunch of directories from a base down to a path.
     * @param base the base directory to start at
     * @param path the path to recursively create if we have to
     * @return true if the target directory has been created or exists, false if we fail along the way somewhere
    protected boolean mkdirs( String base, String path )
        String[] comps = path.split( "/" );

        File file = new File( base );

        if ( !file.exists() )

        for ( int ii = 0; ii < comps.length; ii++ )
            file = new File( file, comps[ii] );

            if ( !file.exists() )

        return file.exists();

Related Classes of org.apache.ldap.server.jndi.CoreContextFactory

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