Package com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.modify

Source Code of com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.modify.AbstractTestUpdateGraph

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package com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.modify;

import org.apache.jena.atlas.iterator.Iter ;
import org.junit.Test ;

import com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.Factory ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.Graph ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.Node ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.Triple ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.ARQ ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.QueryFactory ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.QueryParseException ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.core.DatasetGraph ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.core.Quad ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.graph.GraphFactory ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.modify.request.* ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.sse.SSE ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.syntax.Element ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.util.NodeFactory ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.update.GraphStore ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.update.UpdateAction ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.update.UpdateExecutionFactory ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.update.UpdateProcessor ;

public abstract class AbstractTestUpdateGraph extends AbstractTestUpdateBase
    protected static Node s = NodeFactory.parseNode("<http://example/r>") ;
    protected static Node p = NodeFactory.parseNode("<http://example/p>") ;
    protected static Node q = NodeFactory.parseNode("<http://example/q>") ;
    protected static Node v = NodeFactory.parseNode("<http://example/v>") ;
    protected static Node o1 = NodeFactory.parseNode("2007") ;
    protected static Triple triple1 =  new Triple(s,p,o1) ;
    protected static Node o2 = NodeFactory.parseNode("1066") ;
    protected static Triple triple2 =  new Triple(s,p,o2) ;
    protected static Graph graph1 = data1() ;
    protected static Node graphIRI = NodeFactory.parseNode("<http://example/graph>") ;
    @Test public void testInsertData1()
    GraphStore gStore = getEmptyGraphStore() ;
    defaultGraphData(gStore, graph1) ;
    QuadDataAcc acc = new QuadDataAcc() ;
    acc.addTriple(triple2) ;
        UpdateDataInsert insert = new UpdateDataInsert(acc) ;
        UpdateProcessor uProc = UpdateExecutionFactory.create(insert, gStore) ;
        assertFalse(graphEmpty(gStore.getDefaultGraph())) ;
        assertTrue(graphContains(gStore.getDefaultGraph(), triple1)) ;
        assertTrue(graphContains(gStore.getDefaultGraph(), triple2)) ;

    @Test public void testDeleteData1()
        GraphStore gStore = getEmptyGraphStore() ;
        defaultGraphData(gStore, graph1) ;
        QuadDataAcc acc = new QuadDataAcc() ;
        acc.addTriple(triple2) ;
        UpdateDataDelete delete = new UpdateDataDelete(acc) ;
        UpdateProcessor uProc = UpdateExecutionFactory.create(delete, gStore) ;

        assertFalse(graphEmpty(gStore.getDefaultGraph())) ;
        assertTrue(graphContains(gStore.getDefaultGraph(), triple1)) ;
        assertFalse(graphContains(gStore.getDefaultGraph(), triple2)) ;

    @Test public void testDeleteData2()
        GraphStore gStore = getEmptyGraphStore() ;
        defaultGraphData(gStore, graph1) ;
        QuadDataAcc acc = new QuadDataAcc() ;
        acc.addTriple(triple1) ;
        UpdateDataDelete delete = new UpdateDataDelete(acc) ;
        UpdateProcessor uProc = UpdateExecutionFactory.create(delete, gStore) ;

        assertTrue(graphEmpty(gStore.getDefaultGraph())) ;
        assertFalse(graphContains(gStore.getDefaultGraph(), triple1)) ;
    @Test public void testInsert1()
        GraphStore gStore = getEmptyGraphStore() ;
        UpdateModify insert = new UpdateModify() ;
        UpdateAction.execute(insert, gStore) ;
        assertTrue(graphEmpty(gStore.getDefaultGraph())) ;
    @Test public void testInsert2()
        GraphStore gStore = getEmptyGraphStore() ;
        UpdateModify insert = new UpdateModify() ;
        insert.getInsertAcc().addTriple(triple1) ;
        UpdateAction.execute(insert, gStore) ;
        assertTrue(graphContains(gStore.getDefaultGraph(), triple1)) ;
    @Test public void testInsert3()
        GraphStore gStore = getEmptyGraphStore() ;
        gStore.addGraph(graphIRI, Factory.createDefaultGraph()) ;
        UpdateModify insert = new UpdateModify() ;
        insert.getInsertAcc().addQuad(new Quad(graphIRI, triple1)) ;
        UpdateAction.execute(insert, gStore) ;
        assertTrue(graphContains(gStore.getGraph(graphIRI), triple1)) ;

