Package org.apache.cassandra.db

Source Code of org.apache.cassandra.db.Memtable$MeteringRunnable

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package org.apache.cassandra.db;

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.*;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;

import org.cliffc.high_scale_lib.NonBlockingHashSet;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import org.apache.cassandra.concurrent.JMXEnabledThreadPoolExecutor;
import org.apache.cassandra.concurrent.NamedThreadFactory;
import org.apache.cassandra.concurrent.StageManager;
import org.apache.cassandra.config.DatabaseDescriptor;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.columniterator.OnDiskAtomIterator;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.columniterator.SimpleAbstractColumnIterator;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.commitlog.ReplayPosition;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.filter.AbstractColumnIterator;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.filter.NamesQueryFilter;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.filter.SliceQueryFilter;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.index.SecondaryIndexManager;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.AbstractType;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.Allocator;
import org.github.jamm.MemoryMeter;

public class Memtable
    private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Memtable.class);

     * switchMemtable puts Memtable.getSortedContents on the writer executor.  When the write is complete,
     * we turn the writer into an SSTableReader and add it to ssTables where it is available for reads.
     * There are two other things that switchMemtable does.
     * First, it puts the Memtable into memtablesPendingFlush, where it stays until the flush is complete
     * and it's been added as an SSTableReader to ssTables_.  Second, it adds an entry to commitLogUpdater
     * that waits for the flush to complete, then calls onMemtableFlush.  This allows multiple flushes
     * to happen simultaneously on multicore systems, while still calling onMF in the correct order,
     * which is necessary for replay in case of a restart since CommitLog assumes that when onMF is
     * called, all data up to the given context has been persisted to SSTables.
    private static final ExecutorService flushWriter
            = new JMXEnabledThreadPoolExecutor(DatabaseDescriptor.getFlushWriters(),
                                               new LinkedBlockingQueue<Runnable>(DatabaseDescriptor.getFlushQueueSize()),
                                               new NamedThreadFactory("FlushWriter"),

    // size in memory can never be less than serialized size
    private static final double MIN_SANE_LIVE_RATIO = 1.0;
    // max liveratio seen w/ 1-byte columns on a 64-bit jvm was 19. If it gets higher than 64 something is probably broken.
    private static final double MAX_SANE_LIVE_RATIO = 64.0;

    // we want to limit the amount of concurrently running and/or queued meterings, because counting is slow (can be
    // minutes, for a large memtable and a busy server). so we could keep memtables
    // alive after they're flushed and would otherwise be GC'd. the approach we take is to bound the number of
    // outstanding/running meterings to a maximum of one per CFS using this set; the executor's queue is unbounded but
    // will implicitly be bounded by the number of CFS:s.
    private static final Set<ColumnFamilyStore> meteringInProgress = new NonBlockingHashSet<ColumnFamilyStore>();
    private static final ExecutorService meterExecutor = new JMXEnabledThreadPoolExecutor(1,
                                                                                          new LinkedBlockingQueue<Runnable>(),
                                                                                          new NamedThreadFactory("MemoryMeter"),
    private final MemoryMeter meter;

    volatile static ColumnFamilyStore activelyMeasuring;

    private final AtomicLong currentSize = new AtomicLong(0);
    private final AtomicLong currentOperations = new AtomicLong(0);

    // We index the memtable by RowPosition only for the purpose of being able
    // to select key range using Token.KeyBound. However put() ensures that we
    // actually only store DecoratedKey.
    private final ConcurrentNavigableMap<RowPosition, ColumnFamily> columnFamilies = new ConcurrentSkipListMap<RowPosition, ColumnFamily>();
    public final ColumnFamilyStore cfs;
    private final long creationTime;

    private final Allocator allocator = DatabaseDescriptor.getMemtableAllocator();
    // We really only need one column by allocator but one by memtable is not a big waste and avoids needing allocators to know about CFS
    private final Function<IColumn, IColumn> localCopyFunction = new Function<IColumn, IColumn>()
        public IColumn apply(IColumn c)
            return c.localCopy(cfs, allocator);

