Package org.apache.sis.referencing.operation.matrix

Source Code of org.apache.sis.referencing.operation.matrix.MatrixTestCase

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package org.apache.sis.referencing.operation.matrix;

import java.util.Random;
import Jama.Matrix;
import org.apache.sis.math.Statistics;
import org.apache.sis.internal.util.DoubleDouble;
import org.apache.sis.test.TestCase;
import org.apache.sis.test.TestUtilities;
import org.apache.sis.test.DependsOnMethod;
import org.junit.Test;

import static org.apache.sis.test.Assert.*;

* Base classes of tests for {@link MatrixSIS} implementations.
* This class uses the following {@code Matrices} factory methods:
* <ul>
*   <li>{@link Matrices#createDiagonal(int, int)} (sometime delegates to {@link Matrices#createIdentity(int)})</li>
*   <li>{@link Matrices#create(int, int, double[])}</li>
*   <li>{@link Matrices#createZero(int, int)}</li>
* </ul>
* So this class is indirectly a test of those factory methods.
* However this class does not test any other {@code Matrices} methods.
* <p>This class uses <a href="">JAMA</a> as the reference implementation.</p>
* @author  Martin Desruisseaux (Geomatys)
* @since   0.4
* @version 0.4
* @module
public abstract strictfp class MatrixTestCase extends TestCase {
     * {@code true} for reusing the same sequences of random numbers in every execution of test cases, or
     * {@code false} for "truly" random sequences of random numbers. This flag can be set to {@code false}
     * for testing purpose, but should be set to {@code true} otherwise for avoiding random test failure.
     * This is needed because we want to set {@link #TOLERANCE} to a small value, but it is very difficult
     * to guaranteed that a random sequence of numbers will not cause a larger discrepancy.
     * <p>Note that this flag is set to {@code false} if double-double arithmetic is disabled because in such
     * case, the results should be identical to the JAMA results (i.e. equal using a {@link #TOLERANCE} of zero)
     * for any sequence of numbers.</p>
    protected static final boolean DETERMINIST = !DoubleDouble.DISABLED;

     * A constant for any test in this class or a subclass which expect
     * a floating point value to be strictly equals to an other value.
    static final double STRICT = 0;

     * Tolerance factor for comparisons of floating point numbers between SIS and JAMA implementation,
     * which is {@value}. Note that the matrix element values used in this class vary between 0 and 100,
     * and the {@code StrictMath.ulp(100.0)} value is approximatively 1.4E-14.
     * {@section How this value is determined}
     * Experience (by looking at {@link #statistics}) shows that the differences are usually smaller than 1E-12.
     * However when using non-determinist sequence of random values ({@link #DETERMINIST} sets to {@code false}),
     * we do have from time-to-time a difference around 1E-9.
     * Those differences exist because SIS uses double-double arithmetic, while JAMA uses ordinary double.
     * To remove that ambiguity, one can temporarily set {@link DoubleDouble#DISABLED} to {@code true},
     * in which case the SIS results should be strictly identical to the JAMA ones.
     * @see SolverTest#TOLERANCE
     * @see NonSquareMatrixTest#printStatistics()
    protected static final double TOLERANCE = DoubleDouble.DISABLED ? STRICT : 1E-11;

     * Number of random matrices to try in arithmetic operation tests.
    static final int NUMBER_OF_REPETITIONS = 100;

     * The threshold in matrix determinant for attempting to compute the inverse.
     * Matrix with a determinant of 0 are not invertible, but we keep a margin for safety.
    private static final double DETERMINANT_THRESHOLD = 0.001;

     * Statistics about the different between the JAMA and SIS matrix elements, or {@code null}
     * if those statistics do not need to be collected. This is used during the test development
     * phase for tuning the tolerance threshold.
     * @see NonSquareMatrixTest#printStatistics()
    static final Statistics statistics = verbose ? new Statistics("|SIS - JAMA|") : null;

     * Random number generator, created by {@link #initialize(long)} as the first operation of
     * any test method which will use random numbers. This random number generator will use a
     * fixed seed if {@link #DETERMINIST} is {@code true}, which is the normal case.
    private Random random;

