Package org.apache.sis.util.logging

Source Code of org.apache.sis.util.logging.MonolineFormatter

* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.sis.util.logging;

import java.text.FieldPosition;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.SortedMap;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;
import java.util.logging.*;
import org.apache.sis.internal.system.OS;
import org.apache.sis.internal.util.X364;
import org.apache.sis.util.ArgumentChecks;
import org.apache.sis.util.CharSequences;
import org.apache.sis.util.Configuration;
import org.apache.sis.util.Debug;

// Related to JDK7
import org.apache.sis.internal.jdk7.JDK7;

* A formatter writing log messages on a single line. Compared to the JDK {@link SimpleFormatter},
* this formatter uses only one line per message instead of two. For example messages formatted by
* {@code MonolineFormatter} may look like:
* <blockquote><table style="color:white; background:black" class="compact">
* <tr><td><code>00:01</code></td><td style="background:blue"><code>CONFIG</code></td>
*     <td><code><b>[MyApplication]</b> Read configuration from “my-application/setup.xml”.</code></td></tr>
* <tr><td><code>00:03</code></td><td style="background:green"><code>INFO</code></td>
*     <td><code><b>[DirectEpsgFactory]</b> Connected to the EPSG database version 6.9 on JavaDB 10.8.</code></td></tr>
* <tr><td><code>00:12</code></td><td style="background:goldenrod"><code>WARNING</code></td>
*     <td><code><b>[DefaultTemporalExtent]</b> This operation requires the “sis-temporal” module.</code></td></tr>
* </table></blockquote>
* By default, {@code MonolineFormatter} shows only the level and the message. One or two additional
* fields can be inserted between the level and the message if the {@link #setTimeFormat(String)} or
* {@link #setSourceFormat(String)} methods are invoked with o non-null argument. Examples:
* <ul>
*   <li>{@code setTimeFormat("HH:mm:ss")} for formatting the time like {@code 00:00:04"},
*       as time elapsed since the {@code MonolineFormatter} creation time.</li>
*   <li>{@code setSourceFormat("logger:long")} for formatting the full logger name
*       (e.g. {@code ""}).</li>
*   <li>{@code setSourceFormat("class:short")} for formatting the short class name,
*       without package (e.g. {@code "NetcdfStore"}).</li>
* </ul>
* {@section Configuration from <code></code>}
* The format can also be set from the {@code jre/lib/} file.
* For example, user can cut and paste the following properties into {@code}:
* {@preformat text
*     ###########################################################################
*     # Properties for the's MonolineFormatter.
*     # By default, the monoline formatter display only the level
*     # and the message. Additional fields can be specified here:
*     #
*     #  time:   If set, writes the time elapsed since the initialization.
*     #          The argument specifies the output pattern. For example, the
*     #          pattern "HH:mm:ss.SSSS" displays the hours, minutes, seconds
*     #          and milliseconds.
*     #
*     #  source: If set, writes the source logger name or the source class name.
*     #          Valid argument values are "none", "logger:short", "logger:long",
*     #          "class:short" and "class:long".
*     ###########################################################################
*     org.apache.sis.util.logging.MonolineFormatter.time = HH:mm:ss.SSS
*     org.apache.sis.util.logging.MonolineFormatter.source = class:short
* }
* See {@link #setTimeFormat(String)} and {@link #setSourceFormat(String)} for more information about the
* above {@code time} and {@code source} properties. Encoding and logging level are configured separately,
* typically on the JDK {@link ConsoleHandler} like below:
* {@preformat text
*     java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler.encoding = UTF-8
*     java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler.level = FINE
* }
* {@section Thread safety}
* The same {@code MonolineFormatter} instance can be safely used by many threads without synchronization
* on the part of the caller. Subclasses should make sure that any overridden methods remain safe to call
* from multiple threads.
* @author  Martin Desruisseaux (Geomatys)
* @since   0.3 (derived from geotk-2.0)
* @version 0.4
* @module
* @see SimpleFormatter
* @see Handler#setFormatter(Formatter)
public class MonolineFormatter extends Formatter {
    /** Do not format source class name.       */ private static final int NO_SOURCE    = 0;
    /** Format the source logger without base. */ private static final int LOGGER_SHORT = 1;
    /** Format the source logger only.         */ private static final int LOGGER_LONG  = 2;
    /** Format the class name without package. */ private static final int CLASS_SHORT  = 3;
    /** Format the fully qualified class name. */ private static final int CLASS_LONG   = 4;

