Package org.apache.hadoop.mapred

Source Code of org.apache.hadoop.mapred.ReduceTaskRunner$PingTimer

* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hadoop.mapred;

import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.InMemoryFileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.LocalFileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.PathFilter;
import org.apache.hadoop.metrics.MetricsRecord;
import org.apache.hadoop.metrics.MetricsUtil;
import org.apache.hadoop.metrics.MetricsContext;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.*;

import java.util.*;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.Progressable;

/** Runs a reduce task. */
class ReduceTaskRunner extends TaskRunner implements MRConstants {
  /** Number of ms before timing out a copy */
  private static final int STALLED_COPY_TIMEOUT = 3 * 60 * 1000;
   * for cleaning up old map outputs
  private MapOutputFile mapOutputFile;
   * our reduce task instance
  private ReduceTask reduceTask;
   * the list of map outputs currently being copied
  private List scheduledCopies;
   *  the results of dispatched copy attempts
  private List copyResults;
   *  the number of outputs to copy in parallel
  private int numCopiers;

   * the maximum amount of time (less 1 minute) to wait to
   * contact a host after a copy from it fails. We wait for (1 min +
   * Random.nextInt(maxBackoff)) seconds.
  private int maxBackoff;
   * busy hosts from which copies are being backed off
   * Map of host -> next contact time
  private Map penaltyBox;

   * the set of unique hosts from which we are copying
  private Set uniqueHosts;
   * the last time we polled the job tracker
  private long lastPollTime;
   * A reference to the in memory file system for writing the map outputs to.
  private InMemoryFileSystem inMemFileSys;
   * A reference to the local file system for writing the map outputs to.
  private FileSystem localFileSys;

   * An instance of the sorter used for doing merge
  private SequenceFile.Sorter sorter;
   * A reference to the throwable object (if merge throws an exception)
  private volatile Throwable mergeThrowable;
   * A flag to indicate that merge is in progress
  private volatile boolean mergeInProgress = false;

   * When we accumulate merge_threshold number of files in ram, we merge/spill
  private int mergeThreshold = 500;
   * The threads for fetching the files.
  private MapOutputCopier[] copiers = null;
   * The threads for fetching the files.
  private MetricsRecord shuffleMetrics = null;
   * the minimum interval between jobtracker polls
  private static final long MIN_POLL_INTERVAL = 5000;
   * the number of map output locations to poll for at one time
  private int probe_sample_size = 50;
   * a hashmap from mapId to MapOutputLocation for retrials
  private Map<Integer, MapOutputLocation> retryFetches = new HashMap();
  /** Represents the result of an attempt to copy a map output */
  private class CopyResult {
    // the map output location against which a copy attempt was made
    private final MapOutputLocation loc;
    // the size of the file copied, -1 if the transfer failed
    private final long size;
    CopyResult(MapOutputLocation loc, long size) {
      this.loc = loc;
      this.size = size;
    public int getMapId() { return loc.getMapId(); }
    public boolean getSuccess() { return size >= 0; }
    public long getSize() { return size; }
    public String getHost() { return loc.getHost(); }
    public MapOutputLocation getLocation() { return loc; }

  private class PingTimer extends Thread implements Progressable {
    Task task = getTask();
    TaskTracker tracker = getTracker();

    public void run() { + " Started thread: " + getName());
      while (true) {
        try {
        catch (InterruptedException i) {
        catch (Throwable e) {
 + " Thread Exception in " +
                   "reporting sort progress\n" +
    public void progress() {

  private static int nextMapOutputCopierId = 0;

