Package org.apache.muse.core

Source Code of org.apache.muse.core.AbstractFilePersistence$ResourceFileFilter

*  Copyright 2006 The Apache Software Foundation
*  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
*  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
*  You may obtain a copy of the License at
*  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
*  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
*  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
*  limitations under the License.
package org.apache.muse.core;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TreeSet;

import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;

import org.apache.muse.util.messages.Messages;
import org.apache.muse.util.messages.MessagesFactory;
import org.apache.muse.util.xml.XmlUtils;

* AbstractFilePersistence is an abstract component that provides generic
* resource-state-to-file utilities without specifying the format of the XML
* that goes into the files. It can be used by resources or capabilities that
* wish to save state to disk and reload that state the next time the
* application is initialized.
* @author Dan Jemiolo (danj)

public abstract class AbstractFilePersistence implements Persistence
    // Used to look up all exception messages
    private static Messages _MESSAGES = MessagesFactory.get(AbstractFilePersistence.class);
    // Map[N -> EPR] for every resource type whose state (or partial state) is
    // being saved. here, N is a monotonically-increasing integer
    private Map _fileNumberTablesByType = new HashMap();
    // maps to the <persistence><location/></persistence> element in muse.xml.
    // here, "location" is the directory that contains sub-directories with
    // the state/partial-state of resource instances
    private String _location = null;
    // provides access to all of the resource instances that exist at runtime
    // so we can add and compare to that set
    private ResourceManager _manager = null;
    // name-value pairs specified with <init-param/>
    private Map _parameters = null;
     * Creates the proper file name for the given resource instance and then
     * delegates creation of the file's contents to the abstract method of
     * the same name.
     * @param epr
     * @param resource
     * @see #getNextFileNumber(String)
     * @see #createResourceFile(EndpointReference, Resource, File)
    protected void createResourceFile(EndpointReference epr, Resource resource)
        throws SoapFault
        String contextPath = resource.getContextPath();
        int nextNumber = getNextFileNumber(contextPath);
        String nextFileName = getNextFileName(nextNumber);
        File resourceTypeDir = getResourceTypeDirectory(contextPath);
        File resourceFile = new File(resourceTypeDir, nextFileName);
        createResourceFile(epr, resource, resourceFile);
        Map fileNumbersByEPR = (Map)getFileNumberTables().get(contextPath);
        fileNumbersByEPR.put(epr, new Integer(nextNumber));
     * This method should be overridden by concrete file-based persistence
     * classes to create the given file and fill it with the appropriate
     * XML content. Classes that are only interested in the serialization of
     * a certain capability's data can use the Resource object to get access
     * to said capability.
     * @param epr
     *        The EPR that maps to the given Resource in the ResourceManager.
     * @param resource
     *        The resource instance whose state is being persisted.
     * @param resourceFile
     *        The File object that represents the yet-to-be-created XML file
     *        that will contain the content generated by this method. The
     *        implementation of this method must be sure to create the File
     *        on disk somehow.
     * @throws SoapFault
     *         <ul>
     *         <li>If there is an error generating the proper content for the
     *         persistence file.</li>
     *         <li>If there is an I/O error while reading or writing to the
     *         file system.</li>        
     *         </ul>
    protected abstract void createResourceFile(EndpointReference epr, Resource resource, File resourceFile)
        throws SoapFault;
     * Finds the file associated with the given resource EPR and removes it
     * from the file system. This method should be called when a resource is
     * destroyed (gone forever), but not when it is merely shutdown (because
     * of server reboot, etc.).
     * @param epr
     *        The EPR of the resource that has been permanently destroyed.
    protected void destroyResourceFile(EndpointReference epr)
        throws SoapFault
        String contextPath = getContextPath(epr);
        Map fileNumbersByEPR = (Map)getFileNumberTables().get(contextPath);
        Integer fileNumber = (Integer)fileNumbersByEPR.get(epr);
        FileNumberFilter filter = new FileNumberFilter(fileNumber);
        File resourceTypeDir = getResourceTypeDirectory(contextPath);
        File[] results = resourceTypeDir.listFiles(filter);
        // make sure we're not trying to delete state that doesn't exist,
        // which won't cause an immediate error but may point to problems
        // in the persistence impl
        if (results.length == 0)
            Object[] filler = { "\n\n" + epr };
            throw new SoapFault(_MESSAGES.get("NoFileForEPR", filler));
     * @param epr
     * @return The last token after the last slash in the EPR's address. That
     *         is, for an EPR with address,
     *         the method returns 'my-resource'.
    protected String getContextPath(EndpointReference epr)
        String addressPath = epr.getAddress().getPath();
        int slash = addressPath.lastIndexOf('/');       
        return addressPath.substring(slash + 1);
     * @param fileName
     * @return The number at the end of the file name, before the suffix. That
     *         is, for a file named 'my-file-14.xml', the method returns 14.
    protected Integer getFileNumber(String fileName)
        int underscore = fileName.lastIndexOf('-');
        int extension = fileName.lastIndexOf('.');
        String numberString = fileName.substring(underscore + 1, extension);
        return new Integer(numberString);
    protected Map getFileNumberTables()
        return _fileNumberTablesByType;
     * @return The common string that will start all files created by the
     *         persistence implementation. This string will have the next
     *         file number appended to it in order to create unique file names.
     * @see #getNextFileNumber(String)
    protected abstract String getFilePrefix();
    public String getInitializationParameter(String name)
        return (String)getInitializationParameters().get(name);