     * The label to use in the {@code} for setting the source format.
    private static final String[] FORMAT_LABELS = new String[5];
    static {
        FORMAT_LABELS[LOGGER_SHORT] = "logger:short";
        FORMAT_LABELS[LOGGER_LONG ] = "logger:long";
        FORMAT_LABELS[ CLASS_SHORT] = "class:short";
        FORMAT_LABELS[ CLASS_LONG ] = "class:long";

     * Log records at level below this threshold will be printed in faint color.
     * Logs records at this level or above will be printed in normal color.
     * This threshold is set to the default level of console handlers.
    private static final Level LEVEL_THRESHOLD = Level.INFO;

     * A comparator for logging level. This comparator sorts finest levels first and severe levels last.
    private static final Comparator<Level> COMPARATOR = new Comparator<Level>() {
        @Override public int compare(final Level l1, final Level l2) {
            // We can't just return (i1 - i2) because some levels are
            // Integer.MIN_VALUE or Integer.MAX_VALUE, which cause overflow.
            final int i1 = l1.intValue();
            final int i2 = l2.intValue();
            if (i1 < i2) return -1;
            if (i1 > i2) return +1;
            return 0;

     * Whether the logging level should be visible or not.
     * We do not provide the option to hide the levels for now.
    private static final boolean SHOW_LEVEL = true;

     * Minimal number of stack trace elements to print before and after the "interesting" elements.
     * The "interesting" elements are the first stack trace elements, and the element which point
     * to the method that produced the log record.
     * @see #printAbridged(Throwable, Appendable, String, String, String, String)
    private static final int CONTEXT_STACK_TRACE_ELEMENTS = 2;

     * The string to write on the left side of the first line of every log records.
     * The default value is an empty string. This field can not be null.
     * @see #getHeader()
     * @see #setHeader(String)
    private String header = "";

     * The colors to apply, or {@code null} if none.
     * @see #colors()
    private SortedMap<Level,X364> colors;

     * {@code true} if the faint X.364 code is supported.
     * On MacOS, faint colors produce bad output.
    private final boolean faintSupported;

     * Numerical values of levels for which to apply colors in increasing order.
     * Computed from {@link #colors} when first needed or when the color map changes.
    private transient int[] colorLevels;

     * X3.64 sequences of colors matching the levels declared in {@link #colorLevels}.
     * Computed from {@link #colors} when first needed or when the color map changes.
    private transient String[] colorSequences;

     * The minimum amount of characters to use for writing logging level before the message.
     * If the logging level is shorter, remaining characters will be padded with spaces.
     * This is used in order to align the messages.
     * @see #levelWidth(Level)
    private final int levelWidth;

     * Time of {@code MonolineFormatter} creation, in milliseconds elapsed since January 1, 1970.
    private final long startMillis;

     * The format to use for formatting elapsed time, or {@code null} if there is none.
    private SimpleDateFormat timeFormat;

     * The message format, or {@code null} if not yet created.
    private transient MessageFormat messageFormat;

     * Value of the last call to {@link MessageFormat#applyPattern(String)}. Saved in order to avoid
     * calling {@code applyPattern(String)} in the common case where the same message is logged many
     * times with different arguments.
    private transient String messagePattern;

     * One of the following constants: {@link #NO_SOURCE}, {@link #LOGGER_SHORT},
     * {@link #LOGGER_LONG}, {@link #CLASS_SHORT} or {@link #CLASS_LONG}.
    private int sourceFormat = NO_SOURCE;

     * Buffer for formatting messages. We will reuse this buffer in order to reduce memory allocations.
     * This is the buffer used internally by {@link #writer}.
     * <p>This buffer is also arbitrarily chosen as our synchronization lock. The rational is that all
     * operations on {@code StringBuffer} are synchronized anyway. So by reusing it for our lock, we
     * will take only one monitor instead of two.</p>
    private final StringBuffer buffer;