  /** Copies map outputs as they become available */
  private class MapOutputCopier extends Thread {

    private MapOutputLocation currentLocation = null;
    private int id = nextMapOutputCopierId++;
    public MapOutputCopier() {
      setName("MapOutputCopier " + reduceTask.getTaskId() + "." + id);
      LOG.debug(getName() + " created");
     * Fail the current file that we are fetching
     * @return were we currently fetching?
    public synchronized boolean fail() {
      if (currentLocation != null) {
        return true;
      } else {
        return false;
     * Get the current map output location.
    public synchronized MapOutputLocation getLocation() {
      return currentLocation;
    private synchronized void start(MapOutputLocation loc) {
      currentLocation = loc;
    private synchronized void finish(long size) {
      if (currentLocation != null) {
        LOG.debug(getName() + " finishing " + currentLocation + " = " + size);
        synchronized (copyResults) {
          copyResults.add(new CopyResult(currentLocation, size));
        currentLocation = null;
    /** Loop forever and fetch map outputs as they become available.
     * The thread exits when it is interrupted by the {@link ReduceTaskRunner}
    public void run() {
      while (true) {       
        try {
          MapOutputLocation loc = null;
          long size = -1;
          synchronized (scheduledCopies) {
            while (scheduledCopies.isEmpty()) {
            loc = (MapOutputLocation)scheduledCopies.remove(0);

          try {
            size = copyOutput(loc);
          } catch (IOException e) {
            LOG.warn(reduceTask.getTaskId() + " copy failed: " +
                        loc.getMapTaskId() + " from " + loc.getHost());
          } finally {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
          return; // ALL DONE
        } catch (Throwable th) {
          LOG.error("Map output copy failure: " +

    /** Copies a a map output from a remote host, using raw RPC.
     * @param currentLocation the map output location to be copied
     * @return the path (fully qualified) of the copied file
     * @throws IOException if there is an error copying the file
     * @throws InterruptedException if the copier should give up
    private long copyOutput(MapOutputLocation loc
                            ) throws IOException, InterruptedException {

      String reduceId = reduceTask.getTaskId(); + " Copying " + loc.getMapTaskId() +
               " output from " + loc.getHost() + ".");
      // the place where the file should end up
      Path finalFilename = conf.getLocalPath(reduceId + "/map_" +
                                             loc.getMapId() + ".out");
      // a working filename that will be unique to this attempt
      Path tmpFilename = new Path(finalFilename + "-" + id);
      // this copies the map output file
      tmpFilename = loc.getFile(inMemFileSys, localFileSys, shuffleMetrics,
                               tmpFilename, reduceTask.getPartition(),
      if (tmpFilename == null)
        throw new IOException("File " + finalFilename + "-" + id +
                              " not created");
      long bytes = -1;
      // lock the ReduceTaskRunner while we do the rename
      synchronized (ReduceTaskRunner.this) {
        // if we can't rename the file, something is broken (and IOException
        // will be thrown). This file could have been created in the inmemory
        // fs or the localfs. So need to get the filesystem owning the path.
        FileSystem fs = tmpFilename.getFileSystem(conf);
        if (!fs.rename(tmpFilename, finalFilename)) {
          throw new IOException("failure to rename map output " + tmpFilename);
        bytes = fs.getLength(finalFilename); + " done copying " + loc.getMapTaskId() +
                 " output from " + loc.getHost() + ".");
        //Create a thread to do merges. Synchronize access/update to
        if (!mergeInProgress &&
            (inMemFileSys.getPercentUsed() >= MAX_INMEM_FILESYS_USE ||
             (mergeThreshold > 0 &&
              inMemFileSys.getNumFiles(MAP_OUTPUT_FILTER) >= mergeThreshold))&&
            mergeThrowable == null) {
 + " InMemoryFileSystem " +
                   inMemFileSys.getUri().toString() +
                   " is " + inMemFileSys.getPercentUsed() +
                   " full. Triggering merge");
          InMemFSMergeThread m = new InMemFSMergeThread(inMemFileSys,
                                     (LocalFileSystem)localFileSys, sorter);
          m.setName("Thread for merging in memory files");
          mergeInProgress = true;
      return bytes;

