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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.

import java.util.Map;
import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import java.util.Date;
import java.text.Format;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.FieldPosition;
import java.text.ParsePosition;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import javax.measure.unit.Unit;
import javax.measure.unit.UnitFormat;

import org.opengis.referencing.IdentifiedObject;
import org.apache.sis.measure.Angle;
import org.apache.sis.measure.AngleFormat;
import org.apache.sis.measure.Range;
import org.apache.sis.measure.RangeFormat;
import org.apache.sis.util.Localized;
import org.apache.sis.util.ArraysExt;
import org.apache.sis.util.ArgumentChecks;
import org.apache.sis.util.collection.BackingStoreException;
import org.apache.sis.internal.util.LocalizedParseException;

* Base class of {@link Format} implementations which delegate part of their work to other
* {@code Format} instances. {@code CompoundFormat} subclasses typically work on relatively
* large blocks of data, for example a metadata tree or a <cite>Well Known Text</cite> (WKT).
* Those blocks of data usually contain smaller elements like numbers and dates, whose parsing
* and formatting can be delegated to {@link NumberFormat} and {@link DateFormat} respectively.
* <p>Since {@code CompoundFormat} may work on larger texts than the usual {@code Format} classes,
* it defines {@code parse} and {@code format} methods working with arbitrary {@link CharSequence}
* and {@link Appendable} instances. The standard {@code Format} methods redirect to the above-cited
* methods.</p>
* <p>The abstract methods to be defined by subclasses are:</p>
* <ul>
*   <li>{@link #getValueType()} returns the {@code <T>} class or a subclass.</li>
*   <li>{@link #parse(CharSequence, ParsePosition)} may throws {@code ParseException}.</li>
*   <li>{@link #format(Object, Appendable)} may throws {@code IOException}.</li>
* </ul>
* <div class="note"><b>API note:</b>
* In the standard {@link Format} class, the {@code parse} methods either accept a {@link ParsePosition} argument
* and returns {@code null} on error, or does not take position argument and throws a {@link ParseException} on error.
* In this {@code CompoundFormat} class, the {@code parse} method both takes a {@code ParsePosition} argument and
* throws a {@code ParseException} on error. This allows both substring parsing and more accurate exception message
* in case of error.</div>
* @param <T> The base type of objects parsed and formatted by this class.
* @author  Martin Desruisseaux (Geomatys)
* @since   0.3
* @version 0.3
* @module
public abstract class CompoundFormat<T> extends Format implements Localized {
     * For cross-version compatibility.
    private static final long serialVersionUID = -689151528653024968L;

     * The locale given at construction time, or {@link Locale#ROOT} (never {@code null}) for
     * unlocalized format. See {@link #getLocale()} for more information on {@code ROOT} locale.
     * @see #getLocale()
    private final Locale locale;

     * The timezone given at construction time, or {@code null} for UTC.
     * @see #getTimeZone()
    private final TimeZone timezone;

     * The formats for smaller unit of information.
     * Will be created only when first needed.
    private transient Map<Class<?>, Format> formats;

     * Creates a new format for the given locale. The given locale can be {@code null} or
     * {@link Locale#ROOT} if this format shall parse and format "unlocalized" strings.
     * See {@link #getLocale()} for more information about the {@code ROOT} locale.
     * @param locale   The locale for the new {@code Format}, or {@code null} for {@code Locale.ROOT}.
     * @param timezone The timezone, or {@code null} for UTC.
    protected CompoundFormat(final Locale locale, final TimeZone timezone) {
        this.locale   = (locale != null) ? locale : Locale.ROOT;
        this.timezone = timezone;

     * Returns the locale used by this format. The returned value may be {@link Locale#ROOT}
     * if this format does not apply any localization. The definition of "unlocalized string"
     * is implementation-dependent, but some typical examples are:
     * <ul>
     *   <li>Format {@link Number} instances using {@code toString()} instead than {@code NumberFormat}.</li>
     *   <li>Format {@link Date} instances using the ISO pattern instead than the English one.</li>
     * </ul>
     * @return The locale of this {@code Format}, or {@code Locale.ROOT} for unlocalized format.
    public Locale getLocale() {
        return locale;

