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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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import java.sql.Connection;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Hashtable;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionBindingEvent;

import org.apache.turbine.util.ObjectUtils;

* This is the User class used by the TorqueSecurity Service. It decouples
* all the database peer access from the actual Peer object
* @author <a href="">Josh Lucas</a>
* @author <a href="">Jon S. Stevens</a>
* @author <a href="">John D. McNally</a>
* @author <a href="">Frank Y. Kim</a>
* @author <a href="">Craig D. Berry</a>
* @author <a href="">Martin Poeschl</a>
* @author <a href="">Daniel Rall</a>
* @author <a href="">Henning P. Schmiedehausen</a>
* @version $Id: 1096130 2011-04-23 10:37:19Z ludwig $

public class TorqueUser
    extends TorqueObject
    implements User
    /** Serial Version UID */
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 6623129207135917717L;

    /** The date on which the user last accessed the application. */
    private Date lastAccessDate = null;

    /** This is data that will survive a servlet engine restart. */
    private Hashtable permStorage = null;

    /** This is data that will not survive a servlet engine restart. */
    private Hashtable tempStorage = null;

     * Constructor.
     * Create a new User and set the createDate.
    public TorqueUser()
        setCreateDate(new Date());
        tempStorage = new Hashtable(10);

     * This Constructor is used when the UserPeerManager
     * has retrieved a list of Database Objects from the peer and
     * must 'wrap' them into TorqueRole Objects. You should not use it directly!
     * @param obj An Object from the peer
    public TorqueUser(Persistent obj)

        // Do not set creation date. This is only called on retrieval from
        // storage!

        tempStorage = new Hashtable(10);

     * Returns the underlying Object for the Peer
     * Used in the UserPeerManager when building a new Criteria.
     * @return The underlying persistent object

    public Persistent getPersistentObj()
        if (obj == null)
            obj = UserPeerManager.newPersistentInstance();
        return obj;

     * Stores the object in the database.  If the object is new,
     * it inserts it; otherwise an update is performed.
     * @param torqueName The name under which the object should be stored.
     * @exception Exception This method might throw an exceptions
    public void save(String torqueName)
            throws Exception

     * Stores the object in the database.  If the object is new,
     * it inserts it; otherwise an update is performed.  This method
     * is meant to be used as part of a transaction, otherwise use
     * the save() method and the connection details will be handled
     * internally
     * @param con A Connection object to save the object
     * @exception Exception This method might throw an exceptions
    public void save(Connection con)
        throws Exception

     * Makes changes made to the User attributes permanent.
     * @throws TurbineSecurityException if there is a problem while
     *  saving data.
    public void save()
        throws TurbineSecurityException
        // This is inconsistent with all the other security classes
        // because it calls save() on the underlying object directly.
        // But the UserManager calls ((Persistent)user).save()
        // so if we do TurbineSecurity.saveUser(this) here, we get
        // a nice endless loop. :-(
        // Users seem to be a special kind of security objects...

        catch (Exception e)
            throw new TurbineSecurityException("User object said "
                    + e.getMessage(), e);

     * Returns the name of this object.
     * @return The name of the object.
    public String getName()
        return UserPeerManager.getName(getPersistentObj());

     * Sets the name of this object
     * @param name The name of the object
    public void setName(String name)

     * Gets the Id of this object
     * @return The Id of the object
    public int getId()
        return UserPeerManager.getIdAsObj(getPersistentObj()).intValue();

     * Gets the Id of this object
     * @return The Id of the object
    public Integer getIdAsObj()
        return UserPeerManager.getIdAsObj(getPersistentObj());

     * Sets the Id of this object
     * @param id The new Id
    public void setId(int id)
        UserPeerManager.setId(getPersistentObj(), id);

     * Returns the name of this user.
     * @return The name of the user.
     * @deprecated Use getName() instead.
    public String getUserName()
        return getName();

     * Sets the name of this user.
     * @param name The name of the user.
    public void setUserName(String name)
        UserPeerManager.setUserName(getPersistentObj(), name);

     * Returns the password of the User
     * @return The password of the User
    public String getPassword()
        return UserPeerManager.getUserPassword(getPersistentObj());

     * Sets the password of the User
     * @param password The new password of the User
    public void setPassword(String password)
        UserPeerManager.setUserPassword(getPersistentObj(), password);

     * Returns the first name of the User
     * @return The first name of the User
    public String getFirstName()
        return UserPeerManager.getUserFirstName(getPersistentObj());

     * Sets the first name of the User
     * @param firstName The new first name of the User
    public void setFirstName(String firstName)
        UserPeerManager.setUserFirstName(getPersistentObj(), firstName);