     * For subclasses only.
    MatrixTestCase() {

     * Initializes the random number generator to the given seed. If {@link #DETERMINIST} is {@code false}
     * (which happen only when performing some more extensive tests), then the given seed will be replaced
     * by a random one.
     * @param seed The initial seed.
    final void initialize(final long seed) {
        random = DETERMINIST ? new Random(seed) : TestUtilities.createRandomNumberGenerator();

     * Computes a random size for the next matrix to create. This method is overridden
     * only by subclasses that test matrix implementations supporting arbitrary sizes.
     * @param random The random number generator to use for computing a random matrix size.
    void prepareNewMatrixSize(final Random random) {

    /** Returns the number of rows of the matrix being tested.    */ abstract int getNumRow();
    /** Returns the number of columns of the matrix being tested. */ abstract int getNumCol();

     * Validates the given matrix.
     * The default implementation verifies only the matrix size. Subclasses should override this method
     * for additional checks, typically ensuring that it is an instance of the expected class.
    void validate(final MatrixSIS matrix) {
        assertEquals("numRow", getNumRow(), matrix.getNumRow());
        assertEquals("numCol", getNumCol(), matrix.getNumCol());

     * Verifies that the SIS matrix is equals to the JAMA one, up to the given tolerance value.
     * @param expected  The JAMA matrix used as a reference implementation.
     * @param actual    The SIS matrix to compare to JAMA.
     * @param tolerance The tolerance threshold, usually either {@link #STRICT} or {@link #TOLERANCE}.
    static void assertEqualsJAMA(final Matrix expected, final MatrixSIS actual, final double tolerance) {
        final int numRow = actual.getNumRow();
        final int numCol = actual.getNumCol();
        assertEquals("numRow", expected.getRowDimension(),    numRow);
        assertEquals("numCol", expected.getColumnDimension(), numCol);
        final String name = actual.getClass().getSimpleName();
        for (int j=0; j<numRow; j++) {
            for (int i=0; i<numCol; i++) {
                final double e = expected.get(j,i);
                final double a = actual.getElement(j,i);
                assertEquals(name, e, a, tolerance);
                assertEquals(name, e, actual.getNumber(j,i).doubleValue(), tolerance);
                if (tolerance != STRICT && statistics != null) {
                    synchronized (statistics) {
                        statistics.accept(StrictMath.abs(e - a));

     * Asserts that the given matrix is equals to the given expected values, up to the given tolerance threshold.
     * This method compares the elements values in two slightly redundant ways.
    static void assertEqualsElements(final double[] expected, final int numRow, final int numCol,
            final MatrixSIS actual, final double tolerance)
        assertEquals("numRow", numRow, actual.getNumRow());
        assertEquals("numCol", numCol, actual.getNumCol());
        assertArrayEquals(expected, actual.getElements(), tolerance); // First because more informative in case of failure.
        assertTrue(Matrices.create(numRow, numCol, expected).equals(actual, tolerance));

     * Creates an array of the given length filled with random values. All random values are between 0 inclusive
     * and 100 exclusive. This method never write negative values. Consequently, any strictly negative value set
     * by the test method is guaranteed to be different than all original values in the returned array.
    final double[] createRandomPositiveValues(final int length) {
        final double[] elements = new double[length];
        for (int k=0; k<length; k++) {
            elements[k] = random.nextDouble() * 100;
        return elements;

     * Creates a matrix initialized with a random array of element values,
     * then tests the {@link MatrixSIS#getElement(int, int)} method for each element.
     * This test will use {@link Matrices#create(int, int, double[])} for creating the matrix.
     * <p>If this test fails, then all other tests in this class will be skipped since it would
     * not be possible to verify the result of any matrix operation.</p>
    public void testGetElements() {
        final int numRow = getNumRow();
        final int numCol = getNumCol();
        final double[] elements = createRandomPositiveValues(numRow * numCol);
        final MatrixSIS matrix = Matrices.create(numRow, numCol, elements);
         * The JAMA constructor uses column-major array (FORTRAN convention), while SIS uses
         * row-major array. So we have to transpose the JAMA matrix after construction.
        assertEqualsJAMA(new Matrix(elements, numCol).transpose(), matrix, STRICT);
        assertArrayEquals("getElements", elements, matrix.getElements(), STRICT);