  private void configureClasspath(JobConf conf)
    throws IOException {
    // get the task and the current classloader which will become the parent
    Task task = getTask();
    ClassLoader parent = conf.getClassLoader();  
    // get the work directory which holds the elements we are dynamically
    // adding to the classpath
    File workDir = new File(task.getJobFile()).getParentFile();
    File jobCacheDir = new File(workDir.getParent(), "work");
    ArrayList<URL> urllist = new ArrayList<URL>();
    // add the jars and directories to the classpath
    String jar = conf.getJar();
    if (jar != null) {     
      File[] libs = new File(jobCacheDir, "lib").listFiles();
      if (libs != null) {
        for (int i = 0; i < libs.length; i++) {
      urllist.add(new File(jobCacheDir, "classes").toURL());
    // create a new classloader with the old classloader as its parent
    // then set that classloader as the one used by the current jobconf
    URL[] urls = urllist.toArray(new URL[urllist.size()]);
    URLClassLoader loader = new URLClassLoader(urls, parent);

  public ReduceTaskRunner(Task task, TaskTracker tracker,
                          JobConf conf) throws IOException {
    super(task, tracker, conf);
    this.mapOutputFile = new MapOutputFile();

    this.reduceTask = (ReduceTask)getTask();
    this.scheduledCopies = new ArrayList(100);
    this.copyResults = new ArrayList(100);   
    this.numCopiers = conf.getInt("mapred.reduce.parallel.copies", 5);
    this.maxBackoff = conf.getInt("mapred.reduce.copy.backoff", 300);
    this.mergeThreshold = conf.getInt("mapred.inmem.merge.threshold", 1000);

    //we want to distinguish inmem fs instances for different reduces. Hence,
    //append a unique string in the uri for the inmem fs name
    URI uri = URI.create("ramfs://mapoutput" + reduceTask.hashCode());
    inMemFileSys = (InMemoryFileSystem)FileSystem.get(uri, conf); + " Created an InMemoryFileSystem, uri: " +
    localFileSys = FileSystem.getLocal(conf);
    //create an instance of the sorter
    sorter =
      new SequenceFile.Sorter(inMemFileSys, conf.getOutputKeyComparator(),
          conf.getMapOutputValueClass(), conf);
    // hosts -> next contact time
    this.penaltyBox = new Hashtable();
    // hostnames
    this.uniqueHosts = new HashSet();
    this.lastPollTime = 0;

    MetricsContext metricsContext = MetricsUtil.getContext("mapred");
    this.shuffleMetrics =
        MetricsUtil.createRecord(metricsContext, "shuffleInput");
    this.shuffleMetrics.setTag("user", conf.getUser());

  /** Assemble all of the map output files */
  public boolean prepare() throws IOException {
    if (!super.prepare()) {
      return false;
    // cleanup from failures
    final int      numOutputs = reduceTask.getNumMaps();
    List           neededOutputs = new ArrayList(numOutputs);
    Map<Integer, MapOutputLocation> knownOutputs =
                                    new HashMap<Integer, MapOutputLocation>();
    int            numInFlight = 0, numCopied = 0;
    int            lowThreshold = numCopiers*2;
    long           bytesTransferred = 0;
    DecimalFormat  mbpsFormat = new DecimalFormat("0.00");
    Random         backoff = new Random();
    final Progress copyPhase = getTask().getProgress().phase();
    //tweak the probe sample size (make it a function of numCopiers)
    probe_sample_size = Math.max(numCopiers*5, 50);
    for (int i = 0; i < numOutputs; i++) {
      neededOutputs.add(new Integer(i));
      copyPhase.addPhase();       // add sub-phase per file

    InterTrackerProtocol jobClient = getTracker().getJobClient();
    copiers = new MapOutputCopier[numCopiers];