     * Returns the last name of the User
     * @return The last name of the User
    public String getLastName()
        return UserPeerManager.getUserLastName(getPersistentObj());

     * Sets the last name of User
     * @param lastName The new last name of the User
    public void setLastName(String lastName)
        UserPeerManager.setUserLastName(getPersistentObj(), lastName);

     * Returns the email address of the user
     * @return The email address of the user
    public String getEmail()
        return UserPeerManager.getUserEmail(getPersistentObj());

     * Sets the new email address of the user
     * @param email The new email address of the user
    public void setEmail(String email)
        UserPeerManager.setUserEmail(getPersistentObj(), email);

     * Returns the confirm value of the user
     * @return The confirm value of the user
    public String getConfirmed()
        return UserPeerManager.getUserConfirmed(getPersistentObj());

     * Sets the new confirm value of the user
     * @param confirm The new confirm value of the user
    public void setConfirmed(String confirm)
        UserPeerManager.setUserConfirmed(getPersistentObj(), confirm);

     * Returns the creation date of the user
     * @return The creation date of the user
    public java.util.Date getCreateDate()
        return UserPeerManager.getUserCreateDate(getPersistentObj());

     * Sets the new creation date of the user
     * @param createDate The new creation date of the user
    public void setCreateDate(java.util.Date createDate)
        UserPeerManager.setUserCreateDate(getPersistentObj(), createDate);

     * Returns the date of the last login of the user
     * @return The date of the last login of the user
    public java.util.Date getLastLogin()
        return UserPeerManager.getUserLastLogin(getPersistentObj());

     * Sets the new date of the last login of the user
     * @param lastLogin The new the date of the last login of the user
    public void setLastLogin(java.util.Date lastLogin)
        UserPeerManager.setUserLastLogin(getPersistentObj(), lastLogin);

     * Returns the value of the objectdata for this user.
     * Objectdata is a VARBINARY column in the table used
     * to store the permanent storage table from the User
     * object.
     * @return The bytes in the objectdata for this user
    public byte [] getObjectdata()
        return UserPeerManager.getUserObjectdata(getPersistentObj());

     * Sets the value of the objectdata for the user
     * @param objectdata The new the date of the last login of the user
    public void setObjectdata(byte [] objectdata)
        UserPeerManager.setUserObjectdata(getPersistentObj(), objectdata);

     * Gets the access counter for a user from perm storage.
     * @return The access counter for the user.
    public int getAccessCounter()
            return ((Integer) getPerm(User.ACCESS_COUNTER)).intValue();
        catch (Exception e)
            return 0;

     * Gets the access counter for a user during a session.
     * @return The access counter for the user for the session.
    public int getAccessCounterForSession()
            return ((Integer) getTemp(User.SESSION_ACCESS_COUNTER)).intValue();
        catch (Exception e)
            return 0;

     * Increments the permanent hit counter for the user.
    public void incrementAccessCounter()
        // Ugh. Race city, here I come...
        setAccessCounter(getAccessCounter() + 1);

     * Increments the session hit counter for the user.
    public void incrementAccessCounterForSession()
        setAccessCounterForSession(getAccessCounterForSession() + 1);

     * Sets the access counter for a user, saved in perm storage.
     * @param cnt The new count.
    public void setAccessCounter(int cnt)
        setPerm(User.ACCESS_COUNTER, new Integer(cnt));

     * Sets the session access counter for a user, saved in temp
     * storage.
     * @param cnt The new count.
    public void setAccessCounterForSession(int cnt)
        setTemp(User.SESSION_ACCESS_COUNTER, new Integer(cnt));

     * This method reports whether or not the user has been confirmed
     * in the system by checking the User.CONFIRM_VALUE
     * column in the users record to see if it is equal to
     * User.CONFIRM_DATA.
     * @return True if the user has been confirmed.
    public boolean isConfirmed()
        String value = getConfirmed();
        return (value != null && value.equals(User.CONFIRM_DATA));

     * The user is considered logged in if they have not timed out.
     * @return Whether the user has logged in.
    public boolean hasLoggedIn()
        Boolean loggedIn = getHasLoggedIn();
        return (loggedIn != null && loggedIn.booleanValue());

     * This sets whether or not someone has logged in.  hasLoggedIn()
     * returns this value.
     * @param value Whether someone has logged in or not.
    public void setHasLoggedIn(Boolean value)
        setTemp(User.HAS_LOGGED_IN, value);

