Package org.apache.bookkeeper.client

Source Code of org.apache.bookkeeper.client.LedgerHandle$SyncReadCallback

package org.apache.bookkeeper.client;

* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.

import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;

import org.apache.bookkeeper.client.AsyncCallback.ReadLastConfirmedCallback;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.client.BKException;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.client.AsyncCallback.AddCallback;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.client.AsyncCallback.CloseCallback;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.client.AsyncCallback.ReadCallback;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.client.BKException.BKNotEnoughBookiesException;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.client.BookKeeper.DigestType;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.client.LedgerMetadata;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.proto.BookkeeperInternalCallbacks.GenericCallback;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.util.OrderedSafeExecutor.OrderedSafeGenericCallback;

import org.apache.bookkeeper.proto.BookieProtocol;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.proto.DataFormats.LedgerMetadataFormat.State;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.util.SafeRunnable;


import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import org.jboss.netty.buffer.ChannelBuffer;

* Ledger handle contains ledger metadata and is used to access the read and
* write operations to a ledger.
public class LedgerHandle {
    final static Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LedgerHandle.class);

    final byte[] ledgerKey;
    LedgerMetadata metadata;
    final BookKeeper bk;
    final long ledgerId;
    long lastAddPushed;
    long lastAddConfirmed;
    long length;
    final DigestManager macManager;
    final DistributionSchedule distributionSchedule;

    final RateLimiter throttler;

     * Invalid entry id. This value is returned from methods which
     * should return an entry id but there is no valid entry available.
    final static public long INVALID_ENTRY_ID = BookieProtocol.INVALID_ENTRY_ID;

    final AtomicInteger blockAddCompletions = new AtomicInteger(0);
    final Queue<PendingAddOp> pendingAddOps = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<PendingAddOp>();

    LedgerHandle(BookKeeper bk, long ledgerId, LedgerMetadata metadata,
                 DigestType digestType, byte[] password)
            throws GeneralSecurityException, NumberFormatException {
        this.bk = bk;
        this.metadata = metadata;

        if (metadata.isClosed()) {
            lastAddConfirmed = lastAddPushed = metadata.getLastEntryId();
            length = metadata.getLength();
        } else {
            lastAddConfirmed = lastAddPushed = INVALID_ENTRY_ID;
            length = 0;

        this.ledgerId = ledgerId;

        this.throttler = RateLimiter.create(bk.getConf().getThrottleValue());

        macManager = DigestManager.instantiate(ledgerId, password, digestType);
        this.ledgerKey = MacDigestManager.genDigest("ledger", password);
        distributionSchedule = new RoundRobinDistributionSchedule(
                metadata.getWriteQuorumSize(), metadata.getAckQuorumSize(), metadata.getEnsembleSize());

     * Get the id of the current ledger
     * @return the id of the ledger
    public long getId() {
        return ledgerId;

     * Get the last confirmed entry id on this ledger. It reads
     * the local state of the ledger handle, which is different
     * from the readLastConfirmed call. In the case the ledger
     * is not closed and the client is a reader, it is necessary
     * to call readLastConfirmed to obtain an estimate of the
     * last add operation that has been confirmed.
     * @see #readLastConfirmed()
     * @return the last confirmed entry id or {@link #INVALID_ENTRY_ID INVALID_ENTRY_ID} if no entry has been confirmed
    public long getLastAddConfirmed() {
        return lastAddConfirmed;

     * Get the entry id of the last entry that has been enqueued for addition (but
     * may not have possibly been persited to the ledger)
     * @return the id of the last entry pushed or {@link #INVALID_ENTRY_ID INVALID_ENTRY_ID} if no entry has been pushed
    synchronized public long getLastAddPushed() {
        return lastAddPushed;

     * Get the Ledger's key/password.
     * @return byte array for the ledger's key/password.
    public byte[] getLedgerKey() {
        return Arrays.copyOf(ledgerKey, ledgerKey.length);