    // Record the comparator of the CFS at the creation of the memtable. This
    // is only used when a user update the CF comparator, to know if the
    // memtable was created with the new or old comparator.
    public final AbstractType initialComparator;

    public Memtable(ColumnFamilyStore cfs)
        this.cfs = cfs;
        this.creationTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        this.initialComparator = cfs.metadata.comparator;

        Callable<Set<Object>> provider = new Callable<Set<Object>>()
            public Set<Object> call() throws Exception
                // avoid counting this once for each row
                Set<Object> set = Collections.newSetFromMap(new IdentityHashMap<Object, Boolean>());
                return set;
        meter = new MemoryMeter().omitSharedBufferOverhead().withTrackerProvider(provider);

    public long getLiveSize()
        long estimatedSize = (long) (currentSize.get() * cfs.liveRatio);

        // cap the estimate at both ends by what the allocator can tell us
        if (estimatedSize < allocator.getMinimumSize())
            return allocator.getMinimumSize();
        if (estimatedSize > allocator.getMaximumSize())
            return allocator.getMaximumSize();

        return estimatedSize;

    public long getSerializedSize()
        return currentSize.get();

    public long getOperations()
        return currentOperations.get();

     * Should only be called by ColumnFamilyStore.apply.  NOT a public API.
     * (CFS handles locking to avoid submitting an op
     *  to a flushing memtable.  Any other way is unsafe.)
    void put(DecoratedKey key, ColumnFamily columnFamily, SecondaryIndexManager.Updater indexer)
        resolve(key, columnFamily, indexer);

    public void updateLiveRatio() throws RuntimeException
        if (!MemoryMeter.isInitialized())
            // hack for openjdk.  we log a warning about this in the startup script too.
            logger.warn("MemoryMeter uninitialized (jamm not specified as java agent); assuming liveRatio of {}.  "
                        + " Usually this means disabled jamm because you are using a buggy JRE; "
                        + " upgrade to the Sun JRE instead", cfs.liveRatio);

        if (!meteringInProgress.add(cfs))
            logger.debug("Metering already pending or active for {}; skipping liveRatio update", cfs);

        meterExecutor.submit(new MeteringRunnable(cfs));

    private void resolve(DecoratedKey key, ColumnFamily cf, SecondaryIndexManager.Updater indexer)
        ColumnFamily previous = columnFamilies.get(key);

        if (previous == null)
            // AtomicSortedColumns doesn't work for super columns (see #3821)
            ColumnFamily empty = cf.cloneMeShallow(cf.isSuper() ? ThreadSafeSortedColumns.factory() : AtomicSortedColumns.factory(), false);
            // We'll add the columns later. This avoids wasting works if we get beaten in the putIfAbsent
            previous = columnFamilies.putIfAbsent(new DecoratedKey(key.token, allocator.clone(key.key)), empty);
            if (previous == null)
                previous = empty;

        long sizeDelta = previous.addAllWithSizeDelta(cf, allocator, localCopyFunction, indexer);
        currentOperations.addAndGet((cf.getColumnCount() == 0)
                                    ? cf.isMarkedForDelete() ? 1 : 0
                                    : cf.getColumnCount());

    // for debugging
    public String contents()
        StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
        for (Map.Entry<RowPosition, ColumnFamily> entry : columnFamilies.entrySet())
            builder.append(entry.getKey()).append(": ").append(entry.getValue()).append(", ");
        return builder.toString();

    public void flushAndSignal(final CountDownLatch latch, final Future<ReplayPosition> context)
        flushWriter.execute(new FlushRunnable(latch, context));

    public String toString()
        return String.format("Memtable-%s@%s(%s/%s serialized/live bytes, %s ops)",
                             cfs.getColumnFamilyName(), hashCode(), currentSize, getLiveSize(), currentOperations);