     * The line writer. This object transforms all {@code "\r"}, {@code "\n"} or {@code "\r\n"}
     * occurrences into a single line separator. This line separator will include space for the
     * left margin, if needed.
    private final LineAppender writer;

     * The printer wrapping the {@link #writer}. This is used for {@link Throwable#printStackTrace(PrintWriter)} calls.
     * We don't use the printer for other usage in order to avoid unnecessary indirections and synchronizations.
    private final PrintWriter printer;

     * Constructs a default {@code MonolineFormatter}.
     * {@section Auto-configuration from the handler}
     * Formatters are often associated to a particular handler. If this handler is known, giving it at
     * construction time can help this formatter to configure itself. This handler is only a hint - it
     * will not be modified, and no reference to that handler will be kept by this constructor.
     * @param handler The handler to be used with this formatter, or {@code null} if unknown.
     * @see Handler#setFormatter(Formatter)
    public MonolineFormatter(final Handler handler) {
        this.startMillis = System.currentTimeMillis();
         * The length of the widest standard level name that may be displayed according current handler setting.
         * If a larger label is to be printed, this class will adjust itself but the visual alignment with
         * previous or next record may be broken.
        levelWidth = levelWidth((handler != null) ? handler.getLevel() : null);
         * Configures this formatter according the properties, if any.
        final LogManager manager = LogManager.getLogManager();
        final String classname = MonolineFormatter.class.getName();
        header = manager.getProperty(classname + ".header");
        if (header == null) {
            header = "";
        try {
            timeFormat(manager.getProperty(classname + ".time"));
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException exception) {
            Logging.configurationException(MonolineFormatter.class, "<init>", exception);
        try {
            sourceFormat(manager.getProperty(classname + ".source"));
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException exception) {
            Logging.configurationException(MonolineFormatter.class, "<init>", exception);
         * Applies the default set of colors only if the handler is writing to the console.
         * Note that we do not check for a non-null System.console() because we are writing
         * to System.err, which may be the console even when System.console() returns null.
         * Even in the case where System.err is redirected to a file, this is typically for
         * printing in an other console (e.g. using the Unix "tail" command).
        if (handler instanceof ConsoleHandler && X364.isAnsiSupported()) {
        faintSupported = OS.current() != OS.MAC_OS;
         * Creates the buffer and the printer. We will expand the tabulations with 4 characters.
         * This apply to the stack trace formatted by Throwable.printStackTrace(PrintWriter);
         * The default (8 characters) is a little bit too wide...
        final StringWriter str = new StringWriter();
        writer  = new LineAppender(str, JDK7.lineSeparator(), true);
        buffer  = str.getBuffer().append(header);
        printer = new PrintWriter(IO.asWriter(writer));

     * Returns the length of the widest level name, taking in account only the standard levels
     * equals or greater then the given threshold.
    static int levelWidth(final Level threshold) {
        int levelWidth = 0;
loop:   for (int i=0; ; i++) {
            final Level c;
            switch (i) {
                case 0: c = Level.SEVERE;  break;
                case 1: c = Level.WARNING; break;
                case 2: c = Level.INFO;    break;
                case 3: c = Level.CONFIG;  break;
                case 4: c = Level.FINE;    break;
                case 5: c = Level.FINER;   break;
                case 6: c = Level.FINEST;  break;
                default: break loop;
            if (threshold != null && c.intValue() < threshold.intValue()) {
                break loop;
            final int length = c.getLocalizedName().length();
            if (length > levelWidth) levelWidth = length;
        return levelWidth;

     * Returns the string to write on the left side of the first line of every log records, or {@code null} if none.
     * This is a string to be shown just before the level.
     * @return The string to write on the left side of the first line of every log records, or {@code null} if none.
    public String getHeader() {
        final String header;
        synchronized (buffer) {
            header = this.header;
        // All other properties in MonolineFormatter are defined in such a way
        // that null means "none", so we do the same here for consistency.
        return header.isEmpty() ? null : header;

     * Sets the string to write on the left side of the first line of every log records.
     * @param header The string to write on the left side of the first line of every log records,
     *        or {@code null} if none.
    public void setHeader(String header) {
        if (header == null) { // See comment in getHeader().
            header = "";
        synchronized (buffer) {
            this.header = header;

