Package org.apache.commons.jexl

Source Code of org.apache.commons.jexl.JexlTest

* Copyright 2002,2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.commons.jexl;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Set;

import junit.framework.Test;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import junit.framework.TestSuite;

import org.apache.commons.jexl.parser.ParseException;
import org.apache.commons.jexl.parser.Parser;
import org.apache.commons.jexl.parser.SimpleNode;
import org.apache.commons.jexl.resolver.FlatResolver;

*  Simple testcases
@author <a href="">Geir Magnusson Jr.</a>
@version $Id:,v 1.60 2004/09/01 00:35:38 dion Exp $
public class JexlTest extends TestCase
    protected static final String METHOD_STRING = "Method string";
    protected static final String GET_METHOD_STRING = "GetMethod string";

    protected static final String[] GET_METHOD_ARRAY =
        new String[] { "One", "Two", "Three" };

    protected static final String[][] GET_METHOD_ARRAY2 =
        new String[][] { {"One", "Two", "Three"},{"Four", "Five", "Six"} };

    public static Test suite()
        return new TestSuite(JexlTest.class);

    public JexlTest(String testName)

      *  test a simple property expression
    public void testProperty()
         throws Exception
         *  tests a simple property expression

        Expression e = ExpressionFactory.createExpression("");
        JexlContext jc = JexlHelper.createContext();

        jc.getVars().put("foo", new Foo() );
        Object o = e.evaluate(jc);

        assertTrue("o not instanceof String", o instanceof String);
        assertTrue("o incorrect", o.equals(GET_METHOD_STRING));

      *  test a simple method expression
    public void testMethod()
         throws Exception
         *  tests a simple method expression
        JexlContext jc = JexlHelper.createContext();
        jc.getVars().put("foo", new Foo() );
        assertExpression(jc, "", METHOD_STRING);

      *  test a simple method expression
    public void testArrayAccess()
         throws Exception
        JexlContext jc = JexlHelper.createContext();

         *  test List access

        List l = new ArrayList();
        l.add(new Integer(1));
        l.add(new Integer(2));
        l.add(new Integer(3));

        jc.getVars().put("list", l);

        assertExpression(jc, "list[1]", new Integer(2));
        assertExpression(jc, "list[1+1]", new Integer(3));
        jc.getVars().put("loc", new Integer(1));
        assertExpression(jc, "list[loc+1]", new Integer(3));

         * test array access

        String[] args = {"hello", "there"};
        jc.getVars().put("array", args);
        assertExpression(jc, "array[0]", "hello");

         * to think that this was an intentional syntax...
        assertExpression(jc, "array.0", "hello");

         * test map access
        Map m = new HashMap();
        m.put("foo", "bar");

        jc.getVars().put("map", m);
        jc.getVars().put("key", "foo");

        assertExpression(jc, "map[\"foo\"]", "bar");
        assertExpression(jc, "map[key]", "bar");

         *  test bean access
        jc.getVars().put("foo", new Foo());
        assertExpression(jc, "foo[\"bar\"]", GET_METHOD_STRING);
        assertExpression(jc, "foo[\"bar\"] ==", Boolean.TRUE);


    public void testMulti()
         throws Exception
         *  tests a simple property expression
        JexlContext jc = JexlHelper.createContext();
        jc.getVars().put("foo", new Foo() );
        assertExpression(jc, "", METHOD_STRING);

    public void testBoolean()
         throws Exception
        JexlContext jc = JexlHelper.createContext();
        jc.getVars().put("foo", new Foo() );
        jc.getVars().put("a", Boolean.TRUE);
        jc.getVars().put("b", Boolean.FALSE);

        assertExpression(jc, "foo.convertBoolean(a==b)", "Boolean : false");
        assertExpression(jc, "foo.convertBoolean(a==true)", "Boolean : true");
        assertExpression(jc, "foo.convertBoolean(a==false)", "Boolean : false");
        assertExpression(jc, "foo.convertBoolean(true==false)", "Boolean : false");
        assertExpression(jc, "true eq false", Boolean.FALSE);
        assertExpression(jc, "true ne false", Boolean.TRUE);

