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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import java.text.Format;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.text.ParsePosition;
import javax.measure.unit.Unit;
import javax.measure.unit.UnitFormat;
import org.opengis.metadata.citation.Citation;
import org.opengis.referencing.IdentifiedObject;
import org.apache.sis.util.ArgumentChecks;
import org.apache.sis.util.resources.Errors;

* Parser and formatter for <cite>Well Known Text</cite> (WKT) objects.
* This format handles a pair of {@link Parser} and {@link Formatter},
* to be used by {@code parse} and {@code format} methods respectively.
* {@code WKTFormat} objects allow the following configuration:
* <ul>
*   <li>The {@linkplain Symbols symbols} to use (curly braces or brackets, <i>etc</i>).</li>
*   <li>The preferred authority of {@linkplain IdentifiedObject#getName() object name} to
*       format (see {@link Formatter#getNameAuthority()} for more information).</li>
*   <li>Whatever ANSI X3.64 colors are allowed or not (default is not).</li>
*   <li>The indentation.</li>
* </ul>
* {@section String expansion}
* Because the strings to be parsed by this class are long and tend to contain repetitive substrings,
* {@code WKTFormat} provides a mechanism for performing string substitutions before the parsing take place.
* Long strings can be assigned short names by calls to the
* <code>{@linkplain #definitions()}.put(<var>key</var>,<var>value</var>)</code> method.
* After definitions have been added, any call to a parsing method will replace all occurrences
* of a short name by the associated long string.
* <p>The short names must comply with the rules of Java identifiers. It is recommended, but not
* required, to prefix the names by some symbol like {@code "$"} in order to avoid ambiguity.
* Note however that this class doesn't replace occurrences between quoted text, so string
* expansion still relatively safe even when used with non-prefixed identifiers.</p>
* <div class="note"><b>Example:</b>
* In the example below, the {@code $WGS84} substring which appear in the argument given to the
* {@code parseObject(…)} method will be expanded into the full {@code GEOGCS["WGS84", …]} string
* before the parsing proceed.
* <blockquote><code>{@linkplain #definitions()}.put("$WGS84", "GEOGCS[\"WGS84\", DATUM[</code> <i>…etc…</i> <code>]]);<br>
* Object crs = {@linkplain #parseObject(String) parseObject}("PROJCS[\"Mercator_1SP\", <strong>$WGS84</strong>,
* PROJECTION[</code> <i>…etc…</i> <code>]]");</code></blockquote>
* </div>
* {@section Thread safety}
* {@code WKTFormat}s are not synchronized. It is recommended to create separated format instances for each thread.
* If multiple threads access a {@code WKTFormat} concurrently, it must be synchronized externally.
* @author  Martin Desruisseaux (Geomatys)
* @author  Rémi Eve (IRD)
* @since   0.4 (derived from geotk-3.20)
* @version 0.4
* @module
public class WKTFormat extends CompoundFormat<Object> {
     * For cross-version compatibility.
    private static final long serialVersionUID = -2909110214650709560L;

     * The indentation value to give to the {@link #setIndentation(int)}
     * method for formatting the complete object on a single line.
    public static final int SINGLE_LINE = -1;

     * The default indentation value.
    static final byte DEFAULT_INDENTATION = 2;

     * The pattern of dates.
     * @see #createFormat(Class)
    static final String DATE_PATTERN = "yyyy-MM-dd";

     * The symbols to use for this formatter.
     * The same object is also referenced in the {@linkplain #parser} and {@linkplain #formatter}.
     * It appears here for serialization purpose.
    private Symbols symbols;

     * The colors to use for this formatter, or {@code null} for no syntax coloring.
     * The same object is also referenced in the {@linkplain #formatter}.
     * It appears here for serialization purpose.
    private Colors colors;

     * The convention to use. The same object is also referenced in the {@linkplain #formatter}.
     * It appears here for serialization purpose.
    private Convention convention;

     * The preferred authority for objects or parameter names. A {@code null} value
     * means that the authority shall be inferred from the {@linkplain #convention}.
    private Citation authority;

     * Whether WKT keywords shall be formatted in upper case.
    private KeywordCase keywordCase;

     * The amount of spaces to use in indentation, or {@value #SINGLE_LINE} if indentation is disabled.
     * The same value is also stored in the {@linkplain #formatter}.
     * It appears here for serialization purpose.
    private byte indentation;

     * A formatter using the same symbols than the {@linkplain #parser}.
     * Will be created by the {@link #format(Object, Appendable)} method when first needed.
    private transient Formatter formatter;