     * Returns the timezone used by this format.
     * @return The timezone used for this format, or UTC for unlocalized format.
    public TimeZone getTimeZone() {
        return timezone != null ? (TimeZone) timezone.clone() : TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC");

     * Returns the base type of values parsed and formatted by this {@code Format} instance.
     * The returned type may be a subclass of {@code <T>} if the format is configured in a way
     * that restrict the kind value to be parsed.
     * <div class="note"><b>Example:</b>
     *   <ul>
     *     <li>{@code StatisticsFormat} unconditionally returns {@code Statistics.class}.</li>
     *     <li>{@code TreeTableFormat} unconditionally returns {@code TreeTable.class}.</li>
     *   </ul>
     * </div>
     * @return The base type of values parsed and formatted by this {@code Format} instance.
    public abstract Class<? extends T> getValueType();

     * Creates an object from the given character sequence.
     * The parsing begins at the index given by the {@code pos} argument.
     * If parsing succeeds, then:
     * <ul>
     *   <li>The {@code pos} {@linkplain ParsePosition#getIndex() index} is updated to the index
     *       after the last successfully parsed character.</li>
     *   <li>The parsed object is returned.</li>
     * </ul>
     * If parsing fails, then:
     * <ul>
     *   <li>The {@code pos} index is left unchanged</li>
     *   <li>The {@code pos} {@linkplain ParsePosition#getErrorIndex() error index}
     *       is set to the beginning of the unparsable character sequence.</li>
     *   <li>A {@code ParseException} is thrown with an
     *       {@linkplain ParseException#getErrorOffset() error offset} relative to the above-cited
     *       {@code pos} error index. Consequently the exact error location is <var>{@code pos}
     *       error index</var> + <var>{@code ParseException} error offset</var>.</li>
     * </ul>
     * <div class="note"><b>Example:</b>
     * If parsing of the {@code "30.0 40,0"} coordinate fails on the coma in the last number, then the {@code pos}
     * error index will be set to 5 (the beginning of the {@code "40.0"} character sequence) while the
     * {@link ParseException} error offset will be set to 2 (the coma position relative the beginning
     * of the {@code "40.0"} character sequence).</div>
     * This error offset policy is a consequence of the compound nature of {@code CompoundFormat},
     * since the exception may have been produced by a call to {@link Format#parseObject(String)}.
     * @param  text The character sequence for the object to parse.
     * @param  pos  The position where to start the parsing.
     * @return The parsed object.
     * @throws ParseException If an error occurred while parsing the object.
    public abstract T parse(CharSequence text, ParsePosition pos) throws ParseException;

     * Creates an object from the given string representation, or returns {@code null} if an error
     * occurred while parsing. The parsing begins at the index given by the {@code pos} argument.
     * If parsing succeeds, then:
     * <ul>
     *   <li>The {@code pos} {@linkplain ParsePosition#getIndex() index} is updated to the index
     *       after the last successfully parsed character.</li>
     *   <li>The parsed object is returned.</li>
     * </ul>
     * If parsing fails, then:
     * <ul>
     *   <li>The {@code pos} index is left unchanged</li>
     *   <li>The {@code pos} {@linkplain ParsePosition#getErrorIndex() error index}
     *       is set to the index of the character where the error occurred.</li>
     *   <li>{@code null} is returned.</li>
     * </ul>
     * The default implementation delegates to {@link #parse(CharSequence, ParsePosition)}.
     * In case of failure, the {@linkplain ParseException exception error offset} is added
     * to the {@code pos} error index.
     * @param  text The string representation of the object to parse.
     * @param  pos  The position where to start the parsing.
     * @return The parsed object, or {@code null} if the given string can not be parsed.
    public T parseObject(final String text, final ParsePosition pos) {
        try {
            return parse(text, pos);
        } catch (ParseException e) {
            pos.setErrorIndex(Math.max(pos.getIndex(), pos.getErrorIndex()) + e.getErrorOffset());
            return null;

