Package org.apache.cocoon.transformation

Source Code of org.apache.cocoon.transformation.SourceWritingTransformer

* Copyright 1999-2005 The Apache Software Foundation.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.cocoon.transformation;

import java.util.Map;

import org.apache.avalon.framework.configuration.Configuration;
import org.apache.avalon.framework.configuration.ConfigurationException;
import org.apache.avalon.framework.parameters.Parameters;
import org.apache.avalon.framework.service.ServiceException;
import org.apache.avalon.framework.service.ServiceManager;
import org.apache.avalon.framework.service.ServiceSelector;
import org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException;
import org.apache.cocoon.components.source.SourceUtil;
import org.apache.cocoon.environment.SourceResolver;
import org.apache.cocoon.serialization.Serializer;
import org.apache.cocoon.xml.XMLUtils;
import org.apache.cocoon.xml.dom.DOMStreamer;
import org.apache.cocoon.xml.dom.DOMUtil;
import org.apache.excalibur.source.ModifiableSource;
import org.apache.excalibur.source.Source;
import org.apache.excalibur.source.SourceException;
import org.apache.excalibur.xml.dom.DOMParser;
import org.apache.excalibur.xml.xpath.XPathProcessor;
import org.w3c.dom.DOMException;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.DocumentFragment;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import org.xml.sax.Attributes;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;