     * Get the LedgerMetadata
     * @return LedgerMetadata for the LedgerHandle
    LedgerMetadata getLedgerMetadata() {
        return metadata;

     * Get the DigestManager
     * @return DigestManager for the LedgerHandle
    DigestManager getDigestManager() {
        return macManager;

     *  Add to the length of the ledger in bytes.
     * @param delta
     * @return
    long addToLength(long delta) {
        this.length += delta;
        return this.length;

     * Returns the length of the ledger in bytes.
     * @return the length of the ledger in bytes
    synchronized public long getLength() {
        return this.length;

     * Get the Distribution Schedule
     * @return DistributionSchedule for the LedgerHandle
    DistributionSchedule getDistributionSchedule() {
        return distributionSchedule;

    void writeLedgerConfig(GenericCallback<Void> writeCb) {
        LOG.debug("Writing metadata to ledger manager: {}, {}", this.ledgerId, metadata.getVersion());

        bk.getLedgerManager().writeLedgerMetadata(ledgerId, metadata, writeCb);

     * Close this ledger synchronously.
     * @see #asyncClose
    public void close()
            throws InterruptedException, BKException {
        SyncCounter counter = new SyncCounter();;

        asyncClose(new SyncCloseCallback(), counter);

        if (counter.getrc() != BKException.Code.OK) {
            throw BKException.create(counter.getrc());

     * Asynchronous close, any adds in flight will return errors.
     * Closing a ledger will ensure that all clients agree on what the last entry
     * of the ledger is. This ensures that, once the ledger has been closed, all
     * reads from the ledger will return the same set of entries.
     * @param cb
     *          callback implementation
     * @param ctx
     *          control object
     * @throws InterruptedException
    public void asyncClose(CloseCallback cb, Object ctx) {
        asyncCloseInternal(cb, ctx, BKException.Code.LedgerClosedException);

     * Same as public version of asyncClose except that this one takes an
     * additional parameter which is the return code to hand to all the pending
     * add ops
     * @param cb
     * @param ctx
     * @param rc
    void asyncCloseInternal(final CloseCallback cb, final Object ctx, final int rc) {
        bk.mainWorkerPool.submitOrdered(ledgerId, new SafeRunnable() {
            public void safeRun() {
                final long prevLastEntryId;
                final long prevLength;
                final State prevState;

                synchronized(LedgerHandle.this) {
                    prevState = metadata.getState();
                    prevLastEntryId = metadata.getLastEntryId();
                    prevLength = metadata.getLength();

                    // synchronized on LedgerHandle.this to ensure that
                    // lastAddPushed can not be updated after the metadata
                    // is closed.

                    // Close operation is idempotent, so no need to check if we are
                    // already closed
                    lastAddPushed = lastAddConfirmed;

                if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    LOG.debug("Closing ledger: " + ledgerId + " at entryId: "
                              + metadata.getLastEntryId() + " with this many bytes: " + metadata.getLength());

                final class CloseCb extends OrderedSafeGenericCallback<Void> {
                    CloseCb() {
                        super(bk.mainWorkerPool, ledgerId);

                    public void safeOperationComplete(final int rc, Void result) {
                        if (rc == BKException.Code.MetadataVersionException) {
                            rereadMetadata(new OrderedSafeGenericCallback<LedgerMetadata>(bk.mainWorkerPool,
                                                                                          ledgerId) {
                                public void safeOperationComplete(int newrc, LedgerMetadata newMeta) {
                                    if (newrc != BKException.Code.OK) {
                                        LOG.error("Error reading new metadata from ledger " + ledgerId
                                                  + " when closing, code=" + newrc);
                                        cb.closeComplete(rc, LedgerHandle.this, ctx);
                                    } else {
                                        if (prevState.equals(State.CLOSED)) {