     * Returns the format for elapsed time, or {@code null} if the time is not shown.
     * This method returns the pattern specified by the last call to the
     * {@link #setTimeFormat(String)} method, or the patten specified by the
     * {@code org.apache.sis.util.logging.MonolineFormatter.time} property in the
     * {@code jre/lib/} file.
     * @return The time pattern, or {@code null} if elapsed time is not formatted.
    public String getTimeFormat() {
        synchronized (buffer) {
            return (timeFormat != null) ? timeFormat.toPattern() : null;

     * Sets the format for elapsed time, or hides the time field. The pattern must matches the
     * format specified in {@link SimpleDateFormat}, but for the time part only (no date).
     * <div class="note"><b>Example:</b>
     * The {@code "HH:mm:ss.SSS"} pattern will display the elapsed time in hours, minutes, seconds
     * and milliseconds.</div>
     * @param  pattern The time pattern, or {@code null} to disable time formatting.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the given pattern is invalid.
    public void setTimeFormat(final String pattern) throws IllegalArgumentException {
        synchronized (buffer) {

     * Implementation of {@link #setTimeFormat(String)}, to be invoked also by the constructor.
    private void timeFormat(String pattern) throws IllegalArgumentException {
        if (pattern == null) {
            timeFormat = null;
        } else if (timeFormat == null) {
            timeFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(pattern);
        } else {

     * Returns the format for the source, or {@code null} is the source is not shown.
     * This method returns the source format specified by the last call to the
     * {@link #setSourceFormat(String)} method, or the format specified by the
     * {@code org.apache.sis.util.logging.MonolineFormatter.source} property in the
     * {@code jre/lib/} file.
     * @return The source format, or {@code null} if source is not formatted.
    public String getSourceFormat() {
        synchronized (buffer) {
            return FORMAT_LABELS[sourceFormat];

     * Sets the format for displaying the source, or hides the source field.
     * The given format can be any of the following values, from more verbose to less verbose:
     * <ul>
     *   <li>{@code null} for hiding the source field.</li>
     *   <li>{@code "class:long"}   for the {@linkplain LogRecord#getSourceClassName() source class name}</li>
     *   <li>{@code "logger:long"}  for the {@linkplain LogRecord#getLoggerName() logger name}</li>
     *   <li>{@code "class:short"}  for the source class name without the package part.</li>
     *   <li>{@code "logger:short"} for the logger name without the package part.</li>
     * </ul>
     * The source class name usually contains the logger name since (by convention) logger
     * names are package names, but this is not mandatory neither enforced.
     * @param  format The format for displaying the source, or {@code null} if the source shall not be formatted.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the given argument is not one of the recognized format names.
    public void setSourceFormat(final String format) throws IllegalArgumentException {
        synchronized (buffer) {

     * Implementation of {@link #setSourceFormat(String)}, to be invoked also by the constructor.
    private void sourceFormat(String format) throws IllegalArgumentException {
        if (format == null) {
            sourceFormat = NO_SOURCE;
        format = CharSequences.trimWhitespaces(format).toLowerCase(Locale.US);
        for (int i=0; i<FORMAT_LABELS.length; i++) {
            if (format.equals(FORMAT_LABELS[i])) {
                sourceFormat = i;
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(format);

     * Returns the color used for the given level, or {@code null} if none.
     * The current set of supported colors are {@code "red"}, {@code "green"}, {@code "yellow"}, {@code "blue"},
     * {@code "magenta"}, {@code "cyan"} and {@code "gray"}. This set may be extended in any future SIS version.
     * @param  level The level for which to get the color.
     * @return The color for the given level, or {@code null} if none.
    public String getLevelColor(final Level level) {
        synchronized (buffer) {
            if (colors != null) {
                final X364 code = colors.get(level);
                if (code != null) {
                    return code.color;
        return null;

