Package org.apache.tapestry5.internal.transform

Source Code of org.apache.tapestry5.internal.transform.ParameterWorker

// Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008 The Apache Software Foundation
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

package org.apache.tapestry5.internal.transform;

import org.apache.tapestry5.Binding;
import org.apache.tapestry5.annotations.Parameter;
import org.apache.tapestry5.internal.InternalComponentResources;
import org.apache.tapestry5.internal.bindings.LiteralBinding;
import org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.internal.util.InternalUtils;
import org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.util.BodyBuilder;
import org.apache.tapestry5.model.MutableComponentModel;

import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.util.List;

* Responsible for identifying parameters via the {@link org.apache.tapestry5.annotations.Parameter} annotation on
* component fields. This is one of the most complex of the transformations.
public class ParameterWorker implements ComponentClassTransformWorker
    private static final String BIND_METHOD_NAME = ParameterWorker.class.getName() + ".bind";

    private final BindingSource bindingSource;

    public ParameterWorker(BindingSource bindingSource)
        this.bindingSource = bindingSource;

    public void transform(final ClassTransformation transformation, MutableComponentModel model)
        FieldFilter filter = new FieldFilter()
            public boolean accept(String fieldName, String fieldType)
                Parameter annotation = transformation
                        .getFieldAnnotation(fieldName, Parameter.class);

                return annotation != null && annotation.principal();

        List<String> principleFieldNames = transformation.findFields(filter);

        convertFieldsIntoParameters(transformation, model, principleFieldNames);

        // Now convert the rest.

        List<String> fieldNames = transformation.findFieldsWithAnnotation(Parameter.class);

        convertFieldsIntoParameters(transformation, model, fieldNames);

    private void convertFieldsIntoParameters(ClassTransformation transformation, MutableComponentModel model,
                                             List<String> fieldNames)
        for (String name : fieldNames)
            convertFieldIntoParameter(name, transformation, model);

    private void convertFieldIntoParameter(String name, ClassTransformation transformation, MutableComponentModel model)
        Parameter annotation = transformation.getFieldAnnotation(name, Parameter.class);

        String parameterName = getParameterName(name,;

        model.addParameter(parameterName, annotation.required(), annotation.defaultPrefix());

        String type = transformation.getFieldType(name);

        boolean cache = annotation.cache();

        String cachedFieldName = transformation.addField(Modifier.PRIVATE, "boolean", name + "_cached");

        String resourcesFieldName = transformation.getResourcesFieldName();

        String invariantFieldName = addParameterSetup(name, annotation.defaultPrefix(), annotation.value(),
                                                      parameterName, cachedFieldName, cache, type, resourcesFieldName,

        addReaderMethod(name, cachedFieldName, invariantFieldName, cache, parameterName, type, resourcesFieldName,

        addWriterMethod(name, cachedFieldName, cache, parameterName, type, resourcesFieldName, transformation);

        transformation.claimField(name, annotation);

     * Returns the name of a field that stores whether the parameter binding is invariant.
    private String addParameterSetup(String fieldName, String defaultPrefix, String defaultBinding,
                                     String parameterName, String cachedFieldName, boolean cache, String fieldType,
                                     String resourcesFieldName, ClassTransformation transformation)
        String defaultFieldName = transformation.addField(Modifier.PRIVATE, fieldType, fieldName + "_default");

        String invariantFieldName = transformation.addField(Modifier.PRIVATE, "boolean", fieldName + "_invariant");

        BodyBuilder builder = new BodyBuilder();

        addDefaultBindingSetup(parameterName, defaultPrefix, defaultBinding, resourcesFieldName, transformation,

        builder.addln("%s = %s.isInvariant(\"%s\");", invariantFieldName, resourcesFieldName, parameterName);

        // Store the current value of the field into the default field. This value will
        // be used to reset the field after rendering.

        builder.addln("%s = %s;", defaultFieldName, fieldName);

        transformation.extendMethod(TransformConstants.CONTAINING_PAGE_DID_LOAD_SIGNATURE, builder

        // Now, when the component completes rendering, ensure that any variant parameters are
        // are returned to default value. This isn't necessary when the parameter is not cached,
        // because (unless the binding is invariant), there's no value to get rid of (and if it is
        // invariant, there's no need to get rid of it).

        if (cache)

            builder.addln("if (! %s)", invariantFieldName);
            builder.addln("%s = %s;", fieldName, defaultFieldName);
            builder.addln("%s = false;", cachedFieldName);

            transformation.extendMethod(TransformConstants.POST_RENDER_CLEANUP_SIGNATURE, builder

        return invariantFieldName;

    private void addDefaultBindingSetup(String parameterName, String defaultPrefix, String defaultBinding,
                                        String resourcesFieldName, ClassTransformation transformation,
                                        BodyBuilder builder)
        if (InternalUtils.isNonBlank(defaultBinding))
            builder.addln("if (! %s.isBound(\"%s\"))", resourcesFieldName, parameterName);