     * Tests {@link MatrixSIS#getElement(int, int)} and {@link MatrixSIS#setElement(int, int, double)}.
     * This test sets random values in elements at random index, and compares with a JAMA matrix taken
     * as the reference implementation.
    public void testSetElement() {
        final int numRow = getNumRow();
        final int numCol = getNumCol();
        final MatrixSIS matrix = Matrices.createZero(numRow, numCol);
        final Matrix reference = new Matrix(numRow, numCol);
         * End of initialization - now perform the actual test.
        assertEqualsJAMA(reference, matrix, STRICT);
        for (int k=0; k<50; k++) {
            final int    j = random.nextInt(numRow);
            final int    i = random.nextInt(numCol);
            final double e = random.nextDouble() * 100;
            reference.set(j, i, e);
            matrix.setElement(j, i, e);
            assertEqualsJAMA(reference, matrix, STRICT);

     * Tests {@link MatrixSIS#isIdentity()}. This method will first invoke {@link Matrices#createDiagonal(int, int)}
     * and ensure that the result contains 1 on the diagonal and 0 elsewhere.
     * <p>This method will opportunistically tests {@link MatrixSIS#isAffine()}. The two methods are related
     * since {@code isIdentity()} delegates part of its work to {@code isAffine()}.</p>
    public void testIsIdentity() {
        final int numRow = getNumRow();
        final int numCol = getNumCol();
        final MatrixSIS matrix = Matrices.createDiagonal(numRow, numCol);
         * End of initialization - now perform the actual test.
        assertEquals("isAffine",   numRow == numCol, matrix.isAffine());
        assertEquals("isIdentity", numRow == numCol, matrix.isIdentity());
        for (int j=0; j<numRow; j++) {
            for (int i=0; i<numCol; i++) {
                final double element = matrix.getElement(j,i);
                assertEquals((i == j) ? 1 : 0, element, STRICT);
                matrix.setElement(j, i, random.nextDouble() - 1.1);
                assertEquals("isAffine", (numRow == numCol) && (j != numRow-1), matrix.isAffine());
                assertFalse("isIdentity", matrix.isIdentity());
                matrix.setElement(j, i, element);
        assertEquals("isAffine",   numRow == numCol, matrix.isAffine());
        assertEquals("isIdentity", numRow == numCol, matrix.isIdentity());

     * Tests {@link MatrixSIS#clone()}, {@link MatrixSIS#equals(Object)} and {@link MatrixSIS#hashCode()}.
    public void testCloneEquals() {
        final int numRow = getNumRow();
        final int numCol = getNumCol();
        final double[] elements = createRandomPositiveValues(numRow * numCol);
        final MatrixSIS matrix = Matrices.create(numRow, numCol, elements);
        final MatrixSIS clone  = matrix.clone();
        assertNotSame("clone", matrix, clone);
        assertEquals("equals", matrix, clone);
        assertEquals("hashCode", matrix.hashCode(), clone.hashCode());
        for (int j=0; j<numRow; j++) {
            for (int i=0; i<numCol; i++) {
                final double element = clone.getElement(j,i);
                clone.setElement(j, i, random.nextDouble() - 2); // Negative value is guaranteed to be different.
                clone.setElement(j, i, element);
        assertEquals("equals", matrix, clone);

     * Tests {@link MatrixSIS#transpose()}.
    public void testTranspose() {
        final int numRow = getNumRow();
        final int numCol = getNumCol();
        final double[] elements = createRandomPositiveValues(numRow * numCol);
        final MatrixSIS matrix = Matrices.create(numRow, numCol, elements);
         * The JAMA constructor uses column-major array (FORTRAN convention) while SIS uses row-major
         * array. In other words, the JAMA matrix is already transposed from the SIS point of view.
        assertEqualsJAMA(new Matrix(elements, numCol), matrix, STRICT);

     * Tests {@link MatrixSIS#normalizeColumns()}.
    public void testNormalizeColumns() {
        final int numRow = getNumRow();
        final int numCol = getNumCol();
        final double[] elements = createRandomPositiveValues(numRow * numCol);
        final MatrixSIS matrix = Matrices.create(numRow, numCol, elements);
        for (int i=0; i<numCol; i++) {
            double m = 0;
            for (int j=0; j<numRow; j++) {
                final double e = matrix.getElement(j, i);
                m += e*e;
            m = StrictMath.sqrt(m);
            assertEquals(1, m, 1E-12);