     * Sets the color to use for the given level, or {@code null} for removing colorization.
     * This method should be invoked only if this formatter is associated to a {@link Handler}
     * writing to a terminal supporting <cite>ANSI escape codes</cite>
     * (a.k.a. ECMA-48, ISO/IEC 6429 and X3.64 standards).
     * <p>The given {@code color} argument shall be one of the values documented in the
     * {@link #getLevelColor(Level)} method.</p>
     * @param  level The level for which to set a new color.
     * @param  color The case-insensitive new color, or {@code null} if none.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the given color is not one of the recognized values.
    public void setLevelColor(final Level level, final String color) throws IllegalArgumentException {
        boolean changed = false;
        synchronized (buffer) {
            if (color != null) {
                final X364 code = X364.forColorName(color).background();
                changed = (colors().put(level, code) != code);
            } else if (colors != null) {
                changed = (colors.remove(level) != null);
                if (colors.isEmpty()) {
                    colors = null;
            if (changed) {
                colorLevels = null;
                colorSequences = null;

     * Returns the {@link #colors} map, creating it if needed.
    private SortedMap<Level,X364> colors() {
        if (colors == null) {
            colors = new TreeMap<Level,X364>(COMPARATOR);
        return colors;

     * Resets the colors to the default values. This method does not check if <cite>ANSI escape codes</cite>
     * are supported or not - this check must be done by the caller.
    private void resetLevelColors() {
        final SortedMap<Level,X364> colors = colors();
        colors.put(Level.ALL,     X364.BACKGROUND_GRAY);
        colors.put(Level.CONFIG,  X364.BACKGROUND_BLUE);
        colors.put(Level.INFO,    X364.BACKGROUND_GREEN);
        colors.put(Level.WARNING, X364.BACKGROUND_YELLOW);
        colors.put(Level.SEVERE,  X364.BACKGROUND_RED);
        colors.put(PerformanceLevel.PERFORMANCE, X364.BACKGROUND_CYAN);

     * Resets the colors setting to its default value.
     * <ul>
     *   <li>If {@code enabled} is {@code true}, then this method defines a default set of colors.</li>
     *   <li>If {@code enabled} is {@code false}, then this method resets the formatting to plain text.</li>
     * </ul>
     * This method does not check if <cite>ANSI escape codes</cite> are supported or not.
     * This check must be done by the caller.
     * @param enabled {@code true} for defining a default set of colors, or {@code false} for removing all colors.
    public void resetLevelColors(final boolean enabled) {
        synchronized (buffer) {
            if (enabled) {
            } else {
                colors = null;
                colorLevels = null;
                colorSequences = null;

     * Gets the color for the given level. If there is no explicit color for the given level,
     * returns the color of the first level below the given one for which a color is specified.
    private String colorAt(final Level level) {
        if (colorSequences == null) {
            colorSequences = new String[colors.size()];
            colorLevels = new int[colorSequences.length];
            int i = 0;
            for (final SortedMap.Entry<Level,X364> entry : colors.entrySet()) {
                colorSequences[i] = entry.getValue().background().sequence();
                colorLevels[i++= entry.getKey().intValue();
        int i = Arrays.binarySearch(colorLevels, level.intValue());
        if (i < 0) {
            i = Math.max((~i)-1, 0)// Really tild, not minus sign.
        return colorSequences[i];

