Package org.apache.jackrabbit.commons.query

Source Code of org.apache.jackrabbit.commons.query.GQL$RowIterAdapter

* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.jackrabbit.commons.query;

import org.apache.jackrabbit.util.ISO9075;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.util.Text;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.commons.iterator.RowIteratorAdapter;

import javax.jcr.query.QueryManager;
import javax.jcr.query.RowIterator;
import javax.jcr.query.Row;
import javax.jcr.query.Query;
import javax.jcr.Session;
import javax.jcr.RepositoryException;
import javax.jcr.Value;
import javax.jcr.ItemNotFoundException;
import javax.jcr.RangeIterator;
import javax.jcr.nodetype.NodeTypeManager;
import javax.jcr.nodetype.NodeTypeIterator;
import javax.jcr.nodetype.NodeType;
import javax.jcr.nodetype.NoSuchNodeTypeException;
import javax.jcr.nodetype.NodeDefinition;
import javax.jcr.nodetype.PropertyDefinition;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Collection;

* <code>GQL</code> is a simple fulltext query language, which supports field
* prefixes similar to Lucene or Google queries.
* <p/>
* GQL basically consists of a list of query terms that are optionally prefixed
* with a property name. E.g.: <code>title:jackrabbit</code>. When a property
* prefix is omitted, GQL will perform a fulltext search on all indexed
* properties of a node. There are a number of pseudo properties that have
* special meaning:
* <ul>
* <li><code><b>path:</b></code> only search nodes below this path. If you
* specify more than one term with a path prefix, only the last one will be
* considered.</li>
* <li><code><b>type:</b></code> only return nodes of the given node types. This
* includes primary as well as mixin types. You may specify multiple comma
* separated node types. GQL will return nodes that are of any of the specified
* types.</li>
* <li><code><b>order:</b></code> order the result by the given properties. You
* may specify multiple comma separated property names. To order the result in
* descending order simply prefix the property name with a minus. E.g.:
* <code>order:-name</code>. Using a plus sign will return the result in
* ascending order, which is also the default.</li>
* <li><code><b>limit:</b></code> limits the number of results using an
* interval. E.g.: <code>limit:10..20</code> Please note that the interval is
* zero based, start is inclusive and end is exclusive. You may also specify an
* open interval: <code>limit:10..</code> or <code>limit:..20</code> If the dots
* are omitted and only one value is specified GQL will return at most this
* number of results. E.g. <code>limit:10</code> (will return the first 10
* results)</li>
* </ul>
* <p/>
* <b>Property name</b>
* <p/>
* Instead of a property name you may also specify a relative path to a
* property. E.g.: <code>"jcr:content/jcr:mimeType":text/plain</code>
* <p/>
* <b>Double quotes</b>
* <p/>
* The property name as well as the value may enclosed in double quotes. For
* certain use cases this is required. E.g. if you want to search for a phrase:
* <code>title:"apache jackrabbit"</code>. Similarly you need to enclose the
* property name if it contains a colon: <code>"jcr:title":apache</code>,
* otherwise the first colon is interpreted as the separator between the
* property name and the value. This also means that a value that contains
* a colon does not need to be enclosed in double quotes.
* <p/>
* <b>Auto prefixes</b>
* <p/>
* When a property, node or node type name does not have a namespace prefix GQL
* will guess the prefix by looking up item and node type definitions in the
* node type manager. If it finds a definition with a local name that matches
* it will automatically assign the prefix that is in the definition. This means
* that you can write: '<code>type:file</code>' and GQL will return nodes that are
* of node type <code>nt:file</code>. Similarly you can write:
* <code>order:lastModified</code> and your result nodes will be sorted by their
* <code>jcr:lastModified</code> property value.
* <p/>
* <b>Common path prefix</b>
* <p/>
* For certain queries it is useful to specify a common path prefix for the
* GQL query statement. See {@link #execute(String, Session, String)}. E.g. if
* you are searching for file nodes with matches in their resource node. The
* common path prefix is prepended to every term (except to pseudo properties)
* before the query is executed. This means you can write:
* '<code>type:file jackrabbit</code>' and call execute with three parameters,
* where the third parameter is <code>jcr:content</code>. GQL will return
* <code>nt:file</code> nodes with <code>jcr:content</code> nodes that contain
* matches for <code>jackrabbit</code>.
* <p/>
* <b>Excerpts</b>
* <p/>
* To get an excerpt for the current row in the result set simply call
* {@link Row#getValue(String) Row.getValue("rep:excerpt()");}. Please note
* that this is feature is Jackrabbit specific and will not work with other
* implementations!
public final class GQL {