* @cocoon.sitemap.component.documentation
* This transformer allows you to output to a ModifiableSource.
*   sourcewriting
* @cocoon.sitemap.component.logger sitemap.transformer.write-source
* This transformer allows you to output to a ModifiableSource.
* <p>Definition:</p>
* <pre>
* &lt;map:transformer     name="tofile"     src="org.apache.cocoon.transformation.SourceWritingTransformer"&gt;
*   &lt;!-- 'xml' is the default Serializer (if your Source needs one, like for instance FileSource) --&gt;
*   &lt;map:parameter name="serializer" value="xml"/&gt;
* &lt;/map:transformer/&gt;
* </pre>
* <p>Invocation:</p>
* <pre>
* &lt;map:transform type="tofile"&gt;
*   &lt;map:parameter name="serializer" value="xml"/&gt;   &lt;!-- you can optionally override the serializer here --&gt;
* &lt;/map:transform&gt;
* </pre>
* <p>The Tags:</p>
* <pre>
* &lt;source:write create="[true]|false"&gt; - replaces the entire content of an existing asset, if @create is 'true' (default), a new asset will be created if one does not already exist.
*     &lt;source:source&gt;The System ID of the asset to be written to&lt;/source:source&gt; - eg: "docs/blah.xml" or "context://blah.xml" etc.
*     &lt;source:path&gt;[Optional] XPath to specify how your content is wrapped&lt;/source:path&gt; - eg: "doc" (your content is placed inside a &lt;doc/&gt; root tag). NOTE: if this value is omitted, your content MUST have only ONE top-level node.
*     &lt;source:fragment&gt;The XML Fragment to be written&lt;/source:fragment&gt; - eg: "&lt;foo&gt;&lt;bar id="dogcow"/&gt;&lt;/foo&gt;" or "&lt;foo/&gt;&lt;bar&gt;&lt;dogcow/&gt;&lt;bar/&gt;" etc. NOTE: the second example type, can only be used when the &lt;source:path/&gt; tag has been specified.
* &lt;source:write&gt;
* &lt;source:insert create="[true]|false" overwrite="[true]|false"&gt; - inserts content into an existing asset, if @create is 'true' (default), a new asset will be created if one does not already exist. If @overwrite is set to 'true' the data is only inserted if the node specified by the 'replacePath' does not exists.
*     &lt;source:source&gt;The System ID of the asset to be written to&lt;/source:source&gt; - eg: "docs/blah.xml" or "context://blah.xml" etc.
*     &lt;source:path&gt;XPath specifying the node into which the content is inserted&lt;/source:path&gt; - eg: "doc" (your content is appended as the last child of the &lt;doc/&gt; root tag), or "doc/section[3]". NOTE: this tag is required in &lt;source:insert/&gt; unlike &lt;source:write/&gt; where it is optional.
*     &lt;source:replace&gt;[Optional] XPath (relative to &lt;source:path/&gt;) to the node that is replaced by your new content&lt;/source:replace&gt; - eg: "foo/bar/dogcow/@status='cut'" (is equivalent to this in XSLT: select="foo[bar/dogcow/@status='cut']").
*     &lt;source:reinsert&gt;[Optional] The XPath (relative to &lt;source:replace/&gt;) to backup the overwritten node to&lt;/source:reinsert&gt; - eg: "foo/versions" or "/doc/versions/foo". NOTE: If specified and a node is replaced, all children of this replaced node will be reinserted at the given path.
*     &lt;source:fragment&gt;The XML Fragment to be written&lt;/source:fragment&gt; - eg: "&lt;foo&gt;&lt;bar id="dogcow"/&gt;&lt;/foo&gt;" or "&lt;foo/&gt;&lt;bar&gt;&lt;dogcow/&gt;&lt;bar/&gt;" etc.
* &lt;source:insert&gt;
* &lt;source:delete &gt; - deletes an existing asset.
*     &lt;source:source&gt;The System ID of the asset to be deleted&lt;/source:source&gt; - eg: "docs/blah.xml" or "context://blah.xml" etc.
*     &lt;source:path&gt;[Ignored] XPath to specify how your content is wrapped&lt;/source:path&gt;
*     &lt;source:fragment&gt;[Ignored]The XML Fragment to be written&lt;/source:fragment&gt;
* &lt;source:delete&gt;
* </pre>
* <p>Input XML document example (write):</p>
* <pre>
* &lt;page&gt;
*   ...
*   &lt;source:write xmlns:source=""&gt;
*     &lt;source:source&gt;context://doc/editable/my.xml&lt;/source:source&gt;
*     &lt;source:fragment&gt;&lt;page&gt;
*       &lt;title&gt;Hello World&lt;/title&gt;
*       &lt;content&gt;
*         &lt;p&gt;This is my first paragraph.&lt;/p&gt;
*       &lt;/content&gt;
*     &lt;/page&gt;&lt;/source:fragment&gt;
*   &lt;/source:write&gt;
*   ...
* &lt;/page&gt;
* </pre>
* <p>Input XML document example (insert at end):</p>
* <pre>
* &lt;page&gt;
*   ...
*   &lt;source:insert xmlns:source=""&gt;
*     &lt;source:source&gt;context://doc/editable/my.xml&lt;/source:source&gt;
*     &lt;source:path&gt;page/content&lt;/source:path&gt;
*     &lt;source:fragment&gt;
*       &lt;p&gt;This paragraph gets &lt;emp&gt;inserted&lt;/emp&gt;.&lt;/p&gt;
