Package com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.test

Source Code of com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.test.TestFileGraph

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package com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.test;

import ;
import java.util.ArrayList ;
import java.util.List ;

import junit.framework.TestSuite ;

import com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.Graph ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.GraphUtil ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.impl.FileGraph ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Model ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.ModelFactory ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.util.FileUtils ;

    Test FileGraph by seeing if we can make some file graphs and then read
    them back.

public class TestFileGraph extends GraphTestBase
    public TestFileGraph( String name )
        { super( name ); }

    // TODO want a wider variety of cases, now we've discovered how to abstract.
    public static TestSuite suite()
        TestSuite result = new TestSuite( TestFileGraph.class );
        result.addTest( new Case( "x /R y", "xxxA", ".rdf" ) );
        result.addTest( new Case( "x /R y", "xxxB", ".n3" ) );
        result.addTest( new Case( "x /R y", "xxxC", ".nt" ) );
        result.addTest( new Case( "x /R y; p /R q", "xxxD", ".rdf" ) );
        result.addTest( new Case( "x /R y; p /R q", "xxxE", ".n3" ) );
        result.addTest( new Case( "x /R y; p /R q", "xxxF", ".nt" ) );
        result.addTest( new Case( "http://domain/S ftp:ftp/P O", "xxxG", ".rdf" ) );
        result.addTest( new Case( "http://domain/S ftp:ftp/P O", "xxxH", ".nt" ) );
        result.addTest( new Case( "http://domain/S ftp:ftp/P O", "xxxI", ".n3" ) );
        return result;
    public void testPlausibleGraphname()
        assertTrue( FileGraph.isPlausibleGraphName( "agnessi.rdf" ) );
        assertTrue( FileGraph.isPlausibleGraphName( "parabola.nt" ) );   
        assertTrue( FileGraph.isPlausibleGraphName( "hyperbola.n3" ) );   
        assertTrue( FileGraph.isPlausibleGraphName( "chris.dollin.n3" ) );   
        assertTrue( FileGraph.isPlausibleGraphName( "hedgehog.spine.end.rdf" ) );   
    public void testisPlausibleUppercaseGraphname()
        assertTrue( FileGraph.isPlausibleGraphName( "LOUDER.RDF" ) );
        assertTrue( FileGraph.isPlausibleGraphName( "BRIDGE.NT" ) );   
        assertTrue( FileGraph.isPlausibleGraphName( "NOTN2.N3" ) );   
        assertTrue( FileGraph.isPlausibleGraphName( "chris.dollin.N3" ) );   
        assertTrue( FileGraph.isPlausibleGraphName( "hedgehog.spine.end.RDF" ) );       
    public void testImPlausibleGraphName()
        assertFalse( FileGraph.isPlausibleGraphName( "undecorated" ) );   
        assertFalse( FileGraph.isPlausibleGraphName( "danger.exe" ) );   
        assertFalse( FileGraph.isPlausibleGraphName( "pretty.jpg" ) );   
        assertFalse( FileGraph.isPlausibleGraphName( "" ) );   
        assertFalse( FileGraph.isPlausibleGraphName( "infix.rdf.c" ) );               
    public void testTransactionCommit()
        Graph initial = graphWith( "initial hasValue 42; also hasURI hello" );
        Graph extra = graphWith( "extra hasValue 17; also hasURI world" );
        File foo = FileUtils.tempFileName( "fileGraph", ".nt" );
        Graph g = new FileGraph( foo, true, true );
        GraphUtil.addInto( g, initial );
        GraphUtil.addInto( g, extra );
        Graph union = graphWith( "" );
        GraphUtil.addInto(union, initial );
        GraphUtil.addInto(union, extra );
        assertIsomorphic( union, g );
        Model inFile = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel(); "file:///" + foo, "N-TRIPLES" );
        assertIsomorphic( union, inFile.getGraph() );
    public void testTransactionAbort()
        Graph initial = graphWith( "initial hasValue 42; also hasURI hello" );
        Graph extra = graphWith( "extra hasValue 17; also hasURI world" );
        File foo = FileUtils.tempFileName( "fileGraph", ".n3" );
        Graph g = new FileGraph( foo, true, true );
        GraphUtil.addInto( g, initial );
        GraphUtil.addInto( g, extra );
        assertIsomorphic( initial, g );
    public void testTransactionCommitThenAbort()
        Graph initial = graphWith( "A pings B; B pings C" );
        Graph extra = graphWith( "C pingedBy B; fileGraph rdf:type Graph" );
        File foo = FileUtils.tempFileName( "fileGraph", ".nt" );
        Graph g = new FileGraph( foo, true, true );
        GraphUtil.addInto( g, initial );
        GraphUtil.addInto( g, extra );
        assertIsomorphic( initial, g );
        Model inFile = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel(); "file:///" + foo, "N-TRIPLES" );
        assertIsomorphic( initial, inFile.getGraph() );

    public void testClosingNotifys()
        final List<File> history = new ArrayList<File>();
        FileGraph.NotifyOnClose n = new FileGraph.NotifyOnClose()
            public void notifyClosed( File f )
                { history.add( f ); }
        File file = FileUtils.tempFileName( "fileGraph", ".nt" );
        Graph g = new FileGraph( n, file, true, true );
        assertEquals( new ArrayList<File>(), history );
        assertEquals( oneElementList( file ), history );
    protected List<Object> oneElementList( Object x )
        List<Object> result = new ArrayList<Object>();
        result.add( x );
        return result;
        Test that the graph encoded as the test-string content can be
        written out to a temporary file generated from the prefix and suffix,
        and then read back correctly. The temporary files are marked as
        delete-on-exit to try and avoid cluttering the user's filespace ...
    private static class Case extends TestFileGraph
        String content;
        String prefix;
        String suffix;

        Case( String content, String prefix, String suffix )
            super( "Case: " + content + " in " + prefix + "*" + suffix );
            this.content = content;
            this.prefix = prefix;
            this.suffix = suffix;
        public void runTest()
            File foo = FileUtils.tempFileName( prefix, suffix );
            Graph original = graphWith( content );
            Graph g = new FileGraph( foo, true, true );
            GraphUtil.addInto( g, original );
            Graph g2 = new FileGraph( foo, false, true );
            assertIsomorphic( original, g2 );

Related Classes of com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.test.TestFileGraph

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