Package org.apache.mina.core.session

Source Code of org.apache.mina.core.session.AbstractIoSession$CloseAwareWriteQueue

*  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
*  or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
*  distributed with this work for additional information
*  regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
*  to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
*  "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
*  with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
*  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
*  software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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*  specific language governing permissions and limitations
*  under the License.
package org.apache.mina.core.session;

import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;

import org.apache.mina.core.buffer.IoBuffer;
import org.apache.mina.core.file.DefaultFileRegion;
import org.apache.mina.core.filterchain.IoFilterChain;
import org.apache.mina.core.future.CloseFuture;
import org.apache.mina.core.future.DefaultCloseFuture;
import org.apache.mina.core.future.DefaultReadFuture;
import org.apache.mina.core.future.DefaultWriteFuture;
import org.apache.mina.core.future.IoFutureListener;
import org.apache.mina.core.future.ReadFuture;
import org.apache.mina.core.future.WriteFuture;
import org.apache.mina.core.service.AbstractIoService;
import org.apache.mina.core.service.IoAcceptor;
import org.apache.mina.core.service.IoProcessor;
import org.apache.mina.core.service.IoService;
import org.apache.mina.core.service.TransportMetadata;
import org.apache.mina.core.write.DefaultWriteRequest;
import org.apache.mina.core.write.WriteException;
import org.apache.mina.core.write.WriteRequest;
import org.apache.mina.core.write.WriteRequestQueue;
import org.apache.mina.core.write.WriteTimeoutException;
import org.apache.mina.core.write.WriteToClosedSessionException;
import org.apache.mina.util.CircularQueue;
import org.apache.mina.util.ExceptionMonitor;

* Base implementation of {@link IoSession}.
* @author The Apache MINA Project (
public abstract class AbstractIoSession implements IoSession {

    private static final AttributeKey READY_READ_FUTURES_KEY =
        new AttributeKey(AbstractIoSession.class, "readyReadFutures");
    private static final AttributeKey WAITING_READ_FUTURES_KEY =
        new AttributeKey(AbstractIoSession.class, "waitingReadFutures");

    private static final IoFutureListener<CloseFuture> SCHEDULED_COUNTER_RESETTER =
        new IoFutureListener<CloseFuture>() {
            public void operationComplete(CloseFuture future) {
                AbstractIoSession session = (AbstractIoSession) future.getSession();
                session.readBytesThroughput = 0;
                session.readMessagesThroughput = 0;
                session.writtenBytesThroughput = 0;
                session.writtenMessagesThroughput = 0;

     * An internal write request object that triggers session close.
     * @see #writeRequestQueue
    private static final WriteRequest CLOSE_REQUEST =
        new DefaultWriteRequest(new Object());

    private final Object lock = new Object();

    private IoSessionAttributeMap attributes;
    private WriteRequestQueue writeRequestQueue;
    private WriteRequest currentWriteRequest;
    // The Session creation's time */
    private final long creationTime;

    /** An id generator guaranteed to generate unique IDs for the session */
    private static AtomicLong idGenerator = new AtomicLong(0);
    /** The session ID */
    private long sessionId;
     * A future that will be set 'closed' when the connection is closed.
    private final CloseFuture closeFuture = new DefaultCloseFuture(this);

    private volatile boolean closing;
    // traffic control
    private boolean readSuspended=false;
    private boolean writeSuspended=false;

    // Status variables
    private final AtomicBoolean scheduledForFlush = new AtomicBoolean();
    private final AtomicInteger scheduledWriteBytes = new AtomicInteger();
    private final AtomicInteger scheduledWriteMessages = new AtomicInteger();

    private long readBytes;
    private long writtenBytes;
    private long readMessages;
    private long writtenMessages;
    private long lastReadTime;
    private long lastWriteTime;

    private long lastThroughputCalculationTime;
    private long lastReadBytes;
    private long lastWrittenBytes;
    private long lastReadMessages;
    private long lastWrittenMessages;
    private double readBytesThroughput;
    private double writtenBytesThroughput;
    private double readMessagesThroughput;
    private double writtenMessagesThroughput;

    private int idleCountForBoth;
    private int idleCountForRead;
    private int idleCountForWrite;

    private long lastIdleTimeForBoth;
    private long lastIdleTimeForRead;
    private long lastIdleTimeForWrite;

    private boolean deferDecreaseReadBuffer = true;