     * Constant for <code>path</code> keyword.
    private static final String PATH = "path";

     * Constant for <code>type</code> keyword.
    private static final String TYPE = "type";

     * Constant for <code>order</code> keyword.
    private static final String ORDER = "order";

     * Constant for <code>limit</code> keyword.
    private static final String LIMIT = "limit";

     * Constant for <code>OR</code> operator.
    private static final String OR = "OR";

     * Constant for <code>jcr:mixinTypes</code> property name.
    private static final String JCR_MIXIN_TYPES = "jcr:mixinTypes";

     * Constant for <code>jcr:primaryType</code> property name.
    private static final String JCR_PRIMARY_TYPE = "jcr:primaryType";

     * Constant for <code>jcr:root</code>.
    private static final String JCR_ROOT = "jcr:root";

     * Constant for <code>jcr:contains</code> function name.
    private static final String JCR_CONTAINS = "jcr:contains";

     * Constant for <code>jcr:score</code> pseudo property name.
    private static final String JCR_SCORE = "jcr:score";

     * Constant for <code>descending</code> order modifier.
    private static final String DESCENDING = "descending";

     * Constant for <code>rep:excerpt</code> function name. (Jackrabbit
     * specific).
    private static final String REP_EXCERPT = "rep:excerpt";

     * The GQL query statement.
    private final String statement;

     * The session that will exeucte the query.
    private final Session session;

     * List that contains all {@link PropertyExpression}s.
    private final List conditions = new ArrayList();

     * An optional common path prefix for the GQL query.
    private final String commonPathPrefix;

     * Maps local names of node types to prefixed names.
    private Map ntNames;

     * Maps local names of child node definitions to prefixed child node names.
    private Map childNodeNames;

     * Maps local names of property definitions to prefixed property names.
    private Map propertyNames;

     * The path constraint. Defaults to: <code>//*</code>
    private String pathConstraint = "//*";

     * The optional type constraints.
    private OptionalExpression typeConstraints = null;

     * The order by expression. Defaults to: @jcr:score descending
    private Expression orderBy = new OrderByExpression();

     * A result offset.
    private int offset = 0;

     * The number of results to return at most.
    private int numResults = Integer.MAX_VALUE;

     * Constructs a GQL.
     * @param statement the GQL query.
     * @param session the session that will execute the query.
     * @param commonPathPrefix a common path prefix for the GQL query.
    private GQL(String statement, Session session, String commonPathPrefix) {
        this.statement = statement;
        this.session = session;
        this.commonPathPrefix = commonPathPrefix;

     * Executes the GQL query and returns the result as a row iterator.
     * @param statement the GQL query.
     * @param session the session that will execute the query.
     * @return the result.
    public static RowIterator execute(String statement,
                                      Session session) {
        return execute(statement, session, null);

     * Executes the GQL query and returns the result as a row iterator.
     * @param statement the GQL query.
     * @param session the session that will execute the query.
     * @param commonPathPrefix a common path prefix for the GQL query.
     * @return the result.
    public static RowIterator execute(String statement,
                                      Session session,
                                      String commonPathPrefix) {
        GQL query = new GQL(statement, session, commonPathPrefix);
        return query.execute();

