Package org.apache.cassandra.transport.messages

Source Code of org.apache.cassandra.transport.messages.ResultMessage$SchemaChange

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package org.apache.cassandra.transport.messages;

import java.util.*;

import org.jboss.netty.buffer.ChannelBuffer;
import org.jboss.netty.buffer.ChannelBuffers;

import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.ColumnSpecification;
import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.ResultSet;
import org.apache.cassandra.transport.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.TypeParser;
import org.apache.cassandra.thrift.CqlPreparedResult;
import org.apache.cassandra.thrift.CqlResult;
import org.apache.cassandra.thrift.CqlResultType;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.MD5Digest;

public abstract class ResultMessage extends Message.Response
    public static final Message.Codec<ResultMessage> codec = new Message.Codec<ResultMessage>()
        public ResultMessage decode(ChannelBuffer body)
            Kind kind = Kind.fromId(body.readInt());
            return kind.subcodec.decode(body);

        public ChannelBuffer encode(ResultMessage msg)
            ChannelBuffer kcb = ChannelBuffers.buffer(4);

            ChannelBuffer body = msg.encodeBody();
            return ChannelBuffers.wrappedBuffer(kcb, body);

    public enum Kind
        VOID         (1, Void.subcodec),
        ROWS         (2, Rows.subcodec),
        SET_KEYSPACE (3, SetKeyspace.subcodec),
        PREPARED     (4, Prepared.subcodec),
        SCHEMA_CHANGE(5, SchemaChange.subcodec);

        public final int id;
        public final Message.Codec<ResultMessage> subcodec;

        private static final Kind[] ids;
            int maxId = -1;
            for (Kind k : Kind.values())
                maxId = Math.max(maxId,;
            ids = new Kind[maxId + 1];
            for (Kind k : Kind.values())
                if (ids[] != null)
                    throw new IllegalStateException("Duplicate kind id");
                ids[] = k;

        private Kind(int id, Message.Codec<ResultMessage> subcodec)
   = id;
            this.subcodec = subcodec;

        public static Kind fromId(int id)
            Kind k = ids[id];
            if (k == null)
                throw new ProtocolException(String.format("Unknown kind id %d in RESULT message", id));
            return k;

    public final Kind kind;

    protected ResultMessage(Kind kind)
        this.kind = kind;

    public ChannelBuffer encode()
        return codec.encode(this);

    protected abstract ChannelBuffer encodeBody();

    public abstract CqlResult toThriftResult();

    public static class Void extends ResultMessage
        // Even though we have no specific information here, don't make a
        // singleton since as each message it has in fact a streamid and connection.
        public Void()

        public static final Message.Codec<ResultMessage> subcodec = new Message.Codec<ResultMessage>()
            public ResultMessage decode(ChannelBuffer body)
                return new Void();

            public ChannelBuffer encode(ResultMessage msg)
                assert msg instanceof Void;
                return ChannelBuffers.EMPTY_BUFFER;

        protected ChannelBuffer encodeBody()
            return subcodec.encode(this);

        public CqlResult toThriftResult()
            return new CqlResult(CqlResultType.VOID);

        public String toString()
            return "EMPTY RESULT";

    public static class SetKeyspace extends ResultMessage
        public final String keyspace;

        public SetKeyspace(String keyspace)
            this.keyspace = keyspace;

        public static final Message.Codec<ResultMessage> subcodec = new Message.Codec<ResultMessage>()
            public ResultMessage decode(ChannelBuffer body)
                String keyspace = CBUtil.readString(body);
                return new SetKeyspace(keyspace);

            public ChannelBuffer encode(ResultMessage msg)
                assert msg instanceof SetKeyspace;
                return CBUtil.stringToCB(((SetKeyspace)msg).keyspace);

        protected ChannelBuffer encodeBody()
            return subcodec.encode(this);

        public CqlResult toThriftResult()
            return new CqlResult(CqlResultType.VOID);

        public String toString()
            return "RESULT set keyspace " + keyspace;

    public static class Rows extends ResultMessage
        public static final Message.Codec<ResultMessage> subcodec = new Message.Codec<ResultMessage>()
            public ResultMessage decode(ChannelBuffer body)
                return new Rows(ResultSet.codec.decode(body));

