Package org.apache.hedwig.server.subscriptions

Source Code of org.apache.hedwig.server.subscriptions.AbstractSubscriptionManager$MessagesConsumedTask

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* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
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package org.apache.hedwig.server.subscriptions;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Timer;
import java.util.TimerTask;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import org.apache.hedwig.exceptions.PubSubException;
import org.apache.hedwig.protocol.PubSubProtocol.MessageSeqId;
import org.apache.hedwig.protocol.PubSubProtocol.SubscribeRequest;
import org.apache.hedwig.protocol.PubSubProtocol.SubscriptionState;
import org.apache.hedwig.protocol.PubSubProtocol.SubscribeRequest.CreateOrAttach;
import org.apache.hedwig.protoextensions.MessageIdUtils;
import org.apache.hedwig.protoextensions.SubscriptionStateUtils;
import org.apache.hedwig.server.common.ServerConfiguration;
import org.apache.hedwig.server.common.TopicOpQueuer;
import org.apache.hedwig.server.persistence.PersistenceManager;
import org.apache.hedwig.server.topics.TopicManager;
import org.apache.hedwig.server.topics.TopicOwnershipChangeListener;
import org.apache.hedwig.util.Callback;
import org.apache.hedwig.util.CallbackUtils;

public abstract class AbstractSubscriptionManager implements SubscriptionManager, TopicOwnershipChangeListener {

    ServerConfiguration cfg;
    ConcurrentHashMap<ByteString, Map<ByteString, InMemorySubscriptionState>> top2sub2seq = new ConcurrentHashMap<ByteString, Map<ByteString, InMemorySubscriptionState>>();
    static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AbstractSubscriptionManager.class);

    TopicOpQueuer queuer;
    private final ArrayList<SubscriptionEventListener> listeners = new ArrayList<SubscriptionEventListener>();
    private final ConcurrentHashMap<ByteString, AtomicInteger> topic2LocalCounts = new ConcurrentHashMap<ByteString, AtomicInteger>();

    // Handle to the PersistenceManager for the server so we can pass along the
    // message consume pointers for each topic.
    private final PersistenceManager pm;
    // Timer for running a recurring thread task to get the minimum message
    // sequence ID for each topic that all subscribers for it have consumed
    // already. With that information, we can call the PersistenceManager to
    // update it on the messages that are safe to be garbage collected.
    private final Timer timer = new Timer(true);
    // In memory mapping of topics to the minimum consumed message sequence ID
    // for all subscribers to the topic.
    private final ConcurrentHashMap<ByteString, Long> topic2MinConsumedMessagesMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<ByteString, Long>();

    public AbstractSubscriptionManager(ServerConfiguration cfg, TopicManager tm, PersistenceManager pm,
                                       ScheduledExecutorService scheduler) {
        this.cfg = cfg;
        queuer = new TopicOpQueuer(scheduler);
        tm.addTopicOwnershipChangeListener(this); = pm;
        // Schedule the recurring MessagesConsumedTask only if a
        // PersistenceManager is passed.
        if (pm != null) {
            timer.schedule(new MessagesConsumedTask(), 0, cfg.getMessagesConsumedThreadRunInterval());