     * Executes the GQL query and returns the result as a row iterator.
     * @return the result.
    private RowIterator execute() {
        try {
            String stmt = translateStatement();
            QueryManager qm = session.getWorkspace().getQueryManager();
            RowIterator nodes = qm.createQuery(stmt, Query.XPATH).execute().getRows();
            if (offset > 0) {
                try {
                } catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
                    return RowIteratorAdapter.EMPTY;
            if (numResults == Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
                return new RowIterAdapter(nodes, nodes.getSize());
            List resultRows = new ArrayList();
            while (numResults-- > 0 && nodes.hasNext()) {
            return new RowIterAdapter(resultRows, nodes.getSize());
        } catch (RepositoryException e) {
            // in case of error return empty result
            return RowIteratorAdapter.EMPTY;

     * Translates the GQL query into a XPath statement.
     * @return the XPath equivalent.
     * @throws RepositoryException if an error occurs while translating the query.
    private String translateStatement() throws RepositoryException {
        StringBuffer stmt = new StringBuffer();
        // path constraint
        // predicate
        RequiredExpression predicate = new RequiredExpression();
        if (typeConstraints != null) {
        for (Iterator it = conditions.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
        if (predicate.getSize() > 0) {
        if (predicate.getSize() > 0) {
        stmt.append(" ");
        // order by
        return stmt.toString();

     * Resolves and collects all node types that match <code>ntName</code>.
     * @param ntName the name of a node type (optionally without prefix).
     * @throws RepositoryException if an error occurs while reading from the
     *                             node type manager.
    private void collectNodeTypes(String ntName)
            throws RepositoryException {
        NodeTypeManager ntMgr = session.getWorkspace().getNodeTypeManager();

        String[] resolvedNames = resolveNodeTypeName(ntName);

        // now resolve node type hierarchy
        for (int i = 0; i < resolvedNames.length; i++) {
            try {
                NodeType base = ntMgr.getNodeType(resolvedNames[i]);
                if (base.isMixin()) {
                    // search for nodes where jcr:mixinTypes is set to this mixin
                    addTypeConstraint(new MixinComparision(resolvedNames[i]));
                } else {
                    // search for nodes where jcr:primaryType is set to this type
                    addTypeConstraint(new PrimaryTypeComparision(resolvedNames[i]));

                // now search for all node types that are derived from base
                NodeTypeIterator allTypes = ntMgr.getAllNodeTypes();
                while (allTypes.hasNext()) {
                    NodeType nt = allTypes.nextNodeType();
                    NodeType[] superTypes = nt.getSupertypes();
                    if (Arrays.asList(superTypes).contains(base)) {
                        if (nt.isMixin()) {
                            addTypeConstraint(new MixinComparision(nt.getName()));
                        } else {
                            addTypeConstraint(new PrimaryTypeComparision(nt.getName()));
            } catch (NoSuchNodeTypeException e) {
                // add anyway -> will not match anything
                addTypeConstraint(new PrimaryTypeComparision(resolvedNames[i]));

     * Adds an expression to the {@link #typeConstraints}.
     * @param expr the expression to add.
    private void addTypeConstraint(Expression expr) {
        if (typeConstraints == null) {
            typeConstraints = new OptionalExpression();

     * Resolves the given <code>ntName</code> and returns all node type names
     * where the local name matches <code>ntName</code>.
     * @param ntName the name of a node type (optionally without prefix).
     * @return the matching node type names.
     * @throws RepositoryException if an error occurs while reading from the
     *                             node type manager.
    private String[] resolveNodeTypeName(String ntName)
            throws RepositoryException {
        String[] names;
        if (isPrefixed(ntName)) {
            names = new String[]{ntName};
        } else {
            if (ntNames == null) {
                NodeTypeManager ntMgr = session.getWorkspace().getNodeTypeManager();
                ntNames = new HashMap();
                NodeTypeIterator it = ntMgr.getAllNodeTypes();
                while (it.hasNext()) {
                    String name = it.nextNodeType().getName();
                    String localName = name;
                    int idx = name.indexOf(':');
                    if (idx != -1) {
                        localName = name.substring(idx + 1);
                    String[] nts = (String[]) ntNames.get(localName);
                    if (nts == null) {
                        nts = new String[]{name};
                    } else {
                        String[] tmp = new String[nts.length + 1];
                        System.arraycopy(nts, 0, tmp, 0, nts.length);
                        tmp[nts.length] = name;
                        nts = tmp;
                    ntNames.put(localName, nts);
            names = (String[]) ntNames.get(ntName);
            if (names == null) {
                names = new String[]{ntName};
        return names;