     * Creates a format for the given locale and timezone. The given locale will be used for
     * {@link org.opengis.util.InternationalString} localization; this is <strong>not</strong>
     * the locale for number format.
     * @param locale   The locale for the new {@code Format}, or {@code null} for {@code Locale.ROOT}.
     * @param timezone The timezone, or {@code null} for UTC.
    public WKTFormat(final Locale locale, final TimeZone timezone) {
        super(locale, timezone);
        convention  = Convention.DEFAULT;
        symbols     = Symbols.getDefault();
        keywordCase = KeywordCase.DEFAULT;
        indentation = DEFAULT_INDENTATION;

     * Returns the symbols used for parsing and formatting WKT.
     * @return The current set of symbols used for parsing and formatting WKT.
    public Symbols getSymbols() {
        return symbols;

     * Sets the symbols used for parsing and formatting WKT.
     * @param symbols The new set of symbols to use for parsing and formatting WKT.
    public void setSymbols(final Symbols symbols) {
        ArgumentChecks.ensureNonNull("symbols", symbols);
        if (!symbols.equals(this.symbols)) {
            this.symbols = symbols.immutable();
            formatter = null;

     * Returns whether WKT keywords should be written with upper cases or camel cases.
     * @return The case to use for formatting keywords.
    public KeywordCase getKeywordCase() {
        return keywordCase;

     * Sets whether WKT keywords should be written with upper cases or camel cases.
     * @param keywordCase The case to use for formatting keywords.
    public void setKeywordCase(final KeywordCase keywordCase) {
        ArgumentChecks.ensureNonNull("keywordCase", keywordCase);
        this.keywordCase = keywordCase;

     * Returns the colors to use for syntax coloring, or {@code null} if none.
     * By default there is no syntax coloring.
     * @return The colors for syntax coloring, or {@code null} if none.
    public Colors getColors() {
        return colors;

     * Sets the colors to use for syntax coloring.
     * This property applies only when formatting text.
     * <p>Newly created {@code WKTFormat}s have no syntax coloring. If a non-null argument like
     * {@link Colors#DEFAULT} is given to this method, then the {@link #format(Object, Appendable) format(…)}
     * method tries to highlight most of the elements that are relevant to
     * {@link org.apache.sis.util.Utilities#equalsIgnoreMetadata(Object, Object)}.</p>
     * @param colors The colors for syntax coloring, or {@code null} if none.
    public void setColors(Colors colors) {
        if (colors != null) {
            colors = colors.immutable();
        this.colors = colors;

     * Returns the convention for parsing and formatting WKT elements.
     * The default value is {@link Convention#WKT2}.
     * @return The convention to use for formatting WKT elements (never {@code null}).
    public Convention getConvention() {
        return convention;

     * Sets the convention for parsing and formatting WKT elements.
     * @param convention The new convention to use for parsing and formatting WKT elements.
    public void setConvention(final Convention convention) {
        ArgumentChecks.ensureNonNull("convention", convention);
        this.convention = convention;

     * Returns the preferred authority to look for when fetching identified object names and identifiers.
     * The difference between various authorities are most easily seen in projection and parameter names.
     * <div class="note"><b>Example:</b>
     * The following table shows the names given by various organizations or projects for the same projection:
     * <table class="sis">
     *   <tr><th>Authority</th> <th>Projection name</th></tr>
     *   <tr><td>EPSG</td>      <td>Mercator (variant A)</td></tr>
     *   <tr><td>OGC</td>       <td>Mercator_1SP</td></tr>
     *   <tr><td>GEOTIFF</td>   <td>CT_Mercator</td></tr>
     * </table></div>
     * If no authority has been {@link #setNameAuthority(Citation) explicitly set}, then this
     * method returns the default authority for the current {@linkplain #getConvention() convention}.
     * @return The organization, standard or project to look for when fetching projection and parameter names.
     * @see Formatter#getNameAuthority()
    public Citation getNameAuthority() {
        Citation result = authority;
        if (result == null) {
            result = convention.getNameAuthority();
        return result;

     * Sets the preferred authority for choosing the projection and parameter names.
     * If non-null, the given priority will have precedence over the authority usually
     * associated to the {@linkplain #getConvention() convention}. A {@code null} value
     * restore the default behavior.
     * @param authority The new authority, or {@code null} for inferring it from the convention.
     * @see Formatter#getNameAuthority()
    public void setNameAuthority(final Citation authority) {
        this.authority = authority;
        // No need to update the parser.