    public void testStringLit()
         throws Exception
         *  tests a simple property expression
        JexlContext jc = JexlHelper.createContext();
        jc.getVars().put("foo", new Foo() );
        assertExpression(jc, "foo.get(\"woogie\")", "Repeat : woogie");

    public void testExpression()
         throws Exception
        JexlContext jc = JexlHelper.createContext();
        jc.getVars().put("foo", new Foo() );
        jc.getVars().put("a", Boolean.TRUE);
        jc.getVars().put("b", Boolean.FALSE);
        jc.getVars().put("num", new Integer(5));

        assertExpression(jc, "a == b", Boolean.FALSE);
        assertExpression(jc, "a==true", Boolean.TRUE);
        assertExpression(jc, "a==false", Boolean.FALSE);
        assertExpression(jc, "true==false", Boolean.FALSE);
        assertExpression(jc, "num < 3", Boolean.FALSE);
        assertExpression(jc, "num <= 5", Boolean.TRUE);
        assertExpression(jc, "num >= 5", Boolean.TRUE);
        assertExpression(jc, "num > 4", Boolean.TRUE);
        assertExpression(jc, "\"foo\" + \"bar\" == \"foobar\"", Boolean.TRUE);


    public void testEmpty()
         throws Exception
        JexlContext jc = JexlHelper.createContext();
        jc.getVars().put("string", "");
        jc.getVars().put("array", new Object[0]);
        jc.getVars().put("map", new HashMap());
        jc.getVars().put("list", new ArrayList());
        jc.getVars().put("set", (new HashMap()).keySet());
        jc.getVars().put("longstring", "thingthing");

         *  I can't believe anyone thinks this is a syntax.. :)
        assertExpression(jc, "empty nullthing", Boolean.TRUE);
        assertExpression(jc, "empty string", Boolean.TRUE);
        assertExpression(jc, "empty array", Boolean.TRUE);
        assertExpression(jc, "empty map", Boolean.TRUE);
        assertExpression(jc, "empty set", Boolean.TRUE);
        assertExpression(jc, "empty list", Boolean.TRUE);
        assertExpression(jc, "empty longstring", Boolean.FALSE);
        assertExpression(jc, "not empty longstring", Boolean.TRUE);

    public void testSize()
         throws Exception
        JexlContext jc = JexlHelper.createContext();
        jc.getVars().put("s", "five!");
        jc.getVars().put("array", new Object[5]);

        Map map = new HashMap();

        map.put("1", new Integer(1));
        map.put("2", new Integer(2));
        map.put("3", new Integer(3));
        map.put("4", new Integer(4));
        map.put("5", new Integer(5));

        jc.getVars().put("map", map);

        List list = new ArrayList();


        jc.getVars().put("list", list);

        // 30652 - support for set
        Set set = new HashSet();
        jc.getVars().put("set", set);
        // support generic int size() method
        BitSet bitset = new BitSet(5);
        jc.getVars().put("bitset", bitset);

        assertExpression(jc, "size(s)", new Integer(5));
        assertExpression(jc, "size(array)", new Integer(5));
        assertExpression(jc, "size(list)", new Integer(5));
        assertExpression(jc, "size(map)", new Integer(5));
        assertExpression(jc, "size(set)", new Integer(5));
        assertExpression(jc, "size(bitset)", new Integer(64));
        assertExpression(jc, "list.size()", new Integer(5));
        assertExpression(jc, "map.size()", new Integer(5));
        assertExpression(jc, "set.size()", new Integer(5));
        assertExpression(jc, "bitset.size()", new Integer(64));

        assertExpression(jc, "list.get(size(list) - 1)", "5");
        assertExpression(jc, "list[size(list) - 1]", "5");
        assertExpression(jc, "list.get(list.size() - 1)", "5");