                                        if (metadata.resolveConflict(newMeta)) {
                                            writeLedgerConfig(new CloseCb());
                                        } else {
                                            LOG.warn("Conditional update ledger metadata for ledger " + ledgerId + " failed.");
                                            cb.closeComplete(rc, LedgerHandle.this, ctx);
                        } else if (rc != BKException.Code.OK) {
                            LOG.error("Error update ledger metadata for ledger " + ledgerId + " : " + rc);
                            cb.closeComplete(rc, LedgerHandle.this, ctx);
                        } else {
                            cb.closeComplete(BKException.Code.OK, LedgerHandle.this, ctx);

                writeLedgerConfig(new CloseCb());


     * Read a sequence of entries synchronously.
     * @param firstEntry
     *          id of first entry of sequence (included)
     * @param lastEntry
     *          id of last entry of sequence (included)
    public Enumeration<LedgerEntry> readEntries(long firstEntry, long lastEntry)
            throws InterruptedException, BKException {
        SyncCounter counter = new SyncCounter();;

        asyncReadEntries(firstEntry, lastEntry, new SyncReadCallback(), counter);

        if (counter.getrc() != BKException.Code.OK) {
            throw BKException.create(counter.getrc());

        return counter.getSequence();

     * Read a sequence of entries asynchronously.
     * @param firstEntry
     *          id of first entry of sequence
     * @param lastEntry
     *          id of last entry of sequence
     * @param cb
     *          object implementing read callback interface
     * @param ctx
     *          control object
    public void asyncReadEntries(long firstEntry, long lastEntry,
                                 ReadCallback cb, Object ctx) {
        // Little sanity check
        if (firstEntry < 0 || lastEntry > lastAddConfirmed
                || firstEntry > lastEntry) {
            cb.readComplete(BKException.Code.ReadException, this, null, ctx);

        try {
            new PendingReadOp(this, bk.scheduler,
                              firstEntry, lastEntry, cb, ctx).initiate();
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            cb.readComplete(BKException.Code.InterruptedException, this, null, ctx);

     * Add entry synchronously to an open ledger.
     * @param data
     *         array of bytes to be written to the ledger
     * @return the entryId of the new inserted entry
    public long addEntry(byte[] data) throws InterruptedException, BKException {
        return addEntry(data, 0, data.length);

     * Add entry synchronously to an open ledger.
     * @param data
     *         array of bytes to be written to the ledger
     * @param offset
     *          offset from which to take bytes from data
     * @param length
     *          number of bytes to take from data
     * @return the entryId of the new inserted entry
    public long addEntry(byte[] data, int offset, int length)
            throws InterruptedException, BKException {
        LOG.debug("Adding entry {}", data);

        SyncCounter counter = new SyncCounter();;

        SyncAddCallback callback = new SyncAddCallback();
        asyncAddEntry(data, offset, length, callback, counter);
        if (counter.getrc() != BKException.Code.OK) {
            throw BKException.create(counter.getrc());

        return callback.entryId;

     * Add entry asynchronously to an open ledger.
     * @param data
     *          array of bytes to be written
     * @param cb
     *          object implementing callbackinterface
     * @param ctx
     *          some control object
    public void asyncAddEntry(final byte[] data, final AddCallback cb,
                              final Object ctx) {
        asyncAddEntry(data, 0, data.length, cb, ctx);

     * Add entry asynchronously to an open ledger, using an offset and range.
     * @param data
     *          array of bytes to be written
     * @param offset
     *          offset from which to take bytes from data
     * @param length
     *          number of bytes to take from data
     * @param cb
     *          object implementing callbackinterface
     * @param ctx
     *          some control object
     * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if offset or length is negative or
     *          offset and length sum to a value higher than the length of data.
    public void asyncAddEntry(final byte[] data, final int offset, final int length,
                              final AddCallback cb, final Object ctx) {
        PendingAddOp op = new PendingAddOp(LedgerHandle.this, cb, ctx);
        doAsyncAddEntry(op, data, offset, length, cb, ctx);