     * TODO Add method documentation
    protected AbstractIoSession() {
        // Initialize all the Session counters to the current time
        long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        creationTime = currentTime;
        lastThroughputCalculationTime = currentTime;
        lastReadTime = currentTime;
        lastWriteTime = currentTime;
        lastIdleTimeForBoth = currentTime;
        lastIdleTimeForRead = currentTime;
        lastIdleTimeForWrite = currentTime;
        // TODO add documentation
        // Set a new ID for this session
        sessionId = idGenerator.incrementAndGet();

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * We use an AtomicLong to guarantee that the session ID are
     * unique.
    public final long getId() {
        return sessionId;

     * TODO Add method documentation
    public abstract IoProcessor getProcessor();

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public final boolean isConnected() {
        return !closeFuture.isClosed();

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public final boolean isClosing() {
        return closing || closeFuture.isClosed();

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public final CloseFuture getCloseFuture() {
        return closeFuture;

     * TODO Add method documentation
    public final boolean isScheduledForFlush() {
        return scheduledForFlush.get();

     * TODO Add method documentation
    public final boolean setScheduledForFlush(boolean flag) {
        if (flag) {
            return scheduledForFlush.compareAndSet(false, true);
        return true;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public final CloseFuture close(boolean rightNow) {
        if (rightNow) {
            return close();
        return closeOnFlush();

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public final CloseFuture close() {
        synchronized (lock) {
            if (isClosing()) {
                return closeFuture;
            closing = true;

        return closeFuture;

    private final CloseFuture closeOnFlush() {
        getWriteRequestQueue().offer(this, CLOSE_REQUEST);
        return closeFuture;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public final ReadFuture read() {
        if (!getConfig().isUseReadOperation()) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("useReadOperation is not enabled.");

        Queue<ReadFuture> readyReadFutures = getReadyReadFutures();
        ReadFuture future;
        synchronized (readyReadFutures) {
            future = readyReadFutures.poll();
            if (future != null) {
                if (future.isClosed()) {
                    // Let other readers get notified.
            } else {
                future = new DefaultReadFuture(this);

        return future;

     * TODO Add method documentation
    public final void offerReadFuture(Object message) {

     * TODO Add method documentation
    public final void offerFailedReadFuture(Throwable exception) {

     * TODO Add method documentation
    public final void offerClosedReadFuture() {
        Queue<ReadFuture> readyReadFutures = getReadyReadFutures();
        synchronized (readyReadFutures) {

     * TODO Add method documentation
    private ReadFuture newReadFuture() {
        Queue<ReadFuture> readyReadFutures = getReadyReadFutures();
        Queue<ReadFuture> waitingReadFutures = getWaitingReadFutures();
        ReadFuture future;
        synchronized (readyReadFutures) {
            future = waitingReadFutures.poll();
            if (future == null) {
                future = new DefaultReadFuture(this);
        return future;

     * TODO Add method documentation
    private Queue<ReadFuture> getReadyReadFutures() {
        Queue<ReadFuture> readyReadFutures =
            (Queue<ReadFuture>) getAttribute(READY_READ_FUTURES_KEY);
        if (readyReadFutures == null) {
            readyReadFutures = new CircularQueue<ReadFuture>();

            Queue<ReadFuture> oldReadyReadFutures =
                (Queue<ReadFuture>) setAttributeIfAbsent(
                        READY_READ_FUTURES_KEY, readyReadFutures);
            if (oldReadyReadFutures != null) {
                readyReadFutures = oldReadyReadFutures;
        return readyReadFutures;

     * TODO Add method documentation
    private Queue<ReadFuture> getWaitingReadFutures() {
        Queue<ReadFuture> waitingReadyReadFutures =
            (Queue<ReadFuture>) getAttribute(WAITING_READ_FUTURES_KEY);
        if (waitingReadyReadFutures == null) {
            waitingReadyReadFutures = new CircularQueue<ReadFuture>();

            Queue<ReadFuture> oldWaitingReadyReadFutures =
                (Queue<ReadFuture>) setAttributeIfAbsent(
                        WAITING_READ_FUTURES_KEY, waitingReadyReadFutures);
            if (oldWaitingReadyReadFutures != null) {
                waitingReadyReadFutures = oldWaitingReadyReadFutures;
        return waitingReadyReadFutures;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public WriteFuture write(Object message) {
        return write(message, null);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public WriteFuture write(Object message, SocketAddress remoteAddress) {
        if (message == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException("message");