*       &lt;p&gt;With this one, at the end of the content.&lt;/p&gt;
*     &lt;/source:fragment&gt;
*   &lt;/source:insert&gt;
*   ...
* &lt;/page&gt;
* </pre>
* <p>Input XML document example (insert at beginning):</p>
* <pre>
* &lt;page&gt;
*   ...
*   &lt;source:insert&gt;
*     &lt;source:source&gt;context://doc/editable/my.xml&lt;/source:source&gt;
*     &lt;source:path&gt;page&lt;/source:path&gt;
*     &lt;source:replace&gt;content&lt;/source:replace&gt;
*     &lt;source:reinsert&gt;content&lt;/source:reinsert&gt;
*     &lt;source:fragment&gt;
*       &lt;content&gt;
*         &lt;p&gt;This new paragraph gets inserted &lt;emp&gt;before&lt;/emp&gt; the other ones.&lt;/p&gt;
*       &lt;/content&gt;
*     &lt;/source:fragment&gt;
*    &lt;source:insert&gt;
*   ...
* &lt;/page&gt;
* </pre>
* <p>Input XML document example (replace):</p>
* <pre>
* &lt;page&gt;
*   ...
*   &lt;source:insert xmlns:source=""&gt;
*     &lt;source:source&gt;context://doc/editable/my.xml"&lt;/source:source&gt;
*     &lt;source:path&gt;page/content&lt;/source:path&gt;
*     &lt;source:replace&gt;p[1]&lt;/source:replace&gt;
*     &lt;source:fragment&gt;
*       &lt;p&gt;This paragraph &lt;emp&gt;replaces&lt;/emp&gt; the first paragraph.&lt;/p&gt;
*     &lt;/source:fragment&gt;
*   &lt;/source:insert&gt;
*   ...
* &lt;/page&gt;
* </pre>
* <p>Output XML document example:</p>
* <pre>
* &lt;page&gt;
*   ...
*   &lt;sourceResult xmlns:source=""&gt;
*     &lt;action&gt;new|overwritten|none&lt;/action&gt;
*     &lt;behaviour&gt;write|insert&lt;behaviour&gt;
*     &lt;execution&gt;success|failure&lt;/execution&gt;
*     &lt;serializer&gt;xml&lt;/serializer&gt;
*     &lt;source&gt;file:/source/specific/path/to/context/doc/editable/my.xml&lt;/source&gt;
*   &lt;/sourceResult&gt;
*   ...
* &lt;/page&gt;
* </pre>
* The XPath specification is very complicated. So here is an example for the sitemap:
* <pre>
* &lt;page xmlns:source=""&gt;
*   ...
* &lt;source:insert&gt;
*   &lt;source:source&gt;sitemap.xmap&lt;/source:source&gt;
*   &lt;source:path&gt;/*[namespace-uri()="" and local-name()="sitemap"]/*[namespace-uri()="" and local-name()="components"]/*[namespace-uri()="" and local-name()="generators"]&lt;/source:path&gt;
*   &lt;source:fragment&gt;
*      &lt;generator name="file" xmln=""&gt;
*      &lt;test/&gt;
*    &lt;/generator&gt;
*   &lt;/source:fragment&gt;
*   &lt;source:replace&gt;*[namespace-uri()="" and local-name()="generator" and attribute::name="file"]&lt;/source:replace&gt;
* &lt;/source:insert&gt;
*   ...
* &lt;/page&gt;
* </pre>
* <p>This insert replaces (if it exists) the file generator definition with a new one.
* As the sitemap uses namespaces the XPath for the generator is rather complicated.
* Due to this it is necessary that the node specified by path exists if namespaces
* are used! Otherwise a node with the name * would be created...</p>
<p>The create attribute of insert. If this is set
*  to true (default is true), the file is created if it does not exists.
*  If it is set to false, it is not created, making insert a real insert.
*  create is only usable for files!</p>
<p>In addition the overwrite attribute is used to check if replacing is allowed.
*  If overwrite is true (the default) the node is replaced. If it is false
*  the node is not inserted if the replace node is available.</p>
<p>[JQ] - the way I understand this, looking at the code:
*   if 'replace' is not specified, your 'fragment' is appended as a child of 'path'.
*   if 'replace' is specified and it exists and 'overwrite' is true, your 'fragment' is inserted in 'path', before 'replace' and then 'replace' is deleted.
*   if 'replace' is specified and it exists and 'overwrite' is false, no action occurs.
*   if 'replace' is specified and it does not exist and 'overwrite' is true, your 'fragment' is appended as a child of 'path'.
*   if 'replace' is specified and it does not exist and 'overwrite' is false, your 'fragment' is appended as a child of 'path'.
*   if 'reinsert' is specified and it does not exist, no action occurs.
* The &lt;source:reinsert&gt; option can be used to
* reinsert a replaced node at a given path in the new fragment.
* <b>
* TODO: Use the serializer instead of the XMLUtils for inserting of fragments<br/>
* TODO: Add a &lt;source:before/&gt; tag.
* </b>
* @author <a href="">Carsten Ziegeler</a>
* @author <a href="">Jeremy Quinn</a>
* @author <a href="">Gianugo Rabellino</a>
* @version $Id: 367030 2006-01-08 14:12:32Z antonio $
public class SourceWritingTransformer extends AbstractSAXTransformer {