    public void testSizeAsProperty() throws Exception
        JexlContext jc = JexlHelper.createContext();

        jc.getVars().put("map", Collections.singletonMap( "size", "cheese"));
        jc.getVars().put("foo", new Foo());

        assertExpression(jc, "map['size']", "cheese");
// PR - unsure whether or not we should support map.size or force usage of the above 'escaped' version       
//        assertExpression(jc, "map.size", "cheese");
        assertExpression(jc, "foo.getSize()", new Integer(22));
        // failing assertion for size property
        //assertExpression(jc, "foo.size", new Integer(22));

      *  test some String method calls
    public void testStringMethods()
         throws Exception
        JexlContext jc = JexlHelper.createContext();

        jc.getVars().put("foo", "abcdef");

        assertExpression(jc, "foo.substring(3)", "def");
        assertExpression(jc, "foo.substring(0,(size(foo)-3))", "abc");
        assertExpression(jc, "foo.substring(0,size(foo)-3)", "abc");
        assertExpression(jc, "foo.substring(0,foo.length()-3)", "abc");

      *  test some simple mathematical calculations
    public void testCalculations()
         throws Exception
        Expression e = null;
        JexlContext jc = JexlHelper.createContext();

        jc.getVars().put("foo", new Integer(2) );
        Object o = null;

        assertExpression(jc, "foo + 2", new Long(4));
        assertExpression(jc, "3 + 3", new Long(6));
        assertExpression(jc, "3 + 3 + foo", new Long(8));
        assertExpression(jc, "3 * 3", new Long(9));
        assertExpression(jc, "3 * 3 + foo", new Long(11));
        assertExpression(jc, "3 * 3 - foo", new Long(7));

         * test some floaty stuff
        assertExpression(jc, "3 * \"3.0\"", new Double(9));
        assertExpression(jc, "3 * 3.0", new Double(9));

         *  test / and %
        assertExpression(jc, "6 / 3", new Double(6/3));
        assertExpression(jc, "6.4 / 3", new Double(6.4 / 3));
        assertExpression(jc, "0 / 3", new Double(0 / 3));
        assertExpression(jc, "3 / 0", new Double(0));
        assertExpression(jc, "4 % 3", new Long(1));
        assertExpression(jc, "4.8 % 3", new Double(4.8 % 3));

         * test to ensure new string cat works
        jc.getVars().put("stringy", "thingy" );
        assertExpression(jc, "stringy + 2", "thingy2");

         * test new null coersion
        jc.getVars().put("imanull", null );
        assertExpression(jc, "imanull + 2", new Long(2));
        assertExpression(jc, "imanull + imanull", new Long(0));

      *  test some simple conditions
    public void testConditions()
         throws Exception
        JexlContext jc = JexlHelper.createContext();
        jc.getVars().put("foo", new Integer(2) );
        jc.getVars().put("aFloat", new Float(1));
        jc.getVars().put("aDouble", new Double(2));
        jc.getVars().put("aChar", new Character('A'));
        jc.getVars().put("aBool", Boolean.TRUE);
        StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer("abc");
        List list = new ArrayList();
        List list2 = new LinkedList();
        jc.getVars().put("aBuffer", buffer);
        jc.getVars().put("aList", list);
        jc.getVars().put("bList", list2);
        assertExpression(jc, "foo == 2", Boolean.TRUE);
        assertExpression(jc, "2 == 3", Boolean.FALSE);
        assertExpression(jc, "3 == foo", Boolean.FALSE);
        assertExpression(jc, "3 != foo", Boolean.TRUE);
        assertExpression(jc, "foo != 2", Boolean.FALSE);
        // test float and double equality
        assertExpression(jc, "aFloat eq aDouble", Boolean.FALSE);
        assertExpression(jc, "aFloat ne aDouble", Boolean.TRUE);
        assertExpression(jc, "aFloat == aDouble", Boolean.FALSE);
        assertExpression(jc, "aFloat != aDouble", Boolean.TRUE);
        // test number and character equality
        assertExpression(jc, "foo == aChar", Boolean.FALSE);
        assertExpression(jc, "foo != aChar", Boolean.TRUE);
        // test string and boolean
        assertExpression(jc, "aBool == 'true'", Boolean.TRUE);
        assertExpression(jc, "aBool == 'false'", Boolean.FALSE);
        assertExpression(jc, "aBool != 'false'", Boolean.TRUE);
        // test null and boolean
        assertExpression(jc, "aBool == notThere", Boolean.FALSE);
        assertExpression(jc, "aBool != notThere", Boolean.TRUE);
        // anything and string as a string comparison
        assertExpression(jc, "aBuffer == 'abc'", Boolean.TRUE);
        assertExpression(jc, "aBuffer != 'abc'", Boolean.FALSE);
        // arbitrary equals
        assertExpression(jc, "aList == bList", Boolean.TRUE);
        assertExpression(jc, "aList != bList", Boolean.FALSE);

