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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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* $Id: 533255 2007-04-27 23:27:10Z vgritsenko $


import org.apache.xindice.client.xmldb.DatabaseImpl;
import org.apache.xindice.server.Xindice;
import org.apache.xindice.util.XindiceException;
import org.apache.xindice.xml.dom.DOMParser;

import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import org.xmldb.api.DatabaseManager;
import org.xmldb.api.base.XMLDBException;

import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;

* XMLAdmin is designed to take command line arguments and give
* user Xindice management flexibility within the current Database.
* @version $Revision: 533255 $, $Date: 2007-04-27 19:27:10 -0400 (Fri, 27 Apr 2007) $
public class XMLTools {

    public static final String COLLECTION = "collection";
    public static final String FILER = "filer";
    public static final String EXTENSION = "extension";
    public static final String FILE_PATH = "filePath";
    public static final String ACTION = "action";
    public static final String NAME_OF = "nameOf";
    public static final String PATTERN = "pattern";
    public static final String QUERY = "query";
    public static final String URI = "uri";
    public static final String VERBOSE = "verbose";
    public static final String TYPE = "type";
    public static final String PAGE_SIZE = "pagesize";
    public static final String MAX_KEY_SIZE = "maxkeysize";
    public static final String DB_SERVER = "dbServ";
    public static final String PORT = "port";
    public static final String HOST = "host";
    public static final String USER = "user";
    public static final String LOCAL = "local";
    public static final String DB_CONFIG = "dbconfig";
    public static final String PASSWORD = "password";
    public static final String AUTO_KEY = "autoKey";
    public static final String NAMESPACES = "namespaces";
    public static final String IMPL_CLASS = "implClass";
    public static final String COMMAND_LIST="__command_list__";
    public static final String PAGE_COUNT = "pagecount";

    private Hashtable table;
    private boolean initialized;

    //private Document commandsDocument;
    private NodeList commandsList;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        XMLTools tools = new XMLTools();
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            if (tools.isVerbose()) {

     * Constructor for XMLTools, includes default variables for the
     * command line.
    public XMLTools() {
        table = new Hashtable();
        // defaults for command switches
        table.put(FILE_PATH, "");
        table.put(EXTENSION, "");
        table.put(QUERY,     "");
        table.put(AUTO_KEY,  "");
        table.put(VERBOSE,   "false");

     * Reads commands document from config directory.
    private Document readCommandsDocument() throws XindiceException, FileNotFoundException {
        // Absolute path to the commands.xml file, relative to $XINDICE_HOME
        File xindiceHome = new File(System.getProperty(Xindice.PROP_XINDICE_HOME, "."));
        File commandsFile = new File(xindiceHome, "config/commands.xml");

        return DOMParser.toDocument(new FileInputStream(commandsFile));

    private void parseCommandsList(Document commands) {
        // Get all user elements
        NodeList list = commands.getElementsByTagName("user");

        if (list.getLength() > 0) {
            // Retrieve the index of the first element (<user>)
            Element node = (Element) list.item(0);
            // get all command children from the user element
            list = node.getElementsByTagName("command");

        // Return the list generated
        commandsList = list;

        // Add the command list so that the HelpCommand can access it and
        // print specific help information.
        table.put(COMMAND_LIST, commandsList);

     * Carries out necessary initialization of this class.
    public void init() throws XindiceException, FileNotFoundException {
        if (!initialized) {
            initialized = true;

     * Returns the <command> elements from the Commands Document this
     * tool can execute.
    protected NodeList getCommands() {
        return commandsList;

     * The Process function is designed for the implementation of the
     * command line tools, as well as, making the command line easier
     * to use.
    public void process(String[] args) throws XindiceException {
        try {
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
            throw new XindiceException("ERROR : " + e.getMessage() + " Try -h for help.", e);
        } catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
            throw new NoSuchElementException("ERROR : " + e + " Switch found. Parameter missing. Try -h for help.");
        } catch (NullPointerException e) {
            throw new NullPointerException("ERROR : " + e + " Try -h for help.");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new XindiceException("ERROR : " + e.getMessage() + " Try -h for help.", e);

     * Parses and validated the arguments of the command line. The arguments are
     * stored into the <tt>table</tt> array.
     * @exception IllegalArgumentException if an error is found
    protected void parseArguments(String[] args) throws IllegalArgumentException {

        // parsing arguments for the command tools
        ArgTokenizer at = new ArgTokenizer(args);
        if (!at.hasMoreTokens()) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("No arguments found");

        // Action should always be the second token, if not there show help
        table.put(ACTION, at.nextToken());