        // We can't send a message to a connected session if we don't have
        // the remote address
        if (!getTransportMetadata().isConnectionless() &&
                remoteAddress != null) {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

        // If the session has been closed or is closing, we can't either
        // send a message to the remote side. We generate a future
        // containing an exception.
        if (isClosing() || !isConnected()) {
            WriteFuture future = new DefaultWriteFuture(this);
            WriteRequest request = new DefaultWriteRequest(message, future, remoteAddress);
            WriteException writeException = new WriteToClosedSessionException(request);
            return future;

        FileChannel openedFileChannel = null;
        // TODO: remove this code as soon as we use InputStream
        // instead of Object for the message.
        try {
            if (message instanceof IoBuffer
                    && !((IoBuffer) message).hasRemaining()) {
                // Nothing to write : probably an error in the user code
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                "message is empty. Forgot to call flip()?");
            } else if (message instanceof FileChannel) {
                FileChannel fileChannel = (FileChannel) message;
                message = new DefaultFileRegion(fileChannel, 0, fileChannel.size());
            } else if (message instanceof File) {
                File file = (File) message;
                openedFileChannel = new FileInputStream(file).getChannel();
                message = new DefaultFileRegion(openedFileChannel, 0, openedFileChannel.size());
        } catch (IOException e) {
            return DefaultWriteFuture.newNotWrittenFuture(this, e);

        // Now, we can write the message. First, create a future
        WriteFuture writeFuture = new DefaultWriteFuture(this);
        WriteRequest writeRequest = new DefaultWriteRequest(message, writeFuture, remoteAddress);
        // Then, get the chain and inject the WriteRequest into it
        IoFilterChain filterChain = getFilterChain();

        // TODO : This is not our business ! The caller has created a FileChannel,
        // he has to close it !
        if (openedFileChannel != null) {
            // If we opened a FileChannel, it needs to be closed when the write has completed
            final FileChannel finalChannel = openedFileChannel;
            writeFuture.addListener(new IoFutureListener<WriteFuture>() {
                public void operationComplete(WriteFuture future) {
                    try {
                    } catch (IOException e) {

        // Return the WriteFuture.
        return writeFuture;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public final Object getAttachment() {
        return getAttribute("");

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public final Object setAttachment(Object attachment) {
        return setAttribute("", attachment);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public final Object getAttribute(Object key) {
        return getAttribute(key, null);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public final Object getAttribute(Object key, Object defaultValue) {
        return attributes.getAttribute(this, key, defaultValue);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public final Object setAttribute(Object key, Object value) {
        return attributes.setAttribute(this, key, value);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public final Object setAttribute(Object key) {
        return setAttribute(key, Boolean.TRUE);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public final Object setAttributeIfAbsent(Object key, Object value) {
        return attributes.setAttributeIfAbsent(this, key, value);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public final Object setAttributeIfAbsent(Object key) {
        return setAttributeIfAbsent(key, Boolean.TRUE);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public final Object removeAttribute(Object key) {
        return attributes.removeAttribute(this, key);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public final boolean removeAttribute(Object key, Object value) {
        return attributes.removeAttribute(this, key, value);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public final boolean replaceAttribute(Object key, Object oldValue, Object newValue) {
        return attributes.replaceAttribute(this, key, oldValue, newValue);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public final boolean containsAttribute(Object key) {
        return attributes.containsAttribute(this, key);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public final Set<Object> getAttributeKeys() {
        return attributes.getAttributeKeys(this);

     * TODO Add method documentation
    public final IoSessionAttributeMap getAttributeMap() {
        return attributes;

     * TODO Add method documentation
    public final void setAttributeMap(IoSessionAttributeMap attributes) {
        this.attributes = attributes;

     * Create a new close aware write queue, based on the given write queue.
     * @param writeRequestQueue The write request queue
    public final void setWriteRequestQueue(WriteRequestQueue writeRequestQueue) {
        this.writeRequestQueue =
            new CloseAwareWriteQueue(writeRequestQueue);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public final void suspendRead() {
        readSuspended = true;
        if (isClosing() || !isConnected()) {

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public final void suspendWrite() {
        writeSuspended = true;
        if (isClosing() || !isConnected()) {

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public final void resumeRead() {
        readSuspended = false;
        if (isClosing() || !isConnected()) {