      *  test some simple conditions
    public void testNotConditions()
         throws Exception
        JexlContext jc = JexlHelper.createContext();

        Foo foo = new Foo();
        jc.getVars().put("x", Boolean.TRUE );
        jc.getVars().put("foo", foo );
        jc.getVars().put("bar", "true" );

        assertExpression(jc, "!x", Boolean.FALSE);
        assertExpression(jc, "x", Boolean.TRUE);
        assertExpression(jc, "!bar", Boolean.FALSE);
        assertExpression(jc, "!foo.isSimple()", Boolean.FALSE);
        assertExpression(jc, "foo.isSimple()", Boolean.TRUE);
        assertExpression(jc, "!foo.simple", Boolean.FALSE);
        assertExpression(jc, "foo.simple", Boolean.TRUE);
        assertExpression(jc, "foo.getCheeseList().size() == 3", Boolean.TRUE);
        assertExpression(jc, "foo.cheeseList.size() == 3", Boolean.TRUE);

        jc.getVars().put("string", "");
        assertExpression(jc, "not empty string", Boolean.FALSE);
        assertExpression(jc, "not(empty string)", Boolean.FALSE);
        assertExpression(jc, "not empty(string)", Boolean.FALSE);
        assertExpression(jc, "! empty string", Boolean.FALSE);
        assertExpression(jc, "!(empty string)", Boolean.FALSE);
        assertExpression(jc, "!empty(string)", Boolean.FALSE);


      *  GMJ : disabled - need to fix
      *  test some simple conditions
    public void testNotConditionsWithDots()
         throws Exception
        Expression e = ExpressionFactory.createExpression("x.a");
        JexlContext jc = JexlHelper.createContext();

        jc.getVars().put("x.a", Boolean.TRUE );
        jc.getVars().put("x.b", Boolean.FALSE );

        assertExpression(jc, "x.a", Boolean.TRUE);
        assertExpression(jc, "!x.a", Boolean.FALSE);
        assertExpression(jc, "!x.b", Boolean.TRUE);

      *  test some simple conditions
    public void testComparisons()
         throws Exception
        JexlContext jc = JexlHelper.createContext();
        jc.getVars().put("foo", "the quick and lazy fox" );

        assertExpression(jc, "foo.indexOf('quick') > 0", Boolean.TRUE);
        assertExpression(jc, "foo.indexOf('bar') >= 0", Boolean.FALSE);
        assertExpression(jc, "foo.indexOf('bar') < 0", Boolean.TRUE);

      *  test some null conditions
    public void testNull()
         throws Exception
        JexlContext jc = JexlHelper.createContext();
        jc.getVars().put("bar", new Integer(2) );

        assertExpression(jc, "empty foo", Boolean.TRUE);
        assertExpression(jc, "bar == null", Boolean.FALSE);
        assertExpression(jc, "foo == null", Boolean.TRUE);
        assertExpression(jc, "bar != null", Boolean.TRUE);
        assertExpression(jc, "foo != null", Boolean.FALSE);
        assertExpression(jc, "empty(bar)", Boolean.FALSE);
        assertExpression(jc, "empty(foo)", Boolean.TRUE);