        // Loop over remaining command line arguments, populating hashtable
        while (at.hasMoreTokens()) {
            String token = at.nextToken();

            if (token.equalsIgnoreCase("-c") || token.equalsIgnoreCase("--collection")) {
                String colname = at.nextSwitchToken();
                if (!colname.startsWith("/") && !colname.startsWith("xmldb:xindice")) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("The name of a collection must start with '/'");
                table.put(COLLECTION, colname);
            } else if (token.equalsIgnoreCase("--filer")) {
                table.put(FILER, at.nextSwitchToken());
            } else if (token.equalsIgnoreCase("-e") || token.equalsIgnoreCase("--extension")) {
                table.put(EXTENSION, at.nextSwitchToken());
            } else if (token.equalsIgnoreCase("-f") || token.equalsIgnoreCase("--filepath")) {
                table.put(FILE_PATH, at.nextSwitchToken());
            } else if (token.equalsIgnoreCase("-n") || token.equalsIgnoreCase("--nameOf")) {
                table.put(NAME_OF, at.nextSwitchToken());
            } else if (token.equalsIgnoreCase("-p") || token.equalsIgnoreCase("--pattern")) {
                table.put(PATTERN, at.nextSwitchToken());
            } else if (token.equalsIgnoreCase("-q") || token.equalsIgnoreCase("--query")) {
                table.put(QUERY, at.nextSwitchToken());
            } else if (token.equalsIgnoreCase("-u") || token.equalsIgnoreCase("--uri")) {
                table.put(URI, at.nextSwitchToken());
            } else if (token.equalsIgnoreCase("-v") || token.equalsIgnoreCase("--verbose")) {
                table.put(VERBOSE, "true");
            } else if (token.equalsIgnoreCase("-l") || token.equalsIgnoreCase("--localdb")) {
                table.put(LOCAL, "true");
            } else if (token.equalsIgnoreCase("-d") || token.equalsIgnoreCase("--dbconfig")) {
                String configFile = at.nextSwitchToken();
                if (!new File(configFile).isAbsolute()) {
                    configFile = new File(System.getProperty("user.dir"), configFile).getAbsolutePath();
                System.setProperty(Xindice.PROP_XINDICE_CONFIGURATION, configFile);
                table.put(DB_CONFIG, configFile);
            } else if (token.equalsIgnoreCase("-s") || token.equalsIgnoreCase("--namespaces")) {
                table.put(NAMESPACES, at.nextSwitchToken());
                // Index specific options
            } else if (token.equalsIgnoreCase("-t") || token.equalsIgnoreCase("--type")) {
                table.put(TYPE, at.nextSwitchToken());
            } else if (token.equalsIgnoreCase("+trim")) {
                if (!table.containsKey(TYPE)) {
                    table.put(TYPE, "trimmed");
            } else if (token.equalsIgnoreCase("-trim")) {
                if (!table.containsKey(TYPE)) {
                    table.put(TYPE, "string");
            } else if (token.equalsIgnoreCase("--pagesize")) {
                table.put(PAGE_SIZE, at.nextSwitchToken());
            } else if (token.equalsIgnoreCase("--maxkeysize")) {
                table.put(MAX_KEY_SIZE, at.nextSwitchToken());
            } else if (token.equalsIgnoreCase("--pagecount")) {
                table.put(PAGE_COUNT, at.nextSwitchToken());
     * This method is to carry out execution, after instance variables being setup by process( args )
    public boolean execute() throws Exception {
        String action = (String) table.get(ACTION);

        // get command class name
        String commandClass = null;
        if (action != null) {
            // search for the tool Class associated with the given action
            NodeList commands = getCommands();
            for (int i = 0; i < commands.getLength(); i++) {
                Element e = (Element) commands.item(i);
                if (action.equals(e.getAttribute("switch")) ||
                        action.equals(e.getAttribute("name"))) {
                    commandClass = e.getAttribute("class");

        if (commandClass == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("\"" + action +  "\" not recognized.");

        Command command;
        try {
            // Register Xindice Database with XML:DB
            DatabaseImpl db = new DatabaseImpl();

            // Execute command class
            command = (Command) Class.forName(commandClass).newInstance();

            return true;
        } catch (XMLDBException e) {
            System.err.println("XMLDB Exception " + e.errorCode + ": " + e.getMessage());
            if (isVerbose()) {
            return false;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            System.err.println("ERROR : " + e.getMessage());
            if (isVerbose()) {
            return false;
        } finally {
            // Close Database
            if ("true".equals(table.get(LOCAL))) {
                command = new;
    public boolean handleOption(String option, ArgTokenizer at) {
        return false;

     * @param verbose new value of verbose mode
    public void setVerbose(boolean verbose) {
        table.put(XMLTools.VERBOSE, verbose ? "true" : "false");

     * @return true if operating in verbose mode
    public boolean isVerbose() {
        return "true".equals(table.get(XMLTools.VERBOSE));

     * setAction sets the action type that will be passed to the command line.
     * @param actionType The action value
    public void setAction(String actionType) {
        table.put(XMLTools.ACTION, actionType);