    public Map getInitializationParameters()
        return _parameters;
     * @param fileNumber
     * @return A string of the following format: {file-prefix}{file-number}.xml
    protected String getNextFileName(int fileNumber)
        return getFilePrefix() + fileNumber + ".xml";
     * @return The next number that is available for creation of unique file
     *         names; this number is determined by taking the largest number
     *         currently used and incrementing it by one. The method does not
     *         attempt to reuse numbers in 'gaps' caused by deletions (that is,
     *         if numbers 1, 2, 5, and 6 are used, the method returns 7, not 3).
    protected int getNextFileNumber(String contextPath)
        Map fileNumbersByEPR = (Map)getFileNumberTables().get(contextPath);
        if (fileNumbersByEPR.isEmpty())
            return 1;
        // create a binary tree of numbers, pick the last one (= largest)
        TreeSet sortedNumbers = new TreeSet(fileNumbersByEPR.values());
        Integer largest = (Integer)sortedNumbers.last();
        return largest.intValue() + 1;
     * @return The File directory that was specified as the persistence location
     *         in muse.xml. The directory may not exist, so use File.exists()
     *         and/or File.mkdirs() to prevent I/O errors.
    protected File getPersistenceDirectory()
        String path = getPersistenceLocation();
        if (path == null)
            throw new RuntimeException(_MESSAGES.get("NoPersistenceLocation"));
        File workingDir = getResourceManager().getEnvironment().getRealDirectory();
        return new File(workingDir, path);
    public String getPersistenceLocation()
        return _location;
    public ResourceManager getResourceManager()
        return _manager;
     * @param contextPath
     * @return Returns a directory for a given resource type, under the
     *         specified persistence location. The name of the directory
     *         is the context path provided. If the directory does not
     *         exist, this method will create it before returning the
     *         File object.
     * @see #getPersistenceDirectory()
     * @see File#mkdirs()
    protected File getResourceTypeDirectory(String contextPath)
        File dir = new File(getPersistenceDirectory(), contextPath);
        if (!dir.exists())
        return dir;
     * This implementation re-loads all saved instances of the resource types
     * found in the ResourceManager. It delegates the actual reloading work
     * to reloadResources(String, File).
     * @see #reloadResources(String, File)
    public void reload()
        throws SoapFault
        ResourceManager manager = getResourceManager();
        Iterator i = manager.getResourceContextPaths().iterator();
        while (i.hasNext())
            String contextPath = (String);
            // all router persistence is opt-in
            if (!manager.isUsingPersistence(contextPath))
            getFileNumberTables().put(contextPath, new HashMap());
            File resourceTypeDir = getResourceTypeDirectory(contextPath);
            reloadResources(contextPath, resourceTypeDir);
     * This method should be overridden by concrete file-based persistence
     * classes to update a resource instance with the saved data from the
     * XML fragment. The resource instance may be created by this method, or
     * it may exist prior to invocation.
     * @param contextPath
     *        The context path of the instance's resource type.
     * @param resourceXML
     *        The persisted data that must be reloaded.
     * @return The Resource instance whose state (or part of it) has been
     *         reloaded from XML. The Resource may have already existed
     *         prior to the method being called, and simply had one of its
     *         capabilities updated with saved data; it may also have been
     *         created by the method and initialized right before return.
    protected abstract Resource reloadResource(String contextPath, Element resourceXML)
        throws SoapFault;
     * This method finds all of the files in the resource type's persistence
     * directory and reloads them one at a time. It delegates the reloading of
     * individual resource instances to reloadResource(String, Element).
     * @param contextPath
     * @param resourceTypeDir
     * @see #reloadResource(String, Element)
    protected void reloadResources(String contextPath, File resourceTypeDir)
        throws SoapFault
        File[] resourceFiles = resourceTypeDir.listFiles(new ResourceFileFilter());
        for (int n = 0; n < resourceFiles.length; ++n)
            Document xmlDoc = null;
                xmlDoc = XmlUtils.createDocument(resourceFiles[n]);
            catch (Throwable error)
                throw new RuntimeException(error.getMessage(), error);
            Element root = XmlUtils.getFirstElement(xmlDoc);
            Resource resource = reloadResource(contextPath, root);
            String fileName = resourceFiles[n].getName();
            Integer fileNumber = getFileNumber(fileName);
            Map fileNumbersByEPR = (Map)getFileNumberTables().get(contextPath);
            fileNumbersByEPR.put(resource.getEndpointReference(), fileNumber);

    public void setInitializationParameters(Map parameters)
        _parameters = parameters;

    public void setPersistenceLocation(String location)
        _location = location;
    public void setResourceManager(ResourceManager manager)
        _manager = manager;
     * FileNumberFilter finds files that end with a given number (excluding
     * the file suffix).
     * @author Dan Jemiolo (danj)
    private class FileNumberFilter implements FileFilter
        private Integer _fileNumber = null;
        public FileNumberFilter(Integer fileNumber)
            _fileNumber = fileNumber;
        public boolean accept(File file)
            return file.getName().indexOf("-" + _fileNumber + ".xml") >= 0;
     * ResourceFileFilter finds files that start with the value returned by
     * getFilePrefix().
     * @author Dan Jemiolo (danj)
    private class ResourceFileFilter implements FileFilter
        public boolean accept(File file)
            return file.getName().startsWith(getFilePrefix());

Related Classes of org.apache.muse.core.AbstractFilePersistence$ResourceFileFilter

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