    @Test public void testInsert4()
        GraphStore gStore = getEmptyGraphStore() ;
        defaultGraphData(gStore, graph1) ;
        UpdateModify insert = new UpdateModify() ;
        insert.getInsertAcc().addTriple(SSE.parseTriple("(?s <http://example/p> 1066)")) ;
        Element element = QueryFactory.createElement("{ ?s <http://example/p> 2007 }" ) ;
        insert.setElement(element) ;
        UpdateAction.execute(insert, gStore) ;
        assertTrue(graphContains(gStore.getDefaultGraph(), triple2)) ;
    @Test public void testDelete1()
        GraphStore gStore = getEmptyGraphStore() ;
        QuadAcc acc = new QuadAcc() ;
        UpdateDeleteWhere delete = new UpdateDeleteWhere(acc) ;
        UpdateAction.execute(delete, gStore) ;
        assertTrue(graphEmpty(gStore.getDefaultGraph())) ;
    @Test public void testDelete2()
        GraphStore gStore = getEmptyGraphStore() ;
        defaultGraphData(gStore, graph1) ;
        QuadAcc acc = new QuadAcc() ;
        UpdateDeleteWhere delete = new UpdateDeleteWhere(acc) ;
        acc.addTriple(SSE.parseTriple("(?s ?p ?o)")) ;
        UpdateAction.execute(delete, gStore) ;
        assertTrue("Not empty", graphEmpty(gStore.getDefaultGraph())) ;
    @Test public void testDelete3()
        GraphStore gStore = getEmptyGraphStore() ;
        defaultGraphData(gStore, graph1) ;
        QuadDataAcc acc = new QuadDataAcc() ;
        UpdateDataDelete delete = new UpdateDataDelete(acc) ;
        acc.addTriple(triple1) ;
        UpdateAction.execute(delete, gStore) ;
        assertTrue(graphEmpty(gStore.getDefaultGraph())) ;
    @Test public void testDelete4()
        GraphStore gStore = getEmptyGraphStore() ;
        namedGraphData(gStore, graphIRI, data1()) ;
        QuadDataAcc acc = new QuadDataAcc() ;
        UpdateDataDelete delete = new UpdateDataDelete(acc) ;
        acc.setGraph(graphIRI) ;
        acc.addTriple(triple1) ;
        UpdateAction.execute(delete, gStore) ;
        assertTrue(graphEmpty(gStore.getGraph(graphIRI))) ;
        assertTrue(graphEmpty(gStore.getDefaultGraph())) ;
    @Test public void testDelete5()
        GraphStore gStore = getEmptyGraphStore() ;
        defaultGraphData(gStore, data2()) ;
        namedGraphData(gStore, graphIRI, data1()) ;
        UpdateModify modify = new UpdateModify() ;
        Element element = QueryFactory.createElement("{ ?s <http://example/p> ?o }" ) ;
        modify.setElement(element) ;
        modify.getDeleteAcc().addQuad(SSE.parseQuad("(<http://example/graph> ?s <http://example/p> 2007 )")) ;
        UpdateAction.execute(modify, gStore) ;

        assertTrue("Not empty", graphEmpty(gStore.getGraph(graphIRI))) ;
        assertFalse(graphEmpty(gStore.getDefaultGraph())) ;

    @Test public void testModify1()
        GraphStore gStore = getEmptyGraphStore() ;
        defaultGraphData(gStore, data2()) ;
        namedGraphData(gStore, graphIRI, Factory.createDefaultGraph()) ;
        UpdateModify modify = new UpdateModify() ;
        Element element = QueryFactory.createElement("{ ?s <http://example/p> ?o }" ) ;
        modify.setElement(element) ;
        modify.getInsertAcc().addQuad(new Quad(graphIRI, triple1)) ;
        modify.getDeleteAcc().addTriple(SSE.parseTriple("(?s <http://example/p> ?o)")) ;
        modify.getDeleteAcc().addQuad(SSE.parseQuad("(<http://example/graph> ?s <http://example/p> ?o)")) ;
        UpdateAction.execute(modify, gStore) ;
        assertFalse(graphEmpty(gStore.getGraph(graphIRI))) ;
        assertTrue(graphEmpty(gStore.getDefaultGraph())) ;
        assertTrue(graphContains(gStore.getGraph(graphIRI), triple1)) ;
    @Test public void testModify2()
        // Use blank nodes (will expose any problems in serialization when spill occurs)
        Triple t =  new Triple(Node.createAnon(),p,o2);
        GraphStore gStore = getEmptyGraphStore() ;
        // Set the threshold to in order to force spill to disk
        gStore.getContext().set(ARQ.spillToDiskThreshold, 0L) ;
        defaultGraphData(gStore, data(t)) ;
        namedGraphData(gStore, graphIRI, data(t));
        UpdateModify modify = new UpdateModify() ;
        Element element = QueryFactory.createElement("{ ?s <http://example/p> ?o }" ) ;
        modify.setElement(element) ;
        modify.getInsertAcc().addQuad(new Quad(graphIRI, triple1)) ;
        modify.getDeleteAcc().addTriple(SSE.parseTriple("(?s <http://example/p> ?o)")) ;
        modify.getDeleteAcc().addQuad(SSE.parseQuad("(<http://example/graph> ?s <http://example/p> ?o)")) ;
        UpdateAction.execute(modify, gStore) ;
        assertFalse(graphEmpty(gStore.getGraph(graphIRI))) ;
        assertTrue(graphEmpty(gStore.getDefaultGraph())) ;
        assertTrue(graphContains(gStore.getGraph(graphIRI), triple1)) ;
        assertFalse(graphContains(gStore.getGraph(graphIRI), t));
    @Test public void testCopy()
        // Use blank nodes (will expose any problems in serialization when spill occurs)
        Triple t =  new Triple(Node.createAnon(),p,o2);
        Triple t2 = new Triple(Node.createAnon(),p,o1);
        GraphStore gStore = getEmptyGraphStore() ;
        // Set the threshold to in order to force spill to disk
        gStore.getContext().set(ARQ.spillToDiskThreshold, 0L) ;
        defaultGraphData(gStore, data(triple1, triple2, t)) ;
        namedGraphData(gStore, graphIRI, data(t2));
        UpdateCopy copy = new UpdateCopy(Target.DEFAULT, Target.create(graphIRI));
        UpdateAction.execute(copy, gStore);
        assertFalse(graphEmpty(gStore.getDefaultGraph())) ;
        assertFalse(graphEmpty(gStore.getGraph(graphIRI))) ;
        assertTrue(graphContains(gStore.getGraph(graphIRI), triple1)) ;
        assertTrue(graphContains(gStore.getGraph(graphIRI), triple2)) ;
        assertTrue(graphContains(gStore.getGraph(graphIRI), t)) ;
        assertFalse(graphContains(gStore.getGraph(graphIRI), t2)) ;