     * getAction returns the action type that will be passed to the command line
     * tool.
     * @return The action value
    public String getAction() {
        return (String) table.get(XMLTools.ACTION);

     * setCollectionName sets the collection name that will be passed
     * to the command line.
     * @param collectionName The collection value
    public void setCollectionName(String collectionName) {
        table.put(COLLECTION, collectionName);

     * getCollectionName returns the collection name that will be passed
     * to the command line tool.
     * @return The collection value
    public String getCollectionName() {
        return (String) table.get(COLLECTION);

     * setDocumentName sets the document that will be passed to the
     * command line tool.
     * @param documentName The docName value
    public void setDocumentName(String documentName) {
        table.put(XMLTools.NAME_OF, documentName);

     * getDocumentName returns the document that will be passed to the
     * command line tool.
     * @return The docName value
    public String getDocumentName() {
        return (String) table.get(XMLTools.NAME_OF);

     * setQuery sets the Query variable for Document Query from the command line.
     * @param query - The query string
    public void setQuery(String query) {
        table.put(XMLTools.QUERY, query);

     * getQuery returns the Query for Document passed to the command line tool.
    public String getQuery() {
        return (String) table.get(XMLTools.QUERY);

     * setName sets the name for XMLObjects passed to the command line tool.
     * @param name The docName value
    public void setName(String name) {
        table.put(XMLTools.NAME_OF, name);

     * getName returns the name for XMLObjects that will be passed to the
     * command line tool.
     * @return The nameOf value
    public String getName() {
        return (String) table.get(XMLTools.NAME_OF);

     * setDatabaseServer sets the Database server name that will be
     * passed to the command line tool.
     * @param appName The dbServ value
    public void setDatabaseServer(String appName) {
        table.put(XMLTools.DB_SERVER, appName);

     * getDatabaseServer returns the Database server that will be
     * passed to the command line tool.
     * @return The dbServ value
    public String getDatabaseServer() {
        return (String) table.get(XMLTools.DB_SERVER);

     * setPort sets the port that will passed to the command line tool.
     * @param portName The port value
    public void setPort(String portName) {
        table.put(XMLTools.PORT, portName);

     * getPort returns the port that will be passed to the command line tool.
     * @return The port value
    public String getPort() {
        return (String) table.get(XMLTools.PORT);

     * setHost sets the host that will passed to the command line tool.
     * @param hostName The host value
    public void setHost(String hostName) {
        table.put(HOST, hostName);

     * getPort returns the host that will be passed to the command line tool.
     * @return The host value
    public String getHost() {
        return (String) table.get(HOST);

     * setFilePath sets the file path that will passed to the command line tool.
     * @param fPath The filePath value
    public void setFilePath(String fPath) {
        table.put(XMLTools.FILE_PATH, fPath);

     * getFilePath returns the file path that will be passed to the command
     * @return The filePath value
    public String getFilePath() {
        return (String) table.get(XMLTools.FILE_PATH);

     * setURI sets the database URI (protocol://host:port/name) that
     * will be passed to the command line
     * @param URI The URI for the database
    public void setURI(String URI) {
        table.put(XMLTools.URI, URI);

     * getURI gets returns the database URI (protocol://host:port/name)
     * that will be passed to the command line tool
     * @return The URI for the database
    public String getURI() {
        return (String) table.get(XMLTools.URI);

     * setImplementClass sets the implemented class path that will be passed
     * to the command line tool.
     * @param imClassName The implClass value
    public void setImplementClass(String imClassName) {
        table.put(XMLTools.IMPL_CLASS, imClassName);

     * getImplementClass returns the implmented class path that will be passed
     * to the command line tool.
     * @return The implClass value
    public String getImplementClass() {
        return (String) table.get(XMLTools.IMPL_CLASS);

     * The following Security methods are simply a starting point. User names and
     * their related passwords will not be this simple. Until Encryption for
     * Passwords are developed, and KeyStorage is set-up, this will do for now.
     * In the future, these methods will change as needed to be more efficient
     * for Xindice.

     * setUser sets the user that will be passed to the command line tool and
     * will be used in Security issues.
     * @param userName The user value
    public void setUser(String userName) {
        table.put(XMLTools.USER, userName);

     * getUser returns the user that will be passed to the command line tool and
     * will be used in Security issues.
     * @return The user value
    public String getUser() {
        return (String) table.get(XMLTools.USER);

     * setPassword sets the password that will be passed to the command line tool
     * and will be used in conjunction with the userName value.
     * @param pswd The passwrd value
    public void setPassword(String pswd) {
        table.put(PASSWORD, pswd);

     * getPassword returns the password that will be passed to the command line
     * tool and will be used in conjunction with the userName value.
     * @return The password value
    public String getPassword() {
        return (String) table.get(PASSWORD);

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