     * Make a recovery add entry request. Recovery adds can add to a ledger even if
     * it has been fenced.
     * This is only valid for bookie and ledger recovery, which may need to replicate
     * entries to a quorum of bookies to ensure data safety.
     * Normal client should never call this method.
    void asyncRecoveryAddEntry(final byte[] data, final int offset, final int length,
                               final AddCallback cb, final Object ctx) {
        PendingAddOp op = new PendingAddOp(LedgerHandle.this, cb, ctx).enableRecoveryAdd();
        doAsyncAddEntry(op, data, offset, length, cb, ctx);

    private void doAsyncAddEntry(final PendingAddOp op, final byte[] data, final int offset, final int length,
                                 final AddCallback cb, final Object ctx) {
        if (offset < 0 || length < 0
                || (offset + length) > data.length) {
            throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(
                "Invalid values for offset("+offset
                +") or length("+length+")");

        final long entryId;
        final long currentLength;
        synchronized(this) {
            // synchronized on this to ensure that
            // the ledger isn't closed between checking and
            // updating lastAddPushed
            if (metadata.isClosed()) {
                LOG.warn("Attempt to add to closed ledger: " + ledgerId);
                               LedgerHandle.this, INVALID_ENTRY_ID, ctx);

            entryId = ++lastAddPushed;
            currentLength = addToLength(length);

        try {
            bk.mainWorkerPool.submit(new SafeRunnable() {
                public void safeRun() {
                    ChannelBuffer toSend = macManager.computeDigestAndPackageForSending(
                                               entryId, lastAddConfirmed, currentLength, data, offset, length);
        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
                    LedgerHandle.this, INVALID_ENTRY_ID, ctx);

     * Obtains asynchronously the last confirmed write from a quorum of bookies. This
     * call obtains the the last add confirmed each bookie has received for this ledger
     * and returns the maximum. If the ledger has been closed, the value returned by this
     * call may not correspond to the id of the last entry of the ledger, since it reads
     * the hint of bookies. Consequently, in the case the ledger has been closed, it may
     * return a different value than getLastAddConfirmed, which returns the local value
     * of the ledger handle.
     * @see #getLastAddConfirmed()
     * @param cb
     * @param ctx

    public void asyncReadLastConfirmed(final ReadLastConfirmedCallback cb, final Object ctx) {
        ReadLastConfirmedOp.LastConfirmedDataCallback innercb = new ReadLastConfirmedOp.LastConfirmedDataCallback() {
                public void readLastConfirmedDataComplete(int rc, DigestManager.RecoveryData data) {
                    if (rc == BKException.Code.OK) {
                        lastAddConfirmed = Math.max(lastAddConfirmed, data.lastAddConfirmed);
                        lastAddPushed = Math.max(lastAddPushed, data.lastAddConfirmed);
                        length = Math.max(length, data.length);
                        cb.readLastConfirmedComplete(rc, data.lastAddConfirmed, ctx);
                    } else {
                        cb.readLastConfirmedComplete(rc, INVALID_ENTRY_ID, ctx);
        new ReadLastConfirmedOp(this, innercb).initiate();

     * Context objects for synchronous call to read last confirmed.
    static class LastConfirmedCtx {
        final static long ENTRY_ID_PENDING = -10;
        long response;
        int rc;

        LastConfirmedCtx() {
            this.response = ENTRY_ID_PENDING;

        void setLastConfirmed(long lastConfirmed) {
            this.response = lastConfirmed;

        long getlastConfirmed() {
            return this.response;

        void setRC(int rc) {
            this.rc = rc;

        int getRC() {
            return this.rc;

        boolean ready() {
            return (this.response != ENTRY_ID_PENDING);