    public static final String SWT_URI = "";
    public static final String DEFAULT_SERIALIZER = "xml";

    /** incoming elements */
    public static final String WRITE_ELEMENT = "write";
    public static final String INSERT_ELEMENT = "insert";
    public static final String PATH_ELEMENT = "path";
    public static final String FRAGMENT_ELEMENT = "fragment";
    public static final String REPLACE_ELEMENT = "replace";
    public static final String DELETE_ELEMENT = "delete";
    public static final String SOURCE_ELEMENT = "source";
    public static final String REINSERT_ELEMENT = "reinsert";
    /** outgoing elements */
    public static final String RESULT_ELEMENT = "sourceResult";
    public static final String EXECUTION_ELEMENT = "execution";
    public static final String BEHAVIOUR_ELEMENT = "behaviour";
    public static final String ACTION_ELEMENT = "action";
    public static final String MESSAGE_ELEMENT = "message";
    public static final String SERIALIZER_ELEMENT = "serializer";
    /** main (write or insert) tag attributes */
    public static final String SERIALIZER_ATTRIBUTE = "serializer";
    public static final String CREATE_ATTRIBUTE = "create";
    public static final String OVERWRITE_ATTRIBUTE = "overwrite";
    /** results */
    public static final String RESULT_FAILED = "failed";
    public static final String RESULT_SUCCESS = "success";
    public static final String ACTION_NONE = "none";
    public static final String ACTION_NEW = "new";
    public static final String ACTION_OVER = "overwritten";
    public static final String ACTION_DELETE = "deleted";
    /** The current state */
    private static final int STATE_OUTSIDE  = 0;
    private static final int STATE_INSERT   = 1;
    private static final int STATE_PATH     = 3;
    private static final int STATE_FRAGMENT = 4;
    private static final int STATE_REPLACE  = 5;
    private static final int STATE_FILE     = 6;
    private static final int STATE_REINSERT = 7;
    private static final int STATE_WRITE    = 8;
    private static final int STATE_DELETE = 9;
    private int state;
    private int parent_state;

    /** The configured serializer name */
    protected String configuredSerializerName;

    /** The XPath processor */
    protected XPathProcessor xpathProcessor;

     * Constructor. Set the namespace.
    public SourceWritingTransformer() {
        this.defaultNamespaceURI = SWT_URI;

     * Get the current <code>Configuration</code> instance used by this
     * <code>Configurable</code>.
    public void configure(Configuration configuration)
    throws ConfigurationException {
        this.configuredSerializerName = configuration.getChild(SERIALIZER_ATTRIBUTE).getValue(DEFAULT_SERIALIZER);

     * Get the <code>Parameter</code> called "serializer" from the
     * <code>Transformer</code> invocation.
    public void setup(SourceResolver resolver, Map objectModel, String src, Parameters par)
    throws ProcessingException, SAXException, IOException {
        super.setup(resolver, objectModel, src, par);

        this.configuredSerializerName = par.getParameter(SERIALIZER_ATTRIBUTE,
        this.state = STATE_OUTSIDE;

     * Receive notification of the beginning of an element.
     * @param uri The Namespace URI, or the empty string if the element has no
     *            Namespace URI or if Namespace
     *            processing is not being performed.
     * @param name The local name (without prefix), or the empty string if
     *            Namespace processing is not being performed.
     * @param raw The raw XML 1.0 name (with prefix), or the empty string if
     *            raw names are not available.
     * @param attr The attributes attached to the element. If there are no
     *            attributes, it shall be an empty Attributes object.
    public void startTransformingElement(String uri, String name, String raw, Attributes attr)
    throws SAXException, IOException, ProcessingException {
        if (getLogger().isDebugEnabled()) {
            getLogger().debug("Start transforming element. uri=" + uri +
                              ", name=" + name + ", raw=" + raw + ", attr=" + attr);

        // Element: insert
        if (this.state == STATE_OUTSIDE
            && (name.equals(INSERT_ELEMENT) || name.equals(WRITE_ELEMENT))) {

            this.state = (name.equals(INSERT_ELEMENT) ? STATE_INSERT : STATE_WRITE);
            this.parent_state = this.state;
            if (attr.getValue(CREATE_ATTRIBUTE) != null
                && attr.getValue(CREATE_ATTRIBUTE).equals("false")) {
            } else {
                this.stack.push("true"); // default value
            if (attr.getValue(OVERWRITE_ATTRIBUTE) != null
                && attr.getValue(OVERWRITE_ATTRIBUTE).equals("false")) {
            } else {
                this.stack.push("true"); // default value

        // Element: delete
        } else if (this.state == STATE_OUTSIDE && name.equals(DELETE_ELEMENT)) {
            this.state = STATE_DELETE;
            this.parent_state = state;
        // Element: file
        } else if (name.equals(SOURCE_ELEMENT)
                   && (this.state == STATE_INSERT || this.state == STATE_WRITE || this.state == STATE_DELETE)) {
            this.state = STATE_FILE;