     * @param startWith Include data in the result from and including this key and to the end of the memtable
     * @return An iterator of entries with the data from the start key
    public Iterator<Map.Entry<DecoratedKey, ColumnFamily>> getEntryIterator(final RowPosition startWith, final RowPosition stopAt)
        return new Iterator<Map.Entry<DecoratedKey, ColumnFamily>>()
            private Iterator<Map.Entry<RowPosition, ColumnFamily>> iter = stopAt.isMinimum()
                                                                        ? columnFamilies.tailMap(startWith).entrySet().iterator()
                                                                        : columnFamilies.subMap(startWith, true, stopAt, true).entrySet().iterator();

            public boolean hasNext()
                return iter.hasNext();

            public Map.Entry<DecoratedKey, ColumnFamily> next()
                Map.Entry<RowPosition, ColumnFamily> entry =;
                // Actual stored key should be true DecoratedKey
                assert entry.getKey() instanceof DecoratedKey;
                return (Map.Entry<DecoratedKey, ColumnFamily>)(Object)entry; // yes, it's ugly

            public void remove()

    public boolean isClean()
        return columnFamilies.isEmpty();

     * obtain an iterator of columns in this memtable in the specified order starting from a given column.
    public static OnDiskAtomIterator getSliceIterator(final DecoratedKey key, final ColumnFamily cf, SliceQueryFilter filter)
        assert cf != null;
        final Iterator<IColumn> filteredIter = filter.reversed ? cf.reverseIterator(filter.slices) : cf.iterator(filter.slices);

        return new AbstractColumnIterator()
            public ColumnFamily getColumnFamily()
                return cf;

            public DecoratedKey getKey()
                return key;

            public boolean hasNext()
                return filteredIter.hasNext();

            public OnDiskAtom next()

    public static OnDiskAtomIterator getNamesIterator(final DecoratedKey key, final ColumnFamily cf, final NamesQueryFilter filter)
        assert cf != null;
        final boolean isStandard = !cf.isSuper();

        return new SimpleAbstractColumnIterator()
            private Iterator<ByteBuffer> iter = filter.columns.iterator();

            public ColumnFamily getColumnFamily()
                return cf;

            public DecoratedKey getKey()
                return key;

            protected OnDiskAtom computeNext()
                while (iter.hasNext())
                    ByteBuffer current =;
                    IColumn column = cf.getColumn(current);
                    if (column != null)
                        // clone supercolumns so caller can freely removeDeleted or otherwise mutate it
                        return isStandard ? column : ((SuperColumn)column).cloneMe();
                return endOfData();

    public ColumnFamily getColumnFamily(DecoratedKey key)
        return columnFamilies.get(key);

    void clearUnsafe()

    public long creationTime()
        return creationTime;

    class FlushRunnable extends DiskAwareRunnable
        private final CountDownLatch latch;
        private final Future<ReplayPosition> context;
        private final long estimatedSize;

        FlushRunnable(CountDownLatch latch, Future<ReplayPosition> context)
            this.latch = latch;
            this.context = context;

            long keySize = 0;
            for (RowPosition key : columnFamilies.keySet())
                //  make sure we don't write non-sensical keys
                assert key instanceof DecoratedKey;
                keySize += ((DecoratedKey)key).key.remaining();
            estimatedSize = (long) ((keySize // index entries
                                    + keySize // keys in data file
                                    + currentSize.get()) // data
                                    * 1.2); // bloom filter and row index overhead

        public long getExpectedWriteSize()
            return estimatedSize;

        protected void runWith(File sstableDirectory) throws Exception
            assert sstableDirectory != null : "Flush task is not bound to any disk";

            SSTableReader sstable = writeSortedContents(context, sstableDirectory);
            cfs.replaceFlushed(Memtable.this, sstable);

        protected Directories getDirectories()
            return cfs.directories;

        private SSTableReader writeSortedContents(Future<ReplayPosition> context, File sstableDirectory)
        throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException
  "Writing " + Memtable.this.toString());