     * Obtains synchronously the last confirmed write from a quorum of bookies. This call
     * obtains the the last add confirmed each bookie has received for this ledger
     * and returns the maximum. If the ledger has been closed, the value returned by this
     * call may not correspond to the id of the last entry of the ledger, since it reads
     * the hint of bookies. Consequently, in the case the ledger has been closed, it may
     * return a different value than getLastAddConfirmed, which returns the local value
     * of the ledger handle.
     * @see #getLastAddConfirmed()
     * @return The entry id of the last confirmed write or {@link #INVALID_ENTRY_ID INVALID_ENTRY_ID}
     *         if no entry has been confirmed
     * @throws InterruptedException
     * @throws BKException
    public long readLastConfirmed()
            throws InterruptedException, BKException {
        LastConfirmedCtx ctx = new LastConfirmedCtx();
        asyncReadLastConfirmed(new SyncReadLastConfirmedCallback(), ctx);
        synchronized(ctx) {
            while(!ctx.ready()) {

        if(ctx.getRC() != BKException.Code.OK) throw BKException.create(ctx.getRC());
        return ctx.getlastConfirmed();

    // close the ledger and send fails to all the adds in the pipeline
    void handleUnrecoverableErrorDuringAdd(int rc) {
        if (metadata.isInRecovery()) {
            // we should not close ledger if ledger is recovery mode
            // otherwise we may lose entry.
        asyncCloseInternal(NoopCloseCallback.instance, null, rc);

    void errorOutPendingAdds(int rc) {
        PendingAddOp pendingAddOp;
        while ((pendingAddOp = pendingAddOps.poll()) != null) {

    void sendAddSuccessCallbacks() {
        // Start from the head of the queue and proceed while there are
        // entries that have had all their responses come back
        PendingAddOp pendingAddOp;
        while ((pendingAddOp = pendingAddOps.peek()) != null
               && blockAddCompletions.get() == 0) {
            if (!pendingAddOp.completed) {
            lastAddConfirmed = pendingAddOp.entryId;


    ArrayList<InetSocketAddress> replaceBookieInMetadata(final InetSocketAddress addr, final int bookieIndex)
            throws BKException.BKNotEnoughBookiesException {
        InetSocketAddress newBookie;"Handling failure of bookie: {} index: {}", addr, bookieIndex);
        final ArrayList<InetSocketAddress> newEnsemble = new ArrayList<InetSocketAddress>();
        final long newEnsembleStartEntry = lastAddConfirmed + 1;

        // avoid parallel ensemble changes to same ensemble.
        synchronized (metadata) {
            newBookie = bk.bookieWatcher.getAdditionalBookie(metadata.currentEnsemble);

            newEnsemble.set(bookieIndex, newBookie);

            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                LOG.debug("Changing ensemble from: " + metadata.currentEnsemble
                        + " to: " + newEnsemble + " for ledger: " + ledgerId
                        + " starting at entry: " + (lastAddConfirmed + 1));

            metadata.addEnsemble(newEnsembleStartEntry, newEnsemble);
        return newEnsemble;

    void handleBookieFailure(final InetSocketAddress addr, final int bookieIndex) {

        synchronized (metadata) {
            if (!metadata.currentEnsemble.get(bookieIndex).equals(addr)) {
                // ensemble has already changed, failure of this addr is immaterial
                LOG.warn("Write did not succeed to {}, bookieIndex {}, but we have already fixed it.",
                         addr, bookieIndex);

            try {
                ArrayList<InetSocketAddress> newEnsemble = replaceBookieInMetadata(addr, bookieIndex);

                EnsembleInfo ensembleInfo = new EnsembleInfo(newEnsemble, bookieIndex,
                writeLedgerConfig(new ChangeEnsembleCb(ensembleInfo));
            } catch (BKException.BKNotEnoughBookiesException e) {
                LOG.error("Could not get additional bookie to "
                          + "remake ensemble, closing ledger: " + ledgerId);