     * Resolves the given property name. If the name has a prefix then the name
     * is returned immediately as is. Otherwise the node type manager is
     * searched for a property definition that defines a named property with
     * a local name that matches the provided <code>name</code>. If such a match
     * is found the name of the property definition is returned.
     * @param name the name of a property (optionally without a prefix).
     * @return the resolved property name.
     * @throws RepositoryException if an error occurs while reading from the
     *                             node type manager.
    private String resolvePropertyName(String name)
            throws RepositoryException {
        if (isPrefixed(name)) {
            return name;
        if (propertyNames == null) {
            propertyNames = new HashMap();
            NodeTypeManager ntMgr = session.getWorkspace().getNodeTypeManager();
            NodeTypeIterator it = ntMgr.getAllNodeTypes();
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                NodeType nt = it.nextNodeType();
                PropertyDefinition[] defs = nt.getDeclaredPropertyDefinitions();
                for (int i = 0; i < defs.length; i++) {
                    String pn = defs[i].getName();
                    if (!pn.equals("*")) {
                        String localName = pn;
                        int idx = pn.indexOf(':');
                        if (idx != -1) {
                            localName = pn.substring(idx + 1);
                        propertyNames.put(localName, pn);
        String pn = (String) propertyNames.get(name);
        if (pn != null) {
            return pn;
        } else {
            return name;

     * Resolves the given node name. If the name has a prefix then the name
     * is returned immediately as is. Otherwise the node type manager is
     * searched for a node definition that defines a named child node with
     * a local name that matches the provided <code>name</code>. If such a match
     * is found the name of the node definition is returned.
     * @param name the name of a node (optionally without a prefix).
     * @return the resolved node name.
     * @throws RepositoryException if an error occurs while reading from the
     *                             node type manager.
    private String resolveChildNodeName(String name)
            throws RepositoryException {
        if (isPrefixed(name)) {
            return name;
        if (childNodeNames == null) {
            childNodeNames = new HashMap();
            NodeTypeManager ntMgr = session.getWorkspace().getNodeTypeManager();
            NodeTypeIterator it = ntMgr.getAllNodeTypes();
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                NodeType nt = it.nextNodeType();
                NodeDefinition[] defs = nt.getDeclaredChildNodeDefinitions();
                for (int i = 0; i < defs.length; i++) {
                    String cnn = defs[i].getName();
                    if (!cnn.equals("*")) {
                        String localName = cnn;
                        int idx = cnn.indexOf(':');
                        if (idx != -1) {
                            localName = cnn.substring(idx + 1);
                        childNodeNames.put(localName, cnn);
        String cnn = (String) childNodeNames.get(name);
        if (cnn != null) {
            return cnn;
        } else {
            return name;

     * @param name a JCR name.
     * @return <code>true</code> if <code>name</code> contains a namespace
     *         prefix; <code>false</code> otherwise.
    private static boolean isPrefixed(String name) {
        return name.indexOf(':') != -1;