      *  test some blank strings
    public void testBlankStrings()
         throws Exception
        JexlContext jc = JexlHelper.createContext();
        jc.getVars().put("bar", "" );

        assertExpression(jc, "foo == ''", Boolean.FALSE);
        assertExpression(jc, "bar == ''", Boolean.TRUE);
        assertExpression(jc, "barnotexist == ''", Boolean.FALSE);
        assertExpression(jc, "empty bar", Boolean.TRUE);
        assertExpression(jc, "bar.length() == 0", Boolean.TRUE);
        assertExpression(jc, "size(bar) == 0", Boolean.TRUE);

      *  test some blank strings
    public void testLogicExpressions()
         throws Exception
        JexlContext jc = JexlHelper.createContext();
        jc.getVars().put("foo", "abc" );
        jc.getVars().put("bar", "def" );

        assertExpression(jc, "foo == 'abc' || bar == 'abc'", Boolean.TRUE);
        assertExpression(jc, "foo == 'abc' or bar == 'abc'", Boolean.TRUE);
        assertExpression(jc, "foo == 'abc' && bar == 'abc'", Boolean.FALSE);
        assertExpression(jc, "foo == 'abc' and bar == 'abc'", Boolean.FALSE);

        assertExpression(jc, "foo == 'def' || bar == 'abc'", Boolean.FALSE);
        assertExpression(jc, "foo == 'def' or bar == 'abc'", Boolean.FALSE);
        assertExpression(jc, "foo == 'abc' && bar == 'def'", Boolean.TRUE);
        assertExpression(jc, "foo == 'abc' and bar == 'def'", Boolean.TRUE);

      *  test some simple double array lookups
    public void testDoubleArrays()
         throws Exception
        JexlContext jc = JexlHelper.createContext();

        Object[][] foo = new Object[2][2];
        foo[0][0] = "one";
        foo[0][1] = "two";

        jc.getVars().put("foo", foo );

        assertExpression(jc, "foo[0][1]", "two");

      *  test variables with underscore names
    public void testVariableNames()
         throws Exception
        JexlContext jc = JexlHelper.createContext();
        jc.getVars().put("foo_bar", "123" );
        assertExpression(jc, "foo_bar", "123");

      *  test the use of dot notation to lookup map entries
    public void testMapDot()
         throws Exception
        Map foo = new HashMap();
        foo.put( "bar", "123" );

        JexlContext jc = JexlHelper.createContext();
        jc.getVars().put("foo", foo );
        assertExpression(jc, "", "123");

     *  Tests string literals
    public void testStringLiterals()
        throws Exception
        JexlContext jc = JexlHelper.createContext();
        jc.getVars().put("foo", "bar" );

        assertExpression(jc, "foo == \"bar\"", Boolean.TRUE);
        assertExpression(jc, "foo == 'bar'", Boolean.TRUE);

      *  test the use of an int based property
    public void testIntProperty()
         throws Exception
        Foo foo = new Foo();

        // lets check the square function first..
        assertEquals(4, foo.square(2));
        assertEquals(4, foo.square(-2));

        JexlContext jc = JexlHelper.createContext();
        jc.getVars().put("foo", foo );

        assertExpression(jc, "foo.count", new Integer(5));
        assertExpression(jc, "foo.square(2)", new Integer(4));
        assertExpression(jc, "foo.square(-2)", new Integer(4));

      *  test the -1 comparison bug
    public void testNegativeIntComparison()
         throws Exception
        JexlContext jc = JexlHelper.createContext();
        Foo foo = new Foo();
        jc.getVars().put("foo", foo );

        assertExpression(jc, "foo.count != -1", Boolean.TRUE);
        assertExpression(jc, "foo.count == 5", Boolean.TRUE);
        assertExpression(jc, "foo.count == -1", Boolean.FALSE);

    public void testArrayProperty()
        throws Exception
        Foo foo = new Foo();