    // Contains newly reformed ensemble, bookieIndex, failedBookieAddress
    private static final class EnsembleInfo {
        private final ArrayList<InetSocketAddress> newEnsemble;
        private final int bookieIndex;
        private final InetSocketAddress addr;

        public EnsembleInfo(ArrayList<InetSocketAddress> newEnsemble,
                int bookieIndex, InetSocketAddress addr) {
            this.newEnsemble = newEnsemble;
            this.bookieIndex = bookieIndex;
            this.addr = addr;

     * Callback which is updating the ledgerMetadata in zk with the newly
     * reformed ensemble. On MetadataVersionException, will reread latest
     * ledgerMetadata and act upon.
    private final class ChangeEnsembleCb extends OrderedSafeGenericCallback<Void> {
        private final EnsembleInfo ensembleInfo;

        ChangeEnsembleCb(EnsembleInfo ensembleInfo) {
            super(bk.mainWorkerPool, ledgerId);
            this.ensembleInfo = ensembleInfo;

        public void safeOperationComplete(final int rc, Void result) {
            if (rc == BKException.Code.MetadataVersionException) {
                rereadMetadata(new ReReadLedgerMetadataCb(rc,
            } else if (rc != BKException.Code.OK) {
                LOG.error("Could not persist ledger metadata while "
                          + "changing ensemble to: "
                          + ensembleInfo.newEnsemble
                          + " , closing ledger");

            // the failed bookie has been replaced

     * Callback which is reading the ledgerMetadata present in zk. This will try
     * to resolve the version conflicts.
    private final class ReReadLedgerMetadataCb extends OrderedSafeGenericCallback<LedgerMetadata> {
        private final int rc;
        private final EnsembleInfo ensembleInfo;

        ReReadLedgerMetadataCb(int rc, EnsembleInfo ensembleInfo) {
            super(bk.mainWorkerPool, ledgerId);
            this.rc = rc;
            this.ensembleInfo = ensembleInfo;

        public void safeOperationComplete(int newrc, LedgerMetadata newMeta) {
            if (newrc != BKException.Code.OK) {
                LOG.error("Error reading new metadata from ledger "
                        + "after changing ensemble, code=" + newrc);
            } else {
                if (!resolveConflict(newMeta)) {
                    LOG.error("Could not resolve ledger metadata conflict "
                            + "while changing ensemble to: "
                            + ensembleInfo.newEnsemble
                            + ", old meta data is \n"
                            + new String(metadata.serialize())
                            + "\n, new meta data is \n"
                            + new String(newMeta.serialize())
                            + "\n ,closing ledger");

         * Resolving the version conflicts between local ledgerMetadata and zk
         * ledgerMetadata. This will do the following:
         * <ul>
         * <li>
         * check whether ledgerMetadata state matches of local and zk</li>
         * <li>
         * if the zk ledgerMetadata still contains the failed bookie, then
         * update zookeeper with the newBookie otherwise send write request</li>
         * </ul>
        private boolean resolveConflict(LedgerMetadata newMeta) {
            // close have changed, another client has opened
            // the ledger, can't resolve this conflict.
            if (metadata.getState() != newMeta.getState()) {
                return false;
            // update znode version
            // Resolve the conflicts if zk metadata still contains failed
            // bookie.
            if (newMeta.currentEnsemble.get(ensembleInfo.bookieIndex).equals(
                    ensembleInfo.addr)) {
                // Update ledger metadata in zk, if in-memory metadata doesn't
                // contains the failed bookie.
                if (!metadata.currentEnsemble.get(ensembleInfo.bookieIndex)
                        .equals(ensembleInfo.addr)) {
          "Resolve ledger metadata conflict "
                            + "while changing ensemble to: "
                            + ensembleInfo.newEnsemble
                            + ", old meta data is \n"
                            + new String(metadata.serialize())
                            + "\n, new meta data is \n"
                            + new String(newMeta.serialize()));
                    writeLedgerConfig(new ChangeEnsembleCb(ensembleInfo));
            } else {
                // the failed bookie has been replaced
            return true;


