Package org.apache.beehive.netui.xdoclet

Source Code of org.apache.beehive.netui.xdoclet.XDocletCompilerUtils

* Copyright 2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* $Header:$
package org.apache.beehive.netui.xdoclet;

import org.apache.beehive.netui.compiler.typesystem.util.SourcePosition;
import org.apache.beehive.netui.compiler.typesystem.declaration.TypeDeclaration;
import org.apache.beehive.netui.compiler.typesystem.type.TypeInstance;
import org.apache.beehive.netui.compiler.xdoclet.typesystem.impl.WrapperFactory;
import xjavadoc.XClass;
import xjavadoc.XJavaDoc;
import xjavadoc.XPackage;
import xjavadoc.Type;

import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;

public class XDocletCompilerUtils
    private static final ResourceBundle MESSAGES =
            ResourceBundle.getBundle( XDocletCompilerUtils.class.getPackage().getName() + ".Messages" );
    public static void addError( SourcePosition sourcePosition, String messageKey, String[] args )
        assert sourcePosition != null;
        String message = getMessage( messageKey, args );
        NetuiDocletTask.addError( message, sourcePosition );
    public static void addWarning( SourcePosition sourcePosition, String messageKey, String[] args )
        assert sourcePosition != null;
        String message = getMessage( messageKey, args );
        NetuiDocletTask.addWarning( message, sourcePosition );
    public static String getMessage( String messageKey, String[] args )
        String message = MESSAGES.getString( messageKey );
        if ( args != null ) message = MessageFormat.format( message, args );
        return message;
    public static TypeDeclaration resolveTypeDeclaration( String typeName )
        assert ! typeName.endsWith( "[]" ) : "array type not allowed here: " + typeName;
        return ( TypeDeclaration ) resolveTypeInstanceOrTypeDecl( typeName, true, null, false );
    private static XClass getXClass( String typeName, XJavaDoc xJavaDoc )
        assert ! typeName.endsWith( "[]" ) : "array type not allowed here: " + typeName;
        XClass type = xJavaDoc.getXClass( typeName );
        // This may be an inner class, which needs a '$' instead of a '.'.
        if ( isUnknownClass( type ) )
            int lastDot = typeName.lastIndexOf( '.' );
            if ( lastDot != -1 )
                return getXClass( typeName.substring( 0, lastDot ) + '$' + typeName.substring( lastDot + 1 ), xJavaDoc );
        return type;
    private static boolean isUnknownClass( XClass xclass )
        return xclass == null || xclass.getClass().getName().equals( "xjavadoc.UnknownClass" );
    public static TypeInstance resolveType( String typeName, boolean allowErrorType, XClass currentClass )
        return ( TypeInstance ) resolveTypeInstanceOrTypeDecl( typeName, allowErrorType, currentClass, true );
    private static Object resolveTypeInstanceOrTypeDecl( String typeName, boolean allowUnknownType, XClass currentClass,
                                                         boolean returnTypeInstance )
        int arrayDimensions = 0;
        if ( typeName.endsWith( ".class" ) ) typeName = typeName.substring( 0, typeName.length() - 6 );
        while ( typeName.endsWith( "[]" ) )
            typeName = typeName.substring( 0, typeName.length() - 2 );
        if ( currentClass == null ) currentClass = NetuiSubTask.get().getCurrentSourceClass();
        XJavaDoc xJavaDoc = currentClass.getXJavaDoc();
        XClass originalResolvedType = getXClass( typeName, xJavaDoc );
        XClass attemptedResolvedType = originalResolvedType;
        if ( isUnknownClass( attemptedResolvedType ) )
            attemptedResolvedType = getXClass( "java.lang." + typeName, xJavaDoc );
        if ( isUnknownClass( attemptedResolvedType ) )
            // See if it was an imported class.
            List importedClasses = currentClass.getImportedClasses();
            String dotPrepended = '.' + typeName;
            for ( Iterator i = importedClasses.iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
                XClass importedClass = ( XClass );
                if ( importedClass.getQualifiedName().endsWith( dotPrepended ) )
                    attemptedResolvedType = getXClass( importedClass.getQualifiedName(), xJavaDoc );
        if ( isUnknownClass( attemptedResolvedType ) )
            // See if it was in an imported package.
            List importedPackages = currentClass.getImportedPackages();
            String dotPrepended = '.' + typeName;
            for ( Iterator i = importedPackages.iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
                XPackage importedPackage = ( XPackage );
                XClass implicitImportedClass = getXClass( importedPackage.getName() + dotPrepended, xJavaDoc );
                if ( ! isUnknownClass( implicitImportedClass ) )
                    attemptedResolvedType = implicitImportedClass;
        if ( isUnknownClass( attemptedResolvedType ) )
            // Try it with the full outer classname appended.
            String outerClassName = currentClass.getQualifiedName();
            attemptedResolvedType = getXClass( outerClassName + '.' + typeName, xJavaDoc );
        if ( isUnknownClass( attemptedResolvedType ) )
            // Finally, it may be of the form <outer-class-short-name>.<inner-class-name>
            String outerClassName = currentClass.getQualifiedName();
            int lastDot = outerClassName.lastIndexOf( '.' );
            outerClassName = lastDot != -1 ? outerClassName.substring( 0, lastDot ) : outerClassName;
            attemptedResolvedType = getXClass( outerClassName + '.' + typeName, xJavaDoc );
        if ( isUnknownClass( attemptedResolvedType ) )
            if ( ! allowUnknownType ) return null;
            if ( returnTypeInstance ) return WrapperFactory.get().getTypeInstance( originalResolvedType );
            return WrapperFactory.get().getTypeDeclaration( originalResolvedType );
        if ( returnTypeInstance ) return WrapperFactory.get().getTypeInstance( attemptedResolvedType, arrayDimensions );
        return WrapperFactory.get().getTypeDeclaration( attemptedResolvedType );

Related Classes of org.apache.beehive.netui.xdoclet.XDocletCompilerUtils

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