     * This is the Timer Task for finding out for each topic, what the minimum
     * consumed message by the subscribers are. This information is used to pass
     * along to the server's PersistenceManager so it can garbage collect older
     * topic messages that are no longer needed by the subscribers.
    class MessagesConsumedTask extends TimerTask {
         * Implement the TimerTask's abstract run method.
        public void run() {
            // We are looping through relatively small in memory data structures
            // so it should be safe to run this fairly often.
            for (ByteString topic : top2sub2seq.keySet()) {
                final Map<ByteString, InMemorySubscriptionState> topicSubscriptions = top2sub2seq.get(topic);
                long minConsumedMessage = Long.MAX_VALUE;
                // Loop through all subscribers to the current topic to find the
                // minimum consumed message id. The consume pointers are
                // persisted lazily so we'll use the stale in-memory value
                // instead. This keeps things consistent in case of a server
                // crash.
                for (InMemorySubscriptionState curSubscription : topicSubscriptions.values()) {
                    if (curSubscription.getSubscriptionState().getMsgId().getLocalComponent() < minConsumedMessage)
                        minConsumedMessage = curSubscription.getSubscriptionState().getMsgId().getLocalComponent();
                boolean callPersistenceManager = true;
                // Don't call the PersistenceManager if nobody is subscribed to
                // the topic yet, or the consume pointer has not changed since
                // the last time, or if this is the initial subscription.
                if (topicSubscriptions.isEmpty()
                        || (topic2MinConsumedMessagesMap.containsKey(topic) && topic2MinConsumedMessagesMap.get(topic) == minConsumedMessage)
                        || minConsumedMessage == 0) {
                    callPersistenceManager = false;
                // Pass the new consume pointers to the PersistenceManager.
                if (callPersistenceManager) {
                    topic2MinConsumedMessagesMap.put(topic, minConsumedMessage);
                    pm.consumedUntil(topic, minConsumedMessage);

    private class AcquireOp extends TopicOpQueuer.AsynchronousOp<Void> {
        public AcquireOp(ByteString topic, Callback<Void> callback, Object ctx) {
            queuer.super(topic, callback, ctx);

        public void run() {
            if (top2sub2seq.containsKey(topic)) {
                cb.operationFinished(ctx, null);

            readSubscriptions(topic, new Callback<Map<ByteString, InMemorySubscriptionState>>() {
                public void operationFailed(Object ctx, PubSubException exception) {
                    cb.operationFailed(ctx, exception);

                public void operationFinished(final Object ctx,
                final Map<ByteString, InMemorySubscriptionState> resultOfOperation) {
                    // We've just inherited a bunch of subscriber for this
                    // topic, some of which may be local. If they are, then we
                    // need to (1) notify listeners of this and (2) record the
                    // number for bookkeeping so that future
                    // subscribes/unsubscribes can efficiently notify listeners.

                    // Count the number of local subscribers we just inherited.
                    // This loop is OK since the number of subscribers per topic
                    // is expected to be small.
                    int localCount = 0;
                    for (ByteString subscriberId : resultOfOperation.keySet())
                        if (!SubscriptionStateUtils.isHubSubscriber(subscriberId))
                    topic2LocalCounts.put(topic, new AtomicInteger(localCount));

                    // The final "commit" (and "abort") operations.
                    final Callback<Void> cb2 = new Callback<Void>() {

                        public void operationFailed(Object ctx, PubSubException exception) {
                            logger.error("Subscription manager failed to acquired topic " + topic.toStringUtf8(),
                            cb.operationFailed(ctx, null);

                        public void operationFinished(Object ctx, Void voidObj) {
                            top2sub2seq.put(topic, resultOfOperation);
                  "Subscription manager successfully acquired topic: " + topic.toStringUtf8());
                            cb.operationFinished(ctx, null);


                    // Notify listeners if necessary.
                    if (localCount > 0) {
                        notifySubscribe(topic, false, cb2, ctx);
                    } else {
                        cb2.operationFinished(ctx, null);

            }, ctx);



    private void notifySubscribe(ByteString topic, boolean synchronous, final Callback<Void> cb, final Object ctx) {
        Callback<Void> mcb = CallbackUtils.multiCallback(listeners.size(), cb, ctx);
        for (SubscriptionEventListener listener : listeners) {
            listener.onFirstLocalSubscribe(topic, synchronous, mcb);

     * Figure out who is subscribed. Do nothing if already acquired. If there's
     * an error reading the subscribers' sequence IDs, then the topic is not
     * acquired.
     * @param topic
     * @param callback
     * @param ctx
    public void acquiredTopic(final ByteString topic, final Callback<Void> callback, Object ctx) {
        queuer.pushAndMaybeRun(topic, new AcquireOp(topic, callback, ctx));