        // Element: path
        } else if (name.equals(PATH_ELEMENT)
                   && (this.state == STATE_INSERT || this.state == STATE_WRITE || this.state == STATE_DELETE)) {
            this.state = STATE_PATH;

        // Element: replace
        } else if (name.equals(REPLACE_ELEMENT)
                   && this.state == STATE_INSERT) {
            this.state = STATE_REPLACE;

        // Element: fragment
        } else if (name.equals(FRAGMENT_ELEMENT)
                   &&  (this.state == STATE_INSERT || this.state == STATE_WRITE || this.state == STATE_DELETE)) {
            this.state = STATE_FRAGMENT;

        // Element: reinsert
        } else if (name.equals(REINSERT_ELEMENT)
                   && this.state == STATE_INSERT) {
            this.state = STATE_REINSERT;

        } else {
            super.startTransformingElement(uri, name, raw, attr);

     * Receive notification of the end of an element.
     * @param uri The Namespace URI, or the empty string if the element has no
     *            Namespace URI or if Namespace
     *            processing is not being performed.
     * @param name The local name (without prefix), or the empty string if
     *            Namespace processing is not being performed.
     * @param raw The raw XML 1.0 name (with prefix), or the empty string if
     *            raw names are not available.
    public void endTransformingElement(String uri, String name, String raw)
    throws SAXException, IOException, ProcessingException {
        if (getLogger().isDebugEnabled()) {
            getLogger().debug("End transforming element. uri=" + uri +
                              ", name=" + name + ", raw=" + raw);

        if ((name.equals(INSERT_ELEMENT) && this.state == STATE_INSERT)
            || (name.equals(WRITE_ELEMENT) && this.state == STATE_WRITE)) {

            // get the information from the stack
            DocumentFragment fragment  = null;
            String tag;
            String sourceName    = null;
            String path        = (this.state == STATE_INSERT ? null : "/");
                                 // source:write's path can be empty
            String replacePath = null;
            String reinsert    = null;
            do {
                tag = (String)this.stack.pop();
                if (tag.equals("PATH")) {
                    path = (String)this.stack.pop();
                } else if (tag.equals("FILE")) {
                    sourceName = (String)this.stack.pop();
                } else if (tag.equals("FRAGMENT")) {
                    fragment = (DocumentFragment)this.stack.pop();
                } else if (tag.equals("REPLACE")) {
                    replacePath = (String)this.stack.pop();
                } else if (tag.equals("REINSERT")) {
                    reinsert = (String)this.stack.pop();
            } while ( !tag.equals("END") );

            final String localSerializer = (String)this.stack.pop();
            final boolean overwrite = this.stack.pop().equals("true");
            final boolean create = this.stack.pop().equals("true");


            this.state = STATE_OUTSIDE;

        // Element: delete
        } else if (name.equals(DELETE_ELEMENT) && this.state == STATE_DELETE) {
            String sourceName = null;
            String tag;
            do {
                tag = (String)this.stack.pop();
                if (tag.equals("FILE")) {
                    sourceName = (String)this.stack.pop();
                } else if (tag.equals("FRAGMENT")) {
                    //Get rid of it
            } while ( !tag.equals("END"));

            this.state = STATE_OUTSIDE;
        // Element: file
        } else if (name.equals(SOURCE_ELEMENT) && this.state == STATE_FILE) {
            this.state = this.parent_state;

        // Element: path
        } else if (name.equals(PATH_ELEMENT) && this.state == STATE_PATH) {
            this.state = this.parent_state;

        // Element: replace
        } else if (name.equals(REPLACE_ELEMENT) && this.state == STATE_REPLACE) {
            this.state = this.parent_state;

        // Element: fragment
        } else if (name.equals(FRAGMENT_ELEMENT) && this.state == STATE_FRAGMENT) {
            this.state = this.parent_state;

        // Element: reinsert
        } else if (name.equals(REINSERT_ELEMENT) && this.state == STATE_REINSERT) {
            this.state = this.parent_state;

        // default
        } else {
            super.endTransformingElement(uri, name, raw);

     * Deletes a source
     * @param systemID
    private void deleteSource(String systemID) throws ProcessingException, IOException, SAXException {
        Source source = null;
        try {
            source = resolver.resolveURI(systemID);
            if (!(source instanceof ModifiableSource)) {
                throw new ProcessingException("Source '" + systemID + "' is not writeable.");