     * Gets the last access date for this User.  This is the last time
     * that the user object was referenced.
     * @return A Java Date with the last access date for the user.
    public java.util.Date getLastAccessDate()
        if (lastAccessDate == null)
        return lastAccessDate;

     * Sets the last access date for this User. This is the last time
     * that the user object was referenced.
    public void setLastAccessDate()
        lastAccessDate = new java.util.Date();

     * Returns the permanent storage. This is implemented
     * as a Hashtable and backed by an VARBINARY column in
     * the database.
     * @return A Hashtable.
    public Hashtable getPermStorage()
        if (permStorage == null)
            byte [] objectdata = getObjectdata();

            if (objectdata != null)
                permStorage = (Hashtable) ObjectUtils.deserialize(objectdata);

            if (permStorage == null)
                permStorage = new Hashtable();

        return permStorage;

     * This should only be used in the case where we want to save the
     * data to the database.
     * @param storage A Hashtable.
    public void setPermStorage(Hashtable permStorage)
        if (permStorage != null)
            this.permStorage = permStorage;

     * Returns the temporary storage. This is implemented
     * as a Hashtable
     * @return A Hashtable.
    public Hashtable getTempStorage()
        if (tempStorage == null)
            tempStorage = new Hashtable();
        return tempStorage;

     * This should only be used in the case where we want to save the
     * data to the database.
     * @param storage A Hashtable.
    public void setTempStorage(Hashtable tempStorage)
        if (tempStorage != null)
            this.tempStorage = tempStorage;

     * Get an object from permanent storage.
     * @param name The object's name.
     * @return An Object with the given name.
    public Object getPerm(String name)
        return getPermStorage().get(name);

     * Get an object from permanent storage; return default if value
     * is null.
     * @param name The object's name.
     * @param def A default value to return.
     * @return An Object with the given name.
    public Object getPerm(String name, Object def)
            Object val = getPermStorage().get(name);
            return (val == null ? def : val);
        catch (Exception e)
            return def;

     * Put an object into permanent storage. If the value is null,
     * it will convert that to a "" because the underlying storage
     * mechanism within TorqueUser is currently a Hashtable and
     * null is not a valid value.
     * @param name The object's name.
     * @param value The object.
    public void setPerm(String name, Object value)
        getPermStorage().put(name, (value == null) ? "" : value);

     * Get an object from temporary storage.
     * @param name The object's name.
     * @return An Object with the given name.
    public Object getTemp(String name)
        return getTempStorage().get(name);

     * Get an object from temporary storage; return default if value
     * is null.
     * @param name The object's name.
     * @param def A default value to return.
     * @return An Object with the given name.
    public Object getTemp(String name, Object def)
        Object val;
            val = getTempStorage().get(name);
            if (val == null)
                val = def;
        catch (Exception e)
            val = def;
        return val;

     * Put an object into temporary storage. If the value is null,
     * it will convert that to a "" because the underlying storage
     * mechanism within TorqueUser is currently a Hashtable and
     * null is not a valid value.
     * @param name The object's name.
     * @param value The object.
    public void setTemp(String name, Object value)
        getTempStorage().put(name, (value == null) ? "" : value);

     * Remove an object from temporary storage and return the object.
     * @param name The name of the object to remove.
     * @return An Object.
    public Object removeTemp(String name)
        return getTempStorage().remove(name);

     * Updates the last login date in the database.
     * @exception Exception A generic exception.
    public void updateLastLogin()
        throws Exception
        setLastLogin(new java.util.Date());

     * Implement this method if you wish to be notified when the User
     * has been Bound to the session.
     * @param event Indication of value/session binding.
    public void valueBound(HttpSessionBindingEvent hsbe)
        // Currently we have no need for this method.

     * Implement this method if you wish to be notified when the User
     * has been Unbound from the session.
     * @param event Indication of value/session unbinding.
    public void valueUnbound(HttpSessionBindingEvent hsbe)
            if (hasLoggedIn())
        catch (Exception e)
            //Log.error("TorqueUser.valueUnbound(): " + e.getMessage(), e);

            // To prevent messages being lost in case the logging system
            // goes away before sessions get unbound on servlet container
            // shutdown, print the stcktrace to the container's console.
            ByteArrayOutputStream ostr = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
            e.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(ostr, true));
            String stackTrace = ostr.toString();

     * This gets whether or not someone has logged in.  hasLoggedIn()
     * returns this value as a boolean.  This is private because you
     * should use hasLoggedIn() instead.
     * @return True if someone has logged in.
    private Boolean getHasLoggedIn()
        return (Boolean) getTemp(User.HAS_LOGGED_IN);


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