     * Creates an object from the given string representation.
     * The default implementation delegates to {@link #parse(CharSequence, ParsePosition)}
     * and ensures that the given string has been fully used, ignoring trailing
     * {@linkplain Character#isSpaceChar(int) spaces} and
     * {@linkplain Character#isISOControl(int) ISO control characters}.
     * <div class="note"><b>Note:</b>
     * The usual SIS policy, as documented in the {@link org.apache.sis.util.CharSequences} class, is to test for
     * whitespaces using the {@code Character.isWhitespace(…)} method. The combination of {@code isSpaceChar(…)}
     * and {@code isISOControl(…)} done in this {@code parseObject(…)} method is more permissive since it encompasses
     * all whitespace characters, plus non-breaking spaces and non-white ISO controls.</div>
     * @param  text The string representation of the object to parse.
     * @return The parsed object.
     * @throws ParseException If an error occurred while parsing the object.
    public T parseObject(final String text) throws ParseException {
        final ParsePosition pos = new ParsePosition(0);
        final T value = parse(text, pos);
        if (value != null) {
            final int length = text.length();
            int c, n=0, i=pos.getIndex();
            do {
                if ((i += n) >= length) {
                    return value;
                c = text.codePointAt(i);
                n = Character.charCount(c);
            } while (Character.isSpaceChar(c) || Character.isISOControl(c));
        throw new LocalizedParseException(getLocale(), getValueType(), text, pos);

     * Writes a textual representation of the given object in the given stream or buffer.
     * @param  object      The object to format.
     * @param  toAppendTo  Where to format the object.
     * @throws IOException If an error occurred while writing to the given appendable.
    public abstract void format(T object, Appendable toAppendTo) throws IOException;

     * Writes a textual representation of the specified object in the given buffer.
     * This method delegates its work to {@link #format(Object, Appendable)}, but
     * without propagating {@link IOException}. The I/O exception should never
     * occur since we are writing in a {@link StringBuffer}.
     * <div class="note"><b>Note:</b>
     * Strictly speaking, an {@link IOException} could still occur if a subclass overrides the above {@code format}
     * method and performs some I/O operation outside the given {@link StringBuffer}. However this is not the intended
     * usage of this class and implementors should avoid such unexpected I/O operation.</div>
     * @param  object      The object to format.
     * @param  toAppendTo  Where to format the object.
     * @param  pos         Ignored in current implementation.
     * @return             The given buffer, returned for convenience.
    public StringBuffer format(final Object object, final StringBuffer toAppendTo, final FieldPosition pos) {
        final Class<? extends T> valueType = getValueType();
        ArgumentChecks.ensureCanCast("tree", valueType, object);
        try {
            format(valueType.cast(object), toAppendTo);
        } catch (IOException e) {
             * Should never happen when writing into a StringBuffer, unless the user
             * override the format(Object, Appendable) method. We do not rethrown an
             * AssertionError because of this possibility.
            throw new BackingStoreException(e);
        return toAppendTo;

     * Returns the format to use for parsing and formatting values of the given type.
     * This method applies the following algorithm:
     * <ol>
     *   <li>If a format is cached for the given type, return that format.</li>
     *   <li>Otherwise if a format can be {@linkplain #createFormat(Class) created}
     *       for the given type, cache the newly created format and return it.</li>
     *   <li>Otherwise do again the same checks for the {@linkplain Class#getSuperclass() super class}.</li>
     *   <li>If no format can be created, returns {@code null}.</li>
     * </ol>
     * See {@link #createFormat(Class)} for the list of value types recognized by the default
     * {@code CompoundFormat} implementation.
     * @param  valueType The base type of values to parse or format.
     * @return The format to use for parsing and formatting values of the given type or any
     *         parent type, or {@code null} if none.
    protected Format getFormat(final Class<?> valueType) {
        Format format = null;
        Map<Class<?>,Format> formats = this.formats;
        for (Class<?> type=valueType; type!=null; type=type.getSuperclass()) {
            if (formats != null) {
                format = formats.get(type);
                if (format != null) {
                    if (type != valueType) {
                        formats.put(valueType, format);
            format = createFormat(type);
            if (format != null) {
                if (formats == null) {
                    this.formats = formats = new IdentityHashMap<Class<?>,Format>(4);
                formats.put(type, format);
        return format;