     * Parses the GQL query statement.
     * @throws RepositoryException if an error occurs while reading from the
     *                             repository.
    private void parse() throws RepositoryException {
        char[] stmt = new char[statement.length() + 1];
        statement.getChars(0, statement.length(), stmt, 0);
        stmt[statement.length()] = ' ';
        StringBuffer property = new StringBuffer();
        StringBuffer value = new StringBuffer();
        boolean quoted = false;
        boolean optional = false;
        for (int i = 0; i < stmt.length; i++) {
            char c = stmt[i];
            switch (c) {
                case ' ':
                    if (quoted) {
                    } else {
                        if (value.length() > 0) {
                            String p = property.toString();
                            String v = value.toString();
                            if (v.equals(OR) && p.length() == 0) {
                                optional = true;
                            } else {
                                pushExpression(p, v, optional);
                                optional = false;
                case ':':
                    if (quoted) {
                    } else {
                        if (property.length() == 0) {
                            // turn value into property name
                        } else {
                            // colon in value
                case '"':
                    quoted = !quoted;
                // noise
                case '*':
                case '?':
                case '\'':
                case '~':
                case '^':
                case '[':
                case ']':
                case '{':
                case '}':
                case '!':
                case '\\':

     * Pushes an expression.
     * @param property the property name of the currently parsed expression.
     * @param value the value of the currently parsed expression.
     * @param optional whether the previous token was the <code>OR</code> operator.
     * @throws RepositoryException if an error occurs while reading from the
     *                             node type manager.
    private void pushExpression(String property,
                                String value,
                                boolean optional) throws RepositoryException {
        if (property.equals(PATH)) {
            String path;
            if (value.startsWith("/")) {
                path = "/" + JCR_ROOT + value;
            } else {
                path = value;
            pathConstraint = ISO9075.encodePath(path) + "//*";
        } else if (property.equals(TYPE)) {
            String[] nts = Text.explode(value, ',');
            if (nts.length > 0) {
                for (int i = 0; i < nts.length; i++) {
        } else if (property.equals(ORDER)) {
            orderBy = new OrderByExpression(value);
        } else if (property.equals(LIMIT)) {
            int idx = value.indexOf("..");
            if (idx != -1) {
                String lower = value.substring(0, idx);
                String uppper = value.substring(idx + "..".length());
                if (lower.length() > 0) {
                    try {
                        offset = Integer.parseInt(lower);
                    } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                        // ignore
                if (uppper.length() > 0) {
                    try {
                        numResults = Integer.parseInt(uppper) - offset;
                        if (numResults < 0) {
                            numResults = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
                    } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                        // ignore
            } else {
                // numResults only?
                try {
                    numResults = Integer.parseInt(value);
                } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                    // ignore
        } else {
            ContainsExpression expr = new ContainsExpression(property, value);
            if (optional) {
                Expression last = (Expression) conditions.get(conditions.size() - 1);
                if (last instanceof OptionalExpression) {
                    ((OptionalExpression) last).addOperand(expr);
                } else {
                    OptionalExpression op = new OptionalExpression();
                    conditions.set(conditions.size() - 1, op);
            } else {

     * Checks if the <code>value</code> is prohibited (prefixed with a dash)
     * and returns the value without the prefix.
     * @param value the value to check.
     * @return the un-prefixed value.
    private static String checkProhibited(String value) {
        if (value.startsWith("-")) {
            return value.substring(1);
        } else {
            return value;

     * An expression in GQL.
    private interface Expression {

        void toString(StringBuffer buffer) throws RepositoryException;

     * Base class for all property expressions.
    private abstract class PropertyExpression implements Expression {

        protected final String property;

        protected final String value;

        PropertyExpression(String property, String value) {
   = property;
            this.value = value;

     * Base class for mixin and primary type expressions.
    private abstract class ValueComparison extends PropertyExpression {

        ValueComparison(String property, String value) {
            super(property, value);

        public void toString(StringBuffer buffer)
                throws RepositoryException {

     * A mixin type comparison.
    private class MixinComparision extends ValueComparison {

        MixinComparision(String value) {
            super(JCR_MIXIN_TYPES, value);

     * A primary type comparision.
    private class PrimaryTypeComparision extends ValueComparison {

        PrimaryTypeComparision(String value) {
            super(JCR_PRIMARY_TYPE, value);

     * A single contains expression.
    private final class ContainsExpression extends PropertyExpression {

        private boolean prohibited = false;