     * Formats the given log record and return the formatted string.
     * See the <a href="#overview">class javadoc</a> for information on the log format.
     * @param  record The log record to be formatted.
     * @return A formatted log record.
    public String format(final LogRecord record) {
        final Level level = record.getLevel();
        final StringBuffer buffer = this.buffer;
        synchronized (buffer) {
            final boolean colors  = (this.colors != null);
            final boolean emphase = !faintSupported || (level.intValue() >= LEVEL_THRESHOLD.intValue());
             * Appends the time (e.g. "00:00:12.365"). The time pattern can be set either
             * programmatically by a call to 'setTimeFormat(…)', or in
             * file with the "org.apache.sis.util.logging.MonolineFormatter.time" property.
            if (timeFormat != null) {
                Date time = new Date(Math.max(0, record.getMillis() - startMillis));
                timeFormat.format(time, buffer, new FieldPosition(0));
                buffer.append(' ');
             * Appends the level (e.g. "FINE"). We do not provide the option to turn level off for now.
             * This level will be formatted with a colorized background if ANSI escape sequences are enabled.
            int margin = buffer.length();
            if (SHOW_LEVEL) {
                if (colors) {
                final int offset = buffer.length();
                      .append(CharSequences.spaces(levelWidth - (buffer.length() - offset)));
                margin += buffer.length() - offset;
                if (colors) {
                buffer.append(' ');
             * Appends the logger name or source class name, in long of short form.
             * The name may be formatted in bold characters if ANSI escape sequences are enabled.
            String source;
            switch (sourceFormat) {
                case LOGGER_SHORT: // Fall through
                case LOGGER_LONG:  source = record.getLoggerName(); break;
                case CLASS_SHORT:  // Fall through
                case CLASS_LONG:   source = record.getSourceClassName(); break;
                default:           source = null; break;
            if (source != null) {
                switch (sourceFormat) {
                    case LOGGER_SHORT: // Fall through
                    case CLASS_SHORT: {
                        // Works even if there is no '.' since we get -1 as index.
                        source = source.substring(source.lastIndexOf('.') + 1);
                if (colors && emphase) {
                if (colors && emphase) {
                buffer.append(' ');
             * Now prepare the LineAppender for the message. We set a line separator prefixed by some
             * amount of spaces in order to align message body on the column after the level name.
            String bodyLineSeparator = writer.getLineSeparator();
            final String lineSeparator = JDK7.lineSeparator();
            if (bodyLineSeparator.length() != lineSeparator.length() + margin) {
                bodyLineSeparator = lineSeparator + CharSequences.spaces(margin);
            if (colors && !emphase) {
            final Throwable exception = record.getThrown();
            String message = formatMessage(record);
            int length = 0;
            if (message != null) {
                length = CharSequences.skipTrailingWhitespaces(message, 0, message.length());
             * Up to this point, we wrote directly in the StringBuilder for performance reasons.
             * Now for the message part, we need to use the LineAppender in order to replace EOL
             * and tabulations.
            try {
                if (message != null) {
                    writer.append(message, 0, length);
                if (exception != null) {
                    if (message != null) {
                        writer.append("\nCaused by: "); // LineAppender will replace '\n' by the system EOL.
                    if (level.intValue() >= LEVEL_THRESHOLD.intValue()) {
                    } else {
                        printAbridged(exception, writer, record.getLoggerName(),
                                record.getSourceClassName(), record.getSourceMethodName());
            } catch (IOException e) {
                throw new AssertionError(e);
            buffer.setLength(CharSequences.skipTrailingWhitespaces(buffer, 0, buffer.length()));
            if (colors && !emphase) {
            return buffer.toString();

     * Returns the localized message from the given log record.
     * First this method gets the {@linkplain LogRecord#getMessage() raw message} from the given record.
     * Then there is choices:
     * <ul>
     *   <li>If the given record specifies a {@linkplain LogRecord#getResourceBundle() resource bundle},
     *       then the message is used as a key for fetching the localized resources in the given bundle.</li>
     *   <li>If the given record specifies one or more {@linkplain LogRecord#getParameters() parameters}
     *       and if the message seems to use the {@link MessageFormat} syntax, then the message is formatted
     *       by {@code MessageFormat}.</li>
     * </ul>
     * @param  record The log record from which to get a localized message.
     * @return The localized message.
    public String formatMessage(final LogRecord record) {
         * Same work than java.util.logging.Formatter.formatMessage(LogRecord) except for the synchronization lock,
         * the reuse of existing MessageFormat and StringBuffer instances, and not catching formatting exceptions
         * (we want to know if our messages have a problem).
        String message = record.getMessage();
        ResourceBundle resources = record.getResourceBundle();
        if (resources != null) {
            message = resources.getString(message);
        final Object parameters[] = record.getParameters();
        if (parameters != null && parameters.length != 0) {
            int i = message.indexOf('{');
            if (i >= 0 && ++i < message.length()) {
                final char c = message.charAt(i);
                if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
                    synchronized (buffer) {
                        if (messageFormat == null) {
                            messageFormat = new MessageFormat(message);
                        } else if (!message.equals(messagePattern)) {
                        messagePattern = message;
                        final int base = buffer.length();
                        try {
                            message = messageFormat.format(parameters, buffer, new FieldPosition(0)).substring(base);
                        } finally {
        return message;

