Package com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.modify

Source Code of com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.modify.UpdateEngineWorker$DatasetGraphAltDefaultGraph

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* distributed with this work for additional information
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package com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.modify;

import static com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.modify.TemplateLib.template ;

import java.util.Iterator ;
import java.util.List ;

import ;
import ;
import ;
import ;
import org.apache.jena.atlas.iterator.Iter ;
import org.apache.jena.atlas.lib.Sink ;
import org.apache.jena.atlas.web.TypedInputStream ;
import org.apache.jena.riot.Lang ;
import org.apache.jena.riot.RDFDataMgr ;
import org.apache.jena.riot.RDFLanguages ;
import org.apache.jena.riot.system.StreamRDF ;
import org.apache.jena.riot.system.StreamRDFLib ;
import org.openjena.riot.SerializationFactoryFinder ;

import com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.Graph ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.GraphUtil ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.Node ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.Triple ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.Query ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.QueryExecutionFactory ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.ARQInternalErrorException ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.SystemARQ ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.core.* ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.engine.Plan ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.engine.binding.Binding ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.engine.binding.BindingRoot ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.graph.GraphFactory ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.graph.GraphOps ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.graph.NodeTransform ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.graph.NodeTransformLib ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.modify.request.* ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.syntax.Element ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.syntax.ElementGroup ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.syntax.ElementNamedGraph ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.syntax.ElementTriplesBlock ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.util.Context ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.update.GraphStore ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.update.UpdateException ;

/** Implementation of general purpose update request execution */
public class UpdateEngineWorker implements UpdateVisitor
    protected final GraphStore graphStore ;
    protected final boolean alwaysSilent = true ;
    protected final Context context ;

    public UpdateEngineWorker(GraphStore graphStore, Context context)
        this.graphStore = graphStore ;
        this.context = context ;

    public void visit(UpdateDrop update)
    { execDropClear(update, false) ; }

    public void visit(UpdateClear update)
    { execDropClear(update, true) ; }

    protected void execDropClear(UpdateDropClear update, boolean isClear)
        if ( update.isAll() )
            execDropClear(update, null, true) ;    // Always clear.
            execDropClearAllNamed(update, isClear) ;
        else if ( update.isAllNamed() )
            execDropClearAllNamed(update, isClear) ;
        else if ( update.isDefault() )
            execDropClear(update, null, true) ;
        else if ( update.isOneGraph() )
            execDropClear(update, update.getGraph(), isClear) ;
            throw new ARQInternalErrorException("Target is undefined: "+update.getTarget()) ;

    protected void execDropClear(UpdateDropClear update, Node g, boolean isClear)
        if ( ! alwaysSilent )
            if ( g != null && ! graphStore.containsGraph(g) && ! update.isSilent())
                error("No such graph: "+g) ;
        if ( isClear )
            if ( g == null || graphStore.containsGraph(g) )
                graph(graphStore, g).clear() ;
            graphStore.removeGraph(g) ;

    protected void execDropClearAllNamed(UpdateDropClear update, boolean isClear)
        // Avoid ConcurrentModificationException
        List<Node> list = Iter.toList(graphStore.listGraphNodes()) ;
        for ( Node gn : list )
            execDropClear(update, gn, isClear) ;

    public void visit(UpdateCreate update)
        Node g = update.getGraph() ;
        if ( g == null )
            return ;
        if ( graphStore.containsGraph(g) )
            if ( ! alwaysSilent && ! update.isSilent() )
                error("Graph store already contains graph : "+g) ;
            return ;
        // In-memory specific
        graphStore.addGraph(g, GraphFactory.createDefaultGraph()) ;