        JexlContext jc = JexlHelper.createContext();
        jc.getVars().put("foo", foo );

        Expression bracketForm =

        Expression dotForm =

        assertExpression(jc, "foo.array[1]", GET_METHOD_ARRAY[1]);
        assertExpression(jc, "foo.array.1", GET_METHOD_ARRAY[1]);
        assertExpression(jc, "foo.array2[1][1]", GET_METHOD_ARRAY2[1][1]);
        //assertExpression(jc, "foo.array2.1.1", GET_METHOD_ARRAY2[1][1]);

     * Attempts to recreate bug
    public void testCharAtBug()
        throws Exception
        JexlContext jc = JexlHelper.createContext();

        jc.getVars().put("foo", "abcdef");

        assertExpression(jc, "foo.substring(2,4)", "cd");
        assertExpression(jc, "foo.charAt(2)", new Character('c'));

        try {
            assertExpression(jc, "foo.charAt(-2)", null);
            fail("this test should have thrown an exception" );
        catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
            // expected behaviour
        catch (Exception e) {
            throw e;

    public void testEmptyDottedVariableName() throws Exception
        JexlContext jc = JexlHelper.createContext();

        jc.getVars().put( "", "");

        assertExpression(jc, "empty(", Boolean.TRUE);

    public void testEmptySubListOfMap() throws Exception
        JexlContext jc = JexlHelper.createContext();
        Map m = Collections.singletonMap("aList", Collections.EMPTY_LIST);

        jc.getVars().put( "aMap", m );

        assertExpression( jc, "empty( aMap.aList )", Boolean.TRUE );

    public void testCoercionWithComparisionOperators()
        throws Exception
        JexlContext jc = JexlHelper.createContext();

        assertExpression(jc, "'2' > 1", Boolean.TRUE);
        assertExpression(jc, "'2' >= 1", Boolean.TRUE);
        assertExpression(jc, "'2' >= 2", Boolean.TRUE);
        assertExpression(jc, "'2' < 1", Boolean.FALSE);
        assertExpression(jc, "'2' <= 1", Boolean.FALSE);
        assertExpression(jc, "'2' <= 2", Boolean.TRUE);

        assertExpression(jc, "2 > '1'", Boolean.TRUE);
        assertExpression(jc, "2 >= '1'", Boolean.TRUE);
        assertExpression(jc, "2 >= '2'", Boolean.TRUE);
        assertExpression(jc, "2 < '1'", Boolean.FALSE);
        assertExpression(jc, "2 <= '1'", Boolean.FALSE);
        assertExpression(jc, "2 <= '2'", Boolean.TRUE);

    public void testResolver()
        throws Exception
         * first, a simple override

        Expression expr =

        expr.addPreResolver(new FlatResolver());

        JexlContext jc = JexlHelper.createContext();

        Foo foo = new Foo();

        jc.getVars().put("", "flat value");
        jc.getVars().put("foo", foo );

        Object o = expr.evaluate(jc);

        assertEquals("flat override", o,"flat value");

         * now, let the resolver not find it and have it drop to jexl

        expr =

        expr.addPreResolver(new FlatResolver());

        o = expr.evaluate(jc);

        assertEquals("flat override 1", o,new Integer(GET_METHOD_STRING.length()));

         * now, let the resolver not find it and NOT drop to jexl

        expr =

        expr.addPreResolver(new FlatResolver(false));

        o = expr.evaluate(jc);

        assertEquals("flat override 2", o, null);