    // start all the copying threads
    for (int i=0; i < copiers.length; i++) {
      copiers[i] = new MapOutputCopier();
    // start the clock for bandwidth measurement
    long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    long currentTime = startTime;
    IntWritable fromEventId = new IntWritable(0);
    PingTimer pingTimer = new PingTimer();
    pingTimer.setName("Map output copy reporter for task " +
    try {
    // loop until we get all required outputs or are killed
    while (!killed && numCopied < numOutputs && mergeThrowable == null) { + " Need " + (numOutputs-numCopied) +
               " map output(s)");

      if (!neededOutputs.isEmpty()) { + " Need " + neededOutputs.size() +
                 " map output location(s)");
        try {
          // Put the hash entries for the failed fetches. Entries here
          // might be replaced by (mapId) hashkeys from new successful
          // Map executions, if the fetch failures were due to lost tasks.
          // The replacements, if at all, will happen when we query the
          // JobTracker and put the mapId hashkeys with new MapOutputLocations
          // as values
          // the call to queryJobTracker will modify fromEventId to a value
          // that it should be for the next call to queryJobTracker
          List <MapOutputLocation> locs = queryJobTracker(fromEventId,
          // remove discovered outputs from needed list
          // and put them on the known list
          int gotLocs = (locs == null ? 0 : locs.size());
          for (int i=0; i < locs.size(); i++) {
            // check whether we actually need an output. It could happen
            // that a map task that successfully ran earlier got lost, but
            // if we already have copied the output of that unfortunate task
            // we need not copy it again from the new TT (we will ignore
            // the event for the new rescheduled execution)
            if(neededOutputs.remove(new Integer(locs.get(i).getMapId()))) {
              knownOutputs.put(new Integer(locs.get(i).getMapId()), locs.get(i));
            else gotLocs--; //we don't need this output
                " Got " + gotLocs +
                " new map outputs from jobtracker and " + retryFetches.size() +
                " map outputs from previous failures");
          // clear the "failed" fetches hashmap
        catch (IOException ie) {
          LOG.warn(reduceTask.getTaskId() +
                      " Problem locating map outputs: " +
      // now walk through the cache and schedule what we can
      int numKnown = knownOutputs.size(), numScheduled = 0;
      int numSlow = 0, numDups = 0; + " Got " + numKnown +
               " known map output location(s); scheduling...");

      synchronized (scheduledCopies) {
        Iterator locIt = knownOutputs.values().iterator();

        currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        while (locIt.hasNext()) {

          MapOutputLocation loc = (MapOutputLocation);
          Long penaltyEnd = (Long)penaltyBox.get(loc.getHost());
          boolean penalized = false, duplicate = false;
          if (penaltyEnd != null && currentTime < penaltyEnd.longValue()) {
            penalized = true; numSlow++;
          if (uniqueHosts.contains(loc.getHost())) {
            duplicate = true; numDups++;
          if (!penalized && !duplicate) {
            locIt.remove()// remove from knownOutputs
            numInFlight++; numScheduled++;
      } + " Scheduled " + numScheduled +
               " of " + numKnown + " known outputs (" + numSlow +
               " slow hosts and " + numDups + " dup hosts)");

      // if we have no copies in flight and we can't schedule anything
      // new, just wait for a bit
      try {
        if (numInFlight == 0 && numScheduled == 0) {
      } catch (InterruptedException e) { } // IGNORE

      while (!killed && numInFlight > 0 && mergeThrowable == null) {
        LOG.debug(reduceTask.getTaskId() + " numInFlight = " + numInFlight);
        CopyResult cr = getCopyResult();
        if (cr != null) {
          if (cr.getSuccess()) {  // a successful copy
            bytesTransferred += cr.getSize();
            long secsSinceStart = (System.currentTimeMillis()-startTime)/1000+1;
            float mbs = ((float)bytesTransferred)/(1024*1024);
            float transferRate = mbs/secsSinceStart;
            copyPhase.setStatus("copy (" + numCopied + " of " + numOutputs +
                                " at " +
                                mbpsFormat.format(transferRate) " MB/s)");         
          } else {
            // this copy failed, put it back onto neededOutputs
            neededOutputs.add(new Integer(cr.getMapId()));
            retryFetches.put(new Integer(cr.getMapId()), cr.getLocation());
            // wait a random amount of time for next contact
            currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
            long nextContact = currentTime + 60 * 1000 +
            penaltyBox.put(cr.getHost(), new Long(nextContact));         
            LOG.warn(reduceTask.getTaskId() + " adding host " +
                     cr.getHost() + " to penalty box, next contact in " +
                     ((nextContact-currentTime)/1000) + " seconds");

