Package org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.persistence

Source Code of org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.persistence.CookieValuePersisterTest

* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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package org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.persistence;

import java.util.List;

import javax.servlet.http.Cookie;

import junit.framework.TestCase;

import org.apache.wicket.Page;
import org.apache.wicket.RequestCycle;
import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.TextField;
import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.persistence.CookieValuePersisterTestPage.TestForm;
import org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.MockHttpServletRequest;
import org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.MockHttpServletResponse;
import org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.WebRequest;
import org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.WebRequestCycle;
import org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.WebResponse;
import org.apache.wicket.util.tester.WicketTester;

* How to test CookieValuePersister. Problem: CookieValuePersister relies on
* RequestCycle.get().getApplication() to access application settings.
* RequestCycle.get() however is valid only during the render process. It get's
* automatically attached and detached. Thus RequestCycle.get() will be NULL
* before and after render. Thus CookieValuePersister can not be tested outside
* the render process. You may think you can subclass CookieValuePersister and
* provide your own getSettings(). Unfortunately you can't as it is private. One
* more note: Though CookieValuePersister could probably be re-arranged in a way
* that RequestCycle.get() is no longer a problem, the next (testing-) problem
* can not be solved. Cookies are added to the response and based on the servlet
* api, the response has no means to validate (read) the already added cookies.
* But the MockResponse does !?!?. The only solution I came up with so far is
* indirect testing. Create a page with a form and a form component. Enable the
* component to be persistent. The first run should give you a null value, as no
* values are currently stored. Than set a new value and submit the form. The
* component's values will (hopefully) be saved. Refresh the same page and voala
* the saved values should be automatically loaded.
* @author Juergen Donnerstag
public class CookieValuePersisterTest extends TestCase
  private WicketTester application;

  protected void setUp() throws Exception
    application = new WicketTester();
  protected void tearDown() throws Exception
   * @throws Exception
  public void test1() throws Exception
    // How does the test work: Make sure you have a page, form and form
    // component properly set up (getRelativePath() etc.). See setUp().
    final Page page = application.getLastRenderedPage();

    // Get the form and form component created
    final TestForm form = (TestForm)page.get("form");
    final TextField textField = (TextField)form.get("input");

    // Make sure a valid cycle is available through RequestCycle.get().
    // The RequestCycle's constructor will attach the new cycle to
    // the threadLocal retrieved by RequestCycle.get().
    // Attached to this cycle must be a valid request and response
    final WebRequestCycle cycle = application.createRequestCycle();

    // Just after init, the requests and responses cookie lists must be
    // empty
    assertEquals(0, getResponseCookies(cycle).size());

    // The persister to be used for the tests
    final CookieValuePersister persister = new CookieValuePersister();

    // See comment on CookieValuePersister on how clearing a value with
    // Cookies works. As no cookies in the request, no "delete" cookie
    // will be added to the response.
    assertEquals(0, getResponseCookies(cycle).size());

    // Save the input field's value (add it to the response's cookie list);
    assertEquals(1, getResponseCookies(cycle).size());
    assertEquals("test", ((Cookie)getResponseCookies(cycle).get(0)).getValue());
    assertEquals("form:input", ((Cookie)getResponseCookies(cycle).get(0)).getName());
    assertEquals("/", ((Cookie)getResponseCookies(cycle).get(0)).getPath());

    // To clear in the context of cookies means to add a special cookie
    // (maxAge=0) to the response, provided a cookie with
    // the same name has been provided in the request. Thus, no changes in
    // our test case
    assertEquals(1, getResponseCookies(cycle).size());
    assertEquals("test", ((Cookie)getResponseCookies(cycle).get(0)).getValue());
    assertEquals("form:input", ((Cookie)getResponseCookies(cycle).get(0)).getName());
    assertEquals("/", ((Cookie)getResponseCookies(cycle).get(0)).getPath());

    // Try to load it. Because there is no Cookie matching the textfield's name
    // it remains unchanged
    assertEquals("test", textField.getModelObjectAsString());

    // Simulate loading a textfield. Initialize textfield with a new
    // (default) value, copy the cookie from respone to request (simulating
    // a browser), than load the textfield from cookie and voala the
    // textfields value should change.
    // save means: add it to the respone
    // load means: take it from request
    assertEquals("test", textField.getModelObjectAsString());
    textField.setModelObject("new text");
    assertEquals("new text", textField.getModelObjectAsString());
    assertEquals(1, getRequestCookies(cycle).length);
    assertEquals(1, getResponseCookies(cycle).size());

    assertEquals("test", textField.getModelObjectAsString());
    assertEquals(1, getRequestCookies(cycle).length);
    assertEquals(1, getResponseCookies(cycle).size());

    // remove all cookies from mock response
    // Because I'll find the cookie to be removed in the request, the
    // persister will create
    // a "delete" cookie to remove the cookie on the client and add it to
    // the response.
    assertEquals(1, getRequestCookies(cycle).length);
    assertEquals(2, getResponseCookies(cycle).size());
    assertEquals("form:input", ((Cookie)getResponseCookies(cycle).get(1)).getName());
    assertEquals(0, ((Cookie)getResponseCookies(cycle).get(1)).getMaxAge());

  private void copyCookieFromResponseToRequest(final RequestCycle cycle)

  private Cookie[] getRequestCookies(final RequestCycle cycle)
    return ((WebRequest)cycle.getRequest()).getHttpServletRequest().getCookies();

  private List getResponseCookies(final RequestCycle cycle)
    return (List)((MockHttpServletResponse)((WebResponse)cycle.getResponse())

Related Classes of org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.persistence.CookieValuePersisterTest

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