     * Creates a new format to use for parsing and formatting values of the given type.
     * This method is invoked by {@link #getFormat(Class)} the first time that a format
     * is needed for the given type.
     * <p>The default implementation creates the following formats:</p>
     * <table class="sis">
     *   <tr><th>Value type</th>     <th>Format</th></tr>
     *   <tr><td>{@link Angle}</td>  <td>{@link AngleFormat}</td></tr>
     *   <tr><td>{@link Date}</td>   <td>{@link DateFormat}</td></tr>
     *   <tr><td>{@link Number}</td> <td>{@link NumberFormat}</td></tr>
     *   <tr><td>{@link Unit}</td>   <td>{@link UnitFormat}</td></tr>
     *   <tr><td>{@link Range}</td>  <td>{@link RangeFormat}</td></tr>
     *   <tr><td>{@link Class}</td>  <td>(internal)</td></tr>
     * </table>
     * Subclasses can override this method for adding more types, or for configuring the
     * newly created {@link Format} instances. Note that implementations shall check the
     * type using the {@code expected == type} comparator, not
     * <code>expected.{@linkplain Class#isAssignableFrom(Class) isAssignableFrom}(type)</code>,
     * because the check for parent types is done by the {@link #getFormat(Class)} method.
     * This approach allows subclasses to create specialized formats for different value
     * sub-types. For example a subclass may choose to format {@link Double} values differently
     * than other types of number.
     * @param  valueType The base type of values to parse or format.
     * @return The format to use for parsing of formatting values of the given type,
     *         or {@code null} if none.
    protected Format createFormat(final Class<?> valueType) {
         * The first case below is an apparent exception to the 'expected == type' rule
         * documented in this method javadoc. But actually it is not, since the call to
         * DefaultFormat.getInstance(…) will indirectly perform this kind of comparison.
        final Locale locale = getLocale();
        if (Number.class.isAssignableFrom(valueType)) {
            if (Locale.ROOT.equals(locale)) {
                return DefaultFormat.getInstance(valueType);
            } else if (valueType == Number.class) {
                return NumberFormat.getInstance(locale);
        } else if (valueType == Date.class) {
            final DateFormat format;
            if (!Locale.ROOT.equals(locale)) {
                format = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.DEFAULT, DateFormat.DEFAULT, locale);
            } else {
                format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", Locale.ROOT);
            return format;
        } else if (valueType == Angle.class) {
            return AngleFormat.getInstance(locale);
        } else if (valueType == Unit.class) {
            return UnitFormat.getInstance(locale);
        } else if (valueType == Range.class) {
            return new RangeFormat(locale);
        } else if (valueType == Class.class) {
            return ClassFormat.INSTANCE;
        } else {
            final Class<?>[] interfaces = valueType.getInterfaces();
            if (ArraysExt.contains(interfaces, IdentifiedObject.class)) {
                return new IdentifiedObjectFormat(locale);
        return null;

     * Returns a clone of this format.
     * @return A clone of this format.
    public CompoundFormat<T> clone() {
        final CompoundFormat<T> clone = (CompoundFormat<T>) super.clone();
        if (clone.formats != null) {
            clone.formats = new IdentityHashMap<Class<?>,Format>(clone.formats);
            for (final Map.Entry<Class<?>,Format> entry : clone.formats.entrySet()) {
                entry.setValue((Format) entry.getValue().clone());
        return clone;

     * Do not override equals(Object) and hashCode(). They are unlikely to be needed since we
     * do not expect CompoundFormats to be used as keys in HashMap, especially since they are
     * mutable. Furthermore it is difficult to check for equality since the values in the
     * 'formats' map are created only when needed and we don't know how subclasses will
     * configure them.

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