                         "source deleted successfully",
        } catch (SourceException se) {
            if (getLogger().isDebugEnabled()) {
                getLogger().debug("FAIL exception: " + se, se);
                         "unable to delete source: " + se.getMessage(),
        } finally {

     * Insert a fragment into a file.
     * The file is loaded by the resource connector.
     * @param systemID The name of the xml file.
     * @param path   The XPath specifying the node under which the data is inserted
     * @param fragment The data to be inserted.
     * @param replacePath Optional XPath relative to <CODE>path</CODE>. This path
     *                    can specify a node which will be removed if it exists.
     *                    So insertFragment can be used as a replace utility.
     * @param create      If the file does not exists and this is set to
     *                    <CODE>false</CODE> nothing is inserted. If it is set
     *                    to <CODE>true</CODE> the file is created and the data
     *                    is inserted.
     * @param overwrite   If this is set to <CODE>true</CODE> the data is only
     *                    inserted if the node specified by the <CODE>replacePath</CODE>
     *                    does not exists.
     * @param reinsertPath If specified and a node is replaced , all children of
     *                     this replaced node will be reinserted at the given path.
     * @param localSerializer  The serializer used to serialize the XML
     * @param tagname     The name of the tag that triggered me 'insert' or 'write'
    protected void insertFragment(String systemID,
                                  String path,
                                  DocumentFragment fragment,
                                  String replacePath,
                                  boolean create,
                                  boolean overwrite,
                                  String  reinsertPath,
                                  String  localSerializer,
                                  String  tagname)
    throws SAXException, IOException, ProcessingException {
        // no sync req
        if (getLogger().isDebugEnabled()) {
            getLogger().debug("Insert fragment. systemID=" + systemID +
                              ", path=" + path +
                              ", replace=" + replacePath +
                              ", create=" + create +
                              ", overwrite=" + overwrite +
                              ", reinsert=" + reinsertPath +
                              ", fragment=" + (fragment == null ? "null" : XMLUtils.serializeNode(fragment)));

        // test parameter
        if (systemID == null) {
            throw new ProcessingException("insertFragment: systemID is required.");
        if (path == null) {
            throw new ProcessingException("insertFragment: path is required.");
        if (path.startsWith("/")) {
            path = path.substring(1);
        if (fragment == null) {
            throw new ProcessingException("insertFragment: fragment is required.");

        // first: read the source as a DOM
        Source source = null;
        Document resource = null;
        boolean failed = true;
        boolean exists = false;
        String message = "";
        String target = systemID;
        try {
            source = this.resolver.resolveURI(systemID);
            if (! (source instanceof ModifiableSource)) {
                throw new ProcessingException("Source '" + systemID + "' is not writeable.");
            ModifiableSource ws = (ModifiableSource) source;
            exists = ws.exists();
            target = source.getURI();

            // Insert?
            if (exists && this.state == STATE_INSERT) {
                message = "content inserted at: " + path;
                resource = SourceUtil.toDOM(source);
                // import the fragment
                Node importNode = resource.importNode(fragment, true);
                // get the node
                Node parent = DOMUtil.selectSingleNode(resource, path, this.xpathProcessor);

                // replace?
                if (replacePath != null) {
                    try {
                        Node replaceNode = DOMUtil.getSingleNode(parent, replacePath, this.xpathProcessor);
                        // now get the parent of this node until it is the parent node for insertion
                        while (replaceNode != null && !replaceNode.getParentNode().equals(parent)) {
                           replaceNode = replaceNode.getParentNode();

                        if (replaceNode != null) {
                            if (overwrite) {
                                if (parent.getNodeType() == Node.DOCUMENT_NODE) {
                                    // replacing of the document element is not allowed
                                    resource = newDocument();
                                    resource.appendChild(resource.importNode(importNode, true));
                                    parent = resource;
                                    replaceNode = resource.importNode(replaceNode, true);
                                } else {
                                    parent.replaceChild(importNode, replaceNode);
                                message += ", replacing: " + replacePath;
                                if (reinsertPath != null) {
                                    Node insertAt = DOMUtil.getSingleNode(parent, reinsertPath, this.xpathProcessor);
                                    if (insertAt != null) {
                                        while (replaceNode.hasChildNodes()) {
                                    } else { // reinsert point null
                                        message = "replace failed, could not find your reinsert path: " + reinsertPath;
                                        resource = null;
                            } else { // overwrite was false
                                message = "replace failed, no overwrite allowed.";
                                resource = null;
                        } else { // specified replaceNode was not found
                    } catch (javax.xml.transform.TransformerException sax) {
                        throw new ProcessingException("TransformerException: " + sax, sax);
                } else { // no replace path, just do an insert at end