    public void visit(UpdateLoad update)
        String source = update.getSource() ;
        Node dest = update.getDest() ;
        try {
            // Read into temporary storage to protect against parse errors.
            TypedInputStream s = ;
            Lang lang = RDFLanguages.contentTypeToLang(s.getContentType()) ;
            if ( RDFLanguages.isTriples(lang) ) {
                // Triples
                Graph g = GraphFactory.createGraphMem() ;
                StreamRDF stream = StreamRDFLib.graph(g) ;
                RDFDataMgr.parse(stream, s, source) ;
                Graph g2 = graph(graphStore, dest) ;
                GraphUtil.addInto(g2, g) ;
            } else {
                // Quads
                if ( dest != null )
                    throw new UpdateException("Attempt to load quads into a graph") ;
                DatasetGraph dsg = DatasetGraphFactory.createMem() ;
                StreamRDF stream = StreamRDFLib.dataset(dsg) ;
                RDFDataMgr.parse(stream, s, source) ;
                Iterator<Quad>  iter = dsg.find() ;
                for ( ; iter.hasNext() ; )
                    Quad q = ;
                    graphStore.add(q) ;
        } catch (RuntimeException ex)
            if ( ! update.getSilent() )
                if ( ex instanceof UpdateException )
                    throw (UpdateException)ex ; 
                throw new UpdateException("Failed to LOAD '"+source+"'", ex) ;
    public void visit(UpdateAdd update)
        if ( ! validBinaryGraphOp(update) ) return ;
        if ( update.getSrc().equals(update.getDest()) )
            return ;
        // Different source and destination.
        gsCopyTriples(graphStore, update.getSrc(), update.getDest()) ;

    public void visit(UpdateCopy update)
        if ( ! validBinaryGraphOp(update) ) return ;
        if ( update.getSrc().equals(update.getDest()) )
            return ;
        gsCopy(graphStore, update.getSrc(), update.getDest(), update.getSilent()) ;

    public void visit(UpdateMove update)
        if ( ! validBinaryGraphOp(update) ) return ;
        if ( update.getSrc().equals(update.getDest()) )
            return ;
        // Difefrent source and destination.
        gsCopy(graphStore, update.getSrc(), update.getDest(), update.getSilent()) ;
        gsDrop(graphStore, update.getSrc(), true) ;

    private boolean validBinaryGraphOp(UpdateBinaryOp update)
        if ( update.getSrc().isDefault() )
            return true ;
        if ( update.getSrc().isOneNamedGraph() )
            Node gn =  update.getSrc().getGraph() ;
            if ( ! graphStore.containsGraph(gn) )
                if ( ! update.getSilent() )
                    error("No such graph: "+gn) ;
                return false ;
            return true ;
        error("Invalid source target for oepration; "+update.getSrc()) ;
        return false ;

    // ----
    // Core operations
    protected static void gsCopy(GraphStore gStore, Target src, Target dest, boolean isSilent)
        if ( dest.equals(src) )
            return ;
        gsClear(gStore, dest, true) ;
        gsCopyTriples(gStore, src, dest) ;

    protected static void gsCopyTriples(GraphStore gStore, Target src, Target dest)
        Graph gSrc = graph(gStore, src) ;
        Graph gDest = graph(gStore, dest) ;
        // Avoids concurrency problems by reading fully before writing
        ThresholdPolicy<Triple> policy = ThresholdPolicyFactory.policyFromContext(gStore.getContext());
        DataBag<Triple> db = BagFactory.newDefaultBag(policy, SerializationFactoryFinder.tripleSerializationFactory()) ;
            Iterator<Triple> triples = gSrc.find(null, null, null) ;
            db.addAll(triples) ;
            Iter.close(triples) ;
            GraphOps.addAll(gDest, db.iterator()) ;
        finally { db.close() ; }

    protected static void gsClear(GraphStore gStore, Target target, boolean isSilent)
        // No create - we tested earlier.
        Graph g = graph(gStore, target) ;
        g.clear() ;

    protected static void gsDrop(GraphStore gStore, Target target, boolean isSilent)
        if ( target.isDefault() )
            gStore.getDefaultGraph().clear() ;
            gStore.removeGraph(target.getGraph()) ;
    // ----
    public Sink<Quad> createInsertDataSink()
        return new Sink<Quad>()
            public void send(Quad quad)
                addToGraphStore(graphStore, quad);

            public void flush()
            public void close()
            { }
    public void visit(UpdateDataInsert update)
        for ( Quad quad : update.getQuads() )
            addToGraphStore(graphStore, quad) ;
    public Sink<Quad> createDeleteDataSink()
        return new Sink<Quad>()
            public void send(Quad quad)
                deleteFromGraphStore(graphStore, quad);

            public void flush()
            public void close()
            { }

    public void visit(UpdateDataDelete update)
        for ( Quad quad : update.getQuads() )
            deleteFromGraphStore(graphStore, quad) ;