     * Prints an abridged stack trace. This method is invoked when the record is logged at
     * at low logging level (typically less than {@link Level#INFO}).
     * @param exception         The exception to be logged.
     * @param writer            Where to print the stack trace.
     * @param loggerName        The name of the logger when the log will be sent.
     * @param sourceClassName   The name of the class that emitted the log.
     * @param sourceMethodName  The name of the method that emitted the log.
    private static void printAbridged(Throwable exception, final Appendable writer,
            final String loggerName, final String sourceClassName, final String sourceMethodName) throws IOException
        StackTraceElement previous = null;
        // Arbitrary limit of 10 causes to format.
        for (int numCauses=0; numCauses<10; numCauses++) {
            final StackTraceElement[] trace = exception.getStackTrace();
             * Find the index of the stack trace element where the log has been produced.
             * If no exact match is found, some heuristic is applied (the first element
             * from the same class, or the first element from the logger package). If no
             * approximative match is found, then the default value is the last element.
            int logProducer = trace.length;
            boolean useLoggerName = (loggerName != null), useClassName = true;
            for (int i=0; i<trace.length; i++) {
                final StackTraceElement element = trace[i];
                final String classname = element.getClassName();
                if (classname != null) {
                    if (useLoggerName && classname.startsWith(loggerName)) {
                        logProducer = i;
                        useLoggerName = false;
                    if (classname.contains(sourceClassName)) {
                        final String m = element.getMethodName();
                        if (m != null && m.equals(sourceMethodName)) {
                            logProducer = i;
                        if (useClassName) {
                            logProducer = i;
                            useClassName = false;
                        useLoggerName = false;
             * If the stack trace element pointed by 'logProducer' is the same one than
             * during the previous iteration, it is not worth to print those elements again.
            int stopIndex = trace.length;
            if (logProducer < stopIndex) {
                final StackTraceElement element = trace[logProducer];
                if (element.equals(previous)) {
                    stopIndex = CONTEXT_STACK_TRACE_ELEMENTS;
                previous = element;
            stopIndex = Math.min(logProducer + (CONTEXT_STACK_TRACE_ELEMENTS + 1), stopIndex);
             * Now format the exception, then redo the loop for the cause (if any).
            writer.append(String.valueOf(exception)).append('\n'); // LineAppender will replace '\n' by the system EOL.
            for (int i=0; i<stopIndex; i++) {
                if (i == CONTEXT_STACK_TRACE_ELEMENTS) {
                    final int numToSkip = (logProducer - 2*CONTEXT_STACK_TRACE_ELEMENTS);
                    if (numToSkip > 1) {
                        more(writer, numToSkip, true);
                        i += numToSkip;
                if (i == logProducer) {
                    writer.append("  →");
                writer.append("\tat ").append(String.valueOf(trace[i])).append('\n');
            more(writer, trace.length - stopIndex, false);
            exception = exception.getCause();
            if (exception == null) break;
            writer.append("Caused by: ");

     * Formats the number of stack trace elements that where skipped.
    private static void more(final Appendable writer, final int numToSkip, final boolean con) throws IOException {
        if (numToSkip > 0) {
            writer.append("... ").append(String.valueOf(numToSkip)).append(" more");
            if (con) {
                writer.append(" ...");
            writer.append('\n'); // LineAppender will replace '\n' by the system EOL.

     * Installs a {@code MonolineFormatter} for the root logger, or returns the existing instance if any.
     * This method performs the following choices:
     * <ul>
     *   <li>If a {@link ConsoleHandler} is associated to the root logger, then:
     *     <ul>
     *       <li>If that handler already uses a {@code MonolineFormatter}, then the existing formatter is returned.</li>
     *       <li>Otherwise the {@code ConsoleHandler} formatter is replaced by a new {@code MonolineFormatter} instance,
     *           and that new instance is returned. We perform this replacement in order to avoid sending twice the same
     *           records to the console.</li>
     *     </ul></li>
     *   <li>Otherwise a new {@code ConsoleHandler} using a new {@code MonolineFormatter} is created and added to the
     *       root logger.</li>
     * </ul>
     * <div class="note"><b>Implementation note:</b>
     * The current implementation does not check for duplicated {@code ConsoleHandler} instances,
     * and does not check if any child logger has a {@code ConsoleHandler}.</div>
     * @return The new or existing {@code MonolineFormatter}. The formatter output can be configured
     *         using the {@link #setTimeFormat(String)} and {@link #setSourceFormat(String)} methods.
     * @throws SecurityException If this method does not have the permission to install the formatter.
    public static MonolineFormatter install()  throws SecurityException {
        return install(Logging.getLogger(""), null);