            // other outputs from the failed host may be present in the
            // knownOutputs cache, purge them. This is important in case
            // the failure is due to a lost tasktracker (causes many
            // unnecessary backoffs). If not, we only take a small hit
            // polling the jobtracker a few more times
            Iterator locIt = knownOutputs.values().iterator();
            while (locIt.hasNext()) {
              MapOutputLocation loc = (MapOutputLocation);
              if (cr.getHost().equals(loc.getHost())) {
                retryFetches.put(new Integer(loc.getMapId()), loc);
                neededOutputs.add(new Integer(loc.getMapId()));
        boolean busy = true;
        // ensure we have enough to keep us busy
        if (numInFlight < lowThreshold && (numOutputs-numCopied) > probe_sample_size) {
          busy = false;
        //Check whether we have more CopyResult to check. If there is none, and
        //we are not busy enough, break
        synchronized (copyResults) {
          if (copyResults.size() == 0 && !busy) {

    // all done, inform the copiers to exit
    synchronized (copiers) {
      synchronized (scheduledCopies) {
        for (int i=0; i < copiers.length; i++) {
          copiers[i] = null;
    //Do a merge of in-memory files (if there are any)
    if (!killed && mergeThrowable == null) {
      try {
        //wait for an ongoing merge (if it is in flight) to complete
        while (mergeInProgress) {
        } +
                 " Copying of all map outputs complete. " +
                 "Initiating the last merge on the remaining files in " +
        if (mergeThrowable != null) {
          //this could happen if the merge that
          //was in progress threw an exception
          throw mergeThrowable;
        //initiate merge
        Path[] inMemClosedFiles = inMemFileSys.getFiles(MAP_OUTPUT_FILTER);
        if (inMemClosedFiles.length == 0) {
 + "Nothing to merge from " +
          return numCopied == numOutputs;
        //name this output file same as the name of the first file that is
        //there in the current list of inmem files (this is guaranteed to be
        //absent on the disk currently. So we don't overwrite a prev.
        //created spill). Also we need to create the output file now since
        //it is not guaranteed that this file will be present after merge
        //is called (we delete empty sequence files as soon as we see them
        //in the merge method)
        SequenceFile.Writer writer = sorter.cloneFileAttributes(
            localFileSys.makeQualified(inMemClosedFiles[0]), null);
        RawKeyValueIterator rIter = null;
        try {
          rIter = sorter.merge(inMemClosedFiles, true, inMemClosedFiles.length,
                       new Path(reduceTask.getTaskId()));
        } catch (Exception e) {
          //make sure that we delete the ondisk file that we created earlier
          //when we invoked cloneFileAttributes
          throw new IOException (StringUtils.stringifyException(e));
        sorter.writeFile(rIter, writer);
        writer.close(); +
                 " Merge of the " +inMemClosedFiles.length +
                 " files in InMemoryFileSystem complete." +
                 " Local file is " + inMemClosedFiles[0]);
      } catch (Throwable t) {
        LOG.warn(reduceTask.getTaskId() +
            " Final merge of the inmemory files threw an exception: " +
        return false;
    return mergeThrowable == null && numCopied == numOutputs && !killed;
    } finally {
  private CopyResult getCopyResult() { 
   synchronized (copyResults) {
      while (!killed && copyResults.isEmpty()) {
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) { }
      if (copyResults.isEmpty()) {
        return null;
      } else {
        return (CopyResult) copyResults.remove(0);
  /** Queries the job tracker for a set of outputs ready to be copied
   * @param fromEventId the first event ID we want to start from, this will be
   * modified by the call to this method
   * @param jobClient the job tracker
   * @return a set of locations to copy outputs from
   * @throws IOException
  private List <MapOutputLocation> queryJobTracker(IntWritable fromEventId,
                                              InterTrackerProtocol jobClient)
  throws IOException {
    long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();   
    long pollTime = lastPollTime + MIN_POLL_INTERVAL;
    while (currentTime < pollTime) {
      try {
      } catch (InterruptedException ie) { } // IGNORE
      currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    lastPollTime = currentTime;

