Package org.apache.pivot.json

Source Code of org.apache.pivot.json.JSON

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* The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License,
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package org.apache.pivot.json;

import org.apache.pivot.beans.BeanAdapter;
import org.apache.pivot.collections.ArrayList;
import org.apache.pivot.collections.Dictionary;
import org.apache.pivot.collections.Sequence;

* Contains utility methods for working with JSON or JSON-like data structures.
public class JSON {
     * Returns the value at a given path.
     * @param root
     * The root object.
     * @param path
     * The path to the value as a JavaScript path.
     * @return
     * The value at the given path.
     * @see #get(Object, Sequence)
    public static <T> T get(Object root, String path) {
        return (T)get(root, parse(path));

     * Returns the value at a given path.
     * @param root
     * The root object.
     * @param keys
     * The path to the value as a sequence of keys.
     * @return
     * The value at the given path.
    public static <T> T get(Object root, Sequence<String> keys) {
        if (keys == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("keys is null.");

        Object value = root;

        for (int i = 0, n = keys.getLength(); i < n; i++) {
            if (value == null) {

            String key = keys.get(i);

            BeanAdapter beanAdapter = new BeanAdapter(value);
            if (beanAdapter.containsKey(key)) {
                value = beanAdapter.get(key);
            } else if (value instanceof Sequence<?>) {
                Sequence<Object> sequence = (Sequence<Object>)value;
                value = sequence.get(Integer.parseInt(key));
            } else if (value instanceof Dictionary<?, ?>) {
                Dictionary<String, Object> dictionary = (Dictionary<String, Object>)value;
                value = dictionary.get(key);
            } else {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Property \"" + key + "\" not found.");

        return (T)value;

    public static byte getByte(Object root, String path) {
        Number value = get(root, path);
        return value.byteValue();

    public static short getShort(Object root, String path) {
        Number value = get(root, path);
        return value.shortValue();

    public static int getInt(Object root, String path) {
        Number value = get(root, path);
        return value.intValue();

    public static long getLong(Object root, String path) {
        Number value = get(root, path);
        return value.longValue();

    public static float getFloat(Object root, String path) {
        Number value = get(root, path);
        return value.floatValue();

    public static double getDouble(Object root, String path) {
        Number value = get(root, path);
        return value.doubleValue();

     * Sets the value at the given path.
     * @param root
     * @param path
     * @param value
     * @return
     * The value previously associated with the path.
    public static <T> T put(Object root, String path, T value) {
        if (root == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("root is null.");

        Sequence<String> keys = parse(path);
        if (keys.getLength() == 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Path is empty.");

        String key = keys.remove(keys.getLength() - 1, 1).get(0);
        Object parent = get(root, keys);
        if (parent == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid path.");

        BeanAdapter beanAdapter = new BeanAdapter(parent);

        Object previousValue;
        if (beanAdapter.containsKey(key)) {
            previousValue = beanAdapter.put(key, value);
        } else if (parent instanceof Sequence<?>) {
            Sequence<Object> sequence = (Sequence<Object>)parent;
            previousValue = sequence.update(Integer.parseInt(key), value);
        } else if (parent instanceof Dictionary<?, ?>) {
            Dictionary<String, Object> dictionary = (Dictionary<String, Object>)parent;
            previousValue = dictionary.put(key, value);
        } else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Property \"" + key + "\" not found.");

        return (T)previousValue;

     * Removes the value at the given path.
     * @param root
     * @param path
     * @return
     * The value that was removed.
    public static <T> T remove(Object root, String path) {
        if (root == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("root is null.");

        Sequence<String> keys = parse(path);
        if (keys.getLength() == 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Path is empty.");

        String key = keys.remove(keys.getLength() - 1, 1).get(0);
        Object parent = get(root, keys);
        if (parent == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid path.");

        Object previousValue;
        if (parent instanceof Sequence<?>) {
            Sequence<Object> sequence = (Sequence<Object>)parent;
            previousValue = sequence.remove(Integer.parseInt(key), 1).get(0);
        } else if (parent instanceof Dictionary<?, ?>) {
            Dictionary<String, Object> dictionary = (Dictionary<String, Object>)parent;
            previousValue = dictionary.remove(key);
        } else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Property \"" + key + "\" not found.");

        return (T)previousValue;

     * Tests the existence of a path in a given object.
     * @param root
     * @param path
     * @return
     * <tt>true</tt> if the path exists; <tt>false</tt>, otherwise.
    public static boolean containsKey(Object root, String path) {
        if (root == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("root is null.");

        Sequence<String> keys = parse(path);
        if (keys.getLength() == 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Path is empty.");

        String key = keys.remove(keys.getLength() - 1, 1).get(0);
        Object parent = get(root, keys);

        boolean containsKey;
        if (parent == null) {
            containsKey = false;
        } else {
            BeanAdapter beanAdapter = new BeanAdapter(parent);
            containsKey = beanAdapter.containsKey(key);

            if (!containsKey) {
                if (parent instanceof Sequence<?>) {
                    Sequence<Object> sequence = (Sequence<Object>)parent;
                    containsKey = (sequence.getLength() > Integer.parseInt(key));
                } else if (parent instanceof Dictionary<?, ?>) {
                    Dictionary<String, Object> dictionary = (Dictionary<String, Object>)parent;
                    containsKey = dictionary.containsKey(key);
                } else {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Property \"" + key + "\" not found.");

        return containsKey;

     * Parses a JSON path into a sequence of string keys.
     * @param path
    public static Sequence<String> parse(String path) {
        if (path == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("path is null.");

        ArrayList<String> keys = new ArrayList<String>();

        int i = 0;
        int n = path.length();

        while (i < n) {
            char c = path.charAt(i++);

            StringBuilder identifierBuilder = new StringBuilder();

            boolean bracketed = (c == '[');
            if (bracketed
                && i < n) {
                c = path.charAt(i++);

                char quote = Character.UNASSIGNED;

                boolean quoted = (c == '"'
                    || c == '\'');
                if (quoted
                    && i < n) {
                    quote = c;
                    c = path.charAt(i++);

                while (i <= n
                    && bracketed) {
                    bracketed = quoted || (c != ']');

                    if (bracketed) {
                        if (c == quote) {
                            if (i < n) {
                                c = path.charAt(i++);
                                quoted = (c == quote);

                        if (quoted || c != ']') {
                            if (Character.isISOControl(c)) {
                                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal identifier character.");


                            if (i < n) {
                                c = path.charAt(i++);

                if (quoted) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unterminated quoted identifier.");

                if (bracketed) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unterminated bracketed identifier.");

                if (i < n) {
                    c = path.charAt(i);

                    if (c == '.') {
            } else {
                while(i <= n
                    && c != '.'
                    && c != '[') {
                    if (!Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(c)) {
                        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal identifier character.");


                    if (i < n) {
                        c = path.charAt(i);


                if (c == '[') {

            if (c == '.'
                && i == n) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Path cannot end with a '.' character.");

            if (identifierBuilder.length() == 0) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing identifier.");


        return keys;

Related Classes of org.apache.pivot.json.JSON

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