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public final void resumeWrite() {
        writeSuspended = false;
        if (isClosing() || !isConnected()) {

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public boolean isReadSuspended() {
        return readSuspended;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public boolean isWriteSuspended() {
        return writeSuspended;
     * {@inheritDoc}
    public final long getReadBytes() {
        return readBytes;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public final long getWrittenBytes() {
        return writtenBytes;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public final long getReadMessages() {
        return readMessages;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public final long getWrittenMessages() {
        return writtenMessages;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public final double getReadBytesThroughput() {
        return readBytesThroughput;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public final double getWrittenBytesThroughput() {
        return writtenBytesThroughput;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public final double getReadMessagesThroughput() {
        return readMessagesThroughput;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public final double getWrittenMessagesThroughput() {
        return writtenMessagesThroughput;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public final void updateThroughput(long currentTime, boolean force) {
        int interval = (int) (currentTime - lastThroughputCalculationTime);

        long minInterval = getConfig().getThroughputCalculationIntervalInMillis();
        if (minInterval == 0 || interval < minInterval) {
            if (!force) {

        readBytesThroughput = (readBytes - lastReadBytes) * 1000.0 / interval;
        writtenBytesThroughput = (writtenBytes - lastWrittenBytes) * 1000.0 / interval;
        readMessagesThroughput = (readMessages - lastReadMessages) * 1000.0 / interval;
        writtenMessagesThroughput = (writtenMessages - lastWrittenMessages) * 1000.0 / interval;

        lastReadBytes = readBytes;
        lastWrittenBytes = writtenBytes;
        lastReadMessages = readMessages;
        lastWrittenMessages = writtenMessages;

        lastThroughputCalculationTime = currentTime;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public final long getScheduledWriteBytes() {
        return scheduledWriteBytes.get();

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public final int getScheduledWriteMessages() {
        return scheduledWriteMessages.get();

     * TODO Add method documentation
    protected void setScheduledWriteBytes(int byteCount){

     * TODO Add method documentation
    protected void setScheduledWriteMessages(int messages) {

     * TODO Add method documentation
    public final void increaseReadBytes(long increment, long currentTime) {
        if (increment <= 0) {

        readBytes += increment;
        lastReadTime = currentTime;
        idleCountForBoth = 0;
        idleCountForRead = 0;

        if (getService() instanceof AbstractIoService) {
            ((AbstractIoService) getService()).getStatistics().increaseReadBytes(increment, currentTime);

     * TODO Add method documentation
    public final void increaseReadMessages(long currentTime) {
        lastReadTime = currentTime;
        idleCountForBoth = 0;
        idleCountForRead = 0;

        if (getService() instanceof AbstractIoService) {
            ((AbstractIoService) getService()).getStatistics().increaseReadMessages(currentTime);

     * TODO Add method documentation
    public final void increaseWrittenBytes(int increment, long currentTime) {
        if (increment <= 0) {

        writtenBytes += increment;
        lastWriteTime = currentTime;
        idleCountForBoth = 0;
        idleCountForWrite = 0;

        if (getService() instanceof AbstractIoService) {
            ((AbstractIoService) getService()).getStatistics().increaseWrittenBytes(increment, currentTime);


     * TODO Add method documentation
    public final void increaseWrittenMessages(
            WriteRequest request, long currentTime) {
        Object message = request.getMessage();
        if (message instanceof IoBuffer) {
            IoBuffer b = (IoBuffer) message;
            if (b.hasRemaining()) {

        lastWriteTime = currentTime;
        if (getService() instanceof AbstractIoService) {
            ((AbstractIoService) getService()).getStatistics().increaseWrittenMessages(currentTime);


     * TODO Add method documentation
    public final void increaseScheduledWriteBytes(int increment) {
        if (getService() instanceof AbstractIoService) {
            ((AbstractIoService) getService()).getStatistics().increaseScheduledWriteBytes(increment);

     * TODO Add method documentation
    public final void increaseScheduledWriteMessages() {
        if (getService() instanceof AbstractIoService) {
            ((AbstractIoService) getService()).getStatistics().increaseScheduledWriteMessages();

     * TODO Add method documentation
    private void decreaseScheduledWriteMessages() {
        if (getService() instanceof AbstractIoService) {
            ((AbstractIoService) getService()).getStatistics().decreaseScheduledWriteMessages();