    TaskCompletionEvent t[] = jobClient.getTaskCompletionEvents(
    List <MapOutputLocation> mapOutputsList = new ArrayList();
    for (int i = 0; i < t.length; i++) {
      if (t[i].isMap &&
          t[i].getTaskStatus() == TaskCompletionEvent.Status.SUCCEEDED) {
        URI u = URI.create(t[i].getTaskTrackerHttp());
        String host = u.getHost();
        int port = u.getPort();
        String taskId = t[i].getTaskId();
        int mId = t[i].idWithinJob();
        mapOutputsList.add(new MapOutputLocation(taskId, mId, host, port));
    fromEventId.set(fromEventId.get() + t.length);
    return mapOutputsList;

  /** Delete all of the temporary map output files. */
  public void close() throws IOException {

   * Kill the child process, but also kick getCopyResult so that it checks
   * the kill flag.
  public void kill() {
    synchronized (copyResults) {

  private class InMemFSMergeThread extends Thread {
    private InMemoryFileSystem inMemFileSys;
    private LocalFileSystem localFileSys;
    private SequenceFile.Sorter sorter;
    public InMemFSMergeThread(InMemoryFileSystem inMemFileSys,
        LocalFileSystem localFileSys, SequenceFile.Sorter sorter) {
      this.inMemFileSys = inMemFileSys;
      this.localFileSys = localFileSys;
      this.sorter = sorter;
    public void run() { + " Thread started: " + getName());
      try {
        //initiate merge
        Path[] inMemClosedFiles = inMemFileSys.getFiles(MAP_OUTPUT_FILTER);
        //Note that the above Path[] could be of length 0 if all copies are
        //in flight. So we make sure that we have some 'closed' map
        //output files to merge to get the benefit of in-memory merge
        if (inMemClosedFiles.length >=
          //name this output file same as the name of the first file that is
          //there in the current list of inmem files (this is guaranteed to be
          //absent on the disk currently. So we don't overwrite a prev.
          //created spill). Also we need to create the output file now since
          //it is not guaranteed that this file will be present after merge
          //is called (we delete empty sequence files as soon as we see them
          //in the merge method)
          SequenceFile.Writer writer = sorter.cloneFileAttributes(
              localFileSys.makeQualified(inMemClosedFiles[0]), null);
          RawKeyValueIterator rIter;
          try {
            rIter = sorter.merge(inMemClosedFiles, true,
              inMemClosedFiles.length, new Path(reduceTask.getTaskId()));
          } catch (Exception e) {
            //make sure that we delete the ondisk file that we created earlier
            //when we invoked cloneFileAttributes
            throw new IOException (StringUtils.stringifyException(e));
          sorter.writeFile(rIter, writer);
                   " Merge of the " +inMemClosedFiles.length +
                   " files in InMemoryFileSystem complete." +
                   " Local file is " + inMemClosedFiles[0]);
        else {
 + " Nothing to merge from " +
      } catch (Throwable t) {
        LOG.warn(reduceTask.getTaskId() +
            " Intermediate Merge of the inmemory files threw an exception: " +
        ReduceTaskRunner.this.mergeThrowable = t;
      finally {
        mergeInProgress = false;
  final private static PathFilter MAP_OUTPUT_FILTER = new PathFilter() {
    public boolean accept(Path file) {
      return file.toString().endsWith(".out");

Related Classes of org.apache.hadoop.mapred.ReduceTaskRunner$PingTimer

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