            String bindingFactoryFieldName = transformation.addInjectedField(BindingSource.class, "bindingSource",

                    .addln("  %s.bindParameter(\"%s\", %s.newBinding(\"default %2$s\", %1$s, \"%s\", \"%s\"));",
                           resourcesFieldName, parameterName, bindingFactoryFieldName, defaultPrefix, defaultBinding);



        // If no default binding expression provided in the annotation, then look for a default
        // binding method to provide the binding.

        final String methodName = "default" + InternalUtils.capitalize(parameterName);

        MethodFilter filter = new MethodFilter()
            public boolean accept(TransformMethodSignature signature)
                return signature.getParameterTypes().length == 0 && signature.getMethodName().equals(methodName);

        // This will match exactly 0 or 1 methods, and if it matches, we know the name
        // of the method.

        List<TransformMethodSignature> signatures = transformation.findMethods(filter);

        if (signatures.isEmpty()) return;

        builder.addln("if (! %s.isBound(\"%s\"))", resourcesFieldName, parameterName);
        builder.addln("  %s(\"%s\", %s, %s());", BIND_METHOD_NAME, parameterName, resourcesFieldName, methodName);

    private void addWriterMethod(String fieldName, String cachedFieldName, boolean cache, String parameterName,
                                 String fieldType, String resourcesFieldName, ClassTransformation transformation)
        BodyBuilder builder = new BodyBuilder();

        // Before the component is loaded, updating the property sets the default value
        // for the parameter. The value is stored in the field, but will be
        // rolled into default field inside containingPageDidLoad().

        builder.addln("if (! %s.isLoaded())", resourcesFieldName);
        builder.addln("%s = $1;", fieldName);

        // Always start by updating the parameter; this will implicitly check for
        // read-only or unbound parameters. $1 is the single parameter
        // to the method.

        builder.addln("if (%s.isBound(\"%s\"))", resourcesFieldName, parameterName);
        builder.addln("  %s.writeParameter(\"%s\", ($w)$1);", resourcesFieldName, parameterName);

        builder.addln("%s = $1;", fieldName);

        if (cache) builder.addln("%s = %s.isRendering();", cachedFieldName, resourcesFieldName);


        String methodName = transformation.newMemberName("update_parameter", parameterName);

        TransformMethodSignature signature = new TransformMethodSignature(Modifier.PRIVATE, "void", methodName,
                                                                          new String[] { fieldType }, null);

        transformation.addMethod(signature, builder.toString());

        transformation.replaceWriteAccess(fieldName, methodName);

     * Adds a private method that will be the replacement for read-access to the field.
    private void addReaderMethod(String fieldName, String cachedFieldName, String invariantFieldName, boolean cache,
                                 String parameterName, String fieldType, String resourcesFieldName,
                                 ClassTransformation transformation)
        BodyBuilder builder = new BodyBuilder();

        // While the component is still loading, or when the value for the component is cached,
        // or if the value is not bound, then return the current value of the field.

        builder.addln("if (%s || ! %s.isLoaded() || ! %<s.isBound(\"%s\")) return %s;", cachedFieldName,
                      resourcesFieldName, parameterName, fieldName);

        String cast = TransformUtils.getWrapperTypeName(fieldType);

        // The ($r) cast will convert the result to the method return type; generally
        // this does nothing. but for primitive types, it will unwrap
        // the wrapper type back to a primitive.  We pass the desired type name
        // to readParameter(), since its easier to convert it properly to
        // a type on that end than in the generated code.

        builder.addln("%s result = ($r) ((%s) %s.readParameter(\"%s\", \"%2$s\"));", fieldType, cast,
                      resourcesFieldName, parameterName);

        // If the binding is invariant, then it's ok to cache. Othewise, its only
        // ok to cache if a) the @Parameter says to cache and b) the component
        // is rendering at the point when field is accessed.

        builder.add("if (%s", invariantFieldName);

        if (cache) builder.add(" || %s.isRendering()", resourcesFieldName);

        builder.addln("%s = result;", fieldName);
        builder.addln("%s = true;", cachedFieldName);

        builder.addln("return result;");

        String methodName = transformation.newMemberName("read_parameter", parameterName);

        TransformMethodSignature signature = new TransformMethodSignature(Modifier.PRIVATE, fieldType, methodName, null,

        transformation.addMethod(signature, builder.toString());

        transformation.replaceReadAccess(fieldName, methodName);

    private String getParameterName(String fieldName, String annotatedName)
        if (InternalUtils.isNonBlank(annotatedName)) return annotatedName;

        return InternalUtils.stripMemberPrefix(fieldName);

    public static void bind(String parameterName, InternalComponentResources resources, Object value)
        if (value == null) return;

        if (value instanceof Binding)
            Binding binding = (Binding) value;

            resources.bindParameter(parameterName, binding);

        resources.bindParameter(parameterName, new LiteralBinding("default " + parameterName, value, null));

Related Classes of org.apache.tapestry5.internal.transform.ParameterWorker

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