    public void visit(UpdateDeleteWhere update)
        List<Quad> quads = update.getQuads() ;
        // Convert bNodes to named variables first.
//        if ( false )
//            // Removed from SPARQL
//            quads = convertBNodesToVariables(quads) ;
        // Convert quads to a pattern.
        Element el = elementFromQuads(quads) ;
        // Decided to serialize the bindings, but could also have decided to
        // serialize the quads after applying the template instead.
        ThresholdPolicy<Binding> policy = ThresholdPolicyFactory.policyFromContext(graphStore.getContext());
        DataBag<Binding> db = BagFactory.newDefaultBag(policy, SerializationFactoryFinder.bindingSerializationFactory()) ;
            Iterator<Binding> bindings = evalBindings(el, null) ;
            db.addAll(bindings) ;
            Iter.close(bindings) ;
            Iterator<Binding> it = db.iterator() ;
            execDelete(quads, null, it) ;
            Iter.close(it) ;
            db.close() ;
    public void visit(UpdateModify update)
        Node withGraph = update.getWithIRI() ;
        Query query = elementToQuery(update.getWherePattern()) ;
        DatasetGraph dsg = processUsing(update) ;
        // USING overrides WITH
        if ( dsg == null && withGraph != null )
            dsg = processWith(update) ;   
        if ( dsg == null )
            dsg = graphStore ;
        ThresholdPolicy<Binding> policy = ThresholdPolicyFactory.policyFromContext(graphStore.getContext());
        DataBag<Binding> db = BagFactory.newDefaultBag(policy, SerializationFactoryFinder.bindingSerializationFactory()) ;
            Iterator<Binding> bindings = evalBindings(query, dsg, context) ;
            if ( false )
//                System.out.println("=======================================") ;
//                System.out.println(graphStore) ;
                List<Binding> x = Iter.toList(bindings) ;
                System.out.printf("====>> Bindings (%d)\n", x.size()) ;
                Iter.print(System.out, x.iterator()) ;
                System.out.println("====<<") ;
                bindings = Iter.iter(x) ;
            db.addAll(bindings) ;
            Iter.close(bindings) ;
            Iterator<Binding> it = db.iterator() ;
            execDelete(update.getDeleteQuads(), withGraph, it) ;
            Iter.close(it) ;
            Iterator<Binding> it2 = db.iterator() ;
            execInsert(update.getInsertQuads(), withGraph, it2) ;
            Iter.close(it2) ;
            db.close() ;

    // Indirection for subsystems to support USING/USING NAMED.
    protected DatasetGraph processUsing(UpdateModify update)
        if ( update.getUsing().size() == 0 && update.getUsingNamed().size() == 0 )
            return null ;
        return DynamicDatasets.dynamicDataset(update.getUsing(), update.getUsingNamed(), graphStore, false) ;
    protected DatasetGraph processWith(UpdateModify update)
        Node withGraph = update.getWithIRI() ;
        if ( withGraph == null )
            return null ;
        Graph g = graphOrDummy(graphStore, withGraph) ;
        DatasetGraph dsg = new DatasetGraphAltDefaultGraph(graphStore, g) ;
        return dsg ;
    private Graph graphOrDummy(DatasetGraph dsg, Node gn)
        Graph g = graph(graphStore, gn) ;
        if ( g == null )
            g = GraphFactory.createGraphMem() ;
        return g ;
    protected static List<Quad> unused_convertBNodesToVariables(List<Quad> quads)
        NodeTransform bnodesToVariables = new NodeTransformBNodesToVariables() ;
        return NodeTransformLib.transformQuads(bnodesToVariables, quads) ;
    protected Element elementFromQuads(List<Quad> quads)
        ElementGroup el = new ElementGroup() ;
        ElementTriplesBlock x = new ElementTriplesBlock() ;
        // Maybe empty??
        el.addElement(x) ;
        Node g = Quad.defaultGraphNodeGenerated ;
        for ( Quad q : quads )
            if ( q.getGraph() != g )
                g = q.getGraph() ;
                x = new ElementTriplesBlock() ;
                if ( g == null || g == Quad.defaultGraphNodeGenerated )
                    el.addElement(x) ;
                    ElementNamedGraph eng = new ElementNamedGraph(g, x) ;
                    el.addElement(eng) ;
            x.addTriple(q.asTriple()) ;
        return el ;