     * Remove the local mapping.
    public void lostTopic(ByteString topic) {
        AtomicInteger count = topic2LocalCounts.remove(topic);
        // Notify listeners if necessary.
        if (null != count && count.get() > 0)

    private void notifyUnsubcribe(ByteString topic) {
        for (SubscriptionEventListener listener : listeners)

    protected abstract void readSubscriptions(final ByteString topic,
            final Callback<Map<ByteString, InMemorySubscriptionState>> cb, final Object ctx);

    private class SubscribeOp extends TopicOpQueuer.AsynchronousOp<MessageSeqId> {
        SubscribeRequest subRequest;
        MessageSeqId consumeSeqId;

        public SubscribeOp(ByteString topic, SubscribeRequest subRequest, MessageSeqId consumeSeqId,
                           Callback<MessageSeqId> callback, Object ctx) {
            queuer.super(topic, callback, ctx);
            this.subRequest = subRequest;
            this.consumeSeqId = consumeSeqId;

        public void run() {

            final Map<ByteString, InMemorySubscriptionState> topicSubscriptions = top2sub2seq.get(topic);
            if (topicSubscriptions == null) {
                cb.operationFailed(ctx, new PubSubException.ServerNotResponsibleForTopicException(""));

            final ByteString subscriberId = subRequest.getSubscriberId();
            InMemorySubscriptionState subscriptionState = topicSubscriptions.get(subscriberId);
            CreateOrAttach createOrAttach = subRequest.getCreateOrAttach();

            if (subscriptionState != null) {

                if (createOrAttach.equals(CreateOrAttach.CREATE)) {
                    String msg = "Topic: " + topic.toStringUtf8() + " subscriberId: " + subscriberId.toStringUtf8()
                                 + " requested creating a subscription but it is already subscribed with state: "
                                 + SubscriptionStateUtils.toString(subscriptionState.getSubscriptionState());
                    cb.operationFailed(ctx, new PubSubException.ClientAlreadySubscribedException(msg));

                // otherwise just attach
                if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    logger.debug("Topic: " + topic.toStringUtf8() + " subscriberId: " + subscriberId.toStringUtf8()
                                 + " attaching to subscription with state: "
                                 + SubscriptionStateUtils.toString(subscriptionState.getSubscriptionState()));

                cb.operationFinished(ctx, subscriptionState.getLastConsumeSeqId());

            // we don't have a mapping for this subscriber
            if (createOrAttach.equals(CreateOrAttach.ATTACH)) {
                String msg = "Topic: " + topic.toStringUtf8() + " subscriberId: " + subscriberId.toStringUtf8()
                             + " requested attaching to an existing subscription but it is not subscribed";
                cb.operationFailed(ctx, new PubSubException.ClientNotSubscribedException(msg));

            // now the hard case, this is a brand new subscription, must record
            final SubscriptionState newState = SubscriptionState.newBuilder().setMsgId(consumeSeqId).build();
            createSubscriptionState(topic, subscriberId, newState, new Callback<Void>() {
                public void operationFailed(Object ctx, PubSubException exception) {
                    cb.operationFailed(ctx, exception);

                public void operationFinished(Object ctx, Void resultOfOperation) {
                    Callback<Void> cb2 = new Callback<Void>() {

                        public void operationFailed(Object ctx, PubSubException exception) {
                            logger.error("subscription for subscriber " + subscriberId.toStringUtf8() + " to topic "
                                         + topic.toStringUtf8() + " failed due to failed listener callback", exception);
                            cb.operationFailed(ctx, exception);

                        public void operationFinished(Object ctx, Void resultOfOperation) {
                            topicSubscriptions.put(subscriberId, new InMemorySubscriptionState(newState));
                            cb.operationFinished(ctx, consumeSeqId);


                    if (!SubscriptionStateUtils.isHubSubscriber(subRequest.getSubscriberId())
                            && topic2LocalCounts.get(topic).incrementAndGet() == 1)
                        notifySubscribe(topic, subRequest.getSynchronous(), cb2, ctx);
                        cb2.operationFinished(ctx, resultOfOperation);
            }, ctx);

    public void serveSubscribeRequest(ByteString topic, SubscribeRequest subRequest, MessageSeqId consumeSeqId,
                                      Callback<MessageSeqId> callback, Object ctx) {
        queuer.pushAndMaybeRun(topic, new SubscribeOp(topic, subRequest, consumeSeqId, callback, ctx));