    @Test public void testUpdateScript1()
        GraphStore gStore = getEmptyGraphStore() ;
        script(gStore, "") ;
        assertTrue(graphContains(gStore.getDefaultGraph(), new Triple(s,p,NodeFactory.parseNode("123")))) ;
    @Test public void testUpdateScript2()
        GraphStore gStore = getEmptyGraphStore() ;
        script(gStore, "") ;
                                 new Triple(s,p,NodeFactory.parseNode("123")))) ;
        assertTrue(graphEmpty(gStore.getDefaultGraph())) ;

    @Test public void testUpdateScript3()
        GraphStore gStore = getEmptyGraphStore() ;
        script(gStore, "") ;
        assertTrue(graphEmpty(gStore.getGraph(Node.createURI("http://example/g1")))) ;
        assertTrue(graphEmpty(gStore.getDefaultGraph())) ;

    @Test public void testUpdateScript4()
        GraphStore gStore = getEmptyGraphStore() ;
        script(gStore, "") ;
                                 new Triple(s,p,NodeFactory.parseNode("123")))) ;
    @Test public void testUpdateScript5()
        GraphStore gStore = getEmptyGraphStore() ;
        script(gStore, "") ;
        Graph g = GraphFactory.createPlainGraph() ;
        Node b = Node.createAnon() ;
        g.add(new Triple(s, p, b)) ;
        g.add(new Triple(b, q, v)) ;
        assertTrue(g.isIsomorphicWith(gStore.getDefaultGraph())) ;
    @Test public void testUpdateScript6()
        GraphStore gStore = getEmptyGraphStore() ;
        script(gStore, "") ;
                                 new Triple(s,p,NodeFactory.parseNode("123")))) ;
    @Test public void testUpdateScript7()
        GraphStore gStore = getEmptyGraphStore() ;
        script(gStore, "") ;
                                 new Triple(s,p,NodeFactory.parseNode("123")))) ;
        Graph g = gStore.getGraph(graphIRI) ;
                                 new Triple(s,p,o2))) ;
    @Test(expected=QueryParseException.class) public void testUpdateBad1()      { testBad("", 1) ; }
    @Test public void testUpdateBad2()      { testBad("", 1) ; }
    @Test public void testUpdateBad3()      { testBad("", 0) ; }

    private void testBad(String file, int expectedSize)
        GraphStore gStore = getEmptyGraphStore() ;
        script(gStore, file) ;
        assertEquals(expectedSize, countQuads(gStore)) ;
    private static long countQuads(DatasetGraph dsg) { return Iter.count(dsg.find()); }

    private static Graph data1()
        Graph graph = Factory.createDefaultGraph() ;
        graph.add(triple1) ;
        return graph ;
    private static Graph data2()
        Graph graph = Factory.createDefaultGraph() ;
        graph.add(triple2) ;
        return graph ;
    private static Graph data(Triple... triples)
        Graph graph = Factory.createDefaultGraph();
        for ( Triple t : triples )
        return graph;

Related Classes of com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.modify.AbstractTestUpdateGraph

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