     * Tests {@link MatrixSIS#multiply(Matrix)}.
    public void testMultiply() {
        for (int n=0; n<NUMBER_OF_REPETITIONS; n++) {
            final int numRow = getNumRow();
            final int numCol = getNumCol();
            double[] elements = createRandomPositiveValues(numRow * numCol);
            final MatrixSIS matrix = Matrices.create(numRow, numCol, elements);
            final Matrix reference = new Matrix(elements, numCol).transpose();
             * Computes new random value for the argument. We mix positive and negative values,
             * but with more positive values than negative ones in order to reduce the chances
             * to have a product of zero for an element.
            final int nx = random.nextInt(8) + 1;
            elements = new double[numCol * nx];
            for (int k=0; k<elements.length; k++) {
                elements[k] = 8 - random.nextDouble() * 10;
            final Matrix referenceArg = new Matrix(elements, nx).transpose();
            final MatrixSIS matrixArg = Matrices.create(numCol, nx, elements);
             * Performs the multiplication and compare.
            final Matrix referenceResult = reference.times(referenceArg);
            final MatrixSIS matrixResult = matrix.multiply(matrixArg);
            assertEqualsJAMA(referenceResult, matrixResult, TOLERANCE);

     * Tests {@link MatrixSIS#solve(Matrix)}.
     * @throws NoninvertibleMatrixException Should never happen.
    public void testSolve() throws NoninvertibleMatrixException {
        for (int n=0; n<NUMBER_OF_REPETITIONS; n++) {
            final int numRow = getNumRow();
            final int numCol = getNumCol();
            double[] elements = createRandomPositiveValues(numRow * numCol);
            final Matrix reference = new Matrix(elements, numCol).transpose();
            if (!(reference.det() >= DETERMINANT_THRESHOLD)) {
                continue; // To close to a singular matrix - search an other one.
            final MatrixSIS matrix = Matrices.create(numRow, numCol, elements);
             * Computes new random value for the argument. We mix positive and negative values,
             * but with more positive values than negative ones in order to reduce the chances
             * to have a product of zero for an element.
            final int nx = random.nextInt(8) + 1;
            elements = new double[numCol * nx];
            for (int k=0; k<elements.length; k++) {
                elements[k] = 8 - random.nextDouble() * 10;
            final Matrix referenceArg = new Matrix(elements, nx).transpose();
            final MatrixSIS matrixArg = Matrices.create(numCol, nx, elements);
             * Performs the operation and compare.
            final Matrix referenceResult = reference.solve(referenceArg);
            final MatrixSIS matrixResult = matrix.solve(matrixArg);
            assertEqualsJAMA(referenceResult, matrixResult, SolverTest.TOLERANCE);

     * Tests {@link MatrixSIS#inverse()}.
     * SIS implements the {@code inverse} operation as a special case of the {@code solve} operation.
     * @throws NoninvertibleMatrixException Should never happen.
    public void testInverse() throws NoninvertibleMatrixException {
        for (int n=0; n<NUMBER_OF_REPETITIONS; n++) {
            final int numRow = getNumRow();
            final int numCol = getNumCol();
            final double[] elements = createRandomPositiveValues(numRow * numCol);
            final Matrix reference = new Matrix(elements, numCol).transpose();
            if (!(reference.det() >= DETERMINANT_THRESHOLD)) {
                continue; // To close to a singular matrix - search an other one.
            final MatrixSIS matrix = Matrices.create(numRow, numCol, elements);
            assertEqualsJAMA(reference.inverse(), matrix.inverse(), TOLERANCE);

     * Tests matrix serialization.
    public void testSerialization() {
        final int numRow = getNumRow();
        final int numCol = getNumCol();
        final MatrixSIS matrix = Matrices.create(numRow, numCol, createRandomPositiveValues(numRow * numCol));
        assertNotSame(matrix, assertSerializedEquals(matrix));

Related Classes of org.apache.sis.referencing.operation.matrix.MatrixTestCase

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