            // Create?
            } else if (create) {
                // Create new document
                resource = newDocument();

                // Import the fragment
                Node importNode = resource.importNode(fragment, true);

                if (path.length() == 0) {
                    // Parent node is document itself
                    NodeList nodes = importNode.getChildNodes();
                    for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength();) {
                        Node node = nodes.item(i);
                        switch (node.getNodeType()) {
                            case Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
                                // May throw exception if fragment has more than one element

                            case Node.DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE:
                            case Node.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE:
                            case Node.COMMENT_NODE:

                                // Ignore all other nodes
                    message = "entire source overwritten";

                } else {
                    // Get the parent node
                    Node parent = DOMUtil.selectSingleNode(resource, path, this.xpathProcessor);
                    // Add a fragment
                    message = "content appended to: " + path;

            // Oops: Document does not exist and create is not allowed.
            } else {
                message = "create not allowed";
                resource = null;/**/

            // Write source
            if (resource != null) {
                // use serializer
                if (localSerializer == null) {
                    localSerializer = this.configuredSerializerName;

                if (localSerializer != null) {
                    // Lookup the Serializer
                    ServiceSelector selector = null;
                    Serializer serializer = null;
                    OutputStream oStream = null;
                    try {
                        selector = (ServiceSelector)manager.lookup(Serializer.ROLE + "Selector");
                        serializer = (Serializer);
                        oStream = ws.getOutputStream();
                        DOMStreamer streamer = new DOMStreamer(serializer);
                    } finally {
                        if (oStream != null) {
                            try {
                                failed = false;
                            } catch (Throwable t) {
                                if (getLogger().isDebugEnabled()) {
                                    getLogger().debug("FAIL (oStream.close) exception"+t, t);
                                throw new ProcessingException("Could not process your document.", t);
                            } finally {
                                if (selector != null) {
                } else {
                    if (getLogger().isDebugEnabled()) {
                        getLogger().debug("ERROR: No serializer");
                    //throw new ProcessingException("No serializer specified for writing to source " + systemID);
                    message = "That source requires a serializer, please add the appropirate tag to your code.";
        } catch (DOMException de) {
            if (getLogger().isDebugEnabled()) {
                getLogger().debug("FAIL exception: "+de, de);
            message = "There was a problem manipulating your document: " + de;
        } catch (ServiceException ce) {
            if (getLogger().isDebugEnabled()) {
                getLogger().debug("FAIL exception: "+ce, ce);
            message = "There was a problem looking up a component: " + ce;
        } catch (SourceException se) {
            if (getLogger().isDebugEnabled()) {
                getLogger().debug("FAIL exception: "+se, se);
            message = "There was a problem resolving that source: [" + systemID + "] : " + se;
        } finally {

        // Report result
        String result = (failed) ? RESULT_FAILED : RESULT_SUCCESS;
        String action = ACTION_NONE;
        if (!failed) {
            action = (exists) ? ACTION_OVER : ACTION_NEW;

        reportResult(localSerializer, tagname, message, target, result, action);

    private void reportResult(String localSerializer,
                                String tagname,
                                String message,
                                String target,
                                String result,
                                String action)
    throws SAXException {
            if (localSerializer != null) {

    private Document newDocument() throws SAXException, ServiceException {
        DOMParser parser = (DOMParser) this.manager.lookup(DOMParser.ROLE);
        try {
            return parser.createDocument();
        } finally {

    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.apache.avalon.framework.service.Serviceable#service(ServiceManager)
    public void service(ServiceManager manager) throws ServiceException {
        this.xpathProcessor = (XPathProcessor) this.manager.lookup(XPathProcessor.ROLE);

    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.apache.avalon.framework.activity.Disposable#dispose()
    public void dispose() {
        if (this.manager != null) {
            this.xpathProcessor = null;

Related Classes of org.apache.cocoon.transformation.SourceWritingTransformer

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