     * TODO Add method documentation
    public final void decreaseScheduledBytesAndMessages(WriteRequest request) {
        Object message = request.getMessage();
        if (message instanceof IoBuffer) {
            IoBuffer b = (IoBuffer) message;
            if (b.hasRemaining()) {
                increaseScheduledWriteBytes(-((IoBuffer) message).remaining());
            } else {
        } else {

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public final WriteRequestQueue getWriteRequestQueue() {
        if (writeRequestQueue == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException();
        return writeRequestQueue;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public final WriteRequest getCurrentWriteRequest() {
        return currentWriteRequest;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public final Object getCurrentWriteMessage() {
        WriteRequest req = getCurrentWriteRequest();
        if (req == null) {
            return null;
        return req.getMessage();

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public final void setCurrentWriteRequest(WriteRequest currentWriteRequest) {
        this.currentWriteRequest = currentWriteRequest;

     * TODO Add method documentation
    public final void increaseReadBufferSize() {
        int newReadBufferSize = getConfig().getReadBufferSize() << 1;
        if (newReadBufferSize <= getConfig().getMaxReadBufferSize()) {
        } else {

        deferDecreaseReadBuffer = true;

     * TODO Add method documentation
    public final void decreaseReadBufferSize() {
        if (deferDecreaseReadBuffer) {
            deferDecreaseReadBuffer = false;

        if (getConfig().getReadBufferSize() > getConfig().getMinReadBufferSize()) {
            getConfig().setReadBufferSize(getConfig().getReadBufferSize() >>> 1);

        deferDecreaseReadBuffer = true;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public final long getCreationTime() {
        return creationTime;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public final long getLastIoTime() {
        return Math.max(lastReadTime, lastWriteTime);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public final long getLastReadTime() {
        return lastReadTime;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public final long getLastWriteTime() {
        return lastWriteTime;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public final boolean isIdle(IdleStatus status) {
        if (status == IdleStatus.BOTH_IDLE) {
            return idleCountForBoth > 0;

        if (status == IdleStatus.READER_IDLE) {
            return idleCountForRead > 0;

        if (status == IdleStatus.WRITER_IDLE) {
            return idleCountForWrite > 0;

        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown idle status: " + status);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public final boolean isBothIdle() {
        return isIdle(IdleStatus.BOTH_IDLE);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public final boolean isReaderIdle() {
        return isIdle(IdleStatus.READER_IDLE);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public final boolean isWriterIdle() {
        return isIdle(IdleStatus.WRITER_IDLE);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public final int getIdleCount(IdleStatus status) {
        if (getConfig().getIdleTime(status) == 0) {
            if (status == IdleStatus.BOTH_IDLE) {
                idleCountForBoth = 0;

            if (status == IdleStatus.READER_IDLE) {
                idleCountForRead = 0;

            if (status == IdleStatus.WRITER_IDLE) {
                idleCountForWrite = 0;

        if (status == IdleStatus.BOTH_IDLE) {
            return idleCountForBoth;

        if (status == IdleStatus.READER_IDLE) {
            return idleCountForRead;

        if (status == IdleStatus.WRITER_IDLE) {
            return idleCountForWrite;

        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown idle status: " + status);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public final long getLastIdleTime(IdleStatus status) {
        if (status == IdleStatus.BOTH_IDLE) {
            return lastIdleTimeForBoth;

        if (status == IdleStatus.READER_IDLE) {
            return lastIdleTimeForRead;

        if (status == IdleStatus.WRITER_IDLE) {
            return lastIdleTimeForWrite;

        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown idle status: " + status);

     * TODO Add method documentation
    public final void increaseIdleCount(IdleStatus status, long currentTime) {
        if (status == IdleStatus.BOTH_IDLE) {
            lastIdleTimeForBoth = currentTime;
        } else if (status == IdleStatus.READER_IDLE) {
            lastIdleTimeForRead = currentTime;
        } else if (status == IdleStatus.WRITER_IDLE) {
            lastIdleTimeForWrite = currentTime;
        } else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown idle status: " + status);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public final int getBothIdleCount() {
        return getIdleCount(IdleStatus.BOTH_IDLE);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public final long getLastBothIdleTime() {
        return getLastIdleTime(IdleStatus.BOTH_IDLE);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public final long getLastReaderIdleTime() {
        return getLastIdleTime(IdleStatus.READER_IDLE);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public final long getLastWriterIdleTime() {
        return getLastIdleTime(IdleStatus.WRITER_IDLE);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public final int getReaderIdleCount() {
        return getIdleCount(IdleStatus.READER_IDLE);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public final int getWriterIdleCount() {
        return getIdleCount(IdleStatus.WRITER_IDLE);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public SocketAddress getServiceAddress() {
        IoService service = getService();
        if (service instanceof IoAcceptor) {
            return ((IoAcceptor) service).getLocalAddress();
        return getRemoteAddress();