     * Installs a {@code MonolineFormatter} for the specified logger, or returns the existing instance if any.
     * This method performs the following steps:
     * <ul>
     *   <li>If a {@link ConsoleHandler} is associated to the given logger, then:
     *     <ul>
     *       <li>If that handler already uses a {@code MonolineFormatter}, then the existing formatter is returned.</li>
     *       <li>Otherwise the {@code ConsoleHandler} formatter is replaced by a new {@code MonolineFormatter} instance,
     *           and that new instance is returned. We perform this replacement in order to avoid sending twice the same
     *           records to the console.</li>
     *     </ul></li>
     *   <li>Otherwise:
     *     <ul>
     *       <li>The {@link Logger#setUseParentHandlers(boolean)} flag is set to {@code false} for avoiding duplicated
     *           loggings if a {@code ConsoleHandler} instance exists in the parent handlers.</li>
     *       <li>Parent handlers that are not {@code ConsoleHandler} instances are added to the given logger in
     *           order to preserve similar behavior as before the call to {@code setUseParentHandlers(false)}.</li>
     *       <li>A new {@code ConsoleHandler} using a new {@code MonolineFormatter} is created and added to the
     *           given logger.</li>
     *     </ul></li>
     * </ul>
     * <div class="note"><b>Implementation note:</b>
     * The current implementation does not check for duplicated {@code ConsoleHandler} instances,
     * and does not check if any child logger has a {@code ConsoleHandler}.</div>
     * {@section Specifying a log level}
     * This method can opportunistically set the handler level. If the given level is non-null,
     * then the {@link ConsoleHandler} using the {@code MonolineFormatter} will be set to that level.
     * This is mostly a convenience for temporary increase of logging verbosity for debugging purpose.
     * This functionality should not be used in production environment, since it overwrite user's level setting.
     * @param  logger The base logger to apply the change on.
     * @param  level The desired level, or {@code null} if no level should be set.
     * @return The new or existing {@code MonolineFormatter}. The formatter output can be configured
     *         using the {@link #setTimeFormat(String)} and {@link #setSourceFormat(String)} methods.
     * @throws SecurityException If this method does not have the permission to install the formatter.
    public static MonolineFormatter install(final Logger logger, final Level level) throws SecurityException {
        ArgumentChecks.ensureNonNull("logger", logger);
        MonolineFormatter monoline = null;
        for (final Handler handler : logger.getHandlers()) {
            if (handler instanceof ConsoleHandler) {
                 * Get or replace the formatter of the first ConsoleHandler found, then stop the search.
                 * We do not search for duplicated ConsoleHandler instances. If such duplicated values exist,
                 * we presume that the user know what he is doing and will avoid messing more with his configuration.
                final Formatter formatter = handler.getFormatter();
                if (formatter instanceof MonolineFormatter) {
                    monoline = (MonolineFormatter) formatter;
                } else {
                    monoline = new MonolineFormatter(handler);
                if (level != null) {
         * If we didn't found any ConsoleHandler, then we will need to create a new one. This usually happen if
         * the logger given in argument to this method was not the root logger. For example the user may want to
         * configure only the "org.apache.sis" logger. But before to create the new ConsoleHandler, we will need
         * to stop using the parent handlers because we don't want to inherit the original ConsoleHandler which
         * is likely to exist in the root package. In order to preserve functionalities of other loggers, we copy
         * a snapshot of all other handlers.
        if (monoline == null) {
            for (Logger parent=logger; parent.getUseParentHandlers();) {
                parent = parent.getParent();
                if (parent == null) {
                for (final Handler handler : parent.getHandlers()) {
                    if (!(handler instanceof ConsoleHandler)) {
            final Handler handler = new ConsoleHandler();
            if (level != null) {
                handler.setLevel(level); // Shall be before MonolineFormatter creation.
            monoline = new MonolineFormatter(handler);
        return monoline;

Related Classes of org.apache.sis.util.logging.MonolineFormatter

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