     * Updates the formatter convention, authority, colors and indentation according the current state of this
     * {@code WKTFormat}. The authority may be null, in which case it will be inferred from the convention when
     * first needed.
    private void updateFormatter(final Formatter formatter) {
        if (formatter != null) {
            final boolean toUpperCase;
            switch (keywordCase) {
                case UPPER_CASE: toUpperCase = truebreak;
                case CAMEL_CASE: toUpperCase = false; break;
                default: toUpperCase = (convention.majorVersion() == 1); break;
            formatter.configure(convention, authority, colors, toUpperCase, indentation);

     * Returns the current indentation to be used for formatting objects.
     * The {@value #SINGLE_LINE} value means that the whole WKT is to be formatted on a single line.
     * @return The current indentation.
    public int getIndentation() {
        return indentation;

     * Sets a new indentation to be used for formatting objects.
     * The {@value #SINGLE_LINE} value means that the whole WKT is to be formatted on a single line.
     * @param indentation The new indentation to use.
    public void setIndentation(final int indentation) {
        ArgumentChecks.ensureBetween("indentation", SINGLE_LINE, Byte.MAX_VALUE, indentation);
        this.indentation = (byte) indentation;

     * Returns the type of objects formatted by this class. This method has to return {@code Object.class}
     * since it is the only common parent to all object types accepted by this formatter.
     * @return {@code Object.class}
    public final Class<Object> getValueType() {
        return Object.class;

     * Not yet supported.
     * @param  text The text to parse.
     * @param  position The index of the first character to parse.
     * @return The parsed object, or {@code null} in case of failure.
    public Object parse(final CharSequence text, final ParsePosition position) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");

     * Formats the specified object as a Well Know Text. The formatter accepts at least the following types:
     * {@link FormattableObject}, {@link IdentifiedObject},
     * {@link org.opengis.metadata.extent.GeographicBoundingBox},
     * {@link org.opengis.referencing.operation.MathTransform},
     * {@link org.opengis.referencing.operation.Matrix} and {@link Unit}.
     * @param  object     The object to format.
     * @param  toAppendTo Where the text is to be appended.
     * @throws IOException If an error occurred while writing to {@code toAppendTo}.
     * @see #getWarning()
    public void format(final Object object, final Appendable toAppendTo) throws IOException {
        ArgumentChecks.ensureNonNull("object",     object);
        ArgumentChecks.ensureNonNull("toAppendTo", toAppendTo);
         * If the given Appendable is not a StringBuffer, creates a temporary StringBuffer.
         * We can not write directly in an arbitrary Appendable because Formatter needs the
         * ability to go backward ("append only" is not sufficient), and because it passes
         * the buffer to other java.text.Format instances which work only with StringBuffer.
        final StringBuffer buffer;
        if (toAppendTo instanceof StringBuffer) {
            buffer = (StringBuffer) toAppendTo;
        } else {
            buffer = new StringBuffer(500);
         * Creates the Formatter when first needed.
        Formatter formatter = this.formatter;
        if (formatter == null) {
            formatter = new Formatter(getLocale(), symbols,
                    (NumberFormat) getFormat(Number.class),
                    (DateFormat)   getFormat(Date.class),
                    (UnitFormat)   getFormat(Unit.class));
            this.formatter = formatter;
        final boolean valid;
        try {
            valid = formatter.appendElement(object) || formatter.appendValue(object);
        } finally {
        if (!valid) {
            throw new ClassCastException(Errors.format(
                    Errors.Keys.IllegalArgumentClass_2, "object", object.getClass()));
        if (buffer != toAppendTo) {

     * Creates a new format to use for parsing and formatting values of the given type.
     * This method is invoked the first time that a format is needed for the given type.
     * The {@code valueType} can be any types declared in the
     * {@linkplain CompoundFormat#createFormat(Class) parent class}.
     * @param  valueType The base type of values to parse or format.
     * @return The format to use for parsing of formatting values of the given type, or {@code null} if none.
    protected Format createFormat(final Class<?> valueType) {
        if (valueType == Number.class) {
            return symbols.createNumberFormat();
        if (valueType == Date.class) {
            final DateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_PATTERN, symbols.getLocale());
            return format;
        return super.createFormat(valueType);

     * If a warning occurred during the last WKT {@linkplain #format(Object, Appendable) formatting}, returns
     * the warning. Otherwise returns {@code null}. The warning is cleared every time a new object is formatted.
     * @return The last warning, or {@code null} if none.
    public String getWarning() {
        return (formatter != null) ? formatter.getErrorMessage() : null;

     * Returns a clone of this format.
     * @return A clone of this format.
    public WKTFormat clone() {
        final WKTFormat clone = (WKTFormat) super.clone();
        clone.formatter = null; // Do not share the formatter.
        return clone;

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