    protected void execDelete(List<Quad> quads, Node dftGraph, Iterator<Binding> bindings)
        Iterator<Quad> it = template(quads, dftGraph, bindings) ;
        if ( it == null ) return ;
        while (it.hasNext())
            Quad q =;
        // Alternate implementation that can use the graph BulkUpdateHandler, but forces all quads into
        // memory (we don't want that!).  The issue is that all of the quads can be mixed up based on the
        // user supplied template.  If graph stores can benefit from bulk insert/delete operations, then we
        // need to expose a bulk update interface on GraphStore, not just Graph.
//        MultiMap<Node, Triple> acc = MultiMap.createMapList() ;
//        while (it.hasNext())
//        {
//            Quad q =;
//            acc.put(q.getGraph(), q.asTriple()) ;
//        }
//        for ( Node gn : acc.keys() )
//        {
//            Collection<Triple> triples = acc.get(gn) ;
//            graph(graphStore, gn).getBulkUpdateHandler().delete(triples.iterator()) ;
//        }

    protected void execInsert(List<Quad> quads, Node dftGraph, Iterator<Binding> bindings)
        Iterator<Quad> it = template(quads, dftGraph, bindings) ;
        if ( it == null ) return ;
        while (it.hasNext())
            Quad q =;
            addToGraphStore(graphStore, q);
    // Catch all individual adds of quads (and deletes - mainly for symmetry).
    private static void addToGraphStore(GraphStore graphStore, Quad quad)
        // Check legal triple.
        if ( quad.isLegalAsData() )
        // Else drop.
        //Log.warn(UpdateEngineWorker.class, "Bad quad as data: "+quad) ;

    private static void deleteFromGraphStore(GraphStore graphStore, Quad quad)
        graphStore.delete(quad) ;

    protected Query elementToQuery(Element pattern)
        if ( pattern == null )
            return null ;
        Query query = new Query() ;
        query.setQueryPattern(pattern) ;
        query.setQuerySelectType() ;
        query.setQueryResultStar(true) ;
        query.setResultVars() ;
        return query ;
    static class DatasetGraphAltDefaultGraph extends DatasetGraphWrapper
        private Graph dftGraph ;
        public DatasetGraphAltDefaultGraph(DatasetGraph dsg, Graph dftGraph)
        { super(dsg) ; setDefaultGraph(dftGraph) ; }
        public Graph getDefaultGraph()
        { return dftGraph; }
        public void setDefaultGraph(Graph g)
        { dftGraph = g ; }

    protected Iterator<Binding> evalBindings(Element pattern, Node dftGraph)
        return evalBindings(elementToQuery(pattern), dftGraph) ;
    protected Iterator<Binding> evalBindings(Query query, Node dftGraph)
        DatasetGraph dsg = graphStore ;
        if ( query != null )
            if ( dftGraph != null )
                Graph g = graphOrDummy(dsg, dftGraph) ;
                dsg = new DatasetGraphAltDefaultGraph(dsg, g) ;
        return evalBindings(query, dsg, context) ;
    protected static Iterator<Binding> evalBindings(Query query, DatasetGraph dsg, Context context)
        // SET UP CONTEXT
        // The UpdateProcessorBase already copied the context and made it safe ... but that's going to happen again :-(
        Iterator<Binding> toReturn ;
        if ( query != null )
            Plan plan = QueryExecutionFactory.createPlan(query, dsg, null, context) ;
            toReturn = plan.iterator();
            toReturn = Iter.singleton(BindingRoot.create()) ;
        return toReturn ;
    protected static Graph graph(GraphStore graphStore, Node gn)
        if ( gn == null || gn == Quad.defaultGraphNodeGenerated )
            return graphStore.getDefaultGraph() ;
            return graphStore.getGraph(gn) ;

    protected static Graph graph(GraphStore graphStore, Target target)
        if ( target.isDefault() )
            return graphStore.getDefaultGraph() ;
        if ( target.isOneNamedGraph() )
            return graph(graphStore, target.getGraph()) ;
        error("Target does not name one graph: "+target) ;
        return null ;

    protected static void error(String msg)
        throw new UpdateException(msg) ;

Related Classes of com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.modify.UpdateEngineWorker$DatasetGraphAltDefaultGraph

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