            SSTableReader ssTable;
            // errors when creating the writer that may leave empty temp files.
            SSTableWriter writer = createFlushWriter(cfs.getTempSSTablePath(sstableDirectory));
                // (we can't clear out the map as-we-go to free up memory,
                //  since the memtable is being used for queries in the "pending flush" category)
                for (Map.Entry<RowPosition, ColumnFamily> entry : columnFamilies.entrySet())
                    ColumnFamily cf = entry.getValue();
                    if (cf.isMarkedForDelete())
                        // When every node is up, there's no reason to write batchlog data out to sstables
                        // (which in turn incurs cost like compaction) since the BL write + delete cancel each other out,
                        // and BL data is strictly local, so we don't need to preserve tombstones for repair.
                        // If we have a data row + row level tombstone, then writing it is effectively an expensive no-op so we skip it.
                        // See CASSANDRA-4667.
                        if (cfs.columnFamily.equals(SystemTable.BATCHLOG_CF) && && !cf.isEmpty())

                        // Pedantically, you could purge column level tombstones that are past GcGRace when writing to the SSTable.
                        // But it can result in unexpected behaviour where deletes never make it to disk,
                        // as they are lost and so cannot override existing column values. So we only remove deleted columns if there
                        // is a CF level tombstone to ensure the delete makes it into an SSTable.
                        ColumnFamilyStore.removeDeletedColumnsOnly(cf, Integer.MIN_VALUE);
                    writer.append((DecoratedKey)entry.getKey(), cf);

                if (writer.getFilePointer() > 0)
                    ssTable = writer.closeAndOpenReader();
          "Completed flushing %s (%d bytes) for commitlog position %s",
                                              ssTable.getFilename(), new File(ssTable.getFilename()).length(), context.get()));
                    ssTable = null;
          "Completed flushing; nothing needed to be retained.  Commitlog position was {}",
                return ssTable;
            catch (Throwable e)
                throw Throwables.propagate(e);

        public SSTableWriter createFlushWriter(String filename) throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException
            SSTableMetadata.Collector sstableMetadataCollector = SSTableMetadata.createCollector().replayPosition(context.get());
            return new SSTableWriter(filename,

    private static class MeteringRunnable implements Runnable
        // we might need to wait in the meter queue for a while.  measure whichever memtable is active at that point,
        // rather than keeping the original memtable referenced (and thus un-freeable) until this runs.
        private final ColumnFamilyStore cfs;

        public MeteringRunnable(ColumnFamilyStore cfs)
            this.cfs = cfs;

        public void run()
                activelyMeasuring = cfs;
                Memtable memtable = cfs.getMemtableThreadSafe();

                long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
                // ConcurrentSkipListMap has cycles, so measureDeep will have to track a reference to EACH object it visits.
                // So to reduce the memory overhead of doing a measurement, we break it up to row-at-a-time.
                long deepSize = memtable.meter.measure(memtable.columnFamilies);
                int objects = 0;
                for (Map.Entry<RowPosition, ColumnFamily> entry : memtable.columnFamilies.entrySet())
                    deepSize += memtable.meter.measureDeep(entry.getKey()) + memtable.meter.measureDeep(entry.getValue());
                    objects += entry.getValue().getColumnCount();
                double newRatio = (double) deepSize / memtable.currentSize.get();

                if (newRatio < MIN_SANE_LIVE_RATIO)
                    logger.warn("setting live ratio to minimum of {} instead of {}", MIN_SANE_LIVE_RATIO, newRatio);
                    newRatio = MIN_SANE_LIVE_RATIO;
                if (newRatio > MAX_SANE_LIVE_RATIO)
                    logger.warn("setting live ratio to maximum of {} instead of {}", MAX_SANE_LIVE_RATIO, newRatio);
                    newRatio = MAX_SANE_LIVE_RATIO;

                // we want to be very conservative about our estimate, since the penalty for guessing low is OOM
                // death.  thus, higher estimates are believed immediately; lower ones are averaged w/ the old
                if (newRatio > cfs.liveRatio)
                    cfs.liveRatio = newRatio;
                    cfs.liveRatio = (cfs.liveRatio + newRatio) / 2.0;

      "{} liveRatio is {} (just-counted was {}).  calculation took {}ms for {} columns",
                            cfs, cfs.liveRatio, newRatio, System.currentTimeMillis() - start, objects);
                activelyMeasuring = null;

Related Classes of org.apache.cassandra.db.Memtable$MeteringRunnable

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