    void unsetSuccessAndSendWriteRequest(final int bookieIndex) {
        for (PendingAddOp pendingAddOp : pendingAddOps) {

    void rereadMetadata(final GenericCallback<LedgerMetadata> cb) {
        bk.getLedgerManager().readLedgerMetadata(ledgerId, cb);

    synchronized void recover(final GenericCallback<Void> cb) {
        if (metadata.isClosed()) {
            lastAddConfirmed = lastAddPushed = metadata.getLastEntryId();
            length = metadata.getLength();

            // We are already closed, nothing to do
            cb.operationComplete(BKException.Code.OK, null);

        // if metadata is already in recover, dont try to write again,
        // just do the recovery from the starting point
        if (metadata.isInRecovery()) {
            new LedgerRecoveryOp(LedgerHandle.this, cb).initiate();


        writeLedgerConfig(new OrderedSafeGenericCallback<Void>(bk.mainWorkerPool, ledgerId) {
            public void safeOperationComplete(final int rc, Void result) {
                if (rc == BKException.Code.MetadataVersionException) {
                    rereadMetadata(new OrderedSafeGenericCallback<LedgerMetadata>(bk.mainWorkerPool,
                                                                                  ledgerId) {
                        public void safeOperationComplete(int rc, LedgerMetadata newMeta) {
                            if (rc != BKException.Code.OK) {
                                cb.operationComplete(rc, null);
                            } else {
                                metadata = newMeta;
                } else if (rc == BKException.Code.OK) {
                    new LedgerRecoveryOp(LedgerHandle.this, cb).initiate();
                } else {
                    LOG.error("Error writing ledger config " + rc + " of ledger " + ledgerId);
                    cb.operationComplete(rc, null);

    static class NoopCloseCallback implements CloseCallback {
        static NoopCloseCallback instance = new NoopCloseCallback();

        public void closeComplete(int rc, LedgerHandle lh, Object ctx) {
            if (rc != BKException.Code.OK) {
                LOG.warn("Close failed: " + BKException.getMessage(rc));
            // noop
    private static class SyncReadCallback implements ReadCallback {
         * Implementation of callback interface for synchronous read method.
         * @param rc
         *          return code
         * @param leder
         *          ledger identifier
         * @param seq
         *          sequence of entries
         * @param ctx
         *          control object
        public void readComplete(int rc, LedgerHandle lh,
                                 Enumeration<LedgerEntry> seq, Object ctx) {
            SyncCounter counter = (SyncCounter) ctx;
            synchronized (counter) {

    private static class SyncAddCallback implements AddCallback {
        long entryId = -1;

         * Implementation of callback interface for synchronous read method.
         * @param rc
         *          return code
         * @param leder
         *          ledger identifier
         * @param entry
         *          entry identifier
         * @param ctx
         *          control object
        public void addComplete(int rc, LedgerHandle lh, long entry, Object ctx) {
            SyncCounter counter = (SyncCounter) ctx;

            this.entryId = entry;

    private static class SyncReadLastConfirmedCallback implements ReadLastConfirmedCallback {
         * Implementation of  callback interface for synchronous read last confirmed method.
        public void readLastConfirmedComplete(int rc, long lastConfirmed, Object ctx) {
            LastConfirmedCtx lcCtx = (LastConfirmedCtx) ctx;
            synchronized(lcCtx) {

    private static class SyncCloseCallback implements CloseCallback {
         * Close callback method
         * @param rc
         * @param lh
         * @param ctx
        public void closeComplete(int rc, LedgerHandle lh, Object ctx) {
            SyncCounter counter = (SyncCounter) ctx;
            synchronized (counter) {

Related Classes of org.apache.bookkeeper.client.LedgerHandle$SyncReadCallback

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