    private class ConsumeOp extends TopicOpQueuer.AsynchronousOp<Void> {
        ByteString subscriberId;
        MessageSeqId consumeSeqId;

        public ConsumeOp(ByteString topic, ByteString subscriberId, MessageSeqId consumeSeqId, Callback<Void> callback,
                         Object ctx) {
            queuer.super(topic, callback, ctx);
            this.subscriberId = subscriberId;
            this.consumeSeqId = consumeSeqId;

        public void run() {
            Map<ByteString, InMemorySubscriptionState> topicSubs = top2sub2seq.get(topic);
            if (topicSubs == null) {
                cb.operationFinished(ctx, null);

            InMemorySubscriptionState subState = topicSubs.get(subscriberId);
            if (subState == null) {
                cb.operationFinished(ctx, null);

            if (subState.setLastConsumeSeqId(consumeSeqId, cfg.getConsumeInterval())) {
                updateSubscriptionState(topic, subscriberId, subState.getSubscriptionState(), cb, ctx);
            } else {
                if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    logger.debug("Only advanced consume pointer in memory, will persist later, topic: "
                                 + topic.toStringUtf8() + " subscriberId: " + subscriberId.toStringUtf8()
                                 + " persistentState: " + SubscriptionStateUtils.toString(subState.getSubscriptionState())
                                 + " in-memory consume-id: "
                                 + MessageIdUtils.msgIdToReadableString(subState.getLastConsumeSeqId()));
                cb.operationFinished(ctx, null);


    public void setConsumeSeqIdForSubscriber(ByteString topic, ByteString subscriberId, MessageSeqId consumeSeqId,
            Callback<Void> callback, Object ctx) {
        queuer.pushAndMaybeRun(topic, new ConsumeOp(topic, subscriberId, consumeSeqId, callback, ctx));

    private class UnsubscribeOp extends TopicOpQueuer.AsynchronousOp<Void> {
        ByteString subscriberId;

        public UnsubscribeOp(ByteString topic, ByteString subscriberId, Callback<Void> callback, Object ctx) {
            queuer.super(topic, callback, ctx);
            this.subscriberId = subscriberId;

        public void run() {
            final Map<ByteString, InMemorySubscriptionState> topicSubscriptions = top2sub2seq.get(topic);
            if (topicSubscriptions == null) {
                cb.operationFailed(ctx, new PubSubException.ServerNotResponsibleForTopicException(""));

            if (!topicSubscriptions.containsKey(subscriberId)) {
                cb.operationFailed(ctx, new PubSubException.ClientNotSubscribedException(""));

            deleteSubscriptionState(topic, subscriberId, new Callback<Void>() {
                public void operationFailed(Object ctx, PubSubException exception) {
                    cb.operationFailed(ctx, exception);

                public void operationFinished(Object ctx, Void resultOfOperation) {
                    // Notify listeners if necessary.
                    if (!SubscriptionStateUtils.isHubSubscriber(subscriberId)
                            && topic2LocalCounts.get(topic).decrementAndGet() == 0)
                    cb.operationFinished(ctx, null);
            }, ctx);



    public void unsubscribe(ByteString topic, ByteString subscriberId, Callback<Void> callback, Object ctx) {
        queuer.pushAndMaybeRun(topic, new UnsubscribeOp(topic, subscriberId, callback, ctx));

     * Not thread-safe.
    public void addListener(SubscriptionEventListener listener) {

     * Method to stop this class gracefully including releasing any resources
     * used and stopping all threads spawned.
    public void stop() {

    protected abstract void createSubscriptionState(final ByteString topic, ByteString subscriberId,
            SubscriptionState state, Callback<Void> callback, Object ctx);

    protected abstract void updateSubscriptionState(ByteString topic, ByteString subscriberId, SubscriptionState state,
            Callback<Void> callback, Object ctx);

    protected abstract void deleteSubscriptionState(ByteString topic, ByteString subscriberId, Callback<Void> callback,
            Object ctx);


Related Classes of org.apache.hedwig.server.subscriptions.AbstractSubscriptionManager$MessagesConsumedTask

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