            public ChannelBuffer encode(ResultMessage msg)
                assert msg instanceof Rows;
                Rows rowMsg = (Rows)msg;
                return ResultSet.codec.encode(rowMsg.result);

        public final ResultSet result;

        public Rows(ResultSet result)
            this.result = result;

        protected ChannelBuffer encodeBody()
            return subcodec.encode(this);

        public CqlResult toThriftResult()
            return result.toThriftResult();

        public String toString()
            return "ROWS " + result;


    public static class Prepared extends ResultMessage
        public static final Message.Codec<ResultMessage> subcodec = new Message.Codec<ResultMessage>()
            public ResultMessage decode(ChannelBuffer body)
                MD5Digest id = MD5Digest.wrap(CBUtil.readBytes(body));
                return new Prepared(id, -1, ResultSet.Metadata.codec.decode(body));

            public ChannelBuffer encode(ResultMessage msg)
                assert msg instanceof Prepared;
                Prepared prepared = (Prepared)msg;
                assert prepared.statementId != null;
                return ChannelBuffers.wrappedBuffer(CBUtil.bytesToCB(prepared.statementId.bytes), ResultSet.Metadata.codec.encode(prepared.metadata));

        public final MD5Digest statementId;
        public final ResultSet.Metadata metadata;

        // statement id for CQL-over-thrift compatibility. The binary protocol ignore that.
        private final int thriftStatementId;

        public Prepared(MD5Digest statementId, List<ColumnSpecification> names)
            this(statementId, -1, new ResultSet.Metadata(names));

        public static Prepared forThrift(int statementId, List<ColumnSpecification> names)
            return new Prepared(null, statementId, new ResultSet.Metadata(names));

        private Prepared(MD5Digest statementId, int thriftStatementId, ResultSet.Metadata metadata)
            this.statementId = statementId;
            this.thriftStatementId = thriftStatementId;
            this.metadata = metadata;

        protected ChannelBuffer encodeBody()
            return subcodec.encode(this);

        public CqlResult toThriftResult()
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

        public CqlPreparedResult toThriftPreparedResult()
            List<String> namesString = new ArrayList<String>(metadata.names.size());
            List<String> typesString = new ArrayList<String>(metadata.names.size());
            for (ColumnSpecification name : metadata.names)
            return new CqlPreparedResult(thriftStatementId, metadata.names.size()).setVariable_types(typesString).setVariable_names(namesString);

        public String toString()
            return "RESULT PREPARED " + statementId + " " + metadata;

    public static class SchemaChange extends ResultMessage
        public enum Change { CREATED, UPDATED, DROPPED }

        public final Change change;
        public final String keyspace;
        public final String columnFamily;

        public SchemaChange(Change change, String keyspace)
            this(change, keyspace, "");

        public SchemaChange(Change change, String keyspace, String columnFamily)
            this.change = change;
            this.keyspace = keyspace;
            this.columnFamily = columnFamily;

        public static final Message.Codec<ResultMessage> subcodec = new Message.Codec<ResultMessage>()
            public ResultMessage decode(ChannelBuffer body)
                String cStr = CBUtil.readString(body);
                Change change = null;
                    change = Enum.valueOf(Change.class, cStr.toUpperCase());
                catch (IllegalStateException e)
                    throw new ProtocolException("Unknown Schema change action: " + cStr);

                String keyspace = CBUtil.readString(body);
                String columnFamily = CBUtil.readString(body);
                return new SchemaChange(change, keyspace, columnFamily);


            public ChannelBuffer encode(ResultMessage msg)
                assert msg instanceof SchemaChange;
                SchemaChange scm = (SchemaChange)msg;

                ChannelBuffer a = CBUtil.stringToCB(scm.change.toString());
                ChannelBuffer k = CBUtil.stringToCB(scm.keyspace);
                ChannelBuffer c = CBUtil.stringToCB(scm.columnFamily);
                return ChannelBuffers.wrappedBuffer(a, k, c);

        protected ChannelBuffer encodeBody()
            return subcodec.encode(this);

        public CqlResult toThriftResult()
            return new CqlResult(CqlResultType.VOID);

        public String toString()
            return "RESULT schema change " + change + " on " + keyspace + (columnFamily.isEmpty() ? "" : "." + columnFamily);

Related Classes of org.apache.cassandra.transport.messages.ResultMessage$SchemaChange

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