        ContainsExpression(String property, String value) {
            super(property, checkProhibited(value.toLowerCase()));
            this.prohibited = value.startsWith("-");

        public void toString(StringBuffer buffer)
                throws RepositoryException {
            if (prohibited) {
            if (property.length() == 0) {
                // node scope
                if (commonPathPrefix == null) {
                } else {
            } else {
                // property scope
                String[] parts = Text.explode(property, '/');
                if (commonPathPrefix != null) {
                String slash = "";
                for (int i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
                    String name;
                    if (i == parts.length - 1) {
                        // last part
                        name = resolvePropertyName(parts[i]);
                    } else {
                        name = resolveChildNodeName(parts[i]);
                    slash = "/";
            buffer.append(", '");
            if (value.indexOf(' ') != -1) {
                // phrase
            } else {
            if (prohibited) {

     * Base class for n-ary expression.
    private abstract class NAryExpression implements Expression {

        private final List operands = new ArrayList();

        public void toString(StringBuffer buffer)
                throws RepositoryException {
            if (operands.size() > 1) {
            String op = "";
            for (Iterator it = operands.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
                Expression expr = (Expression);
                op = getOperation();
            if (operands.size() > 1) {

        void addOperand(Expression expr) {

        int getSize() {
            return operands.size();

        protected abstract String getOperation();

     * An expression that requires all its operands to match.
    private class RequiredExpression extends NAryExpression {

        protected String getOperation() {
            return " and ";

     * An expression where at least one operand must match.
    private class OptionalExpression extends NAryExpression {

        protected String getOperation() {
            return " or ";

     * An order by expression.
    private class OrderByExpression implements Expression {

        private final String value;

        OrderByExpression() {
            this.value = "";

        OrderByExpression(String value) {
            this.value = value;

        public void toString(StringBuffer buffer)
                throws RepositoryException {
            buffer.append("order by ");
            List names = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(Text.explode(value, ',')));
            int length = buffer.length();
            String comma = "";
            for (Iterator it = names.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
                String name = (String);
                boolean asc;
                if (name.startsWith("-")) {
                    name = name.substring(1);
                    asc = false;
                } else if (name.startsWith("+")) {
                    name = name.substring(1);
                    asc = true;
                } else {
                    // default is ascending
                    asc = true;
                if (name.length() > 0) {
                    name = resolvePropertyName(name);
                    if (!asc) {
                        buffer.append(" ").append(DESCENDING);
                    comma = ", ";
            if (buffer.length() == length) {
                // no order by

        private void defaultOrderBy(StringBuffer buffer) {
            buffer.append("@").append(JCR_SCORE).append(" ").append(DESCENDING);

     * A row adapter for rep:excerpt values in the result.
    private static final class RowAdapter implements Row {

        private final Row row;

        private final String excerptPath;

        private RowAdapter(Row row, String excerptPath) {
            this.row = row;
            this.excerptPath = excerptPath;

        public Value[] getValues() throws RepositoryException {
            return row.getValues();

        public Value getValue(String propertyName) throws ItemNotFoundException, RepositoryException {
            if (propertyName.startsWith(REP_EXCERPT)) {
                propertyName = REP_EXCERPT + "(" + excerptPath + ")";
            return row.getValue(propertyName);

     * Customized row iterator adapter, which returns {@link RowAdapter}.
    private final class RowIterAdapter extends RowIteratorAdapter {

        private final long size;

        public RowIterAdapter(RangeIterator rangeIterator, long size) {
            this.size = size;

        public RowIterAdapter(Collection collection, long size) {
            this.size = size;

        public Row nextRow() {
            Row next = super.nextRow();
            if (commonPathPrefix != null) {
                next = new RowAdapter(next, commonPathPrefix);
            } else {
                next = new RowAdapter(next, ".");
            return next;

        public long getSize() {
            return size;

Related Classes of org.apache.jackrabbit.commons.query.GQL$RowIterAdapter

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