     * Test that 'and' only evaluates the second item if needed
     * @throws Exception if there are errors
    public void testBooleanShortCircuitAnd() throws Exception
        // handle false for the left arg of 'and'
        Foo tester = new Foo();
        JexlContext jc = JexlHelper.createContext();
        jc.getVars().put("first", Boolean.FALSE);
        jc.getVars().put("foo", tester);
        Expression expr = ExpressionFactory.createExpression("first and foo.trueAndModify");
        assertTrue("Short circuit failure: rhs evaluated when lhs FALSE", !tester.getModified());
        // handle true for the left arg of 'and'
        tester = new Foo();
        jc.getVars().put("first", Boolean.TRUE);
        jc.getVars().put("foo", tester);
        assertTrue("Short circuit failure: rhs not evaluated when lhs TRUE", tester.getModified());
     * Test that 'or' only evaluates the second item if needed
     * @throws Exception if there are errors
    public void testBooleanShortCircuitOr() throws Exception
        // handle false for the left arg of 'or'
        Foo tester = new Foo();
        JexlContext jc = JexlHelper.createContext();
        jc.getVars().put("first", Boolean.FALSE);
        jc.getVars().put("foo", tester);
        Expression expr = ExpressionFactory.createExpression("first or foo.trueAndModify");
        assertTrue("Short circuit failure: rhs not evaluated when lhs FALSE", tester.getModified());
        // handle true for the left arg of 'or'
        tester = new Foo();
        jc.getVars().put("first", Boolean.TRUE);
        jc.getVars().put("foo", tester);
        assertTrue("Short circuit failure: rhs evaluated when lhs TRUE", !tester.getModified());

     * Simple test of '+' as a string concatenation operator
     * @throws Exception
    public void testStringConcatenation() throws Exception
        JexlContext jc = JexlHelper.createContext();
        jc.getVars().put("first", "Hello");
        jc.getVars().put("second", "World");
        assertExpression(jc, "first + ' ' + second", "Hello World");

     * Ensures static methods on objects can be called.
    public void testStaticMethodInvocation() throws Exception
        JexlContext jc = JexlHelper.createContext();
        jc.getVars().put("aBool", Boolean.FALSE);
        assertExpression(jc, "aBool.valueOf('true')", Boolean.TRUE);
     * Make sure bad syntax throws ParseException
     * @throws Exception on errors
    public void testBadParse() throws Exception
            assertExpression(JexlHelper.createContext(), "empty()", null);
        catch (ParseException pe)
            System.err.println("Expecting a parse exception: " + pe.getMessage());

     * Test the ## comment in a string
     * @throws Exception
    public void testComment() throws Exception
        assertExpression(JexlHelper.createContext(), "## double or nothing\n 1 + 1", Long.valueOf("2"));
     * Assignment isn't implemented for an expression language
     * @throws Exception
    public void testAssignment() throws Exception
        JexlContext jc = JexlHelper.createContext();
        jc.getVars().put("aString", "Hello");
        Parser parser = new Parser(new StringReader(";"));
        SimpleNode tree = parser.parse(new StringReader("aString = 'World';"));
    public void testAntPropertiesWithMethods() throws Exception
        JexlContext jc = JexlHelper.createContext();
        String value = "Stinky Cheese";
        jc.getVars().put("", value);
        assertExpression(jc, "", new Integer(value.length()));
        assertExpression(jc, "empty(", Boolean.FALSE);
        assertExpression(jc, "size(", new Integer(value.length()));
        assertExpression(jc, " + ' is good'", value + " is good");

        // DG: Note the following ant properties don't work
//        String version = "1.0.3";
//        jc.getVars().put("commons-logging", version);
//        assertExpression(jc, "commons-logging", version);

     * Asserts that the given expression returns the given value when applied to the
     * given context
    protected void assertExpression(JexlContext jc, String expression, Object expected) throws Exception
        Expression e = ExpressionFactory.createExpression(expression);
        Object actual = e.evaluate(jc);
        assertEquals(expression, expected, actual);

     *  Helps in debugging the testcases when working with it
    public static void main(String[] args)
        throws Exception
        JexlTest jt = new JexlTest("foo");


Related Classes of org.apache.commons.jexl.JexlTest

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