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public final int hashCode() {
        return super.hashCode();

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * TODO This is a ridiculous implementation. Need to be replaced.
    public final boolean equals(Object o) {
        return super.equals(o);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public String toString() {
        if (isConnected()||isClosing()) {
            if (getService() instanceof IoAcceptor) {
                return "(" + getIdAsString() + ": " + getServiceName() + ", server, " +
                        getRemoteAddress() + " => " + getLocalAddress() + ')';

            return "(" + getIdAsString() + ": " + getServiceName() + ", client, " +
                        getLocalAddress() + " => " + getRemoteAddress() + ')';
        return "Session disconnected ...";

     * TODO Add method documentation
    private String getIdAsString() {
        String id = Long.toHexString(getId()).toUpperCase();

        // Somewhat inefficient, but it won't happen that often
        // because an ID is often a big integer.
        while (id.length() < 8) {
            id = '0' + id; // padding
        id = "0x" + id;

        return id;

     * TODO Add method documentation
    private String getServiceName() {
        TransportMetadata tm = getTransportMetadata();
        if (tm == null) {
            return "null";
        return tm.getProviderName() + ' ' + tm.getName();

     * Fires a {@link IoEventType#SESSION_IDLE} event to any applicable
     * sessions in the specified collection.
     * @param currentTime the current time (i.e. {@link System#currentTimeMillis()})
    public static void notifyIdleness(Iterator<? extends IoSession> sessions, long currentTime) {
        IoSession s = null;
        while (sessions.hasNext()) {
            s =;
            notifyIdleSession(s, currentTime);

     * Fires a {@link IoEventType#SESSION_IDLE} event if applicable for the
     * specified {@code session}.
     * @param currentTime the current time (i.e. {@link System#currentTimeMillis()})
    public static void notifyIdleSession(IoSession session, long currentTime) {
                session, currentTime,
                IdleStatus.BOTH_IDLE, Math.max(

                session, currentTime,
                IdleStatus.READER_IDLE, Math.max(

                session, currentTime,
                IdleStatus.WRITER_IDLE, Math.max(

        notifyWriteTimeout(session, currentTime);

    private static void notifyIdleSession0(
            IoSession session, long currentTime,
            long idleTime, IdleStatus status, long lastIoTime) {
        if (idleTime > 0 && lastIoTime != 0
                && currentTime - lastIoTime >= idleTime) {

    private static void notifyWriteTimeout(
            IoSession session, long currentTime) {

        long writeTimeout = session.getConfig().getWriteTimeoutInMillis();
        if (writeTimeout > 0 &&
                currentTime - session.getLastWriteTime() >= writeTimeout &&
                !session.getWriteRequestQueue().isEmpty(session)) {
            WriteRequest request = session.getCurrentWriteRequest();
            if (request != null) {
                WriteTimeoutException cause = new WriteTimeoutException(request);
                // WriteException is an IOException, so we close the session.

     * A queue which handles the CLOSE request.
     * TODO : Check that when closing a session, all the pending
     * requests are correctly sent.
    private class CloseAwareWriteQueue implements WriteRequestQueue {

        private final WriteRequestQueue q;

         * {@inheritDoc}
        public CloseAwareWriteQueue(WriteRequestQueue q) {
            this.q = q;

         * {@inheritDoc}
        public synchronized WriteRequest poll(IoSession session) {
            WriteRequest answer = q.poll(session);
            if (answer == CLOSE_REQUEST) {
                answer = null;
            return answer;

         * {@inheritDoc}
        public void offer(IoSession session, WriteRequest e) {
            q.offer(session, e);

         * {@inheritDoc}
        public boolean isEmpty(IoSession session) {
            return q.isEmpty(session);

         * {@inheritDoc}
        public void clear(IoSession session) {

         * {@inheritDoc}
        public void dispose(IoSession session) {

Related Classes of org.apache.mina.core.session.AbstractIoSession$CloseAwareWriteQueue

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